I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 106 104 What are you looking at (Thanks to the leader of

Chapter 106 104. What are you looking at (Thanks to the leader of “Coordinated Ideas”!!)


She vaguely heard the phone ringing. The girl slapped the hand on her chest away and fumbled to pick up the phone.

Because she didn't wake up, it was difficult for her to open her eyes.

Half asleep, he reluctantly opened one eye, wanting to see who was disturbing other people's dreams this morning.

At the same time, he arched back...

When did I buy a pillow?

Why did I sleep so well this time...

The air conditioner is not very good. Why is it blowing so hard on the back of my neck...huh?

Suddenly, Yang Mi was stunned.

Subconsciously turning her head, her boyfriend's sleeping face came into view.


Instinctively, she touched the bed first...

The shorts are still there.

Where did my shirt go? ?

She sat up suddenly, clutching her chest with a confused look on her face.

Why did I sleep here?

Just as she was wondering what was going on, the buzzing of the phone called her back to reality.

The caller whom I had not had time to look at now came into view.

"Sister Zeng"


Instinctively, the girl subconsciously wanted to hang up.

But the moment her fingers pressed down, she stopped again.


Amid the three vibrations, she coughed as her thoughts had been sorted out in her mind:


The call was answered directly.

He said in a breathy voice:

"Huh...huh...hey...Sister Zeng..."


Zeng Jia looked up at Sun Ting who was standing next to her, held up the phone and asked:

"Mimi, where are you? Why is there no one in the house?"

"Upstairs...huh...gym...huh...what's going on?!"

On the other side, Xu Xin was vaguely listening to someone talking. Before he could open his eyes, Xu Xin wanted to mutter "lower your voice", but before the words came out, the girl grabbed his mouth.

He instinctively opened his eyes, only to see his limp girlfriend with warning eyes:

"Do not talk!"


Nodding slightly, Xu Xin's eyes inevitably fell on her.

Last night...the two of them kissed each other and then moved into bed.

It's not that he dragged the girl away, but he called her a good sister, hugged his girlfriend and let her coquettishly let him sleep.

In fact, he just wanted to hold her for a while.

Can't bear to let her go.

As a result, as soon as they got into bed, because the air conditioner was turned on enough and the bed was warm, after the cold and heat reached a balance, both of them seemed to be unable to get up.

But he can guarantee that... before he turned off the lights in a daze yesterday, my good sister was wearing clothes.

From T-shirts to underwear, everything is well-dressed.

He said that if he didn't take advantage of other girls, he would never do anything like "I just do it, but I won't do it".


Where are your clothes?

Who stole it?

He looked confused.

The girl seemed to be shy. She grabbed the quilt and covered her upper body. After turning around, she held up the phone and continued to gasp:

"I've been... Phew... been here for a while... now I have to do yoga... Phew, Sister Zeng, is something okay?"

And Xu Xin finally saw the scars on her waist that looked like they had been strangled by ropes.

His eyes moved slightly.

the other side:

"...Why are you up so early?"

"Because today is the day to exercise... Phew..."

The girl who talks nonsense as soon as she opens her eyes in the morning is shameless:

"One small practice every three days, and one practice every five days. After the yoga practice, I have to stand still. I learned it from Teacher Yu... No, if you have anything to say to Sister Zeng, I have to continue. "


Zeng Jia glanced at Sun Ting suspiciously, and finally, Zeng Jia shook his head:

"It's okay. Just practice first and come see me when you're done."

"Yeah, okay, I'll hang up then."


Zeng Jia hung up the phone, glanced at Sun Ting, shook her head slightly, and walked directly into the bathroom.

She had just woken up, but the assistant assigned to Mimi by the company came over early in the morning and said:

"Sister Zeng, Sister Mimi went out after she came back yesterday... I stayed until almost 1 o'clock and didn't come back. Just now I knocked on the door to ask Sister Mimi what to eat, but there was no one in the house..."

She quickly called the other party.

As a result, after working on it for a long time, the artist got up earlier than you, the assistant.

Although she wanted to reprimand her, but after thinking about it, she decided to let the girl taste it herself.

An artist is more diligent than an assistant.

Think about it for yourself.

"Sister Zeng?"


Being hooked into her boyfriend's arms again, she buried her face in her boyfriend's chest, which was not particularly big but very strong, and asked in a low voice:

"How did I fall asleep last night?"

"I don't know either... I was sleepy at that time, and I felt like we were talking about something... Then you stopped moving, and I didn't know anything anymore... ah~~~um~~ ~"

After a big yawn, Xu Xin lay down and held her directly in his arms.

"Did you sleep well?"


Until now, the shy girl who still had that shyness on her face arched her boyfriend's arms, found a comfortable position, and said:

"I slept soundly... You are warm... Then can you tell me how I took off my clothes?"

"Don't ask me this."

He half-squinted his eyes, feeling the warmth and tenderness in his arms that seemed to fit from body to soul, and he said comfortably:

"I can guarantee that you were well dressed before I fell asleep...maybe clothes have a mind of their own?"

"...Bad guy!"

As he said that, the girl hugged his belly.

Then suddenly I touched it with my hand...

She blushed and moved her hand away again.

Listening to her boyfriend's breathing that was a bit strange, she quickly said:

"Let's go to the gym. I'm afraid Sister Zeng will make a surprise attack soon. If she can't stop me in the gym... I can't explain it."


Although he was a little reluctant to give up, Xu Xin didn't want to cause any burden to his girlfriend.

Then a lightbulb flashed...

"Can you play basketball?"

"Uh... no, I know Ronaldo is very good at playing football."


Xu Xin was stunned.

But the next second he suddenly burst into laughter:


"why are you laughing?"

Yang Mi held her boyfriend's chest with her hands in confusion and raised her head.

The whole person was half lying on top of his body, with a curious look on his face.

"Ronaldo is good at playing football!"

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"You don't even know this?"


The girl was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

However, it was not an embarrassment, but a doting smile:

"Little fool, of course I know who Ronaldo is. Aren't you just trying to make you happy..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Do you think I will believe it?"


The girl was speechless, and then suddenly started singing:

"Oh~~~Yanjing Guoan~We will always~support you!! Oh~~Yanjing Guoan~We will always~love you~~~"


Looking at her boyfriend's puzzled expression, the girl raised her nose proudly:

"Do you know what this is?"


"Guoan team song! My dad is a die-hard Guoan fan, and I still have their autographs at home. Do you think I, who have been watching football since I was a child, can't tell who Ronaldo is? Then let me ask you, do you know who O'Sullivan is? ?"

"Uh...playing billiards."

"Where's Nadal?"


"Tennis, you idiot!"

Unconsciously, she put her hands on her boyfriend's face and kneaded it. Yang Mi said with a smile:

"I love watching sports channels!"

"...Then you and my dad must have something in common."


Without answering, the girl directly took a bite of her boyfriend's mouth.

But the next second he shook his head:

"Hey~ It stinks so bad. Go brush your teeth. Let's go to the gym quickly."

"Well, you go first, I'll call Jay Chou..."


"I've made an appointment to play ball. I've made several appointments. I just have free time today. I want you to see how I torture him."

"Just blow it~"

Xu Xin was dissatisfied:

"You do not believe?"


Turn around and sit up.

With her back to her boyfriend, her girlfriend, who didn’t mind the beautiful curves of her back being stared at by him, shook her head:

"Who in the class of 2005 doesn't know that the second-generation rich man who drives a Ferrari in our school likes to be cool on the basketball court. Although he seems to be good at playing, he misses nine out of ten shots... You don't know that you have a nickname on the basketball court. Are ghosts worried?"

"...I always thought it was Kobe Bryant."

"Kobe will cry~"


Xu Xin was speechless, just put his hand gently on her waist, stroked the scab, and asked:

"Does it hurt?"


Yang Mi was stunned, turned her head subconsciously, and met a pair of distressed eyes.

"It won't hurt."

She shook her head and lay into her boyfriend's arms again:

"It doesn't hurt~"

"Hey, you two are very embarrassed. I thought I was just here to play ball today, but did you come here to look cool?"

When Jay Chou, wearing a turban, appeared in the arena and saw Xu Xin, who was playing spot-up shooting with his girlfriend, he shook his head helplessly and threw aside the newly bought Spalding in his hand.

After taking the basketball that Yang Mi bounced out of the basket with a 38-style bounce, Xu Xin threw it towards him and said:

"Isn't this a chance for you to avenge your humiliation? You are defeated~"


Jay Chou twitched the corner of his mouth, casually threw the basketball into the basket, and then began to move his joints to warm up:

"Old rule, loser please drink water!"


After hearing what the two said, the girl shook her head:

"Come here, I'll stand next to you."

"...Where to stand?"

It was obvious that Jay Chou was a little curious.

Yang Mi asked back:

"Do you know Yu Chenghui?"


Obviously, Jay Chou had never heard of it at all.

"The two-handed sword master."

Xu Xin patted the ball and gave an explanation.


Jay Chou was stunned again, and then asked naturally:

"Can you know Blade Storm?"


Yang Mi was speechless for a moment.

No wonder you two became friends.

The brain circuits are the same.

"He is a martial arts master..."

The girl said as she walked out of the gym, and in the small and pitiful training area of ​​the hotel, she assumed a horse stance that was not a traditional horse stance, but a horse stance that was hard to describe anyway, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

It’s not that you can’t stand here at the basketball gym.

Just what if Sister Zeng makes a surprise attack...

Soon, the sound of hitting the ball could be heard in the arena.

The girl opened her eyes slightly and took a look, just in time to see her boyfriend make a beautiful turnaround and fadeaway jumper...

Where is the ball...

Still didn't get in.


"Hehehe, he's so handsome~"

She thought happily.


"Ah!!!!... Scared me to death, Sister Zeng, you scared me to death!"

When Yang Mi, whose hair was still wet, finished her breakfast and returned to the door of her room, suddenly, Sun Ting's room opposite opened. This sound obviously frightened the girl.

Zeng Jia obviously didn't expect Yang Mi's reaction to be so big, and was a little surprised for a moment.

But after looking the girl up and down, he still said:

"Have you finished exercising?"

"Yeah, I just finished eating."

Yang Mi said as she opened the door to her room.

The door was open because Zeng Jia and Sun Ting followed her in.

Today's performance of "The Condor" is in the afternoon, and the girl has nothing to do in the morning. And she was fine, and Zeng Jia and Sun Ting were naturally fine.

After walking into the house, Zeng Jia took a look at the messy bed and then said:

"Are you tired? Do you want to take a nap?"

"I have this plan."

Yang Mi nodded:

"I woke up a little early today... mainly because of Teacher Yu's request. If you want to practice, you have to get up early, work hard, and don't miss a day."

"Yu Chenghui?...Did he really teach you?"

Zeng Jia was obviously a little surprised.

"Yes, when Teacher Yu left, we made an appointment to meet back in Yanjing. Then I will study hard. Liu Tianxian's fighting scenes look so good. I can't do it if I don't work hard."

Hearing her words, Zeng Jia looked quite pleased.

After thinking for a while, he asked;

"Have you seen that Xu Xin?"


The girl said casually:

"Sister Zeng, didn't you tell me to stay away from him?"

When she said this, she looked normal.

"I communicated with the company last night."

Sitting on Yang Mi's makeup board, Zeng Jia said calmly:

"The company knows about this, but... you also have to understand the company's difficulties. Director Li and Director Zhang are classmates, so it's not easy to handle this matter. But Director Li also said, don't be afraid of him, he's just a kid, you If you don’t want to act in a play, then concentrate on honing your acting skills. I will help you find suitable opportunities in the second half of the year. Don’t worry, it will be absolutely fine.”


Yang Mi, who was packing her clothes and planning to take a shower, slapped her hands...

But he immediately concealed this movement and nodded with a smile:

"I know, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll just do it step by step..."

"Well, if you think so, I feel relieved."

After hearing Zeng Jia's words, Yang Mi did not continue to pursue this topic, but took the initiative to change the topic and asked:

"Then when will you leave, Sister Zeng?"

"Director Yu Yan has agreed to focus on filming your scenes. I will go to the crew soon and talk to them. If nothing else happens, I will leave tomorrow... but I will let Tingting follow you. Around you... you said you didn't need it before and I could understand, but now, you must have Tingting to help you."

Yang Mi glanced at Sun Ting, who was silent next to her, and responded happily:

"No problem... Then I'm going to take a shower?"

"Well, go ahead. I'll leave too and go directly to the set. If you have anything to say, tell Tingting."


Yang Mi agreed happily and walked directly into the bathroom.

The old rule is to rub it with a washboard...

There's nothing she can do about it, she just has this kind of physique.

Even though the relationship was confirmed...she was still a little shy when she saw her embarrassed appearance.

After working in the bathroom for almost half an hour, I finally walked out.

Then I saw a large glass of chrysanthemum water that had been soaked on the table.

"Sister, I brought the chrysanthemums and gardenias from the cabinet and replaced them with new ones. I just didn't put the rock sugar...because I don't know how many you like to put..."

"No, you don't have to be so polite."

Yang Mi smiled very kindly.

Sit in front of the makeup mirror with a towel around you and start doing skin care.

Then he suddenly asked:

"Tingting, did Sister Zeng come to see you this morning?"


Sun Ting was stunned for a moment, then nodded:


"... Then Sister Zeng got up really early this time."

Following Sun Ting's answer, the girl said something seemingly unintentionally:

"She usually doesn't get up until around 8 o'clock."

When Zeng Jia called in the morning, it was early 7 o'clock.


Sun Ting didn't know what to say for a while.

And Yang Mi didn't say much, and just started to maintain it layer by layer.

From head to toe, it took about an hour to complete a set of maintenance procedures.

Finally, she lay on the bed with the mask on:

"I'll take a nap, and you should go and rest too."

"Then this mask..."

"I've scheduled a time, don't worry."

"...Okay, then I'm going out."


The sound of the door closing sounded.

Yang Mi, who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, opened her eyes again, thoughtfully.

Previously, the filming of "Golden Armor" had been going smoothly.

Progress is rapid.

Xu Xin estimated that this film would only take a month at most, so he should be able to finish it all, right?

After all, Director Zhang's team of more than 100 people is already quite mature, and the division of labor is orderly. At the same time, the actors also get into the mood very quickly, and their acting skills are smooth and smooth.

He estimated that it would take at most a month, and the filming of the scene in Wulong could almost be completed.

But from last night's group portrait scene to tonight, things kept going wrong. Either the position was wrong, or the picture looked uncoordinated... Only then did Xu Xin realize that he had thought of such a big scene too simply. .

This is really not a job that ordinary people can do.

It is really difficult to keep a scene of thousands of people uniform.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about the scene of walking from the exits at the back of the square to the front of the Chrysanthemum Terrace... I’ve been thinking about it all night.

The crew has already filmed enough fireworks scenes.

So in order to save costs, we built several large lights today, intending to use the lights to simulate the colorful light of fireworks taking off.

Although the effect is good...but the picture cannot meet Zhang Yimou's requirements.

After a few walks, the director saw that it was not working anymore and started to adjust the lighting.

A group of people fed mosquitoes in the Hengdian square and waited for nearly an hour before starting filming again... but it rained again.

The problem is that the weather forecast says there will be no rain today.

At first, Zhang Yimou thought it might be a shower and it would stop soon.

But the sparse rain started to fall non-stop...

no way.

knock off.

A group of people started to clean up in the rain.

The clothes worn by these extras are also specially made, and the clothes worn by the dozens of "Ten Palaces of Yama" are not cheap.

Each piece must be carefully protected, and the prop team is responsible for collecting it.

Logically speaking, Zhang Yimou could leave at this time, but when he said it was time to call it a day, he took the creative team members and started a meeting.

By the time the crew finished cleaning up around 12 o'clock, the meeting had just finished.

To be honest, although this kind of work is not too intense, it is very uncomfortable because of the unstable environment, whether it is raining, mosquitoes, or noisy noises.

But everyone is also patient.

I endured it until 12 o'clock, then got in the car and went back to the hotel.


raining all night long.

It didn't stop the next morning either.

Xu Xin didn't see his girlfriend for a whole day.

Because she went to the studio over there to film a scene.

He is not an idler. During the day, he basically spends time in the creative team, discussing various ideas. By about 3 p.m., the rain stopped. Just when Xu Xin thought that the crew would start work normally today, he was told...

Work is off today.

When it rains, water will accumulate on the palace walls and floors.

The light will be refracted, making it impossible to take pictures.

Give it a rest.

Nature taught Xu Xin another lesson.

"Take good care of Mimi, you know?"

In front of the commercial vehicle, Sun Ting nodded quickly after hearing Zeng Jia's instructions:

"Don't worry, Sister Zeng, I understand."


Zeng Jia responded, then turned to look at Yang Mi:

"Be smart yourself and call me as soon as possible if anything happens."

"Don't worry, Sister Zeng, I know."

Yang Mi also nodded and waved her hand:

"Goodbye, Sister Zeng."


After giving Yang Mi one last look, Zeng Jia closed the car door.

The car drove away and left the hotel.

After the car left, Sun Ting said:

"Sister Mimi, do you have any plans for dinner tonight?"

"I told you, I don't want you, it's yours."

Yang Mi first waved her hand, then pointed outside the hotel:

"In the past few days since you've been here, have you ever eaten the wontons at the door?"

"Uh... not yet."

"Come on, let's go eat that."

Her attitude seemed very cordial, and she took Sun Ting to the Nanma Meat Pie restaurant at the door.

While walking, I took out my mobile phone and played with it a few times.

On the other side, Xu Xin in the room got up, put on his shoes and walked out after seeing the message.

While walking, he also called Jay Chou:

"Come to the door to eat meatloaf wontons, do you want to go?"

"...Does his home have a private room?"

Jay Chou's somewhat deep voice sounded.

Xu Xin frowned, but still said:

"Yes. Are you going? Yang Mi is here too."

"...You come up and help me cover?"

"how to spell?"

"Someone is coming from Alpha. Just outside the house..."

"Oh~~ I understand. Okay, then you wait for me."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin took the emergency passage directly to the 21st floor.

Soon he arrived at the door of the suite where Jay Chou was located, and he knocked directly on the door.

There was just a knock on the door, and the door next to it opened.

One of the four King Kongs showed his head.

Xu Xin waved his hand:


After saying that, this guy didn't leave, and Xu Xin didn't care.

The door opened and it was Dani.

"Ah, Teacher Xu~"

The door was fully opened, and Xu Xin saw two middle-aged people sitting on the sofa inside.

Look at him as well.

"Call Jay Chou to come out and Director Zhang will have a meeting with him."


Dani was stunned at first...

Obviously, the words "Jay Chou" are a bit beyond her understanding of Xu Xin.

But he seemed to understand immediately and nodded:

"Okay, Teacher Xu... do you want to come in first?"

"Don't go in, let him come out, hurry up, the director is waiting there."


Dani responded, walked back and knocked on Jay Chou's bedroom door.

Under the gaze of the two strangers, Xu Xin raised his eyes and said in a harsh tone:

"What are you two looking at?"



These two brothers were probably confused.

Because Xu Xin's tone was indeed a bit harsh.

It's not that provocative.

But the three words "What are you looking at" seem to have a very special magic power. They are completely different from "What are you looking at", "What are you looking at", "Watch what I do" and so on. .

Therefore, when Xu Xin asked the question, the two of them were stunned for the first moment, and then their second reaction was to look away.

But I immediately felt like I was a little timid... and looked over again.

But I couldn't stand Xu Xin's short stubble, coupled with the unsmiling expression on his face...he looked like he was not easy to mess with.

Fortunately, Jay Chou walked out at this moment. After seeing Xu Xin at the door, he pretended to be polite:

"Hey, Director Xu, hello, hello."

"Well, Director Zhang called you for a meeting."

"Oh okay, I'll come right away."

"Yeah. Come on."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he nodded and left.

He was forced to pretend alone.

And those two people probably really couldn't figure out the origin of this young man who dared to treat Jay Chou like this... didn't he give him any face?

So I didn't dare to move.

It wasn't until Jay Chou walked out wearing a mask and a hat that someone couldn't help but ask Dani:

"who is he?"

Dani, who had already seen through everything, shook her head:

"Director Zhang's deputy, he seems to have a powerful background and is cold to everyone..."



"Wow! You can do it! Hey, how did you make this expression? Is it like this?"

In the elevator, Jay Chou raised his face slightly and looked condescending:

"Hey, Director Zhang is looking for you for a meeting~ You look so scary~"

"This is called a domineering president, you know nothing."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"If you want to learn...then sign up for an acting school. These expressions will be taught~"

Unconsciously, Xu Xin wanted to learn the Wanwan accent when she was with him, and found it very interesting.

And Jay Chou, who had been submissive in the past two days, was used to it and nodded vigorously:

“It’s really awesome!”

"Who are these two people?"

"The people who came here specifically to renew my contract... Didn't I tell the company the day before yesterday that I would release my last album in September? I thought I said it very straightforwardly, which meant that I would not renew my contract. . But I didn’t expect that they would make a special trip to come here today~ It seems that they plan to stay here permanently... Oh, it’s so annoying~”

"Hey, it's so annoying~"

"...Please! Do you still want to imitate my speech at this time?"

"What else should I do? You're not happy anyway, why don't you allow me to be happy?...Aren't you sure you want to start a company?"


"Then just persevere. It's only for this year. Won't you turn over and become your own master next year?"


Jay Chou let out a long sigh.

But the elevator suddenly stopped on the sixth floor.

It looks like someone is going down.

Jay Chou immediately put on his peaked cap and lowered his head.


The elevator door opens.

Seven or eight people outside looked over.

"Xu Xin!?"

a voice sounded.

Xu Xin, who was about to reply a message to his girlfriend who asked him "Where are you?", looked up and saw Huang Xiaoming and a girl next to him who also wore a cap and mask standing at the entrance of the elevator, looking at him.

The transitional chapter made me want to die...Thanks to the leader of "Harmony Idea"... After reading the message, old readers, there will be no more BBs, and there is nothing better than repaying everyone with down-to-earth words. In addition...14,500 updates a day, which is really a lot...I'm still dual-playing...)

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