I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 113 111 Visiting Team

Chapter 113 111. Visiting class


Xu Xin asked as if he didn't hear clearly.

As a result, with Zhang Jiao unable to stop her, Zhao Liying asked:

"Are we doing okay?"


In Zhang Jiao's eyes, Director Xu's cheeks were twitching at a speed visible to the naked eye...

It's over, she thought to herself.

But after Xu Xin felt ridiculous in his heart, he looked at Zhao Liying's eyes full of expectation, but did not say anything like "You are so bad at acting."

Instead he asked:

"How do you think you performed?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand:

"If I don't mention Zhang Jiao, I will just focus on my own performance."

Zhao Liying thought for a while and said:

"It's... quite smooth."


Xu Xin was stunned...

Zhang Jiaoxin has finished speaking, Baozi, you will definitely get slapped.

But suddenly I heard a chuckle.

Sent by Xu Xin.


He smiled and shook his head:

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"


"Honestly, right? The truth is that I don't care at all what you are doing."



The two girls instantly felt unhappy.

Then I heard Xu Xin continue to say:

"And the lie is that you two behaved just fine..."

As he said that, after seeing the strange expressions on their faces, he suddenly smiled and said:

"In this case, I have to ask you to do it a few more times anyway... I will give you two five minutes to memorize the lines and postures of the performance just now, and then do it again without the script, okay? It's like an audition. This time I'll watch it carefully...well, five minutes, get ready."

He got up and walked directly out.

Ignoring what mental journey the two had gone through, he came out, found a staff member, and directly explained that he wanted a camera.

So, ten minutes later, the camera was brought over.

And five minutes later...

Xu Xin looked at the silent Zhao Liying and asked with a smile:

"What do you think of your performance?"



Zhao Liying and Zhang Jiao, who had just seen their acting skills through the small screen of the camera, remained silent.

The obvious thing.

Why do you have the nerve to say it?

Xu Xin didn't want to say anything at first, but looking at the two people's shocked looks, he finally added:

"Whether you want to be an actor or a star, it's not that easy. Whether you can become famous depends on your fate. But whether you can act, it depends on you... Okay, cheer up, let me tell you two. Move, you two will try to follow my moves in a while..."

By the time the crew arrived in the evening, Xu Xin didn't even go to the square.

Zhang Yimou didn't call him, but asked Assistant Lin to bring him a lighting team and a shooting assistant, as well as two cameras.

These days, Director Zhang's importance to this young man has been noticed by everyone... Besides, he is not an arrogant and domineering person, and is actually quite comfortable to get along with.

In addition, the work of finding light and test shooting is also part of the job, so there is no need to complain.

Seven or eight people worked conscientiously according to Xu Xin's ideas, assuming various lights and finding various shooting angles, and were busy until after 9 o'clock in the evening.

In the end, Xu Xin completed his pre-shooting plan through one shot after another of his own design, while inheriting Director Zhang's style of film shooting.

Everyone started to call it a day.

Zhang Jiao's legs were numb from sitting and standing, but she didn't cry out in pain.

It was rare that after Xu Xin finished work, she and Zhao Liying, who came alternately with two people next to her, said thank you for their hard work.

But it can be seen...the excitement between these two people is gone.

The repeated scenes in the afternoon were like a basin of cold water pouring on their hearts.

Xu Xin used practical actions to teach the two a lesson.

Being an actor is really not that simple. I can do whatever I want...

Just like the water cooler keeper in the NBA, he can defeat the king of passers-by.

But this kind of thing... you can only figure it out on your own.

There are people who have thought it through and quit when they are faced with difficulties. They feel that they may not be qualified for this job, so they go home after waking up from the dream.

But there are some people who are brave enough to forge ahead, and acting has tortured me thousands of times. I treat acting like my first love, and like the protagonist in a martial arts novel, I eventually become a master.

Xu Xin couldn't say what kind of people these two people were.

Don't care either.

Just do your job well.

"Zhang Weiping sent a reply to your godfather. Director Zhang did not agree and said that we would meet again when we have the opportunity to return to Yanjing next time. The crew is too busy filming."

This was the first thing Liu Yifei heard her mother say after the crew finished work.


Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and then for some reason, an idea came to her mind.

Wasn't it Xu Xinrang who refused?

This idea came out of nowhere, but it came to me suddenly.

But... the next second, she felt that she was overthinking it.

This...is basically impossible.

So he asked:

"Then what did godfather say?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to act in a movie? There happens to be a leader from Huayi here, and your godfather knows him. We are going to have dinner now."


Liu Yifei was stunned:

"Aren't you going back to the hotel?"

At this time, Liu Xiaoli glanced at her daughter with some dissatisfaction:

"You said you wanted to make a movie instead of a TV series. Your godfather almost broke his leg because of you. Why are you so ignorant?"


Liu Yifei remained silent.

Liu Xiaoli continued:

"About the visit, in the afternoon... when Yang Mi was finalizing, your godfather and I were still chatting. In fact, you don't need to go. If you want to get to know each other, there are many ways to get to know each other. This time your godfather will definitely send you to China. According to Yi, their movies are at least as good as those made by Zhang Yimou, right?"

"Mom, I just went to see Mimi, and by the way... see what Director Zhang's crew is like, I have no other intention. I didn't want to step on anyone or anything..."

Liu Yifei quickly explained.

"But you also have to pay attention to your identity, right? What is your status? Going to visit a young actor in the class? You know that you are going to visit the class. If you are photographed by a reporter, or find out, someone else will call "Liu Yifei visiting the class Yang Mi" How much attention can the other party get with the title?"

Liu Yifei was really helpless when her mother wanted to talk about this kind of thing again.

Although she knows that her mother is protecting herself, the problem is that she always talks about the so-called "fashion position" or status.

I understand that you don't want to be too exposed during filming.

There can't be any affectionate scenes in emotional scenes, okay...

But why has it risen to this level now?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but said:

"Mom, I'm also looking for a girl!"


At this time, Liu Xiaoli was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, she ignored this.

Whether it is Gong Li or Zhang Ziyi, the popularity of "looking for girls" is also very high in the entertainment industry.

"Not to mention, looking at it now, this Yang Mi has climbed to a high branch..."


When she heard this, she actually wanted to say, "Can you please stop being so ugly?", but she didn't dare.

So I can only pretend that I didn't hear this.

But she really felt that... her mother was too deeply influenced by her godfather, and she had become accustomed to this model of "other people act and take roles, and then the investors behind them work first".

Although it is undeniable that this kind of thing is very common.

But there are many people who get roles by relying on acting skills or opportunities.

It's not like everyone is born with a relationship...


I also want to not rely on my godfather, but rely on my own efforts to win roles...

She sighed inwardly.

She just thought about this in her heart, and she didn't dare to say it to her mother.

Because after she said that, her mother would definitely be unhappy... Her mother had sacrificed enough for herself. In order to accompany her and protect herself, she chose to separate from her stepfather... And starting from this year, she has not seen him for a long time. Mom called stepfather or showed concern for him.

And all this is for myself...

Therefore, she would not say these words to her mother.

Because my mother will be sad.


When will my mother understand what I really want?

"Ah sneeze!"

"Have you caught a cold?"


Rubbing her nose, the girl shook her head and suddenly looked at her boyfriend "viciously":

"Tell me, are you scolding me behind my back?"

"Return my palace..."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and tapped her forehead with the script in his hand:

"Pay attention. Have you remembered everything I just told you?"

"Ouch~ It hurts~ Ooooh..."

Looking at her holding her head and squatting in defense, Xu Xin pulled her up speechlessly:

"Okay! Hurry up and concentrate. I'm going to work on the scenery in the palace tomorrow. I won't be able to take care of you. Don't kill a few of them just because of you. You'll be embarrassed and humiliated. Do you understand?"

"...Hey~ Why is it so bad? People are afraid of it."


After saying this, looking at her boyfriend's increasingly dangerous eyes, the girl quickly gave in:

"Okay, okay, remember, run to this bridge, suddenly make a suffocating expression, and then fall to the ground "Ah~ I'm dead~"... It's very simple."


Looking at his girlfriend who was sticking out her tongue and squinting, pretending to be dead, he sighed.

I had no choice but to find a fool based on my ability.

Pamper yourself.

Standing helplessly in front of the palace, he said:

"Emotions, you know? They must be in place!"

"…Should I laugh?"


"Laugh... Just think about it, Jiang Chan knew how absurd and stressful it was for her to have sex with her brother at that time... She ran out like crazy. Suddenly a knife stabbed her... She didn't know Isn’t that relief? So should I laugh... something like this."

Under the tent, she made a motion of running in place.

Then suddenly his expression froze, and he subconsciously glanced down.

When he looked up again, he showed a strange smile.

It's like relief, but also like satisfaction.

Very weird.


Xu Xin frowned immediately.

"Don't say it yet...I'm a little nervous...let's try it again."


From suffocation, to disbelief, to a weird smile.

The girl performed it again.

"Well... you try it tomorrow. I don't know if Director Zhang can pass it, but I think this smile is good. It's a little relieved, and it's a little relieved... It tastes pretty good. "


The girl became proud.

Xu Xin was indeed surprised, because the girl's smile really had a... very inexplicable flavor.

He couldn't help but ask:

"How did you come up with this idea?"

"When we were watching "Sweet Honey" two days ago, I just thought of Zhang Manyu's smiling and crying smile. Didn't you tell me that you particularly liked it?"


Listening to her boyfriend's sincere words, the girl became even more proud. Then……

"Hey, brother."

She suddenly lowered her voice.


Xu Xin lowered his head subconsciously and heard her say:

"I've finished filming, so I have to withdraw from the room over there... Please help me ask... if there is a room right across from you or next door or something. Our crew... should be in charge of accommodation, right?"


Looking at the shy girlfriend, listening to the hidden question.

Xu Xin nodded:

"I'll drive Sister Wei away right now..."

"Ouch! You're so annoying~"


The fist doesn't hurt or itch.

But Xu Xin felt warm in his heart.

So he coughed twice:

"Ahem, actor, regarding the room, you'd better come to my room tonight. We are discussing it carefully~"

"...Why are you so good at this kind of excuse?"

The girl was speechless:

"I always feel that you will make the unspoken rules very popular in the future..."

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm not a good person."

"Believe me~...huh? Bad guy~"

The girl who was half a step too late to react gave a shy huff...

It’s really a variety of styles.

"Hey hey hey..."

In the distance, Ma Wen and Wei Lanfang saw the two of them. Ma Wen kept smacking her lips:

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how sweet this is."

Wei Lanfang agreed:

"Isn't it? I'm afraid that the next one will get diabetes, at least in the advanced stage. Sweet sei teeth~"


Ma Wen, who felt something was wrong after hearing this, was speechless.

Something's wrong with you...

Still sei teeth?

Who expelled the stone?

There was no fuss that night.

But the next morning, Sun Ting looked at Yang Mi who moved to the 20th floor with a happy face and a sad look on her face.

What do you mean, sister Mimi, you just threw me on the fifth floor?

She made repeated confirmations along the way, and finally got the message "You still live on the fifth floor." She finally felt the sadness of being abandoned.

It's obvious that I'm all on your side.

What if you promised not to abandon or give up?


She watched helplessly as Sister Mimi waved goodbye to her and got into Xu Xin's room.

As soon as she returned to the room, she received a call from Zeng Jia:

"Hey, Sun Ting, I'll go there tomorrow and help me get a room."

"Okay, Sister Zeng, when will you arrive tomorrow? Shall I pick you up?"

"No, I'll go there myself... How have Mimi been with Xu Xin these two days?"

Upon hearing this question, Sun Ting gave the answer directly without any hesitation:

"The two of us don't have much communication. We have been filming night scenes these days. Every day I wait for Sister Mimi outside and then come back together. Don't worry~"

When Sun Ting said this lie now, she no longer had any psychological burden.

She's not a fool.

Although it was the first time, she was still confused when everyone ate at the restaurant at the door and had barbecue later. But later combined with some of Sister Mimi's behaviors, I gradually understood what the other party meant.

To put it bluntly, Sister Mimi wants to find an assistant who shares her mind.

The kind that won't suddenly stab you in the back.

The kind of assistant who puts the artist first.

The kind who won't suddenly tell the truth to his manager, who is tight-lipped... and who can even take the blame.

And Sister Mimi's series of tests in the past few days, including the inadvertent revelation of intimacy with Xu Xin... that kind of gradual intimacy, are they all waiting for her attitude, right?

If I choose to tell the truth to Sister Zeng...

Then my job may have been a death sentence.

A very simple conspiracy.

But it can make yourself understand your position as an assistant.

And now Sister Mimi is so unscrupulous precisely because she has confirmed her position and understood what she means.

After weighing it all, Sun Ting finally knew that, at least in the long run, there would be no problem staying with Sister Mimi, so she hid it from Zeng Jia.

And Zeng Jia didn’t think much about it.

She was quite reassured by Sun Ting's style of doing things, so she responded:

"That's good, keep an eye on her, protect her, and you must not let that Xu Xin get close to her, understand?... And don't tell Mimi about my arrival."

The moment she heard Zeng Jia's words, Sun Ting narrowed her eyes.

Then he agreed:

"Okay, Sister Zeng, I understand."

"Well, hung up."

After hanging up the phone, Sun Ting sent a text message to Yang Mi without even thinking about it:

"Sister Mimi, Sister Zeng will come over tomorrow, but she won't let me talk to you."


The other party replied:

"I know, I'm going to leave it to you tonight, okay~"


She also replied with a smiley face, and Sun Ting let out a long sigh.


Hope she made the right choice.

I hope Sister Mimi can become popular.

Because only in this way can her career plan as an assistant be long-term.

Let’s hope…

"Godfather, are we leaving then?"


Chen Jinfei waved his hand:

"Daughter, you don't have to stick your face to someone's cold butt when you get there, you know? We don't have to look at anyone's eyes, and we don't need to stay too long, it will look like we have a low profile. Just look at it normally and come back when you gain knowledge. Hua Yi, your godfather will take you to meet some people tomorrow night."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei knew that her godfather might feel a little uncomfortable because Director Zhang had refuted his face.

But she didn't refute, just responded:

"I understand, godfather, you can have a good rest in the hotel."

"Well, go ahead."

Liu Yifei and her mother walked into the elevator. After going downstairs, they saw Huang Xiaoming already standing in the hotel lobby.

"I made an agreement with Mimi, we can just go there directly."

Hearing Huang Xiaoming's words, Liu Yifei nodded:

"Well, Brother Xiao Ming, what did you bring?"

"I just brought some drinks. It's not appropriate to bring anything else. We are on a visit."

Huang Xiaoming gave me a few words.

Liu Yifei said nothing, Liu Xiaoli said with a smile:

"Yes, just bring some drinks and go see Mimi. Then let's go~"

Neither of them brought an assistant, but they still got into two business cars.

Following the moonlight all the way to the entrance of the palace, someone stopped them.

Huang Xiaoming's car is in front, and Liu Yifei's is in the back.

After the driver said a few words to the staff, the staff nodded and opened the door.

The car entered the Daming Palace.

The first thing that catches the eye is the prop boxes.

“Looking at the scale, it’s really quite big.”

Hearing Liu Xiaoli's words, Liu Yifei nodded:


Inevitably, curiosity appeared on her face.

Director Zhang’s crew...

What does it look like?

With this question in mind, the car soon arrived at the parking area.

Huang Xiaoming got out of the car and saw Sun Ting with her work permit. He smiled and said hello:


"Brother Xiao Ming, hello...Sister Yifei, Aunt Liu, hello."

Sun Ting greeted politely.

"Sister Mimi, the show is about to start here, so I'm here to greet you."


Huang Xiaoming's eyes lit up, then he nodded with a smile:

"Okay...we bought some drinks for everyone, what should we do?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Ting pointed to the young people standing next to her and the tricycle behind her:

"Just pretend like this... Director Xu came to help with these things."

Jiang Quan and the others are indeed here to help.

But now all eyes are focused on Liu Yifei, who is wearing a peaked cap but no mask...

After hearing Sun Ting's words, she came back to her senses and nodded.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaoming and Liu Xiaoli asked the driver to open the trunk, which contained Red Bull.

Specially designed to combat fatigue.

At this time, Liu Xiaoli asked:

"Mimi is filming now?"

"Yes...it's right in the square, Aunt Liu, let's go there now?"


Liu Xiaoli nodded first, and then asked:

"Then Zhang will guide them..."

"Also there."




The three of them were silent.

Sun Ting took them directly to the square.

Entering the large square on the Chrysanthemum Terrace, as expected, I saw a bunch of people standing together.

"Director Zhang is right there."

Sun Ting whispered and quickened her pace.

The three people behind were a little confused about the large square covered with chrysanthemums in the distance... and the towering chrysanthemum platform blocking the main hall of Daming Palace...

I can't imagine what these are for.

But looking at the pots of chrysanthemums on the ground... To be honest, it was quite shocking.

This is something that you may not necessarily see on a TV series set.

And just when a few people were about to reach the filming team, Liu Yifei looked around...

Yang Mi was not found, and Xu Xin was not seen.

At this time, several people heard a voice coming from the loudspeaker:

"The actors are in place. All departments are ready, Mimi, get ready to start running. Teacher Chen Jin will follow later. Come on, three, two, one, run!"

First reaction: This voice doesn’t sound like Director Zhang’s…

Second reaction: Run? What are you running for? How to run?

Just when the three of them were still thinking about how to run away, suddenly, a shrill and sharp wailing sounded in the empty Daming Palace:





Because of the echo problem, the three of them still didn't know where Yang Mi was and could only hear the noise.

But this doubt did not last long.

Because they had already seen in the distance, a disheveled figure ran out of the palace gate under the chrysanthemum terrace.

Running and screaming.


At the second sound, another woman shouted:




Two voices came one after another, and Yang Mi, with disheveled hair, ran as fast as she could until she reached the second palace gate, which was the stone bridge of the moat on the side where the filming crew was...

"OK, come on, props on!"

Yang Mi stopped running and panted, trying hard to calm her breathing.

Then, several props surrounded her and began to install machetes on her belly.

Huang Xiaoming and the other three didn't go over, they just stood not far away and looked at the girl who kept adjusting her breathing.

No one spoke during this time.

Just quietly watching the disheveled girl gradually calm down her breathing.

Soon, the scimitar was installed, and the voice sounded again:

"Close-up, get ready, Mimi, get ready to run. Three, two, one...run!"


Yang Mi looked frightened again and began to rush towards the bridge.

She rushed for about five or six steps. Because she had a fake knife wrapped around her waist, her posture seemed a bit funny at first glance.

Immediately afterwards, her figure suddenly froze...

"Ah!! Uh..."

The girl's body stopped instantly, and her eyes moved downward a little bit, as if she was wondering what happened to her.

But when she saw the scimitar protruding from her belly, the confusion on her face turned into a... dullness, as if she couldn't believe it... But soon the dullness turned into a... very Weird smile.

That smile was weird and a little penetrating.

He only moved the corners of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes, as if the upper and lower parts of his face were completely separated, and each had its own thoughts.

Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming frowned when they saw it.

Although I don’t know what the script is...why are you laughing now?

Shouldn't you be afraid?

Is it painful?

Why are you laughing?

But the girl just laughed.

First she smiled, then she solidified her smile, and fixed the expression on her face in that puzzling smile. She tilted her body and fell down.

"Ka!...Mimi, why..."

The sound of the loudspeaker suddenly stopped.

It seemed like what he wanted to say was cut off.

The three people looked a little confused, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Yang Mi also lay motionless.

He just lay there in a motionless posture.

Then after waiting for a while, suddenly, another voice sounded very familiar, and you knew who it was as soon as you heard it:

"Did Xiao Xu teach you again?"

It's Zhang Yimou!

The three of them knew immediately that it was definitely Zhang Yimou!

At this moment, there was still an inexplicable doubt in his voice.

Yang Mi, who was lying on the ground, raised her hand and made a thumbs up gesture.

It means "is".

Xiao Xu?

Couldn't it be...Xu Xin?

Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei subconsciously pricked up their ears.

Then I heard a sentence:

"The effect is okay. Get up and run again. This one and another one..."

Speaking of which, I stopped talking.

Immediately afterwards, a rather amusing tone sounded from the loudspeaker:

"This kid has made another messy change...Everyone, here's another one. Martial Arts Master, don't come up yet. Wait until that one is finished before turning over..."

But everyone can tell that there is no complaint in these words, but a tone that makes people laugh and cry...even a little doting.




The three of them were silent.

The crew started to get busy again.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming couldn't help but whispered to Sun Ting next to him:

"Tingting, do Director Zhang and Xu...Xu Xin have a good relationship?"

"I don't know either."

Sun Ting shook her head.

She really doesn't know...

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