I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 117 115 Cave Dwelling Grapes Window Flowers

Chapter 117 115. Cave Dwelling Grapes Window Flowers

"Hey, Abang, I'm leaving first, don't miss me too much."


Xu Xin twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at Jay Chou who was wearing a mask and sunglasses like a 3M mask spokesperson, and rolled his eyes angrily:

"Get out of here...when will you come to Yanjing?"

"After September, when the new album is released, I will bring Patty with me."

"Okay, see you there or see you!"

"Haha, of course."

Jay Chou smiled, walked up and gave Xu Xin a big hug.

Then when she wanted to hug Yang Mi, she was stopped by Xu Xin:

"Go away, go away~"

"Oh, don't make trouble."

Unexpectedly, the little girlfriend, whose elbows were turned outward, pushed her boyfriend's arm away, smiled, opened her hands, and hugged Jay Chou:

“Have a nice trip~”

"Hehe, it's better for you Mimi, he's so bad~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes even more.

But he still waved his hand:

"Take care of yourself."

"I know~"

Jay Chou responded, and together with Dani, he took the four King Kongs and got into the business car.

But this time, when Yang Mi raised her eyes... she suddenly saw Zeng Jia walking out of the hotel. She was so frightened that she quickly pushed her suitcase to her rented business car.


Xu Xin turned his head and glanced without saying a word. After taking a few steps away, he stood in front of the trash can at the door and lit a cigarette.

"Director Xu, goodbye."

After walking out of the door, Zeng Jia greeted politely.

Without waiting for Xu Xin to respond, he pushed his luggage directly to the business car.

Soon, Xu Xin's phone vibrated.

"Brother, I'm leaving. See you back in Yanjing."

"Well, remember to wear your seat belt."


Yang Mi also wants to leave, but she won’t be on the same plane as the crew.

Zeng Jia seemed to be risking her life to guard against him.

But the more she behaved like this, the more relieved Xu Xin felt.

In this way, after he waited below the hotel for a while, people from the creative team came out one after another.

But Zhang Yimou was not seen.

Director Zhang can't leave yet. He has to postpone it for a day and do some things in Hengdian.

So the people from the creative team went back first, and they happened to have a day off, so they could work when they arrived in Yanjing the day after tomorrow.

"Xiao Xu, let's go."


Hearing Wei Lanfang's words, Xu Xin nodded and followed the creative team on the Golden Dragon.

At 11 o'clock in the evening on the 6th, Xu Xin finally returned to Yanjing, which he had been away from for a long time.

Others have drivers to pick them up and drop them off, either their husbands or wives...but he has nothing.

I pushed my luggage to the parking lot and started the Audi that had not been driven for more than a month.

Oh yes, the parking fee is nearly 2,500...

Just outrageous.

75 One day, they even gave me a discount...

Not to mention, a rare emotion called "heartache" emerged in Xu Xin's heart.

It seems that I have really become accustomed to living in poverty in recent times.

But when he saw Zhonghua sitting on the back seat, he was happy.

Yu Xi threw it directly into the passenger seat, ordered a Chinese ball happily, and a mouthful of familiar taste was sprayed out by him.

Oops, comfortable.

At early 12 o'clock, he finally returned to Shijia Hutong.

After getting out of the car, holding my luggage and pushing open the door, a dull smell that had not been occupied for a long time came out of the room.

He quickly turned on the air conditioner.

After turning on the air conditioners in all the rooms and opening the windows, I walked into the bathroom.

After taking a comfortable bath, I picked up my phone and planned to turn off the air conditioner and go to sleep.

As for the floating dust and dirt in the house, just ask a cleaning lady to come and clean it tomorrow.

"Brother, I'm home. Don't call me. I don't dare to talk at home."

"My dad specially stewed the ribs for me, hehehe, it's delicious."

"My mother was very happy and kept asking me if Gong Li was pretty..."

"I'm tired, so I went to bed first, and then I watched the get out of class. Tomorrow is about appreciation of masterpieces, etc. There are no big classes, so I skipped it!"

"I'll go find you when I get up tomorrow morning. I'll trick my dad into going to class, hehe, and then we'll go listen to cross talk in the afternoon."

"Good night, brother, I miss you, eh~"

Seeing these messages, Xu Xin thought for a moment, sat up from the bed, took off the key to his house from the keychain, and walked out of the yard.

Only then did he realize...the grapes on the grape trellis at home had begun to bear fruit.

He walked to the door, opened it quietly, and looked around.

After making sure that no one was around, he walked to the A6 parked at the door and stuffed the key into the tire of the rear wheel.

In order to prevent wild cats from pulling it off, he also deliberately stuck the key in the tire gap.

Then he sent a message to Yang Mi:

"When you come tomorrow, the key is on the rear wheel. You can see it if you look over it."

After sending it, he looked around again.

After confirming that no one was around, he returned home with peace of mind. After locking the door, he turned off the lights and went back to sleep.

Don't do anything today.

Just have a good rest!

He was also tired. He originally wanted to write down the script when he got home...but as soon as he got into bed, he really couldn't get up.

"Dad, I'm going out to class!"

Early in the morning, Yang Dalin, who was busy in the kitchen, was speechless. He looked through the small door of the kitchen at his daughter who was carrying her shoes at the door:

"Daughter, daddy will prepare breakfast for you soon."

"I won't eat anymore. I have to work hard! Dad! I'm leaving!"


Yang Dalin frowned...

"You put on makeup when you go to school?... What time did you get up today? Weren't you still sleeping when I went out to buy groceries?"

"I'll get up as soon as you leave."

The girl stepped on her shoes, held her schoolbag and waved:

"I am leaving!"


The door is closed.

Yang Dalin's brows furrowed even more tightly.

Years of police experience allowed him to instinctively sense something was wrong.

I glanced at my watch subconsciously and found that the time was less than 7 o'clock...

Even if my daughter has to go to school, there is no reason to get up so early, right?

Something's wrong...

In fact, Lao Yang was right. There was really no need for his daughter to get up so early.

There was only one reason why she got up so early.

She wanted to bring her boyfriend to try the delicious sugar pancakes at her doorstep.

The two-sided sugar pancake paired with a bowl of tofu puffs is simply not too comforting!

"Auntie, two sugar pancakes, two bags of tofu brains, the brains and marinade are packed separately~"

She shouted sweetly at the breakfast shop where she had been eating for more than ten years.

When the old neighbors around saw her, they smiled and said hello:

"Mimi is back?"

"Hey, Uncle Zhang, are you eating?"

Yang Mi responded, then quickly left with five bags.

Didn't take a car, just took a taxi.

When they arrived at Shijia Hutong, the girl felt relieved as she touched the still warm sugar pancakes.

so far so good.

It doesn't taste good when it's cold.

And the tofu puffs she bought today were packed separately. She just took a small pot to heat the marinade of the tofu puffs.

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar Audi, she started looking at the two rear wheels.

Then I saw the key stuck in the tire.

Pulling it out, he opened the door to her boyfriend's house and walked directly into the house.

There is no one in the living room.

She didn't go in either. Instead, she hung the plastic bags on the doorknob of the living room and went straight to the bedroom.

"Female donor~hehehehe..."

He opened the door with a cheeky smile...

Sure enough, at a glance, she saw her boyfriend, who was curled up like a shrimp under the quilt.

She even heard gentle snoring.


She was stunned...

I glanced at the ladies watch on my wrist...

It's not even 8 o'clock yet.

What time did your boyfriend reply last night?

She flipped through her phone, saw the time, thought about it, and quietly backed out.

Let him sleep a little longer.

Amidst the chirping of birds that came from nowhere in the early morning, she sat at the tea table that had had its glass removed and turned from a glass conservatory into a pavilion.

As soon as I sat down, I saw a thick layer of dust on the tabletop of the tea table.


Yang Mi was stunned and scratched it with her hand.

There is one layer on your hands immediately.

After looking around, she stood up and walked directly to the living room.

He carefully turned the door handle and looked into the living room.

I found that there was a lot of dust on both the solid wood furniture and the window sills...

It's actually quite normal.

It was spring when they left.

It's so hot now that Yan Jing wears short sleeves.

In spring, the wind and sand here in Yanjing are quite strong, mainly from the Inner Mongolia side, flying sand and rocks blow here every now and then.

We talk about governance every year...but we don't see governance going anywhere.

So the ash in spring is big.

She walked directly into the guest room and searched... but couldn't find the mop or rag...

For a moment, the girl was confused.

Doesn’t your boyfriend have a mop at home?

Forget it, go out and buy it.

But before buying, she had to take a closer look at how big her boyfriend's house was... and she had to buy a few rags.

Then all the doors of the house were opened.

As a result, when she opened the door of the cabin next to the bathroom, the corner of her mouth twitched...

Mops, rags, buckets, cleaning gloves…

No...is your family going too far? Who still has a linen room at home?

Enough support?

If you dismantle the big bathtub, can't you put down these things? Then, wouldn't it be better to convert this linen room into a small bedroom...

She was speechless, took off her cleaning gloves, and walked directly into the bathroom carrying two mops and several rags.

In sleep.

Vaguely, Xu Xin felt someone moving outside.

I didn't notice it at first.

But when he somehow realized that there was a thief at home, he suddenly woke up.


"...Are you awake?"

When he heard this movement, Xu Xin felt relieved instantly.

Then there was a sound of footsteps, and the bedroom door was opened. Xu Xin, who had already thought about how to kiss him good morning, was stunned when he saw his girlfriend's outfit...

"...You are..."

He wore rubber gloves on his hands, a dust-proof hood on his head, and two dirty rags in his hands.

"Let me clean it up for you. The house is so dirty."

"...I plan to find a cleaner today."

"It's not necessary... I've already packed half of it."


Xu Xin was stunned and looked up at the time.

It's only half past nine.

"What time did you come?"

"It's 7:30, I'll be there at 7:30, and you're still snoring. I saw it was so dirty, so I asked me to clean it up for you... Just in time, what's the password for your suitcase? Take out your dirty clothes, today The sun is so bright, so I’ll wash it and dry it now, and it will probably be dry after lunch.”

"There is a dryer at home..."

"What is a dryer?"

Yang Mi was a little puzzled.

"Just... put it in and blow it for a while and then it'll dry."

"... Are you drying your face? That smells so bad. And the sun is sterilizing! Hurry up... go wash your face and brush your teeth. I also bought you breakfast. Eat something casual first. We won't eat at noon. In the evening Bring sesame seeds and eat hot-pot meat."


Hearing this, Xu Xin suddenly had a feeling in a daze for no reason.

Finally there is a mistress in the house...


"What are you giggling about?"

"...Hehehe, it's okay. Then I'll wash my face and brush my teeth and do it with you!"

"You're so good~ Why don't you give me a big reward~"

After hearing this, the girl with a bright smile walked into the bedroom, pouted, and did not dislike the taste in her boyfriend's mouth when he woke up in the morning. After a big kiss, he urged:

"Hurry up and take out the dirty clothes and come out to eat!"


The two of them were not in the restaurant while eating.

But under the grape trellis.

God knows when there was such a small folding wooden table in the house.

He was pulled out by Yang Mi and propped up under the shade of the grape trellis.

Each person drank a bowl of hot tofu puffs and sugar pancakes that were soft but still sweet.

The girl took a few sips and looked up.

Seeing her boyfriend staring straight at her, she asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?...Eat quickly. You still have to work after eating. I've finished cleaning the living room, study, and this glass room. All that's left is your bedroom, two secondary bedrooms, and the kitchen and bathroom. You have to hurry up."


Xu Xin responded and lowered his head again.

Just now, he actually wanted to say...

This kind of life is actually what he longs for most...

It's not about having money or not, but that kind of... you are in me, and you are in me, growing and sharing together... When it's cold, you add clothes to me, and when it's hot, I spread the mat for you. Sweep the snow for me when it snows, hold an umbrella for you when it rains. I will make tea for you when you are thirsty, and I will give you the following life when you are hungry.

For a child who has lacked maternal love since childhood...

This ordinary and peaceful life... is actually the greatest happiness.

But his girlfriend didn't give him a chance.

Then let’s not talk about it.

Anyway, just feel happy...hehe.

At this time, the girl raised her head and looked at the grape trellis above:

"When will these grapes ripen?"

"I do not know what happened?"

"I want to eat it... I like eating grapes. But the grapes nowadays are not delicious. I can't taste the sour and sweet taste like when I was a child. Nowadays, they are produced with pesticides and fertilizers, which is not good at all. tasty!"

"... Our family has land. If you want to eat, I will ask them to build a vineyard for you."


The girl's mouth twitched...

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

This honor... the slave family can't bear it~

But looking at her speechless look, Xu Xin didn't speak.

The actual situation is that northern Shaanxi is really suitable for growing grapes. After all, it is located next to Ningxia, so both the sunshine and the climate are very suitable.

Dad has a friend who is a wine merchant and he wanted to invest in it before.

But the investment was not successful.

The reason is that no one knows whether there is coal under their own land... Now the land in northern Shaanxi will not be considered for planting anything else until the land in northern Shaanxi is inspected and confirmed to be free of coal.

As for those who haven’t been detected... contract the land for you?


Unless you grow gold, who dares to say it is worth more than coal?

But since you want to eat grapes...

I'll get it for you!

It's purely organic and pollution-free. We hired twenty or thirty people to look after it.

Take the dog to watch.

Not to mention rabbits, mice and the like... not even a fly!

You are guaranteed to eat the sweetest grapes!

"...What are you thinking about?"

"It's alright."

Xu Xin came back to his senses and shook his head:

"Eat, then go to work in the fields after eating~"

"Oh, why are you so frizzy when you are working... why don't you wipe the inside of this seam?"

"...Isn't it okay if you can't see the ashes?"

"Why are you so clean on the surface when you work? You have done it anyway, so of course you have to do it well. Here, use this..."


"Yes, brush out the dust inside."

"...Isn't this my own toothbrush?"

"Yes, your life is rough enough, and the bristles on this toothbrush are already turned. Remember from now on, if the colored bristles on the toothbrush fade, it means you should change your toothbrush, understand!"


Xu Xin swore that he had never been so serious about cleaning the class when he was a child.

This girl was so crazy that she used a toothbrush to brush the corners of the mahogany furniture.

Aren't you crazy?

But Xu Xin didn't refute... but was quite happy.

Hey, if you find a wife who is so clean, that man will definitely be lucky.

Oops... I just don't know if she can cut window grilles.

If he could just cut another window grille and stick it on the glass, then he might really no longer miss home.

If we dig a few more kilns...

But when I turned around and thought about it...it was because of this girl's cleanliness.

Living in a cave would be crazy.

It's not that the cave dwelling is dirty, but there is dirt everywhere... She probably had to use a steel brush to dry out the roof when she moved in...


"What are you giggling about? Hurry up and do it."

"Hey, I got it."

Xu Xin nodded again and started to work behind the boss.

One morning.

did nothing.

Just cleaning.

But the effect is also obvious.

There's really a big difference between cleaning things yourself... and cleaning.

Don't mention anything else, let's just talk about this furniture...

When a fly lands, it has to be split before it can leave.

It's so bright.

As a full-level cleaning expert, the girl was still taking notes in her notebook:

"Floor waxing - (redwood floors, pay special attention)"

After writing the last entry, she tore off the paper:

"Brother, here it is. This is what you need!"


Xu Xin took it, and the first thing that caught his eye was a row of words:

“The gas stove flame is yellow in color and needs to be adjusted.

The cutting board shows signs of mold and must be replaced.

The chopsticks are bent, replace them.

Seasonings: Thirteen spices, vinegar, and sesame oil are in stock.

Buy two sets of clothes drying racks.

Furniture protector (must buy), don’t sit in jeans with nails in the back! "...

Rows of things that need attention or adjustment have been marked by the boss.

Extremely clear.

Xu Xin subconsciously looked around...

The clean clothes were hung on the temporarily tied clothesline and fluttered in the wind, and from the window to the door... the windows were bright and clean.

This home looks clean from the inside out...

"How about... you can work in a cleaning company."

Xu Xin couldn't help but say:

"It's definitely more suitable than being an actor."


Yang Mi was speechless and ignored him at all. Instead, she glanced at the time on her watch and suddenly said:

"Shall we go to the supermarket? I'm a little hungry."

"Didn't you just eat it?"

"It's already 12 o'clock. I bought all the things you need at home. Let's go directly to listen to cross talk."


Xu Xin nodded:

"Then I'll go change clothes."


Suddenly, the girl stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Then I saw my girlfriend pointing to the garage in embarrassment:

"Shall we drive it..."



The girl blushed slightly.

"I used to be embarrassed to sit in it...I was afraid that others would think we had something to do with each other...Actually, I quite like this car..."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, looking at his girlfriend who was a little embarrassed for some reason, and suddenly became happy:

"Then you'll drive?"


He heard what his girlfriend meant.

And very understanding.

I even thought she was so cute...


"I don't have a driver's license... and I can't drive yet."

"Uh...then this car is a bit dirty...it's okay, let's go wash the car first. Let's go~"

Xu Xin looked at the time:

"You tell Shaobing and we will go there in the afternoon."



The engine of a Ferrari that hadn't been driven for a month started to sound.

When he turned out of Shijia Hutong and drove towards the main road, Xu Xin took a look and made sure that there were not many cars at the moment, then he stepped on the accelerator and pressed down.


The engine roared like a beast and exploded from the street in an instant.

Countless people turned back subconsciously.

I vaguely saw a very pretty girl passing by on the co-pilot...

They were stunned...many people secretly spat:

"Bah, what are you showing off to?"

"I'll be honest with you... I almost couldn't hold it in just now. Do you believe it?"

Putting her hand on her boyfriend's hand on the center console and squeezing it tightly, the girl's hand felt slightly moist.

"It was the same when I drove it for the first time... I felt that the acceleration was too much. But once you get used to driving it, you will find... In fact, the comfort of this car is far worse than that of the A6."

Xu Xin said while holding her hand to her mouth and kissing her.

When the girl heard this, she asked curiously:

"Is that more comfortable than a Mercedes-Benz or a BMW?"

"The BMW is just so so... the Mercedes-Benz is just like that. As for riding... next time I ask the old man to drive the Rolls-Royce here, you will know which one you sit in. That car is very powerful~... How about we go Buy a car? I think Land Rover has a car that you can drive that suits you..."

"Stop it!"

The hand that was still kissing instantly blocked his mouth.

Yang Mi couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Brother, how many little girls have you used this trick on before? How come you are so familiar with it?"

"No...Am I crazy? Spend one or two million on a girl?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Mi was even more speechless:

"Then who am I?"

"We are going to get married in the future. Who do you think you are?"


This sentence made the girl blush with embarrassment.

"That's not okay, it's like I'm trying to get you something... I'm curious, but I don't mean to ask you to buy it... but... I suddenly want to learn a driver's license. It's true."

The girl thought for a while...

"Well, I'm going to learn to drive during the summer vacation."

"Okay, you get the book, and we'll buy one that suits you. How about the Bentley? You whine..."

Covering her boyfriend's mouth again, the girl shook her head helplessly:

"Please shut up. If I really drive a car... let alone a Bentley... if I drive back home in a Xiali, my dad will have to blow up the temple."

"Why do you like covering people's mouths as much as Jay Chou..."

He rolled his eyes at his girlfriend speechlessly, and then said with a nonchalant expression:

"It's okay, I'm not afraid. As for my father-in-law, just treat him to a drink. If one meal doesn't work, just two. At worst, we can arrange to wash his feet and sing a song after the wine, Mumada!"


Yang Mi has a black streak on her head.

My dad is a policeman~

You are so brave~

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