I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 121 119 Suit Thug

Chapter 121 119. Suit thug

"Ahhhhh! Brother, you are so handsome! So handsome!!!!"

This is the message Xu Xin received at the end of the morning symposium:

"So handsome! Really so handsome!!! Ah!! I love it so much!! It feels so exciting!!! I love it so much!!"

This is the second message.

The third message is even more straightforward;


Oh, what a woman.

He acted like he had never seen the world before.

Stomping his feet proudly, Xu Xin replied:

"Want to see it? Come and see it tonight!"

After sending it, before waiting for his girlfriend to reply, Chen Weiya shouted:

"Xiao Xu, let's go, I'll take your car... let's go back to the meeting."

"Oh well."

Zhang Yimou seemed to be inspired by the words of a certain representative in the morning, and the creative meeting in the afternoon lasted for nearly three hours.

But there really isn’t much to say about this creative meeting.

Every meeting is actually very painful.

for example.

For an hour, in the first ten minutes of the meeting, a certain director explained his ideas.

In the second ten minutes, everyone discusses together.

Starting from the third ten minutes... there may be a long silence.

There was nothing in the entire conference room except people smoking and looking sad.

Even in the words of Wei Lanfang:

"The cigarettes we smoked after a meeting would be enough to smoke a bunch of bacon in the south.

In the smoke and fire, whether the idea is overturned, or the integration of this idea is found to be insufficient, trying to extend other ideas.

In short, most of the meeting was actually a torturous tug-of-war.

Until about 5 p.m.

Everyone gets off work.

A group of people left.

Xu Xin didn't leave because Zhang Yimou pulled him because he had something to talk about.

He didn't know what Director Zhang wanted to talk to him about, so he just carried two meals and came to the small office that belonged to Director Zhang.

"Director Zhang, the food is here."


Zhang Yimou responded.

Continue to stare at the large blackboard behind his desk.

There are still traces of some ideas that have been overturned on the blackboard.

For example, the design of the five-ring drum.

Zhang Yimou believes that these things are actually a source of inspiration, so he has always been responsible for this blackboard. Even if he needs to erase something, he will record it in advance.

After staring for a while, perhaps smelling the aroma of oily noodles, he turned his head.

Somewhat surprised, he asked:

"Oil noodles?"


Xu Xin used serving chopsticks to help him stir a bowl, then pushed it to his table and continued to stir his own bowl:

"There was a shift change in the cafeteria today, and a group of chefs were replaced. When I went there, the noodles were all stretched out and eaten freshly. Then the chef also knew that some of us left late, and said that tonight's supper is Saozi noodles, the saozi is in the steamer."

In order to ensure food for the creative team, the state specially sent batches of chefs.

This kind of treatment is absolutely possible now. It is absolutely possible.

It perfectly ensured the logistics work of all the creative team members, and the last night snack of the chef even made Chen Weiya gain another five or six pounds...

Zhang Yimou seemed to have an appetite. After sitting down, he glanced at the half head of garlic in Xu Xin's tray and said:

"Give me two cloves of garlic."

"Let me pick it up for you."

Sitting opposite Director Zhang, Xu Xin skillfully took a garlic clove and twisted it.

This kind of garlic is easy to peel.

And Zhang Yimou suddenly said:

"Before today's meeting, the senior leader and we were chatting in the car, and I asked about the torch."


Xu Xin paused.

He raised his head subconsciously.

I saw Director Zhang waving his hand:

"The results haven't come out yet. I just asked about the follow-up process."


Inevitably, Xu Xin's eyes showed a hint of anxiety and disappointment.

He thought he had a result.

Thinking of dying early and happily...

Then I heard Zhang Yimou continue:

"Xiao Xu, do you want to be famous?"


Xu Xin was a little stunned, or he didn't understand why Director Zhang suddenly asked such a question.

But Zhang Yimou did not explain, but continued to ask:

"Do you want to?"


After calming down a little, Xu Xin's thoughts raced a few times, thinking about why Director Zhang suddenly asked this question.

Do you want to make yourself famous?


After about two seconds of silence, he seemed to simply shake his head:

"In no mood."


Now it was Zhang Yimou's turn to be stunned:

"In no mood???"

He looked extremely confused:

"Why don't you want to?"

"I find it troublesome."

While speaking, he had already peeled off three cloves of garlic. Xu Xin, who gradually understood that his answer seemed to be the answer that Director Zhang wanted, stood up, put the garlic on Zhang Yimou's plate, and then continued:

"This time I was filming in Hengdian. I saw Jie Lunna walking like a thief. I wanted to put the mask on my face one layer at a time. I felt that it was too tiring. Or, like you, leave You have to be careful about fans and audiences wherever you go... I don't really want to be famous. But fortunately, I am a director, not like an actor, and I am so recognizable, so maybe this worry will not be too serious in the future... Why do you ask this?"


Zhang Yimou looked quite stunned, and then showed a helpless look:

"It seems I've thought too much."

"……What's the meaning?"

"I was chatting with the big boss today. Although the boss didn't say anything, he did ask me, if your torch design is really chosen, what are we going to do about it. I heard what the boss meant... Anyway, I'm sorry. The current rating is the highest. I guess the leader wants to get off to a good start. After all... The creative effects haven't been released yet, but the torch is also something that everyone is looking forward to. And I was thinking at the time, how could it be possible? Push you out..."

Xu Xin blinked subconsciously, wondering, did I get it wrong?

After another moment of sluggishness, he said something rather belatedly:

"Push me out...for what?"

"Help you become famous."


Looking at Xu Xin's speechless gaze, Zhang Yimou shook his head again:

"Then it seems I've thought too much..."

"You think I became a director...just to be famous?"

"It's not just for the sake of being famous, but I want to be famous. But actually, I'm afraid that you will have too much unnecessary exposure... People tend to feel inflated. And now that you're here with me, I can still help you. Be careful. In this circle, after becoming famous, there are too many people who are praised so much that they suddenly fall to death... This is my original intention. Be famous as early as possible, become famous early, and settle down early. But I didn’t expect you…”

After throwing a garlic clove into his mouth, Zhang Yimou looked bald and shook his head helplessly:

"I'm overthinking it...really don't want to be famous?"

He asked again.

But this time Xu Xin shook his head more firmly.

Because he got it right, even though Director Zhang’s answer was “I want to be famous”, in fact the correct answer was “I don’t want to”.

Answered directly:

"I don't want to...Director Zhang, let me tell you the truth. When I make movies, I actually like...The thing you and I often say about going home and inheriting the family business is really not a joke. Because I My dad’s original intention was for me to return to Shenmu after I finish college and inherit the family business with my brother. Later... my dad saw the things I took, and he let go, meaning that if I really like it... then... Let’s stay in this industry. So I’m not saying that I have to make a lot of money or get any awards when I make a movie. I don’t have that idea... I just like it. And..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated.

Measuring the size of what I want to say next.

But Zhang Yimou asked:


"Actually, before going out this time, I quite wanted to be famous."

"Then why did you change it again?"

"Because I saw Jaylen... We went out drinking a few days ago, and we were almost recognized by his fans. Then neither of us had anything to eat, so we ran away immediately... We seemed to have finished filming until almost early in the morning that day. , we were really hungry. In the end, we had no choice but to ask Dani to carry things to the car for food. At that time, I was thinking... If I lived this kind of life of hiding from XZ every day, I would probably go crazy. .

So I don’t want to be famous that much... In fact, I think the best way to become famous is for people in the industry to hear my name and know that I am great. As soon as the audience heard that I was making a movie, they thought that what I shot must be good-looking and would buy tickets. But even if I walked next to them, they wouldn't recognize me. I think this way is the best~ Like you, like Jielun, I feel really tired..."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Yimou glanced at him in surprise and nodded unconsciously:

"This is indeed the most ideal way for a director to become famous. Unfortunately... it's just an idealization. But it's actually very rare for you to have this kind of mentality... After all, not everyone has the same emotions and desires as you. One less desire, right?”

"...less desire?"

When Xu Xin heard this statement for the first time, his eyes were full of doubts:

"What desire?"

"The desire for money, or one of the "desires" in Buddhism. This is very important~"

The third clove of garlic was thrown into his mouth, and Zhang Yimou waved his hand to reject the new garlic handed over by Xu Xin.

He ate the noodles very quickly, and in just a moment, the bowl had already reached the bottom.

"Everyone actually wants to make money... Of course, it's not that there are people with good family conditions who enter this industry. But what they pursue is fame, understand? Those who don't have money want to make money. Those who have money want to Reputation...isn't this what a person's life is all about. Wine, sex, wealth, and anger are inseparable. But you are born to pursue the same thing less than others, so in this regard, you have a lot of advantages over others. If you can keep it like this, I will shoot my own thoughts... Of course, I have to admit that your "willfulness" actually has its disadvantages. But for now, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. Do you understand? "

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"I can understand most of them, but I don't think I'm as good as you say... There are many people richer than my family."

"What about those who are poorer than your family?"


"Right? As a human being, there is always more than one needs and more than one has. Blindly pursuing high desires may not necessarily be a good thing..."

While he was talking, he had already cleaned the last noodle in the bowl.

He wiped his mouth with a tissue, then said to Xu Xin calmly with a teacup in his hand:

"This is actually what I was thinking this morning. If you want to be famous, our team will give you a push and let everyone know, oh, the people on the opening ceremony team designed the torch. With such a talent~ Flowers and applause came all the time... We old guys can still look at you and help you restrain your thoughts. But now..."

"No need."

Before he could say anything, Xu Xin shook his head:

"Director Zhang, I actually quite like what the senior leader said today."

"Which sentence?"

"Whether it is the opening ceremony or the Olympics, we need to be closely united with the masses at all times."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"The same goes for me... Do you want the torch to adopt my design now? I definitely want to. But my obsession... or desire is not about fame or anything else. When I think of this in my mind , it’s all about Guangzong Yaozu. To tell you the truth, even my dad still doesn’t know what I’m doing.”


At this time, Zhang Yimou was really stunned:

"Didn't you tell your family? Why?"

"Because I want to tell him when the matter is settled. If I don't choose... I won't let my dad tell anyone. I just want my dad to know that his son is not messing around here, but I am learning things and developing my abilities from talented people like you, Director Zhang, and Director Chen. And my ability has made my design into the top three... My dad must be very happy after hearing this. "

"Then what if you are chosen?"

"Choose?... At the end of this year, I will go home. You see, the road from our village to the county town must be paved with red silk. Then starting from when I get off the expressway toll gate, I get off, Then I started playing drums! Then the team had to escort me all the way to the entrance of our village, change my horse, wear a big red hydrangea on my body, wear a flower feather on my head, and welcome me all the way to the entrance of the ancestral hall..."

"Good guy..."

Even Zhang Yimou was shocked:

"So grand?"

"That's for sure! Our ancestors... actually didn't have any particularly powerful people. It seems that the biggest official was a county magistrate, right? So I am definitely qualified for this kind of thing! This year our family During the Chinese New Year party, you can definitely sit on the table closest to the ancestor’s memorial tablet!”

When Xu Xin was talking, he seemed to have seen that scene in his eyes...

My eyes turned red immediately...

Zhang Yimou said to himself that the child was excited.

"So, Director Zhang, I don't care whether I am famous outside or not. It doesn't matter to me whether everyone knows me or not. But as long as I can show my face in front of my ancestors and add a line next to my name in the family tree For example, the words "Designer of the Yanjing Olympic Torch"...then my life will be worth it! As for other things, there is no need."

He looked at the young man whose eyes were still red.

Zhang Yimou did not comment on this child's obsession with honoring his ancestors.

This thing doesn’t need to be judged either.

Everything they do is just to show their face in front of their ancestors.

There's nothing wrong with this anywhere.

Who in a big clan doesn't have this idea? Why do some wealthy businessmen and overseas Chinese come back to renovate ancestral halls, build roads in their hometowns, or something else when they have money?

You said it's for the benefit of the folks? Improve life?

Of course, there must be considerations in this regard. But more than anything else, isn’t it just like this child who has a glorious ancestor?

As the old saying goes, wealth that does not return to its hometown is like walking in brocade at night.

Isn’t that the truth?

But because of this young man's extremely clear mind, a look of satisfaction appeared in his eyes again:

"I understand when you say that... Then calm down. I estimate that it will be next week at most, and the results will definitely be available next week. Be patient and wait and see... You must also maintain a mentality of not being arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat. understand?"


Xu Xin responded and ate noodles faster.

Zhang Yimou didn't say anything. He rinsed his mouth with the teacup in his hand, and the look of satisfaction in his eyes became stronger.

It's rare... such a sober child.

He is over fifty and has reached the age where he knows his destiny. After experiencing many ups and downs in the world, he sees far more clearly than some people.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, becoming famous at a young age is more important than anything else.

It can indeed be said.

But only people of his age will actually understand... when the fame is at its peak and the reputation is extremely negative... what exactly does it take to make further progress?

When you are young, everyone has the courage of a filthy nobleman, but when you get older, you realize... In this era, those invisible qualifications and the impression of being humble and restrained on others can bring great benefits to oneself.

It’s rare.

This kid thinks so clearly.

Sure enough, he was not wrong about the person.

Just a little younger.

Let’s save up first, accumulate enough qualifications, accumulate enough reputation, accumulate enough experience... I’m talking about it.

Let’s learn.

The most uncomfortable thing about wearing suits and leather shoes for a day is your feet.

This is Xu Xin's most intuitive feeling.

When he got home in the evening, before the car was parked, he had already planned to put a pair of soft-soled shoes in the car.

Avoid this situation in the future.

When he opened the door and entered the house, he immediately saw the girl standing at the door of the living room, smiling at him with bright eyes.

Then as soon as he closed the door, this girl said:

"You put your suit on first..."

Because it was hot, he didn't wear it directly, but held it in his hand.

Even the tie was taken off.

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't show any pretense. He put the bag in his hand aside first, put on a somewhat stuffy suit, buttoned it up, and asked:

"Would you like a tie?"

"No, no, no, don't fasten the buttons, and then do your tie like that~"

She started gesticulating as she walked over.

"……how to do?"

"Just put it on the collar."


Following her rough description, Xu Xin put the tie directly around his neck, stuck it into the collar of his shirt and asked:


Under the strict and somewhat rigid suit, the casual tie in front of the white shirt adds a certain unruly vitality to this rigidity.

Coupled with Xu Xin's round and short hair, he looks like he has just been released from the dormitory.

All of a sudden, a contradictory mix of "social man" and "British gentleman" came to my face.

After the girl saw it, her face turned red...

"elder brother……"

She couldn't help but walked to Xu Xin's side. She looked up and down at her boyfriend's appearance...

After thinking about it, she said in a somewhat expectant and timid tone:

"Light a cigarette~"


Although he didn't know what image she wanted, Xu Xin still obediently picked up the bag and took out the cigarette case inside.


The lighter is lit.

Xu Xin held a cigarette and tilted his head:



The girl swallowed unconsciously and felt her throat was a little dry:

"Contempt... despise me..."


"Just that kind of... cold... bad... feeling of contempt for me..."


Xu Xinxin said, why don't you put this audition aside?

But he still cooperated and raised his head slightly, looking down at his girlfriend in front of him with the corner of his eye.

His face also turned cold.

And the moment I was caught by this look...

Yang Mi shuddered hard.

A layer of goosebumps completely arisen...

"That's it!"

She screamed in her heart.

Her boyfriend's feeling of contempt made her feel an indescribable desire to be conquered.

Not to mention his body...even his heart softened at this moment.

But she still doesn't know that this image has a proper name that is very popular among girls in later generations, called "suited thug".

She just cautiously approached her boyfriend and helped him take away the cigarette from the corner of his mouth. She looked at her boyfriend who continued to stare at her with that kind of contempt, her eyes were blurred and moist:

"Brother~kiss me~"

After saying that, when she saw her boyfriend staring at her with that contempt, but lowering his head...

The girl shivered hard again.

It’s over…

An idea came to her mind.

I have to do laundry again soon...

But this idea was quickly pushed away by the feeling of being conquered.

Just wash it.

What does it matter?

Um? ...Why are you still eating garlic...

"You are so perverted..."

Xu Xin was speechless looking at his girlfriend who was huddled in his arms and never allowed him to change clothes. Instead, she took selfies with her phone at various angles.

He always felt that the look in this woman's eyes was the same as when he first saw sexy lingerie and stockings...

After working on it for a long time...do you like this tune?

But after hearing his words, Yang Mi just rolled her eyes and continued to find an angle.


I can't wait to fill up the memory.

Then, Yang Mi ignored him. Instead, she clicked on her phone and showed it to Xu Xin...

Xu Xin looked at the strange name in the address book and said:

"This "my master, the general attacker"...isn't he talking about me?"


"...Then should I change it too?"

"Change it to what?"

In anticipation of his girlfriend's shy smile, Xu Xin said:

"Manager Yang?"


For a moment, Yang Mi was speechless:

"Bah! You are the eunuch!"

"Don't you know what I am?"


Angrily, Yang Mi moved her body and lay in the other half's arms. Yang Mi directly picked up her boyfriend's cell phone and found her phone book. There was another burst of crackling.

Then, Xu Xin saw an even more bizarre name:

"Young Master Lin Chen from Changsu"

? ? ?

He was confused and asked curiously:

"What does this word mean? Lan?...Who is Master Lan Chen?"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched:

"Brother! Lin Xiangru's Lin!!"


Xu Xin was a little embarrassed and quietly changed the topic:

"This Lin Chen, is he talking about you?"


"What about this... Changsu? Didn't you change your general attack? Why am I like this Changsu again?"

"...Please, haven't you read such a popular novel?"


""Nirvana in Fire"!!! You haven't seen it yet!? Mei Changsu, Lin Chen!"

"...What are you talking about? Looking at the two names, they are both men, right? It can't be some kind of glass text, right?"

"That's called Danmei! It's about... uh..."

Lying in her boyfriend's arms, the girl thought for a while and said:

"A man's power struggle in the palace!"


Palace fight? ? ?

trickery? ? ?

Hearing her description, Xu Xin's mind instantly recalled the book called... The Empress or the Sweet Wife that was in the browser of his girlfriend's phone yesterday.

Only this time the protagonist becomes a man.

A man dressed as an emperor hugged another man who looked shy.

That picture...


His goosebumps rose again:

"What do you usually watch! Can you be healthier?"

"……what are you thinking?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes at her boyfriend with a "you are very impure" look:

"It's a serious book, isn't it? It's really good, right at the starting point! You'll know after you read it!"

"Then what do Mei Changsu and Lin Chen do?"

"One is Qilin Talent, and the other is the young master of Langya Pavilion! Oh... they are so sweet!! I don't like Jamel Xiao very much..."

Xu Xin didn’t know who Jamel Xiao was, but he just thought it was ridiculous:

"Sweet? Isn't that still an unserious novel..."

"...I don't care, you are not allowed to change anyway! You are not allowed to change until I find a new love!"

"New love!???"

Xu Xin's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Not to mention...

The girl just accepted this and quickly softened:

"No, no, brother~ I mean... just books, you understand, right? Before I find a new lover, you will be my Mei Changsu, and I will be your Lin Chen~ Okay~"


Xu Xin said nothing and let her peck him on the face for a while before saying:

"It's been a long time..."


The girl who was having sex with her boyfriend responded and whispered softly in his ear:

"What's the matter?"

Xu Xin is like an old monk entering meditation...

It's not that his concentration is so good... but that maybe he has run out of words at the moment, or maybe he really has too much on his mind.

I always feel like I am holding an old man in my arms right now...

That's what I am... Chang Su, and then I was held in the arms of a man named Lin Chen...

Goosebumps arose layer by layer.

And after hearing his girlfriend's murmur, he completed the sentence:

"You've been making trouble for a long time, you are a pervert..."


The girl was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and whispered in his ear:

"Hehe~Changsu~my Changsu Langjun~~~"


Uniform-obsessed, suit-obsessed, severe...what's that word? Oh yes.

Patients with severe danbi disorder, mild schizophrenia, patients with delusional disorder, fujoshi masters...

Oh my god.

What kind of girlfriend did I find?

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