I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1050 1045 Song Selection

"And I heard the sound of rain~"

In the intermittent intermission between light and darkness after dusk, Xu Xin held a bowl in his hand and looked at...um...it should be an Indian cook, right?

Anyway, the BBQ guy with quite dark skin hummed a song and nodded:

"Yes, yes, right now."

After saying that, he handed the bowl to the cook.

But the cook looked strange and reminded Xu Xin:

"Sir, you can put the bowl down."


After Xu Xin obediently placed the bowl on the table next to him, the chef poured all the smoking peanut oil from the small pot originally used for frying eggs directly into the bowl.


The golden hand-made pappardelle, together with onions, garlic, and chili noodles, received the baptism of a spoonful of oil, exuding a...not so authentic, a bit alternative, but it can also be tolerated by old Shaanxi people. smell.


Xu Xin nodded with satisfaction, holding a fork and starting to cut the noodles, when he heard the sound of a guitar coming from behind him.

"Where is the rainbow? Tell me, can you give me back my..."


The corner of his mouth twitched, and he turned his head subconsciously, and saw Jay Chou sitting among a group of charming young women, continuing to sing with a shameless expression:

"Why is it so quiet? Did the clouds come to me..."


No matter how you say it, "Rainbow" is also one of your masterpieces.

Are you really not even familiar with the words?

He walked over with a large bowl that was meant for salad but instead was used for noodles.

Walking around among a group of married or unmarried young women, I found that these people were listening to Jay Chou playing and singing as if they were at a concert. After having no place of their own, I slipped to the side and lay beside the bonfire looking up at the stars. Langlangna.

Originally, Lang Lang looked up at the sky like those fish that clung to the British dinner table, looking at ease.

He didn't even pay attention to Xu Xin sitting next to him.

But... after Xu Xin started to stir the noodles, his nose moved and he suddenly sat up.

He picked up the plate next to him:

"Huh...puff, pfft."

"...Can you wipe it with paper? The sand and oil are all on it, how come you can blow it away?"

"I threw the paper into the fire."

"Didn't you know that playing with fire makes you wet the bed?"

"My house is called Urinal Kang."

Xu Xinxin said, who asked you this?

But looking at him holding out his plate, he finally gave him some noodles.


Lang Lang took a big mouthful and shook his head:

"What's wrong with this sour taste?"

"Italian balsamic vinegar has a fruity smell, so that's okay."

This time, Lang Lang remained silent.

Xu Xin gave him a small portion. It looked like a lot, but he had a big mouth, so a few mouthfuls were enough.

Neither of them said a word.

The BBQ is actually coming to an end at this time.

The roasting started at around 5 o'clock, and now it's almost 7 o'clock. Even an old Shaanxi man started eating noodles without drinking white wine, which shows that the meal has indeed come to an end.

At this moment, the two of them heard Jay Chou singing:

"Maybe time is an antidote~the antidote~is also the poison I am taking..."

This is the rap part of "Rainbow."

Neither of them took it seriously.

However, after Jay Chou finished playing and singing this section, he suddenly started singing:

"I will be in a daze. Then I will forget about you and then be quiet and close my eyes~..."

He jumped straight from "Rainbow" to "Trajectory."



Listening to the nymphomaniacal cheers of the old women, Xu Xin, holding a bowl of noodles, rolled his eyes:

"A bunch of ignorant old ladies. Can't you just play the guitar? Why are you showing off?"

"It's not good."

Lang Lang also echoed:

"What's so difficult about playing the guitar? If you have the skills, just play the piano."


Xu Xin immediately didn't want to talk to him anymore.

After Lang Lang finished half the plate of noodles in several bites, he was finally full.

He threw the plate on the sand and lay down again.

"Hu... feel comfortable."

"Let me ~ no longer ~ miss you... it's your turn!"

"I will be in a daze~then smile~then quietly close my eyes~~~~"

Over there, Jay Chou was still interacting with a group of young women.

When he got tired of singing, he threw the microphone away, and several old ladies started singing "Trajectory"...

Not to mention, the chorus is not bad either.

After eating and drinking enough, although not even a little tipsy, the time and place are favorable, the sea breeze, the silver beach, lovers and friends are all there.

That really means that if you are not drunk, everyone will be drunk.

He felt like he was melting into the starry sky above his head.

"Old Xu."


Xu Xin, who had also finished a bowl of fried noodles and felt comfortable, had just lit a cigarette when he heard Lang Lang say:

"It's so comfortable."


Xu Xin also imitated his actions, pushing the sand into an arc and then lying down.

Crossing my legs and looking up at the sky, there is a man who ended an era in the Chinese music scene singing LIVE... Not to mention, it is really comfortable.

I just felt that my whole body relaxed.

At this moment, after working hard for a whole year, he felt that his bones were weak.

It was as if there was no reason in the world for him to leave the beach beneath him.

So comfortable.

He narrowed his eyes in contentment.

Half asleep and half awake.

The bonfire beside him seemed to be the only anchor connecting him to the earth.

And his thoughts have spread to the entire starry sky.

This night, they were like street runners in the ancient city of Dali.

Sit around the campfire, sing, dance, talk and laugh.

The happy time was like a snap of the fingers. It was around 9 pm in the Maldives. Due to the jet lag, the party finally ended in a sleepy state.

At the same time, the wind picked up along the coast.

Now that you have exhausted all your excitement, why not go back?

So, everyone went back to their homes.

Nuannuan and Yangyang had already fallen asleep from exhaustion.

Even though the two children were full of energy, they were traveling and going into the water, and they used up the last of their energy.

When Xu Xin returned home, she discovered that there was a light under the balcony of her sea view villa.

The light illuminated the sea water into a very beautiful light blue.

It also attracted a group of swimming fish that were active in the middle of the night.

The whole villa seems to be a ship sailing on the sea.

Romantic and full of life.

He watched for a while until Yang Mi called him after taking a bath.

"Husband, go to sleep."

"Oh, here we come."

A night of silence.

When she woke up in the morning, Yang Mi and her child had already gone out.

I don’t know where I went.

He didn't care, but after walking out of the bedroom, he saw a long tray with a lid on the dining table.

When I opened it, I saw breakfast inside.

Xu Xin glanced at the time and found that it was already after 9 o'clock. He figured that everyone would have to eat together at noon, so he just put a piece of ham on bread and paired it with a glass of juice to finish his breakfast.

Then, he didn't go out, but took out the documentary information book from his bag.

The location selection was almost completed yesterday, and the next step is to proofread the interviews in the documentary.

Taking the information, he first sent a message to Lang Lang:


The other party responded quickly:

"I was in the SPA, just finished. Are you awake?"

"Well, you have a piano in your room, right?"


"Then come back, I have something to do with you."


While waiting for Lang Lang to come back, he continued to read the wedding gift plan for Lao Wang and Brother Qi.

In fact, this documentary is an interview documentary.

His five major categories may seem confusing and confusing, but they are actually very simple to explain.

The first theme, "River" is a big category.

It’s a form that runs throughout.

Time is like a long flowing river.

It flows eastward, rushes into the sea, and never returns.

is the gist of the documentary.

Xu Xin defined this category in his mind as the confluence of two streams.

Streams meet to form a river.

He would use a camera to record the footage of Lao Wang and Seventh Brother before the wedding. Let everyone see how these two streams come together and where they flow.

The next second proposition "I" and the third proposition "he/she" are also easy to understand.

It is a kind of self-awareness.

About how [I] know myself and how I view each other.

Xu Xin felt that at this juncture when the two were about to get married, both men and women would actually have some changes in their hearts.

At least, that's how he was back then.

But this kind of psychological change, or the understanding of oneself and the other party, is actually very difficult to think clearly in a short time without the analysis of external forces.

How do I view my past self now, and how do I look forward to my future self.

What has changed because of him/her.

How to know yourself...

He wanted to help both of them feel this change.

As for the fourth article "Uneasy", it is actually easier to understand.

What is the current uneasiness between the two of them, and what kind of inner fears exist in their expectations for the future.

He hoped that both of them could express themselves in a certain environment.

And if there is a fear similar to the one in the interview in the future, perhaps the answer given by the "former self" in this interview will become a reference, or strength.

Help them get through a difficult phase.

As for the last "Wild Geese", it is his most complete wish for the two of them.

Geese are the most loyal birds in the world. They only choose one partner throughout their lives and stay with them forever.

He will use a camera to record the happiest moment of the two friends, compare the swan goose to their relationship, and wish them never to be separated.

The entire documentary does not have any special technical content or unconventional themes.

More like a time capsule than a gift.

The real audience of this time capsule is them in the future.

For the time being...it can be regarded as a seed to regain the original intention.

One day in the future, when they are confused, they can open it and take a look to see how determined they were back then. Maybe they will be living in some of the predicaments in this documentary in the future. And the answer I gave back then might be the hammer that breaks the situation, breaks all the shackles, and finds the original intention and the end.

As for how long the documentary would take to be filmed, how many hours it would take, how it would be edited, etc., he actually hadn't thought about it at all.

Let’s talk about it then.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lang Lang's voice call came over.

"I have arrived."

"OK, I'll find you."

This time, Wang Sicong arranged all the lagoon villas with the best sea view for his friends.

His and Lang Lang's villas were next to each other, separated by less than ten meters of blue sea.

All the way to Lang Lang's house, he looked at Lang Lang sitting in front of the piano and rubbing his hands, and asked:

"Tendosynovitis again?"

"No, I've just been rubbed with essential oil. I'm feeling a little hot now. I'm getting used to it... Don't close the door. Let's get some air. What do you want to hear from me?"

"Is there any piano music like...that kind of river-like piano music? I need it to be gentle and soothing, but with...a rush of vitality. Its melody shouldn't be too jumpy, and it shouldn't be fast and slow... but There must be clear and gradual levels, but the overall framework must give people a feeling of... constant flow. Oh, yes, and also, there must be no big ups and downs, so the whole process must be very gentle and progressive..."

Xu Xin casually pushed the door to the magnetically fixed position and said as he walked into the house.


If an ordinary person heard Xu Xin's arrogant words and asked for all kinds of strange things, he might have the urge to flip the table.

But Lang Lang didn't.

He just nodded:

"Your request... is a bit general. In this way, I will play a few more songs and you can choose."


So, Xu Xin sat on the sofa.

But just when Lang Lang started to warm up with simple melodies and thought about which songs met Lao Xu's requirements, Xu Xin stood up again and opened the sliding door to the balcony.

A breeze instantly blew in from the direction of the sea.

Amidst the dancing of the white gauze curtains, he changed his foot and put it on the coffee table, spread his hands out in a comfortable posture on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

Then, a bright melody sounded:

"This is the first one, Bergamask Suite, L75..."

Xu Xin said nothing.

Only the melody of the piano ripples in this isolated island...

In fact, compared to Sister Mi, Kun Ling and Gina are the ones who can chat best.

First, they are both about the same age.

Second...the two of them don't have such a strong generation gap.

Although if we really want to be serious, everyone is actually about the same age, but in the eyes of the two girls, Sister Mi has such a strong aura that when talking, she is just like...an elder.

Don't dare to make mistakes.

Don't dare to mess around.

But to be honest, a girl in her early twenties is an age that loves to move and dance. She can handle someone like Sister Mi, but she always feels uncomfortable.

Although Kun Ling is also very familiar with Sister Shishi, the problem is that Gina's Chinese level is only at the level of "Hello, thank you."

She is studying very hard, but her progress can only be said to be average.

So, after going back and forth, the person she was most familiar with in this small circle was Kun Ling.

Even this year, when she was accompanying her mother to take care of her grandma in South Korea, she flew to Japan and traveled with Kun Ling several times.

Friendships develop quite quickly.

At this moment, the two of them were wandering around St. Regis Island.

"Your essential oils smell great."

"Really, I think their massage techniques are just average. Not as good as those in China."

"Celestial Dynasty?"

"Yes, have you ever tried Tianchao's massage?"

"No... but Lang always said he wanted to go back to China and take a bath. He also took me to the bathroom at his house. Frankly speaking, I was a little uncomfortable with it... A group of people took off their clothes and took a bath together. It felt like I was back in time. Roman times.”

"No, bathing in the Northeast is very comfortable. How many times have you been there?"

"Just once, I felt very uncomfortable."

"Hahaha, then you just get used to it. I wasn't used to it at first, but after a long time... just like you said, you will understand why the Romans liked to build bathhouses so much. Moreover, going inside is not only It’s just a bath, you can also eat a lot and play some rides, it’s very interesting.”

"Aren't you shy? That... aunt from CUOZAO will... rub some of your private parts for you. It's very uncomfortable. It's like sexual harassment. I really can't think of what if she is gay..."

"Hahaha, it's not that exaggerated."

The two of them were chatting about the topic of bathing in Northeast China while taking a walk.

Until I heard a familiar piano melody.

Gina was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up:

"Lang is practicing the piano, do you want to come with me and have a look?"

Kun Ling's reaction was mediocre.

Not to mention Lang Lang practicing the piano... She felt accustomed to him playing the piano.

Although she was surprised at first that the best piano artist in the world would play piano music "for free" while a group of people were laughing and joking.

She would never forget that scene.

But as time goes by, it becomes less and less rare...

However, in the final analysis, there is really not much to do on St. Regis Island.

Although the scenery and facilities are good, just walking is quite boring.

In the afternoon, she planned to go to the yacht to sunbathe. She happened to have nothing to do at the moment, so she left.

So, she nodded, and the two of them walked along the trestle to the door of the villa.

The piano melody like flowing water became clearer and clearer.

Gina, who led Kun Ling inside, subconsciously slowed down her steps, obviously not wanting to disturb Lang Lang at this time.

Then... the loud piano sound stopped.

He looked up at the two of them:

"Why are you here?"

Xu Xin, who was sitting on the sofa, also opened his eyes and nodded slightly when he saw the two of them.

Seeing that she was discovered, Gina stopped hiding and asked with a smile:

"Am I bothering you?"

"No, Lao Xu is looking for a suitable piano piece... Lao Xu, what do you think? Is there anything you think is suitable?"


Xu Xin shook his head:

"Although these songs are nice to listen to, they are not what I want... that kind of soothing, clattering sound that makes people feel immersed but not restless..."

Everyone was speaking English now, but Lang Lang, who had already played seven or eight songs, frowned.

"Will not work?"

The two girls also looked curious:

"What song are you looking for?"

"A... piano music like a river."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Gina subconsciously said:

"Bergamusk Suite 75, Blue Danube, Liszt's etudes..."

She shook out a series of piano music names like a treasure trove, and then asked:

"Have you given these instructions?"

"I just played it, and it's not what he wants. What he wants is a..."

Lang Lang repeated Xu Xin's bizarre request.

It's a good thing he can remember.

But the eyes of the two girls gradually became strange.

To keep flowing, there should be no big ups and downs. It should feel soft and soothing, but also contain vitality. But this vitality must be quite gentle...

Are all directors’ ideas so weird?

But after Kun Ling heard this request, she looked thoughtful.

Just as Gina was thinking hard and her fingers were pressing the keys unconsciously, looking for notes that met her friend's requirements, she suddenly said:

"Brother Xu, have you seen the movie "Untouchable"?"

"No, but I have the impression that it was the French film box office champion in 2011?"

"Yes, yes! There is a melody in it that impressed me deeply. I even asked Brother JAY to learn it and play it to me. It is a melody that I really like, and it seems to meet your requirements."

Xu Xin showed an interested look.

"He can?"

"Yes. Should I call him over?"

"Let me listen to it first. Do you have this song on your phone? Since it's a movie, there should be a soundtrack, right?"

"Well...I'll look for it."

Kun Ling picked up the phone and started operating it.

After a moment, accompanied by a burst of piano sound, she nodded:

"Well, that's it. Brother Xu, listen to it."

She played the song from the beginning, and then put the phone in front of Xu Xin.


Lang Lang also came over, and after taking a look at the song title and composer on the mobile music player, he suddenly became happy:

"Does it belong to Mr. Rudivido Ioudi?"

"you know?"

"We know each other. We had dinner together. We also communicated. He is a national treasure-level pianist in Italy. He is very powerful."

Before Lang Lang finished speaking, Xu Xin was quickly caught by the soft but vital melody on the phone.

This melody...

Although he didn't understand some piano terminology, to him, from the relatively simple "chords" in the front to the melody that came together in the middle of the song, it was like a river formed by two streams.

Immediately, he fell in love with it.

The melody sounds monotonous at first glance, but in fact, it is composed of two different melodies.


Especially arresting.

That kind of melody is like running water, gushing and at the same time very layered, which perfectly fits his positioning of the main melody of this documentary.

A song, less than 7 minutes.

After listening, Xu Xin's eyes lit up completely.

He immediately looked at his friend:

"Can you play it?"

Lang Lang squinted his eyes and thought for a while:

"Probably, I have memorized the melody, but I need to study the hierarchical structure in the middle... If there is a music score, give me ten or twenty minutes, and I can reproduce it. Hannah, give the wheel a call, Let him come and play. Since he can do it, he should have the skills."

"All right."

Kun Ling picked up the phone and started looking for Jay Chou, while Xu Xin took the mineral water handed over by Gina and held it in his hand, with the echo of that melody in his mind.

"Lao Lang, this song is the feeling I'm looking for. For Lao Wang's documentary this time, I plan to record the 48 hours before marriage. And there is a theme throughout, which is "River", and this song will be used throughout the process. The music...if you knew this pianist..."

Before he finished speaking, Lang Lang nodded:

"No problem, I'll cover it...can I play this song live?"

"That's not necessary. His interview with Seventh Brother... I hope it can be more private. Except for a few scenes, no one will participate in it at other times. This is my gift to them..."

Xu Xin’s words were understandable and natural.

"Understood. Then will we have an interview then? For example, say some blessings or something."

"Of course there is."


Lang Lang made an OK gesture:

"I'll see if there's a score for this piece on the wheel. If so, I'll start practicing. Don't worry, you'll be able to master it in just two or three days... As for wanting to bring out your own flavor... it depends on what kind of feeling you need. , shall we communicate again then?”


Xu Xin said as he found the piano music and started listening to it.

Gradually he narrowed his eyes, and following the melody in his mind, he began to make associations.

Then, about the time of a song, Jay Chou walked in with a puzzled look on his face:

"What do you want me to do?"


He sat down in front of the piano and started playing.

Frankly speaking, he actually plays pretty well.

I even added some of my own understanding in the middle.

But to Xu Xin, it sounded worse than the original version.

Although Lun Lun's piano skills are first-rate, they are still far behind those of serious piano masters who are engaged in this profession.

This is not a weakness.

Is there any specialization in the art industry?

After Jay Chou played a song, he said:

"Is this song for Lao Wang? I think it's okay."

Xu Xin nodded slightly and admitted this.

Lang Lang also memorized the melody through observation.

After all, the absolute pitch, even when watching and listening, is basically the same.

After sitting back in front of his seat, he asked Jay Chou some things about the melody and then started playing.

Sure enough, as soon as the master took action, the gap became apparent.

Compared with Jay Chou's melody that has a hint of casual adaptation, when Lao Lang takes action, no matter what other people think about it, Xu Xin's feeling is just four words.


Obviously he didn't make too many arrangements, but from his precise playing, there was a... difference that a layman like Xu Xin couldn't tell.


Maybe it's preference, or maybe it's an illusion.

Xu Xin even felt that even though he had just played it for the first time, Lao Lang played not only better than the wheel, but even better than the Italian national treasure pianist... it was softer and more melodious.

At this time, there was a sound outside:

"What are you all doing in this room? Are you making a small group without me?"

With the entry of this cow, the peony garden that had been created through melody was ruined.

Xu Xin looked at Wang Sicong who walked in with some helplessness:

"What are you doing here?"

"I see that all of you have forgotten to go here. I am afraid that you will do something and forget me...Brothers, let's talk about it first. It's okay to eat what your brothers do and drink what you do. But if you don't take your brothers with you when you do something, that's okay. Big no!"

Hearing this, Jay Chou was about to speak:

"We are giving..."


Xu Xin interrupted him directly, then shook his head:

"Don't worry so much. It's a surprise for you anyway. You'll know when the time comes... Be obedient and good, and let's play."

"What? You can't tell me yet?"

"Of course not. If I tell you directly, what's the point of surprise?"


Wang Sicong, who didn't know how to retort for a moment, had no choice but to nod:

"Okay, by the way, I also want to tell you something."


"My dad is here. We will dock immediately. Shall we come together?"

Xu Xin was a little surprised.

Uncle Wang is here?

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