I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 105 103 Haotian becomes the destiny and transforms all nations

Chapter 105 103. Haotian becomes the destiny and transforms all nations

The chrysanthemum stand is high up.

Everyone is down there except the camera.

Including Xu Xin.

Zhang Yimou looked at Jay Chou's deliberately slowed down pace and close-up expression on the monitor, turned to Xu Xin and asked:

"Did you teach it?"

"That's for sure~"


Seeing his proud look, Zhang Yimou shook his head in amusement.

But I have to admit this:

"It's very good. In terms of drama, he also mastered the role."


Xu Xin nodded quickly.

But his eyes always glanced at the other monitor.

Why is she so white...

This scene took nearly half an hour to shoot. Although there were some minor mistakes in the middle, such as the actor memorizing the wrong lines, fortunately there were enough close-ups and interspersed editing could be used.

After the filming was over, the crew started serving food... no, serving food.


Yang Mi, who was wearing a thin sun protection suit to prevent mosquitoes, was stunned.

"what's that?"

Instinctively, she looked past her agent and looked at her boyfriend who was sitting at the table where Zhang Yimou and Gong Li were eating.

What what... Go to your room?

Read the script?

Playing a heroine?

What the hell?

Looking at the confused expression on the girl's face, Zeng Jia's voice was still low:

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about it, you know? Just give Director Zhang a good performance here. Even if... he is really embarrassed, he will endure it. This drama is a big investment and a big production. As long as you appear in it, it will be a success. Now that the contract has been signed, you just have to finish the performance in a down-to-earth manner and don't have to deal with him so much. Leave the rest to me."


Yang Mi blinked and asked subconsciously:

"Sister Zeng, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Can there be any misunderstanding?"

Zeng Jia sneered:

"I've probably been eyeing you for a long time, but you foolishly thought he was so nice to you because you were classmates... Don't you understand now? Let you read the script? I'm afraid you'll never come back. Bar!"

No... I won’t reply if I don’t.

He kissed me so gently...

Instinctively, the girl's thoughts will go astray.

But he immediately calmed down, eating his food in silence and starting to wonder what was going on.

Hidden rules yourself?

It's not realistic.

Want to dive...what did you do last night?

But why did he do this to Sister Zeng today?

very strange……

She wanted to ask, but she definitely couldn't ask at the moment.

After thinking about it, I felt that the safest way was to stabilize Sister Zeng first.

So he nodded:

"I understand...Sister Zeng, when will you leave?"

"Can I still leave if something like this happens?"

Zeng Jia rolled her eyes angrily.

"What if you get tricked?"

"Don't... uh..."

When Zeng Jia said she wouldn't leave, her first reaction was to resist.

If you don't leave, where can I go on a date with my good brother...

But after realizing that this attitude was somewhat deliberate, she quickly made amends:

"I'm not afraid of this. The big deal... I just have to guard against him. As long as I know who he is! I'm mainly afraid of delaying your affairs. Besides, you are on the same page as Tingting here. I'm afraid of Director Zhang. Not happy, after all...it's quite inconvenient."


Zeng Jia also understands this truth.

But at this moment, she really couldn't worry about this girl.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Then let's talk about it. I've already told the company about this. Let's see what the company says and give me a reply about my departure."


Yang Mi nodded and murmured in her heart.

Good brother...what evil have you done?

Aren't you... causing trouble for yourself?

But now in front of her manager, let alone her boyfriend, she probably wouldn't be able to appear within a five-meter radius.

What is this thing called...

"Everyone, line up in a row. After a while, you heard the order to leave and walked together. One by one, you came to the chrysanthemum..."

Inside and outside the Daming Palace, thousands of extras listened to the director's request over and over again.

Night has completely fallen.

In the darkness, the makeup on these people's faces looked like ghosts.

Or more like a paper man.

His face was pale and his cheeks were red.

But Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou didn't see it.

Because it was behind the chrysanthemum stage, the crew moved the tent to a blind spot for them.

The entire creative team is meeting.

There were a lot of mosquitoes in the tent, so Wei Lanfang first sprayed insecticide and then splashed the essential oil and toilet water on the ground like crazy.

I don’t know if it smokes mosquitoes or not.

Anyway, Xu Xin was very smoked.

If you want to open the door, mosquitoes will come in again.

If you don't open the door, you'll be blinded.

It seems to be stuck in an infinite loop.

Xu Xin actually admired Director Zhang... he still had time for a meeting at this juncture.

Thousands of people outside were waiting for him.

He can actually still think about the Olympics...

What a big heart.

So, he wrote down a line in his notebook:

"I have to buy a mosquito net tomorrow."

When Zhang Wu, who was sitting next to him, saw this line of words, he suddenly laughed out loud:


Zhang Yimou was stunned and asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

"... Yimou, you are here talking about creativity, guess what Xiao Xu wrote."

"Hey... Director Zhang..."

Xu Xin was speechless.

Then Zhang Wu picked up his notebook:

"I have to buy a mosquito net tomorrow...hahahahaha..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud in unison:


Even Zhang Yimou smiled and said to Wei Lanfang with a smile:

"Xiao Wei, please stop spraying. This smell is really too strong."


The meeting lasted about half an hour.

Liu Guonan walked in:

"Director, it's almost done."


Zhang Yimou nodded and stood up:

"Then let's talk like this tonight. I'm going to film here. There are a lot of mosquitoes here. You guys can watch the scene with thousands of people and then we can leave, okay?"

Everyone nodded and left the tent that was filled with various strange smells.

When we came out, several main actors were already in place.

Today's scene is the first big scene. A group of people are waiting for the emperor's return in the square.

The empress, Yuan Xiang, and Yuan Cheng were waiting for the emperor to return under the Chrysanthemum Terrace. However, the emperor did not wait. Instead, he waited until several eunuchs who sent messages came to tell everyone that the emperor would transfer to Tianfuguan Post.

But this scene will not be shot first, but the subsequent scene where Prince Jie rearranges the scene after his failed rebellion, and the crowd walks to the square when fireworks are set off.

In fact, these are the only two large group scenes.

They walked into the square, stood on both sides, and then started filming the scene where the queen and the actors greet her at the beginning of the series.

Two games are actually one game.

Today, the most difficult ones are Gong Li and Liu Ye.

Both of them have two sets of makeup.

I might be busy with the drama today until late at night.

But there's no way around it, that's just the way it is with film shooting.

By the time the director team climbed onto the city wall, the camera was already focused on both sides of the Daming Palace.

Over there, the officers and soldiers who were going to play the role of officials below for a while were already standing on a stage specially designed for singing.

Li Cai's voice has become mute, but he still leads them in reciting:

"Feng Zhaoxiang, sun and moonlight!"

"The four seas are rising, and the territory is opening up!"

"Benevolence, wisdom and trust, etiquette, justice and loyalty!"

"Honest and virtuous, Holy King!"

"Inherit the heaven, may you live forever!"

"Haotian becomes the destiny and transforms all nations!"

This is the line they will be filming singing together in a while.

No need to sing, just recite.

The chorus will be dubbed by a professional choir.

When Liu Guonan saw Zhang Yimou coming out, he immediately started to contact the fireworks team with a walkie-talkie.

If all conditions go well, we should be able to shoot half of these big scenes tonight.

That is, all the literary and opera parts except the martial arts scenes.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation.

And the least ideal situation... I didn't know how long I had to shoot that day.

The fireworks team prepared five sets of fireworks for this scene.

Set off throughout the Daming Palace.

One set costs hundreds of thousands.

If this scene is not successfully filmed... it may cost hundreds of thousands in vain.

Therefore, advance planning is extremely important.

Zhang Yimou also knew the importance of this scene, so he took action himself and began to adjust the camera position and lighting.

It took nearly an hour.

It's almost ten o'clock.

Then he nodded:

"let's start."

"The fireworks team is ready! Everyone is ready! The cameras are in place... everyone pays attention!"

Liu Guonan, who has always been a man of few words, also repeated his instructions several times.

People from the Olympic creative team are also looking forward to it.

I am looking forward to the next shot, but even more so, I am looking forward to the big footprints hidden among the fireworks.

After all...the palace here is built to resemble the Forbidden City.

Everyone wants to see the effect.

On the city wall, Zhang Wu asked Xu Xin in a low voice:

"Where are the footprints?"

"Behind the chrysanthemum stage."

Xu Xin whispered.


Then, Xu Xin took out his mobile phone and looked at the message from Yang Mi:

"What did you and Sister Zeng talk about? What unspoken rules? What's going on? I was confused by what you said."

He replied directly:

"Look behind the chrysanthemum stage for a while. Those footprints are my inspiration after seeing you. If the effect is good... maybe it will be added to the Olympic opening ceremony."

On the other side, on the city wall on the side of the palace.

After Yang Mi, who was standing with Gong Li, Jay Chou, Liu Ye and others, saw this message, she pursed her lips and secretly glanced at her boyfriend standing on the wall on the other side...

Goosebumps appeared on my body again.

"Three, two, one, start!"

"Feng Zhaoxiang, sun and moonlight!"

The loud voices of the officers and soldiers who sang military songs every day and who had a tacit understanding rang out.


As soon as he started speaking, Liu Guonan shouted to stop.

"Don't shout with your neck stretched out, your expression should be more natural, and just speak normally, like a chorus."

Fortunately, he didn't let the fireworks explode.

Otherwise, with just one sentence, hundreds of thousands would be gone.

"Start again."

Shooting continues.

"Feng Zhaoxiang, sun and moonlight!"...

"Fireworks going off."

Following Liu Guonan's words, the people in the creative team raised their heads neatly.



"Bang bang bang~"

"Hua la la la la..."

All kinds of fireworks light up the night sky of Hengdian World Studios.

Even Zhang Yimou temporarily looked away from the camera.

Obviously in his heart, Xu Xin's Big Footprint's creativity is even more important than the movie with hundreds of millions of dollars invested in front of him.

Then, the first big footprint took off.


Dazzling red.


The moment Zhang Wu saw the huge footprints, he immediately let out an instinctive exclamation.

Xu Xin had already clenched his fists excitedly.

This effect...

It’s much better than the few small footprints back then!

Those few were at most the footprints of a baby, but as soon as the footprints in front of them, which were larger than the main hall of the Daming Palace, appeared and lifted into the sky, everyone immediately felt a... long-lost rush of blood.

it is this!

This is it!


The red one is so pretty!

Extremely beautiful!


The second footprint took off on time just as the fireworks of the first footprint faded!

Zhai Guoqiang's footprints this time are all blooming in place. Otherwise, for the movie, if such fireworks suddenly appear in the sky at different locations, it will easily cause the audience to feel awkward and distracted.

So, he fixed his footprints in place, mixed in with those fireworks.

"The four seas are rising, and the territory is opening up!"

"Benevolence, wisdom and trust, etiquette, justice and loyalty!"

"Honest and virtuous, Holy King!"

The neat harmony seemed to indicate something.

At the moment when the second footprint disappeared and the third footprint rose, they were shouted out uniformly:

"Inherit the heaven, may you live forever!"

"Haotian becomes the destiny and transforms all nations!"

Even though I knew it was just a line from a movie.


At this moment, everyone felt that this ancient poem was the best footnote that represented the re-emergence of the Eastern Dragon!

"Feng Zhaoxiang, sun and moonlight!"

"The four seas are rising, and the territory is opening up!"

"Benevolence, wisdom and trust, etiquette, justice and loyalty!"

"Honest and virtuous, Holy King!"

"Inherit the heaven, may you live forever!"

"Haotian becomes the destiny and transforms all nations!"

Footprints, step by step.

After experiencing hardships and tempering the years!

But it's still as solid as ever.

Step by step, inherit the way of heaven and transform all nations!

Meet the occasion!


At this moment, the fireworks accompanying the fourth and final fifth footprints were launched into the sky.

In unison, all the people in the creative team who understood the meaning behind these five footprints clenched their fists.


At this moment, their sights seemed to have risen to the sky, flying all the way north to the Forbidden City.

Watching the giant's footsteps step by step across the Forbidden City, across the central axis, and finally arrived in front of the venue that represents the cradle of life, rebirth, and hope.

A shiver from the soul made everyone unconsciously have a thought in their hearts:


So suitable!

Zhang Yimou was fascinated.

Forget to look at the monitor.

And Liu Guonan has been staring at the monitor...

But something went wrong.

The actors don’t move consistently.

Have to start over.

But at this moment, everyone is obviously no longer interested in the movie...


Xu Xin was tapped on the shoulder.

A hard thump.

"Xiao Xu, good job!"

There was irrepressible excitement in Zhang Wu's voice.

He patted Xu Xin on the shoulder and gave him a sincere compliment!


"Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Invariably, all the creative team members gave their highest compliments.

Applause goes to the young man with a bright future in front of him.

It made some people below look puzzled.

Didn't the filming fail?

Why are you applauding?

They don't understand.

But it’s enough if someone understands.

Amid the applause, Zhang Yimou picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Guoqiang, well done. Everyone is applauding you."

Soon, Zhai Guoqiang's voice sounded:


"Crash la la la..."

Amidst the applause, Zhang Yimou said:

"Okay, let's start again, and the fireworks team will prepare again."

Shooting continues.

He didn't praise Xu Xin.

No need to praise.

Because the facts are already before our eyes.

As the saying goes, if you give up, you will gain.

God seemed to have given Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou enough surprises tonight, so when they asked for more, they didn't give much face.

The fireworks have been set off.

But the crew hasn’t finished shooting the long shot yet.

People kept making mistakes, either tripping, having trouble with their steps, or there was a wiring problem with the lights...

Finally just...

It's raining.

The crew started to collect in a hurry.

The group portrait scene was not finished filming.

The creative team members left early, and when Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou left, it was almost one o'clock.

Then in the car, he learned something.

As for fireworks, we have to prepare them tomorrow. And the group portrait scene has to continue filming tomorrow...

In other words, the hundreds of thousands of fireworks tonight are in vain.

It sounds distressing.

But it's not without good news.

The good news is that you don't have to work during the day tomorrow.

Just arrive in the evening.

But within the good news is bad news.

The bad news is that Zhang Yimou said that he had another inspiration, but he still can’t think clearly about it. And there is good news in this bad news, that is, although I have inspiration, I don’t have to work overtime tonight, I will have a meeting tomorrow to talk...

A mixed bag of good and bad things.

Like a matryoshka doll.

But Xu Xin was furious at the moment.

Because of the message my girlfriend sent:

"Wait for me in the room. I have something to tell you. No sleep allowed!"

Xu Xin's heart felt as warm as that.

"Oh, you've already finished taking a shower...wuwuwu..."

When the girl walked into her boyfriend's room, before she could finish her words, she was gagged by Xu Xin, whose hair was still wet.

Fortunately, she didn't hold back her breath.

"Hey, please don't... I have something to ask you..."

She raised her head hard and let her boyfriend rub the stubble on her neck. Her voice trembled a little when she spoke.

"You ask……"

Xu Xin grunted.

"Um...you...um...what's going on with Sister Zeng?"


When he heard that she wanted to talk about business, Xu Xin let her go.

But in the next second, he quickly helped his girlfriend, whose legs were weak and wanted to sit on the ground.

"Why are your legs so weak?"

"Bad guy!"

Being hugged by the princess, the girl's eyes were filled with confusion.

But because I had something on my mind, I still asked:

"What's going on?"

"Sister Zeng is nice to you."


The confusion fades.

The girl who was pretending to be worried about this all night looked at her boyfriend seriously:

"What's going on? Sister Zeng said during dinner that you were going to hide from me, and told me to stay away from you in the future... What on earth are you doing? You didn't stay away from me when you didn't have a partner... What kind of villain do you think you are now? ah?"

Her eyes were full of confusion.

Xu Xin shook his head, walked to the window, lit a cigarette and then said:

"I just want to see if I can trust you with her."

"……What's the meaning?"

Although I felt quite sweet hearing this.

But right now she wanted to find out the truth.

"It's very simple. This world is very chaotic, right?"


"I can't be by your side anytime and anywhere, so I was thinking... what to do if you meet a bad person or something... or in other words, what to do if you are tricked by one of your own people. As the saying goes, beware of others. Our soldiers are here to cover up the open attacks from the outside world, but we must be on guard against the hidden arrows from our own side."

"...So you are targeting my agent?"

Yang Mi blinked in realization...

"Are you testing her with hidden rules?"

"Yes. You have a bit of a villain's heart, right?"

Xu Xin smiled and asked:

"But I still have to give it a try. Because you can't try this kind of thing, I can only do it. So I told her that I will arrange for you to be the heroine of "Wulin Gaiden" and let you come to my room at night Come here... In fact, this way you can't test all her thoughts. But at least... I can understand that at this stage, she has been protecting you. It's that simple."

"No wonder...it turns out to be like this..."

After figuring out what was going on, Yang Mi continued to ask:

"Why did Sister Zeng reject you?"

"Just say you want to go back to school for further studies or something. She is actually a bit weak. I guess she feels that she can't figure out my way. But the final result is not disappointing... I can't let you down at your current stage. Treating it as a dispensable transaction item, especially when facing top domestic directors like Director Zhang and his crew... shows that she has a conscience... But I want to know one more thing."


"Did she inform the company?"


Yang Mi was stunned:

"you mean……"

"Just think about it. I think a responsible agent will definitely contact someone from the company as soon as possible about this kind of thing, right?... She is very responsible, so she will definitely tell the company... Did she tell you? Have you ever heard of the company’s response?”

The moment she heard her boyfriend's words, Yang Mi instinctively shook her head:


But the conversation immediately changed:

"I guess I haven't received a reply yet..."

But after saying this, I met my boyfriend’s wrinkled eyes...

Now she didn't even believe it herself.

This is Zhang Yimou's crew... one is a young actor, and the other is a young man with a mysterious origin who is highly valued by Director Zhang.

Sister Zeng will tell the company whether it is reasonable or not.

The company's response should be very quick.


Why didn't Sister Zeng tell me?


The girl was silent for a while and asked:

"Is it possible that we are overthinking it? The company... is also very good to me. Except for the higher training fees... I mean, it was almost evening when you were chatting with Sister Zeng. Director Li They are also... off work... What's more, didn't Sister Zeng clearly reject you? She is not only my agent, but also the second agent of Chen Kun and Zhou Xun... She can also represent the company sometimes. Attitude."

"...I hope. I hope it's just my imagination."

After stubbing out the cigarette and rinsing his mouth, he lay down next to his girlfriend.

After holding her in his arms, he asked softly:

"Would I appear to be too calculating?"


The girl arched forward.

His face was slightly red.

But looking at the blurry shadows of myself and her boyfriend behind me under the reflection of the glass in the bathroom...

She shook her head slightly:

"It's not that... you make me feel particularly safe like this. I like it~ Oh... don't~"

Quickly pushing her boyfriend's face away, she rubbed her ears:

"It's so itchy, I can't stand it~"

"...You have a rest tomorrow, are you still leaving tonight?"

Listening to her trembling words, Xu Xin couldn't control the monkey in his heart.

Then I felt the girl in my arms tremble...

"I...I'm afraid..."


Although he didn't know how to control the monkey, Xu Xin tied the horse again.

"Then rest. Didn't you get up at about seven o'clock today? Go back and rest?"


Yang Mi responded, but turned around from his arms.

"Kiss for a while and then leave... I'm very proud of the smell of cigarette smoke in your mouth."

As she spoke, she raised her head and kissed him.

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