I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 123 121 A brand new day

Chapter 123 121. A brand new day

The Rolls-Royce blocked Xu Miao's almost screaming question.

And Xu Daqiang's hands were trembling even more.

"Sanjin! My dad's hands are shaking, so he doesn't dare to joke! You...shit!???"


There was a rough breathing from the other end of the phone, and then my brother's voice rang again:

"Brother, I'm not joking. Just now, I just received news from director Zhang Yimou. Although it hasn't been announced yet, but... Mr. Boss, you know? Mr. Boss has confirmed that No. 237 is the design! It's been selected! The plan for making the Olympic torch has been finalized!!”



The two people in the car sweated at the same time.

I don’t know if it’s hot or something else.

Xu Miao fumbled for a cigarette, but as soon as he took out the cigarette, Xu Daqiang snatched it away:

"Smoke a lot! Keep it a secret! What if someone hears you when you open the window!?"

The man's eyes widened in anger, as if he was dissatisfied with his eldest son's lack of confidentiality.

Xu Miao nodded first, but immediately grabbed his father's hand, pointed at the phone and asked hurriedly:

"Are you sure? You didn't lie?...How did you get chosen...Ouch!"

Covering the back of her head, Xu Miao looked confused.

Xu Daqiang's beating was not light.

But there was a kind of protection for the younger son on his face:

"How did Sa Miao get chosen? You don't know that my brother is good at drawing!?"


Although he is already 28, Xu Miao's face is full of grievance:

"It seems like I don't believe it..."

"Why don't you believe in the country's affairs? The country can still defraud three gold coins!?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Miao felt even more aggrieved:

"What if it's a scam call? Sanjin doesn't know Zhang Yimou!"

"Fart! Who doesn't know Zhang Yimou in the Celestial Dynasty? Sanjin Weisha can't know him!"

"...That Zhang Yimou doesn't know Sanjin either!"


Xu Daqiang was stunned...

What the eldest son said... seems to make sense.

But before I had time to think about it, I heard Xu Xin on the other end of the phone say:

"Brother, I know Zhang Yimou, and Director Zhang also knows me. He is now in the Olympic creative team! In March, he came in, and in April he went to Hengdian with Director Zhang and others to shoot "The City of Golden Armor". In May I just came back at the beginning of the month! Now I am a full-time employee of the country, earning more than 6,000 yuan a month!"



As soon as these words came out, Xu Daqiang and Xu Miao were stunned.

It doesn't matter if it's more than six thousand...


"What are you talking about? Sanjin... our dad's hands are trembling a little now... you... please speak slowly... speak clearly..."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Xu Xin took a deep breath:

"Huh... ok, that's it..."

The rear glass of the Rolls-Royce had a crack.

Not big.

Two wide.

With Xu Miao's face full of resentment, Xu Daqiang, who had just said something about keeping it secret, lit a cigarette and puffed it out.

Xu Miao wanted to do the same thing, but when Xu Daqiang, who was holding the phone, looked at him with a look like "How dare you leak the secrets?", he did not dare to open the rear window on the other side.

Two large smoke pipes began to emerge from a gap in the glass window.

On the phone, it was Xu Xin's unhurried voice, telling the whole story, the causes and consequences.

After smoking a cigarette, the father and son finally calmed down following the words of their son (younger brother):

"Then, I've been waiting for the past few days, oh... it's been very difficult! But today it finally came out. Director Zhang personally called and informed me. However, this matter still needs to be kept secret, because it has only been decided, but it has not yet been announced. It has not been announced to the outside world. Dad, you and my brother can’t tell the outside world. We have to wait until the country holds a press conference and announce it before we can say anything. Moreover, the designer is only the director team of the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies, but there will be no specific details. Signature. The specific signature will be announced later..."

"Is that because of Sa!?"

Xu Miao couldn't help but interrupt his brother:

"Why did you name me?"

"Because I don't want to receive so much attention. Besides, as I said to Ni just now, from the perspective of the overall situation, what Director Zhang meant...I think it seems that the leader likes people who don't have so many right and wrong..."

Before Xu Xin finished speaking, Xu Daqiang became impatient and looked at his eldest son:

"Oh, you don't care what Sanjin does! He has his own ideas. You are so capable, why don't you design a torch!"

"No...it's not..."

Xu Miao was speechless.

I'm here to fight the injustice for our three golds, okay?

Such a great opportunity to make a name for yourself...

"Okay, okay, don't talk..."

Waving his hands to his eldest son in disgust, Xu Daqiang, who finally calmed down, said directly:

"Son~~~ Are you in Yanjing now?"

That voice should be loved as much as possible.

"here I am."

"Okay, I'll go there in the afternoon and take Sanshui with me. Do you want to eat something? Sheep? Or something? Dad will buy it for you!"

"Uh...just bring a sheep."

"Okay! Hang up first."




In Xu Miao's eyes, her father spoke softly to the phone in an unprecedented tone of relief:

"Do a good job! Bring glory to the country!"


The phone hangs up.

This time, Xu Miao was finally able to lower the window.


Xu Daqiang waved his hands silently, not letting his son continue to speak.

He just handed the cigarette case to his son.

The father and son began to smoke silently.

After finishing his cigarette, Xu Daqiang immediately raised the window.

After both windows were raised, he spoke:

"The groom will have to make a toast in a while, so be practical and don't steal the limelight from the third family of Ge Laosan today."

"Uh... ok."

Xu Miao nodded.

"Call Qianqian and ask her to go directly to Dongsheng to get two sheep."

"Okay. Then do you want to bring some gifts..."

"don't want."

Xu Daqiang shook his head directly:

"Cultural people are not interested in this thing. Let's go and take a look first... Sanjin should be able to handle these relationships... Let's go first."


"Don't talk about it in the village yet. Tell Qianqian that Sanjin will talk about it later."

"Okay...take Aunt Xue with you?"

"What are you taking her for? Let the family drive the car over to pick her up. After dinner, we go directly to Dongsheng and let her go back."



Suddenly, Xu Daqiang let out a long sigh.

unknown reason.

He didn't say anything and opened the car door directly:

"Let's go and have a meal."


The father and son got out of the car together and walked a few steps. Xu Miao couldn't help but say:

"Dad, Sanjin has grown up..."

But what greeted him was his father's slightly warning look...

Xu Miao was stunned and nodded sarcastically:


After making the call, Xu Xin came out of the office.

He didn't notify his girlfriend.

But I guess she doesn't know yet.

Otherwise, I guess even if I didn't call, the text message would have been sent long ago.

And if you don’t know…just don’t know.

Let’s talk at night, otherwise the shooting status will be easily affected during the day.

On the way back, Xu Xin felt that his steps were a little wobbly for no reason.

The world has never been so beautiful.



The meal originally planned to be eaten in the evening was changed to lunch.

And I didn’t choose a restaurant, so I ate at a Sichuan restaurant next to Qinglan Building.

Celebrate Xu Xin.

It’s also a celebration of the team’s good start.

At this time, even Wei Lanfang, the negotiator responsible for coordinating various departments, drank two taels of wine...

Just imagine how happy these people are.

But it was really only two taels per person, so I didn’t drink much.

After all, I have to work in the afternoon.

Originally, the dinner could be postponed to the evening, but who told Xu Xin to say that his family would come over in the evening.

Anyway, this matter has finally settled.

Xu Xin immediately became drunk after drinking two ounces of wine.

In the afternoon, I simply lay down on the sofa in the director's office and slept all afternoon.

And when I woke up, it was time to get off work.

Xu Xin unexpectedly saw many family members.

It was all because of the drinking at noon, and in the evening everyone came to pick up people one by one.

Xu Xin didn't drive either, so he took a taxi and headed home.

After sleeping this way, he not only woke up from the drunkenness, but also made his heart completely at ease.

Originally, he thought he was "calm" enough to accept this matter. After all, the wine has been drunk and the good news has been announced. Next, I will continue to devote myself to the work of creative design, striving to make this opening and closing ceremony a perfect start.

After taking the first step perfectly, you should continue to move forward with a humble heart.

That's how it should be.

But when he returned home and saw the commercial vehicle parked in front of his house...

In a daze, he seemed to be back in the third grade of elementary school.

In the third grade of elementary school, he scored 100 points on both Chinese and mathematics exams for the first time. When he walked to the door of his house with two papers with "100" written in bright red, he thought he would never experience the impatient feeling in his life.

But I didn't expect... that kind of emotion and expectation would come back again.

He couldn't help shouting at the highest volume through the door:

"Dad! Brother! Come back!"

After saying that, he opened the door and saw Xu Daqiang wearing an apron and walking out of the kitchen with a cigarette in his mouth and a face full of joy:

"Nidi baby!!"


The smile on Xu Xin's face could no longer be suppressed.

The familiar scent of mutton wafted out of the kitchen, and Xu Miao and Zhang Qianqian trotted out to greet them in the living room.

Xu Xin's original intention was to give his father a hug.

But who knew that Zhang Qianqian and Xu Miao could run faster than anyone else:

"Three golds!! Hahahahaha!"

Being hugged by his brother and sister-in-law, Xu Xin subconsciously looked at his father.

But Xu Daqiang said:

"Ah, don't hug me yet. Wash your hands. Dad made some sour soup and egg noodles for you. If you have anything to say, come to the dinner table and chat slowly."

Dad didn't give him a hug.

But there is no need to give it this time.

After Xu Miao and Zhang Qianqian let go of him, Xu Xin walked directly to Xu Daqiang and hugged him:

"Dad, hey hey hey~"

"……Hey Hey."

Being held in his arms by his son, Xu Daqiang smiled and patted his son on the back:

"Well done, three golds, well done!"

"Sister-in-law, look, this is a photo of me and Teacher Gong Li... This is Brother Fa's... Here, this is a photo taken when Jay Chou and I were having barbecue together... Dad, look, does this armor look good?" Gold! One piece costs over a million!... The chrysanthemums all over the place were laid on the spot, and the fight scenes were fought by two to three thousand people..."

Xu Xin showed the photos taken on the set one after another to his family.

Then he flipped through the pages, and suddenly, the selfie he and Yang Mi took together on the set appeared in Xu Daqiang's eyes...

"Eh? This woman..."

Xu Xin slid over directly:

"Dad, this one, look at this palace, how luxurious it is..."


Xu Daqiang blinked...

Just pretend not to know.

He just picked up the Maotai bottle again and poured himself a glass of wine.

If the baby doesn’t want to talk, then don’t ask.

In this way, the family listened as Xu Xin talked about the Olympics from the crew, from Qinglan Building to the Olympic Building, and from Zhang Yimou to Yu Zhen...

While listening, Xu Daqiang nodded secretly in his heart.

This baby has met a noble person.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

In fact, the family didn't talk about much.

To put it bluntly, the family can get together in Yanjing to make Xu Xin happy.

But neither Xu Daqiang nor Xu Miao understands things in the film and television industry. However, after Xu Xin talked about Guangzong Yaozu, Xu Daqiang nodded directly:

"When Rang says it, dad will go to the village chief and talk about it. Hehe~"

He held the wine glass and gave another satisfied smile:

"This year, I'm living a comfortable life."


Xu Xin responded, got up and went to the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, the phone on the table lit up.

Xu Daqiang was stunned when he saw the caller.

"Young Master Lin Chen from Changsu"???

What kind of god is this?

"Sanjin, someone named... this... Young Master Lan Chen from Chang Su is calling you~"

Needless to say, father and son do look alike sometimes.

When Xu Xin heard this, he quickly pulled up his pants again. After walking out of the bathroom, I took the phone and ran there again.

Seeing his son's strange behavior, Xu Daqiang was a little confused.

But I didn’t think much about it.

I'm happy today, so don't worry about Master Shi... Even if the King of Heaven is here, he can't stop him from drinking this glass of wine.

He picked up the wine cup happily, and after drinking it all, he let out a sigh of satisfaction:


"Hey, brother, how are you? Is there any news today?"

The girlfriend on the other end of the phone went about her routine.

In fact, after so many days, she had gotten used to it and had no hope.

Until...she heard Xu Xin's words:

"Yes, it's confirmed, I won."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay... huh?"

The girl who subconsciously agreed was suddenly startled.

Then, the voice began to shake:

"You...you...just said what?"

"I said, my plan... was adopted. It became the Olympic Games..."


The girl's scream instantly rang out on the other end of the phone.

If she hadn't been in the hotel room right now, someone might have called the police.

But this voice was scary enough at the moment.

Fortunately, there was no one in the hotel corridor at the moment, so there wouldn't be any trouble.

And the girl was screaming, cheering, and laughing on the phone:




"I hit it! I hit it! Hahahahahaha!!!!"


"Oh type~Oh type oh type oh type~~~~"

Listening to this ecstatic voice, a smile of joy appeared on Xu Xin's face.

But as the saying goes, a laugh lasts only three seconds...

"Plop... Ouch! Ouch... Hiss... Ouch..."

"……What happened to you?"

Xu Xin was anxious and his voice was a little loud.

Xu Miao and Zhang Qianqian, who were sitting in the courtyard drinking and eating, instinctively turned their heads...

"My little toe hit the corner of the bed... Oops... hiss... it hurts me so much... hahahaha... win! win!!!"

There were still screams of pain in the front, but later it turned into ecstasy like a crazy bitch.

Xu Xin let go of his mental arithmetic.

Then he whispered:

"I won't talk to you too much tonight. My dad, my brother, and my sister-in-law are still outside. Can you wait for me to send you a message?"

"Ah? Uncle Xu is here?...Uh..."

Although she felt extremely reluctant to give up, the girl still responded sensibly:

"Yeah, okay... I just need to digest it for a while. Hehehehehehe... Brother... just wait for me to go back~"

Xu Xin felt hot again...

He responded:

"Well, I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he walked out with a normal expression.

Xu Miao said in confusion:

"What happened just now?"

Xu Xin shook his head:

"It looks like something. Brother...how are you doing over there?"

"real estate?"


"It's almost the same. I've also found the construction qualifications. My dad and my eldest and second uncles all talked about it, and we are planning to set up a joint venture. We plan to go to Xi'an to pick up two real estate projects first, but the company with several projects there has lost its capital chain. , selling the land in the second and third phases together, your Uncle Zhang said..."

Point to Zhang Qianqian:

"The potential is not small, and it is not expensive to add more. We must first solve the problem of people's livelihood, build up the reputation, and at the same time, expand outward."


Just as Xu Xin responded, he heard Xu Daqiang say:

"Sanjin, don't worry about these things."


Xu Xin was stunned.

He saw his father looking at him seriously:

"Whether it's real estate or family business, that's the icing on the cake~ You have heavier responsibilities now. What to do with Sanshui? That's his business. You just have to do the Olympics well. Let's be down-to-earth first. It is better to do a good job in the Olympics and not let down everyone's expectations for the Olympics than to make money or not. Do you understand?"


Xu Xin responded.

Dad is right, it is true that the Olympics must be completed first.


Actually that's what they say, but in reality...

Although he also admitted that since Director Zhang left, he had not been very focused, mainly because he was a little confused by the torch issue.

But something must and must be said.

That is... In fact, the only place where Director Zhang is is called the Olympic Creative Team.

As soon as Director Zhang left, he really echoed the words of "A World Without Thieves", which said that people's hearts are broken and it is difficult to lead the team.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration.

But it probably means the same thing.

Director Zhang is here, everything is normal. But this time Director Zhang left, he still brought with him the absolute core of the creative team members. Most of those who remain are executors.

The director assigns tasks, whether it's making plans, searching for information, or whatever, the director's office in Qinglan Building is mainly responsible for execution.

The entire Olympic Games is still in the core creative stage, and the people on the executive team are really quite idle.

Xu Xin has finally felt it these days.

As long as the plan is not implemented, almost everyone in the implementation team will be "fishing".

So, it really doesn’t work if Director Zhang is not here.

There is a very essential difference.

But I can't say these words to my dad. My dad's heart is actually the same as the big guys. Regardless of creativity or execution, as long as you are in the "unit", you are contributing to the country...

Very simple idea.

Quite cute.

Xu Xinxin said...

After the meal, all the rooms in the courtyard were occupied for the first time.

There are three bedrooms in total, one for Xu Xin, one for Xu Daqiang, and one for Xu Miao and his wife.

While eating, Xu Xin asked how many days his father would stay here, but the answer he got was that he would leave tomorrow.

I came here today just to cheer Xu Xin up.

Whether it is joy or longing, as a father, you must stay with your son when he faces something.

But you can’t always be by your side.

When will the child grow up?

Therefore, Xu Daqiang and Xu Miao would only stay for one night and leave tomorrow.

But it may come again in a while...

After all, the baby is doing such a glorious thing now. How can it be done if the family doesn’t support it? It is enough to come and see the baby more often, make a bowl of noodles for the baby, eat and drink, and let the baby be full and energetic enough to continue fighting.

Xu Xin returned to the bedroom and dialed his girlfriend's phone number.

The result was hung up.


He sent a message, and Yang Mi replied instantly:

"Sister Zeng is here."

have to.

As the biggest hole dug in his career so far, Xu Xin estimates that this hole will not be filled until Golden Armor finishes filming.

So I replied:

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first. I'm a little dizzy after drinking."

He was indeed dizzy. He had one drink at noon and another at night.

Even the gods can't bear this continuous drink.

As soon as he went to bed, it was 7 o'clock in the morning.

I checked my phone first and saw the message my girlfriend left last night:

"I'm fine. Have you slept?"

"Sister Zeng came to talk to me about auditions during the day and said she found two plays for me, both of which would be filmed in the second half of the year. I refused. She came to me in the evening to tell me about the company's intentions."

"There are a lot of reporters here in Wulong these days. I guess I might be on the news. Li Man's change of roles shouldn't be hidden."

"So the company wants to expand my reputation, including helping me make appointments for magazines. But didn't I promise you to star in "Wulin Gaiden", and I feel that the gap between me and Sister Gong is too big, and I don't want to waste time on this kind of film." On a busy schedule, it’s a must”

"I'm going back to school to improve my acting skills. I don't want to overconsume myself. Sister Zeng agreed, but I can see that the company's intention is contrary to my own decision. But who makes me a girl, hehehe, and I also talked about this with Director Zhang today,"

"I also agreed with what I did, saying that being an actor at this stage is a process of absorption, learning and precipitation. Then Sister Zeng came to me in the evening and said that the company felt that the main thing was to enhance my commercial value. I could see that she was quite embarrassed, Then I was with Jielun today.”

"After chatting for a while, he said that he was treated in the same way at Holliday Company. Holliday asked him to hold concerts and publish collections to make money, but then his manager Yang Junrong criticized him, saying that the company was killing the goose to lay eggs. This is why Jay Lun chose to leave. One of the reasons is because the public”

"The company only regards him as a money-making tool, so he has to start his own business. He also said that an artist's career is very precious and does not recommend that I over-consume myself. And he told me that I have the right to say no to the company, but he also You don’t have to say it directly, but you can hand over the matter.”

"To the agent, it is Sister Zeng. This means that on the one hand, we can see whether Sister Zeng is a responsible agent. On the other hand, it is indeed the agent's job to negotiate with the company, rather than just being a sounding board between the company and the artist. , I think it makes sense.”

"So I had a special chat with Sister Zeng in the evening and expressed what I meant. I don't know if what I did was right, but I don't want to just be the kind of person who enters the public eye because of seeking a girl but then disappears quickly, right? Wrong? Brother. I think I did nothing wrong,"

"Sister Zeng agreed and said she would negotiate with the company. So we talked late. If you fall asleep, then... I will meet you in my dream, hehe."

"Then...just wait until I get back. Brother, I like you so much~hehe~"

Twelve text messages in total.

After reading the last text message, Xu Xin's heart became even hotter.


While going to the bathroom, he flipped through the messages from his girlfriend. After thinking about it, he sent a message to Liu Momo:

"Sister Mo, please tell Director Shang. For the role of Zhu Wushuang, ask him to send an audition invitation to Rong Xinda and ask a girl named Yang Mi to play it."

Liu Momo did not reply.

He probably didn't get up.

Xu Xin washed his face, brushed his teeth and got dressed without any prompting.

opened the door.

a new day.

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