I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1026 1021 Comparison

Chapter 1026 1021. Comparison




Apart from this swear word, there was no movement at the weapons rack, and everyone was dumbfounded.


On the contrary, they were practicing the group battle scene for the final finale. Near Lei Jiayin and Zhang Yi, who were practicing moves and imitating the fighting skills of the battle formation, several martial arts fingers let out a cry of "Lie down." Groove" movement.

Looking at the dummy that was poked out... someone even subconsciously touched his heart.

If you really get stabbed... you'll die, right?

Sang Lin was also dumbfounded.

Just staring straight at Yang Mi who was panting and adjusting her breathing, her mind went blank.

That leaves just one reaction.

This person... can I guide him?

I can?

Am I worthy?

Brother, what international joke are you making?

This person has this waist horse, this person has these basic skills...

Did I teach it?

Why should I teach?

She taught me pretty well.

What to do?

Because Zhang Zhen came one day earlier than Yang Mi, Sang Lin communicated with Zhang Zhen on the first day... Although the director only gave instructions on sword skills at that time, and there was no fist, kick or spear skills. . But when the two met, they also came to the practice room to take a look.

Sang Lin knew what Zhang Zhen would do.

But what about now?

Just with these two moves, Zhang Zhen can't be beaten to death?

While he was thinking about it, he heard Yang Mi say:

"Actually, these are the only things I know about spear skills. I'm really not familiar with the routines, just three points: blocking, holding, and piercing. Master's original words are that there are not so many fancy things in spear skills. If you practice the basic skills well, you won't be able to do anything else." Just let others get close to you. This set of marksmanship is actually the basic composition of Yue Wu Mu's Thirteen Spears, with all directions, one point in the middle, twelve o'clock, and thirteen sides. Therefore, it emphasizes the sense of space. Moreover, Yue Wu Mu's Thirteen Spears After all, the gun is derived from the battle formation spear technique, so you can hardly see the bells and whistles."

As she spoke, she shrugged slightly after adjusting her breathing and asked:



Sang Linxin said that you, old man, do you still need to ask?

But it’s so good.

Maybe he wasn't good at marksmanship, but as a professional martial arts and action director, the moment he saw the carbine, he had already constructed a routine in his mind that would determine the outcome in one fell swoop with Ding Baiying returning the carbine.


"You have to try a small flower gun. Or... at least you have to try a long gun. As for the pole, this action is not very easy to design."

He forced down his surprise and spoke.

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Then I'll use a spear. A fancy spear isn't suitable for Ding Baiying."

"Huh?...Why? I think the flower gun is easier to control and more suitable for this scene."

Seeing that the director had objections, Yang Mi naturally wanted to express her opinion.

So, she put the pole in her hand back into the weapon rack, picked up a Baotou stick that was easier on her, and continued:

"Think about it, Ding Baiying was born in the military and practiced Japanese swordsmanship. She is a descendant of the Qi family army. She and Lu Wenzhao are brothers and sisters in the same sect, and the two of them were born in the military formation... There is a difference between the spear skills of the military formation and the martial arts. There is an old saying in the martial arts world: If fists become weapons, don’t practice swords and spears. Some people also say that you should practice fists and feet first, and then swords and spears. Boxing is the foundation of all arts.

In fact, the meaning of these two points is very clear. To put it bluntly, weapons are extensions of fists and feet. The two complement each other. This is certainly true, but if you think about it, it is actually not appropriate to put it in the military. Because what soldiers require is to form combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time, the required moves are all simple, efficient, and sure to kill with one hit. The most important thing is that the practice time should be fast and it should be done quickly.

Who would give you such a long time to practice boxing and kicking in the early stage? There is this sentence in the general outline of Yue Wumu's Thirteen Spears, which is: Once the spear point is out, you cannot retreat well. That's why Thirteen Spears is different from other marksmanships. It doesn't have so many tricks. It focuses on blocking from left to right, fast and fast.

I think Ding Baiying should be this type. Even if she is a girl, all her moves should pursue the ultimate killing. I understand what you mean by using a small flower gun. It will look good when you fight like that. But the fact that she can cut off Shen Lian's sword with one strike shows that there is nothing fancy about her style. If you want to use a gun, you can do it, but you must not make it so fancy and the better it looks, the more time you waste.

So I think it’s best to have a “pop!” moment. Maybe the audience has not yet reacted, but the winner has already been decided. "

Holding a slightly short Baotou stick in her hand, Yang Mi expressed her opinion.

Then he waved his hand again:

"As for fists and kicks, to be honest, there is no need. Throughout the whole drama, Shen Lian is a pawn who goes with the flow and cannot go against the general trend of the world, but he is not the kind of person with extremely fragile self-esteem. A victory or defeat is just a matter of Involving him in a conspiracy, the fact that he took out the real Xiuchun Dao later does not mean that he was not discouraged. The so-called fight to shatter his self-esteem... was a little delayed. Not good."

She didn't say this out of the so-called "didn't want to add drama".

The director naturally has the right to increase or decrease the number of scenes on the crew. In other words, the control of the entire story is his and the producer's decision.

Actors can express their understanding of the characters or certain parts of the play, but they have no right to make decisions for the director.

And that's what she's doing now.

What kind of person Ding Baiying is, she already has a very three-dimensional masked face in her heart.

Template flow.

When using it, just apply it on your face and you’re done.

Highlights a godhead mask.

However, how to carve and shape this mask can only be done by herself.

After it is carved, it is adjusted according to the director's different requirements when shooting begins.

But as a sculptor, she must have a clear direction.

I told Sang Lin this, and I also told him after meeting Lu Yang.

Knife, gun, boxing, three fights?

Not realistic.

It's too slow.

It's too deliberate.

Full of craftsmanship.

As for whether Lu Yang would agree, Yang Mi didn't know.

Again, actors can put forward their own opinions, but it depends on the director whether to adopt them or not.

But there must be a point of view.

Sang Lin obviously knew this too... However, he couldn't make the decision.

The director asked him to design three fights, but he still had to continue to implement them.

The expert has already shown his skills, and now it is his turn to perform.

So, he nodded slightly and said:

"Then take a rest first. You two, come up, Sister Mi, and take a look at the movements I designed."


Yang Mi, who thought she was going to use her own Xingyi Liuhe Gun, put the weapon back on its shelf and stepped aside under the admiring eyes of everyone.

Right next to his trembling female stand-ins.

The female stand-ins were extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

Mom, help.

The actresses who need our stand-ins are more like stand-ins than us...

It’s so awesome!

Sister kill me! ! ! !

I am sister Yang Mi’s dog! ! !

So cool! ! !

The cast of "The White-Haired Witch".

At noon, call it a day.

Huang Xiaoming took out his mobile phone and saw several WeChat messages.

It's all trivial things.

Including my girlfriend’s.

At around 10:30 in the morning, his girlfriend sent him a message:

"I'm getting up. I just woke up and slept so comfortably."

Around 10:40:

"I want to eat Nanma meat pie. If you finish your work, message me back and I'll see if I can bring you one."


"I've finished eating. I haven't heard from you yet. I'm going back to the hotel."



"Eh? Look, I saw the advertisement for the villa we talked about last time. It seems to be open. I'm going to check it out now. No matter how the hotel is, it's still inconvenient."

"Are you okay this afternoon? If not, why don't you come over to me? Let's watch it together."

"Reply me after you see it."

Huang Xiaoming took his girlfriend's information into his eyes and looked at the time.


He thought for a while and said:

"I just finished, there's no point in looking at the villa."

As soon as he sent it, Yang Ying replied instantly:

"Why is it meaningless? Real estate is a hot topic. You won't lose money even if you buy it as an investment."

Huang Xiaoming was speechless:

"It's not a question of whether the investment will be a loss or not. When we come to Hengdian, we must be filming. Why don't you stay in a hotel with the crew during the filming? The director wants to talk to you about the scene, or the crew wants to have a meeting to read lines or something like that. , are you still running here from your own house?"

"We can chat during the day. Work is work and life is life. You have to keep them separate."

Huang Xiaoming was even more speechless. He was about to type a reply when the makeup artist came over:

"Brother Xiao Ming, can I help you take off your hood? It's time to eat."


He nodded slightly, then turned around and pointed the phone at his mouth:

"Don't buy it yet, just take a look at it at most. I may be busy until three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Then we will meet and talk... By the way, you are not going to the set today?"

After saying that, he sat directly on the makeup chair and asked the makeup artist to start taking off his headgear.

You definitely don’t need to take off your makeup, but Hengdian is still very hot right now, so wearing a hood is really boring.

Although it's a bit troublesome...but as the male lead, I definitely have this little privilege.

At this time, I have to envy Bingbing.

he said in his heart.

Just dye your hair.

So happy...

While thinking about it, he also felt the vibration of his phone.

But I didn't take it out to read.

The makeup artist is in the back of my head, and it is always inappropriate to see these chat records.

Soon after taking off his hood, he stood up and picked up his phone.

"I'm not going. I won't turn on my phone until tomorrow. There's nothing going on in the past two days."

"...then you don't want to read the script?"

He sent a message with a bit of absurdity.

The phone will be turned on the day after tomorrow. If you don’t quickly find your status these days, you still have the energy to go shopping?

Unfortunately, Yang Ying did not reply.

Liang Bingning shouted over there:

"Xiao Ming, come to dinner, Director Zhang is looking for you."


Huang Xiaoming responded quickly.

Forget it, take care of yourself first.

Zhang Zhiliang came to him and Liang Binning to talk about the afternoon's play.

There was just one scene in the afternoon, but there were some things that needed to be expressed clearly, so the two of them had to pay a little more attention.

The director and the two protagonists must have a more sumptuous meal.

The three of them chatted while eating. After finishing the meal, they had almost talked about what should be paid attention to in the afternoon scene.

We go to work at 2 o'clock. During this hour or so, everyone can go back to the RV and take a rest.

Before leaving the studio, Liang Binning said:

"After we finish filming this afternoon, I plan to go to the set of "Xiu Chun Knife". Will you go?"

Huang Xiaoming was stunned and asked:

"Won't the filming start only the day after tomorrow?"

"The crew are all in the practice room now. Mimi and the others are doing tricks, and I plan to go and have a look. Courtesy is reciprocal, and Lu Yang is also one of the third... directors that Xu Xin values ​​​​more. Come with me, and let's get to know each other."

"No problem. Then do we have to buy some visiting gifts or something?"

"I'm ready, then let's go together then?"

"Okay, let's go together."

Huang Xiaoming nodded.

He would not refuse such a thing either emotionally or rationally.

First...the crew are all in the practice room.

Bingbing probably thought Yang Ying was there... but in fact she was not.

But he couldn't say that.

If you say it, what will people think?

The whole crew of Goodfellas is preparing. In this drama, the person who is technically the heroine is shopping?

What would others think of her?

Or...how do you see yourself?

Don’t you want to lose face?

Secondly, he would not go wrong if he went to make friends with a director that even his juniors valued.

So I will definitely have to get through this time.

But before that...

Back in the RV, he dialed Yang Ying's phone number directly.

"Dududu... hello?"

"Hey, where are you?"

"Hello?...Hello?...My letter...is good..."

"can you hear me?"



The call was hung up.

Soon Huang Xiaoming received a message:

"The signal in the model room is not good. I'll tell you later. I'll record a video of the model room and send it to you when I get out. This villa is really nice."

Huang Xiaoming was immediately speechless.

"I'm going to visit your crew this afternoon. If you have nothing to do, go back to the crew as soon as possible. Everyone else is preparing there, and you're going shopping? Is that appropriate?"

"I'm not shopping, I'm looking at our house. And the practice room is in the old park, it's too hot there."

"I told you I won't buy it! You are an actor first, and an investor second!"

"I'll buy it. I really like this house."


Huang Xiaoming finally got a little angry now, so he switched directly to his voice, his tone already filled with anger:

"Is it about this house now? What are your plans in the future? Come to Hengdian to film and live here directly? What will the director do if he comes to you? What will the investors do if they come to you? Acting doesn't end after filming. In private, the director doesn't want to see you. Are you communicating? You don’t play with other people? I told you not to look at this house first. The whole crew is busy in the practice room. Everyone is practicing, practicing, and getting ready for the movie. You are here Shopping to look at houses? Do you think this is appropriate!? Are you here to film or to buy a house!?"

After he sent the voice message, Yang Ying waited for about a minute and replied with three points.


Then another message was sent:

"Okay, I'll go back in a while, okay?"

Huang Xiaoming did not reply to this message.

I'm angry.

Too lazy to reply.

Even if the other party's attitude has softened.


Isn’t this what it should be?

Early 3 p.m.

"OK. Bingbing, Xiaoming, thank you for your hard work. Next game."

After hearing Zhang Zhiliang's words, Huang Xiaoming and Liang Binning didn't say anything.

Anyway, the drama between the two of them is over for today, and what follows is everyone else’s.

Remove makeup individually.

Before 3:30, their cars had already driven out of the factory one after another.

The practice room rented by the crew of "Xiu Chun Knife" is in another park, not far away, about ten minutes' drive.

Soon, after the car arrived, Wang Dongying quickly got out of the car and held an umbrella.

When she opened the car door, Liang Binning was massaging her cheeks.

Apparently, even if it was just ten minutes, she put on a mask.

It looks like Q bombs.

Very moist.

Wang Dongying held a sun umbrella, completely casting a shadow over Sister Bingbing, and then the two of them walked into the practice room.

As Liang Binning walked, she looked at the industrial park in confusion, and asked Wang Dongying in confusion:

"Why is it the old garden? The air conditioner here is not cool."

As an actor who has been in Hengdian since 1990, she can be said to have witnessed the history of changes in the Hengdian Film Industrial Park.

The so-called old park is actually the earliest planned industrial park in Hengdian.

The total area is about 600 acres, which is very small. It is nothing like the more than two thousand acres in the new park.

But the advantage is that it is cheap.

The disadvantages are the same.

The facilities are old.

Especially for the environment of the practice room, which was facing the sun at that time, all kinds of infrastructure were built around the millennium, which can be said to be very backward.

After hearing this, Wang Dongying said:

"It must be because the budget is not enough, right? Director Lu...after all, there is nothing special to achieve, so the budget should be limited."

What she said makes sense.

But it's not reasonable either.

after all……

Mimi is still here.

But in fact, Wang Dongying was right.

Although Xu Xin approved the project, the budget provided by the factory was not large.

Everything is based on cost-effectiveness. Lu Yang is also a person who likes to pay attention to details. Coupled with the salary pressure of the star cast...the budget of 50 million is already a face given by the factory.

Otherwise...if Xu Xin hadn't made the decision, he might not even have been able to get the 5,000 budget.

Giving a big budget to an unknown director?

Not to mention Xiying Studio, it is impossible for any investment company in this circle to do it.

Again, you have to prove your ability first before you can get treatment that matches your ability.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming asked:

"Where are the things you bought?"

"It has been sent to me a long time ago. There are dozens of people in the crew, how can I personally pick it up?"

Liang Binning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and took the lead into the practice room.

It is said to be a practice room, but it is actually a small factory building covering an area of ​​about 600 square meters.

There is enough height, otherwise many weapons cannot be extended.

After pushing the door and walking in, you are faced with several high-power electric fans blowing.

When the security guard at the door saw someone coming in, he subconsciously stood up... but found out that it was Liang Binning and sat down again.

Next to his triangular stool, there is a large cup of lemon tea.

This is what they gave me.

It's a pity... I am not a member of the crew, otherwise I would still have two boxes of tea to share.

At this time, Wang Dongying pointed:

"Sister, Sister Mi is there."

Liang Binning looked in the direction and saw Yang Mi, who was holding a Baotou stick in her hand and confronting Zhang Zhen, who was facing her with a gun. Next to her stood Lu Yang, and a group of young people who should be stand-ins. men and women.

"Xiao Ming, Director Lu is over there, let's go over there."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming nodded slightly.

He followed Liang Binning there, but his eyes were always patrolling.

Where is baby?

After looking around and finding nothing, he took out his mobile phone:

"I'm here, where are you?"


"Are you here? Okay, I'll go over now. I'm buying you desserts at the dessert shop at the entrance of the park."

"Director Lu, Mimi, Zhang Zhen."

"Hey, sister Bingbing, hello, hello."

When Huang Xiaoming saw this news, Liang Binning had already said hello to Lu Yang.

He definitely couldn't reply to the message. After putting the phone in his pocket, he put a smile on his face.

But his eyes fell on Yang Mi, whose hair was a little tangled and the collar of her gray T-shirt had darkened.

It goes without saying that Mimi is beautiful.

But that wasn't what made him stare.

Mimi is beautiful, and so is the baby. What's more... To be honest, Mimi is too smart.

Not his type.

When I think about my junior brother being with such a girl who looks like a human being every day, every move he makes may be discerned by those fox-like eyes...

Just thinking about it made him feel stressed out.

Can't bear it.

The main reason why he looked at him was because of the sweat on his collar.

Obviously...the other party has sweated a lot.

I have been practicing for quite some time.


For no reason, his heart felt a little blocked. But the smile on his face did not diminish, and he held Lu Yang's hand:

"Hello, Director Lu, I am Huang Xiaoming..."

"Director Lu, why are you here? Look how hot my family is..."

Liang Binning and Lu Yang had met several times in the factory, and their relationship was reasonable, so there was no need to avoid anything in their tone.

Lu Yang, who had just shaken hands with Huang Xiaoming over there, was a little embarrassed:

"This...Sister Bingbing, the budget is indeed not enough. You have to save money."

Liang Binning still looked "displeased", shook her head and said:

"That won't work, then I'll have to worry about the money for my milk tea. Hurry up, Yingying, call the water delivery guy. This afternoon's cold coffee will be charged to Director Lu's account."

"Huh?...Hahaha, okay, no problem, hahaha..."

Lu Yang's smile was so generous.

Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"That won't work. Director Lu is the director. What should I do if Zhang Zhen and I wear small shoes?... Senior brother, junior sister wants to drink some cool coffee..."


Huang Xiaoming's mouth twitched.

My heart says you are still ashes...

"Please please please!"

After saying that, he turned around and gave his assistant a look:

"Quick, go buy some coffee and ash, remember to add more water, it's cheap!"


Yang Mi looked disgusted.



Amid laughter, the distance between them quickly narrowed.

But after exchanging pleasantries, the two retreated to Lu Yang and Sang Lin's side.

Yang Mi and Zhang Zhen continued to practice tricks on the practice mat.

Liang Binning and Huang Xiaoming are just here to visit the class, and they must not disturb other people's work.

Huang Xiaoming looked at the Baotou stick in Yang Mi's hand and asked Lu Yang in confusion:

"Director Lu, Mimi's weapon needs to be such a long gun? Can she dance?"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Mi, who was about to start over, had already held the gun level with both hands.

Huang Xiaoming's mouth twitched...

Then Lu Yang's voice sounded:

"Brother Xiao Ming doesn't know... Sister Mi's level... In Director Sang's words, she is only one certificate away from Wuying level. Especially in the morning, she had a trick to show off all the martial arts members of our crew. shocked……"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two long sticks were already clashing together.

Zhang Zhen attacked and Yang Mi defended.

Blocking on the left and blocking on the right, he seemed extremely calm.

When Zhang Zhen's moves were getting old, Yang Mi counterattacked and pierced the opponent's chest with the Baotou stick.

Zhang Zhen seemed to know in advance, and dodged sideways, then poked the head of the Baotou stick into the ground and ran towards Yang Mi quickly. Yang Mi was equally unpredictable and retreated with her gun, even faster than Zhang Zhen.

After taking a few steps back, she grabbed her hand back and the spear flew back one step faster than her according to the inertia. Then, between the lightning and flints, Yang Mi grasped the gun steadily and turned around...

After an unusually cool move of retreating to advance, the sharp carbine came in front of Zhang Zhen's face.

And Zhang Zhen stopped just half a step away.


Lu Yang, who was chatting just now, nodded:

"That's it. When Brother Zhen moves forward, the bamboo will be pressed against your throat accurately..."

The movements of both of them are actually exercises, complete, but the rhythm is not fast.

But as an actor, following Lu Yang's words, Huang Xiaoming seemed to have seen the scene of the two people fighting...

Don't tell me yet.

He nodded secretly.

After this set of movements, the moves are sharp and concise, and the winner can be determined in milliseconds.

not bad.

The visual effects are quite enjoyable!

Following this idea, he recalled the most amazing move in this set of moves, the carbine... and whispered to Liang Binning:

"Why do I feel that this martial arts director is better than our crew?"

Liang Binning shrugged.

"It's hard to say who is the best in Wu Zhi. But Mimi's move is indeed a real skill... Tsk, when I went to her house before, I saw her practicing by herself no matter it was windy or rainy, and she still I don’t think it’s necessary. But this move now… I’m not looking down on others, including me. Unless they are professionals, the number of actresses in our industry who can perform this move should not exceed this number.”

Huang Xiaoming looked at the three fingers she raised with a look of deep approval.


Although he had never seen Mimi practice martial arts.

But she and Mr. Yu originally met on her and Liu Yifei's crew.

At that time, Guo Xiang was often scolded by the director when filming an action scene.

But look at it now...

How many years has this been going on?

It's really... very different.

And this difference, just like Bingbing said, is really the flower that blooms and the fruit that comes from day and night, bit by bit of hard work and tempering.

Not to mention anything else, just this persistence is worth learning and admiring.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, someone from behind shouted:

"Brother Xiao Ming."

He turned around and looked...

Then he saw his girlfriend wearing a loose sweater, denim shorts, the sweater half tucked into the shorts, a pair of canvas shoes, and a braided hairstyle on her head, looking at him with a smile. .

There were several cups of desserts in both hands.

Obviously, this dessert is not only for you, but also for others.

If it were normal times, Huang Xiaoming would definitely be very happy, thinking that his girlfriend is sensible and knowledgeable.


At this moment, for some reason, he... couldn't be happy at all.

Especially the sight of Mimi's sweaty hard work behind her reappeared in her eyes...

Look at the girlfriend in front of me again...

Not to mention anything else, just the braided style and exquisite makeup will take you at least an hour, right?

But Mimi had already started to play tricks in the morning...


For a moment, he was speechless.

I have many thoughts.

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