I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 104 102 I want unspoken rules

Chapter 104 102. I want unspoken rules

"Director Zhang, I have a doubt..."

In front of the half-paved chrysanthemum stage in the square, Xu Xin pointed to the dozens of busy makeup artists next to it.

There were about thirty or forty extra performers there, already wearing various python robes of different colors and wearing various high crowns on their heads. They were standing aside blowing fans and waiting quietly for dark.

These people must use electric fans, because if the weather is too hot, makeup will easily fade.

"These people are relatives of the emperor, right?"


Zhang Yimou nodded and admitted, and saw Xu Xin's eyes becoming more doubtful:

"This... why do I feel that the makeup they put on is the same as that of Yama Jun of the Tenth Palace?... Although I don't know much about history, but... I also know that things like the sky-high crown cannot be worn randomly. But please come here There are only a dozen of them, and everyone’s costumes look a bit ferocious... Although I don’t know what the effect will be under the camera, I feel that they don’t look like living people. And..."

He pointed to the distance again. Under the city wall, several crew members in charge of extras were each holding a large portrait in their hands, telling the actors how to put on makeup.

The extras behind these stations must have done their own makeup, otherwise there wouldn't have been so many makeup artists to help them.

Just kidding...thousands of people.

The portrait is above the outline of a human face. There are two circles on the two cheeks of the face. The two characters "red" are written in the two circles, and the outer outline of the face is "white".

The extras took the makeup props distributed by the crew and applied them on their faces.

Pale white, bright red.

Xu Xin took one look and felt that these people looked like ghosts in the dark light.

"The makeup of these people... Under the dark lens, it would be better if the muscles on their faces can move... If they don't move, they will really look like ghosts... Did you express yourself like this on purpose?"


Xu Xin didn't see that the smile in Zhang Yimou's eyes under his sunglasses had not disappeared since he started talking about this topic.

But he did not answer Xu Xin's question, but asked instead:

"You said before... what are the portraits in the palace?"

"The Walking Dead...uh..."

In an instant, Xu Xin suddenly realized:

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"Well, I just don't know how many people can see it."

Holding his arms in his arms, he pouted at the "Ten Palaces of Hell":

"These people are indeed the image of Yama, and these people will fill the entire square when the time comes. In fact, you are absolutely right. The people in this palace are the walking dead. And the people outside are numb. . Double Ninth Festival, the more festive the day, the more numb and cunning it is to show the kind of numbness and intrigue that is different from the festival.

And what this makeup represents is the mask. The mask is dull and numb. Whether it is them or the royal family, everyone wears a mask to live their lives. And underneath the mask, the soil where chrysanthemums bloom, the rich and luxurious palace... these are all masks, and underneath the mask is the really dirtiest, ugly, and unbearable side. It's just a pity... Some people saw it but died, while some people saw it but didn't dare to say anything, and some people simply couldn't see it... Do you understand? "

After showing Xu Xin his ideas, Zhang Yimou continued:

"You have to have your own ideas, understand? ...Of course, I'm not saying this to mean that you can have it now. Many directors in this industry like to make some very stupid mistakes, and they like to bring in private goods. Ah, I If you don’t understand how this movie expresses and what its ideas are, you are just a vulgar person and stupid... This is wrong.”

Shaking his head, his left hand unfolded like a book, and the index finger of his right hand showed the pen used to record in the book.

Pointing to his left hand, he said to Xu Xin:

"Movies are actually the same as life. There are three realms. First, looking at a mountain is a mountain. Second, looking at a mountain is not a mountain. Third, looking at a mountain is still a mountain. Many people like to go straight to the second realm, but that is not practical... Do you understand? "

Xu Xin didn't answer and listened quietly.

"You first shoot the movie well and understand it. What does it mean to shoot clearly? For example, how do you arrange these big scenes? When to shoot what shots? How to shoot in the most economical way? In what order? What is the tension of the scene you want to express? ? What points should you focus on? What kind of light and shadow should be used to match you?

...Or if you make a romance film, how do you express the feelings between men and women? Or is it the atmosphere of a police movie? ...You need to figure this out first. Understand step by step, when to use what light and shadow, natural light? Backlight? glare? dark light? What kind of role performance do you need, how should actors meet your expectations, how to choose...and so on.

You have to understand these first... Oh, so this is how the movie is shot. Although it doesn’t mean that you have to shoot every type, but at least you have to be able to do it, understand? For example, how do you express the most classic elements of love? How to express the sense of suspense and pressure? You have to understand these. And after you understand it, when you encounter a suitable script, try to approach it from your own perspective, and combine it into your own ideas to film it... Do you understand what I mean? "

The moment he heard this, Xu Xin nodded without even thinking:

"So...learning is more important than anything else, right?"


Zhang Yimou clapped his hands:

"Hey, that's right~"

He was filled with admiration:

"You are only a freshman, and you still have a lot to learn, understand?... I was assigned to the Guangxi Film Studio after I graduated from Beijing Film Academy. I worked as a photographer for two years and shot a few small and large films. Come here, these things I told you can be said to have mastered, understood, understood, and used the things I learned when I was in school. And from the time I entered the factory to now, actually when I think back, the things I use now , these are all things learned in school..."

"Are you afraid that I will drop out of school when the Olympics are over?"

Xu Xin asked tentatively.

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou still did not answer directly, but asked:

"What about you? What do you think?"


Xu Xin shook his head:

"I'm afraid you won't believe me when I say it..."

"Tell me, what else are you hiding from me?"

"... Teacher Yu gave me a suspension of study... and I never planned to drop out of school or stop studying for anything... After the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is over, I plan to go back to my sophomore year. Because... indeed, I feel that I lack a lot of things, especially..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin lowered his voice and came close to Zhang Yimou before saying:

"When I look at Jay Lun's performance and Yang Mi's performance... I feel that the gap is a bit big no matter how you look at it. Think about it, Yang Mi is only a freshman, but she has a serious academic background. We have been chatting with Jie Lun these two days, and he I just took a few acting classes. Some basic skills and skills are completely incomprehensible... There is at least ten jelon difference between the two. I can tell from this point that there is still a big gap between the majors and the non-scientists. "

"...What kind of strange unit of measurement do you have?"

Zhang Yimou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he nodded at the same time:

"You're right to think so. I see that a lot of media are now hyping up a kid... called... the one who played "A World Without Thieves"..."

"Wang Baogen?"

"Yes, that's him. In Hengdian, there are non-professionals, those who dream of becoming stars, those who want to be famous, those who want to get rich, etc. The reason why these group performances have doubled in recent years is actually largely because of others. At first glance...ah, this kind of group performance can survive, so I came here with a sense of luck. But in fact...in my opinion, saying one million is too exaggerated. One hundred thousand group performances, one can survive like this It's a blessing to be able to come out, understand? So... Xiao Xu."

He suddenly became serious in his words:

"You still have to study, you know? It doesn't matter whether it's making a movie, or what major you study, or what university you go to...technical secondary school, junior college, technical school...it's all the same. Since you choose to study, you must at least be able to understand it. Don't be impetuous, don't be arrogant, just be down-to-earth, understand? You have talent, don't waste it. Your twenties is not the time to achieve success. Our profession has a long life span, don't be anxious, don't waste it. Look~ ah, when others are popular, I will do whatever I want before I can do it...or I have to quickly become popular and become a celebrity or something. It’s useless.”

Waving his hands, he earnestly warned the young man in front of him:

"Lay the foundation. Only when the foundation is laid can the superstructure be stable. In my case, look more, think more, ask more, but more importantly, combine what you have learned to understand everything and make it practical. , after you come out and make your own way, then you will definitely be fine. Do you understand?"


Although it was a bit inexplicable, somehow the conversation about the movie turned into a life mentoring lesson.

But Xu Xin still nodded vigorously:

"I understand what you mean...I'm not in a hurry to become popular...at worst, I'll go home and inherit the family business and become a coal boss. That life will be much more leisurely than working on a set every day..."


Zhang Yimou's mouth twitched...

For no reason, I felt that all my efforts to be a teacher and a role model had gone to waste.

"Look at your worthless look!"


Xu Xin laughed naively, but his eyes fell on the Tenth Palace Lord Yan again.

He was looking forward to it more and more... what effect would these people take when taking pictures at night?

"Jielun, Mimi, you two come here."

The weather has reached a level that Zhang Yimou can accept.

Ready to start filming.

This high-altitude scene in the early morning can only be filmed at this time. If you miss it, you will have to wait until it gets completely dark, then you will have to wait until tomorrow.

So time is precious.

Xu Xin was a little worried and planned to talk to the two of them again.

He wanted to tell Jay Chou a joke, but Da Nier consciously stopped the four kings.

On Yang Mi's side, Zeng Jia followed quietly.


Xu Xinxin said, why are you so blind?

Then he raised his head and glanced at her:

"What's wrong with you?"

"Uh...Hello, Director Xu..."

Zeng Jia seemed to want to say hello and introduce herself.

But Xu Xin nodded:

"Hello, hello, I want to tell the two actors now. If you have nothing else to do... don't disturb the actors' status now, okay?"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

But Zeng Jia nodded quickly, looking very polite. At the same time, she mentally labeled Xu Xin as "not easy to get in touch with" and agreed:

"Okay, okay."


After ignoring Zeng Jia and letting her leave on her own, the girl was about to speak, but Xu Xin said directly:

"Time is a little tight for a while. Jie Lun, you have memorized the process, right? Yuan Cheng knelt down first, then the prince Yuan Xiang, and finally you. The two of them advised the queen to take medicine, but you advised the father to forget it."



He pointed to a place in the script:

"After the mother drank the medicine, the two children got up. But you have to be slower, do you understand?"


"Yes, not too fast, because at this time you already know that this medicine is poisonous, so you are struggling and start slower than others. One beat slower, and then your movements should be slower. Your expression should be colder... I know How do you act cold?"

"I know, you said that your nostrils should be widened, your mouth should be pursed, and your eyes should be fixed on a fixed point."

"Yeah. Try to do it once, okay?"


After explaining to Jay Chou, he looked at Yang Mi again:

"Here, after the emperor says, "Take a few sips of Chenshi's medicine," the queen will look at you. How should you behave?"

"Lower your head, don't dare to look at her."

"No, you have to hold your breast."

Holding the script, Xu Xin tried hard to look away from his girlfriend's soft white body and said:

"Holding your breasts is different from lowering your head. You have to exert force through your chest to arch your arms forward and move your chest back, instead of simply lowering your head. You have to show timidity and fear, rather than simply not daring to confront the queen. See, do you understand?"


Upon hearing this, Yang Mi no longer cared about her boyfriend's tough attitude towards her manager. Naturally, her body language showed a look of holding her breasts and lowering her head.

Everything else is fine...

The movements are very standard, but...

The ditch looked deeper.


Xu Xin responded and asked:

"Behave better, this scene doesn't last long, try to do it once."

"Know it."

"Don't worry."

"Okay... you two go, I'll talk to your agent."


Yang Mi was shocked:

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's for you."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Can I still trick you? Go ahead."

"...Speak nicely, Sister Zeng is nice to me."

"Know it."

After signaling the two of them to leave, he walked directly to Zeng Jia who was standing far away.

In fact, there is a reason why he has such a cold attitude.

It's not that Zeng Jia is good or bad to Yang Mi, but that he must adopt an attitude that makes it difficult to interact with her.

This kind of attitude is not bad, but it shows the appearance of "I'm not easy to mess with".

Because according to Yang Mi, her agent sounded like she was turning her elbows outward.


After all, her girlfriend's agency is standing behind her.

To put it bluntly, her girlfriend's current celebrity status is not enough to cause her any worries, otherwise she wouldn't have nodded in agreement if Yang Mi hadn't moved out Director Zhang when she heard that she wanted to act in a play.

Now, this agent feels that her status is higher than that of her girlfriend.

As for yourself, if you put on a front of "I have a good temper", you will naturally give the other person the illusion that "he has a pretty good temper" or subconsciously feel that you are bowing down to the other person.

This kind of illusion, if the relationship between myself and my girlfriend is exposed in the future...

It is easy for this agent to not recognize who is the king.

It's the same reason that when Xu Miao just came back from college, several project managers who followed her father didn't take Xu Miao seriously.

Xu Xin learned one thing from Xu Miao.

That is, for people who cannot understand the current situation, who they rely on to get rich, and who they expect to eat, it is absolutely impossible to give the other party a bowl of rice without holding a stick in their hands.

If you don't hold the stick, someone will show his teeth.

He even dares to bite you over his own strength.

That won't work.

Next, I have to find a role in a sitcom for my family.

I don't want you to think that I do this for granted.

As for how to express this attitude...


Xu Xin is so familiar as someone who has gone out to eat with her father several times.

not to mention……

This is a good opportunity to test people's hearts.

It's just... if you really want to do it, you have to be a clown.

Hey, be a clown and be a clown.

My own girlfriend.

If you don’t feel pain, who will?

"Zeng's agent, right?"

Hearing this, Zeng Jia looked at Xu Xin walking over, quickly took a step forward, and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Zeng Jia, Mimi's agent. Thank you for your support, allowing Mimi to get such a great opportunity."

Although he knew that the two were classmates, Zeng Jia's tone was still extremely polite.

"Well, it's okay."

Xu Xin shook her hand perfunctorily, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and asked:

"Has the contract been signed?"

"Signed, signed today."

"Well, that's fine."

Xu Xin nodded:

"We are classmates. If I can take care of her affairs, I definitely can't give it to others."

As soon as he said these words, Zeng Jia nodded quickly:

"Thank you so much, Director Xu. It is my blessing to have such a noble person like you."


Xu Xin chuckled:

"This sounds comfortable... Who made us fall in love?"


Zeng Jia's eyelids twitched.

But before I had time to think about it, I heard this young man say:

"By the way, Agent Zeng, what are your company's arrangements for her? ...I'm talking about the next step. Mimi has starred in Director Zhang's play, and she will definitely become famous after it is released. Do you have any plans?"


Zeng Jia thought for a while and said tentatively:

"That must have been vigorously cultivated..."

"Then what? Just one sentence and it's over?"

Looking at Xu Xin who was full of surprise, she quickly added:

"The main reason is that this happened suddenly and we haven't had time to study it yet..."

"You are not an administrative department or a big company... aren't you just a brokerage company?"

With three parts contempt and one part speechlessness, Xu Xin's words sounded a little arrogant.

"Why is it more complicated than us? Still researching...I spent so much effort to create a role for her, and you just sit back and enjoy the results, and still research?...I think you don't want to study anymore. In this way, you know "Cooking Class" "The Story" director?"


Zeng Jia gradually tasted something fishy.

A bad premonition enveloped my heart.

Didn’t Mimi say... that our relationship with him is okay?

But why do you feel something is wrong with the meaning of these words?

"I invested in one of his new dramas, and all the money has gone through. There is a heroine over there, let her act."


Zeng Jia was shocked, but she was even less sure what the other party meant.

Appreciate Mi Mi?

Classmate help?


Xu Xin glanced at her puzzled expression, took a puff of cigarette and said casually:

"I told her to come and read the script a long time ago, but she didn't come either. I have to wait for the agent to come and do this and that... They are still waiting, do you understand? I am an investor, and there is still money over there. The director is waiting for me to decide on the heroine. In this way, after the play ends tonight, you ask her to come to my room and read the script. After an audition, if I think she is about the same, she will be the protagonist of this play. "


In an instant, Zeng Jia understood the meaning.


She was very familiar with the meaning behind these words.

But immediately a somewhat naive idea popped up.

Didn’t Mimi say... that he has a girlfriend?

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Xu Xin continued to ask questions with half-squinted eyes:

"This girl sometimes... seems to be careless. I asked her to read the script, but she just didn't come. Now you are here, you are her agent, and you just want to persuade her. Director Shang directed "Cooking" For a person who is a hit drama like "The Story of Ben", his movies are definitely not bad. The only thing missing is a heroine. Let her try it out tonight and persuade her. Otherwise, I will have to find someone else, understand. Is it done?"


Zeng Jia was speechless, looking at the very young "child" in front of her who was a classmate with Mimi, her heart was filled with absurdity.

At the same time, I suddenly felt a little desperate.

This circle...

What happened?

Forget about some older people... Why are there even young people now...

Everything...has become like this?


"Well... I'm sorry, Director Xu."

Suddenly, she said this.

His face was full of apology and flattery:

"Mimi is really ignorant sometimes. But... this child is more accepting of death. I... As for our company, although we know that Mimi has such a good opportunity now, we shouldn't miss it. But the reason why I just said that we need to study it , in fact, the reason is... We are not willing to sacrifice Mimi's career. Thanks to you, she is lucky to be able to join Director Zhang's crew, but after all, she is still young and her acting skills are not very mature. So... We want her to study more and practice more. Besides... her father is a policeman, and he has never been willing to let the girl show up. We still want her to go back to school and graduate first..."

As he said this, Xu Xin's face turned cold.

It’s not that it’s cold.

More like... dissatisfaction.

Undisguised dissatisfaction.

"That's it...hiss~~~"

Take a puff of cigarette.

The young man who had lost all of his politeness nodded and said:

"Okay, I understand... then she definitely doesn't want this role, right?"


Faced with this question, Zeng Jia had almost no hesitation on his face.

All thoughts turned into determination at this moment:

"Well, thank you Director Xu for your appreciation, but... I think it's better for Mimi to go back to school."


Xu Xin's face became increasingly ugly.

But he didn’t continue.

He just gave Zeng Jia a cold look and left without looking back.

Zeng Jia stood there, looking at Xu Xin's leaving figure, and his expression turned cold.

But the feeling of coldness didn't last long, and was replaced by worry.


With a long sigh, she shook her head slightly and took out her phone.

This matter needs to be discussed with the company first.


Looking at the girl who was already under the direction of the crew, wearing purple gauze and leading several palace maids to the high platform that was built and looked extremely gorgeous, a trace of guilt appeared in her eyes.

I feel very sorry for this girl.


She is too young.

Perhaps because of his own reasons, Zeng Jia really couldn't give away this little girl who had been with him since she was fifteen years old, according to the so-called unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

She entered Rongxinda in 2000.

At first, I was working as an agent for Gui Yalei.

Because of their outstanding business, they were later assigned to Chen Kun and Zhou Xunna as their second agents.

But not long after, after Zhou Xun and Chen Kun's careers were on the right track, she recognized this clever little girl.

Became the other party's agent.

Anyway, Yang Mi is still young and studying, so her business is not particularly busy.

The usual focus of work is still on Chen Kun and Zhou Xun, but every year I still work hard to help Yang Mi find a decent role or two roles and slowly develop them.

Yang Mi is very smart.


The little girl has a kind of cleverness that is far beyond her peers. From the 2002 "Pink Family" to this "The Condor", Zeng Jia's performance on the set made Zeng Jia feel reassured... Moreover, after getting the "Golden Armor" "Before this opportunity, she had already starred in "Wang Zhaojun" and another drama series "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: Nie Xiaoqian", which was co-starred by the popular niche actor Hu Gao.

It's not like she doesn't have a job.

Even though this young man is a bit mysterious, Yang Mi is not the kind of actor that no one wants.

You don't need to rely on this to gain a position.

Even if the schedule of these two dramas is moved to next year, as long as they are broadcast...she does not believe that Yang Mi will lack work.

There are stubble in "Nie Xiaoqian", and "Wang Zhaojun" is a drama produced by CCTV.

These are guarantees of ratings.

Although this young man is mysterious and seems to have a lot of background, he is actually related to Zhang Yimou, that Zhang Wu... and others.


The big deal is, if we don’t act in the movie, it will be over?

TV dramas have created enough celebrities, is it possible that this young man can dominate the world with one hand?

She didn't believe it even more.

Therefore, Yu Qing, this child has been with her since she was fifteen years old. Not to mention she is her biological sister, but after all, she has been with her since she was a child.

As for Yu Li, he can't be cast in movies, but at least Rong Xinda still has some say in TV dramas.

She is not afraid.

So, you want to use a TV series with a so-called "heroine" to hand over Mimi?

Thinking of this, the regret on Zeng Jia's face turned into a cold look again.



It doesn’t matter what your virtue is.

But the coldness soon turned into worry.

I hope the other party won't put on Mimi's shoes here.

If that's really the case...

Then this child's life...

But it’s so sad...

But she didn't know that Xu Xin felt happy after leaving.

Very satisfied with myself.


I think I'm pretty good at being a clown.

In fact, his biggest worry is that this agent is the kind of person who compromises on interests and is greedy for money.

But now it was just such a rough test, and the other party's firm attitude made him feel relieved.


Zeng Jia...ah, that's not right.

Sister Zeng, well done!

This guy can handle it.

It's true.

After this month's explosion, I got the badge of "10,000 words updated every day". Next month I will have my teeth extracted. I may be stuck for a few days, because I am very afraid of tooth extractions. It is said that people are confused after having their wisdom teeth removed, so I’ll talk to you guys first. I will tell you in advance when the time comes~

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