I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 112 110 One person, one thought

Chapter 112 110. One person, one thought

Back in the room, just as Xu Xin finished taking a shower, he heard movement outside the bathroom.

"It's okay. You can go back. I'll be back in a moment."

Knowing that his girlfriend was coming, Xu Xin sped up his movements.

When it comes out after washing...



Looking at his girlfriend who suddenly jumped out from the corridor and put on a cute look to scare him, Xu Xin's mouth twitched and he said:

"Isn't it childish?"


Yang Mi smiled and glanced quickly along her boyfriend's upper body, her face slightly red.

Xu Xin didn't mind her watching either.

The development curve of the two people is quite strange.

On the morning of the third day when they were obviously dating each other, his girlfriend's clothes...according to the other party's unequivocal statement, he had stripped them off for her in the middle of the night.

He said he was afraid that she would be hot.

Then after he fucked her, he said in a rogue manner that he was afraid she would be cold, so he hugged her and held her in his arms all night.

Anyway, Xu Xin firmly refused to admit it...

He had no memory of this at all.

But according to this progress, it should be pretty fast, but I'm actually quite restrained these days.

Mainly because these sisters are a little timid...

He is usually a gangster, but when things get serious, he gets scared very quickly.

But at least these days, the two of them are getting to know each other.

As for the degree of familiarity... On the first day after getting the second room card, when the girl came to deliver breakfast, Xu Xin, who had never expected that the other party would come, habitually lay there with his back stretched out to sleep...

It was she who turned around first, covered Sun Ting's eyes, pushed her out of the house, and then quickly covered Xu Xin with the quilt...

You said she saw it, for sure.

But she was probably also shocked, and maybe she even dreamed about the Dinghai Shenzhen.

The substantive relationship between the two is somewhere between "I am your person" and "I am your person at all times."


So Xu Xin didn't shy away from her. Instead, he held his breath slightly and showed off his muscle outline:

"Isn't it much better than when you first met me?"

"Well, it's much stronger."

The girl knew that her boyfriend was talking about the scene when the other party's clothes were filled with static electricity and were accidentally exposed when he took them off while filming that short video.

He still had a beer belly at that time.

As Xu Xin spoke, he picked up the script of "Wulin Gaiden" and lay directly on the bed:

"Sleep here?"

"No, the cosmetics are all downstairs. It's time to take care of your legs today. It's so troublesome and it will take more than an hour. I'll just lie down with you for a while~"

Kicking off her sneakers and wearing cute cartoon bunny white socks, she jumped onto the bed. JIOJIO stretched out to her boyfriend:

"Look! Isn't it cute?"

Xu Xin glanced at it, and his fingers suddenly attacked her inadvertently, scratching the soles of her feet.


With a pop, the girl knelt down on the mattress, her face slightly red:

"I hate you~ you're so itchy~"


After pulling her into his arms, Xu Xin opened the second half of the script and asked:

"Can't you do some maintenance tomorrow?"

"No, it's all planned. Today I need to apply essential oil, then cream, and a facial mask..."

"...and put on a facial mask?"

He was a little surprised and kissed his girlfriend on the forehead. He was speechless:

"What you put on your face, you put on your legs?"

"You also need to stick it on your feet. From the soles of your feet to your heels, you need to stick it on. This way, you won't see the dead skin on your feet, and you won't have that dry look. Especially under the camera, when you take a picture, you can only see That powdery color..."

She unconsciously rubbed her boyfriend's stomach muscles with her hands and muttered:

"It's troublesome. But who told me to have thin legs? This is called a body advantage. I must take good care of it~...I'm talking~"

She directly crossed her legs, took off her socks, and exposed her white feet:

"Wearing high heels in the future will easily deform or create calluses. So this is a cumulative process... You won't see anything in a short time, but after ten or twenty years, the gap will appear..."

After speaking, she subconsciously raised her head.

Sure enough, her boyfriend's eyes followed the movement of his legs.

So, she blocked the script with a happy smile, and leaned on her boyfriend:

"Like it?"

She beamed.

But he immediately noticed something, blushed, and fell down again.

"Read the script, read the script~"

"Little coward."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at her angrily, hugged her again, and unfolded the script of Wulin Gaiden.

"Episode 39 ~ Lu Xiucai is unreasonable and unforgiving, Guo Furong eats the mooncakes... Is this Zhu Wushuang me?"

She pointed to a name at the beginning of the play.


Xu Xin responded.

Yang Mi followed him and continued to ask:

"Didn't you read all of these a few days ago? Why did you read them again?"

"Because I think there's something wrong with this character."

Xu Xin pointed to the content in the script and said:

"This role... I'm not very satisfied with it."

"What's the matter?"

"Her logic is too weak. She feels like a...love brain, do you understand?"

"...What brain?"

Obviously, the girl has never heard of this term.

Xu Xin didn't know how he came up with this adjective.

But he felt it was inappropriate, so he shook his head and said:

"That's not right. She is very insecure. She is the kind...whoever gives me a smile will make me fall in love without hesitation...just like a homeless puppy that no one wants...and According to a normal script, such as another story, usually people with this attribute are tragic characters. They are used to set off the emotional sublimation of men and women...actually the same is true here."

"Isn't that good? It's the role of a classic female supporting role."

"Okay, but the problem is that if you come to act... I want to dig deeper into what's inside."

Although Xu Xin's tone was calm, Yang Mi knew what he meant.

Although it was true that she felt sweet in her heart... But she was even more puzzled:

"This is just a sitcom, right?"

“Who says sitcom characters can’t be explored further?”

"Well...well, I don't have this talent anyway. I don't understand even if you tell me~"

She retracted into her boyfriend's arms and yawned...

"Ha...um...lower down and let me smell you for a while."


Xu Xin adjusted his posture.

Lying on his back, he no longer hugged her, but let her hug his arms.

He continued to read the script.

But after waiting for about ten minutes, when he wanted to smoke a cigarette... he suddenly found that the other party had fallen asleep.


He thought for a moment and picked up the phone next to him.

"Have you slept?"


"Come up here."


"Be quiet and send me a message when you get to the door."


A few minutes later, Sun Ting came to Xu Xin's door with an uneasy look on her face.

Then, the door was quietly opened, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Xu Xin making a silencing gesture.

Then he handed her two room cards.

"Go to her house and bring her the cosmetics she needs to take care of her legs, especially...the ones that take care of her legs, you know?"

"...Probably, I'll take them all, right?"

"Well, take it in a box so you can take it with you when you leave."


By now, Sun Ting knew everything she should know.

So I am not surprised that the two have "sleeped" together.

It was just that she was curious about what happened between the other party and Sister Zeng...that made Sister Zeng so wary.

But she didn't ask, just took the room card and went downstairs.

When she packed her things, pushed the suitcase, and opened the door of Xu Xin's room, she thought she would see the naked Sister Mimi sleeping soundly...

But no.

Sister Mimi is actually wearing clothes...

There was no special smell in the room, just a faint smell of tobacco.

Director Xu was sitting at his desk with the script in his hand, seemingly working.

After seeing her coming, he just nodded, then lowered his head and wrote something on a piece of paper...

These two people...

How strange...

Sun Ting said in her heart.

But he didn't say much and left directly.

Xu Xin was busy until it was almost 1 o'clock, then he went to the bathroom, washed his face and got ready to go to bed.

He hugged his girlfriend, who had fallen asleep so soundly, into his arms again.

He instinctively touched the other person first.


This time, he was sure.

The girlfriend's clothes were intact.

It’s 5:30 in the morning.


Yang Mi was speechless, looked at her boyfriend who was still sleeping soundly, and started looking for clothes.

Then I was stunned...


Where are my pants?

Do you still have the upgraded ones?

That's too much! ~

bad guy!

Then he saw his box and a message on his phone:

"The cosmetics are all in the box."

When she thought that this must have been done by her boyfriend after she fell asleep...she felt the gentle and silent tenderness and care, and she became beaming again.

Quietly kissed her boyfriend on the cheek...

Then I put on the clothes that God knows how I threw at the bathroom door, and quietly walked out while pushing the suitcase.

I have to make up for the maintenance I forgot last night this morning.

But certainly not here.

It will disturb him while sleeping.

"Xiao Xu, morning."

"Morning, Director Ma."

Xu Xin, wearing a basketball vest and shorts, sat in front of the conference room and yawned widely.

After lighting a cigarette first, he sat on the back of the chair, looking as if he was hopeless.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you weak?"

"My legs hurt."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"I was very sore from the lower body strength training I did yesterday."


Ma Wen responded, but before she finished speaking, a voice came from the door:

"How can I have time to eat? When I was eating, thousands of people in the crew were staring at me eagerly. It's not an important collaboration. I don't know how much money was wasted by delaying this day."

Holding the phone, Zhang Yimou walked in directly.

Xu Xin's eyes moved...

Director Zhang nodded slightly to himself.

He understood something in his heart.

He cheered up and sat up straight.

"Yeah... it's okay, the progress is good, and it will be soon soon. We are busy putting on those big armor shields tonight. I guess... within a week, this scene will be basically filmed. "

"...Well, I know. Don't worry, it won't delay the progress."

"Okay, let's just say that I still have a meeting here."


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yimou didn't mention anything, but suddenly said in a confused way:

"Xiao Xu, when I get my clothes back today, I can shoot the scene you redesigned. You can take Zhang Jiao with you tonight to look for some light, take some pictures, and get a feel for it. Take a sample for me first. If it's good... ...You will take the final reshoot."


Xu Xin instantly sat up straighter:


"Yeah. Let's just practice it. Then take a picture and see the effect. If it doesn't work, just use the one I took before."


For some reason, Xu Xin felt like trembling...

At this time, Ma Wen said:

"Look, it scares the child..."


Zhang Yimou chuckled.

Xu Xin was helpless and looked at Ma Wen:

"Director Ma..."


"You sign it back to me!"

"What a beautiful thought~"

Ma Wen rolled her eyes.

To be honest, Xu Xin never dreamed that Director Zhang would actually let him take the shot...

Even if it’s just a photoshoot and a test shoot.

But for a new director, this means too much.

think about it……

While countless new directors are still scratching their heads about the composition, color grading, and scenery of their first work, he already has the opportunity to be the sole photographer in a large-scale production worth hundreds of millions... …

Even if it's just a test shoot... But speaking of this, it's enough to make people proud.

Therefore, Xu Xin's heart was filled with excitement throughout the whole day.

In the afternoon, he even arrived at the set early.

I plan to revisit some of the places first and see if I can get any ideas or inspiration.

As soon as he arrived on the set, he received a text message from his girlfriend:

"I'm done!!"

The crew of "The Condor".

Exterior view.

Two blowers blow gentle wind, driving the petals artificially sprinkled from the crane to fly all over the sky.

In the close-up shot, the girl walked a few steps with her back to the camera, then suddenly turned around.

Petals were flying around her.

And this time she turned around, a reflected light appeared in her eyes:

"Come to Xiangyang later!"

Looking at the camera, her face was full of lively and innocent smile:

"Remember to come to me! My name is Guo Xiang!"

After reading this line, she paused, then suddenly jumped up and waved to the camera:

"Xiangyang's Xiang!"

Then, the girl's smile merged with the flying petals.

Fixed in the camera frame.

"OK! Passed!"

Yu Yan nodded in front of the camera.


Wang Haihu on the side took the lead and applauded:

"Pa bang bang..."

"Mimi, congratulations on wrapping up."

Following his words, everyone realized what he was saying, and then sparse applause rang out.

After hearing this, the innocent smile on the girl's face gradually turned into gratitude.

He began to bow to everyone:

"Thank you all, thank you teachers for your help and guidance, thank you director..."

She began to say thanks.

The smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"I'm done!!"

After sending a message to her boyfriend, she put down her phone and walked directly to where Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming were standing next to her:

"Hey, it's finally finished~"


Huang Xiaoming, who still had to stay on the set for a while, smiled broadly and congratulated his junior sister.

And the same is true for Liu Yifei.

It's just that... her eyes were a little dodgey.

It seems that the brighter the girl's smile, the more guilty she feels.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming asked:

"Are you going there?"

"Oh, yes, yes..."

The girl seemed to realize it later and nodded quickly:

"Senior brother, if you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten. I have to go over there quickly...I'm going to take off my makeup first. I'll see you later."

"Well, go ahead."

Liu Yifei said nothing, but Huang Xiaoming responded.

Yang Mi left quickly, ending the post-production greetings, but the crew still had to operate as usual, and the staff were preparing for the next shot.

After Yang Mi entered the room, Huang Xiaoming turned to look at Liu Yifei:

"Then let's go tomorrow?"


Liu Yifei nodded, and first turned to look at her mother who was sitting on the chair, holding up the phone and seemed to be communicating with someone.

Then he turned around:

"Then... tomorrow night? Tomorrow our play will end in the afternoon."

"Okay. Director Zhang has been filming night scenes these days."

Upon hearing Huang Xiaoming's words, Liu Yifei subconsciously asked:

"How did you know?"


Huang Xiaoming was stunned for a moment...and then responded perfunctorily:

"I heard it."


"Yes, I'm taking off my makeup."

"Okay. Will you come to the crew later?"


"Well, then I'll wait for you. I'm already here."

"Okay~ Hehehe~ I'm so happy! Let's go take off my makeup."

Seeing this message, Xu Xin did not reply.

Instead, he came directly to the palace ladies.

Now the scenes of "The Golden Armor", including the scene where the emperor is welcomed home at the beginning of the plot, and the scene where the palace maids get dressed in the morning have all been filmed.

Therefore, the demand for palace maids is not that great.

It's a pity that we can no longer see the scene of a large wave of zombies attacking...

While thinking, he waved to Zhang Jiao and Zhao Liying who had already stood up, and then walked into the palace without looking back.

The two of them quickly followed.

From the main hall on the Chrysanthemum Terrace to the back of the side hall where the interior scenes were shot, and all the way to the queen's room, Xu Xin handed the script in his hand to the two of them.


The two of them were dumbfounded...

"Xu...Xu...Xu...Xu Director...?!!"

The first person to react was Zhao Liying.

She took the script tremblingly, her eyes filled with an unbelievable look of ecstasy.

Xu Xin knew it at a glance...

This girl is thinking wrongly.

So he shook his head directly:

"Don't get excited, it's not a line given to you."


At a speed visible to the naked eye, Zhao Liying shrank again.

Perhaps because of his good mood, Xu Xin laughed out loud when he saw the girl's face full of joy and anger.

"Ha~ You change your face so quickly..."


Zhao Liying was stunned for a moment, but she immediately realized something and quickly shook her head:

"No, no, Director Xu, that's not what I meant..."

"Ok, I know."

Not caring what she thought, Xu Xin said directly:

"I'm looking for you two. The reason is very simple. You two will review your lines in a while. Then I'll find some inspiration... You two will turn to Act 28 first."

Following Xu Xin's words, the two of them quickly turned to the page with "Twenty-eight Acts" written on it.

Just listen to Xu Xin continue to say:

"Zhang Jiao, you are the queen, Zhao Liying, you are Prince Jie. In principle, you are still just acting alone, but there is no camera at the moment. I mainly want to see if there are other angles to shoot. So for a while you two It doesn't matter if you want to show off your acting skills or whatever. Just get the lines right, don't worry about me...or you two can express whatever your own ideas are, do you understand?"

Zhao Liying was still reading the lines, but for the sake of her friend who said that "too much words will lead to mistakes", Zhang Jiao took the lead and agreed:


"Well, let's get started."

Following Xu Xin's words, he was already standing where the camera stood during the previous shooting.

In these two scenes, the two of them were also among the palace ladies, so they probably knew how to move.

As Xu Xin stood still, Zhang Jiao naturally sat on the bed, facing Xu Xin sideways. Zhao Liying stood opposite Zhang Jiao.

Although it was not a real performance, it was obvious that Zhao Liying was very nervous.

The hands holding the script were shaking.

He glanced at the lines tremblingly, took a few steps back, and went to the wardrobe with one knee on the floor:

"My son, I pay my respects to my mother."

After saying that, she instinctively wanted to look at Xu Xin.

But I dare not...

At this time, Zhang Jiao also got off the bed, stood up and came over to help her up:


The two of them got up. Zhang Jiao held Zhao Liying's arm in one hand and held the script book in the other. Zhao Liying did the same. She lowered her head and quickly glanced at the script and said:

"My son, I haven't seen my mother in three years. How is my mother?"

Zhang Jiao was a little stuck.

Because the script said, "The queen looked excited and her eyes were slightly red: I'm fine, how about you?" This sentence... But if she remembered correctly, the teacher Gong Li at that time hugged Prince Jie.

Do you want a hug?

Then how to express this excited look with slightly red eyes?

She was suddenly confused.

When Zhao Liying saw that her friend had not moved for a long time, she quickly whispered:

"Hold me!"

Zhang Jiao came back to her senses and subconsciously hugged the other person.

But it's not a hug, but like a bird cuddling in the other person's arms...

The taste suddenly changed.

It’s impossible for Zhao Liying to fix it...

But the problem is that Xu Xin didn't say anything at this moment, and Zhang Jiao didn't know whether she should hug him again... But the importance of experience was revealed at this time.

As soon as Zhao Liying sensed something was wrong, she immediately hugged Zhang Jiao.

The two of them were in such a position that Zhang Jiao was in her arms and she was hugging Zhang Jiao. In terms of gender, Zhang Jiao is a woman and Zhao Liying is a man.

After Xu Xin captured this image, he frowned.

Men and women?

Yuan Jie...and the Queen...

Protect and be protected?

The mother, who should have used maternal love to protect her children, is helpless at this moment.

And the grown-up son... can he protect his mother from the wind and rain?

What if we use this lens language?

Whether the queen is strong or overbearing, it is all for other people. And to her beloved son, would she show the weakness of a woman?

What about the greatness of being a mother?

Will it become weaker?

When there is a rebellion later, will the audience feel like "the queen forced Prince Jie to do this"?

This will indeed make Prince Jie very sad.

But the role of the queen is somewhat untenable. It will look upright and upright...

Thinking of this, he shook his head with regret.


The queen must take the lead here.

Thinking of this, he saw the two of them still hugging each other and urged:

"Continue, don't stop. You two are just taking acting lessons, just show off freely."

So, the show continues.

But three people actually have three thoughts.

Xu Xin was thinking about how the scene should be arranged, what the shooting angle was, and what was going on in the hearts of the Queen and Prince Jie.

So he doesn't care about the acting skills of these two people.

Just allow yourself to be involved in the story.

As for Zhang Jiao, she felt a little... frustrated.

These days, when she was on the crew of "The Golden Armor", she didn't feel anything wrong when she watched people like Zhou Renfa, Gong Li, Ni Dahong or Chen Jin acting.

Maybe she's not used to it yet, but she always feels like filming is just a joke.

It doesn't feel like in the movie.

She was obviously saying vicious words...but when she saw the staff around her, she felt strange. And...I can't tell whether the acting skills are good or bad.

It feels... like I'm just responding to the lines naturally.

No difference.

Therefore, in a trance, she had the illusion that "it turns out this is acting, it's very simple."

Commonly known as "I can go to you".

Including watching Jay Chou's fight scene, which was stuck for almost ten days, and when the actors in the group portraits made mistakes... she has always been particularly confused.

Isn't this very simple? Just follow the director's instructions to move around and do the actions... isn't that the end of it? Why is it so difficult?

Including when doing light replacement, she sat there, waiting for others to adjust the light... and then watched Teacher Gong Li sitting in the position where she had "sited", using the same light as herself to perform...

Aren't these all simple?

Why is it so difficult?

She didn't understand.

But... it just happened that today, when Director Xu called me...

Even if it was just to repeat a scene she had seen before...

Even if Director Xu didn't ask for any acting skills...

Even though, she doesn't even need to memorize the lines, she just needs to read them out from the notebook and make good expressions...

It's that simple.

Just something that seemed extremely simple to me before, but as soon as I got started, I suddenly got stuck...

She felt that she shouldn't behave like this.

But... I can't do what I'm thinking about.

Something that seems very simple keeps going wrong...

Suddenly, a sense of frustration made her feel a little uncomfortable, as if something was blocked in her heart.

feeling bad.

So, no matter her expressions or her lines...

It's becoming more and more unnatural.


As a co-star, Zhao Liying didn't notice.

She was actually shaking too.

But not scared, but excited...

That's what it feels like!

That's what it feels like! ! ! !

She screamed in her heart.

There are lines, there are characters...even a protagonist!

I'm speaking my lines, I'm showing off my acting skills, I'm filming...

As long as I succeed and become a big star, I can make a lot of money! ! !

It turns out... this is what it feels like to be a star... to be the protagonist! ! ! !

There was obviously no camera, and there were no crew members around... But at this moment, she seemed to be standing at the center of the world.

In the spotlight of everyone's attention, she showed off her feathers without hesitation...

Immerse yourself in the fantasy of unleashing your self-worth…

Can't help myself.

Three people, three ideas.

Each is different.

And what these feelings are like... I am afraid that only I can't understand them clearly.


After the scene was played between Zhang Jiao and Zhao Liying who were immersed in self-fantasy, their eyes subconsciously fell on Xu Xin.

Xu Xin also remained silent.

Just keep thinking about it.

I went through the composition, shooting angle, etc. over and over in my mind.

After about a minute or two, he took out a cigarette from his pocket.

After taking a few steps back, he sat directly on a box used for assembling props for the show.

Smoke curled up.

After thinking about it, he said:

"Do it again."

After hearing this, Zhang Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she felt that what she had just done was so bad, so bad.

Now there is another chance...

But before she had time to rejoice, suddenly, she heard a sentence...

As for the question, it was a friend who asked me.

His tone was full of expectation and curiosity:

"Director, can I perform well?"


Zhang Jiao instinctively twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at her friend with shining eyes...

Big... eldest sister...

Are you crazy?

you still need to ask?

The plot of "Golden Armor" has entered its final stage, and there is enough foreshadowing. Dear readers, some people have been urging or impatient these days. I would like to apologize first, because I feel impatient. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like to read what I write, or maybe it’s too refreshing to his heart... But I still have my own rhythm in this book, starting from establishing the relationship between the male and female protagonists, From the characters that lead to the next plot, etc., I have expressed everything that needs to be written.

I believe I can arrange the plots one by one, so please rest assured. Some readers have said that the essence of entertainment writing is actually invincible writing. I agree very much, but what I want to write is not the kind of invincible writing that everyone will get tired of if it has only a few hundred thousand words, but the kind that everyone can still read if it has 400 or 5 million words. So I will follow my own pace. I am an old author, and entertainment is also my specialty. Please rest assured.

Finally, this chapter is a little late. I just finished it, so please don’t mind. It's the end of the month. Please see that I've been diligently updating this month. I'd like to ask for a monthly vote. It shouldn't be too much~~

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