I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1032 1027 people look like dogs

"My friend, congratulations on taking your historic first step into Hollywood."

This is what Georgia said to Xu Xin's ears during the applause of the final film.


Xu Xin was stunned.

But he didn't show a particularly happy expression as the other party expected.

On the contrary, he looked...astonished.

"What's wrong?"

Georgia asked with a smile.

Xu Xin shook his head and said:

"Honestly, George, I would have forgotten this was Hollywood if you didn't remind me."


Now it was Lao Qian's turn to be speechless.

But his eyes noticed the expression on the young director's face.

Very peaceful.

In this life, Lao Qian has met many directors who first came to Hollywood and got some opportunities.

Most people rarely have a particularly calm expression on their faces after completing their first film in Hollywood.

Because Hollywood is their dream.

Although it sounds a bit discriminatory to say it, in the eyes of these producers...especially the older generation of producers, many foreign directors have a bit of a country feel.

After feeling the charm of this dream factory, I became trembling with trepidation, joy and fear...

This feeling is something that Hollywood natives who have been born in Rome cannot experience.

Just like those countries from the third world yearning for the United States.

Many people have it.

Nine out of ten, definitely not an exaggeration.


The young friend in front of him had extremely clear eyes.

It's like telling myself:

"It's just a movie."

A little thing...no big deal.

Lao Qian was startled.

Then he smiled.

"Xu, I need a vacation for a while."

MR. Wick, who returned with the dog in his arms, said directly.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Yes, "Walden"."

"That's right."

The handsome guy with long hair, blood on his body, and long legs under his suit nodded vigorously.

Suddenly a look of reminiscence appeared on his face:

"That girl's interview was really special and unforgettable. Hey, can we talk to her again next time we go to China to promote our movie?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched and he said angrily:

"Keanu, she's just coming of age."


Lao Shuaibi's eyes are filled with absurdity.

What you are saying seems ridiculous.

But no matter what, the movie is indeed finished.

Lao Qian naturally sent out an invitation, inviting everyone to sit in a winery owned by his friend.

It’s a finals banquet.

No one refused.

Drinking for half the night.

But they didn't talk about anything serious.

The crew has been working hard for two months, and it was finally finished. It would be too embarrassing to talk about serious business.

The film is archived, the actors take a vacation, and the crew takes a break.

But Xu Xin's work was not finished.

The day after the filming was completed, he went to Paramount. First, he wanted to confirm some procedures such as various expenses and sign his name to facilitate the filing by the finance department. The second step is to sort out the special effects shots and bring them all back to the headwind side.

In a few days, Paramount’s special effects department will send people to chase the light and begin the production stage of special effects shots.

After a busy day, when it was time for dinner, he refused Lao Qian's proposal to have dinner together.

He has an appointment today.

But it's not with any beautiful woman.

"Hey Xu, long time no see."


In an Italian restaurant, Xu Xin hugged Jodi Tarrio, a special effects artist he met in "Pacific Rim."

"Is the movie finished?"

"Yes, it just ended last night. I sorted out the special effects shots today. I will return to China tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Because the restaurant he was looking for today was a very traditional Italian restaurant introduced by Kobe Bryant.

How traditional is it?

Its pre-dinner bread is served with red wine.

And it's an ordinary glass, not a goblet.

Guests can choose to eat bread dipped in red wine.

According to Kobe, this is a Sicilian tradition.

This shows the flavor of the restaurant.

Xu Xin is helping Qiao Di pour wine at the moment.

This restaurant is not a high-end restaurant. The waiters only help bring wine, serve dishes, and pour the first glass of wine or coffee.

Pouring a glass of red wine into the cup, Xu Xin said:

"I've been out for more than two months. I miss my little one at home very much. If I could, I wouldn't even plan to stay for a moment longer. It's best to go back now."

Jody shrugged nonchalantly:

"Sorry, Xu, I can't understand how you feel."

"I know, after all, you don't even have a girlfriend."

"Wow!...I mean: wow! I didn't even drink, is your attack power so strong?"


Xu Xin smiled and raised his cup:

"Cheers, friend."

"Wish you good health."

Jodi raised his glass, took a sip, and then tore a loaf of bread into his mouth to chew.

Just in time, salad also arrived.

This kind of Italian country-style cuisine is different from the exquisite presentation of aristocratic gentlemen. It focuses on simplicity and roughness.

A small bowl of salad was served, and Xu Xin went straight to the topic:

"How are you thinking about going to China?"

That was the main reason he was looking for Jody.

Since coming to the United States, the two have actually not seen each other very often.

Because the other party was busy with another project, and Xu Xin did not lie about what he said to Guo Fan. Hollywood's special effects companies have indeed begun to reduce costs and increase efficiency. With the improvement of global CG technology, they began to consciously outsource some tedious and low-tech tasks to control costs and increase profits.

This is actually a very simple truth.

They accept jobs in U.S. dollars.

But the reward for outsourcing is the currency of other countries.

As time goes by, the profits are huge.

And Jody was one of the unlucky ones who was sent to South Korea.

In his words, it is:

"Xu, I can tell you responsibly that if the food in China is the same as that in South Korea, then I will reject your invitation without mercy."

In addition to this message, he also added:

“I, Fak, eat Fak’s kimchi, Fak’s mother, three times a day.”

Xu Xin felt the same way about this piece of news that had too strong a French element.

Because he had diarrhea for the first time in his life when he went to South Korea during the Olympics to get a bowl of raw beef.

That's really "Fake's stomach reacted immediately after eating. Fake squatted down and turned around. Fake's mother".

So, Xu Xin mobilized a few small connections.

Helped Jody get an invitation to the promotional dinner held by the Chinese Embassy in South Korea during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The reason why I say "small connections" is because this publicity dinner is itself a banquet hosted by China to let the group of thieves who are fighting with China over whose family is the Mid-Autumn Festival know who is your ancestor.

The specifications are not too high.

But there is no way, an American will definitely not be invited.

The good thing is...the chef team for this dinner all came from China.

Even in order to let Koreans know what the Mid-Autumn Festival is all about, even the seasonings are authentically produced in China.

After Jodi participated, his reply to Xu Xin was:

"What kind of things have I been eating in this country these past few months? I hate spicy cabbage, Mom!"

You know, this guy rarely swears.

To be able to force him to be like this, obviously...the outsourcing of work in South Korea has caused a psychological shadow on him.

After hearing what Xu Xin said, Jodi shrugged:

"To be honest, I feel quite awkward going from friend to future boss. But... I heard that you gave Paramount a very low price this time to get the special effects production of "John Wick"? Can you? Can you tell me the reason?"

"The reason is actually the same as the reason why I invited you to work as a physical effects supervisor at Chasing Light."

Unlike Jodi who gnaws dry bread, Xu Xin, who likes bread soaked in red wine, said bluntly:

"Our country's CG technology... needs a foundation. I want to do something for this industry. To establish a complete set of processes and standardization, we need a lot of practical opportunities. Nowadays, many special effects in Hollywood are outsourced. I think this is an opportunity for us to catch up. Didn’t we talk about it last time? I invite you not only because we are friends, but also because of your level. To be honest..."

Having said this, he paused and suddenly showed a dumbfounded smile:

"Not long ago, my wife was telling me that she felt that our physical effects were very poor. She mistakenly thought that we made all the sets for a movie, confusing the concepts of setting and special effects... ...If you think about it, Yang is already a top actor in our country, and even she will fall into this misunderstanding barrier... Although it cannot be directly proved, it can also explain from the side that we are not doing a good job in this regard. "


After hearing this, Jody thought for a while and said:

"Xu, I'm attending South Korea's Mid-Autumn Festival dinner this time..."


Xu Xin said seriously:

"It's not Korea, it's ours."

Jody was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly:

"Yes, what I mean is that when I attended your festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, in South Korea, I met a very interesting Korean man at this dinner. His name is KIM NAM DO..."

Xu Xin followed the pronunciation and said in Chinese:

"Jinnan Road?"

"Yes, that's the name. He happened to be next to me. When we were eating, he saw that I used chopsticks very well, and asked me how long it took me to stay in Korea before I became so proficient in using chopsticks."

The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"I told him that I learned to use chopsticks in a Chinese restaurant in the United States... Of course, this is not the point. The point is that he is a professor, and he seems to specialize in the study of China. He goes to you every year Then we were chatting. You know, Koreans always have a... very special confidence, thinking that everything they have is the best. For example, this time someone invited me to eat a military hot pot... I felt It tastes pretty good, but when I went back and checked online, I found out that this dish was made by Koreans who ate leftovers from the US military..."

When he said this, Jody's eyes were filled with disgust:

"I'll never eat it again."


"There is something different about this professor. We started talking about food, and gradually we talked about my work. When we heard that I was assigned to do special effects outsourcing work, we directly talked about the company Macrograph. He...should He doesn’t know much about our industry, but he knows Macrograph. It used to be the number one company in Asia, and even ranked among the top ten companies in the world.”

When the waiter brought another dish, Jodi made a shrug:

"When we were chatting about this, he asked me how Macrograph was and what its current status was in the field of special effects. I guess he still thought Macrograph was among the top ten in the world. Then I told him that although this company in his country was once very brilliant, But they have actually done very poorly in the past few years. They cannot compete with Hollywood in Europe and the United States, and their market share has been compressed to Asia. But now many Hollywood outsourced jobs do not come to them because the prices in China are more competitive... He He looked very surprised and asked me: Does China also have special effects technology now?"

Xu Xin's eyes looked strange.

I wonder if this Korean is studying the Chinese dynasty, or is he just fantasizing about the celestial dynasty?

Then he asked:

"How did you answer?"

"I told him that China has indeed begun to take on a lot of outsourced work in Hollywood. Although the lenses have no technical content, they are catching up very quickly because they are very good at learning and imitating. Of course, I didn't talk about chasing the light. , I think this kind of thing is a comparison between two countries after all, so it should be kept confidential. But I told him some situations in the field of special effects in China. Guess what he said to me? "

"You said it's impossible to surpass South Korea?"

"No, on the contrary, he seemed very worried. He said that if this trend continues, South Korea may be surpassed in a certain field again."

At this time, Xu Xin felt a little surprised:

"That's very un-Korean."

"Of course, that's why I mentioned him specifically, because he is one of those rare things I rarely see. When I mention China, I don't think of cheap slippers and knockoffs, but rather a worried person. Then... he asked me a very question. Interesting question, asking me if I have ever thought that China would one day surpass Hollywood in the field of special effects..."


Seeing Xu Xin's speechless look, Qiao Di was happy.

Nod vigorously:

"Yes, Xu, that's the expression. We must have been about the same thing at the time. We both thought this was ridiculous."

But after he finished speaking, he saw a doubt appear on Xu Xin's face.

Jody was stunned.

He asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

But when Xu Xin heard this, he asked:

"Jody, what do you think of that answer?"

"Of course it's impossible."

Jody shook his head:

"Xu, it's not that I have any discrimination against you. In fact, it's because... you are not in this industry, so you don't know what the Hollywood special effects industry system means to the film industry. That means starting from scratch, starting from scratch. 0 to 100 million.

I admit that the Chinese film market has great potential, but... you should also understand that there is room for market accommodation in any industry. When the accommodation space is saturated, no matter how hard others squeeze, they will not be able to squeeze in.

It has nothing to do with money or technology, it is purely based on market considerations.

Nowadays, Hollywood's special effects field accounts for more than 95% of the global market share. One day, many excellent special effects companies will of course be born in China. However, in a saturated market, unless your influence has spread all over the world and surpassed Hollywood, it is still impossible to be the first in the world. This is an objective fact. "

Xu Xin actually didn't argue with him.

Because he knew Jodi was telling the truth.

Moreover, personally, Xu Xin has never thought about being the first.

Leave the things of the future to the people of the future.

All he wants to do is to help his country quickly accumulate primitive technology in the field of special effects.

That's all.

The future is so far away...

Each generation has its own mission.

The previous generation can only do as much as possible to make it easier for those who come behind.

So, he asked:

"Then what?"

"Then, Professor Jin Nandao may have seen my expression, and then asked me an interesting question."

Jodi shook his head, with a look of emotion and a bit "ridiculous" on his face.

"He said, haven't you noticed that people in China have a different perception of number one than we do. They feel that it is natural for them to be number one in any industry. If they don't get it, it means they haven't worked hard enough... "


The moment he heard this, Xu Xin suddenly had something in his mind.

"This son must not be kept!"

This Korean professor knows too much!

At this moment, Jody's conversation suddenly changed:

"So, Xu, I'm very interested!"


Seeing Xu Xin's confused look, this guy smiled and nodded:

"China is a very strange country to me. However, after hearing what the professor said, I want to experience it. I want to see why you are so obsessed with "number one". Although I think my own abilities are not It’s limited, and I may only be able to accompany you on your journey. But I’m willing to do it. After all, I especially want to experience your culture. I want to see why you want to be first in everything.”

Looking at the smiles on my friends faces...

In fact, for Xu Xin, to be honest, is Jodi the best one?

Not really.

According to his own understanding and judgment, Qiaodi's level within the industry is actually above average.

But it's definitely not top-notch.

The main reason why Xu Xin sent out the invitation to work in the physical special effects field of Chasing Light was actually because we all got along well with each other. Especially after following the entire filming process as his wife’s assistant, Jodi was familiar with all aspects of the process. , and the things designed are very in line with his appetite.

Even though the model set he designed was just based on Gilmore's requirements.

But...that's the same sentence.

I am not afraid that I will not be able to hire outstanding talents.

What I'm afraid of is that outstanding talents are not of the same mind as the big guys.

As for his brother's words today, "I may only be able to accompany you for a while, but I am willing to do it," Xu Xin knew that today's meal was not in vain.

So, he raised his glass with a smile:

"Welcome, friend. Trust me, you won't be disappointed."

"Yeah, I believe it."

Jody raised his glass as well.

Celebrate this gathering.

Then he followed Xu Xin's example and put the bread into the red wine glass.

The milky white turned into a touch of red.

There are actually quite a few weak areas for chasing light.

In other words, China's special effects technology industry still has many weak points.

The so-called special effects never only refer to computer technology, but a huge digital complex.

In the big concept level of visual special effects, whether it is physical special effects, CG, or optical special effects, etc., Tianchao is currently in its infancy.

Even Xu Xin, a second-hand swordsman and a layman, can feel the gap in this industry, not to mention the technicians in it.

Good special effects are part of the film industry.

It needs a broad market on the one hand and mature technical support on the other hand.

At present, it seems that no matter which one, China is still not mature yet.

But...it doesn't matter.

Just like what Professor Jin said.

We are not afraid of falling behind.

As long as you work hard to catch up, you will always catch up.

No one can underestimate a national force that has been sitting in its position on the card table of this planet for five thousand years, facing opponents one after another.

Even Xu Xin doesn't think he is a "savior" in the field of special effects.

He believed that even if he didn't do this kind of thing, someone else would definitely do it.

But I saw it in advance and still had some spare money.

Just one step ahead of everyone else.

As for Jodi, since he has not resigned yet and has some work visa issues, he may not go to China until next month.

As for the treatment...

Xu Xin gave him equal but slightly higher remuneration than Hollywood, as well as a share dividend.

It's not that he is stingy. If he is really stingy, he will give him a dead salary instead of dividends.

The main reason is that it is not only his company that is chasing the light, but also other people who own shares. Xu Jian's emotions must also be taken into consideration.

Jodi also agreed to chat with a few colleagues with whom he had good relationships.

If possible, trick a few more people into "boarding the pirate ship".

October 5th.

After staying in the United States for two days and arranging everything, Xu Xin planned to take off back to China.

And on the day of returning to China, a piece of news suddenly came to light.

Moreover, when Xu Xin checked again after landing, it had already topped the list of hot searches.

# Good things are coming for Wang Sicong and Di Wei! Wedding venue revealed! #

Because of the time difference, he was reminded by Su Meng when he saw the news that appeared at around 3 a.m. time in China.

"Brother Xu, Brother Cong and Brother Qi's wedding news has been exposed."

After hearing Su Meng's words, Xu Xin opened Weibo with a look of confusion on his face.

After clicking on her feed, I found that the number of comments on Weibo, which had only been posted for more than ten minutes in the early morning of Chinese time, had exceeded 10,000.

Putting aside how outrageous the heat was, he quickly took a look at the content.

"According to insiders, Wang Sicong and Di Wei, the national couple who have been attracting much attention, have begun to prepare for their wedding. The location was chosen at St. Regis, a high-end resort island in the Maldives. It is reported that the scale of this wedding is very small. Those present were all relatives and friends of both parties. The reporter contacted the Maldives to confirm the news, but it was not confirmed." (Note 1)

This was before he got on the plane.

Because Yang Mi was flying back, after all, she had to take her children with her father-in-law and mother-in-law. After returning to China, he had to travel to some places and used more planes than himself, so he did not let the plane pick him up this time, but took a civil aviation flight.

Before getting on the plane, although this news had a lot of scary comments, it had not yet made it to the hot search list.

After watching four movies on the plane, taking a nap, and studying the script for the upcoming story "Monster Hunt", when I got off the plane, this topic was the top trending topic.

While queuing up to exit customs, he had been collecting all kinds of information.


It’s really a chaotic dance of demons.

First of all, various media took the lead, saying "Wang Sicong's wedding scene was exposed". The result was a concept map of St. Regis Island, with no trace of the wedding scene at all.

Then the marketing account will introduce this island, which is a newly developed island in the Maldives at the end of last year, what seven-stars, what villas, houses, etc.... just like a special tourism promotion site.

Furthermore, I don’t know which unscrupulous marketing account made it up, or something like “informed people broke the news that Si Wei is pregnant”.

Then it’s time to dig deeper into the love history of the two.

Oh yes, there are even more extreme ones.

"How much property will Si Wei and Wang Sicong get if they divorce"...

Just tell me how scary this is.

But no matter what, the popularity between Lao Wang and Qi Ge is indeed real.

Ever since the kiss between the two at the Swiss station, the two have never disappeared from the public eye.

Even if the heat has passed, even if the two of them are already accustomed to each other as a couple... But when the news comes that a popular female star in the entertainment industry is getting married to the only son of a richest man in the family, this... Kind of a plot... Let’s not mention it, some coke that writes novels is too much.

What is this called?

This wave makes dreams come true.

"The domineering president only favors the queen and superstar"!

Needless to say, the recent popularity of books like this one from female fans must be frightening.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

While waiting in line to enter customs, Xu Xin had a look of emotion on his face.

Follow the topic on Weibo and continue reading.

As a result, I suddenly saw a "very glaring" message.

"Informed sources revealed that Xu Xin and Yang Mi introduced Di Wei to Wang Sicong."

? ? ? ?

You...your grandma is a jerk!

Xu Xin was completely speechless when he saw this post on Weibo where he openly posted photos of himself and his wife to gain popularity.

Why did we introduce him to Wang Sicong?

Why do you say this like an old bustard?


Why are there so many people in the know?

Why didn't I know that we were surrounded by moles?

He shook his head helplessly and switched directly to the WeChat group.

As soon as I opened the group called "Love each other as a family", I saw a new sentence posted by Lin Xing.

The Dream of Six Billion Girls: [The photos taken by Lao Wang really look like humans and dogs, so beautiful! 】

Seeing this, Xu Xin ignored the fact that Lin Gou had added 100 million names of underworld fans in the past few days, and quickly scrolled up.

Sure enough, after flipping through less than twenty items, I saw a photo posted by Di Wei.

In the photo, Lao Wang has a big oily head, is wearing a Tang suit, and is smiling brightly and sillyly at the screen.

And to his right, Seventh Brother, dressed in red and wearing a phoenix crown, gently covered the corners of his mouth with a beauty fan, his eyes full of tenderness.


Suddenly, he chuckled.

Forest dog.

Don't say it yet, don't say it yet.

This man looks like a dog... He really looks like a man and a dog.

So lovely!


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