I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 124 122 Old School Style

Chapter 124 122.Old School Style

"Revealed! The cast of "The City of Golden Armor" mysteriously changed roles, and the new "Mou Girl" actually acted with Xingye!"

""A City of Golden Armor" was filmed in Wulong, and recent photos of the crew have been exposed!"

"Mou Girl has added another member, and Li Man has lost his position. The reason is unknown."

"Photos from the cast of "The City's Golden Armor" as the new Miss Yang Mi leaked out, and her early appearance is hard to describe."

"Who is Yang Mi? She pushed out Li Manrong to take over! The crew of Zhang Yimou's "The Golden Armor" created a stir."

"Mou girl Yang Mi appeared at Chongqing Airport, dressed fashionably."

It's late May, early in the morning.

The news pages of the entertainment industry were inexplicably wiped out by these news.

Xu Xin, who was squatting in the bathroom, flipped through the news pushed by WAP, one after another...

These photos are basically taken from a distance, taking photos of the crew's fight scenes and daily activities.

A lot, very complete.

The most amazing thing...I don’t know how these reporters with all their magic managed to find out that my girlfriend used to be a model for "Ruili" magazine.

Then I dug out the modeling photos she took for magazines when she was about fourteen or fifteen years old.

Xu Xin burst out laughing when she saw that tacky hairstyle.

Although maybe his girlfriend was quite fashionable according to the eyes of the time... But now looking at the photos of her posing in that light yellow outfit, he really couldn't hold it in anymore.


"Hahahahaha, I saw your early Ruili magazine photos on the news, hahahahaha!"

Send a text message.

The other party didn't reply.

Last night, the crew of "The Golden Jacket" wrapped up filming.

Then early this morning, after the crew disbanded, these news came out like snowflakes.

In fact, during this month of May, reporters continued to snap photos of the crew, but nothing of value came out. That is, the actor eating a lunch box, or the back of Director Zhang, etc.

These are "candid shots".

Wulong is no better than Hengdian.

In Hengdian, there are security guards at the entrance of Daming Palace. Other crews or reporters can give you some photos if they give you some incense money. But Director Zhang’s crew and Hengdian staff didn’t dare to mess around.

So the confidentiality is very good.

But the Wulong filming location is not a film and television base after all, and the crew cannot overbearingly prevent everyone from coming to the sinkhole. However, the security force has been upgraded a lot in order to prevent disturbances outside the "publicity channels".

And now the crew has finished filming. What a coincidence is that after filming was completed on the first day, all kinds of news were published today. In fact, this is also a part of Xuanfa production.

Starting from the completion of filming, one after another, some small hot spots from the crew will be leaked out in this form of news.

For example, the newly promoted girl Yang Mi, and some photos of Jay Chou on the set, etc.

Rely on these and use the minimum cost to increase your visibility in the minds of the audience.

Then wait for the film editing and soundtrack to be completed before large-scale publicity and distribution begins.

These are all routines and have been discussed with the media in advance.

And my current girlfriend should still have...well, it takes an hour and a half to get to Yanjing.


Today is Saturday.

If I want to see him, I have to do it on Monday night.

Shaking his head with regret in his eyes, he closed his notebook and put it in his bag. Like thousands of ordinary office workers in Yanjing, he started his day's work.

Inside a business car.

Zeng Jia held up the phone with doubts in her eyes:

"Are you sure it's the director of the cooking class?"

Next to him, the girl who was playing with her mobile phone said nothing, as if she hadn't heard him.

Then I heard Zeng Jia say again:

"Well, okay, I understand... I'll talk to her. ... Well, okay, that's it... Well, bye."

After hanging up the phone, the confusion in Zeng Jia's eyes was beyond words.

Instinctively, he turned around and glanced at Sun Ting, who was sitting in the back row. But Sun Ting was holding a notebook there and seemed to be writing something without looking up at all.

Seeing this, she gradually turned her doubtful eyes to the girl playing with her mobile phone next to her:



The girl politely put down her phone and asked curiously:

"What's wrong, Sister Zeng?"

"...Have you had any contact with Xu Xin recently?"



Looking at the girl who admitted directly, Zeng Jia was a little confused:

"Why are you still in contact with him?"

"Sister Zeng, we are classmates. How are you doing? Do you want to say hello or something?"

After hearing Yang Mi's words, Sun Ting in the back row silently drew a small circle on her notebook.


It’s really a “hello”.

Zeng Jia actually knew that what the girl said was reasonable. Regardless of the young man's character, after all, the two were classmates, and they were in the same crew, so it was impossible not to socialize.


Thinking of this, she continued:

"It was a call from the company just now. Director Shang Jing, you know? The one from "Cooking Class Story"... his crew sent an audition invitation. He specifically asked you to audition for a role called Zhu Wushuang... "


The girl looked quite surprised and said:

"Is it the one Xu Xin and Sister Zeng were talking about before...?"


"Hmm...where is the filming location?"

"It's in Yanjing."

"That's no problem in Yanjing."

Suddenly, Yang Mi said this:

"If I'm in Yanjing, it's not far from home, and it won't delay my driving license or art exam... I can give it a try."


This time it was Zeng Jia's turn to be speechless:

"Did you forget something?"


Yang Mi shook her head:

"I know what you mean, Sister Zeng, but if you are in Yanjing, my parents can come over at any time, so don't be afraid. Besides, as you know this summer vacation, I have to take the subject one test on Tuesday, the art test on humanities in July. It just started. I still have to make up for my academic credits this semester, which is quite busy in itself. Just like you helped me contact the crew of "Dragon World" before.

If they are in Yanjing, I can pick them up, but they still have to go to Hengdian, so I will definitely not go... Sister Zeng, didn’t Director Zhang say that these past few years have been a learning process for me, which is quite important. , so I don’t want to give up studying unless necessary. So... I will definitely audition for this kind of drama, but for anything further away, before my senior year, I don’t think it’s necessary. "

During "Golden Armor"'s stay in Wulong, Zeng Jia was always with her.

Over the course of so many days, the two of them talked about this very thoroughly. Especially regarding career planning, Mimi asked Director Zhang, Ni Dahong, Chen Jin, and even Jay Chou and Zhou Renfa who left the film after only three days of filming.

These days, most of what Zeng Jia hears and sees is girls asking others for advice on their career plans.

To put it bluntly...

In Zeng Jia's eyes, Mimi was as if she had taken the wrong medicine.

In the past, it was all about being popular, no matter how hard, tiring or far away the work was...

I will definitely go, I will definitely arrive, I will definitely pick up.

But now that the name Mou Girl has been slapped on her head, she's not doing well yet. It's hard to say whether she will become popular or not, but she should start planning her future career path.

Although in the long run, there is nothing wrong with doing this.

But the problem is...

You have to be popular to be qualified to plan a career path.

Are you really qualified to choose dramas now?

Of course, she wouldn't say this unless absolutely necessary.

It hurts one's self-esteem.

But seeing how this girl actually chose to go against the current mainstream way of becoming famous and focus on pursuing the path of an old artist, Zeng Jia felt a little dizzy.

Who doesn't need news nowadays? Who doesn’t need the hype?

Good for you...

Why do you want to imitate those old-school actors?

Rely on acting?

Why do you stand out?

If you don’t hype yourself up, you don’t gain attention, you don’t even engage in scandals…who will care about you?

Especially since you are an actress.

When an actress reaches the age of 35, her career will begin to decline across the board.

To put it bluntly, what we eat is youth food.

It’s a drama again, and what makes me calm down...

What do you want to do?

In fact, she was quite dissatisfied in this regard.

Even she was not satisfied, let alone the company.

If her current reputation as a "girl hunter" hadn't been reflected in her commercial value, the company might have given up on her long ago because of her disobedience.



Thinking of this, she sighed.

"Mimi, you should know that even though I respect your decision, the company and I still have objections to the path you have chosen. And if you really plan to do so... After "The Golden Armor", Mou Girl If the popularity of your business value declines, you may be back to where you started."

"I know, Sister Zeng."

The girl nodded seriously, responded, and asked:

"But haven't you seen Sister Gong Li's scene..."

"...Gong Li's path is really not feasible in this era."

"But I want to be that kind of actor..."

Recalling every bit of her time on the set, she subconsciously narrowed her eyes, blocking the envious light in her eyes:

"How do you do it? Just through a little muscle adjustment, you can interpret the emotions so fullly... Her eyes are obviously not big, but why can't people forget her? Just one look, you can understand her What I want to express..."

"...That's talent..."

"I don't believe that all people with good acting skills rely on talent. Sister Zeng...really, I don't believe it!"

Yang Mi shook her head very firmly:

"I really don't believe it. Besides...if I don't go in any direction, how will I know if I have this talent?"


Look at the girl's unwavering gaze.

Zeng Jia knew that nothing he could say would be of any use.

The atmosphere fell silent.

There was silence all the way. Finally, when the commercial vehicle was approaching the streets where Yang Mi's house was, Zeng Jia suddenly said:

"I have contacted you for the audition of "Wulin Gaiden" and will take you there. And since you are determined not to take other roles this summer, then I have to go to someone else. He Lin because of "Spicy Mother-in-law" This drama has received a lot of attention this year. Even "Spicy Mother-in-law" has received a nomination for this year's Feitian Award. Zeng Li's film has also been shortlisted for the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival. I will start working on other projects in the next period of time. Things... what do you think about Tingting? Do you want to continue to stay with you? "

Sun Ting raised her head subconsciously.

Although her salary is paid by the company, all expenses are actually paid out of the artist's salary.

And she understood what Sister Zeng said.

The previous words are to tell Sister Mimi: Since you have decided to do this, I will focus my attention on other artists.

Although it doesn't mean "I won't care about you", I think the emphasis will be much lighter in the future.

It's actually quite normal.

There are only a few good agents in the company, and Sister Zeng is one of them, so naturally many people are rushing to get her. Moreover, the agent's income is also linked to the artist. If Sister Mimi decides to "study" and "accumulate" and does not accept dramas or commercial activities, the income sharing will indeed decrease.

People also have to make money.

The following paragraph is about asking yourself whether to stay or go.

In other words, give Sister Mimi a step down and "send" herself away.

After all, she still has a salary of more than 4,000 yuan a month to pay. I work as an assistant with other artists. They have film deals and commercial activities, so I don't care about the more than 4,000 yuan. But if Sister Mimi follows the same path just now, her life may be very "tight" in the future...

To put it bluntly, we can’t afford a big team.

But just when Sun Ting raised her head, the girl who also understood the truth turned to look at Sun Ting and asked with a smile:

"Tingting, are you going to stay with me and get through it slowly? Or are you going to make it big?"

She seemed very relaxed.

The choice was given back to Sun Ting.

Did Sun Ting hesitate?


After all, these are related to your own future.


The scene in Hengdian flashed through her mind. As a woman, Sun Ting's sixth sense allowed Sun Ting to make a choice that was somewhat beyond Zeng Jia's expectations.

I saw her tone firm:

"Sister Mimi, I still want to follow you!"


The girl's narrowed eyes now turned into satisfaction.

"Okay~...Sister Zeng, let Tingting follow me. Okay?"

She didn't mention Zeng Jia's previous departure at all.

Very normal.

The wages of avarice is death.

Human nature.

And after hearing this, Zeng Jia had no intention of resisting.

In fact, this is fine.

When this girl starts to "take charge" and knows how expensive firewood is, I hope she can change her mind before the popularity of "hunting for girls" subsides.

So he nodded:


As soon as he finished speaking, the car arrived at the door of the girl's house.

After parking the car, the girl opened the car door and waved to Sister Zeng:

"Sister Zeng, I'd like to trouble you about "Wulin Gaiden". I'm taking Tingting away, just in time to recognize the door. If there is anything, please tell me."


Zeng Jia nodded in agreement, and then with the help of the driver, the two girls stood on the roadside pushing three suitcases and waved to Zeng Jia's business car.

The commercial vehicle drives away.

"Sister, let's go too."

Hearing Sun Ting's words, the girl nodded:

"Well, Tingting...I'll leave this snack box with the guard later. After you leave home, I'll give you an address and you can deliver it to your brother."


Sun Ting agreed.

Then, after the girl put her suitcase in the guard room and came out, she just walked a few steps into the family courtyard when Sun Ting suddenly asked:

"Sister, does Sister Zeng mean to give up on you?"

"Why do you ask?"

Yang Mi was stunned.

"Just...because you didn't listen to the company..."

"Well, who knows."

After thinking about it, Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"But this is my choice. Anyway, I don't regret it. I think I did the right thing... Are you afraid if you suffer hardships with me?"

"That's not scary..."

Rarely, Sun Ting's tone became more relaxed:

"In the worst case, just do what Teacher Gong Li said and take the green train for a day to audition."


Yang Mi obviously liked hearing this kind of words.

But she still shook her head:

"Don't worry, it won't be that hard. Don't you know how to drive? Drive my dad's Corolla, and then when I have a driver's license, I'll buy a car too! Although it's not a luxury car, at least it won't blow when the wind blows. It won’t rain...don’t worry.”

Suddenly, she hugged her assistant's shoulders very affectionately:

"You will never be hungry if I have a bite to eat!"


The completion of "Golden Armor" means that the Olympic creative team can at least work on creation in a down-to-earth manner during this period of time.

At the same time, due to the stable time, Director Zhang finally released the schedule on Saturday.

Five days of work per week, two days off...

Yes, you read that right, it’s been half a year and the schedule has been completely arranged.

It's because of the uncertainty of "Golden Armor". After all, the crew does not take a break, and in order to prevent the creative team here from coming up with any good ideas while filming, colleagues in Yanjing cannot hear about them and arrive in time, so the working hours of the creative team have always been "full of flexibility." .

Anyone who has something to do can ask for leave. If nothing happens, come here.

But with today's film shooting technology, some subsequent publicity work will take at least a few months. So after the staff stabilized, Zhang Yimou announced that he would enter a weekend break mode starting next week.

Of course, you can work overtime at any time and keep the phone open.

Xu Xin is quite happy, because this means that he can spend at least two days a week with his girlfriend...

In the past few days, news about "girl hunting" has been spreading on the Internet.

Yang Mi's family fortune was almost turned upside down.

He debuted in "Tang Minghuang", worked with Xingye, was a child star, and was a magazine model...

A girl's twenty years of life were revealed clearly in one day.

But what people want to know most is why Li Man became Yang Mi during the initial casting.

Then... I don't know who gave the order, or the news really leaked, but the news about "Li Man was bitten by a mosquito and caused severe allergies" leaked out.

With the uncertainty of time and destiny, this little girl who has never met Xu Xin seems to have become a victim. It is obvious that fate made a big joke when she was about to take off.

This made another little girl whole.

But here's the interesting part about this.

Most of the news is about Li Man being bitten by a mosquito and missing a girl. However, except for some fabricated tabloids, there are no interviews with Li Man or Yang Mi on the Internet.

And most of the news is exaggerating how pitiful this girl is...

It seems to be specifically to win everyone's sympathy.

Forcibly, through this trend of public opinion, Yang Mi, a young girl, seemed to have become a wedding dress, stealing a lot of popularity from her.

Although there is nothing wrong with this incident, it is true that netizens generally sympathize with the girl who is allergic to mosquito bites. As a result, even though she has not debuted yet and has not acted in a single work, all kinds of artistic photos and so on have been released.

Immediately afterwards...

On Monday morning, that is, the morning of June 1, a medium-sized article appeared on Sina News.

"Li Man officially signed a contract with Huanrui Pictures, and new works are being filmed"

As soon as this news came out, Li Man, a new actor who had never had any works before, just relied on this incident... as if he was a blessing in disguise and received a lot of attention.

So much so that the "old" Mou girl seems to have been forgotten.

"It's normal."

During lunch, Zhang Yimou, who was sitting at the dining table, said about Li Man:

"Manipulating the direction of public opinion is what these big companies are good at. And Huanrui's marketing methods are very good this time."

"I think so too."

Xu Xin also nodded:

"In other words, I have gained a lot of experience. I discovered for the first time that public opinion can play this way."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou smiled and asked:

"What? Xiao Yang complained to you?"

"No. She went back to school, and today is a big class. She didn't even mention it to me. I just saw it when I was checking things on the Internet... Li Man is all over the place these days. , Li Man, Li Man, I feel that something is not quite right, so I would like to ask you, Director Zhang, for advice. "

After Zhang Yimou heard this, he suddenly said with admiration:

"Xiao Yang asked me a lot about career planning this time, and I also told her that as long as she can settle down, no matter whether she is popular or not, she will be able to secure her job as an actor."


Xu Xin responded:

"She also told me that you taught her a lot."

"She's very smart."

After finishing the noodles, Zhang Yimou, who started to drink soup, said:

"He has the characteristics of a successful actor. So as long as he can maintain this down-to-earth mentality, there should be no problems in the future."

"But when she came back on Saturday, I heard her say that her agent and the company seemed dissatisfied."

"It's normal to be dissatisfied. But what they pursue is profit. Although there is nothing wrong with it in essence, it's just that everyone looks at things from different angles. But... as a director, the real good drama, big drama, never depends on whose reputation you watch. Big, or how pretty or handsome someone is. In the final analysis, it’s all about acting. And in those days, Xiao Yang was standing in the crew, watching her practicing martial arts routines, and making career plans for herself... This kid She is a very sober person, so you don’t have to worry about her. As long as her acting skills are passable, and based on her conditions, what kind of drama will she not be able to get in the future? Right."

Hearing this, Xu Xin chuckled and said something quite cheeky:

"Hey, if you want to say that, then I will tell her directly. I said: Director Zhang said that you should hone your acting skills and you will be the protagonist in the next drama."


Zhang Yimou, who was holding the noodle bowl, twitched the corner of his mouth...

He looked at Xu Xin angrily and said:

"When did I say that?"

Xu Xin smiled even more shyly:

"That's how I understand it."


Zhang Yimou couldn't help laughing, obviously he liked this kind of joke.

Then, after taking a sip of the noodle soup happily, he picked up the bowl a few times with his chopsticks, took out a diced meat and sucked it into his mouth.

"Hmm...our sheep still eat authentically."

Xu Daqiang brought two sheep before.

After eating a meal of hand-caught lamb chops that night, Xu Xin took the remaining one and a half to the canteen when he went to work today.

No, the authentic mutton noodles are out for lunch.

Obviously, Zhang Yimou was very satisfied.

Xu Xin was also very satisfied, and he specifically told the master chef in the cafeteria that some wolfberry must be put in it to nourish it.

He ate all this bowl of noodles and seven or eight wolfberries.

My stomach felt warm now.

He is full of firepower and ready to go.

4 pm.

When Xu Xin heard that Sister Wei was going to Qinglan Building to see off the video of the creative team meeting, getting along, and discussing on weekdays, he volunteered to be a driver.

These tapes will be used in future documentaries.

Wei Lanfang owns a car, so she is confused as to why Xiao Xu doesn't let her drive his own car and insists on sending her there.

And then...I didn't care about sending him home.

I always feel like this guy has something evil hidden in his heart.

But Xu Xin couldn't help but kept shouting "good sister".

After shouting a few words, Wei Lanfang was confused.

have to. Then save gas money for a day.

Anyway, the taxi fare for the next day will be reimbursed...

And when Xu Xin sent her all the way to Qinglan Building, Wei Lanfang still expected this guy to help her move the box full of tapes.

As a result, Audi fled away in a flash...

Wei Lanfang was left cursing at the door...

What humanity!


Early 5 p.m.

Yang Mi got out of the taxi.

Looking at the familiar courtyard door, I walked in without any psychological burden.


The iron door opens:

"Brother, where is the person?"

she shouted.

Then I heard a movement from the study:

"What about..."

Soon, Xu Xin's figure appeared from the door, with a look on his face...

how to say.

Very strange expression.

It was like something incredible had happened.

"Come on, let me show you something."

He pointed to the room and said to his girlfriend.

But Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and then her face was full of anxiety:

"Is this... is this starting? I haven't... I haven't showered yet... I've sweated a lot today... I'm salty..."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

My dear, you are so straightforward.

But he still shook his head:

"No, I'll show you something else. Let's go."

He took his somewhat confused girlfriend into the study and sat in front of the computer.

"...What are you doing?"

She became increasingly puzzled.

But Xu Xin didn't say anything. He directly took her hand and pulled her into his arms, pointing at the computer screen:



Looking at this strange website name, the girl was a little confused. But his eyes immediately fell on a row of titles:

Youku exclusive micro movie--"Not Drunk"

At this time, Xu Xin moved the mouse and clicked the play button.

After buffering for a while, the dim scenery of the KTV came into view in the night.

"Did you upload it to this website?...I've never heard of this website."

She had already watched the content of "Not Drunk" many times, so she wasn't surprised. She was just curious why her boyfriend's expression looked...off.


Xu Xin put his face against his girlfriend's back and said out of nowhere:

"This is a video website invested by my dad."


Yang Mi didn't understand. Looking at Xu Sanjin's drunken appearance in the movie, she asked while waiting for her appearance:

"Well, what's wrong?"

"...It's just weird."


"I said I had seen this website in a dream, do you believe it?"


"Yeah. I just had a... long, long dream about this."

With his eyes closed, Xu Xin said in the comfort of his mouth and nose being gradually filled with his girlfriend's fragrance:

"I dreamed that the name of the website was Youku. At that time... when I was writing the script, I specifically searched for this website. It didn't exist before... When my dad voted for it later, I thought it was a coincidence. But. ...The format and layout of the website I saw in my dream was exactly the same as the one in front of me...I thought it was quite strange. It was as if my...dream was like the future."

"...Why is it strange?"

After thinking about it, the girl paused the movie first.

Then I skillfully pressed ESC to exit the full screen and came to the homepage of the website.

The homepage of the website is nothing more than some videos celebrating the launch of Youku, as well as some advertisements for submissions. At the same time, most of the videos are intercepted video news or something.

She didn't bother, but after reading for a while, she said:

"This website is so familiar."


Xu Xin was a little stunned. He left his girlfriend's fragrant back and turned to look at her in surprise:

"Have you dreamed about it too?"

"...What's the point of dreaming? Isn't this just a copycat of YouTube?"

Yang Mi clicked on the "Young Director Micro Films - Not Drunk" option recommended on the homepage of the website:

"Look, I like the function, but I don't like the function. The message board, including the video format layout. Isn't this YOUTUBE?"

"But how do I know the word Youku?... It feels really familiar to me. I've really seen it in my dream~"

Hearing this, the girl let go of the mouse and turned her head, with a doting look on her face:

"Are we two in the dream?"

She didn't want her boyfriend to continue to struggle with such unnecessary matters.

Why bother if you make yourself unhappy?

Am I no longer beautiful or am I no longer fun?

As expected, Xu Xin followed her train of thought and said:

"Yes, I dreamed that you became a very famous star, had a child with someone else, and got divorced..."


The girl was stunned, and her eyes immediately looked wrong.

"Have I become a big star?"

"Yes, but the acting is terrible."


Okay, I'll bear with you once!

Hearing this, a look of confusion appeared on the girl's face:

"Okay, it's all good...then what? Who do I marry?"

"I can't remember clearly. He seems to be from Xiangjiang."

"...Four Heavenly Kings?"


Xu Xin looked disgusted:

"What makes you think you can marry the Four Heavenly Kings~"


Silver teeth clenched.

The girl's eyes narrowed as she smiled.

Okay, I'll bear with you twice.

"Then why did I get divorced in the end?"

"Where do I know where to go? I just dreamed about it. Maybe you cheated~"


Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again!

Auntie, I can’t bear it! ! ! !

She suddenly brought her head to her boyfriend's ear and bit it...

"Hiss~ be gentle~"

Xu Xin endured the pain and couldn't laugh or cry:

"Is it a dog?"

"Who told you that I would cheat..."

The girl raised her head angrily.

At this time, she had completely sat on Xu Xin's body and put her hands around her boyfriend's neck:

"Even if, as you said, I married someone else and then got divorced after cheating...then you must be the culprit!"

"…What does it have to do with me?"

Xu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but his hands were already around his girlfriend's waist.

Then, he saw a pair of affectionate eyes.

Eyes like water, affectionate and full of seriousness:

"Because...except for you, I really can't think of anyone in this world who would give me a reason to cheat~"

After saying that, she lowered her head and brought it to her boyfriend's lips.


Please give me a monthly ticket! ! ! By the way, my film has a single female protagonist, so the scenes between the male and female protagonists must closely follow the plot. Although some readers particularly like to bring in reality stars, and then come to the conclusion that XX is not this kind of person and what you wrote is wrong... we have to be reasonable, right? Therefore, if you feel that my writing is boring or not what you want to read...then you can only say that I am not capable and cannot satisfy your personal appetite as a reader. I apologize, but I have my own outline, and I will write according to the outline. If you really don’t want to read it, even if you forget about it, I hope you can find the good book in your mind. Sincere blessings and thank you for your support along the way.

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