I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1027 1022 Sentence

The strong contrast caused ripples called the gap to rise in Huang Xiaoming's heart.

But he didn't say anything.

With so many people, no matter what, they must have face.

Besides, my girlfriend didn’t eat alone, but everyone had a share, and there was quite a lot to carry.

He quickly helped take it and started dividing it.

The result was just about to be given to Yang Mi when she saw her waving her hand:

"I won't eat it yet. Will Zhang Zhen eat it?"

Zhang Zhen, who was also sweating on his forehead, also shook his head.

In fact, if you have studied martial arts, you will know that there is no separation between medicine and martial arts.

Although Lianjiazi does not avoid hot or cold food, meat or vegetarian food, when practicing, the masters will explain some precautions. Cold drinks are obviously one of them.

A more scientific explanation is that eating too cold will cause blood to concentrate in the stomach and heat up, resulting in insufficient qi and blood supply.

But according to traditional Chinese medicine, avoid cold when it is hot, as it will harm the body.

Both men obviously understood.

So, Yang Mi saw this and said directly:

"Then let's take a break. Director Sang, can you let the actors perform the sword skills again?"

Because sword fighting is the simplest, she still doesn't know what it is like. The two of them were busy fighting each other with guns and fists this day.

Although she also expressed the opinion that three fights would be too protracted, Lu Yang, who had already risked his life and planned to live at the bottom of the Huangpu River, obviously did not intend to let her go... He insisted on being prepared and developed a set of boxing skills.

Grinding and chirping...

Thinking of this, Yang Mi rolled her eyes, sat on the side of the exercise mat and took a sip of warm water.

Sang Lin asked the two martial arts fingers next to him to come to the middle of the mat.

One of the two held a plastic Yanling knife, and the other held a plastic Miao knife.

The Qijia Dao prop team used by Ding Baiying in the movie is still working on it, and it is estimated that it will not be available until tomorrow.

The two stood in the middle, with the Yan Ling Dao holding the knife in one hand, while the other Wu Zhi stood holding the Miao Dao behind his back.

The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched when she saw it...

Good guy, this posture is quite impressive.

Full of style.

"Ready, three, two, one! Start!"

As Sang Lin counted down, the man holding the Yanling knife jogged directly with the knife.

Because it is a demonstration stage, the movements are very slow.

After rushing one step in front of Brother Miao Dao, he maintained the trajectory of his body and slashed slowly with the knife in one hand.

Brother Miao Dao directly drew the sword... but because the blade of the Miao Dao was very long, although his action of pulling it out was... quite natural, it made Yang Mi frown.

Then, with a not very relaxed movement, the man pulled out the knife, turned sideways, and let the Yanling knife fall, then turned sideways to bow his horse, holding the knife in one hand, and with the help of the other hand, he pressed down on the handle of the knife with more force, and struck. He reached the back of the Yan Ling Dao that fell on the practice mat.

"Okay, stop."

After asking the two of them to maintain this action, Sang Lin said:

"This is the action in the script where Ding Baiying cuts off Shen Lian's sword with one knife. The director asked for simplicity, so I didn't design anything too fancy, such as dodging, slashing, and breaking the blade with one knife. This action is quite simple."

After speaking, he looked at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang on the side nodded slightly, looked at Yang Mi and Zhang Zhen and said:

"This move shouldn't be a problem for you two, but Sister Mi, you have to pay attention. We found two stand-ins for you, and found that the Miao Dao is actually not easy for girls to pull due to their height advantage. So you can use it when the time comes. The Qi family sword will also be shorter..."

Yang Mi was stunned and asked in confusion:

"Short? Why short? The Qi family sword has a blade body of three feet and eight inches, a handle of one size, five feet in length, and a palm blade. If it is smaller, is it still the Qi family sword?"

"But girls are not easy to pull out."

Lu Yang explained:

"After our first batch of swords came out, the substitutes have already tried them. It is extremely difficult to pull them out. It is even difficult for men. This one is one of the molds. Sister, didn't you see..."

He pointed to the finger holding the Miao knife:

"He is over 1.8 meters tall and is a little stiff when he pulls it up. I plan to edit it later..."

"That's because he pulled it out wrong."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

She couldn't say anything to Sang Lin, after all, she wasn't very familiar with him.

But there is no psychological burden on Lu Yang.

As soon as her legs exerted their strength, she straightened up from the cross-legged sitting position and muttered:

"So, if it doesn't work for you to prepare more information, you can ask my master. But you won't listen... Are you showing your cowardice now?"

While walking up to the military commander.

"Come, I'll tell you how to draw this knife."

After taking the sheathed Miao Dao, she first took out half of it, looked at the shape, and nodded:

"It was indeed a mistake. This is a Miao knife. The curvature of the Miao knife is larger than that of the Qi family knife. The reason why the Qi family knife was sharpened with one palm at that time was mainly because the Japanese pirate's knife was sharper than the Ming knife, but not hard enough. And The Qi family sword follows the shape of the Miao sword, but it has been modified. It can be chopped or stabbed straight. The whole sword only has one blade, so soldiers can hold the other unedged parts to stab the Japanese pirates. So it should be straighter. .”

After explaining the difference between these two points, she held the knife in her right hand and said to the martial arts finger opposite her:

"You do it again, at the same speed as before."

Wu Zhi, who was holding the Yan Ling Dao, nodded and retreated again.

Three two one starts.

He slowly came to Yang Mi.

Hold the knife and chop down.

Yang Mi turned sideways and placed her left hand on the handle of the Miao Dao she was holding in her right hand.

But instead of drawing the knife with her left hand, she used her right hand to exert force.

Rather than drawing the knife, it is better to say that it is drawing the scabbard.

After holding the handle of the knife with her left hand, her right hand "pull" the scabbard and flew it out.

After the scabbard flew away in an instant, she did not make too many large opening and closing movements, but only made a "whipping" or "waving" movement similar to cracking a whip.

The plastic blade was swung in a small semicircle in front of her.


The two plastic knives collided together and made a crisp sound.


Lu Yang was stunned.

Yang Mi, who was still holding the bow and pressing the knife, looked up at him:

"Look, the Qi family sword is drawn like this. It doesn't draw the blade, it draws the scabbard away... Your concept is wrong in the first place."

After saying that, she shook her head, stood up straight, and said to Wu Zhi:

"You follow this route again at normal speed."


Wu Zhi was stunned and nodded quickly:

"Okay, then be careful. I'm still taking one step and slashing down."


Yang Mi waved her hand and motioned for him to take his seat.

Then under the gaze of everyone, he picked up the scabbard and said:

"This action is simple. I'll do it again. Director Lu, see if it works. If it works, then let's do this action. It's quite cool."

After saying that, before Lu Yang could respond, he had already stood up again.

"bring it on."

Wu Zhi nodded:

"Be careful."

After saying that, after seeing Yang Mi's nod in response, he rushed over with a knife.





Turn sideways, throw the sheath, and chop down!

After a handsome slash, the front half of Yan Ling's plastic knife was chopped directly.

What they got in exchange was everyone's surprise and silence.

Especially those military fingers on the side of Yang Mi.

They looked at Sister Mi's tight and slender heels, ankles, calves and thighs that had become slender and tight due to exertion of force...

The image of her beautiful and heroic posture from drawing the knife to slashing came to mind...

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The two female stand-ins who had just vowed in their hearts to be Sister Mi's dogs instinctively clapped their hands.

My sister is so handsome!

Ahhhh! !

Sister kill me! !

Thai pants are hot! !

Yang Mi turned her head and looked at her little fan girl who looked wrong, grinned, and then stood up straight.

She didn't mind the damage to the props.

After taking a step back, he skillfully held a few swords in his hand, then flicked the sword downwards and turned to look at the two little fans again.

The two girls scrambled to get up and quickly took the knife from their sister.

Yang Mi wiped the sweat from her forehead:

"The knife has to be drawn out like this, so there's no need to edit the action, it's done in one go. What do you think?"


Lu Yang was speechless.

While nodding, he looked at Sang Lin.

This kind of beauty...

Absolutely enough.

I've shown off my skills again, Director Sang, you have to put the icing on the cake.

Sang Lin frowned slightly.

He looked at Yang Mi in amazement and nodded:

"Well, I understand, Sister Mi, please take a rest. I'll redesign this action."

After speaking, he looked at the other military commanders:

"Did you understand the decomposition just now? Anyone who understands it can come with me and let's redesign it."

"Phew...so exhausted."

Sitting slumped next to Liang Binning again, Yang Mi shook her head:

"Sister, have you finished filming today?"


Liang Binning nodded, glanced at her sweating face, and said:

"What should we eat tonight?"

After saying that, she turned and looked at Yang Ying, who was sitting with Huang Xiaoming.

"What does baby want to eat?"

“How about hot pot?”

As soon as Yang Ying finished speaking, almost at the same time, Yang Mi said:

"Don't eat. I have to read the script when I get back."


Yang Ying was immediately speechless.

Seeing Liang Binning turning to look at herself, Yang Mi shook her head:

"The kids at home are waiting. I have to prepare well these days to finish filming my few scenes. I have to find a good state. You can go and eat and don't worry about me."

Liang Bingning thought for a while and nodded slightly:

"That's okay. Then I won't eat."


Yang Mi responded and added:

"You can go if you want to eat. You don't need to take me with you. I'm not the one who spoils the fun. I'm a little tired. Baby, want to eat hot pot?..."

Before she finished speaking, Huang Xiaoming's phone rang.

After glancing at the caller, he quickly stood up and left.

Yang Ying also shook his head:

"I won't eat anymore. It's hot enough, and I'll still get angry after eating hot pot."

Regardless of what she was thinking, she spoke clearly and clearly.

"Indeed, I've been a little bit angry recently, and my skin feels very dry..."

Liang Binning's words directly exposed this topic.

In fact, she didn't expect everyone to get together to eat together, but now that she was about to get off work, she must be polite to those who should be polite.

What's more, she is a sister.

But now that Mimi has given me a step, I must follow it down.

Apart from anything else, if she really wanted to eat, she would take Mimi to eat alone. The meal she ate yesterday was tasteless. Let’s gather another table today?

But forget it.

After the three of them chatted for a while about getting angry and skin care, Huang Xiaoming came back.

The first sentence is:

"Have you agreed on what to eat for dinner?"

Liang Bingning shook his head:

"Let's make another date. Let's make an appointment another day."

Hearing this, he nodded and agreed very happily:


A busy day is finally over.

Yang Mi, who was sweating profusely, said goodbye to Liang Binning and the others and got into the car directly.

After returning to the hotel, she took a shower. As soon as she came out, she saw Sun Ting and her masseur waiting in the living room of the suite.

The hotel beds were also covered with towels.

She lay down directly.

With the masseur's relaxing massage, I felt drowsy now, so I said to Sun Ting:

"Stop your phone for me."

Sun Ting, who was sitting aside, nodded:


Then, the whole bedroom fell silent.

She is a little tired.

But Sun Ting will definitely not leave.

In other words, even if I leave, I have to wait until the masseur leaves before I can leave.

Soon, when the masseuse finished pressing the massage, Yang Mi was already asleep.

After saying goodbye to the masseuse, she helped Yang Mi cover herself with the quilt and walked out of the bedroom.

I don’t know how long it took, but Yang Mi heard a voice:


Someone called me.

She subconsciously opened her eyes and saw the black shadow at the door.

After being stunned for a moment, he nodded:

"What's wrong?"

"Director Lu called to ask if you have finished eating. If so, the crew will have a small meeting."


Because she hadn't woken up yet, Yang Mi was obviously in a daze.

But he responded quickly:

"Well, now?"

"Yes, now."

"what time is it?"

"It's just 7 o'clock."


Although she was exhausted, she still got up:

"Help me find some clothes."

"Already found it."


In a daze, Yang Mi walked into the bathroom.

When he came out again, he still had a facial mask in his hand.

After quickly changing into a set of loose clothes, she yawned, applied the mask to her face, and walked out with Sun Ting.

"Have Nuannuan and Yangyang gone home?"

"Here we are, I was going to make a video, but I said sister, you are sleeping, Nuan Nuan is quite unhappy."

"Has she practiced the piano?"

"I've practiced. My aunt sent me a video."


The parents chatted briefly for a while and came to the door of the hotel's small conference room.

Yang Mi said:

"Get some food, you haven't eaten either, right?"

"Didn't... make it lighter?"

"No, meat, get some meat to eat. After training all day, I didn't eat well at lunch. Is it okay if I don't eat meat at night?"


Sun Ting agreed without following Yang Mi in. After watching Yang Mi walk in, she quickly went to arrange dinner for a while.

When Yang Mi walked into the conference room, she found that many people were already there, including directors from various departments, including Zhang Zhen, Zhang Yi, and Lei Jiayin.

One glance and I knew I was late, so I quickly apologized:

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late... I went back to the house and took a nap. If Tingting hadn't called me, I might have slept until tomorrow."

Regardless of your status, you have to maintain the director's authority in the crew.

This is her code of conduct.

Even if she wants to sink Lu Yang into the Huangpu River, that will only happen after the filming is completed.

If she despised the director on the set, it would be equivalent to despising Xu Xin... It would definitely be inappropriate.

After hearing this, Lu Yang smiled and said:

"It's okay. We just arrived."

"Hmm... I won't take off the mask either. My face will definitely be swollen by now. I have to maintain my youthful and invincible beauty persona in front of everyone."


There were bursts of laughter.

Zhang Zhen also rubbed his face and asked:

"Is there any more? I want to put a piece on it too."

"Stop doing this! You want to rub my mask? There's no way!"


The two joked for a while, and Lu Yang said:

"Everyone is here, let's start. This time I will tell you about the next shooting plan..."

Yang Mi's ears twitched after hearing his words.

Looking around subconsciously.

Are everyone here?

Where is Yang Ying?

"After we start shooting, it's the highlight, and we have to shoot the finale first. It's the final group portrait scene, where Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying died in battle, Beizhai escaped, and Shen Lian was ambushed. After this scene is shot, it's Ding Baiying and Shen Lian's We will try to shoot the whole movie within three days..."

Lu Yang talked about his shooting plan.

Yang Mi lowered her head and took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Sun Ting:

"Ask Orange why the baby didn't come to the meeting."

"Okay, sister."

Downstairs in the hotel, Sun Ting, who was about to buy some of her sister's favorite dishes for dinner, found Orange's WeChat account.

Sent a number:


Soon, Orange replied:


Okay, the password passed.

If Orange replies "2", it means it is inconvenient.

In fact, this is a habit brought out by Sun Ting playing World of Warcraft.

When you have a private chat with a friend about something, you won't be like other software, where you will send a "Are you there" or something like that.

In WOW, when sending secret messages to someone, as long as they are friends or in a team, it is always "1".

1 means agree, 2 means disagree.

This is WOWER's established rule.

Then, Sun Ting's phone rang.

Seeing this, she connected and clicked the record button.

"Hey, Orange, where are you?"

"Sister, I'm having dinner in Guangdong."

Sun Ting was stunned:

"Yuehai? That seafood hotpot?"


"Why are you there? Director Lu called for a meeting and you didn't know?"

"I know, but Sister BABY and Director Lu have asked for leave and can't go back."


"I don't know the specific situation. After I separated from Sister Mi and got in the car, I heard Sister Baby ask Brother Xiao Ming: Is Lao Chen doing something big now? Brother Xiao Ming said: Yes, several movies have made money. , I’ve finally established my footing. Do you want to eat hot pot tonight? Let’s order hot pot, right?

After Sister Baby agreed, the two talked about the movie again. Brother Xiao Ming said: If Lao Chen asks you to make a movie, don’t agree so quickly. Sister Baby said: I understand, I have to let him be a favor to me. Just say that I have a full schedule of filming and am very busy.

After talking about this, we came here to eat hot pot. Brother Xiao Ming's assistant and I ate in the lobby, and there were six of them in the private room.

Then just now, about ten minutes ago, baby sister sent me a message. I'll forward the message to you, please take a look. "


Sun Ting responded, and after opening WeChat, she saw the message from Orange:

"Orange, come to the private room and say sister in front of everyone. Director Lu is looking for you. The crew has a meeting and everyone is here. Now, right away."

After reading this message, Sun Ting continued:

"Then what?"

"Then I entered the box and said this in front of those people. Sister Baby pretended to be surprised and quite embarrassed. After looking at those people, she said: Tell Director Lu, I have something going on here, and I might not be able to get through it. Please help me express my apology."


Sun Ting subconsciously twitched the corner of her mouth.

I immediately understood what Yang Ying meant.

All in all... Let Director Lu do a favor for her?

In front of these people, I expressed: I have delayed my work just to have dinner with you.

Do you want everyone to be kind to you?

"Brother Xiao Ming was quite surprised and advised: Why don't you go back first? Others also advised, saying that if you have something to do, just get busy first, it's okay. Sister Baby shook her head and said: We haven't seen each other for a long time. It's not good to leave. Work is work, life is life. If the movie starts filming, she will definitely concentrate on filming, but the crew hasn't started filming yet. Meeting an old friend in a foreign country is one of the four great joys in life... Those few people It makes me happy to see it. It’s just that Brother Xiao Ming seemed a little unhappy...but he didn’t show it, but I could tell."


Sun Ting was completely speechless.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Do you think Huang Xiaoming knew in advance that Director Lu called her?"

"Based on what I know about him..."

Orange paused for a while and said:

"I probably don't know. Because when we were in the car, Brother Xiao Ming was still talking to Sister Baby about how hard Sister Mi worked. He said that when they were on the set of "The Condor", Sister Mi had a very hard time filming a kung fu scene and she couldn't do it all the time. Well, those stuntmen used to give Miss Mi some shoes when they were hanging Wire...

It turns out that in just six or seven years, Sister Mi has worked so hard in private, which is really admirable. He said that Sister Shao was one of the most dedicated actors he had ever seen, and said that the baby sister should learn more and really work hard... I think since he can say such things, it makes no sense to finish these words first and then second. Just ask the baby sister to go out for dinner with him and ignore Director Lu.

Besides, I know his little actions when he is unhappy, I can see it. The baby sister probably made the decision directly at the dinner table without telling him in advance. He also loves face, and people praise him for finding a good girlfriend... He won't express his anger in person. But I can pay attention to whether the two of them quarrel at night. If they quarrel, it means that Brother Xiao Ming really doesn't know about this. "

After speaking, Orange asked:

"Sister Tingting, how about... I go and confirm again tonight?"

"No, I probably understand. Are you outside the hotel now?"

"Yes, there's no one around, just give your orders."


Sun Ting thought for a while and said:

"It's okay. You can have a good meal. Remember to delete the message."

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay, that's it."


The phone hangs up.

Sun Ting shook her head helplessly and walked into a restaurant.

Early 8 o'clock.

End of the meeting.

Yang Mi returned to the room minding her own business.

After entering the house, he saw Sun Ting sitting on the sofa and several take-out boxes on the heated and insulated placemats on the coffee table.

"What did you do?"

"Steamed sea bass, spicy and sour shredded potatoes, braised beef, garlic broccoli, and a ginger duck pot."

To be honest, this dish is actually quite a lot.

The two women had a meal of four dishes and one soup, which they couldn't finish no matter how hard they looked at it.

But no one can underestimate the appetite of a martial arts practitioner.

If you don’t eat, you won’t have strength. If you don’t have strength, where can you go to provide qi and blood?

Moreover, Sun Ting was very considerate and did not order the staple food, but substituted hot and sour shredded potatoes.

Potatoes are high-quality carbohydrates.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Quick, quick, start, I'm hungry."

Sun Ting quickly opened the takeout box.

Yang Mi picked up a large piece of braised beef with her chopsticks and nodded slightly.

Apparently the food tastes good.

Sun Ting also poured her a cup of lotus seed and tremella soup stewed in a health pot.

Just listen to Yang Mi ask:

"Have you asked clearly?"

"Well, I asked Orange."

He took out the message Yang Ying sent and the recording of the phone call while chatting with Orange on his cell phone.

Yang Mi ate and listened.

When hearing Orange's description of "meeting an old friend in a foreign land", Yang Mi paused with her chopsticks.

Then I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I laughed out loud:


While laughing, she picked up a chopstick of fish.

Maybe it was because I was hungry, and the food was a feast.

After the recording ended, Yang Mi asked while eating:

"What is the last thing you want to say to her?"

"I wanted to give her some reward. But I couldn't figure out what to give her for a while."


Yang Mi thought about it while holding the remaining half of the sea bass.

After a moment he asked:

"Does Orange have a boyfriend?"

"Yes?... It's hard for me to ask about this, sister."

"Well...the orange has an older brother on top and a younger brother on the bottom, right? How old is her brother?"

"It seems like I'm just a freshman this year."

"If I remember correctly, her hometown is from Jiangsu, right?"

"Yeah. Yes, it's from Yancheng. But it's hard to say whether it's from Jiangsu."


Yang Mi was immediately speechless.

He glared at her angrily:

"Don't say anything if you are not united!"


"Has Orange's house in Yanjing been finalized?"

"Yes, the third phase of Hanlin Yuefu, 96 square meters, will be handed over at the end of next year."

"Then give her two apartments in her hometown. Whether it's for her elder brother or her younger brother, or for the two elderly people to provide for themselves, it doesn't matter. Let her allocate the two apartments for one hundred and twenty. Give it to her at the end of the year, and tell her, I've always been thinking about her."

"Yeah, I understand."

Sun Ting nodded, picked up her phone, and recorded the incident.

Immediately afterwards, she saw that her sister was still using chopsticks to poke the sea bass that had been eaten up on one side and had no meat, so she wanted to use the chopsticks to help turn the sea bass over.

But Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Don't eat it, it's a bit fishy."

After saying that, she also took out her mobile phone.

Sun Ting didn't think much about it at first, but she immediately heard Yang Mi's words:

"Er Nao, are you busy?"

Two naughties?

Brother Xu Zhi?

Then I heard another sentence:

"Let me tell you something. What resources does Yang Ying have now?"

Sun Ting's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then I didn’t know what was said on the other side of the phone, so I heard Sister Mi continue:

"She's a little distracted now. If a person like this continues to invest, there will be hidden dangers. Stop it and give the resources to Jiaojiao."

For no reason, Sun Ting got goosebumps.

Then I heard my sister’s last words:

"Well, let's just say that. We'll talk about it in detail when we meet... Yes, stop it all. I don't care what she does with other people. Yun Tu won't give me anything... Okay, that's it... Well, it’s hung up.”


The phone hangs up.

Sun Ting glanced at Yang Mi.

I found that Sister Mi’s face was calm and calm...

It was as if he had done something trivial and not worth mentioning.

He casually put the take-out lid on the half-eaten seabass.

It was like a coffin was sealed, the sentence was pronounced on the remaining half of the fish...

death penalty.

I will leave for Shanghai tomorrow and attend the China Literature Annual Meeting the day after tomorrow. It's my first annual meeting, I'm a little nervous...

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