I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1100 1095 Wolf Warriors Chase Quickly

Chapter 1100 1095. Wolf Warriors Chase and Kill

If "The White-Haired Witch" during this period of time is like a time bomb that has not yet detonated, making Qi Lei feel up and down every day, feeling uncomfortable but unable to vent... then Xu Xin's sentence "I want to go behind the scenes" is It was just a hundred-ton hammer that smashed him to pieces.

For no reason, Qi Lei felt that the world was a bit "grey". At the end of the gray factory road, stood a little girl in ragged clothes.


Such a cold day.

The little girl was barefoot and dressed in tatters, and her thin clothes could not withstand the wind and cold. And in her arms, she was holding a nuclear bomb.

"Uncle, do you want to buy a nuclear bomb?"

The girl asked shivering from the cold.

Looking at Qi Lei's dull expression, she seemed disappointed and lit the nuclear bomb with a match.

Then he pulled Qi Lei up to the sky.

With a bang, Qi Lei suddenly saw that he was too big...

"You...are dead?"

Facing Tai Nai who was waving to him, he stuttered and asked.


Xu Xin was stunned.

I wonder how this is related?

"No ah."

he said.

"Why are you leaving? Why should I leave?"

? ?

Tai Nai took one step forward and disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there was confusion:

"Then...do you still want to take pictures?"


Xu Xin continued to nod:

"Why don't you take pictures?"

"...Then why are you breathing?"


He threw the empty fruit tea cup into the trash can and handed Qi Lei a cigarette before he said calmly:

"One movie a year is a bit too rushed. Every movie I make now actually has a requirement of myself. In short, on the one hand, it's like Director Zhang, who always wants to experiment with something different. On the other hand, the past two years have been a bit too busy. I was so busy that I couldn’t even put my feet down. Especially last year..."

"Last year it was."

Qi Lei nodded as if he felt the same:

"You also made a movie in the United States."

"Yes. So, I actually need a cycle that can recharge in a limited environment. This is a kind of self-precipitation, and I also hope to have a learning process. A process of learning and thinking in different environments. Think about it, other directors at my age may be working as laborers on a certain crew, but in this kind of work they will also see many different directors, different styles, and all kinds of things. This kind of thing...is actually the same for me, but I am pursuing some more personal breakthroughs."

"...Then how do you want to change it?"

"You don't have to be so deliberate."

Xu Xin waved:

"It's not what you think. I won't make a movie anymore. You should know my habit. I am sure I want to make a script, and I will use it as the goal to start building a movie in my mind that extends this story." "Screen."

"Well, Director Zhang also said that most people don't have your talent."

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't admit it, but he didn't refute it either.

I can only say that individuals have their own habits.

"For example, in the next movie "Master", in the plot, Chen Shi first enters Tianjin and visits the local martial arts master Zheng Shanao. He wants to show what he has learned and use his own skills to gain Zheng Shanao's recognition."


Qi Lei has naturally read the script "Master" and knows the story inside.

"In this scene, I will first think about the environment in which the two people met. Chen Shi came from out of town and met Zheng Shanao. Logically speaking, it would definitely not be in a hotel or restaurant. Once there, Chen Shi also He has no permanent residence in Tianjin. Secondly, it would be disrespectful for him to invite others to the hotel.

To pay homage, he wanted to go over and pay homage to the mountain.

So he went to Zheng Shanao's home.

So what is Zheng Shanao's home like? How many yards does it have? What's the door like? What does the living room look like?

When the two met and Chen Shi showed off his abilities, was it in public? Or... it should be more private.

I tend to keep things private. Zheng Shanao is like the chairman of Tianjin Martial Arts Co., Ltd. The chairman cannot leave the office door open when receiving guests, right?

And how to create this privacy? Like there's no one around? The two of them were still in a place similar to a martial arts hall. The doors and windows were sealed, making it difficult for outsiders to peek. Then Chen Shi came to perform martial arts, and Zheng Shan proudly commented.

So how should I create this kind of private atmosphere? Does it reflect Chen Shi’s fierceness? Or ruthless? Or how to highlight Zheng Shanao's outgoing personality.

And how should this scene be matched? How to use light? How to create an atmosphere? …

I have to think clearly and carefully about every scene of the script, thinking that in my heart, it has been polished to... not to say perfect, but at least after it passes the test in my heart, the story is considered complete. I know what I want in terms of setting, what kind of art style, and even how the actors should act to fit the picture in my mind...these are the things I want to associate.

As for this entire story, every frame of it, I will completely perfect it in my mind before I start shooting. "


Xu Xin said, Qi Lei listened.

Is Qi Lei surprised?

Not really.

Because...most of the content in Xu Xin's words belongs to the basic skills of a director.

Some directors have solid basic skills, so even if the movies they make are not outstanding, they are not bad to watch.

But some directors are just half-hearted, so their movies are irrelevant.

But this is where Xu Xin is great.

He also builds a "world" belonging to the movie in his mind according to the story line, but his world is better and more pleasing to the eye than others.

This is a completely natural aesthetic intuition and talent.

Maybe everyone has the same basic skills, but there are always different talents.

A young director who won the three major honors at the age of 28 and also won an Oscar... No matter how straightforward his words are, there is a unique background of Tianjiao hidden in them.

That is what truly transcends ordinary people.

He can say whatever he wants.

He even says the same thing as ordinary directors.


The things that cannot be expressed in words are the real capital of the world.

Qi Lei was thinking, and then he heard Xu Xin say:

"But now I don't have enough time."


Under Qi Lei's puzzled eyes, Xu Xin shook his head:

"I am getting busier and busier, and the time for me to think about a work and a story is very trivial and scattered. In the past, I wanted to get 100 points before delivering something, but now it has become 90 points... God knows whether it will become 80 points, 70 points, or 60 points in a while... So, I chose to slow down my shooting rhythm. Polish the story more carefully and contribute good works to the audience. This is the first important reason why I decided to gradually move behind the scenes."

"The second one..."

"There are more and more people in the factory. Brother Qi, things like "The White-Haired Witch" will definitely not be an exception in the future. We have worked hard to make the factory rejuvenated, and we must not go down the old path."


Now, Qi Lei has nothing to say.

Because Xu Xin's words hit the point.

"It's different now. In the past two years, the environment in the factory has been good, and many people have come to join us. But at the same time, the environment outside is actually changing.

If there were no Internet companies pouring money into the market, we wouldn't have to worry so much.

But the current situation is here... People came here before because they found a better place than being a grandson in the Beijing circle and slowly becoming a grandfather. But now the Internet environment is actually better than ours, right? They have money. Anyone with a little ability will get a good price from them.

We made arrangements in advance and set up an outsourcing team, including producers, The crew has a whole series of teams... but in the end, they are just service personnel. Those who hired us are the financial sponsors. Who can guarantee that they are only satisfied with cooperation or outsourcing?

When they really poach your talents... how many people they poach, it is one thing to be afraid of or not. But if the quality of control over each film declines due to the departure of the backbone, then we will be the ones who are unlucky.

That's why I said I want to move behind the scenes. On the one hand... we have to cultivate our own good seedlings. Whether it is a director, producer, or other people, we have to cultivate a group of capable people. Support these people so that they can leave " "Money" troubles.

Take directors as an example. When directors become famous, they will have more freedom when attracting investment, hiring actors, and a series of other things are not a problem. And because of freedom, they will not confine themselves to a certain company or environment. By then, we will not fall into a disadvantage. After all, the Art Creation Center does not force others to do anything. Give them a free environment, and they will bring better works.

These are the people who really need to be won over.

As for me... I think I am pretty good at judging people. As a producer who is not with the group, responsible for controlling some key projects in the factory, in this way, my own There is more time for creation, and the work intensity is not so great. Even if there are trivial matters, time is not so tight. Secondly, relying on my... currently valuable reputation, I can also help everyone quickly.

The audience may not know these unknown directors, OK, it doesn't matter. But adding my name to the movie, I think they have some trust, right? "

Speaking, Xu Xin made a gesture of crossing his fists together:

"Superimpose each other, help each other, when the wave comes, hold together so as not to be washed away. This step must always be taken. "

At this point, Qi Lei actually understood.

First he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he nodded almost without hesitation:

"I understand what you mean. If this is your decision, then I will definitely not interfere. "

First he gave a straightforward answer.

But Qi Lei hesitated for a moment and asked:

"Didn't you say...you will never shoot again?"

Xu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

"How can that be possible? If I don't shoot movies, who will I eat? Won't I starve to death?"


Qi Lei thought that what you said was really human.

Starve to death?

I can starve to death, but you won't.

"Besides, I have two movies in hand. "Master" is coming soon, I estimate that it will be finished before Silk Road. This "Monster Hunt" is...a bit difficult."

"...what's the difficulty?"

"The difficulty is that I have never done it before. I thought about it when Yang Mi was filming "Pacific Rim". I estimate that this film would have to rely on a green screen for most of the time, including post-production modeling and so on... What exactly should be shot? At that time, I didn’t know what to do, but I had to do it. If CG technology doesn’t move forward, it may never be able to move forward..."

The conversation between the two went round and round, and then came back to the movie Xu Xin was going to make.

At this moment, the two of them were standing in the shade at the entrance of the factory.

He was going to eat, but Qi Lei felt a little uneasy after being jumped by a little girl selling nuclear bombs just now. Xu Xin's cigarette put him under the shade of a tree.

Although I finished smoking, I didn’t move anywhere at the moment.

After the topic became "easy" again, because the topic was not over, the two of them did not move forward.

This is really a pain for the security guard at the entrance.

I was just enjoying the cool weather in the pavilion, but when a car arrived, I asked why I came and saw if it would be allowed. As a result, Director Xu and Mr. Qi stopped under the shade of a tree at the door, and the forty-year-old security guard stood in front of the guard box like a straight man.

But the sun was shining brightly above my head.

I'm almost crying now.

I thought it would be wise to tell the two leaders whether you want to leave or stay.

If the sun continues like this, I will die.

Just as I was thinking about it, a car came to the door.

After taking a look, the security guard realized that it was a public reception vehicle from the factory, so he directly raised the railing to let him through.

But after the car came in, it stopped.

The security guard saw the side door of the commercial vehicle being opened, and a man as tanned as a black monkey stepped out.


How does this look like an African?

The security guard complained in his mind. It could be seen that the person nodded at him kindly, and he nodded in response, and then continued to stand at attention.

But he found that... the other party looked at him up and down.

It was as if he was dissatisfied with his posture.

But he didn’t say much.

Walked directly to the front of the car:

"Director Xu, Mr. Qi."

Xu Xin and Qi Lei, who were talking, turned their heads...

They all looked astonished.

Xu Xin blinked...

"Brother Jing?"

Wu Jing smiled shyly.

Under the dark face, a mouth of white teeth was exposed.

Come forward quickly.

"Why are you so dark?"

Qi Lei was also confused.

You know... when Wu Jing first debuted, he was just a kid.

He can fight and is handsome.

Especially when Yang Yuqian was in "Tai Chi Master", my dear, his face was really pinching.

But look at it now.

Short hair.

Dark skin.

Strong muscles...

It feels like... to Xu Xin

Well, how should I put it.

Although it smells a bit racist.

But...it really smells like Southeast Asian monkeys.

"You went to Africa?"

He couldn't help but ask.

Wu Jing smiled even more embarrassedly:

"Hehe, no. It's a bit whiter than this. It was even darker when the movie was just finished."

Only then did Xu Xin realize that he should be talking about "Wolf Warrior".

But before he spoke, Qi Lei asked:

"Passed trial?"

"Well, I passed. The opinion of the military is that the film was very good, but the disadvantage is that the individual combat power of the special forces in the movie was somewhat underestimated, and the enemy mercenary armed strength was exaggerated. Some plots cannot withstand scrutiny...especially Our military’s quick response ability. However, considering that this is a movie and it is to promote the plot conflict, there is no need to modify it. Moreover, this movie also promotes the military spirit and reflects the military integrity and spirit. "


Qi Lei's eyes lit up.

But Xu Xin said in confusion:

"Is filming of "Wolf Warrior" finished?"

"It's been edited."

After hearing his words, Qi Lei said:

"After editing, he took it to Nanjing for review. This time the military gave a lot of support, including special forces training, aircraft and tanks and other equipment. After the film is finished, it will definitely be sent for review. If it passes the review, we can Arrangements for going online..."

"Mr. Qi, what about going to theaters..."

Wu Jing couldn't hold it back and asked a little urgently.


The current situation is actually not optimistic.

"Wolf Warrior" is his hard work, but the filming process is really difficult to describe.

First, the subject matter was sensitive and the script was revised several times.

Finally, it passed the review with the help of the factory.

If he hadn't found Director Xu and joined Xiying, he would have had a backer... It's doubtful whether this movie would be made.

There is also...the matter of subject matter.

Military-themed movies haven't been released in theaters in a serious way for how many years.

Of course, those theme-themed gift films produced by China Film Group are excluded here.

There's really not much to say about that kind of movie, and you have to make it regardless of whether you lose money or make money.

But serious military-themed commercial films have really not done well for a long time. It’s even gotten to the point where we don’t even shoot digital movies for movie channels anymore.

So it can be said that from the moment the script of "Wolf Warrior" came out, it was destined to have a bad fate.

And now, although it has been filmed, edited, and even successfully reviewed by the military... it is far from over.

The long journey can only be regarded as the beginning.

Can the factory provide support?


In theaters.

How to promote it, and how much film scheduling the theater chain can give, these all need to be discussed.

The good news is that with the factory around, Wu Jing is not without a backer. Even for the sake of the factory, the theater chain should have no problem.

The bad news is... if the theaters don't like it and the film scheduling rate doesn't increase... then no one can say whether the film will lose money or make a profit.

The budget for this film was less than 30 million from the beginning, but it was indeed not enough.

Later, I applied for an additional job from the factory, but Director Xu called me again and gave me another 10 million.

The result is not enough...apply again...

In the end, Lin Lin finally figured it out, and the investment in this film was almost 60 million.

This is because Nanjing strongly supports it, and the aircraft and tanks used are not worth much money.

And now if you go to theaters, you still have to apply for publicity funds...

He was really getting more and more confused.

But who knew that when he first arrived at the factory and planned to apply for funding, he happened to encounter two of his immediate bosses chatting.

This opportunity cannot be missed.


Seeing Wu Jing's somewhat anxious look, Qi Lei thought for a while and looked at Xu Xin.

In fact... to be honest, he is not optimistic about this project either.

Military themes are basically "dead" in the theater market.

This is the truth.

There's no way, the market won't buy it.

China is not the United States.

Americans can still show off their feelings, but China has been at peace for so long, so it is natural that the audience for military-themed movies is getting smaller and smaller.

But this film was recommended by Xu Xin after all.

The factory saw that the script was pretty good and the investment wasn't much, so they invested in it.

As a result, he got on a pirate ship.

What could have been done with 30 million originally ended up being doubled.

But there is nothing we can do.

When additional investment was needed for this film, Wu Jing also brought over all the footage that had been shot, including two producers from the studio. Describe the situation at the scene.

The funds are really not enough.

Wu Jing also worked hard for this drama.

Going deep into the mountains and old forests, there were several strikes among the group performers.

For nothing else.

To go home.

How did you drag us into the woods, and how did you send us back?

We won’t even bother raising more money.

We are afraid of death.

Whose crew is so good that they are still filming in 40-degree temperatures?

Is heatstroke a common occurrence?

What's going on? !

Therefore, there is no doubt about Wu Jing’s professionalism in this film.

But...the truth is so cruel.

No matter how hard you work, if there is no market, everything will be in vain.

But after the film was produced, Qi Lei also watched it.

Don't even say it...

The photo was pretty good.

Especially in the end, Leng Feng, who left the deepest impression on Qi Lei while holding a 59 and roaring out "Kill!!", would make even a middle-aged person's blood boil.

The movie is a good movie.

Even if the market is gone, it is still a good film.

As for Xiying, what they are least afraid of is good movies!

It's a good movie, just watch it.

Even if the box office is not satisfactory, at least it can get a good reputation.

And word of mouth is the nourishment for Xiying’s brand.

This is the core idea of ​​Xiying.

But you definitely can't tell anyone this kind of thinking. On the contrary, not only can't you tell anyone, but you also have to pretend to be embarrassed.

This is a way of interpersonal communication and a means of imperial control.

Let the other person understand that it is a personal relationship.

Even if... the factory invested 60 million in this favor.

So, he glanced at Xu Xin.

It means "you have to help".

Xu Xin was a little confused at first.

Isn’t it the most basic guarantee that movies produced by the factory will go to theaters?

Why is Qi Lei still hesitant at this time?

But then I thought about it, is there any twists and turns in this movie?

After all, he hasn't seen the movie yet.

So he said to Wu Jing:

"Have you brought the film with you?"

"I'm taking it with me."

Wu Jing lifted the computer bag in his hand.

"Then let's go to the small hall this afternoon to see how it goes. I haven't seen this movie yet. Let's talk about it after watching it."

"...That's okay. Then I'll send this film over first. Director Xu, I'll contact you in the afternoon?"


Xu Xin nodded, Wu Jing said hello to the two of them and left quickly.

As soon as he left, he heard Qi Lei say:

"This movie is actually quite well shot, and the subject matter is well-chosen. It hits the right mark, and both sides are justified. Apart from the fact that it costs more and doesn't have any big-name actors, in terms of the quality of the movie itself, it's really good. "

"Then why are you hesitating about the cinema?"

"You are the person in charge and recommender of this project, so you go ahead and nod. When the time comes, add your name to the list of producers. Aren't you going to step aside? Let me help you build momentum now. Create the kind of [Xu Xin The product must be a high-quality product!”

Xu Xin was stunned...

So that's it.

Qi Lei looked at his understanding look and said with a smile:

"Since you want to go in the direction of a producer, then follow this rule. You really have to adapt. Directors and producers have different functions, but the gameplay is actually the same. The accumulation of one film after another, ordinary As for the producer, in fact the audience will not have much impression.

What they see is the lineup of directors and actors.

But as an insider, the producer is sometimes more important than the director because they are offline. Whether a director's film will make more money, be more exciting, and win more awards depends on the director's talent and level. But the producers only need to ensure investors that they are offline. With you as a producer, this film will never lose money no matter how hard it is. This is the level of a top producer.

You have never dealt with producers before, so you are not used to this method, which is normal. Once you know how to play, the rest will be much easier. "


Xu Xin nodded again and sighed:

"Ginger, you are still old and cool. What you said made me understand what the producer of "John Wick" I filmed in Hollywood was doing."


Qi Lei smiled and shrugged, and the two of them continued walking outside the factory.

I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won’t go far at noon.

The restaurants at the door are all delicious.

The two of us have eaten together many times.

Although the rule is that you are not allowed to drink alcohol during working hours.

Then drink wheat juice.

While walking, Qi Lei said:

"By the way, are you sure you want your movie to be called this? "John Wick"? Not too good, right?"

"...It's really not that good. But that's the name of the script. Do you have any good ideas?"

"I haven't seen the film yet. But I think the name will definitely not work. It is not very recognizable. You have to think of a Chinese name. It should be more appropriate, and it is best to directly represent the style of the film. The audience will understand it at a glance. mean."


Xu Xinxin said what is the style of the movie "John Wick"?

It's very simple.

Highlight a revenge not overnight.

If you kill my dog, I will kill your whole family.

No compromise, no negotiation, no bells and whistles.

Highlight a quick, accurate and ruthless move.

Just do it with a gun, and shoot someone in the head when you see him.

"'Revenge Does Not Overnight'? How about it?"

"...Are you serious?"

Looking at Big Brother's ridiculous expression, Xu Xin smiled awkwardly.

It's really not a good name.

Just then, he heard the roar of an engine.

I turned my head and saw that it was an old Mitsubishi that had been modified. As soon as the traffic light turned green, the exhaust pipe roared and the car sped away.

Xu Xin was speechless.

What do you mean by showing off?

It's not like I don't have any.

Ken Takakura also gave me a Mitsubishi.



Where did I put my Mitsubishi?

He never drove it once after it was shipped back from Japan...

For a moment I couldn't even remember where to put it.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind:

"How's John Wick?"

These four words are simply born for MR. Wick.

Revenge highlights a swift and rapid attack.

Leave no one behind!

After Qi Lei heard the name, he tasted it subconsciously.

First reaction: a bit vulgar.

Second reaction...

"Yeah, it sounds okay. What is the movie about?"

"The story of a retired killer..."

On the way to the hotel, Xu Xin began to tell him about the movie.

Above the sky, the roar of the Mitsubishi gradually faded away...

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