I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1122 1117 Mutual Complement

Chapter 1122 1117. Mutual fulfillment

October 10th.

Yanjing, Olympic Building.

Before 9 o'clock in the morning, a strange-looking A6 drove in from the gate.

The reason why it is weird is very simple. From a visual point of view, I always feel that this A6 is a bit nondescript. It seems to be larger and more stable than the ordinary A6.

But... maybe it's because the A6's facelifts in the past two years have all revised details, and A6s of various years can be seen everywhere on the market, making people a little unsure about what "big" and "long" are. Is it my own illusion?

At the very least, the security guard responsible for opening the entrance door was a little unsure.

I feel like nothing looks right about this new A6.

At this moment, two horns sounded "Didi".

The security guard who was still looking at the rear of the A6 turned his head. When he saw Alpha at the door, he instinctively raised the railing first, then walked out of the guard box and saluted Alpha.


The Alfa honked briefly, expressing a polite greeting in car language, and then drove in.

After the A6 was parked in the parking space, the Alfa also drove to the entrance of the Olympic Building.

Wearing a baseball cap, a down vest, a turtleneck sweater, and sneakers, Zhang Yimou stepped out of the car.

But after he got off the car, he did not go directly into the Olympic Building. Instead, he stood on the steps and looked in the direction of the A6.

Xu Xin was speeding up and heading towards him.

He was so familiar with Xiao Xu that Zhang Yimou didn't say hello. But his eyes also fell on the new-looking A6, and he glanced at it twice.

"I just said that the car I saw just now looks like yours."

Xu Xin smiled.

Zhang Yimou nodded slightly, looked away from A6, and said in confusion:

"Changed cars?"

"Yes, I just changed it."

Xu Xin also nodded.

"Not to mention, the new A6 looks good."

Hearing this, Xu Xin quickly shook his head and whispered:

"This is the A8."


The old man's mouth twitched and he said speechlessly:

"A8 has an A6L label?"

After saying that, he glanced at Xu Xin, and a strange smile appeared on his face:

"Deputy Director Xu, he is very low-key."


Xu Xin smiled a little shyly and sounded helpless:

"I originally said that I would just switch to an A6, but Yang Mifei said that the A6 was uncomfortable, so she asked a friend to get this A8 and changed the badge. The sizes of the two cars are obviously different, so it's almost obvious."

Zhang Yimou shook his head funnyly:

"She is also doing it for your own good. This integrated media center pilot office jointly established by the Radio and Television Media Integrated Development Department and the Online Program Audiovisual Management Department is an emerging management model. Although you, the deputy director, are a big director and celebrity outside, But we still have to be low-key here. We are all here to serve everyone. It is always inappropriate for you to drive a Mercedes-Benz and a BMW.”

"Ok, I know."

Xu Xin obviously agreed with this.

However, he still felt that his wife was a little too secretive.

Wouldn't it be over if we just get an A6?

Why do you have to get an A8?


"This car is really good. The new one feels more comfortable than the old one... But the fuel consumption in urban areas, with a displacement of 6.3, is a gas guzzler."


Zhang Yimou looked at him speechlessly again:

"What? Can't afford to fill up the gas? Regardless of whether the gas cost of your car can be reimbursed, if you are short of gas cards, take whatever I have in abundance."

"Hey! Don't corrupt me! I've just taken office, so I can't open the back door!"

Xu Xin's words were met with a "you leather sofa" look from the old man.

Then he shook his head helplessly, but his feet still didn't move. He just stood at the door and looked back and around. After making sure that no one was there, he lowered his volume:

"What is the address of this office?"

"A planning department that will be in charge of integrated media companies at the city, district and county levels across the country. As for the specific functions... it is currently in the research stage, planning, organizing and implementing news media work..."

After briefly describing the general functions of this integrated media office, Zhang Yimou nodded slightly:

"How many deputy directors?"

"Five, all from various departments."

"Then what is your background?"


Xu Xin scratched his head, thinking about Uncle Liu's words, and said with a smile:

"External image. Let's calculate it like this for now, but later on when the office establishes the main center, my position may change, but the specifics are not yet clear."

Just this Monday, he just submitted his employment letter.

Starting from Monday, there will be another income in his salary card every month.

Just like what he said to his wife in Fuzhou before, if things are done well and beautifully, then naturally he will not be short of rewards.

And Xu Xin can be regarded as completing his goal...or phased goal.

The old man's "I won't know in the future" is really true. After all, this unit has just been established. What will happen in the future, no one can say.

After Zhang Yimou heard this, he nodded slightly.

He knew Xu Xin's goal.

So I made a joke:

"Maybe by the time of the Winter Olympics, you will be the leader in charge."

"Hehe, I'm afraid you won't have a good time."

Looking at Xu Xin's proud smile, Zhang Yimou rolled his eyes again:

"Virtue. Let's go."

After asking about Xiao Xu's affairs and realizing that he didn't have to worry about it anymore, he took Xu Xin directly to the Olympic Building.

"How's the movie going?"

"Took it back to the factory for editing."

"how do you feel?"

"It's very good. I'll show it to you when it's finished. I think the story was really well shot."

"Yeah. Where's Yang Mi?"

"Going to promote "Xiu Chun Dao"."

"When will it be released?"


"The 30th is "Breaking Out", right?...Why are you so busy with all these movies?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled helplessly:

"There is no way. Silk Road has delayed all the good works in the factory until the second half of the year. From August to December, you see, there are basically at least two movies in the factory a month. Some are big and some are small. ...There is nothing we can do if we get together.

And not just this year, in the future for the Silk Road Film Festival, the production of the factory may have to be concentrated in the second half of the year. So when I sent the movie to the factory, Brother Qi and I were still chatting about whether we should re-plan the release time of all movies in the future, and strive to change the annual goal from the beginning of the year to the end of the year to the Silk Road Film Festival Start and continue until the next Silk Road Film Festival. "

"...Lao Tian doesn't care about anything now?"

Suddenly, Zhang Yimou asked this question.

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Yes. Mr. Tian... If nothing else happens, I will be promoted in the next two years. I will go to the province, so now Brother Qi is basically in charge of the factory. It can be regarded as adapting in advance."

"Xiying is your base, and film and television is what you are best at, most authoritative, and most knowledgeable about. You must be clear about this, and don't worry about it when the time comes."

"I understand, just don't worry. Besides, not only the factory, but also Shanghai Film Studio and Yindu have expressed their support..."


After hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Yimou knew that his disciple was no longer the Wu Xia Ameng who needed his own guidance to know where to go, so Zhang Yimou said no more.

What's more, his path... is faster and more stable than anyone else's, even his own.

He believed that no matter where he was, Xiao Xu would have no problems.

Soon, the elevator arrived at the designated floor.

When the two appeared at the door of the conference room, there were already about ten people inside, including Zhao Xiaoding.

Seeing the two of them, everyone stood up.

"Director Zhang, Director Xu..."

The one they called them was the "newbie" in the directing team of this promotional video.

There is no need for an old man like Zhao Xiaoding.

Zhang Yimou nodded slightly and sat on the chair at the head of the conference room with Xu Xin.

Xu Xin, who is familiar with this kind of work, said directly:

"Let's talk about the shooting plan for the promotional video..."

The work of the director team of the Olympic bid promotional video has just begun.

In fact, the location selection for the promotional video is basically the same now.

This year, according to experts, it seems to be another Galileo-Bruno phenomenon.

Translated: warm winter.

It doesn't matter if this winter is warm or not, the promotional video here really needs some snow here in Yanjing.

But according to the past behavior of Yanjing, it is estimated that this snow will not fall until at least mid-November. Therefore, in the past half year, the promotional video has been planned in advance.

Snow scenery, in fact, Yanshan is not necessarily the best.

Northeast is better.

Although this time it was Yanjing's bid to host the event, the theme could include China's vast land and abundant resources.

In addition, the snow in Northeast China is the earliest, so it has been decided to shoot in Northeast China for the first phase of the promotional video.

This meeting was just to set the theme.

In less than half a year, the director's strategy team has developed many ideas that reflect the various advantages of China's bid to host the Olympics. What is needed is the general director team to research and pick out suitable places for combination.

For Zhang Yimou and Xu Xin, this kind of promotional video can almost be said to be killing a chicken with a knife.

It couldn't be simpler.

Screen, research, decide.

In one day, it was basically all done.

Next comes the filming.

And waiting for the timely winter snow in Yanjing.

It's quite simple.

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon after a busy day, Xu Xin received an overseas call from Liu Momo.

"Hey, Xu Xin, people from Paramount want to make a sequel."


While talking about the Olympics with the old man, Xu Xin was stunned and said:

"A sequel to John Wick?"

Zhang Yimou turned to look at him.


Liu Momo on the other side of the phone responded:

"I just attended one of their dinner parties. George told me that although I'm not sure yet, Paramount is indeed studying it. According to George, the payment method in "John Wick" was paid with gold coins. The world view of the killer is very interesting, and it is very suitable for extending a killer universe...

You know, in the past two years, due to the influence of Marvel, everyone is more concerned about the IP universe. Even "The Fast and the Furious" has become a family hero, and a group of speedsters can save the world... And judging from the past two years, this IP universe is indeed a way to make a lot of money, as long as it can be recognized by the audience.

Although the box office of "John Wick" was average in North America, it created a very interesting phenomenon..."

"What phenomenon?"

Xu Xin had not been to the United States since the promotional period of "John Wick" was over, so he didn't know the situation there.

"It's just a label similar to the hot update on the Internet. The main target is Keanu, which roughly means that you can bully Mr. Wick, but you must not touch his dog.

Some people also said that if Agent Smith had chosen to give Neo a dog, he would definitely not become the savior..."

Liu Momo's words made Xu Xin slow down for a while, and then he realized belatedly that the audience put Mr. Wick from "John Wick" and the savior Neo from "The Matrix" together.

But he was not surprised.

He asked:

"How much did "John Wick" make at the box office?"

"39 million. It has a strong staying power! And it has a good reputation. Many film review magazines, especially this issue of "Black Belt" magazine, have also talked about your movie specifically, discussing the close combat techniques in it, including Wick's gun skills. There are also many similar domestic jokes of two shots to the shoulder and one shot to the head, which make even gods shake their heads when they see it. The box office trend is also very strong. According to the final estimate given by Paramount, the box office of this film is likely to exceed 55 million. "

"Does it mean that it has a lot of stamina?"

"Yes! It has both word-of-mouth and box office stamina. And I heard from George that there are fan fiction websites that have launched several fan fictions of Wick, which are also sought after by some people. It is precisely because of this that they think that "John Wick" still has potential to be tapped and want to make a sequel to improve this "killer universe"


While Liu Momo was talking, Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou had already walked to the door of the building.

But for some reason, Zhang Yimou did not go first, even though the Alpha had already driven in front of him.

Obviously he was waiting for Xu Xin.

Seeing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Sister Mo, I will call you back later. I am still at the Olympic Building now."

When Liu Momo heard "Olympic Building", he knew what he was busy with.


"Okay, then hurry up, it's 11 o'clock here, I need to go to bed."

"Okay, I know. I'll hang up first."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin asked:

"Do you have anything else to talk to me about?"

Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Now when you go to Hollywood to film, you must read the script carefully, and even if possible, you must pay more attention to the terms of the contract. Although the international situation is relatively stable now, Hollywood always likes to dig holes for others. In the past few years, several Hollywood movies made a lot of mistakes when our country's elements appeared, such as incomplete maps or wrong locations...

You must pay attention here. Now your position is different. When you go out, you represent our country. You can't be careless. Even if you don't do these things, you can't damage the image of our country and yourself, understand? Let's not talk about the big things. To put it in a small way, it will damage your image, and your career may come to an abrupt end!"


At first, Xu Xin didn't react.

What map error? Can't you just search the map with Google?

But he immediately understood what the old man meant the next second.

A flash of realization flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded:

"I understand what you mean."

Indeed, no matter whether some things are intentional or unintentional, as long as it is related to these things, you must be careful and careful.

Otherwise, it is really possible that there will be no recovery.

And this kind of thing is the lowest-cost kind of no recovery.

You really have to pay attention and can't be careless at all.

Otherwise, the things that you may have worked hard for several years will all collapse overnight, and it is not an exaggeration to even become a street rat.

And the most outrageous thing about this matter is that if you really have this intention to become a traitor and a traitor, it is nothing more than running away after the matter is exposed. But if it is just someone else's unintentional act, then he is really a yellow mud falling from his crotch, and he can't wash it off even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

The moment he thought of this, he suddenly became "clear-headed" a lot. While nodding vigorously to agree with the old man, he did not forget to classify the level of this matter as the highest level, the kind that absolutely cannot be neglected.

Zhang Yimou naturally understood Xu Xin's personality.

Seeing him nod seriously, he knew in his heart that Xu Xin really listened to this matter.

So he nodded:

"Well, be careful. It's better not to participate in some things than to cause trouble for yourself."

"Oh, I know."


After answering, the old man left.

He left very casually. After getting in the car, he waved his hand, leaned back on the chair, and ignored Xu Xin.

Xu Xin stood there, watching the Alfa turn around and leave, and then walked to his "A6".

This 6.3-displacement "A6" is the top-of-the-line among the new models this year. The rear seats are like space capsules, and the comfort is naturally needless to mention.

Half lying on the seat, he first said to Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, remember to remind me once before, after, in post-production, and before submitting the final version to the theater every time I shoot a movie..."

At this point, Xu Xin paused.

In conclusion:

"You must remind me of everything related to the territorial integrity of South Tibet and Taiwan. Even if I forget, you must ask me a few more times. This is the most important thing, understand?"

Su Meng was stunned. After looking at Brother Xu's serious eyes through the rearview mirror, he immediately stopped the car, fiddled with his phone for a while, and then said:

"I have already written it down in the key to-do list of the work log, Brother Xu."


Xu Xin also felt relieved.

Although Meng Meng is becoming more and more like a mascot in his work, she has never lost in terms of business.

With his own thoughts and her reminders, it is equal to double insurance.

There is absolutely no problem.

Then, he lit a cigarette.

After smoking quietly, he called Liu Momo.

"Hello, Sister Mo."

"Are you done?... I'm almost asleep."

"How about we talk tomorrow?"

"Goodbye, the time difference is different. What do you think? Do you still want to shoot this movie?"

"Yes. If it is a sequel, I am willing to shoot it."

As soon as Xu Xin said this, Liu Momo was stunned.

In fact, when Lao Qian came to her to mention it, she felt that this matter was probably going to blow.

The reason is very simple. On the one hand, she learned from Yang Mi that she planned to return to her family and China, and at least in the next few years, she would not go to Hollywood.

The time unit of "a few years" is actually very sensitive.

There are not many "a few years" for the golden moment of actresses. Not to mention, as an Asian, although she is the heroine in "Pacific Rim" and "Lucy", and the global feedback is very good. But if Yang Mi does not strike while the iron is hot at this time, then she will really have no advantage at all after "a few years" to come to Hollywood.

Hollywood is a very realistic behemoth, and no one is irreplaceable in it.

Nowadays, these capital crocodiles have seen the thriving appearance of the Chinese film market, and it is impossible to let them give up. They will definitely come, and there will definitely be more and more so-called "Chinese elements" in the future.

In the simplest sense, it is the most basic for a foreign company to come and invest and stimulate employment. And in this kind of employment environment, if you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it.

After "a few years" mentioned by Yang Mi, it may be a different look.

On the other hand, she also knew from Yang Mi what Xu Xin was planning.

Move behind the scenes.

Or, start to mainly take on behind-the-scenes work.

According to Yang Mi, Xu Xin has his own artistic pursuits, and now the increasingly busy work rhythm makes him a little uncomfortable.

It goes against his inner pursuit of art.

Before, he could "force it" because of the personal connections. But now, he wants "freedom".

Liu Momo can understand.

If an artist can continue to produce excellent works without settling down or resting, thinking, and learning, it is absolutely nonsense.

The uniqueness of art means that these artists are destined to interpret everything in the world from their own perspective. And this interpretation is unique. It is precisely because of this uniqueness that it can be called art.

Xu Xin is an artist.

And his works in recent years... In fact, Liu Momo can more or less feel that he brings less and less surprises to others.

Calm down, settle down, and think.

This process is absolutely correct.

She will not force it.

On the other hand, she also knew that this stinky brother was a wife-loving maniac. The mutual achievement and giving of this couple would be envied by anyone who saw it.

Yang Mi wanted to rest, and Xu Xin would definitely take care of the family more so that his wife could come out.

Then the two of them would go on and on in a cycle of you treat me well, I treat you well, you treat me better, I treat you better...


This damn sour smell.

So, she actually had no hope in her heart whether Xu Xin would take the sequel.

But who would have thought that he actually agreed.

Wait a minute...

He agreed?

? ? ?


Liu Momo suddenly stuttered:

"You...ah? You want to take it?...Ah???"

Xu Xin was also happy.

"What? Are you surprised?"

"Of course I am... uh... no... aren't you going to move behind the scenes? And don't you have another movie... don't you take a break?... have you thought it through?"

Listening to the sister's jaw-dropping words, Xu Xin continued with a smile:

"You seem to be particularly surprised by my answer? Do you think I didn't plan to take it?"


"Sister Mo."

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Because you are in North America, I will continue to take it. I won't consider other factors."


His words made Liu Momo silent.

And this is indeed what Xu Xin has determined in his mind while smoking a cigarette just now.

And Sister Mo, is a friend.

That's true.

But... in the final analysis, it's actually a step up.

Without Sister Mo, Xu Xin might not be able to enter that "door".

And now that I have the title of deputy director of the media integration office, I have entered this door, and how to go in the future... is a completely different story.

Friends are monks, and elders are Buddhas.

This time, he wanted to see both the monk's and the Buddha's side.

He wanted affection, benefits, and morality.

So, after he finished speaking, he no longer cared about what Liu Momo thought and asked directly:

"Derek's side, we have the copyright to "John Wick". If we want to continue making sequels, we must get involved. But this time I want to do Cloud Atlas, okay?"

Liu Momo subconsciously gathered his mind:

"Pull him to the factory?"


"That's not a problem. It's just a change of investors. Moreover, I have long attributed the review to Xiying. They thought that the Silk Road Film Festival helped them, so the two parties can cooperate. Parallel Meng would definitely be happy too.”

"What did Derek say?"

"I haven't asked yet, but after the movie became a hit, we had a meal once, and he said that people from Paramount had approached him. But at that time, Headwind's contract had a sequel clause, and over the years, everyone has been on good terms. Yes, as long as the price is reasonable, there won’t be any problem. I estimate that his script can be priced at 500,000 to 800,000 this time.”

"Then let's shoot."

Xu Xin directly gave his reassurance:

"But we have to make it clear first that even if there is a sequel, it won't be now. "Master" is in post-production, and I promised Nuan Nuan to make a family-friendly movie next year. It's the one I talked to you about before. The story of "Monster Hunting".

"Want to get the one with all the special effects?"

"Yes. So, if we really want to film it, we have to wait until I finish "Monster Hunt". But you can let Derek draft the script... But this time, I have to personally control the story. His version of the script is different. There are so many loopholes, and I helped him fill them in a lot during filming. If Paramount wants to create a killer universe, the story must be rigorous. "

"You do it yourself?"

Liu Momo's eyes lit up immediately.

"I won't do it myself, but I will definitely be involved in the story. Otherwise, the foundation of the story itself has not been laid firmly. If I continue to fool around, I won't even be able to lay the foundation well. Not to mention the universe, the house is crooked, so I don't need anyone else. , it collapsed on its own.”


Xu Xin's words were like a shovel of high-grade cement, directly filling Liu Momo's heart.

Good guy.

That's really a relief.

"Then it's settled. I'll tell Paramount about the situation tomorrow, and then call Derek over... emmm, let him come up with an outline and details first, and then you guys can discuss it. ?”

"No problem, let's perfect the worldview first, and we'll talk about the rest later. There will definitely be enough time."


"Well, that's it. Is there anything else?"


"Then I die?"


Suddenly, she called out to Xu Xin who was about to hang up.

"Xu Xin."

"...Anything else?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled and then heard something:



Xu Xin chuckled.

Sister Mo, would you like to thank me?


I should be the one thanking you.

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