I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 120 118 Closely integrate with the masses and stand together!

Chapter 120 118. Closely integrate with the masses and stand together!

"Dad! What are you doing? Standing at the top of the stairs, I can smell the fragrance!"

As the door opened, Yang Dalin's smile turned into a bright flower as he listened to his daughter's words.

"You're back, girl~! Go wash your hands quickly, tonight is braised pork and fried fish!"

"Oh, let me tell you, why does it smell so good?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Mi hurried to the bathroom.

But after walking a few steps, I heard a noise coming from outside:

"Daughter, are there any dirty clothes? Mom will wash them for you..."

While talking, Yang Chunling walked into the bathroom and said quietly:

"Did you buy two bags of tofu puffs yesterday?"


Yang Mi's heart skipped a beat.

I blinked subconsciously...looking at my mother...

"How did you know?"

Unexpectedly, Yang Chunling didn't say much at all, she just whispered:

"Your dad said it. Think about your answer later."

After that, he walked out.

"Crash la la la..."

The faucet in front of the girl was covered with gauze specially used to filter impurities in the water pipes, so the water flow seemed sparse.

Her eyes were staring straight at the faucet outlet.

Inside is a rapidly spinning brainstorm.


She tightened the faucet and took a deep breath at herself in the mirror...


Then, he walked out with a normal expression.

The dishes and chopsticks are already set on the table, the braised pork and fish pieces are out of the pan, and there is also a plate of tomato scrambled eggs. And a bowl of cabbage soup.

In the kitchen, Yang Dalin is frying the last green vegetable.

Soon, a plate of stir-fried water spinach was served. Yang Dalin turned around and took down a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and said to Yang Mi:

"Daughter, would you like to have a drink with dad?"

Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head directly:

"No. Teacher Yu doesn't let me drink... It's not that I'm not allowed to drink. I mean I won't drink if I can."

"...Who is Teacher Yu?"

Yang Dalin was stunned.

But after hearing that her daughter didn't drink, she just took a small wine cup.

"Dad, have you seen "The Hero of the Yellow River"?"

"Hey, this film is quite old."

Upon hearing this name, Yang Dalin had obviously seen it before and nodded:

"Ma Yi, Hero of the Yellow River, that movie is very nice. What's wrong?"

"Then do you know who the actor is?"

"...I don't really remember."

"The actor's name is Yu Chenghui. He is our country's... no, internationally recognized two-handed swordsman. And this time on the set, he plays the role of Dongxiehuang Medicine Master. Haven't I always wanted to learn kung fu, and Teacher Yu also likes it very much. I, let me learn from you when I come back this time. The day before yesterday, early in the morning, I went out or went to Teacher Yu. Teacher Yu taught me Zhanzhuang and also taught me some Xingyiquan routines. , I also learned the half-step collapse fist. Then Teacher Yu said that it is best for young people not to get involved in alcohol, as it can easily hollow out the body and destroy the foundation, especially girls..."



Not to mention Yang Dalin, even Yang Chunling was stunned.

Yang Dalin asked instinctively:

"Did you... go to... this teacher Yu's place the day before yesterday?"


The girl's lips were shiny with a piece of fat and thin braised pork, and she had just eaten a fried fish nugget.

With a serious face:

"I have to go tomorrow. Teacher Yu also said that if I can really continue to learn, he will introduce me to a master of Baguazhang. He said that when playing Baguazhang, it is like a butterfly turning over a flower. It is very beautiful and suitable for filming. Then... ...Mom, we have to buy some gifts later, something suitable for the teacher, not too expensive, but something that proves we have put our best efforts into it..."

"Uh... ok."

Yang Chunling suddenly couldn't tell whether her daughter's words were true or false.

real or fake?

She doesn't understand...

And Yang Dalin really didn't expect that there would be such a person.

However, his professional instinct made him say:

"Call me and see..."

"Old Yang!"

Yang Chunling was speechless:

"The child is eating! Can't you tell me after eating?"

"Oh, yes, yes..."

Yang Dalin reacted:

"Eat, eat."

He seemed to take a big breath, then raised his head and drank the entire glass of wine.

Then he let out a sigh of relief:


"Dad, I want to learn how to get a driver's license. With my salary from this film, I want to buy a car that costs about 100,000 yuan. It will be convenient for me to go anywhere in the future. Teacher Yu's home is quite far away."

Yang Mi strikes while the iron is hot.

But this time, Yang Dalin did not refuse and nodded:

"Go to your uncle Sun's driving school. I'll get you a book on subject one tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Don't rush to buy a car. Take the car at home to practice first, and then buy it for you when you're familiar with it."


The family of three started to eat.

After one meal, Yang Mi's belly swelled up, and she couldn't resist her father's curiosity. She stood in the living room and performed half a routine of Xingyiquan.

Not to mention, even though the effort may be wrong, there is no visible effort.

But this routine, and the daughter's... although the movement was strange, it still looked like a decent half-step collapse fist. As soon as Yang Dalin used it, the smile on Yang Dalin's face became more natural.

After sitting for a while, the family of three went out together.

Yang Dalin went for a walk.

Yang Mi took her mother to the supermarket on an electric bike.

Choose a gift to buy for Teacher Yu.

When we arrived at the place, we parked the electric car.

The girl took her mother's arm after getting out of the car.

When she was walking up the steps of the supermarket, she hesitated with her words and Yang Chunling lost her balance and fell down the steps...

"Mom, I'm dating a boyfriend."


Yang Chunling trembled, and Yang Mi quickly helped her up.

After taking a few breaths, she asked silently:

"When did this happen?"

"This is just the filming."

"... Looking for someone from the crew?"

"No, my classmate."

"In the same class?"

"Yes, his birthday is more than a month older than mine."

"Aren't they the same age?"

"Yes, he majored in directing. We have had a good chat since school, and we got along quite well. He confessed to me, and I agreed."


Yang Chunling felt a little complicated for no reason.

Although she knew that her daughter would have this day sooner or later, she still felt a little... strangely sad.

He patted the girl holding his hand and said:

"When I was a student, I still focused on my studies... You can't delay your studies, you know?"

"I know this..."

The girl nodded, and the two of them walked to the side of the shopping cart. Yang Mi then let go of her mother's arm, pushed the shopping cart and continued:

"He's tall, 1.85 meters. He looks like 1.87 or 88 meters in shoes."

"Do you have any photos?"


The girl took out her mobile phone, rummaged through it, and found the photo of the two of them in Shanghe Garden in Hengdian.

Yang Chunling squinted her eyes, moved her phone further away, looked at the photos on the screen and said:

"Not to mention, it looks quite pleasing to the eye. You young people, you look best with this kind of hair. Don't always have long hair and style it... I just like this kind of thing. Young man. You look quite energetic... Where are you from?"

"From Shaanxi."


Yang Chunling's face was a little stiff.

"...Neither your father nor I want you to marry far away..."

"Oh, Mom~"

Yang Mi looked a little speechless:

"Where is this? I just want to show you that he...it's too early to talk about marriage."

"……All right."

After hearing her daughter's words, she felt a little self-deceptive and did not continue the conversation.

Indeed, they are just boyfriend and girlfriend... now is different from the past. In the past, staying with someone else's partner without getting married was tantamount to being a hooligan. But now that the times are open, it is not uncommon for young people to talk about friends and break up.

And it was okay for her to look at the child.

Quite pleasing to the eye.

So he said:

"You still can't delay your studies when you are with friends, you know? Especially if you are an actor... you have to pay more attention to this aspect. You can't delay your studies just because you are in love, and you can't do bad things outside..."


Yang Mi had heard these words in her ears several times since she was a child, and she was obviously used to them.

And there was only one reason why she told her mother about this today...

"I think my dad behaves like a criminal. Mom, I have to protect your precious daughter from now on! Otherwise, I'm really afraid that my dad will beat us up~~~~"

Yang Chunling glanced at her angrily:

"Mom knew that you would be up to no good if you came to me!"

"Hey hey hey~"

The girl stopped pushing the car and hugged her mother's arm tightly again.

Until my mother pushed me away impatiently:

"I know, it's too hot. Hurry up and finish shopping and go home."

Xu Xin actually misses his girlfriend.

Anyone who has ever been in love knows that when a couple first starts dating, they are inseparable.

I wish I could stay together every minute and never be separated.

A day apart feels like ten years.

When we were in Hengdian, because we were often together, even if the crew was not there, we could still see each other in the hotel, so this feeling was not strong yet.

But now that he couldn't see her in person for two or three days, he was really panicking.

But I want to think about it.


The interests of the motherland are above all else.

This Saturday and Sunday for the creative team was like a two-day adaptation period.

Two days passed.

The opening ceremony team ushered in the first large-scale external meeting.

"The Opening Ceremony of the Yanjing Olympic Games I'm Looking forward to" Symposium.

Led by the Olympic Organizing Committee, representatives from all walks of life in Yanjing came with their ideas and suggestions to provide suggestions to the opening ceremony team.

This should be the first meeting where the Olympic team is allowed to release video data after its establishment. With the instructions from the organizing committee, Zhang Yimou attaches great importance to it.

A total of ten people were selected to attend the meeting.

Xu Xin is also among them.

In fact, Xu Xin felt that he was not qualified to come to this kind of meeting, but for some reason, Director Zhang chose him.

No, early in the morning, according to Director Zhang's request, Xu Xin took out his own suit that he had worn only once.

This suit was custom-made for Xu Miao by his sister-in-law in England when he got married.

It is said that this set costs over 100,000 yuan.

I only wore it once, for Xu Miao's wedding reception. Then Xu Xin felt that the dress was too formal and she never wore it again.

Director Zhang asked for formal attire today, so Xu Xin had to wear it.

Xu Xin didn't understand the ingredients.

I don’t understand double-breasted and single-breasted, and I can’t even tell the difference between Italian style and British style.

But at least his sister-in-law taught him how to wear it.

For example, there is only one button on a suit, and dark socks must be worn...

It is said that this thing is very particular.

But... Xu Xin really didn't understand the others.

Even the tie he was wearing was unfamiliar. He learned it from tutorials found on the Internet overnight.

I originally wanted to wear a tie, but after searching on Baidu, it was said that a tie is not for this kind of occasion...

It’s troublesome anyway.

But after this trouble, when he looked at himself in the mirror, he showed a satisfied look.

From suits to ties, to leather shoes and watches... Recently, I have developed my shoulders through fitness.

Hey, who sees that we can't praise a handsome young man from ten miles and eight villages?

Full of pride, he took a photo, sent it to his girlfriend via MMS, and then drove directly to Qinglan Building.

The car parked downstairs, but before going upstairs, I saw Zhang Wu and others standing at the door.

Xu Xin quickly got out of the car.

Zhang Wu, who had seen his Audi for a long time, his eyes lit up as soon as Xu Xin got out of the car:

"Xiao Xu, ok. This dress looks good."


After Xu Xin said hello with a smile, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Wu's military uniform and he said:

"You are still handsome..."

It's okay that he didn't mention it, but when he did, Zhang Wu felt a little regretful.

What a great seedling.

After two years of training in the army, he will definitely be great in the future.


But in his heart, he also admitted that... Xiao Xu had a good vision.

The clothes on my body are the ultimate romance for a man.

Xu Xin started to give way to the cigarette, and after giving in a circle, he walked to Zhang Wu again:

"Director Zhang...are there any leaders coming today? Are we all waiting here?"


Zhang Wu nodded:

"The big boss will be here soon. Be nice, down-to-earth and steady, you know? Your design plan will be finalized in a week at most. We will definitely talk about this later. Be more humble. Even if you want to laugh, you can't You have to wait until there is no one left to laugh. You must be humble in front of the leader!"

Although Xu Xin understands this truth, he also understands that Director Zhang said this to him out of appreciation...otherwise there is no need to talk to you about this. On the other hand, there is also worry.

So he smiled and responded:

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

"Yeah. That's fine. Go ahead, stand aside, think about what the leader might ask you, and think about how to answer it. When the leader comes, stand back and wait until everyone else has finished shaking hands. Finally got together."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin knew that Director Zhang was sincerely teaching him, so he stood back and began to think about the questions that the leader would ask him based on what the other party said.

The wait probably lasted more than half an hour.

The leader didn't come, Director Zhang didn't come, but some people in the same suits and ties gradually gathered in Qinglan Building.

There are also some that look more fashionable, such as having patterns on their shirts or something. But most people wear suits and shirts...it's actually a bit hot.

Xu Xin took a look, turned to Chen Weiya next to him and asked in a low voice:

"Director Chen, are those mass representatives?"


Chen Weiya himself is fat, and wearing a suit looks very hot on him.

After responding, he drank half a bottle of ice water and felt better.

At the same time, he did not forget to say:

"You will stand aside for a while, you understand?"

"I know, Director Chen, Director Zhang just said it."

"Yeah. Then some mass representatives may say something... that seems unprofessional to us. Don't refute, don't deny, just come here today to listen. Control your expression."


Although Xu Xin feels that these big directors treat him as a child.

In total, no matter how you do things, you are not so unreliable, right?

But as long as they said it, Xu Xin would nod.

The main thing is to reassure them.

Then, a row of cars finally drove into the gate of Qinglan Building under the "eyes of everyone".

Headed by two business cars.

As soon as the commercial vehicle stopped, a photographer with a camera quickly came down and pointed at the vehicle behind.

Xu Xin stood up straight.

And everyone quickly separated and stood in two rows.

Then a low-key-looking Audi drove to the front door.

The car door opens.

When Xu Xin saw the person coming out, his expression became serious.

Director Zhang and the top leaders of the Olympic Organizing Committee got out of the car together...

Then a group of people gathered around.

Say hello and shake hands.

Xu Xin followed Director Zhang's instructions and followed the crowd, watching the big leader smiling and shaking hands and greeting everyone, including the mass representatives, in a very cordial manner.

And finally, he came forward:

"Good leadership."

The big leader didn't seem to recognize him, but at this moment, Zhang Yimou said:

"The leader, he is Xu Xin."


The big leader immediately focused his attention on Xu Xin.

After looking up and down, he suddenly patted his shoulder affectionately:

"The young man's plan is very good, keep up the hard work."


Don't tell me yet.

Just now, Xu Xin felt that he could definitely hold on.

But just because of this sentence, when he thought that his plan had already entered the top three and was just one step away from being selected... his blood rushed to his forehead.

My face turned red right then!

"Thank...thank you, leader!"

He tried hard not to stutter.

But he still couldn't help but tell the truth from the bottom of his heart:

"We must not work hard to live up to the expectations of the country and the people!"




This sick sentence made everyone around him stunned.

Immediately afterwards...the somewhat stunned leader suddenly smiled more naturally:

"Haha, young man~ don't be nervous. Work hard!"

Zhang Yimou also couldn’t laugh or cry...

This kid...

Xu Xin was about to cry too...

How did these words come out of your own mouth?

After entering the air-conditioned room and facing seven or eight cameras in the room, Xu Xin calmed down.

Sitting aside honestly, he opened a notepad in his hand to record.

After a passionate speech by the leader, the first mass representative glanced at the manuscript in his hand rather nervously and said into the microphone:

"First of all, thank you to the Olympic Organizing Committee..."

There is no need to mention the polite words, but the idea of ​​this first mass representative left Xu Xin speechless:

"Dear leaders, I have an idea about the five Olympic rings. I want to make five big iron rings, as tall as one person, in the colors of the five Olympic rings. Then when the five rings appear, people will push them over and assemble them into a The five rings... this is inspired by the hoop rolling game we played when we were kids. I think this can represent our Yanjing culture..."

Unconsciously, Xu Xin had a rhetorical question in his mind:

"The bottom two circles are fine, but what about the top three circles?"

The words of the first mass representative seemed to be a slightly absurd beginning.

What diabolo projects can be performed?

What about Tianqiao Hutong culture? A group of actors dressed in the clothes of old artists from the Republic of China came up to perform it.

There is another one who is even more amazing.

This person should probably be someone with some status or within the system.

When speaking, he likes to use a pen as a pointer. The first sentence at the beginning is:

"I think we can use our Yanjing culture of Riverside Scene during Qingming Festival to interpret the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games..."

Although the things discussed by the previous representatives are absurd, they still have some reference value.

This guy just made Xu Xin laugh.

When did "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" become Yanjing culture...

People in Kaifeng are not allowed to cry when they know this?

Of course, this is also a joke.

In fact, this is also the tone of this meeting.

The atmosphere of the entire symposium was not serious. On the contrary, there were bursts of laughter.

Everyone can feel it from the words of these mass representatives... They really work very hard to contribute their own strength.

Every suggestion and reference may seem absurd at first glance, but in fact it is really thoughtful. And I think the big leader doesn’t mean to let everyone refer to their opinions or expand their ideas. In Xu Xin's opinion, it is actually more like "listening to the voice of the masses."

You need to hear everyone's voices and let you know what everyone is thinking. What everyone needs.

It is true that the Olympic Games is a grand event for all mankind, but this opening ceremony should be something that belongs to us Chinese people!

We must never be separated from the masses, we must stand firmly with the masses, and as a great representative of the masses, we must express their long-cherished wishes for the audience!

Most of these people are not engaged in the art industry, but this does not prevent them from imagining the Olympic Games. All they do is to showcase their own cultural heritage to foreigners.

To put it bluntly, I was just holding my breath.

There was even a mass representative who slammed the table on the spot:

"We must not let these foreigners look down upon us!"

This was said with great force.

At the same time, all the representatives in the room nodded in unison, obviously these words touched their hearts.

It's a pity... Xu Xin can guess it without thinking.

His words will definitely not be included in today's photo editing.

After all...the world is friendly and harmonious.

But from his words, all the people in the creative team gradually understood the most sincere, persistent and unshakable voice of these representatives of the masses:

"Let the world know us again!"

The Chinese people have been squeezing this breath for decades.

I need to spit it out so much!

I got the daily 10,000-word badge, hahaha~ Everyone, please vote for me! It’s the end of the month, would you mind giving me a ticket? I’d be very grateful!

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