I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1030 1025 Achievements in Legend

In fact, Xu Xin can't be said to agree with Zhang Mo's idea.

Again, he didn't dare to overestimate Zhang Weiping's lower limit.

But...what can I say about this matter?

From the perspective of an "outsider" like him, more is worse than less.

But it’s just like Guo Degang said in his cross talk, one of the most hateful people in the world is the kind of person who advises you to be generous in everything.

If there is such a person, stay away from him as soon as possible.

Zhang Mo is the old man's biological daughter, and the biological daughter collects wages for her biological father and gets back the salary that belongs to her biological father. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the King of Heaven is here.

Therefore, Xu Xin can only make suggestions, rather than make any guiding opinions.

But now that she has decided, the only thing Xu Xin can do is to think about the possible consequences of this matter, and whether the old man can bear the consequences.

After hanging up the phone, I thought about it for a while and found... that there was actually no hidden danger in this matter.

After all, the old man spent a lot of effort when he first did it.

The old man has always regarded the old man as his nobleman.

Come to think of it, this is indeed the case.

Without Teacher Yu and the old man, no one knows what he would be like now. Even I don't dare to think about what kind of life I would have lived if I hadn't had that dream whose content I couldn't remember at all.

Therefore, the old Xu family must go all out for the things that Director Zhang entrusts.

Among the contents that go all out, Qianggu Real Estate vigorously develops real estate for Wuxi, including the maintenance of a series of basic urban construction, etc.

These things are business and favors.

Under the influence of human nature, many things can be said to be done to perfection.

And at that level of perfection, basically there won’t be any problems. Otherwise, not only the old man, but also other people’s faces would be disgraced.

Some things can be left unfinished.

But if you can't even whitewash peace, then you are truly incompetent.


Xu Xin half-squinted his eyes, lowered the window and lit another cigarette.

He smoked half and Feng half.

In the end, both parties came to a conclusion together.

Well, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After thinking about it all the way, when he arrived at the set, he regained his composure and got into work.

Before starting work, he received a message from Yang Mi:

"It's time to call it a day. I'm so tired. Let's go back to bed."

Zhang Mo arrived on the 9th, but after arriving in Los Angeles, she only had one meal with Xu Xin.

According to Meng Danqing, there is actually nothing worth playing or seeing here in Los Angeles. The purpose of their trip is Huangshi, but the IMAX company here has some things to deal with, so they will stay for two days.

After finishing the meal, the two of them said goodbye.

When Xu Xin saw the news about Sister Mo again, she had already changed into outdoor clothes in her circle of friends and looked like she was about to go on a hiking trip with her lover.

Xu Xin looked envious.

He and Yang Mi had been in love for such a long time, and the two of them went camping once.

I have never taken other pink and tender girls camping more often than my wife.

There is no doubt that his wife still loves him.

But from this aspect, there shouldn’t be much left.

On the 13th, he received a notice from his wife.

All her scenes in "Xiu Chun Knife" have been completed.

Went directly back to Yanjing Milk Baby.

Xu Xin's worried heart was relieved.

Although Nuannuan and Yangyang are gradually getting used to their parents' work style and separation, as parents, they still want to give their children as much companionship as possible.

But movies are not something that can be made faster just by speeding up the progress.

His wife's return only made him feel more at ease.

The days were progressing in an orderly manner during the filming of "John Wick".

September 20th came in a blink of an eye.

This day is not a special day, at least for Xu Xin.

But for YOUTUBE viewers, a very interesting advertisement appeared on YouTube today.

Volvo uploaded an advertisement with a somewhat "advertising" nature.

As long as users log in to YouTube, they can see the content of this advertisement on the homepage. It starts with a freeze frame.

Between the two trucks, Jean-Claude Van Damme's two unreasonably long legs spanned the left and right sides, forming a very aesthetic and pleasing one-piece horse.

Many people were attracted by this freeze-frame picture and clicked on it.

After clicking in, accompanied by Enya's music, is Jean-Claude Van Damme's magnetic voice.

He stood on the reversing mirrors of the two trucks, and his voice narration slowly came out:

“I’ve had my ups and downs.”

“Through thick and thin.”

“These have made me who I am today.”

He looked at the viewers in front of the screen with a determined face, and the narration tone slowly became firm:

"Now, standing in front of you is my perfect figure that has been tempered for many times, and my legs that can defy the laws of physics. And my mind that allows me to master a magical skill. These created this epic action..."

As the narration faded, the two trucks moving backward began to slowly separate.

And his legs slowly spread apart as the truck reversed...

Finally, it became a bridge...

I don’t know how many people were stunned by this scene.

So is the oil pipe.

The same goes for people on domestic video websites such as Youku and Tudou.

The name of the video on YouTube is quite normal, it’s called “Volvo – FH Truck Commercial – Extreme Control”.

The domestic translation is more straightforward.

"Volvo - a legend."

I have to say that when it comes to translation, domestic translation is definitely better.

But domestic Volvo actually did not choose to promote it.

Because China has never been Volvo's main market for heavy trucks. They just uploaded it but didn't promote it much.

On the YouTube side, on the other hand, you can always see the 1 minute and 17 seconds Volvo ad in the open-screen advertisement and the surrounding small ad links, whether you click or watch it.

And everyone who clicks in to watch has a strong interest in this advertisement.

First of all, this ad is great, there’s no doubt about it.

The power, the beauty, the situations, the themes are all very clear.

But it's special.

There is a very strange sense of contradiction.

This sense of ambivalence is endearing.

Jean-Claude Van Damme's sense of power... almost overflowing from the screen, paired with Enya's soft and ethereal tone in the background music, creates a harmonious quality that complements and complements each other.

Even the lines are full of hints of puns.

Multiple different elements are perfectly integrated in this 1 minute and 17 seconds, giving people an unforgettable slow shock.

Yes, this ad is actually pretty good at first glance.

But it has great staying power.

Jean-Claude Van Damme's split leg will always be flashed in front of many people's eyes unconsciously.

Force them to look at it again and...

Leave your own comments:

“Again, Scania Scania Scania!!”

"OMG, I admit I was shocked."

“Scania NO.1!”

"Then let Scania shoot an ad like this, otherwise don't put it under Volvo's ad, you idiots!"

"Is this a stunt? It looks too fake. It's impossible for humans to do such an action."

"Brother, you're questioning a Hollywood action star?"

"Wow, impressive ad! I love it!"

"Volvo's handling is captured to the extreme by this ad. It's true, their trucks are great! Jean-Claude Van Damme is great too! I love this ad!"

"Am I the only one who noticed the name of the director--Goedesh? Is it the Goedesh from "Perfect Strangers"?"

"Xu Gou made an advertisement without saying a word?"

"Fun fact, the director of this advertisement is Goethe Schuh. Not only did he win the Venice Golden Lion, he also just won the Berlin Golden Bear this year. At the same time, the previous advertisement was also for Volvo, the XC90 advertisement, which was equally impressive and direct. It has driven Volvo XC90 sales to increase by more than 10%."

"His Chinese name is XUXIN, and the XC90 advertisement is also great, link:..."

Except for some funny people who are making trouble and criticizing Scania under this video, others can almost say that they are full of praise for this advertisement.

Not only is the number of views rising steadily, but the number of ads for "The Matrix XC90" that Xu Xin previously filmed is also rising sharply.

After the advertising data was transferred back to Volvo, everyone was delighted.

And, at the end of September 20th, the data was sent directly to Xu Xin.

The number of views on the first day of the "Legend of Achievement" advertisement: 8.67 million.

Unlike in China, where the views are often hundreds of millions of clicks, the number of views on YouTube is relatively real. These more than 8 million views are real.

Obviously, the audience recognized this advertising idea very much.

The most intuitive effect is that the search volume of Jean-Claude Van Damme on YouTube has skyrocketed.

And Enya’s song “ONLY TIME”.

Xu Xin naturally received this news, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

To be honest, he was quite busy today. The warehouse shootout scene shot in the afternoon needed some adjustments. After shooting two scenes in the afternoon, he was not satisfied and began to study and make adjustments with the team. Even after get off work in the evening, he was not idle and continued to optimize these routes.

So when I received the text message from Volvo, I didn't even care about the eight million views.

In other words, what if I see it?

No matter how much Volvo Trucks sells because of this advertisement, it will not give itself a penny in dividends.

But just because he doesn't care doesn't mean that others don't care.

Such as other car brands.

As the other two absolute giants of trucks, whether it is Scania or Mercedes-Benz, who were wildly teased by the audience under this advertisement, they have also noticed the data of this advertisement.

You know, YouTube is the world's largest video portal, and the popularity of the videos on it can actually be said to be linked to the entire West.

More than 8 million video data per day is an excellent achievement regardless of any video released just one day ago. Even if Volvo bought the home page position.

But for the same purchased advertising space, many ads may stay on the homepage for one day, three days, or even a week, and the data is not as good as it.

After all, an advertising space is an advertising space. Whether the audience sees it or not is another matter.

YouTube viewers have a high tolerance for advertisements, mainly because it does not force you to watch certain advertisements.

In this open environment, this heavy truck advertisement can actually reach 8 million views?

This number can be said to be a miracle.

You know...first of all it's advertising. Second, it's a truck commercial.

This isn’t some new video from an internet celebrity, or some Obama doing a funny dance on a Gangnam doll.

Volvo's heavy-duty trucks are famous in the truck industry, but for countless ordinary people, they are just ordinary transportation vehicles.

The fact that it is favored by so many people has nothing to do with Volvo itself.

Even if this advertisement is placed on Scania or Mercedes-Benz, it will not feel inconsistent at all.

Therefore, the only reason why it is so popular is that this director made an advertisement that is enough to break the circle and attract unrelated people!

So, while seemingly unrelated, secretly, something about this ad has begun to permeate the air.

First of all, which company does the idea come from?

You have to ask the people at Volvo.

But there is no difficulty.

Which car company doesn’t have a few friends? You can always ask when you are eating or making a phone call.

Secondly, you need to understand Goethe Hsu.

Car companies only know him from his "The Matrix XC90" last time.

That advertisement was actually very popular, and... no matter what, it was quite courageous to have two Asians star in the advertisement in the European and American markets.

But the XC90 did increase sales because of this advertisement, which is an indisputable fact.

But these car companies have always been very strict in their review of advertising directors and plans. After all, when an advertisement is shot, it means that it is not only placed on one or several TV stations. If it is small, it is a country; if it is large, it is even the whole world.

Obviously, with the XC90, Volvo made the right bet.

However, other car companies are still conservative in their attitude towards inviting two Asians to be the protagonists.

In other words... if this happens to them, the most they can do is release it in Greater China. Other regions would never dare to do this.

Therefore, Xu Xin's success is a fact for them, but it is also relatively accidental.

But this time it was different.

Unlike cars, this ad may not bring much sales to Volvo. But trucks have never been judged by sales volume, but by brand competitiveness and long-term competitiveness starting in five or ten years.

The higher the recognition of your brand by users, the stronger the vitality of the truck brand.

For truck companies whose annual sales can easily reach 500,000, 800,000, or even millions, vitality and brand recognition mean everything.

Although this advertisement has only been aired for one day, according to their evaluation, it is already in the category of absolutely excellent.

Car companies are well-informed.

Almost within a few hours, all the news about this advertisement appeared in the eyes of some paying attention.

First of all, the creative plan for this advertisement was not produced by some advertising creative company.

But it came from Goethe's own handwriting.

Volvo provided him with many creative proposals from advertising companies, but he rejected them all.

Then... like a Doraemon, he took out this plan from nowhere, and the evaluation of this plan by Volvo's team was also extremely simple...

"All the advertising proposals were inferior to this. After taking one look at his proposal, we overturned all preselections directly."

In other words, Goethe's plan is the best one.

And, this isn't the first time.

In fact, the XC90 advertising idea was also created by Goethe himself.

This news is incredible!

Goethe proposed a plan of his own design! ?

And not just once!

All of a sudden, many car companies became enthusiastic.

And, there’s even better news!

Goedesh's endorsement contract with Volvo Cars expires in October!

Although he still has an advertising contract with Volvo that has not yet been completed, the two contracts are separate. In other words, they can not only check whether Goedesh has become their own car brand, but they can also invite the other party to shoot advertisements for their own car brand.

A director who can design his own advertising ideas and have two consecutive ideas become popular is enough to impress them!


On September 26, the YouTube video playback of Volvo's "Legend of Achievements" exceeded 100 million.

It became the first truck advertisement to exceed 100 million yuan.

And the impact it brings is not just as simple as data.

It also caused a wave of followers.

Some bloggers uploaded their own ads on the third day after the ads appeared.

The background sounds of Jean-Claude Van Damme and Enya's songs were still used, but they were changed to the means of transportation at hand during filming.

Someone used two cars to imitate it.

Some people simply asked a few buddies to carry them.

There are also motorcycles... and even game mods.

The most exaggerated MOD is a game character standing on two planes side by side, making a horse in the air.

Funny and exaggerated.

But underneath the funny exaggeration, is the profound impact this advertisement has had!

Some people have even reached a conclusion.

"This is the best truck commercial ever! Bar none!"

"On September 28th, I will come and kill all the flowers. The incense array will penetrate Chang'an, and the whole city will be filled with golden armor..."


Listening to Xu Xin's poem that changed the date without authorization, Guo Fan shook his head helplessly.

I said in my heart that you, old man, seem to be in a really good mood.

But...it's true.

The filming of "John Wick" went smoothly and is now in the final stages.

If nothing else happens, the film may be completed around the National Day.

After thinking about it like this, even his mood improved.

and asked:

"Director Xu, can we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together?"

"When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"Hmm... ok."

When he said this, he still felt a little regretful in his heart.

If the filming can be completed earlier, he can go home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"I'll ask Brother Ji if he's going?"


Guo Fan agreed happily.

These days, he and Brother Ji are getting along very happily.

And just when Xu Xin was about to ask, a voice sounded:


Xu Xin subconsciously turned his head and found that it was Lao Qian, still wearing a three-piece suit, walking over with two middle-aged men in the same suits and ties.

He didn't pay much attention at first, thinking it must be someone from Paramount.

After Lao Qian came over, he smiled and introduced sideways:

"Xu, this is the California person in charge of Bentley. Robert Vincent, this is Robert's secretary Charlie."

Xu Xin was stunned...

But his body had already reacted and he subconsciously stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Mr. Vincent."

Some bald middle-aged people responded with a smile:

"Hello, Xu. George and I are old friends. He often mentions you and says that you are one of the most talented directors he knows."

"Haha, thank you George for the compliment."

Although it was not clear what the Bentley executive was doing to come to him, he could tell from the other party's words that he and Georgia seemed quite familiar.

So chatting and greetings must not be too lively.

Then, after Xu Xin shook hands with Charlie again, Lao Qian said:

"Xu, are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together?"

"no problem."

Xu Xin nodded and agreed.

Although I don’t know what the other party wants to do with me, I’ll wait and see.

"Then we'll wait for you."


After nodding with the three people, Xu Xin was busy with the finishing touches on the set.

Soon, at almost 6 o'clock, the group left the set.

Xu Xin took Lao Qian's car, while Robert and Charlie were in the same car.

He didn't let Su Meng follow him, and planned to take Lao Qian's car back together later.

After getting in the car, the driver was driving in front, and Lao Qian was sitting in the back and directly explained the reason for today's dinner:

"Xu, Bentley is very interested in you."

Xu Xin showed an expression of surprise, but not surprise.

He also knows that Volvo's advertisement has been very popular on YouTube recently, and many people have pranked it.

But I didn't expect these car companies to respond so quickly.

"They came directly to you?"


Lao Qian chose to speak out:

"Didn't we announce our cooperation in this movie before? They want to get close to you, either through the phone number you left at the 4S store, or through Paramount. But the former is an invasion of privacy, and the latter is more formal. Some. So I found me and wanted to meet you and have a chat."

After speaking, he asked curiously:

"Xu, was your creative team the one who came up with the Volvo ad? Or was it you yourself?"


After getting this answer, Lao Qian was a little surprised.

But the words are as it should be:

"I think so. Those ads are really great. It's natural for them to find you. Your two ads are enough for these car companies to notice you. What's more, your contract with Volvo will end next month ,Right?"

"George, I found that you are all very well-informed. I signed this contract in China, can you dig it out?"

"Xu, this is the benefit of having many friends, isn't it?"

Lao Qian smiled a little contentedly.

"Old guys like us who can't keep up with the times, we can't learn many of the methods of young people. But the old guys who have lived in this city for decades always have some methods of their own. For example, yours In fact, it was not me who dug up the news, but Robert and the others.

According to my experience, it should be someone from China's Bentley who asked about your contract and then sent it back here. Believe me, Xu, Bentley may be the first to find you, but he will definitely not be the last. "

"Then do you have any constructive suggestions, George."


Georgia thought for a while and said:

"Xu, my advice is not to worry. You can't catch big fish with small bait. From what I know about Robert, although he is an American, the Bentley brand is full of strange British arrogance. Obviously Their market is shrinking all the time. But there are always some pretentious guys who think it’s still the same ocean as it was in the last century. You have a lot of choices, don’t you?”

Lao Qian said like a treasure trove:

"GM, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Land Rover... I believe there are definitely more than one companies that are interested in you. So, just keep in touch and choose the one you like in the end."

"It sounds like you and Robert also have a normal relationship."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Lao Qian laughed out loud. After looking at Xu Xin, he didn't answer the question and just naturally started talking about movies.

"How's the movie going?"

"Very good, the finishing touches have begun."

For "John Wick," Paramount sent two producers. Counting Liu Momo, there are three in total.

For a film costing over $20 million, this was just the right amount.

But honestly speaking, Xu Xin had to admit that he liked Georgia's way of cooperation.

Just like he said.

He is a remnant of the old era.

Hollywood has evolved from a director system at the beginning to a producer system now. In Xu Xin's opinion, there is actually nothing good or bad about this system.

After all, some directors just like to have fun.

There are many incidents where costs are not under control, the interests of investors are harmed, and there are many tragedies that lead to negative consequences without time to restrain.

After switching to the producer system, the rights of the director have been greatly restricted, and costs and risks have become controllable.

As far as the work is concerned, it's pretty good.


Maybe it was obvious that Xu Xin didn't like this producer system.

From the beginning of the movie, Old Money only appears at critical moments.

For example, when the crew needs to move to the next stage, or encounters any difficulties, whether it is money, venue, technology, or other aspects. Whenever the crew encounters difficulties, he will appear on time.

To put it bluntly...it's like a ghost.

You could never see him during the day, but when you were scared, he was definitely under your bed.

With this kind of cooperation, Xu Xin did not feel any pressure from the producers throughout the process. Even another producer followed Lao Qian's lead.

Without the constraints of the producer, filming in Hollywood is no different to him than in China.

Therefore, I felt really comfortable filming this film.

But similarly, being able to show up on time when he is needed shows that at least Xu Xin's crew has a group of "ghosts" who are watching him all the time.

Xu Xin can naturally understand.

But again, Lao Qian is a guy who is hard to dislike when getting along with him.

This total old money, old school guy is truly a gentleman.

The cooperation between the two was quite pleasant.

And this happiness lasted until the dinner in the evening.

This section of the road to the hotel was the buffer time Robert left for Lao Qian to communicate with himself.

So, at the dinner table, Robert extended an invitation to Bentley.

"Xu, we would like to ask you to shoot an advertisement for us. The commission is US$1.5 million. If the effect of the advertisement is very good, we would also like to invite you to become the spokesperson of Bentley in Greater China."

Hearing this, Xu Xinxin said that what Lao Qian said was true.

This is really the "arrogance" unique to car companies that have been around for centuries.

Although, the commission of 1.5 million is already very high.

Recommended book, the main character is writing a love letter to the second-generation coal mine...hahahahaha...

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