I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1099 1094 June Snow

Chapter 1099 1094. June Snow

Xu Xin also forgot where he heard such a sentence.

Those whose faces are like a flat lake and whose chests are filled with thunder can be worshiped as generals.

He also forgot where he heard it, but when he took the trophy box containing the Palme d'Or from the last Cannes Best Director, this sentence suddenly popped into his head.

Our old Xu... his face should be quite calm now, right?

he said in his heart.

But this trophy...

Not bad, much lighter than Berlin and Venice.

With this thought in mind, he raised the trophy high.

He was greeted with applause like a roaring tsunami.

Standing in front of the microphone, he took a deep breath and glanced at his wife, who was always covering her face with her hands and seemed to be crying...

This time he didn't show off his affection in front of the camera and said, "Baby, don't cry."

But suddenly I felt a little bit dumbfounded.

Melon woman.

It’s not like I haven’t won any heavyweight honors before.

Cry a lot?

Thinking of this, he showed a smile and said word by word under the spotlight:

"Seven years ago, in 2007, during the preparations for the Yanjing Olympic Games, I was a member of the opening ceremony director working group. Because I was busy with the Olympic opening ceremony, I regretted that I did not come to Cannes to accept the association's nomination for my debut film "Secret." The Golden Camera Award was presented.”

Hearing this, many people were stunned.

Many people even looked surprised.

Olympic Games?

This director Goethe Schuh, who has been very popular in Europe in the past two years, is actually a member of the directing team for the wonderful opening ceremony?

Just when they were surprised, Xu Xin continued:

"I regret that I missed receiving the award. But to be honest, I am very grateful to Cannes for awarding me that honor, which is of extraordinary significance to any new director.

Ms. Yang Mi, who was not my wife at the time, accepted the award on my behalf and used a poem by Romain Rolland to express her tribute and gratitude to the Cannes International Film Festival.

And today, 7 years later, I can finally stand on the podium, and Cannes has once again recognized my work.

And now, please allow me to appropriate the verses of the poet Romain Rolland and repeat what my wife said at that time:

The way of every life is the way of a force in nature.

Some people's lives are like a quiet lake,

Some are like the endless sky with floating white clouds,

Some are like rich and fertile plains,

Some are like intermittent mountain peaks.

I think life at the Cannes Film Festival is like a river.

The river flows into the sea, and the sea accepts all kinds of rivers.

I would like to thank the Cannes Film Festival for awarding this honor to me, and also thank all the fans who like "Silence". I would also like to thank the leading actors of the film crew, Teacher Wang Yanhui, Teacher Hu Xiaoguang, Teacher Jiang Kui, Director Lin Li... This honor, It's something we all have in common.

Finally, thank you to my wife..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin saw Yang Mi still covering her mouth and suddenly chuckled:


Under the spotlight, he waved in the direction of his wife.

And the scene inside the venue was also given at the right time...the scene of "Zhao Di" that can be said to make her cry with makeup.

"Baby, please don't cry for me."

After saying these words affectionately, he raised the trophy high:


"Wow, wow, wow..."

"Let us congratulate Director Xu."

"Yes, that's right, I really have to congratulate Director Xu Xin. As the first person to win honors at the three major film festivals of Cannes, Venice and Berlin under the age of 30 so far. He was the best at the Venice International Film Festival respectively. director."

"Best Film at the Berlin International Film Festival."

"And now Best Director at the Cannes International Film Festival. All three awards!"

"This record...at present, it is really a legendary honor."

"Yes, that's right. In fact, there are many directors in our country who have won the three major European honors. For example, the work "Fireworks in the Day" directed by Diao Yinan, which won the Golden Bear this time and swept Berlin."

"There is also the 2011 Venice Best Director Award for Director Cai Xunjun for "The Crowd"... uh..."

"Teacher Jingwei, what's wrong?"

"Da Ming, I don't know if you noticed...the award presenter of "Fireworks in the Day"..."

"It's Director Xu."

"Yes, Director Cai's "The Crowd"..."

"It's also Xu... uh... ah! Hahaha! Yes, it's still Director Xu! So from the looks of it, will the best director at Cannes next year still be for our Chinese-language film?"

"That... I hope so."

"Really? Hahaha! ... But no matter what, Director Xu's honor is really valuable. In fact, I used to think that with his strength, it would not be difficult to win the top three in Europe. But I really I didn’t expect it would come so quickly. Just a few years and a few movies... it’s so fast.”

"Although this is a bit inappropriate. But... at this moment, I still want to say that heroes have been born since ancient times. The ancients have never deceived me."

"Yes, that's right. Speaking of which, Director Xu is indeed quite young... He is so proud of the spring breeze that he can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day."

"The song "After Admission" is indeed very appropriate. However, Director Xu is actually a very low-key person in reality."

"Indeed, it is almost impossible to see him in any public place."

"But I have been in contact with Director Xu in private. He is very reserved, but a very focused person..."

Words of praise without hesitation flowed from the scenes broadcast on Sina.

At the same time, #XuXinCannesBestDirector#, #无码不卡综合的人#, #《狠狠的》Wins Gold at Cannes# and other topics sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and quickly became hot searches.

It is now around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Chinese time.

There are many people paying attention to this live broadcast.

Together they witnessed the moment when Xu Xin received this honor.

In everyone's eyes...Chinese-language films, at this moment, have reached the pinnacle of art.

At least, at this moment.

"Oh my god, how can I shout out this "Prophecy" from now on?

"Do you want a dog? Call me Director Xu!"

"I would like to ask, are Yang Mi and Xu Xin divorced?"

"They can't live apart. Yang Mis is born as a dog, and dies as a dog. Brother, you have been asking for several years. I remember your ID. Please give up."

"Xu Gou...ah no, Director Xu. Welcome the great Director Xu to Cannes!"

"Hahahaha, you're so crazy about breast-feeding, aren't you?"

"Boost up! Awesome! Xu Gou is awesome!"

"Yang Mi's support team congratulates Director Xu Xin for winning the Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival! It is announced that it will start at 2:46 pm on May 23, 2014 and end at 2:46 pm on May 24. All bees respectfully call Xu Xin " "Director Xu" will never be called "Xu Gou"!

"... 6, the top three in Europe have been defeated, the Oscar-winning foreign language film director, the world's number one director under 30 years old, you are only qualified to be a 24-hour person, right? Are you really Yang Mi's support group? Instead of a bunch of Xu Xin’s little black guys?”

"As we all know, Xu Gou's biggest fans are his wife's fans."

"Come, read with me! Knife in hand! Follow me! Kill Mimi! Grab Xu Dog!"





"Xu Gou's fans are really not picky about food."

"What? Who wants to give me a Yang Mi as my wife? Don't be picky about food. I will keep her up and lick her every day!"

"But Yang Mi washes, cooks, cleans and takes care of the children for Xu Gou every day."

"...Gan! Xu Xin, this piece of shit!!!"

"If you put it that way, Xu Xin is indeed quite hateful."

"Indeed, it's really nothing."

"We're all here, let's just spit and leave. Bah!"



"My throat is inflamed and my phlegm is thick. I'll come, I'll come..."

So, inexplicably, among the hot search items of #雪鑫XXX#, there was one hot search item that was unreasonable and unreasonable:

#call him Xu Gou will not be wronged#

"Pfft hahaha..."


in the room.

Xu Xin, who had just come out of the shower, looked at his wife who was laughing on the bed and asked in confusion:

"what happened again?"

Yang Mi shook her head:

"You can never take off your reputation as a dog."


Although he didn't understand what happened again, he didn't bother to ask.

Xu Gou...he has been called Xu Gou for who knows how many years.

Don’t worry if there are too many lice.

Just love it.

It's almost 1 o'clock now.

He was sleepy as hell.

He didn't drink at all at the dinner party after Cannes.

There is no way, although the cold is gone, I am still taking medicine to consolidate it, and I cannot drink alcohol.

He could only hold a golden palm and watch other people making trouble.

I was happy, but without the numbness of alcohol, the exhaustion of staying up until the early hours of the morning began to show.

Sitting on the bed, he opened his cell phone and took a look.

There are already more than 300 unread messages on WeChat.

have to.

Mengmeng will come to life again tomorrow.

He put the phone back on so as not to disturb his sleep.

Then he turned off the lights and took away his wife’s mobile phone:

"Go to sleep, I'm tired."


Yang Mi, who had drank some red wine, responded, got into the bed with ease, and moved into her husband's arms.

"Would you like to celebrate?"

She asked, feeling the breath on her neck.

"No, you have to take a shower after all the hard work. I'm probably already running until 3 o'clock when I'm busy with work."

"I will serve you?"

"No. Go to sleep, and it's not appropriate to ask the front desk to send Durex off in the middle of the night."

"What are you afraid of... do you want a third child?"


In the darkness, Xu Xin opened his eyes.

Some movement.

But it closed again immediately.

He hugged his wife tightly and said:

"Forget it, your career is on the rise. I will continue to work behind the scenes. There should be plenty of time for you to fly. If you really have a third child, I won't tie you up for another three years. You have already entered the female world. The golden age of an actor is to wait until you are tired."


Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

She actually didn't know why she was laughing, but she was very happy.

It went from back-to-back to hugging.

Putting her face against her husband's chest, she whispered softly:



"I love you ~ I love you so much, I love you invincibly, I love you to the point of suppressing the heavens and being arbitrary for all eternity!"

"...I can understand the front part, but what's the point behind it?"

"Novel, you don't understand."

"All right."



"Can you promise me something?"


"In my next life, I will be a man."

"Okay, then I will be your wife in my next life."

"No, you will continue to be a man in your next life."



She smiled, pinched her lover's buttocks, and then hugged his waist tightly:

"Love you. My director!"

"Go to sleep, Ms. Muse."


The night fell silent.


"Well, okay, I know... I will arrive in the morning tomorrow, and have lunch at noon... Haha, okay, good. Then hang up..."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin leaned back in the seat of the business car, turned his head and said to his wife who looked tired from the journey:

"Go home and find a bag to give me some hair."

"What? Fuqi?"

"Yes, I am going to pierce the villain and pierce the soles of your feet every day."


Yang Mi was disgusted when she heard this.

Her feet are particularly ticklish.

She felt uncomfortable when she thought of that feeling.

At this time, Xu Xin said:

"The factory held a study meeting for model workers two days ago, and everyone was asked to provide hair samples for testing. Only the two of us have ours, so we have to hand it in."

When Yang Mi said this, she became interested:

"How is it? Has anyone been caught?"

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Not yet."

"That's pretty clean."

"Well, after this, there will be some rumors, such as annual physical examinations and tests. We have to show our attitude, so that we can stop those bad apples."

"Indeed... Hey, what do you think they think? They have a good life, but they have to do these things. Is the education they received since childhood in vain?"

To be honest, she was a little naive.

But indeed, neither of them could understand this mentality.

But...it's the same old saying, in this circle, the smartest people are always those who only sweep the snow in front of their own door.

This circle is too chaotic.

The two of them have not experienced it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It's just that these ghosts and monsters dare not appear in front of them.

All the way back home, the children went to school, the house was very quiet.

Yang Mi threw the two people's change of clothes into the laundry room as usual, and Xu Xin also found the plastic bag and cut some of his hair stubble with scissors.

It was easier to find his wife's side.

She didn't even need to pull it out.

It was all over the comb.

Xu Xin went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he came out, the Golden Palm had been placed in the display cabinet at home, next to the Silver Lion, the Golden Bear, and the Oscar statuette.

Don't say...

It was shining.

And there was a small suitcase under the display cabinet.

"It's still your set of toiletries. There are clothes for your change of seasons in Xi'an. Although I don't know how many days you will stay, I told Mengmeng to take out all the clothes and dry them after she arrives. I haven't been there for more than a year. Smell it before you wear it. If it doesn't smell good, wear the ones I brought for you..."

"Master, don't recite it."

He was a little speechless.

Yang Mi ignored him, rolled her eyes and muttered to herself that it was a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and went straight into the bedroom.

In the afternoon, the children got out of school.

The two children didn't express much about their father winning another award.

First of all... they are used to it.

There are always some inexplicable trophies in the house from time to time.

Some will be placed in the cabinet, and some will be thrown aside by the mother.

They don't care.

Second... the tigress is back.

The debt must be repaid.

Nuan Nuan was crying while playing the piano.

Yang Mi was holding a small ruler in her hand and watching beside her.

If anyone dares to slack off, the small ruler will "slap" a few times on the free Stanway Langlang.

This is a warning.

One warning.

Two warnings.

The third time... I wish you good luck.

Anyway, whoever loves it knows.

But to be honest, the piano can't be hit like this. First, it's expensive. Second, if it causes some vibrations, it doesn't matter if it's re-tuned. If it's damaged, it's a waste of things.

But Yang Mi didn't have any psychological burden.

It's free anyway.

As for Xu Xin... just pretend not to see it.

He lowered his head to look at Gong Xinliang's circle of friends.

He temporarily unblocked the other party.

This time in Cannes, Xu Xin thought she would contact him... Who would have thought it was very quiet.

Didn't disturb.

But Yang Mi met her and they took a photo together.

And the other party's circle of friends had photos, and there were many photos with other people...

He watched the fun.

Yang Yang didn't know whose room he was hiding in.

The old Xu family returned to their daily life.

There was a golden palm leaf trophy in the house, which seemed to have changed something.

It seemed that nothing had changed.


May 26.

Xu Xin went directly to Xi'an.

This time he came for two things.

On the one hand, he wanted to take a look at the remaining clips of "The White-Haired Witch" and see what the film was like.

On the other hand, he wanted to talk to Qi Lei about his ideas.

He arrived at the factory with ease.

Everything was the same as before.

But... there were more and more people.

He and Qi Lei agreed to meet directly in the editing room.

When he walked in, he saw him and Lao Zhu sitting side by side, working on the computer.

When they heard the noise, they both turned around. When they saw Xu Xin, Qi Lei was happy:

"Oh, the big director is here!"

Xu Xin was a little speechless.

But he still maintained his status:

"Well, stand up."


Laughing, Xu Xin glanced at the Maggie Maggie on Lao Zhu's table...

"Good boy, you really love to drink. Have you tested your blood sugar recently?"

"I have tested it, it's OK. I've been exercising recently."

After Zhu Huailiang finished speaking, Qi Lei shook his head helplessly:

"Maggie Maggie's business has been average in the past two years. They have started to close stores one after another and turned into raw material suppliers. But this store in the factory has been retained. If you ask me... it was reserved specifically for him."

He was right.

The wheel, Maggie Maggie, has indeed transformed now.

There is no way. Domestic milk tea brands and various franchise stores have emerged like dog urine moss overnight.

The main feature is a small footprint and small scale.

Compared with this model, milk tea brands with a heavy atmosphere like Maggie Maggie are somewhat uncompetitive.

After all, decorating a Maggie Maggie requires very high requirements for the store, and the raw materials they use are imported if possible, and high-end if possible... The quality has improved, but the price has also risen with inflation.

Even with the reputation of Lunzi, it has shown its decline under the impact of many milk tea brands with similar tastes, affordable prices and low operating costs.

Fortunately, Lunzi is not a fool. As early as 2012, he had sold 80% of his shares.

He made a lot of money.

So now Maggie Maggie is strictly speaking one of the founders, but it is still his milk tea friend who is doing it and using his image as an endorsement, but in fact it has nothing to do with him.

But the Maggie Maggie in the factory is still retained.

On the one hand, they don’t want to give up the free advertising space of "The Voice" every year.

On the other hand... the friendship is here.

It’s still free to drink.

What’s more, there are many young people in the factory, and there is a lot of demand for coffee. Having such a free water bar really caters to the needs of many people.

"Have someone bring me two drinks, no milk, but fruit tea. Mengmeng, you order."

Su Meng nodded and walked out.

She only needed to place the order, and when it was ready, Maggie's staff would deliver it.

After Su Meng left, Xu Xin looked at the slightly rough green screen shot on the computer screen, which was obviously waiting for post-CG production, and asked directly:

"What's the situation?"

"Basically there's no hope."

Zhu Huailiang stared at the screen and said this.

And Qi Lei simply stopped talking.


Under Xu Xin's speechless gaze, he continued:

"I re-edited all the unfinished and uncut shots. The film was stretched to nearly 3 hours at most... but it was useless. His post-production shots were so bad that it felt like they were not finished. There were a hammer in the east and a stick in the west. Even if all these shots were completed in post-production, it would not work if they were presented to the audience all at once. At most... it was just not that bad. But the length was out of control."


Although he had already made this guess in his mind, Xu Xin was still speechless when he got Lao Zhu's confirmation.

He couldn't help but ask Qi Lei:

"Have you contacted him?"

Qi Lei also knew who this "he" was, and said:

"I contacted him. It's still the same words."


The so-called "words" are actually a set of...

How to say it.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is the panacea answer of "everyone has a different understanding of art".

Never mind the status of investors, directors, and actors.

Once a director makes a bad movie, he must have an excuse.

He wants to pass the buck.

If the crew has a lot of troubles, they can find reasons such as chaotic management and actors being arrogant.

But if it is a crew with a virtuous cycle, and the director makes a bad movie, the reason is usually the so-called "different artistic concepts".

And the most classic example of this set of rhetoric is Chen Kaige's "The Promise".

In 2005, it cost 60 million Hong Kong dollars to make it look like that.

When everyone asked why you made such a bad movie, Chen Kaige's sentence "No one will understand it in five years" became the best footnote to this set of rhetoric.

Do you understand "The Promise" now?

At least Xu Xin didn't understand it.

But this is where art is interesting.

I am an artist.

You appreciate art.

You think my movie is bad because you don't understand it.

What's wrong with the investors?

The same is true for the investors.

What? You don't believe it?

Then let the market test it.

If the market feedback also thinks it is bad...

Then it doesn't understand my art.

After all, as the seventh art, film itself does not have a set of fixed formulas to evaluate what is good and what is bad.

In the film industry, there are many examples of bad reviews for a film when it is first released, but the reputation turns around after a few years.

Therefore, as long as a bad film is made, it is almost a panacea to talk about the dispute of artistic concepts.

Of course, having said that, this set of words is not suitable for new directors.

They don't have the capital to talk about the so-called art with the investors. You have to shoot it the way the investors tell you to shoot. If the movie is good, the investors make money. If the movie is not good, the director and actors take the blame.

But unfortunately... Zhang Zhiliang is not an unknown person.

Even if Xiying wants to hold him accountable, there is nothing they can do.

At most, they will never cooperate again.

Moreover, the movie has been filmed and the money has been paid. It is too difficult to take back the water that has been spilled.

Everyone has worked hard, and the dishes served in the end are not tasty... You should find who to blame, what does it have to do with us workers?

But the question is who to blame?

In the end, you can only find the reason yourself.

Xu Xin naturally understood this truth, so he stopped struggling and asked directly:

"So what do you plan to do with this movie now? Do Wanda and Blue Ocean know about it?"

"They have all seen it."

When this was mentioned, Qi Lei was even more helpless.

However, after looking at Zhu Huailiang, he chose not to say more and changed the subject:

"Old Zhu, please play the re-edited clips that you think can be remedied."



Half an hour later.

It was almost 11 o'clock in the morning.

Xu Xin held a cup of lemon fruit tea in his hand and walked out of the office building with Qi Lei.

The weather in Xi'an today was very good, with clear skies. Except for being a little hot, there was nothing wrong with the air index and ultraviolet rays.

But both of them were in a somewhat emo mood.

Just now, Xu Xin saw a few clips that could be "saved" by editing those unused shots.

But the second half of the entire film only had these few clips.

The rest, really, really couldn't be found.

More than 100 million yuan of investment, although it hasn't been released yet... But for Xu Xin, it's already a waste.

And this doesn't even count the publicity investment when the movie is released.

That's also real money.

When the two of them left the office building, Qi Lei could say what he couldn't say just now when no one was around:

"Wanda and Blue Ocean Happiness are very dissatisfied. But they can't do anything. The company has already thought about how to stop the loss. But the requirement is... to be released during the Silk Road Film Festival. And it must be screened in the film festival."


The moment he heard this, Xu Xin shook his head:

"This quality progress? That will ruin the brand."

"I didn't agree to them either."

Qi Lei sighed helplessly:

"Later, we talked about releasing it during the film festival. But when promoting it, we must bring our name. And the popularity must be related as much as possible."

"In other words, riding on the popularity of "Silk Road"?"

"Well, they won't invest too much in other aspects. Now let's see... how much money can be recovered. I actually proposed a plan to them, that is, to rush to the Qixi Festival, at least there is a Valentine's Day couple ticket event. But they are not stupid, not to mention... we also invested 8,000..."


Xu Xin was speechless.

I really didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, he probably felt that Qi Lei's emo mood was not strong enough, so he decided to add fuel to the fire:

"By the way."


"I plan to move behind the scenes."


Qi Lei's mind was blank.


Isn't it almost June?


Why is it snowing?

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