I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1029 1024 Denial

Chapter 1029 1024. Denial

This scene by Hokusai is actually quite simple.

Her perspective was that she was peeking in at the back door when Ding Baiying and Shen Lian were at war with each other in the teahouse. After snooping around and hearing the whole story, he had some thoughts in his mind.

At this moment, she was still from Zhu Youxiao, and she hadn't realized that she was just a chess piece that could be discarded at any time, so after hearing that Shen Lian hadn't put the manual on her body, she wanted to go to his house to get it.

Just such a scene.

And it’s very easy to shoot.

First of all, when observing the conversation between the two people, she does not need to act. It is purely expressed by the camera through the lens of anthropomorphic observation.

All she needs to do is to express the emotion of "thinking" and "peeping" when the camera takes a close-up of her.

It's actually very simple, just a few close-ups, and as long as the expressions are created, it only takes three to five minutes. Once the filming is done, it's done and everyone rushes to the next scene.

And speaking of Yang Ying's audition...actually there was no audition.

Lu Yang does prefer Yang Ying.

Moreover, I felt that as long as he had watched the previous drama between her and Huang Xiaoming or several other roles, he felt that it was all right. So I had no idea of ​​auditioning at all and directly sent out an invitation.

He made an invitation and the other party agreed.

It's that simple.

Well... from this aspect, who says that the director is not a star-struck person?

Moreover, he didn't even think this scene would be difficult.

It’s just a few very basic expressions, what’s so hard about it?

What's more, Yang Mi's outstanding performance gave him an illusion.

The main actors all performed so well, and the heroine will definitely be fine, too.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is extremely skinny.

Looking at Yang Ying winking there, Lu Yang suddenly felt a little sore in his balls.

It was the feeling of pain after the halo of an idol was shattered.

No...why are you frowning there?

It was obviously just a doubt, and a feeling of enlightenment and an idea in my heart...how come it started to look like all kinds of things to you?

? ? ? ?

He was speechless for a while.

But after the fourth expression was finished, before Lu Yang could say anything, Yang Ying asked:

"Is it okay? How is it? Is this the way to express it?"


For a moment, Lu Yang didn't know what to say.

In the crowd next to him, Sun Ting's eyes twitched and she glanced left and right.

Whether it was Lei Jiayin or Zhang Yi, including Zhang Zhen who was waiting to take the shot of walking into the inn... Sun Ting felt much more at ease when she found that everyone's expressions were weird.

Well, not bad.

I'm not the only one who thinks she can't do it, that means she really can't do it, and it's not my fault.

So, watching Lu Yang get up, take the script and say the words "Sister baby, this scene is like this..." After saying these words, looking at the back of the other party who generously died, she quietly retreated.

No, I really can’t stand it anymore.

All the way out of the inn, she found Yang Mi's RV in the parking lot not far away. When she walked in, she saw her sister closing her eyes and concentrating.

Feeling dazed for no reason.

It seemed that the woman named Ding Baiying was lying on the seat at this moment.

Yang Mi didn't open her eyes, but she didn't fall asleep either.

Ask directly:

"What are you doing?"

"I watched Sister Baby's show."

"how do you feel?"


Sun Ting thought for a while and gave a very straightforward answer without any embellishing:

"One close-up, four, not passed yet."


Yang Mi's eyes opened a slit.

After glancing at Sun Ting, he closed it again.

She was too lazy to speak.

As someone who has read the entire script, including Hokusai, she knows everything about the scenes...but she also understands the overall story flow. What's more, she was also involved in today's inn scene.

Everyone has previewed in advance what roles each actor will need.

Isn't Hokusai just a scene of peeping and then leaving?

This kind of play is so simple that it requires almost no brain use. If it can still be killed four times...

never mind.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with her in the future.

Never mind her.

As a result, the RV became quiet again.

Soon, the whole day passed.

At the juncture of dinner, after everyone met again, Yang Mi did not ask how the afternoon shooting was progressing.

As one of the leading actors, she actually has the right to eat alone and cook a small meal, and even... although she doesn't really care about the three melons and two dates, among the actors in the entire Xiying Studio, there are very few people who are more generous than her.

But she didn't.

Ding Baiying only had a few scenes, and they were finished early and finished early.

"Director Lu, are you doing anything tonight?"

she asked directly.

Hearing this, Lu Yang, who was holding two boxes of vegetables in his hand, immediately looked at Zhang Zhen.

Sister Mi only has one scene today, but Zhang Zhen has been filming since the morning when the camera was turned on until now.

Although there were intermittent pauses and periods of waiting, it was still a full day's work.

If you want to work overtime, you have to seek other people's opinions.

And Zhang Zhen is not a very hypocritical person.

He also knew about Yang Mi's situation, so he nodded:

"I'm OK. I feel like this scene should be quick."

Obviously, these words come from his confidence in himself and Yang Mi.

After hearing what he said, Lu Yang simply made a decision:

"Then let's film it tonight. Just this one scene, three fights. Let's film whatever we can, okay?"


With Zhang Zhen's agreement, the assistant director who was following Lu Yang went to assign the job with understanding.

In the crew, if the director says to work overtime and the actors are willing to work overtime, others must follow suit.

Even if it’s a little harder.

So, after dinner, the crew, who originally planned to shoot two more scenes and call it a day, set out again and headed to the bamboo forest scenic area of ​​the film and television city.

Set up camp, everyone rest, and wait for nightfall.

Just as everyone was getting their equipment ready, Sun Ting, who hadn't been seen since dinner, appeared and asked two stage managers to follow her.

Soon, the three of them came back together, and the two strong stage managers each held a box in their hands.

"Come on, come on, let's share some, mosquito repellent."

It turned out to be Tiger Brand Fengyoujing.

Everyone who came to receive it had a bottle in hand.

But apparently it hasn't been used up yet.

The rest followed Sun Ting's instructions, pried open the bottle of Fengyoujing, and scattered it around the bamboo forest as if they were free of money.

A smell of wind oil began to fill the air.

He was very professional. Even though his role for the day was over, Zhang Yi followed him and asked curiously:

"Does this thing work? How about lighting mosquito coils?"

Although he has been to Hengdian, he also knows that mosquitoes here are poisonous. But almost all the countermeasures I have seen are to light mosquito coils, even in the open air.

Order a few more plates and leave the rest to your own devices.

Anyway, in summer night dramas, the "crackling" movement in the crew is definitely indispensable.

However, he still has a very hateful physique that does not attract mosquitoes.

I don't feel anything about these at all.

It can be seen that people are spreading their charm like they don't need money. This is indeed the first time.

Hearing this, Sun Ting nodded:

"It works. When director Zhang Xu and his friends were filming "Golden Armor", there were more mosquitoes than now. That's how it came about. Sprinkle a few bottles of wind oil essence inside and outside the tent, and after a while, the mosquitoes were basically gone. Don’t lean over this way.”

When Zhang Yi heard it was "Golden Armor", he became interested.

He has watched the "Olympics" documentary.

"Were you there then?"


Sun Ting nodded:

"I have been with Sister Mi since I was the "Condor"."

"Good guy, you are a veteran of the Six Dynasties."

Zhang Yi's joke was rewarded with Sun Ting's smiling eyes.

But no...

I can be considered a veteran of the Six Dynasties.

With the joke, bottles of Fengyoujing were reduced.

The cool smell began to permeate the bamboo forest.

Night falls slowly.

The moon also hung on the branches.

It's almost time.

In the bamboo forest.

Lu Yang sat in front of the monitor again amid the ubiquitous smell of Fengyoujing.

To be honest, he is actually not in a good condition at the moment.

Mainly just a little headache.

I don’t know if it was because of the smoke or because my eyes were sore in the afternoon.

But there is a sense of expectation in my heart.

Or to put it more vividly, I didn’t see enough.

The scene between these two in the afternoon was great.

So good that he kept thinking about it.

The more I think about it, the more I look forward to it.

Looking forward to what kind of performance these two people will bring.

Soon, the actors appeared.

Today's scene is the scene where Shen Lian comes into contact with Ding Baiying for the first time after chasing the assassin too deep into the bamboo forest, falling into an ambush.

There is only one key point in this scene, and that is that Ding Baiying cut off Shen Lian's sword with one blow.

The two of them were already familiar with the movements.

In other words, everyone is familiar with them, including Li Yuan who plays Ding Chong and Wu Xiaoliang who plays Ding Tai.

After a while, I already knew how to move and how to fight.

But Yang Mi's play is actually much simpler.

Don't speak, pretend to be a master...or in other words, be a master who doesn't speak, and then wait for Shen Lian to use her as a breakthrough point, and then slash out with the knife.

By the way, I used bamboo poles and fists to educate the other party.

But Yang Mi still persisted. She always felt that it was too procrastinating to have sword skills, boxing skills, and spear skills.

But since the director wants to see it, he can shoot it.

So, as the actors took their positions, Lu Yang saw that they were almost ready and started filming this scene directly.

Following the director's order, Li Yuan, who played Ding Chong, was in front and Shen Lian was behind, and they began to chase wildly.

The scene was not difficult at all, and it ended with Shen Lian slashing Ding Chong's back with his sword, only to find that the opponent's cloak was not a physical body, but a strange feeling of blow.

Then came the mace competition between Wu Xiaoliang and Zhang Zhen.

The play is not difficult at all.

Although Wu Xiaoliang is not from a major, he has been in this circle since 2004. Moreover, he and Lu Yang were very good personal friends, otherwise this role would not have fallen to him.

The acting is not a professional one, but it is still solid.

After embodying everything that the character of Dingtai should express, it soon came to the group attack scene.

Ding Chong and Ding Tai besieged Shen Lian, but Shen Lian seized the opportunity and rushed towards what seemed to be the only breakthrough, the mysterious woman holding a long knife.

This scene was filmed separately because it was incoherent.

I want to capture Shen Lian's explosive conflict, and I want to capture Yang Mi's domineering sword.

There is no need to say more about the lines and dialogue in the middle, both of them are very good at it, but these are not the point.

The point is...

Yang Mi was finally in the monitor, and she finally made the cut.

That dazzling knife.

When Yang Mi was chatting with Yu Laoxian, she asked Yu Laoxian if he read martial arts novels, and got an affirmative answer.

He sees it.

And when she asked another question... which was actually debated by many people, "Do you like Jin Yong or Gu Long?", Yu Lao's answer was:

"I think Gu Long is more pleasing to the eye."

Yang Mi was a little confused and asked why. The answer she got was:

"The sword flashed like a dragon in the sky. The sword written by Gu Long was so fast that it was dizzying."

It was hard for Yang Mi to imagine that a master who had been practicing "Kung Fu is a killing technique" all his life, a simple and unpretentious master who could see things from the smallest detail, would say such poetic words.

But according to the master, Gu Long's sword is like this.

Compared with Jin Yong's calm and upright style, Gu Long's book has a temperament that is more like that of a swordsman both inside and outside.

In fact, if someone puts the seven most famous knives written by Gu Long and their seven owners together, you will find that these people have many similarities with their own knives, that is: simplicity, depth, restraint, and generosity.

Knives are different from swords. To practice swordsmanship, you must cultivate a domineering spirit in your chest.

Cut horizontally and vertically, and you must not be vague when making moves.

The knife is pragmatic.

Unlike the sword, although the sword is a gentleman among soldiers, it is also fancy.

But the knife is different.

In other words, unlike those knives created for performance, real swordsmanship rarely has dazzling moves. Even the most fancy-looking night battles are nothing more than offensive and defensive skills that can sweep thousands of armies.

Knife, pragmatic. But Gu Long wrote it into poetry.

Gu Long doesn't know martial arts, but the sword he writes about can make a martial arts master feel angry.

The Grandmaster knew that his sword would not be so poetic.

That’s why I imagined myself as in the book.

Yu Lao likes cologne.

Although Yang Mi prefers Jin Yong's love story between children and children, she has also studied it.

Knives should be simple.

All movements are as simple as possible.


The swordsmanship in movies and TV dramas is simple and ugly.

Therefore, there must be a hand-crafted poetry and chicness.

So, when Zhang Zhen struck, she followed the director's request, drew the knife, and then blocked it.

But after blocking it, she played a trick.

Sang Lin's movement design is to block his own body and then follow the trend to slash down. But Yang Mi made one more move in this block and attack.

It was like someone holding a fluorescent stick in the dark night and drawing a trail in the darkness.

The moment she used the opponent's moves, she gave the knife across her body a poetic arc.

Under the light, the blade of the sword, which was already glowing with silver, suddenly had a curved and flexible arc. When she held it in her hand, it made a force-relieving movement arc in the air, and then turned into a thunderous running thunder. , after turning sideways, the waist and horse became one, and with all the strength of his body, he slashed downwards.

That silver arc is like the connecting and lubricating yang of the middle finger and the yin of the two simple moves of blocking and slashing.

The moment it was struck by the blade, it was like a flash of red among the green bushes.

Printed in the camera.

It’s also imprinted on everyone’s mind.

This sword cut resolutely and handsomely.

Especially when he bowed his waist and dismounted from the horse at the end, maintaining the fixed action of chopping, it seemed that this chop was done with extra ease.

But this scene looks so harmonious in the eyes of the camera and everyone.

Just like in Gu Long's novel, the swordsman's sword is sheathed, and the people who were knifed feel the coldness brought by their own bodies in the dazzling light of the sword.


As if feeling the cold, Lu Yang came back to his senses.

Seeing the two people who were still moving stiffly, he quickly shouted after realizing:

"Click...OK!...I'll take a look first."

Everything that happened just now happened too fast, and even though he was prepared, he still didn't see it clearly. So I looked at it again with the help of the monitor.

Run, no problem.

Up close, no problem.

Sister Mi draws the knife, Zhang Zhen strikes... OK, no problem.

Then, he saw Yang Mi's block, and saw the Qi Jiadao being cut down by the opponent's heavy power. At first glance, it looked like he had lost in a wrestling match, but in fact, it was just like using the opponent's strength to cut it down. One knife.

"It's so beautiful."

He couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Then he gave a thumbs up to the two of them:

"This one passes! Perfect!"

And his words were recognized by everyone.


This knife...

It's really amazing.

Even Li Yuan, the actor for this scene, nodded slightly unconsciously.

There was a complex look in his eyes that was mixed with admiration and despair.

She thought she had worked very hard for the role of Ding Chong.

But when she saw Sister Mi's stab... for no reason, she suddenly felt a little despair in her heart.

It's like cutting off his martial arts dream.

8 a.m. on September 8th, Los Angeles time.

That is around 11pm on the 8th, Chinese time.

Xu Xin yawned and got into the car with a pot of brewed tea in his hand.

The filming of "John Wick" is proceeding in an orderly manner, and all aspects are progressing smoothly. He estimates that... in another 25 to 30 days, it will almost be over.

And today is another working day. He will rush to the scene early to start the day's work.

Glanced at the phone.

There is no other news from my wife except for "working overtime tonight to film Ding Baiying's scene."

He didn't care, and after getting in the car, he motioned for Su Meng to drive.

By the way, I lit a cigarette to refresh myself early in the morning.

The mood is as bright as the beautiful weather in Los Angeles.

"Mengmeng, the sukiyaki pot you had the day before yesterday was pretty good, right?"

"Yes, Brother Xu. Especially the udon noodles at the end, with the leftover fried noodles, it feels very comfortable to eat."

"Then continue today?"

"Okay, then I'll talk to the chef later?"


The two of them were chatting and walking towards the set. Suddenly, Xu Xin's phone rang.

When he saw the caller, he was stunned and answered the call quite unexpectedly:

"Hey, Sister Mo."

Su Meng thought it was Liu Momo and didn't think much about it.

"Are you in America?"

"Yes, Los Angeles, I'm filming here. What's wrong? You've been on your honeymoon for a long time. I remember the last time I got a call from you was the last time."

Zhang Mo on the other side of the ocean couldn't help but roll his eyes.

My heart says that you have said enough nonsense.

"I'm going to America tomorrow."

she said.

Xu Xin said casually:

"Come on, is it you two? Or yourself?"

Only then did Su Meng realize who the "Sister Mo" opposite was.

"Both of us."


Suddenly, Xu Xin paused, seemed to realize something, and asked in surprise:

"Is filming for "The Return" finished?"

"No, but the first phase is over. What's left is The Winter's Tale, which will be filmed in December. There's nothing going on during this period, so we just agreed to come to the United States to stay for a few days."

"Okay, I approve."

After hearing this, Zhang Mo finally couldn't help but complain:

"I found out why you are so naughty."


Xu Xin smiled quite happily and asked:

"How is Shishi doing?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Let's tell lies first."

"To lie is to exceed my dad's or all of our expectations."

"Then what's the truth?"

"In line with my dad's expectations. This film actually doesn't give her much room to develop, but there are still sparks, but according to my dad, they are not that strong. She still needs to practice. If she can calm down, she belongs The type where hard work can make up for weakness.”

Hearing Zhang Mo's evaluation, Xu Xin was honestly not surprised.

Because Shishi is indeed not very talented in acting.

Even if we really want to compare, Fei Xian'er's talent is stronger than hers.

But again, as an actor, as long as you work hard, success or failure depends on your fate, but in the end, acting skills lead to the same goal.

So he responded:

"As long as her performance is up to standard. She's on a pretty solid path."

"Yeah. My dad said the same thing."

After Liu Zhishi finished talking about it, Xu Xin asked again:

"Then you called me today...do you want to come to Los Angeles to play? Come to me?"

"That's not true. I'm calling you for two different reasons. Isn't it because of the time difference? We can only wait for a while to chat."

"you say."

"The first thing is that people from LeTV are contacting my dad."


Xu Xin narrowed his eyes, sat up slightly, threw the poor cigarette butt out of the window, and then raised the window:

"How did you get in touch?"

"They want to be the publisher of "Return". This is the first purpose. The second purpose is to hope that my dad can appear at their New Year's Day... It seems to be a financing or some kind of investment meeting. The general meaning That is, my dad can buy some shares, and then the two parties will strengthen cooperation.

You also know that the old man is only making movies now, and I am in charge of his company, so he has never worried about this matter at all and left it all to me. Why don't I ask you now? I think Mimi cooperates quite closely with them.

But if you hand over "Tiny Times"... I really don't understand it. So I want to ask what's going on here. "


Xu Xin almost knew what advice he should give on this matter in the blink of an eye.

So he said:

"The film "Tiny Times" was given to me by Ni Feng in exchange for more shares of LeTV. This is external, internal... In fact, the tone of this film is not in line with the northwest circle, it is too inconsistent. It happens to be LeTV We really need some good movies to show off, so the two parties exchanged resources. As for so-called cooperation... we can cooperate, but not too closely."

"how to say?"

"They are very reliable at this stage, but they will not be reliable in the future. The shares they exchanged against the wind are those that intend to package and sell them all at a certain point to make profits. So, do you understand?"


Zhang Mo remained silent.

After about ten seconds, she asked:

"Then when do you plan to sell?"

"You have to ask Lao Wang about this. I don't know anything about financing, stock finance, etc. But if you want to cooperate, I will notify you in advance when the time comes to sell."

Understanding Xu Xin's subtext, she asked:

"You mean you approve of my dad cooperating with them?"

"At this stage, there is no harm at all. The old man leaves the company to you, and you just do it. Isn't generating income also a part of performance, not to mention this circle... Especially this year, there are big changes. You should be early Come in and figure out how to play the numbers here, and you won’t suffer any losses in the future.”

"But I'm afraid of tying my dad to LeTV."

"What kind of international joke are you kidding? There's no one in the world who can kidnap him? You don't treat the old man like a dish."

"Then... okay, let me think about it again? There won't be any objections from the headwind side, right?"

"Even if Headwind invests in a movie, it will be distributed by others. It's easy to lose friends if you produce and sell it yourself. If you don't believe me, just watch Tang Ren."

"...Okay. Then I will talk to them then and see how this matter will be implemented. In addition, there is one more thing. I plan to start with "Heroes" and gradually work with Zhang Weiping on a systematic Let’s do some reconciliation.”

Xu Xin was stunned and asked subconsciously:


"Because my dad suffered too much. I took a look at his records during the New Picture Period, and found that many of them were stupid and outrageous. With a single director's fee, everything was settled. "Hero" is shining all over the world. The box office revenue was US$177 million, not including the money for subsequent DVD releases...

If you see my dad's account books, you will know that the $177 million has nothing to do with him, not even the box office dividends promised in the contract.

Isn't this nonsense?

This is also true for box office performances including "The Golden Jacket" and "House of Flying Daggers". I conservatively estimate that it will start at least 30 million. There is no way I would let my dad suffer with this money. So I plan to reconcile the accounts, but I also understand that he will definitely not confront me, so I plan to go through the judicial process directly. "

"What did the old man say?"

"He didn't let me. He didn't think it was necessary, so I just let it go. But I can't admit this loss, and I've already started looking for an audit."


At this time, Xu Xin's brows really wrinkled.

The first reaction is that if you ask for the money, it is only natural.


He didn't know what to do.

After all, he had seen Zhang Weiping look like a villain before.

He can put his finger on a patient with cerebral congestion... Who dares to overestimate his lower limit?

"Do you want to think about it? Don't forget, the old man and Aunt Ting..."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Zhang Mo already understood it. said:

"That's why I called you. I know there are risks in this matter, but I can't admit it, and I can't let my dad suffer such a big loss. I'm just like a normal person. I can't do it! So... you Do you think my father and Aunt Ting are safe enough? If so, I will really start!"


At this time, Xu Xin didn't know how to answer.

He naturally believes in his father's ability to do things.


"Do you want to communicate with the old man again? I think sometimes money is not necessarily the most important thing for him, otherwise the two of them would not have gotten along in this way for so many years..."

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Mo said:

"Money is definitely not the most important thing. But I can't admit that my dad suffered such a big loss."


At this time, Xu Xin was speechless.


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