I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 122 120 flowers fall in my house! (It’s the beginning of the month, please vote!!)

Chapter 122 120. Flowers fall in my house! (It’s the beginning of the month, please vote!!)

Yanjing, somewhere.

In the conference room.

The most eye-catching thing in the entire conference room may be the three torches placed in the middle of the conference table.

First of all, they have a high degree of similarity, that is, red can be seen on each torch.

Gold red, silver red, bright red.

As an essential color, the designers of these three torches have designed red into their works with unprecedented consistency.

The second is the difference in style.

Some torch designs look full of technology, with a bright red color that has a crystal-like texture. And some are full of weight. As the most noble color of gold in the Chinese culture, when paired with the red, it seems to complement each other so well.

But I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but under the light at this moment, whether it’s gold or bright red, it seems to be the foil for the slightly curled silver-red torch.

Red and silver, when combined with the auspicious cloud pattern full of traditional symbols, look so harmonious no matter how you look at it.

At this moment, three torches were shining brightly in the light.

But the people sitting in front of this conference table looked particularly cautious, with serious expressions and thoughtful eyes.

Some people even had hesitation in their eyes, looking at the three torches, looking left and right...

Some people even sighed.

And it was this sigh that directly opened up the originally silent atmosphere of this conference room:

"Then let me make a statement first."

The man said:

"I still like the design No. 237 of Zhang Yimou's team. I think compared to the other two, first of all, it can highlight the history and culture of our country. Its meaning is a book, a paper, a scroll. And from the bamboo slips of the pre-Qin era , to rice paper, imperial edicts...things like scrolls in our area have a meaning of inheritance of destiny. And...perhaps it is my personal bias, I think the No. 17 torch, which is made of gold technology, is It lacks the virtues of diligence and frugality. And Plan No. 237 is in line with our humble spirit. So...my opinion is still it, No. 237. I think it has the romantic spirit in our bones and can be combined with traditional culture. , is the most suitable.”

After he finished speaking, he lit a cigarette.

Amid the smoke, another person spoke:

"But is it too old? Through the performance at the closing ceremony in Athens, we can see that what everyone needs is new things. This is a grand event that attracts the attention of people all over the world, and what everyone is looking forward to is to express our ever-changing Change instead of sticking to the old. Scrolls, paper, and auspicious clouds are indeed part of our culture. But everyone’s most urgent wish is to express our new ideas. Therefore, I stick to Plan 17. Although It’s more expensive, but it’s very technological.”

"Plan No. 237 and Plan 17 actually have their own merits in my opinion. What about Plan 41?... This bright red is obviously more in line with our mainstream culture..."

"No. 41 is in line, but its distinctiveness is indeed not enough. The important thing for us is to show our sincerity, isn't it? I think the No. 17 plan is very good. We are moving forward prosperously, and we will inherit history, but If people want to see our future, then we should show them our future."

"No, no, no, culture should be a link between the past and the future. We should not choose to completely abandon the past. It is not old, but our tradition. The treasures that have been preserved after the evolution of our civilization. And in terms of displaying culture, it is obvious that only No. 237 can be given this unique mission."

"I also agree that our torch should start from Athens and spread all over the world. We not only want to satisfy the people, this torch is more like a business card passed to the world through the Olympic Games. Over the years, the West has various various There are many such torches, but this is the first time we have held the Olympic Games. Everyone is focused on us, and we must show our differences at this time. To say the least, this is the cultural difference between the East and the West. In the past, To put it bluntly... Isn't this a kind of propaganda that belongs to us? So I stick to No. 237. I don't think we need to benchmark ourselves against the West. We have to go our own way!"

"I object. Number 17 is not without traditional symbols. On the contrary, from gold to design concepts... it is more in line with the pure spirit of the Olympics..."

There was endless discussion.

But those who attended these meetings also knew it.

This meeting was no different from the previous ones.

The main point of contention seems to be the torch, but in fact it is still a difference in consciousness.

Is it new or a combination of old and new?

If this matter were put before, it would be a really good choice.

It is natural for us to inherit the tradition and build on the past.

But after eight minutes in Athens, when we felt that everyone urgently needed to be thrown away by the world and understand our mentality again, it became difficult to choose.

But today's meeting is actually slightly different.

That is... it is the last centralized meeting of the review team.

The above requires that as of today, the election will be carried out, and then the election results will be reported to the leadership for direct approval.

So, although everyone is still discussing it.

But the actual demand is to clearly explain all the pros and cons of each torch, and have the staff on the side record it. After the final vote, the final choice is handed over to the leader.

As a result, the meeting lasted nearly thirty minutes of discussion.

Finally, with the words: "Everyone, let's start voting for the last time," the voting began.

Everyone has a sticky note in their hand, it's not that complicated, you just need to make your own choice. Whether it's the 17th, 237th, or 41st, just write it down, fold it, and give it to the staff.

Soon, the voting ends.

Holding a small box filled with voting papers, the leader nodded:

"Okay, the final results will be produced here. If it is confirmed that there are votes, then we will add an additional round. If not, then this result will be the final result of the review team, and I will report it directly in the afternoon. Do you have any opinions?"




Of course no one had an opinion.

So, the leader directly handed the box to the secretary next to him:

"Let's start counting votes."


The secretary took it, glanced at the staff standing in front of the blackboard, nodded, unfolded the first ticket, took a look at it, and said:

"No. 237."

The security clearance for "Golden Armor" has been approved, which means that the crew can go to Wulong again.

This was the news given a day ago.

One day later, Zhang Yimou's filming team was ready to set off.

Including Yang Mi, several actors, film crew and others in Yanjing are going.

But Xu Xin was not brought with him.


Zhang Yimou got the news that the Torch voting results have come out.

When Xu Xin thought that the final result was announced directly and wanted to know whether he was selected, Zhang Yimou shook his head and told him:

"This is the final vote, but whether to adopt it or not still needs to be reported to the higher authorities. Only after getting approval can we decide to announce it. So... don't worry."

As soon as the news came out, Xu Xin had been having a rough time these days.

Because the results haven't come out yet, it's not clear whether there will be any call from the organizing committee, so Xu Xin was left in Yanjing this time.

The night before parting, the girl didn't come either.

She had to go home and pack her bags.

But he came over early in the morning.

When I arrived, it was less than 5:30.

She lied to her father that she had a 6:50 flight, so she came over early.

Not for anything else, just to comfort my boyfriend who has been in a state of anxiety these past few days.

Hiding in her boyfriend's arms, her eyes were like water:

"Brother, no matter what the outcome is...wait for me to come back, okay?"

In this way, Xu Xin personally took her to the airport with her suitcase in hand, paving the way for her boyfriend to be rewarded with ecstasy or comfort after loss.

After Zhang Yimou and others left, he continued to study the topic "The Water of the Yellow River Comes from the Sky".

It's just that... anyone with a discerning eye can see that his mind is no longer here.

In fact, everyone is also worried...

They are just members of a team, and they are very nervous about this kind of thing. Then you can think of what kind of ultimate torture Xu Xin, as the designer of the torch, endured.

Did you choose it or not?

Can you give me a nice word...

Extend your head with a knife, shrink your head or just a knife... Let's be quick, okay?

I won’t be so “unexamined” every day.

The crew's filming period there is expected to be 20 days, but not everyone will come back after 20 days.

Director Zhang also needs to cooperate with the local department to promote tourism. At the same time, some people must be left to be responsible for dismantling the hook locks built by the crew during filming, restoring the turf, etc., and conveying the concept of environmental protection.

In the blink of an eye, the crew had been gone for four or five days.

During these four or five days, Xu Xin could almost be said to have been more uneasy than the day when the college entrance examination results were announced.

In order to comfort her disciple, Yu Zhen specially called him to go home and made him dumplings...

The dumplings are delicious, but the problem is... these are not Torch Dumplings...

It made Xu Xin look at everything as if he were looking at a torch.

Although Yu Zhen repeatedly comforted her disciples, saying:

"Just think of it as the first experience in your life."

It means that as long as you can handle such a big thing, there may be very few things worth being so excited about in the future.

This kind of mental training is rare.

Xu Xin was so worried that Teacher Yu was going to teach him some unique martial arts...

Although he also admitted that what Teacher Yu said made sense, the problem was... I really couldn't do it! ! !

Why is it so slow?

It's been a week, but it's already the 20th.

Why no news yet?

Why am I having such a hard time this month...

May 22nd.

on Monday.


The first conference room of the director's base for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Qinglan Building.

Monday regular meeting.

Because Director Zhang is not here, the team here adopts the work method of overall integration and centralized reporting, and the contributions of everyone's brainstorming are sent to Wulong. At the same time, there are still some issues that need guidance. For example, after the overall concrete pouring of the Bird's Nest is completed, the outer steel structure will start to be constructed in June.

But now the builders of the Bird's Nest are still waiting for some detailed requirements for the venue from the opening ceremony.

You have to see if the director has any fixed ideas.

While Jiang Haoyang, the chief designer of large-scale props, was still explaining work issues, suddenly, Wei Lanfang's phone rang.

The call interrupted the meeting.

He also called back Xu Xin, whose thoughts had wandered.

"It's Director Zhang."

Wei Lanfang said quickly and then answered the phone.

She didn't have speakerphone on.

If Director Zhang wants to hold a conference call, he can just connect directly to the landline in Qinglan Building.

If you call her alone, there must be something wrong.

"Hello, Director Zhang?"

After Wei Lanfang responded, under the gaze of everyone, her eyes suddenly widened:


This sound was very abrupt and sudden.

Everyone was excited.

But he immediately saw Wei Lanfang's eyes falling on Xu Xin.


Xu Xin's eyes immediately straightened.

Look...look at what I'm doing! ?

You...Sister Wei...what are you looking at me for?

Could it be...

And let alone him, even the others have become so big that they dare not breathe.

No, right?

Is it really about the torch?

Otherwise, why are you looking at Xiao Xu?

Zhang Qing, the most anxious director of the coordinating office, simply asked:

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Wei Lanfang didn't respond. He just squeezed the phone tightly and asked in a trembling voice:


What is it really?


What's going on.

That's what you said! !

Xu Xin only felt that his heart began to beat wildly.

It was like there was an executioner standing behind him, holding a ghost-headed sword in his hand.

I knew clearly that it might fall down at any time, and that my body would be "in a different place" at any time, but I just wanted it to fall down quickly and end this pain as soon as possible.

Then...I heard Wei Lanfang say:

"Then... let me talk to him first."

Dong dong dong dong dong…

Xu Xin's heart felt like it was in his throat.

He saw Sister Wei holding up the phone, staring straight at him, and said:

"Xiao Xu, the organizing committee just informed Director Zhang. The leader has given instructions and officially selected the design plan for the No. 237 torch as the Olympic torch for the Yanjing Olympic Games."




The whole place was quiet.

Subconsciously, everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Xin.

But Xu Xin was a little stunned...


2How much?


Subconsciously, he asked:

"Who...whose is it?"

"Yours. Number 237 is yours."


Suddenly, there was another huge ringing in Xu Xin's ears.

He was suddenly isolated from the sounds of the entire world.

It's Mine……

It turns out I am number 237.

It turns out that the final result is No. 237...

He blinked, and then his legs felt weak.

But there is always a sense of indolence in my mind. I don't want to... dare not... or even be unable to think about what this passage means.


In the midst of this sound, he saw everyone in the conference room standing up at the same time. Liu Mingsheng and Xu Jin raised their arms high and gave a silent shout to him. …

Then... I felt someone hugging me from behind.

Some people were shaking their bodies violently and using a lot of force when hugging themselves.

He was even picked up directly by the person behind him.

But he couldn't think.

There was even an indescribable calmness on his face.

So calm that he was almost numb.

Staring straight at Wei Lanfang...

There was a sense of fear in my heart.

I'm really afraid... I'm really afraid that this sister will say "I'm teasing you"...

He didn't dare to look at Wei Lanfang, but he was also afraid that he wouldn't hear what the other party called out to tease you.

And then that's it...

Little by little, I was overwhelmed by the crowd.

Everyone gathered around him, talking to themselves silently.


What to say?

Why...can't I hear it?

Xu Xin, who was left with only loud noise in his mind, was thinking and suddenly noticed that his face was a little hot.

When the heat flowed across my cheeks, it felt a little itchy.

He wiped it on subconsciously, and then realized...

It turned out to be tears.

My own tears.

He has already...

Rivers of tears flowed.

Why am I crying?

Before he had time to think, he saw Wei Lanfang smiling and saying a few words on the phone, then hung up.

Then he also opened his arms and jumped towards Xu Xin.

And when I saw Sister Wei actually hanging up the phone and celebrating with the guys...

The noise in Xu Xin's ears suddenly faded away like the tide.

Immediately afterwards, an ecstasy emanating from the bottom of his heart, blood, bones, and cells made him shout unconsciously:

"Oh ho!!!!!!!!"

The roar was so angry that the man was in the sky.

"Hahaha, are we off to a good start?"

"It definitely counts!"

"Xiao Xu!! Awesome! So awesome!!!"

"Hey, what's for lunch today? It's such a big event, Xiao Xu doesn't want to treat me?"

"That's it! Why don't we celebrate this properly!?"

"Don't you want to eat at lunch? You can't eat it well. I think it's okay for us to celebrate in the evening!"

"That's right, I'll do it at night. Such a good thing today, I won't get home until I'm drunk!"

"It's a pity that Director Zhang and the others still have to feed mosquitoes in Wulong."


In the conference room, there was a lively and noisy discussion.

Xu Xin, who was slumped in the chair, stared at his notepad in front of him.

My mind was in chaos and I didn't know what I was thinking.

At one moment it was a scene of ancestor worship, and at another moment it was the ecstasy of Dad and Xu Miao after they found out about it. One moment it was the joy of his girlfriend, and the other moment it was the scene of him flying in the sky holding a torch.

Extremely messy.

But at the same time, every minute and every second gave him a sense of glory and mission... a sense of honor and mission from his bones, forcing him to straighten his back and raise his head...


I really can't lift it up.

Once I loose my breath, I really can't lift it up anymore.

At this moment, Wei Lanfang walked in from outside the house and went straight to Xu Xin:

"Xiao Xu."

When the whole audience fell into quiet silence, she walked quickly to Xu Xin:

"Director Zhang, let me ask you, are you sure you don't want to sign your name first?"

"No sign."

Xu Xin responded instinctively:

"Just write the Olympic creative team design first."

He didn't have any time to think about his answer. After Wei Lanfang asked, he gave the answer.

Everyone was stunned...

Wei Lanfang took a deep look at Xu Xin and nodded:

"okay, I get it."

After speaking, she stood up and said to everyone:

"Director Zhang said that this matter must be kept strictly confidential. He is just letting everyone know the details. The details will have to wait until they are announced."

Everyone nodded in unison, and then Wei Lanfang walked out again.

Dial Zhang Yimou again:

"Director Zhang, we're done confirming with Xiao Xu. I won't sign my name yet."

After finishing speaking, she paused and added:

"He didn't hesitate when he said this. He answered me directly after I asked him."


There were bursts of laughter from Zhang Yimou on the other end of the phone:

"Okay, got it."

The phone hangs up.

Zhang Wu on the side said:

"Let me just say this, this kid is absolutely unambiguous about right and wrong."


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Then I will give feedback to the leader. For the time being, I will use team creativity first, and then when the heat of announcing the torch has passed, I will add Xiao Xu's identity as the designer when submitting to the International Olympic Committee. What do you think? How about it?"

"Okay, the heat will be over by then. There won't be any unwarranted attention, and no one will make excuses about Xiao Xu's age or other things. These are serious qualifications."

"Something really useful too, right?"


Hearing Zhang Yimou's words, as a person within the system, Zhang Wu nodded heavily, and then suddenly sighed:

"Sigh... In the final analysis, you are still too young. If you reach our age and calm down completely, we won't have to worry, right?"


Zhang Yimou smiled and nodded:

"But at least from this, it can be seen that this child's temper can be calmed down."

"Yes, that's good."

Zhang Wu responded and lit a cigarette.

After blowing out a puff of smoke, he muttered to himself:

"This kid... has a promising future."

Zhang Yimou was convinced.

Yes, Xu Xin did not continue driving.

He didn't explain to everyone why he didn't sign directly.

After calming down, he took a leave of absence.

Ten minutes off.

All the way to an empty office, he closed the door and took out his phone in the empty office.

After dialing Xu Daqiang's number, he lit another cigarette for himself.


The cigarette made him calm down a little more, and then some noisy voices rang on the other side of the phone.

"Hello? Son, what's wrong?"

Xu Daqiang's side seemed a little noisy.

Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"Dad, where are you?"

"The granddaughter of Ge Laosan's family is getting married, and dad comes to drink. What's going on? Are you short of money? Dad asked Xiao Li to give you some?"


After hearing this, Xu Xin made sure that his father was not busy with business, and finally couldn't hide the words he had been holding in his heart for a long time.

"Dad, let me tell you something..."


"Just...the Olympics, you know, right?"


"Isn't there a torch in the Olympic Games? Do you know that?"

"Ah, what happened to the torch?"

Hearing his father's doubts, Xu Xin tried his best to suppress the joy that burst out of his teeth and said to his father word by word:

"Dad, what I'm telling you below, don't tell anyone, it's confidential... Our Olympic torch was designed by me! I submitted the design drawing No. 237, and just now, I got the news! My design has been selected to become the torch for our Olympic Games!!! My design!!!! Olympic Torch!!! Dad! In 2008!! The torch you see was designed by your son! "


Lively wedding scene.

Xu Daqiang, who was sitting in the VIP room, narrowed his eyes immediately.

Xu Daqiang's skin color is dark, the result of years of exposure to the earth and the scorching sun.

But at this moment, his dark face suddenly began to turn purple...

But he didn't say a word, but suddenly stood up.

His expression was extremely calm.

On the side, the young girl looked at her boyfriend in surprise:

"What's wrong?"

Xu Daqiang didn't say anything, he just held up the phone and answered:

"Well, wait a minute, I'll go downstairs and get back to you."

Then the call was hung up and he walked out.

Behind him, the young Aunt Xue shouted again:

"Da Qiang?"

"Sit still and don't move. I'm going to make a phone call~"

After Xu Daqiang left a word without looking back, he went out and saw Xu Miao and Li Hao standing at the door.

The two of them were chatting and socializing with several people around them.

Xu Daqiang shouted directly:


"Hey...Dad, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Li, give the key to Sanshui, and Sanshui will come down here."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man with a calm face walked directly downstairs to the hotel where the wedding was held.

Xu Miao looked a little dazed, but she quickly took the key from Li Hao and followed her father downstairs.

The father and son maintained a high degree of tacit understanding and said nothing along the way.

When I walked to the door, I met two acquaintances:

"Qiang~what are you going to do?"

"Get your things in the car, go in first, we'll talk later."

Xu Daqiang said hello with a smile as usual, and Xu Miao also shouted:


"Well, okay, then you two go and have a drink later~"

"Okay, I'll toast you later~"

The father and son exchanged pleasantries along the way and walked out. Xu Miao pressed the key of the Rolls-Royce, trotted open the car door, and then asked:

"Dad, where are you going?"

"Turn on the air conditioner. Come to the back seat."


Soon the father and son came to the back seat of the still hot car. After the heavy door of the Rolls-Royce was closed, Xu Miao asked solemnly:

"Dad, what's wrong?"

But dad didn't speak.

Xu Miao was stunned for a moment, a little confused...what happened that made her father stop talking.

But the next second I saw...

Dad's hands were trembling.

Shivering, he opened his cell phone.


"Don't make any noise!"

Xu Daqiang scolded him unhappily, and then dialed Xu Xin's phone tremblingly.


The phone rang several times, and Xu Xin's voice came from the other end:

"Hey, Dad, is there no one around you?"


Xu Daqiang's tone was extremely dry:

"What...what did you just say? Sanshui is also...you...saying it once..."

Xu Miao was even more confused.

What did you say?

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard my brother say:

"I said that the torch I designed for the 2008 Yanjing Olympics has been selected by the country! It has become the Yanjing Olympics torch!"


The moment he heard this, Xu Miao's eyes straightened.


Asking for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! It’s the beginning of the month! ! ! ! Please give me a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! Ten Thousand and Four is full of sincerity! ! !

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