I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 116 114 The journey is similar and the future is promising

Chapter 116 114. The journey is similar and the future is promising

"Sister Mimi, Liu Yifei is here."

Yang Mi was watching Jay Chou and the others playing there in boredom, waiting for her boyfriend to come back.

After suddenly hearing Sun Ting's reminder, he looked back and saw Liu Tianxian warming up in front of the treadmill.

She nodded and stood up:

"Dani, I'm leaving first too."


After walking out of the arena, Yang Mi shouted directly:


Liu Yifei turned around and waved her hand:

"Mimi... I just met Xu Xin and he just came down. You..."

"Something happened to him suddenly."

Yang Mi explained, walked to her side and said:

"The crew is almost over, right?"

"It's almost there. It's probably half a month at most. If it's faster, maybe ten days."

After completing a few warm-up exercises, Liu Yifei stepped on the treadmill.

"What about your side?"

"Estimated three to five days."

Yang Mi gave an approximate time.

Liu Yifei nodded and said again:

"Then what are your next plans?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and shook her head:

"Go back to school and study. We don't have any plans for the time being. What are you doing? Can you introduce me to a good character?"

She was originally joking, but Liu Yifei actually nodded:

"I actually received a film appointment invitation two days ago. It was..."

"No, no, no."

She didn't even say her name, Yang Mi quickly shook her head and interrupted her:

"I'm kidding, I find it very difficult to play Jiang Chan this time. I plan to go back and study hard. But don't say goodbye..."

She had no intention of listening, nor did she want to hear it.

Because after hearing this, I have to be favourable. After all, no matter whether I want this role or not, I have finally told you.

So she directly interrupted Liu Yifei and asked:

"Then why don't you act it yourself?"

"...I want to act in a movie."


Yang Mi was startled and looked at the girl who was walking fast to warm up. She saw her walking and saying:

"After seeing the scale of Director Zhang's crew's set, I feel that TV dramas are different from movies after all, so I plan to try movies next."


Yang Mi didn't know what to say now.

There is indeed a gap between movies and TV series. This is an ironclad fact.

Some actors can act in TV series, but acting in movies requires more... opportunities and more detailed differences in acting direction.

But in the final analysis, Yang Mi is still quite envious...

If you want to act in a TV series, act in a TV series, if you want to make a movie, then make a movie...

Tsk tsk.

She showed an envious look on her face:

"That's great~"

"...You've already acted in a movie, and you're still on Director Zhang's crew, and you still say good things about me?"

Liu Yifei had a dumbfounded expression on her face.

But Yang Mi shook her head:

"I'm just lucky. I'm just talking about a supporting role... If you want to play, you must be the heroine. Can it be the same... Sigh."

She sighed exaggeratedly and shook her head:

"The gap between people is so big~"

"Pfft... Haha~ Who did you learn from this?"

"Hey hey hey..."

After chatting and joking for a while, Yang Mi saw that she had walked almost a kilometer and patted the treadmill:

"Okay, I'll go down then."


"Let's go, bye~"


The two waved goodbye, and Yang Mi walked all the way out of the gym.

This time there was no such exaggerated envy or anything on her face.

To put it bluntly, it's just a compliment.

She is not envious.

In other words, we envy the other person for being able to get the opportunity to get a hundred times the effort of others so easily, but we don’t envy the path the other person is about to choose at all.

Because... after seeing Gong Li's performance, she vaguely felt that as far as the actors themselves were concerned, acting skills should be more important than anything else.

Frequently taking on roles, acting or doing whatever, is not necessarily a good thing for your acting skills.

This is a feeling shared by herself and her boyfriend.

People always need a recharging process. After the energy is exhausted, they can be replenished with new knowledge and understanding in time. So this is why some actors often take one, two, or even three or four years to release their next work after one play.

According to what her boyfriend said, some people regard acting as a job to make money, and some people regard acting as a tool to make money, but there are always people... who truly love the acting career and respect every role they interpret from the bottom of their hearts.

And those who can leave their names in film history and be remembered by the world must be the last kind of people.

She didn't have a particularly clear idea of ​​what she meant at the beginning. However, as I stayed on the crew longer and longer, I saw the... conscientious attitude of teachers such as Liu Ye, Gong Li, Zhou Renfa, and Ni Dahong towards their characters, and what I got from some ordinary chats. Inspire.

The girl suddenly felt... what her boyfriend said was right.

Whether it is red or not depends on your fate.

Just work hard and leave everything to God's will.

Instead of excessively pursuing the so-called popularity or doing whatever you want, it is better to enrich yourself in a down-to-earth manner.

As for acting skills, she knows that she still lacks a lot, whether it's skills, connotation, martial arts, etc... Compared with Gong Li, she is really nothing.

So we need to take advantage of this best time to lay a solid foundation.

As for Liu Tianxian's view that "acting in TV series is no longer interesting, I want to act in movies"... In the past, she might have been very envious.

Look at people, they can do whatever they want, how nice it is.

But now that I think about it...it seems like that's all. Whether it's a movie or a TV series... you just have to act well.

You get the salary, you get the role... The role should not be classified as high or low, it's just a matter of whether or not your heart is moved.

Actors themselves... it would be better not to set rules for themselves such as only acting in movies... or only acting in TV series.

The character is not guilty, and the person who says this just makes people feel very narrow-minded.

In front of actors, all characters are equal.

Just explain it carefully.

Before, she wouldn't have thought this way.

Now, that's what she thinks.

And when she thought of this... she wanted to lie in her boyfriend's arms and listen to him teach her life lessons.

My good brother is humorous and funny in class, his voice is nice, and the most important thing is... he is handsome~

Thinking of this, she quickly picked up the phone and typed:

"Brother, where are you? Before Sister Zeng comes to see me, I miss you..."

Recalling the biggest obstacle that prevented her from lying in her boyfriend's arms these days... Yang Mi rolled her eyes in displeasure...

Why didn't I see before that Sister Zeng has the potential to be a monitor...

I have been so defensive about my boyfriend for so many days... I just didn't have a dog at the door.


Maybe my boyfriend never thought that one day he would dig a hole with his own hands and bury himself... Hehe...


The message came back:

"Come to my room and I'll tell you something."

Seeing what Xu Xin sent, the girl suddenly spat:

"Bah, you're so serious~"

After returning to the floor and making sure there was no one around, Yang Mi hurried to Xu Xin's room.

I was afraid that Sister Zeng would appear from any room without anyone noticing.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Captain, don't shoot, it's me~~~"

After a few seconds, the door opened.

Xu Xin has a black line on his head:

"I thought you brought the Japanese into the village."


Not long after she smiled proudly, she was suddenly pulled into the room by her boyfriend and punched against the wall.


Stir her first, and when she was about to turn into a dying fish, she quickly forced her boyfriend's head to his neck.

The main boyfriend's stubble is a bit hard and gives her goosebumps whenever he scratches it.

The feeling is just like a passive massage, it will itch as much as you want, and feel as good as you want.

Only then did she have time to speak:

"Brother... um~ what's wrong with you? Why are you so excited?"

Squinting her eyes, she tried to speak as clearly as possible.

There is no way, otherwise this passage will have to be silenced.

"The Torch is in the top three."

Xu Xin rubbed the tip of his nose against his girlfriend's earlobe, and made a sound that sounded like a whisper, but there was a fiery heat in his voice that rose instantly.

Yang Mi was stunned...


Xu Xin did not raise his head, still greedily breathing in the fragrance of his girlfriend, and said word by word:

"I said, the torch I designed was the final choice. There are three designs in total, and currently... I have the highest rating!"


Yang Mi was stunned again.

Then, for some reason, she pushed her boyfriend away and stared straight at him:


He seemed to be trying to tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie.

It's like he's trying to digest this... fact that people... can't believe.

The Olympics, that's it!

Torch! ! !

The torch that spreads throughout the world! ! ! ! !

The torch was passed from Greece to Yanjing bit by bit!

This...this is such a glorious thing. Being able to participate in it can be said to be worth remembering for a lifetime.

But now...

Suddenly "there is someone"...

Or the people around you tell yourself at once:

"Hey, the torch I designed is in the top three, with the highest score."


Isn't this a joke? ?

Who believes it?

Can you believe it?

Such a big human event, such a big national event...

Is it your turn?


The issue is……

It's really our turn! ?

There was a sense of absurdity and she didn't know whether she should be ecstatic or not... The girl who wanted to be ecstatic but was afraid of over-ecstatically raising her flag and losing her breasts was completely confused.

What should I say?

Why do I feel like you are lying to me?

Or...what if I say something stupid and ruin this good thing...?

She suddenly didn't know what to do.

The Olympics! ! ! !

If I could really become a boyfriend...

I...oh my god!

For a moment, she could neither advance nor retreat.

In the end, Xu Xin couldn't stand it anymore.

Not enough kisses yet.

So he opened his hands:

"What are you thinking about? Jump up on your own!"


Yang Mi was stunned...



With a scream, she threw herself directly into Xu Xin's arms.

After the heavy piece of meat, which weighed more than 100 kilograms, hit her boyfriend, his legs were stuck like pliers. He hugged Xu Xin's head and kissed him.

Forget it.

Don’t say it anymore. Isn’t it okay if I don’t say it?

My dear!

I want to kiss enough today!

For no other reason than to enjoy the immortality...


On the messy big bed, huddled in her boyfriend's arms, she tried to lean back.

"Hold me tight, I have something to tell you."

"What's wrong?"

Xu Xin temporarily took his hands out of her clothes and asked while still touching her waist.

"...will you always be good to me?"

"you still need to ask?"

He scratched his girlfriend's shoulder little by little with the stubble, and smiled softly:

"If I am not good to you, who should I be good to?"


The girl who had goosebumps again bit her lip... The confusion in her eyes slowly turned into determination with these words.

"Brother, I make a promise with you."

"Just tell me."

"Wait... the day the results are announced... it's the day the Olympic torch announces the results..."

"Well, what?"

"I...give myself as a gift to you!"


Scratch it.

Xu Xin instinctively wanted to pull her over and look at her expression.

The girl pressed her shoulders and said:

"You...don't touch me."

"...turn around and look at me."

"I don't want it, I'm shy...I'm afraid I won't be able to say it..."

The girl whose ears had begun to turn red continued to turn her back to him and said word by word:

"Because...I can't think of anything more suitable to be a gift for that day than myself! Even if you lose the election."


Xu Xin was speechless, dumbfounded:

"What do you mean by this?... Although I can understand the first sentence, why is the second sentence so strange?"

As he said that, he was going to bite the pink tip of the ear.

As a result, he was pushed away by his girlfriend again:

"Don't make trouble, I'm telling you the truth...because that's what I think. If you really succeed, then I will definitely be happy for you. Just...I like you, I like you, and You dote on me so much again... As long as you want to, brother, let alone myself, I will pick all the stars in the sky for you!"

Listening to these sweet words that were a little domineering, Xu Xin felt soft...

Subconsciously he hugged her tightly.

"Hmm... Then what if I don't get selected?"


There was a hint of determination in the girl's voice:

"Such a big thing has come to this point. If I lose the election... Bah, bah, bah! Bah!!"

After spitting hard, she said:

"I mean if, you know? If!!"


Xu Xin didn't care and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"I just thought, what if you have come this far and suddenly didn't choose... how sad you would be."


Xu Xin stiffened.

He is actually afraid of this too.

I'm afraid that if I don't choose in the end...

Don't even think about it.

But now my girlfriend brought it up.

Then, he heard... maybe the most beautiful sentence he had ever heard in his life:

"You are so sad... I can't think of any way to comfort you except giving me to you... So, brother, don't worry. Regardless of success or failure... I..."

At this point, she paused.

The tips of the ears are getting redder and redder.

"I'll give you everything!"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Immediately, there was a warmth in my heart... that I had never felt before.

It was so warm that his nose felt sore.

In order to cover it up, he buried his head into his girlfriend's neck again, and with the help of his skin, he snorted softly from his nose:

"Well, thank you."


This time it was Yang Mi's turn to stiffen.

The girl who was so moved just a second ago turned around:

"...What did you just say to me?...Thank you?"


Looking at my boyfriend's stunned expression...

"Okay, Thief Sun! You tell me thank you, right?"

The girl's eyes changed from affectionate to dangerous, and she fell in love with Xu Xin's awkward expression!

I'll kill you! !

May 5th, night.

The Hengdian palace scene of the "Golden Armor" crew came to an end with the disheveled Zhou Renfa step by step, walking out of the palace with an old and hobbling step.

"No problem, passed!"

When Liu Guonan's voice echoed through the intercom, the people in the crew let out a moderate cheer.


"Hua la la la la la..."

Next, only Wulong's part is left.

Gong Li has finished everything.

They will not go to Wulong.

The crew did not set off directly to Wulong. The main reason was that there was a scene in Tianguanyi over there where they hung a rope from the top of the mountain and went down the mountain. The safety requirements were relatively high and they had to wait for acceptance by the relevant departments.

Therefore, the crew will disperse first and go back to rest.

After all, it has been out for more than a month.

Then they will meet again there after the security review is passed.

At this moment, it is already the last scene.

The crowd began to applaud, giving applause to everyone.

"We're done. Let's have dinner tomorrow at noon. Everyone has been working hard on the last night to clean up everything. Thank you for your hard work!"

Following Liu Guonan's words, the crew began to get busy, and Xu Xin was the first to walk out of the hall, planning to smoke a cigarette.

This more than one month of filming has a very special meaning to him.

Not only did I follow Director Zhang, I learned a lot of knowledge through words and deeds in this month, but I also gained love and a goal that is far enough for my career.

He benefited a lot.

Although it is not the end now... there are not many scenes in Tianguanyi. The most conservative estimate is that it will be over in about a week at most.

So he really wants to smoke a cigarette now.

Yang Mi didn't come tonight. Her relatives were a little unstable this month and were delayed for five or six days.

Today is the official day, and it feels very uncomfortable.

So I can’t share this joy for the time being.

The other actors began to remove their makeup one after another, and the extras began to return their clothes.

He was standing in the corner of the palace smoking.

In this sultry night, looking at the darkness in the distance, my eyes are a little empty.

At this time, he suddenly heard a voice:

"Director Xu."

Turning around, I saw it was Zhao Liying and Zhang Jiao.

"Oh, it's you."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

During this month, the two of them worked hard as alternate substitutes on the crew, being the first to arrive and the last to leave... Although others might not care much about the results of their efforts, Xu Xin could at least see them.

Therefore, even his previous prejudice against the girl nicknamed "Baozi" was gone.

I can only say that this girl’s emotional intelligence is a little low...

The others are quite interesting.

Compared with her, Zhang Jiao is much more mature, but more introverted.

The two of them complement each other quite a bit, so they are always inseparable.

After hearing Xu Xin's words, the two of them looked at each other and suddenly bowed in unison:

"Director Xu, thank you for taking care of us both this month! It's a great kindness that I will never forget!"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

The previous words are quite touching.

But what happens next...

He couldn't laugh or cry:

"Baozi, you insisted on adding the rest, right?"


Zhao Liying's expression changed...and Zhang Jiao poked her friend with her elbow:

"I told you, don't add this..."


Xu Xin smiled quite happily and waved his hand:

"Okay, okay."

Looking at the two girls who straightened up, he thought for a moment and asked:

"What are your plans next?"

As soon as he said these words, he saw Zhao Liying's eyes light up.

So I waved my hand without thinking:

"Don't take your chances on us. We'll be done with the filming in Wulong."


That glimmer of light turned into embarrassment and loss.

And Zhang Jiao suddenly asked:

"Director Xu... do you have any suggestions?... Any suggestions you can give us..."


As soon as these words came out, Xu Xin was stunned for a moment.

Then he fell into deep thought.

After taking two or three puffs of cigarette in a row, he looked at Zhang Jiao, whose eyes were filled with anticipation:

"You need to study."


Zhang Jiao was stunned.

But Xu Xin shook his head again:

"No, to be precise, you need both. You studied fashion design, right?"


"In the final analysis, the major is not suitable for you. So, if your conditions permit, I suggest you apply for it... Whether it is our Beijing Film Academy or China Theater, I think what you need is to further your studies. Your facial features are actually quite distinctive. …”

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes, looked at the girl's appearance carefully, and nodded:

"Well, you have a heroic spirit about you. A heroic spirit that cannot be distinguished between men and women, so... in terms of appearance, your acting style is suitable for a strong woman, or the kind of role where a woman is not inferior to a man. And the skills of these roles are actually all You really need the support of your acting skills. But your current foundation... is very poor. I think you should understand it yourself, right?"


Zhang Jiao nodded vigorously.

Because what Director Xu said is absolutely correct.

"So, if you can, I suggest you take an acting course. If you want to continue to mix in this circle."

"...Okay, Director Xu."

Zhang Jiao responded and began to think about her future.

Zhao Liying couldn't wait to raise her hand:

"What about me, director, what about me?"


Xu Xin suddenly asked:

"Can you also go back to school? Because... I just learned from Li Cai that you asked the crew two days ago about paying a thousand yuan."


Zhao Liying stiffened...

"I heard that you were still crying, right? You were crying...why?"


Because the money for Guang's replacement was given by the crew, the two of them actually haven't settled the bill yet.

Two hundred a day.

Give money tomorrow.

When Zhao Liying paid the money in advance, Li Cai came over and asked him if he wanted to pay.

After all...in Li Cai's eyes, Zhao Liying is Director Xu's "person".

Then Xu Xin saw the girl wiping her tears in the distance, while Zhang Jiao was still comforting her.

He didn't ask, just thinking about the one thousand yuan he had originally paid.

But Li Cai said no, just talk to the finance department.

He came here to ask about Xu Xin's attitude.

It's such a thing, it's not worth writing about, or going out of your way to show off to Zhao Liying that I helped you.

No need.

At least Xu Xin didn't think it was necessary.

After hearing this, Zhao Liying's voice became much lower:

"Dad needs to take medicine...so..."

"Yeah, I understand."

Xu Xin nodded and did not let her continue:

"In other words, your conditions are actually quite tight, right?"


"But similarly, I remember you said that you graduated from technical secondary school without even finishing it, right?"

After a month of contact, you can learn a lot about the two girls through chatting.

The conditions of Zhang Jiao's family are not bad, and they can be regarded as above the working salary. Otherwise, they would not be able to study in Heguo. As for Zhao Liying, this girl has a good figure at first glance, and after asking, she found out that she majored in flight attendant in a technical secondary school.

When she heard Xu Xin's words, she nodded:


"So, if I say that you study like Zhang Jiao, it would not be suitable for you. But... after we leave, you should not be short of anything to live for. Right? At least there is light to take care of this. This layer of identity is supported here.”


"But the problem is... all that acting can bring you is that you can work as an extra, and that's it. You don't have a company, and your professional acting skills are not good either... so your competitiveness is still very small. .”

"Then what should I do?"

After hearing Xu Xin's words, she asked anxiously.

Because what Director Xu said was indeed true.

At most, this level of status will not let her starve to death, but if she wants to be popular... let alone Director Xu, she knows that it is very limited.


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"You can try the selection route."



Xu Xin nodded:

"I heard Yang Mi say that many of those brokerage companies are doing some kind of selection, recruiting a group of actors to train, or some kind of talent show. You can try it... First, your appearance She's quite beautiful, and the draft selection is basically based on face. Coupled with your superficial performance experience, it should be enough to cope with it. And as long as you get such an opportunity, then at least in some aspects, you can Get some training in acting or other aspects... This is enough to make up for your current dilemma of having "no goods". Do you understand what I mean?"

"Then...is there any money to be made?"

She asked the question that concerned her most.

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Then you have to ask others. I don't know the details. But in short, for people like you, I think this road is a shortcut... But again, like Zhang Jiao, what you two lack is professionalism. Sex...or, to put it bluntly, it is a knowledge reserve. So...if you get some opportunities, maybe at this stage, you can rely on your face to get through it, but if you want to be solid in the future...you must remember to study and understand What do I mean?"

He spoke with sincerity and sincerity:

"Because this is what my teacher said to me, and what Director Zhang said to me... Learning is not about letting you master how much knowledge, or what grades you get. It is about letting you enrich yourself. You have to understand, You need to know how to do it, and being an actor is a profession that requires you to express what is in your heart. So you must pay special attention to the accumulation and mastery of knowledge... This is closely related to your career.

Whether we will meet again in the future, I don't know. But what I hope is that if we meet again, you are still engaged in the industry of actors, and whether it is the "goods" in your heart or the external attitude towards your speech, behavior, and quality, there will be an earth-shaking change... I also said this to Yang Mi, and it was Director Zhang who taught me this. Director Zhang told me: Whether we can become popular in this industry depends on our fate. But before destiny arrives, at least you must have the strength to carry it. Do you understand this? "



The two of them were silent, thinking.

Waiting until Xu Xin finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, the two looked at each other and suddenly bowed neatly again:

"Thank you, Director Xu!"

There are no unforgettable words of gratitude this time.

But Xu Xin felt very comfortable listening to it.

He responded with a smile:

"Come on, I hope you two can become famous one day in the future... I also wish you both a smooth future, a similar journey, and a promising future."

He meant it.

Because he was blessing the two girls.

As for whether it will come true...

Who knows.

Hope so.

Thank you brothers for your monthly votes. Thanks!

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