I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1041 1036 Lost weight

It's around 4 p.m.

With Aunt Lin's return, Xu Xin was finally able to take Yang Mi and say goodbye.

And when he said hello to Lao Wang and said he was leaving, Wang Sicong just responded with a "hmm", forgetting even the most basic farewell etiquette.

Xu Xin was not picky either.

This important matter of adding a new child would be confusing to anyone.

Liushenwuzhu is already considered a normal person.

Lao Wang's family is the only one.

The same goes for Seventh Brother’s family.

Now suddenly there is a new life in his belly. If Lao Wang doesn't pee his pants, his mental quality is better.

After starting the car, Yang Mi sighed as soon as she got in the car:


"What's the point of sighing?"

"Remember the time when I was pregnant. I was stupid and didn't understand anything. I was worried about this and that."

Hearing his wife's sigh, Xu Xin smiled slightly.


At the beginning, I really didn’t understand anything.

The first few months of raising a baby were really...thinking about it now, I don't even know how it happened.

When his wife went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he couldn't wait to accompany her.

The house must be bright and shiny, lest she bump into it...


But Yang Mi immediately said:

"Now that Seventh Brother is pregnant, your script..."

"There's no rush. Let's take pictures whenever it's convenient."

Xu Xin shook his head calmly.

"If I don't want to take pictures, it's fine for others to take pictures. We'll see when the time comes."

"Anyway, I won't be filming. Let me tell you first... I've had enough trouble this year and I want to take a break."

After hearing this, Xu Xinxin said that she also wanted to rest.

This year...it's strange, why are you so busy?

From the beginning to now, I have never had a moment of leisure.

But fortunately, it’s almost November, and I’m pretty busy with all the big and small things...

Jingle Bell.

While he was thinking about it, his cell phone rang.

Yang Mi grabbed it, took a look, and said:

"Ye Jun...is the director of that documentary, right?"

"Um... hello?"

"Director Xu, I am Ye Jun."

"Well, tell me, what's wrong?"

"We have finished the copywriting and shooting ideas for "Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City" and sent them to your email. Please take a look."

"Okay, I'm driving now, go home and watch."

"Mmm Good."

"Well, we will contact you after I finish reading the details."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi asked:

"The film hasn't been made yet?"

"No, they submitted several drafts of the documentary theme, but I was not satisfied with any of them."


"Because the theme concept is too high."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Maybe... because of habits, these people always want to set the theme of this kind of work very high, full of feelings of family and country. What should be combined with history, to see the decay of the Qing Dynasty from cultural relics, or to learn from that ...The spirit of craftsmanship created by Japan has created one great craftsman after another. I don’t like them all.”

"Then what do you want?"

"The inheritance of a craft has never actually been the sense of mission that these old masters have when they are apprentices. I talked with Brother Qian'er and let's talk about these intangible cultural heritage. Now they are called intangible cultural heritage. It was a craft that was used to support the family before I could do it. Why do my family’s grandparents and grandchildren have been doing this for generations? Is it really because of love? In fact, it’s not the case.”

He shook his head slightly, his tone full of calmness and objectivity:

"Even these home studies are actually for food at the beginning. I know craftsmanship, and Yang Yang was exposed to it when he was a child, so I can learn it more or less. But as long as the child can get a name and become a scholar, he will definitely be able to do it. He will not be allowed to learn this. Others may have failed in business, or have had difficulties in other ways. After returning home depressed, they learn this craft again from home, or they may go hungry if they don’t do this. The reality is Pushing people...According to Brother Qian'er, most of the craftsmen in the old society were like this. How could there be any idea of ​​​​going high and low? Everyone just wanted to avoid hunger at the beginning."

"Isn't that too absolute?"

"Well, it is very absolute, but there are also variables in the absolute. But no matter what, I think what Brother Qian'er said is reasonable. I don't believe that these masters love it from the heart from the beginning. Some of them must be by chance. After that, I came here and started to learn from the masters of the previous generation. The motivation is definitely not pure. There is no need to be serious, the important thing is the process.

These masters entered the industry by chance, and their most precious quality is their ten years of persistence.

I think this is the most important thing.

Therefore, Ye Jun and the others have been driving high and high. I think there is a problem with the inheritance and foundation they start from. Let them change their perspective and not highlight their ideas too much. What is the most important thing about documentaries? It's not the personal thoughts or personal style you instill, but the intention. You want everyone to see what you shoot and resonate with you. Instead of giving a big proposition from the beginning and letting the audience follow this idea. "

Yang Mi nodded slightly.

Obviously I agree with what my husband said.


If it were given all kinds of big hats, it would be no different from a promotional video with the main theme.

On the contrary, the "tip of the tongue" taste is gone.

The two of them just chatted all the way back home.

When he came home, Yang Dalin was quite surprised when he mentioned this.

Then came this sentence:

"You two...should not want it, right?"

When Yang Mi heard that there was something in her father's words, she asked in confusion:

"What? Dad, wouldn't it be great for us to have more children and be blessed?"

"Your daughter played with a ball today and put other children in the face. The child was crying. After the teacher told me, I apologized to the parent of the child in his class."



The couple glanced at their daughter who was playing the piano in the room, and immediately understood what their grandfather meant.


Anyway, the two of them have no plans to have children yet.

Let's do this first.

Yang Milu rolled up her sleeves and planned to educate her daughter after she finished playing the piano.

Xu Xin went directly to his studio, opened his mailbox, and began to look at Ye Junfa's documentary copy and shooting plan.

He didn't come out until dinner was ready.

He took his mobile phone and sent Ye Jun a WeChat message:

"Tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning, the director team will have a meeting."

This time, the copywriting produced by Ye Jun and others was more to his liking.

There are just some small details that need to be modified.

After clarifying the areas that need to be modified, the filming of the film can begin.

At the dinner table, Yang Chunling, who learned that Si Wei was pregnant, was surprised and then said:

"Then let's give the child some Baijia clothes. It means good luck and is auspicious."

Yang Mi may be all-around, but she is really not good at needlework.

Not to mention Xu Xin. When I was a child, I took a labor class and the teacher taught needlework. He used scissors to cut a gap in the socks that had no holes at home, and finally sewn the gap to look like a dog chewing.

So since my mother-in-law proposed this job, I hope you, the old man, can do more work.

As for the group...

Calm and calm.

Yang Mi said that during the first three months of pregnancy, try not to tell others because it would be bad for the child.

Si Wei and Lao Wang remained tight-lipped.

Keep hanging out, keep chatting, and never mention the pregnancy.

However, Xu Xin looked at Wang Sicong's chat in the group and found that his mentality should have calmed down.

That'll do.

This is a happy event in itself, and it’s not a shock. It’s just a matter of changing your mentality.

After eating, he had nothing to do and asked Wang Sicong for a wedding photo. He planned to copy the line drawings on the sketch, find the proportions, and start painting the couple.

But with just a few strokes and just a few lines drawn, I suddenly heard my wife say:

"Honey, Director Zhang posted on Weibo!"

He quickly came to his senses and quickly took out his cell phone.

The old man doesn’t have Weibo.

There is only one "Zhang Yimou Studio" for external communication.

He directly opened Weibo, found the account, clicked in, and then saw a picture.


[An open letter to the media and public friends]

The media and friends who care about Zhang Yimou:

"My wife Chen Ting and I do have two sons and one daughter. This is a fact.

First of all, it is clear that my wife and I are indeed pregnant and have not firmly implemented the family planning policy. As a public figure, I feel very sorry.

But please allow me to express my views and answer some questions that friends have been concerned about in recent days.

The children are undoubtedly of Chinese nationality. Many people on the Internet are questioning and puzzled. They are confused that I did not choose to immigrate to have children even though it was rumored that I obtained a US green card more than ten years ago. To answer here, although I have obtained the green card qualification, as a Chinese native, I naturally have no idea of ​​leaving home. Not only did I not, but neither did my children.

So even though I had obtained a green card, I rejected it more than ten years ago. Therefore, my wife, my children, and I are all Chinese people and have no regrets.

Furthermore, the claim spread online that I am the father of seven children is completely nonsense. I have one daughter with my previous wife, and two sons and one daughter with my current wife. Other than that, I have no other children. Please also don’t listen to false rumors.

The last step is to answer everyone’s questions about the child’s household registration and explain the situation.

Chen Ting and I have been together for many years, but we did not receive a marriage certificate before 11 years ago, so we are considered "pregnant before marriage". In 11th year, children have to go to school, and they cannot go to school if they do not register as registered permanent residents. So, the two of us received our marriage certificate and started to apply for a new household registration.

Relevant procedures were carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Sixth Census", and the household registration was registered at the police station under the jurisdiction of WX City. The birth procedures of the child, as well as the income certificate, tax details and other procedures for the year of birth were submitted to the relevant departments in accordance with the law for the calculation of fines.

Now that the fine has been paid in full and all procedures are legal and compliant, the three children are already legal citizens of China. Friends from the media, please do not interpret it without authorization.

Attached below are photos proving the relevant procedures. Since national laws stipulate that citizens’ privacy cannot be accessed and disclosed at will, media friends are also requested not to occupy public resources and cause trouble to national public officials.

I once again apologize to all my friends who have been busy with my affairs during this time.


[Photo attached]

[Photo attached]

[Photo attached]…”

Below the long picture, processed pictures such as mosaic birth certificates, household registers, fine payment lists, submission procedures, etc. all appear.

Finally, there is the amount of the fine issued.

The amount is not coded, there are three copies in total.

They are: 25809, 2189882, 5116030

In other words, the total amount of the three fines is more than 7.4 million.

From the perspective of transcendence, this amount of fine can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

But that's not the most important thing.

The old man also uploaded a screenshot, which was a regulation issued during the 10-year census.

"For those without household registration, they must go through the household registration procedures or restore the household registration in accordance with the regulations after investigation and screening; for those who have not declared their household registration and do not comply with the family planning policy, they must be allowed to register, and the registration status shall not be used for administrative management and punishment basis."

Let everyone know that we registered the household registration in accordance with laws and regulations and cooperated with the census.

After registering, we took the initiative to pay the fine instead of being discovered.

Because this regulation proves from the side that the large number of people who registered household registration in those years followed this regulation and there were no violations.

And some people don't care about it after they get their hukou.

But he still took the initiative to go to Family Planning to pay the fine.

It can be said that in the entire open letter, this one is the killer.

The kind that no one can say more about.

After reading the long picture, Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

This old man thing...

It’s been dealt with.

Just as he was thinking about it, he habitually turned to the comments below.

Then I saw the two with the most likes.

Article 1.

"Director Zhang, this Jun He is Zhang Weiping's niece. Will you ban her?"

This received a reply from "Zhang Yimou Studio":

"No, I'm very grateful to her. It was her who allowed my children to see the light of day again, thank you."

Xu Xin is happy.

I thought the old man was really generous.

But just because you are generous does not mean that I am generous...

While I was thinking about it, I saw the second most liked post.

My blood pressure immediately rose.

"Director Zhang, you are lying! You obviously have a child, whose surname is Xu, whose name is Xin and whose name is Xu Gou. Have you forgotten this?"

Sweet... sweet and cool! ! ! !

Who is this person!


Must be blocked! ! !

You slander me! ! ! !

The most important thing is that there is a large group of people following the trend:

"Yes, yes, why isn't Xu Gou?"

"Xu Gou: It's over, my home was stolen."

"Xu Gou: Where am I? Where am I?"

“Netizens’ comments successfully made me laugh out loud.”

I'm going to kill you all!

killed! ! ! !


Seeing her husband's twisted expression, Yang Mi burst into laughter.

Apparently, she saw the comment too.

But after all, she still loved her husband, so she quickly comforted her and changed the subject:

"Director Zhang's matter is finally over at this point, right?"


At this moment, Zhang Xin, whose blood pressure was less than 300, nodded:

"Once all the evidence is released, the most the media can do is interpret the old man's income. It seems that his income is less... But it can easily be combined with Sister Mo's lawsuit against New Picture. By then the media will understand the behind-the-scenes manipulation of this matter. What kind of virtue does this person have?"

"Don't you already know?"

"Then the rat crossing the street shouldn't be yelled at and beaten?"

Xu Xin shrugged and turned off the phone.

It also represents the complete end of this topic.

He thought the old man needed to be sincere, but it turned out that there wasn't much "sensational" stuff in the letter.

Not to mention, it fits the old man’s character quite well.

The fact was indeed as Xu Xin expected.

The same day after the old man wrote the letter, the topic of # Zhang Yimou's fine for exceeding the child's birth # was once again on the hot search.

Obviously, this fine of more than 7 million yuan has stunned many people.

However, the old man's comments on this matter obviously began to change.

After all, judging from the context of the matter, his attitude towards admitting his mistakes was very good. So many people didn't say anything about fines after registering, but he took the initiative.

And, again, the same sentence.

From beginning to end, having more children is nothing to the Chinese people.

What's more, Director Zhang's letter made it very clear.

He had obtained a green card more than ten years ago, but he had it withdrawn.

This kind of personality... who can say anything?

Some people even felt wronged for him.

You see, some things are just that.

The line between good and bad is so blurry.

But Xu Xin no longer worries about these things. There was nothing for him to worry about, except waiting for the old man's notification to go to Wuxi for a meal...

After arriving at the school, he did not go to Director Hou's teaching and research office this time.

The school has a separate teaching and research room for "Forbidden City Cultural Relics". It is quite large and is used to store some of the crew's materials and equipment.

When Xu Xin arrived, everyone was already here except Nazha.

Nazha was filming "All Quiet in Peking" in Hengdian and couldn't make it.

But it doesn't matter. In the final analysis, her position is just to be the mouthpiece for asking questions.

This time, his goal is clear.

He likes the perspective of Ye Jun and his team for this version of the shooting plan. He does not overly promote their interests. He just starts from the seriousness and responsibility of these masters in treating cultural relics and their decades of hard work, to their exquisite workmanship. Skills, and the inheritance of subsequent young people...

Connect the restored cultural relics to the skills of these masters, how many good things there are in the Forbidden City, etc...

Use the simplest perspective to record the craftsmanship of these masters.

The shooting angle of this version was what he wanted.

Throughout the morning, he presided over the modification of several shooting details.

Then at the end of the meeting, a decision was made:

"Then we will officially enter the filming preparation period. Next, in the name of the chief director, I will submit a filming application to the Forbidden City through the school. The procedure will take about... about a month. During this period, everyone must try their best to implement all filming links. . I will not follow the scene for this shooting, but will still adopt the working mode of sample selection. Do you have any opinions?"


After answering uniformly, Xu Xin nodded and waved his hand:

"Meeting dismissed."

At noon he had a meal in the school cafeteria.

In the afternoon, I talked to Hou Kexuan about this matter.

Then, on the morning of the 23rd, Beijing Film Academy officially submitted a filming application to the Forbidden City.

And to everyone's surprise...

The Forbidden City's review speed for this application can be described as "crazy".

On the 24th, news came from the school...

The Forbidden City agreed.

Schools are required to submit a list of filming crews, they apply for work licenses, and the crew also begins submitting work plans. If nothing else happens, we can start shooting directly after all the procedures are completed before November.

Xu Xin was a little surprised at this speed, let alone others.

But for Beiying, it feels natural.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Perhaps the Forbidden City can ignore Xu Xin's achievements in film.

In the field of documentaries...

Just this one "Bite of the Tongue" is enough for him to travel across all the scenic spots in China.

You don’t even have to pay any money and you can definitely receive a grand reception.


Now that it's going so smoothly, Xu Xin doesn't have to worry anymore.

Nazha is also adjusting her scenes these days, striving to finish filming as soon as possible and return to the filming crew.

Things at home are going extremely smoothly.

It finally gave him a sense of déjà vu where he could rest.

And on the 26th.


It can be said that the much-anticipated "Run, Brother" will be released on Shaanxi Channel after "The King of Masked Singer" which has concluded this season.

On Sunday, Yu Xuan asked him to drink.

He watched the show at the wine table.

But to be honest, I didn’t look at it very carefully.

After all, when the show was broadcast, he and Brother Qian'er had already drank more than half a catty of wine.

TV is just a condiment, and the brothers are having fun bragging and chatting.

However, when introducing the guests at the beginning, Yu Xuan looked at the sesame cakes on TV and smiled:

"Shaobing has really become a big star now."

"The child has grown up."

Looking at the tall, muscular little cake on TV, Xu Xin also felt a sense of accomplishment.

"That freckle-faced child back then has grown so big. Brother Qian'er, do you think how much time has passed now?"

"No, look, the flesh on my face is loose now..."

That’s all I have to say about the show.

Then following the topic of sesame cakes, we started talking about things in the film and television industry.

The show was not that good to watch.

I drank a lot of wine.

And when it was past 10 o'clock, Guo Qilin came back from the performance.

Xu Xin hadn't seen this child for a long time, and he was a little stunned when he saw him:


"Hey, Brother Xu. I've lost some weight."

Looking at Senior Brother Yu Men who was serving tea for him, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"You don't look like you've lost weight... How much do you weigh now?"

"One hundred and six."


Xu Xin was surprised and looked at Yu Xuan subconsciously:

"Brother Qian'er, you didn't mention this all night tonight."

Yu Xuan smiled proudly:

"Isn't this a surprise for you?"

"This surprise is really big... Dalin, what do you think? Are you determined to lose weight?"

"Hey, yes."

Guo Qilin smiled a little shyly.

At the same time, I took a look at the "delicious delicacies" on the table...

He started to lose weight after attending the Silk Road Film Festival, but he has actually passed the initial period of hunger.

But I am definitely still greedy.

So, he wisely decided to retreat:

"Master, Brother Xu, I really can't stand this... you guys can chat slowly, I'm going back to the house to rest, and I have to go to the gym tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay."

Xu Xin nodded with satisfaction.

After Guo Qilin left, he smiled at Xuan and said:

"Brother Qian'er, are you happy?"

"Hahaha, can you be unhappy about that? If you lose weight, you will look more energetic. It will also be good for your health."

After Yu Xuan finished speaking, he seemed to want to say something.

After taking out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handing it to Xu Xin, she even lit it for him.

Xu Xin didn't think much about it at first.

After all, he also drank a pound of wine at this time.

The brain's reaction is definitely not as good as when awake.

And at this moment, he heard:

"Two days ago, this kid told De Gang that he wanted to study abroad. It's like bringing up old things again..."

"Bringing it up again? Why? You don't want to talk about cross talk yet?"

"That's not true..."

Yu Xuan shook his head and said:

"This time, he had a clearer goal and said he wanted to learn acting."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, but immediately asked:

"Teacher Guo agrees?"

"I didn't agree."

Yu Xuan's eyes were smoked and he hid.

Xu Xin showed a serious look:

"That's for sure. Teacher Guo still expects him to take over."

"That's what I said, but when we talked privately, the child actually knew it in his heart. Tell me: Master, Deyun Society is now the name of you and my dad. Without you and my dad, Deyun Society It’s gone. Are you right?”


Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"That makes sense."

"That makes sense...but how can we talk about it? We can have a heart-to-heart relationship, do you understand?"


"He told me more firmly. He really didn't want to talk about cross talk, and his children have grown up. When he dropped out of school, it was his father who told him every day how good cross talk was and how awesome he was. …How old was he at that time? He didn’t understand things yet. Now he understands, and he actually has his own thoughts in his heart.”

"It's definitely a good thing to have your own pursuits... He wants to be an actor?"


Yu Xuan responded:

"I do have thoughts in this regard. In fact, I can see that in August, he and Xiaobing went to the Silk Road Film Festival. After returning from there, this idea came up. And...acting is actually about Cross talk is not considered a separation."

This certainly makes sense.

However, no matter how unconscious Xu Xin was at the moment, he still heard the implication of Brother Qian'er's words.

The two brothers chatted about their romance all night.

As soon as the apprentice came back, the topic immediately turned to Dalinzi.

If he still doesn't understand this, then his life will be in vain.

After thinking about it, he took the initiative and said:

"Then if he wants to be an actor, just tell me and I can help him."


Almost instantly, Yu Xuan's eyes lit up.


Xu Xin was delighted:

"Is this still false? It's not that difficult."

"Ouch...that's great."

Yu Xuan picked up the wine glass unconsciously:

"Brother, I feel relieved because of your words. You also know... In fact, in the film and television industry, I really can't say anything..."

"Ha ha."

Xu Xin had a drink with him, his eyes full of casualness:

"It's a small matter. I'll take care of it."

There's no point in being an older brother and begging with shameless face.

He gave me a step directly.

But he didn't lie at all.

Whether others can do it is hard to say.

But in his case, whether to give an actor resources or not is really a matter of one sentence.

Sometimes you don't even need to take the initiative to speak, because others are eager to get him to do favors.

piece of cake.

And looking at Brother Qian'er's smile getting brighter and brighter.

Xu Xin knows.

It seems...that's what today's drink means, right?


Just say no and it’s over?

As for going around in such a big circle?

While thinking, he picked up the wine glass:

"But I'd better let him lose weight first, and I have to hold him accountable for it."

"That's for sure."

Yu Xuan nodded vigorously:

"This time, he must not give up halfway!"

As he spoke, he felt more at ease and stable.

The apprentice's future...

He didn't know how others laid the paving, and he didn't bother to know.

But when the master...

At least one of the hardest bricks has been added.


How will we go this way in the future...

Then it's up to you.

Will update as usual tomorrow! Let’s celebrate the holidays together!

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