I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 118 116 Social Awesomeness

Chapter 118 116. Social Awesomeness

It was less than 1:30 when we came out of New World Department Store.

The two of them each carried two bags of things, and they discovered an embarrassing thing.

The Ferrari doesn't fit in the "rear" trunk.

Three of the four large plastic bags were put down.

The lid cannot be closed after the fourth bag is placed.

The main thing is that I bought a lot of things today, and the messy stuff really takes up a lot of space.

"Why is it so small? It's not as big as my dad's Corolla."

Xu Xin had no room to refute this. He picked out the smallest plastic bag and put it in the space under the passenger's feet. He said:

"Now you know why you don't like driving it, right?"

"I guess I understand. It looks good but it doesn't work~"

The girl sitting in the passenger seat felt a little aggrieved after barely covering her feet.

However, I still urged:

"Let's go and listen to cross talk."


In the underground garage, the powerful roar of Ferrari sounded again.

"Brother Xu, Sister Mi~this way~"

Seeing the sesame buns peeking out from the small door, smiles appeared on Xu Xin and Yang Mi's faces:

"Shaobing, do you miss us?"

"Hey, sister, what have you and Brother Xu been doing these days?"

Shaobing asked as the three of them entered the passage through the small door and walked towards the backstage of the performance.

"I'm going to work, I'm so busy~ I won't be back until soon~"

Yang Mi explained.

As a result, after taking a few steps, two young men came across from me.

One is fat and the other is thin.

When he saw the sesame seeds and Yang Mi and Xu Xin following them, he was stunned for a moment, then politely stood aside and refused to leave.

Xu Xin thought something was going on with these two people, but he didn't expect that when Shao Bing walked in, these two young people, who were obviously a few years older than Shao Bing, shouted respectfully:



Yang Mi first looked at the way the small sesame cake was being held, and then nodded politely to the two of them.

After the two sides passed each other and walked away, she pinched Shaobing's face:

"Okay, Xiaobing, are you Senior Brother?"


Shaobing smiled a little proudly:

"I just came in this spring, a student from the Crane Department. I haven't become a disciple yet, so I can't yell like that, but I'm not picky, I can take care of them."

"Ok, Ok."

The girl looked pleased:

"Our little cake has grown up too~"

Xu Xin kept rolling his eyes after hearing this.

Didn’t you just meet this kid after the Chinese New Year?

It’s like you’ve known someone for how many years.

Then we walked to the backstage entrance, and the performance of the two actors had already begun.

But for the time being, no one was laughing.

There were three or four people standing at the backstage entrance.


Shaobing coughed softly.

As soon as several people turned around, they quickly greeted respectfully:



Shaobing raised a finger, meaning not to disturb the performance of the people on the stage.

Then he told the nearest person:

"Go get two chairs with backs."

He really looks like a little grown-up.

Soon, two chairs were brought over, and Shaobing whispered to Yang Mi:

"Sister, you guys take a look first, I'm going over there."

"Okay, are you going to survive tonight?"


"Then tell Teacher Li Jing, let's go have dinner~"


This time the sesame cakes were not polite and I happily agreed.

The two of them sat down under the curious eyes of these Crane Science scientists. As soon as they sat down, the girl leaned into her boyfriend's ear:

"I noticed, these people are peeking at me~"


Xu Xin turned his head naturally.

Looking at these young people who looked away when he turned around, he nodded slightly:


Then he put his arms around his girlfriend's shoulders.


Yang Mi seemed to understand his style of declaring sovereignty. After laughing twice, she leaned on her boyfriend's shoulder and yawned lazily.


I woke up too early today and am a bit sleepy.

This cross talk thing...

It's actually quite easy to sleep.

No...the two actors on the stage were talking...

She knew nothing more.

Halfway through, I vaguely remember being woken up by applause and cheers several times.

But vaguely, she remembered that she was lying on her boyfriend's lap...

Then, when she was woken up by the huge cheers, she subconsciously stirred up. Only when she sat up did she realize that there was an extra chair next to her at some point.

No one is sitting on this chair, it seems to be used for lying down.


I was stunned and glanced at Guo Degang and Yu Xuan on the stage...

"How long have I been asleep?"

Xu Xin glanced at the phone and said:

"More than two hours."

"……so long?"

"That's right. Seeing how uncomfortable you were sleeping, I asked Shaobing to add another chair for you."


The girl looked straight at the stage again and yawned.

He tilted his head towards his boyfriend:

"I didn't sleep very well. I have to go back to the dormitory and have a good sleep tonight."


Leaning against her boyfriend's shoulder, she put her hand on his lap in order to find something to rest on.

The result was immediately stiff...

Lower your head.

Under the residual light of the stage, the two dark blue patches on the blue jeans that my boyfriend was wearing today were particularly conspicuous.

She touched it in disbelief...



As soon as she opened her mouth, Xu Xin said:

"Oh, don't be afraid, this is not your saliva, it's me who peed my pants."


The girl was not afraid.

Just blushing...

What a shame today!

The cross talk between Guo Degang and Yu Xuan is still fun. As the finale performance, it gives all the audience a reward far beyond the 20 yuan ticket price.

After the performance encore was over, Xu Xin and Yang Mi stood up and walked directly out of Tianyuan Garden along the small door.

Not long after waiting at the door, Shaobing ran out:

"Brother Xu, Sister Mi."

"Hey, let's go."

Yang Mi responded and took him straight to Lao Jin to cook the meat.

Xu Xin discovered that the locals in Yanjing should have a special feeling for hot-pot meat. Eating hot-pot meat in winter is known as a tonic. It is true that eating mutton in winter is good for warming up the body...but the reason for eating meat in summer is a bit strange.

Why do you have to sweat in summer...

This reason sounded a bit outrageous to Xu Xin.

But he could tell that Yang Mi really liked eating this.

Perhaps because I haven't eaten for a long time, there are two more plates of hand-cut dishes this time than last time.

The girl ate it all herself.

Three people, a dozen plates of meat, and six bottles of Arctic Ocean to satisfy their cravings, the meal lasted until nearly 8 o'clock.

After sending the sesame cakes back, the young couple held hands and walked on the Dashilar Pedestrian Street.

On summer nights, this street is very lively.

They bought a cup of sour plum soup hand in hand and drank it separately. Yang Mi touched her belly and said:

"I'll go back to school soon. Are you okay these days?"


"Let's buy some gifts, and I'll take you to see Teacher Yu? What do you think?"

When Xu Xin heard the name "Teacher Yu", he first thought of Yu Zhen, then Yu Xuan, but he immediately realized:

"That sword master?"


"...Are you really planning to learn?"

"How can it be false?"

Yang Mi tilted her head, suddenly let go of her boyfriend's hand, and took a half-step into the air in front of her:

"Hey! Half-step collapse fist!"


Her movement was quite loud, and the people around her immediately looked over.

Xu Xin's scalp felt a little numb.

I didn't see it... Are you still a social cow?

This... is so embarrassing, so embarrassing!

In his strange expression, the girl held her boyfriend's hand again:

"How is it? Are you much more diligent?"


We don’t know if we are diligent or not.

You are a bit thicker-skinned.

After muttering something in his stomach, he asked:

"Learning martial arts is hard, right?"

He used to support it...but after the two confirmed their relationship, he really didn't want his girlfriend to suffer...

I can't bear to do it myself.

Why should you go to someone else's place and suffer?

But Yang Mi was very determined:

"Then you have to learn it. Before I left, Teacher Yu also told me that Xingyiquan is actually not suitable for girls to practice. So he only taught me the postures... Then he said that he knew a little bit of Baguazhang and could teach me first. This is me. Then if I really want to learn, you can take me to become a master, hehe~ I have met a noble person now."

"Bagua Zhang?...Tai Chi Yin Yang Ba Gua Lian Zhang?"

"Hmm...is the name so long? I don't know. Anyway, Teacher Yu said that girls look particularly good-looking when they fight. Just like your...butterfly wearing flowers~ Anyway, I just practice more and practice martial arts to keep fit. I can still keep in shape. After practicing these routines first, I dared to take on kung fu dramas. Anyway, dancing in school is also training, and practicing martial arts is also training. I can also protect myself... If anyone dares to fight with me in the future, I Just so happy!!"

As soon as she shook off her boyfriend's hand, in broad daylight, another half-step punch...

In fact, the others are fine.

The main reason is that she doesn't know where she learned this move... Before punching, she must shout out the moves. If you don’t shout if you feel uncomfortable, don’t say it. You have to add a modal particle in front of it...

Xu Xin immediately felt like he was dead.

So shameful.

"Hey young hero, why are you walking so fast!"

In the eyes of the people around her who said, "Such a beautiful girl is such a fool." The girl looked at her boyfriend and walked forward without looking back, and immediately yelled.

When Xu Xin heard her name, he walked faster.

Sister, let me go.

It's so embarrassing...

"Young hero? Young hero, walk slowly~ Hey~~~ Young hero, why are you running~ Young hero, don't run! I am a good person!!"

Is this bitch crazy?

Xu Xin's face turned red.

I just feel like the people around me look at me as if I'm mentally ill.

What a shame!

Are you a good person? ...I think you are not a good person at all!

"Why are you so shy? You don't know anyone on the street anyway!"

"Don't talk to me, my dad won't let me play with the mentally retarded!"

"Hehehehe~ Oh my, my dear brother~ Come and give me a kiss. I have been thinking about it all day~ Come and give me a kiss~"

After finally getting back to the car, I don't know if it was because I had eaten too much mutton and burned my brain, but the girls started to have fun.

Xu Xin finally calmed down and then sent him to school.

Then the sister didn’t know whether she ate too much real or fake mutton or something else, but suddenly she said again:

"Hey, your ex-girlfriend and I are sleeping next to each other~"

Xu Xin was so stunned that he hit the brakes.


"Why are you bringing this up again?"


Who knew that the girl just turned her head with a proud face:

"I'm just reminding you that you are mine, don't think about your ex-girlfriend, you know that!"

"I didn't even think about it~"

"Hmm...Hey, do you like her more or me more?"


"Why don't you talk?"


"Why don't you talk?"


"If you don't speak, I will assume that you like me a lot~"

"...Have you really lost your brain by eating mutton?"

"Hey hey hey~"

This time, it was her turn to take the initiative to reach out to her boyfriend:

"I'm teasing you~ I'm just teasing you, do you really mind? I'm so beautiful, and I can fight so well~ Where can I find a strange woman like me? Are you right, young hero?"

Xu Xinxin said whether you are pretty or not is another matter, and we will see if you can do it.

But you are definitely suffering from a serious illness.

As the dormitory closed at 9:20, the girl with slightly swollen lips appeared in front of the dormitory building.

Running all the way upstairs, with a happy mood, she opened the dormitory door:

"Sisters! I'm getting fat!!"

Yuan Shanshan herself was the only person in the dormitory.

I'm sitting in front of the computer watching a movie.

Hearing the movement, he turned his head and blinked immediately:



Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then showed a bright smile:

"Hey, Shanshan~Have you missed me~"

Yuan Shanshan stood up wearing loose pajamas:

"You're done!"

As she spoke, she came towards Yang Mi and gave her a big hug.

"Yes, it's over... Where are Sister Liu and Sister Wang?"

She was talking about the other two juniors in the dormitory.

"I don't know. I said I would go on a trip before May Day, but I haven't come back yet."

Yuan Shanshan shook her head and then asked curiously:

"Have you finished filming "The Condor"?"

"No, I still have to go to Jiuzhaigou...I have to go and shoot a few more shots in a few days."

Yang Mi said, walking towards her bunk by the window, stepping on the bunk with one foot, and unfolded the bedroll she had folded before leaving.

"Has anything changed at school in the past few months?"


Yuan Shanshan shook her head at first, but then she seemed to remember something.

"By the way, Xu...Xu Xin seems to have dropped out of school."

Yang Mi, who was still spreading the quilt, paused slightly, and then responded naturally:

"Yeah, I know."

"……you know?"

Yuan Shanshan was stunned.


Yang Mi said without even raising her head:

"He has some things to be busy with, and Director Yu gave him a suspension of study. I know this."


At this time, Yuan Shanshan, who had been watching him make the bed, seemed speechless.

But at this moment, Yang Mi suddenly turned her head:

"What for? Still like him?"

"of course not!"

Yuan Shanshan denied it instinctively.

Yang Mi seemed to have anticipated her reaction and nodded:

"Isn't that okay? It's all in the past, you have to look forward. Doesn't it have nothing to do with you whether he stops studying? Isn't it? Is it possible that you still want to get back together with him?... No, you two weren't in the beginning Nothing to do?"


For some reason, Yuan Shanshan always felt uncomfortable with what she said.

But I also understand that what my roommate said is true.

At that time, we were just at the stage of liking each other.


Why is it a little awkward?

At this time, the girl who had made the bed turned around and sat condescendingly on the head of the bed, "looking down" at Yuan Shanshan:

"So, doesn't it have nothing to do with you whether he takes a break from school or not, or why he goes there?"

After finishing her words, she quietly changed the topic:

"Did you finish filming your commercial some time ago?"

When she mentioned this, Yuan Shanshan nodded, with a smile on her face:

"Well, the filming is over. The director also asked me if I was interested in starring in a singer's music video. I agreed, but I didn't dare to ask which singer it was."

"MV? Okay."

The end of the previous topic seemed to indicate something.

The girl jumped down from the upper bunk and took out her washbasin from the cabinet:

"I'm going to wash up first, and we'll talk later."


At 10 o'clock, Xu Xin backed the car into the garage with one hand and got out of the car holding the phone with one hand.

"Okay, let me take a look now."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Momo's voice rang:

"Then when shall we meet? Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow... we can only make an appointment until noon. Come over to the Olympic Building at noon. I'll read the script tonight and let's talk about it in detail tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, I'll call you at noon tomorrow."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin walked into the study room where the fresh smell was still lingering in the air.

He didn't even take the things he bought in the car, he just turned on the computer and logged into his email.

An email with an attachment is already sitting in your inbox.

He downloaded it and unzipped it. He looked at the four scripts on it and lit a cigarette.

Looks like I have to stay up late again tonight.

Shaking his head helplessly, he opened the first script.

A night of silence.

Before 9 o'clock in the morning, Xu Xin opened his reddish eyes.

By the way, I unplugged the USB flash drive from my laptop and walked out of the house with it.

He drove all the way to the Olympic Building. When he arrived, there were already thirty or forty people sitting in the large conference room of the Olympic Building.

Zhang Yimou hasn't come yet.

Seeing this, Xu Xin walked out directly, came to the prop room, and connected the USB flash drive to the computer.

The printer started working, and in a short while, he divided a stack of A4 paper with writing on it into four parts, stapled them with a stapler and put them in his bag.

After returning to the conference room again, he sat next to Wei Lanfang.


Hearing him pay back the debt, Wei Lanfang said in confusion:

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"I stayed up late doing other things."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Where's Director Zhang?"

"It's not here yet. Didn't you see that Director Fan and Director Wang are not here either... They said they talked until three or four in the morning last night, so they probably haven't gotten up yet."

So dedicated.

Xu Xin sighed with emotion.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Zhen and Ma Wen arrived.

Yu Zhen looked for Xu Xin first when she entered.

After seeing her student looking at her with a tired face, Yu Zhen nodded slightly, found a seat and sat down.

When Zhang Yimou arrived, it was already close to 10:30.

Fan Yue started yawning as soon as he came in and sat on the chair.

Obviously I didn't get a good rest last night.

But no matter what, since people are here, they have to have a good meeting. In particular, the Olympic creative team has provided many creative ideas in Hengdian this month, and people from the visual project team have presented them in the form of PPT + FLASH.

They want to see the results of their work over the past month first.

So, the curtains were drawn and the light became dim.

One after another, whimsical ideas from the creative team began to appear on the screen.

Read them all first.

And after one time, the sound of discussion rang out in the conference room.

1 p.m.

Xu Xin just walked out of the Olympic Building.


As soon as I left the compound, I saw a Volkswagen CC parked on the roadside.

He walked directly over, opened the passenger door and took a seat. He first said to Liu Momo:

"Sorry, Sister Mo, the meeting has not ended until now."

"It's okay...what do you want to eat?"

"It's okay, just find a place where you can talk."


Liu Momo nodded and drove Xu Xin to look for a hotel.

As he walked, he said:

"For "Wulin Gaiden", I will send a producer there when the time comes. I found him through headhunting. He has quite a lot of experience in the industry. Don't worry."


After adjusting the chair back, Xu Xin asked:

"How's it going over there?"

"The main building of the inn is almost completed. The scenery has not been decorated yet. I asked Director Shang about the progress, and he said that if it's fast, it can start in July. At the slowest, filming can start before mid-August. And the actors' The schedule has been adjusted... By the way, he also specifically asked me to ask you about the role of Zhu Wushuang..."

"Yes, I know."

Xu Xin nodded directly:

"Let that classmate of mine act. It will gain experience~"

Hearing this, Liu Momo didn't show any surprise on her face. Although she had never met the girl before, she vaguely guessed that the relationship between the two was unusual after hearing it from Director Shang.

This is actually very common at home and abroad.

It is completely normal for the producer to want to promote or particularly like a certain actor and arrange for him to play a role in his play.

So he responded directly:

"Okay, I will tell him then. That's it, right?"

After talking about Wulin Gaiden, the two of them also saw a Shanxi restaurant.


After getting off the car, I entered the restaurant and found that there were not many people.

But to be on the safe side, Liu Momo still asked for a small private room, ordered two dishes, two bowls of shaved noodles, and then went straight to the topic:

"Have you finished reading these four scripts?"

"finish watching."

Xu Xin took out the four scripts in English from his bag.

Liu Momo has already completed the translation for him.

Holding the tea cup, she asked directly:

"how do you feel?"

Xu Xin did not answer her directly, but asked:

"These four scripts of yours are all from abroad... If you really invest, does that mean you have to go abroad?"



When Xu Xin was speechless, she nodded straightforwardly.

"Uncle Liu...don't you want you to leave?"

"He wanted me to go back to China, and I came back. But there's no rule that I can't run in both directions, right? When the script starts shooting, I will personally be the producer, and after the production is over, I will come back. If there is something going on there after I come back, I will go Isn’t it going to be over after a while? Isn’t the company in China? The ones abroad are just a shell.”


Xu Xin really didn't know what to say now.

He smiled bitterly:

"Uncle Liu, don't you think I'm "collaborating with the enemy"?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Now it was Liu Momo's turn to comfort him:

"I'm on top of you... Moreover, Uncle Zhang said a lot of good things about you to my dad, and my dad is really at ease with you. My mom also asked how old you are... if you weren't nine years younger than me. , I guess I might want to bring the two of us together."


Xu Xin's face turned a little green.

Liu Momo asked directly:

"Of these four scripts, which one do you like best?"


Xu Xin pushed out a script.

The script is called "Once."

Liu Momo translated it as "Once".

Seeing Xu Xin's "Once", Liu Momo's eyes lit up instantly:


"...Need to lie to you?"

Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"Ha~ What? You like this too?"

"Well, John and I met through this script and became very good friends. I thought the story was very good and great. But... Vivendi rejected the script. So I stayed and planned to go straight to it. invest."

“Now that you’ve decided to invest, what else can you tell me?”

Hearing this, Liu Momo was stunned for a moment...and then said helplessly:

"You are the major shareholder!"

"But the money is for you to spend."

Xu Xin said funnyly:

"I won't ask how you get the money, because I trust you."

What he said was actually a bit false.

Because in his heart, "relationship" is actually more important than money.

But you can’t say, “You can spend this money as you wish, I made the investment because of the relationship introduced by Director Zhang,” right?

That would be a bit low on emotional intelligence.

Therefore, he showed his 100% trust and at the same time did not give the other party any chance to think deeply. He pointed at the four scripts and said:

"I took a look, and it seems that the investment in these four scripts is not very large. The smallest one is "Once", with a budget of 200,000 US dollars. The largest one is "The Man from London" with a budget of 1.7 million US dollars. US dollars... To be honest, according to your method, if you want to shoot all four scripts, the budget may not be enough, right? And..."

He typed the script of "The Man from London" emphatically:

"How do I look at it? Why do I feel that the 1.7 million is just what I said..."

"It's actually already being filmed."

Liu Momo shook his head slightly:

"I came into contact with this script three years ago... This is my first script, so I have been paying attention to it. At present, its budget has reached 6 million euros, and the funder is only willing to give 400 euros at most. Wan, so I thought..."

"...Put all the fifteen million I gave you...in?"

Xu Xin continued what she said.

Then he refused without even thinking:

"I don't suggest you do this... It's not that I don't have money, or that I don't like the script. It's just... Sister Mo, you have to remember that you are a businessman."

Looking into the other person's eyes, Xu Xin said seriously:

"It is very foolish for businessmen to make a desperate move, and... I have a hunch that this movie may be a flop."


It can be seen that Liu Momo is actually quite surprised.

I didn't expect that the other party's conversation would change so quickly.

But she was just surprised, and shook her head to refute Xu Xin's next words:

"I think this is a very good script, so I have decided to invest. I think even if it cannot be a box office hit, it will definitely gain a good reputation for the company and at least protect its capital!"

"That's it..."

Seeing that she seemed very insistent, Xu Xin didn't say much and asked directly:

"How much to invest?"

"One and a half million dollars."

"...Eleven million?"



Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Then surrender."


Liu Momo was suddenly startled:


She seemed to be extremely puzzled that after she said that she would insist on investing, her financial backer could be so easy to talk to.

But Xu Xin looked as if he should take it for granted:

"Yes, didn't you make your promise back then? I won't make a decision for you. The company is your decision, so if you want to invest...then invest. By the way, what is the name of our company?"


Liu Momo was speechless for a while.

As a partner, she naturally has the obligation to explain the use of funds to investors. So when I came here today, I had already made all the plans to convince the other party.

But I really didn't expect...the other party actually fulfilled the original promise firmly.

This surprised her.

This investor...

Is it an angel?

If you were in this situation in France, a group of directors would probably kneel down and call you daddy...

You said you don't care, but you really don't care!

There was a turmoil in her mind, but she still answered subconsciously:

"Headwind Entertainment."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

What's this name?

Who took it?

against the wind? ? ? ? ?

It seems that after today’s update, you will be able to get the badge of “10,000 words updated every day”~! It’s the last day of the month, please vote! ! !

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