I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1123 1118 Magic Cloak

Chapter 1123 1118. Magic Cloak

"Jingle Bell."

Just after hanging up the phone with Liu Momo, Xu Xin's cell phone rang again.

"Hey, baby."

Hearing Xu Xin's name, Su Meng, who was driving in front, twitched her lips.


I really want to have a relationship like that with Sister Xu Gemi...

As her thoughts wandered, Yang Mi on the other side of the phone said:

"Are you done? Are you going home for dinner?"

"I'm done, I'm heading home now."

"So early?"

Yang Mi was a little surprised, but she didn't hesitate and continued to ask:

"Congratulations to Director Zhang?"

"Congratulations for what...uh!"

Xu Xin, who was still confused, suddenly remembered something and said with a wry smile:

"It's over, I forgot about it. I was busy talking about the promotional video today, and I forgot about it... But it doesn't matter. In the film "Return", Teacher Gong Li's performance is obvious to all, not to mention the actress. There are so many trophies that we can’t even keep them at home, so it’s not worth making a fuss about.”

Yes, what he forgot was to congratulate the old man for winning the Best Actress award at the Venice Film Festival for "The Return".

It is a pity that "The Return" only received this award.

The opponents this year are quite strong. According to the studio, during the film festival, except for Gong Li's acting skills, which are recognized as crushing everyone, other aspects are far less discussed than other works. high.

I just won a Best Actress trophy, which is within a reasonable range.

"Besides, the old man doesn't care about these awards anymore. Haven't you discovered that his attitude towards movies is actually very pure now. He will go for whatever subjects he has never filmed before, which subjects he is interested in, and which stories can attract him. Shoot. Awards and box office are no longer in his mind."

"That's what I say, then you should be congratulated and congratulated."

After understanding what his wife meant, Xu Xin responded:

"Okay, how about I call you now?"

"Well, come back quickly, I'm waiting for you to eat."


Xu Xin hung up and called the old man again.

Who knew that as soon as the connection was connected, the person on the other side said:

"Hey, I'm just looking for you."


"There's something I forgot to tell you just now."

"Hey, what a coincidence, I happened to have something I forgot to tell you."


Zhang Yimou was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile:

"Why are you so forgetful at such a young age?"

Xu Xin was also happy:

"You are so young, why are you so forgetful?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Obviously, his disciple's complaints made him feel very good.

Even if you know it's flattery.

"Then tell me, what did you forget to tell me?"

"...Congratulations to Teacher Gong Li for winning the Best Actress in "The Return"!~"


Zhang Yimou twitched the corner of his mouth and asked speechlessly:

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I forgot to mention it just now."

"...It's just such a small thing, is it still worth talking about?"

Xu Xin's mouth twitched.



What is Bone King?

This is the bone king!

As expected of a master, it is so natural, fresh and refined!

The old man is really awesome.

Xu Xin almost thought he was talking to himself.

In order to prevent the old man's aura from affecting him, Xu Xin quickly asked:

"Then what do you want from me?"

"Do you need a motion capture team for "Monster Hunt"?"


Xu Xin was stunned and replied subconsciously:

"Absolutely. Huba must have been motion-captured throughout the whole process, otherwise his movements would have been very stiff."

"Then let me recommend someone to you?"


"My name is Cai Lianhao, have you heard of this guy?"

"No. What's the reason?"

"Hmm... When it comes to the origin, it's quite complicated. Do you know about Force animation?"

"The Force?"

Hearing this word that is definitely familiar to Star Wars fans, Xu Xin's mind quickly combined it with some industry news he knew:

"Is it that company in Nanjing? I seem to have heard that they are connected to many special effects industries in Europe and the United States. It is said... that they were also involved in the outsourcing of the game GTA5 that was particularly popular two years ago. Is it them?"


Zhang Yimou responded:

"They are doing quite well. The GTA5 you are talking about is the racing game, right? There is also the shooting game that you young people like, it is called... mission or something..."

""call of Duty"."

"Yes, they have all participated. But I don't play games, so I don't understand these things. But Xiao Meng knows the person who was responsible for motion capture technology before, and it was Cai Lianhao. He left the job after finishing the work on GTA5 the year before last. , is now the director of the motion capture technology department at NetEase.”

"You mean...this matter allows me to go to him? Should I go to him or NetEase?"

"Look for him. He is friends with Xiao Meng, and Xiao Meng recognizes his professionalism very much. And as you know, more and more people in China are using IMAX now. IMAX also has a good reputation for our post-production special effects skills." A general understanding. He said that Cai Lianhao is a talented person and has always wanted to go it alone. If you are interested, can I ask Xiao Meng to send you to him on WeChat? "

"Isn't this guy's professional level? Is he a motion capture actor?"

"I don't know the details of this, but according to Xiao Meng, his team is quite professional."

"That's okay."

Xu Xin agreed directly:

"Then let him join me."

"Monster Hunt" does require professional motion capture technology.

In fact, the so-called dynamic capture, the most straightforward explanation is to put the actor in a suit with bright lights. When he makes an action, the camera can capture the movement trajectory of the light source all over his body, and then in 3D In the modeling of the scene, a layer of CG image leather is put on through the actions of the light sources representing various parts of the body, so that the CG model can move extremely naturally.

Of course, this is not a professional explanation, but if the most ordinary audience can understand the concept of motion capture, this explanation is the most suitable.

Body motion capture is only a rough entry level. Facial capture is more demanding, but it requires actors to have equally high control over facial muscles. You have to meet such actors and see if they resonate with the character...

These are things for later.

The motion capture technology of "Monster Hunt" is not as professional as directly focusing on the face. Its main requirement is to embody the character of "Huba" through the body.

Belongs to the ordinary level.

The requirements are not high.

Basically, it is not difficult for domestic motion capture teams to do it. But since the old man can recommend it, it means that this person must be reliable.

The old man would never recommend any idiot to himself.

As a director, Xu Xin is naturally very happy to have people who are more professional than his peers participate in the production of this project.

The two finished talking to each other and hung up the phone.

As the chat progressed, Xu Xin leaned back in his seat and his thoughts naturally turned to "Monster Hunting".

For "Master", Lao Zhu is already editing.

Xu Xin has already given some ideas for rough cutting. As for fine cutting...according to the cooperation between the two brothers over the years, we should have a rough idea before the end of November.

"The Master" has no special effects and all the fights were shot in real life, so the post-production was relatively simple.

After the fine editing is completed, just perform image modification, dubbing or soundtrack according to the texture required by Xu Xin.

Xu Xin estimated that everything should have ended before the year.

But considering "Monster Hunt", he may postpone the post-production work of "Master" after the film is edited.

It is different from the past. In the past, each of his works had his own plan for when to release it and when to send it to which film festival.

But it's different now.

The three major wishes are gone, and all that is left is nothing more than a Silk Road Film Festival at home.

The Silk Road Film Festival is even better.

Perhaps in others, there is a clear time limit for submission of film festival works, but in his case, as the vice president of the executive committee, he definitely has the privileges he should have.

As long as "The Master" is completed before the Silk Road Film Festival list is announced, it won't be a big problem.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, next year he is likely to face the double post-production situation of "Master" and "Monster Hunt".

He even values ​​"Monster Hunt" more than "The Master".

Because this film is his promise to his daughter.

Although we, Mr. Xu, have a very subtle relationship with these two mythical beasts in our family. Sometimes they are close, sometimes they seem to be inseparable, and sometimes they backstab each other...

But in the final analysis, in terms of morality and justice, I can be considered their father.

He can disappoint many people all over the world. But that cheating Nuannuan has already promised his friends in his class at the Italian Film Festival Hall of Honor that he will let his father make a movie for everyone to watch next year...

The girl trap has been dug.

What can a father do?

Fill it in.

Thinking of this, he found Si Wei's WeChat account:


Less than ten seconds.

Wang Sicong sent a message on WeChat:

"What do you want to do if you contact a married woman privately?"

Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

He directly clicked on Yang Mi's chat box and started scrolling up.

I quickly found a screenshot sent by Yang Mi.

It was Wang Sicong who sent it to Yang Mi at ten o'clock on the first night when everyone had dinner two days ago.

Wang: Are you there?


Wang: Will Lao Xu be home tomorrow?

Yang: At home.

Wang: See you tomorrow then.


Wang: Braised pork, noodles with soybean paste, the mixed vegetable with shrimps that I made last time, and steamed Asian pancakes. Brother 7 has to supplement the baby with DHA. Let the others figure it out.


Wang: Mom!

Yang: ...Okay.

After sending this picture directly to the young master, Xu Xin replied:

"The least I can do is send a message to a married woman during the day. What do you think this is?"

"Love from Mama Yang!"


"What are you doing with my wife?"

"What is your wife doing?"

"Breastfeed my son."


"? What on earth is going on?"

"As for the movie, please let her finish her work and contact me."

As a result, less than five seconds after this message was sent, a voice call came from Wang Sicong.

As soon as Xu Xin got through, he heard a male voice saying in a weird Sichuan and Chongqing accent:

"Wow, Li Gong, your magic cloak, the baby is sleeping, please wait a while and try again!"

This tone sounds really awkward.

Then came Si Wei's... energetic movements:

"You take the baby away, I have to work!"

"I don't want to hug you. It's okay for you to call Lao Xu in the middle of the night. Why do you have to call me now when the child is about to fall asleep?!"

"Do you want to hug me or not!? Labor and Capital Shu Daoshan!~One!!"

Under the strange expression on Xu Xin's face, Di Wei over there didn't even shout out.

After a strange pause, Di Wei's voice sounded again:

"Hey, Director Xu."

"Qi...Teacher Di Wei, hello."

Xu Xin shouted cautiously and respectfully.


Di Wei laughed dryly:

"What do you want from me? Is it about the movie?"

Obviously, from falling in love to getting pregnant, and now the baby is almost ready to eat solid food, it can be judged from Di Wei's tone that she really can't wait.

"Yes, are you free tomorrow?"

As soon as he finished asking this question, Wang Sicong on the other end of the phone said:

"Yes! I want to take care of the baby! ...The labor force will kill you! Director Xu, I'll be fine tomorrow."

Xu Xin's mouth twitched again.

Suddenly, I became curious about what kind of magical life Lao Wang usually lived at home.


It sounds wonderful.

"Uh... So what have you done in the past two days? I mean business, such as vaccinating your child, or going out with your family to meet friends, etc."

"That's not true. Director Xu, just tell me what your arrangements are and I will make adjustments directly."

"Where is this... Lao Wang? Have you had anything happened recently?"

After he asked this question, Wang Sicong did not reply immediately.

On the other end of the phone, he looked at the child holding her child in her arms again, but she didn't look like a mother. Instead, she looked like a wife holding the image of a bandit leader holding a hostage. He rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"Just tell me what you want to do... The hostages are all in their hands now. If I dare to say a wrong word, I will be punished today!"


Xu Xin chuckled lightly and said:

"Go to Magic City, meet the people who are chasing the light, discuss the progress of the project, and ask Brother Qi if there are any actors he wants to work with. Let's do the overall planning for the early stage of the movie. It will take about two or three days. time, how about it?”


Wang Sicong agreed immediately.

Going to the Magic City is equivalent to returning from one home to another, so there is no problem.

"When are you leaving? Tonight?"

"Why...you want to have Wu Yeyun again?"

As he said this, Wang Sicong himself felt happy:

"Hahahaha... If you didn't mention this, I would have forgotten about it."

He already holds two TI championships in his hands. Although veterans such as 820 and YYF have retired one after another this year, which has greatly reduced his competitiveness, he is the first-generation captain and boss of the legendary team IG that has dominated DOTA2 for nearly three years. Even though he doesn’t play DOTA that much now and instead plays LOL, these wonderful memories that happened, heard about, or personally experienced during the youth of his brothers are still vivid in his mind.

After hanging up the phone with a laugh, Wang Sicong glanced at his wife who was feeding the baby again and coaxing her to sleep, and said directly:

"Let's go to the Magic City tomorrow."


"Then let me play two games?"


Si Wei was surprised:

"Playing games? What games? Playing LOL again? Isn't your account being played by someone in the team?"

"No, playing DOTA."


Looking at her husband leaving, Di Wei looked puzzled.

What's so fun about the game?

But she didn't ask. Maybe if she had asked, Wang Sicong would have told her:

"That was my youth."

The heroine of "Monster Hunting" is called Huo Xiaolan.

A demon-catching master.

Frankly speaking, when he first got the script of "Monster Hunting", Xu Xin felt that Si Wei was very suitable for this style.

Or unconsciously, he brought Huo Xiaolan into the image of Si Wei.

No way, this sister is really suitable for this type of role.

Almost no acting skills are needed to completely fit this drama.

And in two years, "nothing was done", even though everyone saw each other often. But when Xu Xin and Wang Sicong took her into Chasing the Light, they both discovered that...she exuded a stiff and nervous aura.

It was a mixture of nervousness, excitement, anticipation and a little timidity.

This is normal.

After Yang Mi got pregnant and gave birth, she felt the same way at the beginning after she returned to work.

Although I have always been in the industry, the entertainment industry really changes every few months.

Whether you will still be accepted by the audience, whether you are outdated and outdated, etc., all need a process of adjustment.

At this time, as a husband, Wang Sicong naturally has to give encouragement:

"Baby, do you miss this feeling? Hehe, everyone must be looking forward to your return..."


Si Wei didn't respond.

It's just that his eyes are a little straight.

Seeing this, the young master quickly asked for help from his friend.

He glanced at Xu Xin: Brother, what should we do?

And Xu Xin's response was very simple.

He also told him with his eyes: No.

It's useless to say anything to Wei Wei now. The best way is to quickly let her return to work.

When she rejoins the work state and gradually finds that her understanding and cognition of the role are in line with the team's thinking, then many things will be covered by memories. And except for the uneasiness before the movie is released, there will be no other worries.

So, he didn't say anything, but took her directly into the office.

Xu Xin and Wang Sicong are both bosses of Chasing Light. Wei Wei is not only one of the boss ladies, but also the heroine of the movie. Her appearance quickly caught everyone's attention.

Curiosity, doubt, expectation and other emotions brewed in the entire conference room.

After the three of them sat down, Xu Xin spoke directly:

"Let's do a preliminary work report first. Who can tell us about the current situation of this project..."

"I'll do it."

A middle-aged man with glasses stood up.

"Director Xu, President Wang, Teacher Wei Wei, hello, I am Lin Cheng, the chief art designer of "Monster Hunt"..."


The news of the launch of the "Monster Hunt" project spread like wildfire.

After the news that Xu Xin started to work non-stop appeared in the circle, just like when he was in "Master", the hearts of countless actors were hooked at once.

Song Chen of "Master", even though the movie has not been released yet, has quickly become the new darling of the entertainment industry from the moment she was selected as a Xin girl.

Commercial resources such as magazines, endorsements, and advertisements began to explode, and even the status of the stars was raised several levels.

This is the power of the famous director's choice of the heroine.

The audience trusts Director Xu.

It is precisely because of this trust that every Xin girl looks particularly different.

But it is precisely this special difference that makes more and more actresses flock to her.

Xin girl...

If it works, she will be popular in the entertainment industry for at least 3 years.

And in these 3 years, let alone how many excellent works she can bring... just talking about the money she earns, she may not be able to spend it all in her lifetime!

So, when Director Xu wants to start another work again, don't worry about the investment and story of this film. This news alone is enough to make many people move, from Xiying Studio to the people in the crew who have worked with Director Xu...

Whether it is inviting dinner, giving gifts, or other things... In order to find out the news, some people have tried their best.

However, just before they were about to get "busy", with the flow of time, a piece of news came out.

The heroine was chosen to be Wei Wei.




The three armies stopped beating.

Before the fire gathered, the stars were scattered all over the sky.

Wei Wei...

Who can compete with her?

Except for Yang Mi, she is the second person that Director Xu can't mess with in his circle.

That's the wife of the God of Love and the eldest son of Wanda.

Who can afford to offend her?

What's more, except for Yang Mi, she is the first generation of Xin Girl.

The heroine of "Monster Hunt"... has nothing to do with them.

However, people in the entertainment industry are always very realistic.

It's okay if the heroine is gone. Isn't there still a supporting role?

Although I can't be a Xin Girl, if I can show my face in Director Xu's movie...


"Well, it's okay, Director Huang, what are you talking about. Don't be polite, just ask him to come over when the time comes... I'll send you WeChat in a while, just ask him to add my assistant director... Well, okay... Haha, okay, okay, no problem, then let's have a good drink after we're done... Well..."

The phone was hung up.

Xu Xin, who was smiling just now, seemed to change his face, and his smile disappeared in an instant.

Wang Sicong laughed:

"Haha, which one is it?"

"I don't know, I can't remember."

Xu Xin shook his head.

"They all got in through connections... What will you do then?"

"It's OK. I don't care if they have connections or not. If they are suitable, I will choose them. If they are not suitable, I will not choose them. What? Can they force me?"

He said, and picked up the wine glass.

The news of "Monster Hunt" was actually released by the factory.

The reason is very simple. Although the current Beijing circle has been sluggish, the Northwest circle has become a gold rush full of opportunities...but it is necessary to continue to absorb fresh blood.

Otherwise, when the circle becomes a stagnant pool, it will be the next Beijing circle.

As a director, every move of Xu Xin is worthy of being used as publicity material by the Northwest circle.

Facts have proved that his movies are indeed very attractive to everyone.

But by the same token, the stronger the attraction, the more people with connections.

And these people with connections are also clear-headed and will not and dare not make any excessive demands. But..."We skip the auditions" is inevitable.

The entertainment industry is also a society of personal relationships, and even Xu Xin is no exception.

What should be agreed to must be agreed to.

Fortunately, it was just a skip, and when it comes to the second stage of the audition, everyone's starting point is still the same.

He has the final say on whether it is suitable or not.

Moreover, these things are related to some people's "financial path", and he will not stop it, nor can he stop it.

"How is Brother Qi these two days?"

Today is October 20th.

It has been four or five days since he came back from Shanghai. This is the first time he drank with Wang Sicong. He took time out because he had already started promoting "Silent Rage".

When Wang heard this, he just said one sentence:

"Since she came back, we have slept in separate rooms. Hehehe..."

For some reason, he laughed happily.

But the happier he was, the more heartbroken Xu Xin felt for his friend.

The movie will be finished one day.

And you, my friend.

You and your spouse will have to accompany each other for many years.


At this time, Yang Mi walked into the kitchen with a courier box in her hand.

Yes, you read it right.

The two of them had this drink in the kitchen at home.

The eldest son of Wanda didn't even have a dining room in Lao Xu's house.


Yang Mi took out a bag of peanuts from the courier box and handed it over.

These are sand peanuts, which are fried with sand mixed with spices and so on. They have a more roasted aroma than fried peanuts.

Although he looks like a well-connected person outside, Wang Sicong is not particular about drinking and eating.

Just like today.

He said he wanted to drink with Lao Xu, and he could drink at that small table.

What they eat is not important, what is important is that two men in their thirties can get a little time to relax in the busy city life.

Peanuts, cucumbers, steamed grouper, and a few big crabs, just like that, half a catty of wine each, and they are very happy.

As for why they have to eat grouper... According to the eldest young master, there are so many kinds of marine fish at home that the pond can't hold them all.

In order to give Wang Ximing a complete seafood reserve and more nutrition, the old Wang family built a big fish tank.

Other people's fish tanks are used for viewing, but his family uses it to store fresh seafood for his daughter-in-law.

Xu Xin even laughed at Lao Wang and his family for a while, saying that he should just switch to Japanese cuisine.

Then... the unconvinced eldest young master would use things like "frying a book" to confront him.

After handing the peanuts to her husband, Yang Mi said:

"I have a few people here who want to ask what the story is... What should I do?"

Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

This kind of trivial matter is definitely not worth his wife's special mention under normal circumstances.

And she chose to say it, which must mean that these people are not ordinary people.

He thought, are you still playing tricks on me?


"A few friends, we have a good relationship. They are all very interested in this story."

"Male or female?"

"Both male and female."


Xu Xin thought about it and shook his head:

"Don't give it to them. Tell them that this is a fair audition, but since you have a good relationship, you don't have to go to the audition. When it comes to the second round, you can go normally. I will be fair."


Yang Mi responded:

"You guys drink, I'm going to watch TV."

With that, she walked out of the kitchen.

Wang Sicong asked:

"When are you going to start?"

"Next week, auditions will start next week. I'm going to select locations these days. As for filming... wait for the Olympic bid promotional video to come out. It is currently scheduled to be submitted for review on November 17. Before the review, the director team will have to discuss it. After the review, we should be able to start."

"How long will it take?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and shook his head:

"I don't know, but... it should be finished before the New Year."


Wang Sicong, who had a plan in mind, picked up the wine glass:



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