I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 114 112 The dog is tied with a crown and the dog is flying

Chapter 114 112. The dog is tied to the crown by the tube, and the dog is taken away by the tube.



As Yang Mi looked down at the scimitar at her waist in horror and disbelief, her body fell softly to the side.

Then, two masked killers played by martial arts masters from the Cheng family climbed up from under the bridge.

The scene ends.

But there is no rest time.

Because Chen Jin, who plays Jiang Chan’s mother, is already making preparations.


Jiang Chan shouted, and so did Chen Jin.

While shouting, he came to the two killers.

The two killers stabbed her in the stomach, and her hand penetrated their throats.

The four fell down together.

But it's not over yet.

Yang Mi, Chen Jin and the two martial arts masters just fell to the ground, and then about twenty or thirty extras in golden armor waited for the camera to be set up and then directly walked over the bodies of the four people.

This is where the scene ends.

According to the scene in the movie script, with the death of the two, it was time for Prince Jie to lead the "Golden Armors" to attack the palace.

But this scene has been filmed in the past two days.

Therefore, after confirming that there was no problem with this scene, and with Zhang Yimou's permission, Liu Guonan directly shouted:

"It's passed, no problem. Get ready to go to the interior."

The four "corpses", including Yang Mi, stood up in a slightly horrified manner, surrounded by several props, and began to disassemble the knives on their bodies.

During this time, the four people, including Sun Ting, watched from a distance and did not step forward.

He waited until Yang Mi was over, and after seeing them, he ran over.

There were blood bags hanging on her body, and the rich tomato juice paired with the long hair that looked like a madman made her look a bit like a crazy woman.

The "crazy woman" ran over with a smile:

"Senior brother, Yifei! Aunt Liu, you are here!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Xiaoming smiled and gave a thumbs up:

"Mimi, you did a great job!"

"Ah? Is there any?... Hehehe~"

The girl showed a very excited and happy expression, and at this time, the crew had begun to gradually leave.

Although they saw a few of them, no one said anything.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs.

At most, I would peek a few times when I saw Liu Yifei.

"Mimi, are you done filming here?"

Hearing Liu Xiaoli's words, Yang Mi nodded:

"Yes, the scene here is over. Now we have to go to the interior to shoot... I will take you to see it. My scene for today is also over..."


Liu Xiaoli nodded, and Huang Xiaoming took the initiative to say:

"Then let's say hello to Director Zhang?"

He said this while looking at Yang Mi.

When Yang Mi heard this, she subconsciously turned her head and saw a group of people from the Olympic creative team, including Zhang Yimou, Cheng Xiaodong, Zhang Wu and others, gathered around and chatting about something.

She thought for a while and said:

"Let's go to the palace first. Those teachers are from the Creative Planning Group for the Olympic Opening Ceremony. While Director Zhang is communicating with them, it wouldn't be appropriate for us to interrupt. When we wait there, what are we talking about?"

"OK, no problem."

Huang Xiaoming nodded, glanced at the people gathered around curiously, and asked as he walked out under the leadership of Yang Mi:

"Can Director Zhang be busy?"

"Yes. I heard from Xu Xin that in the days before I joined the team, Director Zhang often filmed scenes and had meetings at the same time, interspersed with the two."

When she mentioned Xu Xin's name, Huang Xiaoming immediately asked in confusion:

"Yes, where is Xu Xin? Why didn't you see it?"

"He's next door...but I don't know what he's busy with. Let's go take a look~"

As she spoke, she led the three of them to the next door.

Liu Yifei didn't say much during the whole process, just looking around with curious eyes.

Trying to deduce from these clues what this movie is about.

Soon, after passing through the palace gate, the crew came to the entrance of the palace where interior scenes were shot.

Before they even entered the door, the three of them were stunned by the glazed decorations in the palace at night.

"So gorgeous..."

After hearing Huang Xiaoming's words, Yang Mi glanced at Liu Yifei and her daughter again.

The eyes of the three of them were similar.

I have to admit that Zhang Yimou used this kind of colored glass to decorate the palace scenery... the level of gorgeousness under the light is really the highest in the industry so far.

The so-called expert will know whether there is something or not as soon as he takes action.

From the chrysanthemums in the square, to the high platform, to this magnificent and extraordinarily beautiful setting.

All three of them had the same thought:

"The crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"...are nothing..."

It's really not on the same level.

And it was really hard for them to imagine that, according to what Yang Mi just said, there were more than 3,000 extras here a few days ago, wearing the kind of well-made, golden armor, fighting each other in real life. How shocking must the filming scene be...

Three thousand people!

What a concept! ?

How much did those armors alone cost?

It's simply unimaginable.

At this moment, a fat girl walked out of the door.

"...Ah? Sister Mimi."

"Dani?...Why are you going?"

"Brother JAY and Brother Xin want to drink guava, I'll get it. Sister Mimi, do you want a drink?"

Hearing Dani's words, while Huang Xiaoming and the others were still wondering why this girl's accent was so strange, Yang Mi shook her head:

"I'm not going to drink. Do you want a lot? Can Tingting help you?"

"No need. I can just go by myself. I'm leaving first~"


Waving to Dani, Yang Mi introduced her after she walked away:

"Dani, that's Jielun's assistant."


Upon hearing this title, Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming's mouths twitched.

But the girl didn’t explain much and continued walking inside:

"It is said that these colored glazes cost 20 to 30 million yuan... every pillar in this temple is covered with them."

As she walked, she introduced.

"Then the next scene... I don't know what to shoot, so let's just go and see it."

Along the power lines laid by the crew, Yang Mi led a few people into the palace.

Along the way, the three people behind just looked at the gorgeous carved beams and paintings on the corridor, windows, and pillars, and began to estimate how much the scene would cost to film.

The further you go inside, the more people there are.

Finally, the three of them arrived in front of the queen's palace.

It is said to be a dormitory, but it is actually a semi-open room.

Half of the wooden doors were removed for filming, leaving only half of the house.

Among the lights and crowds, Yang Mi led the three of them to the edge.

Yang Mi is actually looking for a boyfriend too.

After she started filming tonight, she didn't see Xu Xin... God knows why he was there.

And when she walked to a gap in the crowd, she finally saw her boyfriend.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved to the people behind him:

"This way."

The three of them walked up to her and took a look at the shooting scene...

Qi Qi was stunned.

In the scene, the first thing they looked at was Gong Li.

Wearing a white gauze dress, the skirt is embroidered with a bunch of peonies... or chrysanthemums, and a gold and jade belt is wrapped around her waist. Her hair is as long as a waterfall, and her makeup looks elegant. .

Is it beautiful?

It's obvious.

The noble feeling of a queen, just one glance at her will make everyone feel elegant.

"So beautiful..."

Liu Yifei murmured.

At this moment, Gong Li was standing next to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin, wearing short-sleeved sweatpants, held a script in his hand and was communicating something with Gong Li.

Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei are both actors. When they saw this familiar scene, their first reaction was...

Are you talking about drama?

Then a sense of absurdity came out.

Tell a story for Gong Li?

? ? ? ?

Including Liu Xiaoli, the three of them felt absurd in their hearts.

But actually...

Xu Xin is indeed telling a story.

"Teacher Gong, the hug scene in a moment is just a request. You want to cry, but you can't cry. Just... look... Zhou Ai, come on."

Following Xu Xin's greeting, the few people behind saw...it turned out that Jay Chou, who was dressed in ancient costume, was squatting on the ground.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Kneel down first."


"Hurry, don't leave any ink marks, hurry up."


Jay Chou knelt down obediently.

Xu Xin looked at Gong Li:

"Look, in this scene, didn't Zhou Ai kneel down to say hello? Help him up."

While talking, he helped Jay Chou up.

"You have to do something like this... You haven't seen your son for three years, so you have to touch him, right?"

"Well, you continue."

Looking at Xu Xin who put her hand on Jay Chou's face, Gong Li responded.

She knew what the other person wanted to express.


"Then, after the dialogue, give a hug. Note that the hug here is the most important point of this clip."

He directly hugged Jay Chou in his arms rather roughly.

Jay Chou's height is 1.75 meters.

And Xu Xin is 1.85 meters tall.

There is a height difference of ten centimeters between the two.

Very easily, Zhou Ai was held in Xu Ke's arms like a little daughter-in-law.

"Hey, wow, you..."

"Don't move."

Holding Jay Chou in his arms, Xu Xin faced Gong Li and said:

"Queen, only when you are in front of Prince Jie, will you show your tenderness and weakness as a mother. But you must not give too much. The touch on your face just now is gentle. And after the hug, I want you to Cry, you want to cry, but you have to endure it. After hugging your son, you have to show a sense of weakness. You feel wronged, you are helpless, you miss... and you have been betrayed by your husband and Prince Yuanxiang. Show your desire to cry at this moment. But immediately, stop crying! Do you understand? You can't cry, you have to stop it. After you stop it, let go of Prince Jie, and the expression on his face once again returns to the one that belongs to the palace. The mother's appearance is mixed with a little gentleness..."

"...Good guy."

As Xu Xin narrated, Gong Li's mouth twitched...

"Xiao Xu, how big a hole have you dug for me?"

"Try it, I think you'll be fine!"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Gong Li shook her head helplessly:

"I want to cry without tears, showing weakness and sadness, and then when I let go of Yuan Jie, I will return to the way I was before, right? What I want is that moment of weakness, the tenderness that makes the audience feel distressed? "


Xu Xin responded with admiration:

"That's what it means... Because, it's like this, Teacher Gong. Haven't you noticed that according to the previous script, in fact, in this drama, the queen is just a queen, not like a mother at all. So... this is the beginning of Yuan Jie's return to the palace. The scene I saw is the only scene I can think of in the entire script, the only scene in which the Queen's character reveals that she is not only a Queen, but also a mother. It is very important... because the Queen and Prince Jie's first scene is about to begin. When they meet again, she will let her son help her rebel...so..."


Gong Li was thoughtful.

First, he looked down at the simple and elegant gauze dress he was wearing, and felt that it was not so heavily embellished with gold ornaments, just a bun fixed with a hairpin.

Finally, she nodded:

"Okay, I understand."


Xu Xin felt relieved. At this moment, Jay Chou suddenly said:

"What about me? What about me? How should I behave?"

"you do not need."

Without hesitation, Xu Xin extinguished his desire for expression and said:

"Just put the crown on the dog. This scene is Teacher Gong's unique performance."


Jay Chou was a little confused when he heard another new word popping out of Xu Xin's mouth.


Xu Xin was also a little puzzled.

What is a dog tether?

But he didn’t hesitate and waved his hand directly:

"Just act as normal as I told you. Go and memorize the lyrics quickly, and I'll go check out the camera."

As he spoke, he walked aside, and when he looked up, he saw Yang Mi, Huang Xiaoming, Liu Yifei, and a woman who could almost be said to be charming.

He was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to say hello.

But it didn’t pass.

Things at this moment are much more important than any pleasantries.

"Mimi, what is Xu Xin's responsibility in the team?"

Huang Xiaoming couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Just doing some chores."

Yang Mi didn't mention that Xu Xin was a member of the creative team.

Although she knew that after mentioning it, her face would definitely be bright.

But this kind of thing... If the news leaks out, she can guess it with her toes... When a group of people who are chasing rumors hear that there is a student who is still studying in Director Zhang's Olympic creative team, how big of a stir will it cause? Troubles.

Therefore, it cannot be mentioned.

Just pretend you don’t know.

At this moment, there was a sound from behind:

"Good director."

Several people instinctively turned their heads and saw Zhang Yimou and his group walking over.

"Let's go over there."

Yang Mi took the initiative and said.

But before he finished speaking, he heard Zhang Yimou shout:

"Xiao Xu, come."

"Oh, here it comes."

Xu Xin, who was standing in front of the camera and communicating with the director of photography, quickly responded.

When the three of them had to stop, Xu Xin walked to Zhang Yimou:

"Director Zhang."

"How are the preparations going?"

"It's almost done. Can you take a look?"

"I won't watch. You take the picture and I'll see how good you are."

Zhang Yimou's voice was neither high nor low, but it was enough for the few people standing behind the crowd to hear clearly...

The eyes of Liu Yifei and Huang Xiaoming changed.

First there was surprise, then confusion...but immediately there was an...unexplainable surprise and confusion.

What's surprising is that Xu Xin not only told the scene, but also filmed it?

But I immediately started to wonder... Wasn't Xu Xin... the same class as Mimi? You're only a freshman this year, right? Can you shoot? Or did Director Zhang allow it? What is the relationship between him and Director Zhang?

And that surprise was when Xu Xin nodded:


Looks confident.

As for that last bit of confusion...

It depends on what the individual thinks.

But one thing cannot be faked.

Although they haven't said hello to Director Zhang yet... they have already noticed it.

Director Zhang Yimou... As the top director in the country, he can actually have such high trust in Xu Xin...

This relationship...

Absolutely extraordinary!

At this moment, they suddenly saw Xu Xin turning his head:

"Hey, senior brother, Yifei, you are here."




"Hello, Director Zhang, my name is Huang Xiaoming."

"Ah hello."

"Hello, Director Zhang, my name is Liu Yifei. It's an honor to meet you."

"I've seen your play, it's pretty good."

"Hello, Director Zhang, I am Liu Xiaoli, Liu Yifei's mother. It's an honor to meet you."


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Hello everyone...has the filming of "The Condor" been completed?"

"Not yet, we are here to visit Ban Mimi."

Huang Xiaoming hurriedly explained before everyone else.

"That's it..."

Zhang Yimou responded:

"Okay, then Mimi, please entertain the big guy."

"Okay, Director Zhang."

As Yang Mi nodded, Zhang Yimou glanced at Xu Xin and said:

"Start when you're almost ready. Try it first."


Xu Xin responded, smiled at the three of them, and then picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Everyone, get ready, let's take a picture first..."

Following his words, Zhang Yimou naturally sat on the chair.

Xiao Xu and Xiao Yang have already lost their face.

Rather than getting to know the two young actors... he was more concerned about what kind of surprises this kid Xiao Xu could bring him.

So of course there is no need to be polite and I would like to greet others politely for a while.

It's really not necessary.

When Gong Li and Jay Chou took their positions, Xu Xin said to Liu Guonan next to him:

"Brother Liu, you can start."


Liu Guonan glanced at him and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"All departments are in place and ready to begin."

The whole place fell silent.

Xu Xin was already squatting next to Zhang Yimou, staring at the picture on the monitor.

Look at Gong Li.

Look at Jay Chou.

Look at the lights.

Look at the colors.

Unconsciously, he felt a little thirsty.

do not know why.

But it was too late to think about what water to drink.

"Come on, Act 28, Scene 7, three, two, one..."


Field recorder.


Following Liu Guonan's words, Camera No. 1 instantly began to move horizontally.

First, he locked on the candlelight, and then moved little by little. Amid the candlelight and the slightly dim light, the silhouette of a woman sitting on the bed embroidering appeared in the camera.

The camera used a speed of 2/1 knot, and it didn't move very fast.

It's just enough for the audience to see the queen's shadow first, and then they can see the chrysanthemums on the skirt, the plain white gauze, and the embroidery hands.

The light at this time was very dim.

Xu Xin used a cyan light filter to create a strong contrast between light and dark in the entire picture.

Where there is light and fire, it is bright. And beyond the light and shadow, there is darkness.

Under this light and darkness, the plain white gauze dress and Gong Li's embroidered hair are more or less very monotonous.

But this monotony is made even more bizarre by the vague but gorgeous and recognizable decorations of the surrounding palaces.

The picture is very monotonous, but the decoration is gorgeous.

Paired with the plain white gauze dress, it looks like... this person is lonely.

With the addition of a white cyan light lens, the queen appears alone.

Through the monitor, Zhang Yimou immediately felt that loneliness.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

But before he had time to think about it, a voice came from outside the door:

"His Royal Highness Prince Jie is here~~"

"OK, get ready for No. 2, get ready for close-up!"

The first strip ends and the camera begins to rearrange its layout.

For this scene, Xu Xin decided to use the corridor scene that Director Zhang had previously shot.

He thought that the colorful corridor could contrast sharply with the colors in the Queen's room.

So there was no need to shoot the scene where Jay Chou walked in. After the camera was set up, filming started again.

The moment Gong Li, who was doing embroidery, heard these words, she suddenly looked up.

Then his expression froze.

Liu Guonan glanced at Xu Xin and simply gave the walkie-talkie to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin took it and said directly:

"Okay, turn up the lights! Remove the filter. All the lights in the outhouse are on, and the dividing line appears."

Following his words, the light on the other side of the light began to slowly turn on.

After the camera removed the cyan light filter, the picture suddenly became brighter. But because the light in the room outside was brighter than the room inside, the feeling of contradiction suddenly emerged.

The lights in the room inside have obviously been adjusted, but compared with the lights outside, it seems darker inside.

A very strong visual contradiction appears in the lens.

Seeing the change in color of the picture on the monitor, Zhang Yimou glanced sideways at Xu Xin again.

When was this stolen from me?

He was a little puzzled, but didn't say anything.

After Xu Xin felt that the lighting was OK, he heard him say again:

"Zhou Ai, watch the position of your feet. Get ready to start~"

Jay Chou responded.

Then, after the countdown ended, he stepped on the bright light and walked step by step to the line between the outer room and the inner room:

"My son, I pay my respects to my mother!"


The yarn fluttered with excitement, and the queen suddenly walked out of the "darkness" and helped her child.

Under the abundant warm light in the outer room, the white clothes looked like a white lotus.

Out of the darkness, into the light.

It emerges from the silt but remains unstained.

The beautiful woman's face is filled with sincere tenderness.

After supporting his son, whom he had not seen for three years, he carefully put his hand on his face and stroked it.

Her stroking movements were very detailed, starting with her cheeks.

Then after touching his son's beard, his hand trembled slightly.

Then little by little, he covered his son's chin with his palm...


Unconsciously, Xu Xin sighed.

This detail... is in place.

First, wipe your son's face to see if he is fat or thin, how much hardship he has suffered, how much sin he has suffered...

Then he accidentally touched his son's beard.

Because of the setting, Prince Jie is a young man in his early twenties.

And I think that when I left, my son might not have grown his beard yet...

Therefore, she was surprised, and because she had not seen her son for three years, she was surprised that his beard had grown when he came back, or she was delighted, or unexpectedly loved...

Everything was revealed in this short trembling hand.

No need for expressions.

It only needs to be matched with the scene, and with this shake of the hand, the mother's mentality is completely expressed...

Really are……


He sighed, and at this time, Jay Chou said softly:

"My son, I haven't seen my mother in three years. How is my mother?"


In the close-up shot, the queen immediately hugged her son after hearing this.

Then her eyes quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

My eyes suddenly became moist.

Want to cry?

This thought unconsciously appeared in the minds of everyone watching this scene.

It's like a drop of water, falling, falling, and falling along a silk thread... However, at the moment when this drop of water is about to break away from the thread and fall:


A gasp that wasn't laughter.

Water drops, the brakes were stepped on.

The moment it fell, it was perfectly caught.

The queen sighed and panted, leaning on her son's shoulder and nodded:

"The queen is fine."

The tone was calm, and even the trace of tears turned into the wind and dissipated into nothingness...

Everything on his face disappeared from the moment he left his son's shoulder and took half a step back.


In the end, it just turned into a smile that was still a little sparkling in the corners of the eyes, but was more satisfying and peaceful:

"And you?"

Shuyi is dignified, and her mother respects the world.




No need for yelling or crying.

The actor who was named "Gong Huang" vividly transitioned the two identities of being a mother and a queen through this series of micro-expressions.

At this moment, half of her body was shrouded in non-existent shadows composed of dim light.

Only the tenderness of a mother is left, still lingering on the son who has just returned.

The only remaining tenderness.

There really aren’t many left…

As for this performance, it's not clear what others thought.

But it completely shocked Liu Yifei and Yang Mi.

How did you do it?

How to express it?

Why is it so natural?

How can it be so natural?

The two were puzzled.

But for no reason, Liu Yifei thought of her friend's words:

"The difference between Sister Gong and you...is at least 150 Jay Chou."

One hundred and fifty?

She shook her head secretly in her heart.

You think highly of me too much...

On this day, the two girls saw the real ceiling for the first time in a real sense.

It will never be forgotten for a long time.

Brothers, there are less than 100 votes left to make it into the top ten of the new book. This is a good result that has never been achieved before! Asking for a monthly ticket! ! It’s the end of the month! ! 14,000 please vote monthly! ! !

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