I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 125 123 That ghost

Chapter 125 123. That ghost~

The Youku matter was completely forgotten by Xu Xin.

never mind.


It doesn’t matter if it’s a dream or not.

Actually it's nothing.

At this moment, the person in my arms is the most important one.

There is no excuse for "waiting for dark", and there is no excuse for "talking after dinner".

When the love is strong, the wine is full.

I don't know when I stood up from the seat, and I don't know when I came to the bedroom.

The girl didn't ask for any commitment, she just used a passionate kiss to show that... she didn't know when she started to like her.

When was it?

Was it because I longed for your praise when filming for the first time?

Or the warmth of that coat when we first met?

Or maybe that bowl of porridge on the roadside late at night after getting off the bus when you were extremely tired?

Is it important?


Because, when I understand, it turns out that you have already been deeply imprinted in my heart.

So, I don't need to commit, as long as you care about me.

There is no need for any vows of eternal love, as long as we are sincere.

Why is love the happiest thing in the world?

Because when I love you, you also love me.

But...when it came to the final moment, she heard this sentence:

"Don't be afraid, I will always treat you..."

She was obviously too shy to open her eyes and look, but after hearing these words, she still relied on her familiarity with her boyfriend to directly hook his head into her arms.

"elder brother……"

With a hint of apprehension, words as sweet and fragrant as honey poured out of the girl's mouth, turning into encouragement with the last kiss:

"I'm not very good at……"

As a result, the mature and calm old hunter gave up the last mercy on his prey.

Like many girls, an experience that is not destined to be perfect but is enough to be remembered for a lifetime opens the door to another kind of life.

In fact, it is true to say that it is not perfect.

“Because it’s a mutual run-in.”

This is the reason given by Xu Xin.

Then... the girl's mentality collapsed.

It was obviously romantic and poetic just a moment ago, but now she just wants to kill the bastard in front of her...

"Why are you so familiar! Why! I...I am at a disadvantage!!! Ouch...hiss~~~~"

The slightly pale girl held back tears and angrily hit her boyfriend on the back with a pillow:

"It's so annoying! I tell you! Just this once! Don't even think about it in this life!"

Looking at her pitiful appearance, all Xu Xin could do was put on her clothes again and said helplessly:

"Would you like to eat kidneys?"

"Eat! I want a supplement! I want it fattier, with ten pieces of meat and one kidney sandwiched into the cake, and more cumin!"

"...You still don't feel any pain."

Hearing the amount of food, Xu Xin, who hadn't eaten enough, mumbled helplessly and walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as he left, the girl suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

A rare smashing, smashing mouth...

Silently thinking about why this thing is different from what is said in the book.

Then she seemed to remember something and quickly lifted the quilt covering her body...

But right here, a sound suddenly sounded;

"What are you doing?"


The girl was startled. When she looked up, she saw her boyfriend holding a laptop in his hand, looking at her curiously.

Instantly, her face turned red:

"No...I...want to wash the sheets..."

"Oh~ Actually, according to ancient rules, this sheet must be cut and shown to the parents-in-law..."

"Oh~ so perverted!"

Her eyes were filled with disgust.

Xu Xin, who was secretly laughing in her heart, walked to the bedside, handed her the laptop, and asked gently:

"What else do you want to eat?"

"Grilled sausage!"


"Another bowl of noodles! I want to replenish my energy!"


Xu Xinxin said what did you waste? You also replenish energy...

It's just like how tired you are...it's obviously me.

But when I think about it, my girlfriend just wants the stars in the sky, and he can pick them all!

So he nodded:


After saying that, he walked out directly.

After he left this time, the girl finally relaxed.

With a little disgust, she carefully moved from her original position to the other side and lay down. She stared at the ceiling and recalled everything just now.

Suddenly I felt that some aspects were not clear yet.

It was quite smooth.

Then... as soon as he cried, he stopped.

So considerate~


My gentle brother is my favorite~

Soon, there was a burst of nymphomaniac laughter in the bedroom.

But the laughter didn't last long, and she hurriedly walked into the bathroom with her stooped figure and bared teeth.

I sweated a lot during the day today, and I sweated a lot just now... If I don’t wash it off, I might start sweating soon.

So, when I came back with a bag of barbecue and two bowls of fried noodles, I looked at my girlfriend who looked like hibiscus in clear water and was wearing her own T-shirt, and her eyes were a little straight.

"Have you taken a shower?"

"Well, I'm sweating a lot today..."

Sitting at the dining table, the girl with wet hair couldn't wait to grab the plastic bag containing fried noodles and knead it.

After kneading the vegetables, fried sauce, and noodles evenly, he put the bag and the bag directly into the bowl. He couldn't wait to take out the scone filled with barbecue and took a big bite:

"Hmm! Xiang...Brother, why am I so hungry? Hey, can I still lose weight?"


In fact, logically speaking, Xu Xin should be very sensible at this time and use the doting on his face to turn into a gentle and magnetic whisper:

"You little fool, you are not fat."

But the problem is that he really can't let go of his conscience.

You just can eat it.

What excuse are you making?

The young couple started to eat.

"Hey, did I tell you?"


"...You know what I'm going to say before I even say it?"

"Because from the time you got here to now... you haven't said anything."


The girl suddenly realized and nodded:

"I was mobbed today."

"……What's the meaning?"

Xu Xin was a little stunned.

"As soon as I arrived at school, wasn't there a film and television theory class this morning? It was a big class... Guess how many people were sitting in the big classroom?"

"How many?"

"I don't know~"


I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

I always feel like my girlfriend’s IQ is gone.

This girl has become a woman... I have never heard of anyone whose brain was also broken.

Yang Mi, who was picking at the bean sprouts and putting them into her boyfriend's bowl of noodles, said to herself:

"Anyway, it's all full. It's the kind of place where the seats are full next to each other. We freshmen, sophomores, juniors...many people came here."

"All just to see you?"


The girl who was about to start sucking the noodles after picking out the bean sprouts seemed to be smiling very happily:

"They all came to see me. But later Director Cui kicked them away..."

"Director Cui Xinqin?"

"Yes, now she teaches film and television theory. After driving everyone away, Director Cui even said congratulations to me. Hehehe~"

"Hmm...how does it feel after becoming famous?"

"It feels pretty good. After class, many people asked me what it was like to act for Director Zhang...but I also saw some people pouting at me. Although what they did was quite subtle, I I saw it~"

"Are you angry?"

"Why are you angry?"

The girl looked really indifferent and shook her head:

"I've experienced this kind of thing when I was very young. When I was in junior high school, many people in the class said something about me... I'm so shady, how can I act in a play or something like that. Anyway, that's what girls are like, they join hands. Friends who hold hands and go to the toilet together can say bad things about you behind your back, so what else do you expect? Right."

"Speaking of this...I was still talking about Li Man with Director Zhang today."

"What about her signing a contract with Huanrui?"


"What did Director Zhang say?"

"I'm not talking about you, I'm just saying this is a mode of operation..."

"Yes, I can actually understand it at a glance. It doesn't matter if you rely on sympathy to gain your position..."

She still had that nonchalant look on her face:

"Anyway, I am the one who plays the role of Jiang Chan. It has nothing to do with me how she wants to make up for it... By the way, brother, I will take the subject one test tomorrow morning."

"So fast?... Didn't it not take long before you got the book?"

"That was my dad's friend's driving school, so I just answered the questions casually. The subjects didn't matter, but subject two... my dad said he wanted the coach to train me well, and said he was afraid that I would become something... a road killer. My Hard times are ahead..."

"When are the auditions going to be held in Wulin Gaiden?"

"It's mid-August. This holiday, I'll do my best to get a bachelor's degree, and then I'll buy a car when I get my driver's license, hehehe~"


Xu Xin nodded thoughtfully.

The girl didn't think much about it.

She was really hungry.

I feel like my stomach is like a bottomless pit right now.

Soon, after finishing a bowl of noodles and a cake, she touched her slightly bulging belly with some unfinished content. The girl pointed towards the bedroom:

"Brother, please let me study it..."

Xu Xin didn't react too well at first, so he said stupidly:

"Study what?"

"Say it!"

Her eyes were half shy and half curious. She pointed to the bedroom and blinked her exquisite eyes:

"Just now...I didn't know what was going on. It was also my first time to see a real thing...You asked me to study it."


That night, the girl who had sworn to do it once in her life broke her vow.

And showed amazing adaptability.

It's early the next morning...

Hoo~! The sound is clear and the sun is thin.

So unhappy.

Early on Tuesday morning, Xu Xin, who looked like a coquettish person, appeared in front of everyone again.

Everyone felt that there was something different about him.

But I can't tell what's different.

If there is any difference... maybe the head seems a little smaller than usual?

Don't know if it counts.

And the days rippled back to all the stability.

June 15th.

Beijing Film Festival summer vacation is coming.

The girl's painful driving training journey begins on the first day.

Xu Xin went to and from get off work normally, but after get off work he made a special trip to the driving school his girlfriend mentioned. After parking the car in front of the driving school, he got out of the car and just entered, when he saw Sun Ting standing in the shade of the guard.

"Brother Xu."

Sun Ting quickly said hello and handed over a bottle of cold mineral water from her pocket.

Xu Xin nodded, looked inside the driving school, and asked:

"Where is she?"

Sun Ting squatted in the shade, wearing a hat on her head, sunglasses under the hat, and a white face scarf under the sunglasses. She was covered in a loose robe...it looked like a rich man from Saudi Arabia. Figure:

"That it."

"...Is this some kind of terrorist?"

Seeing his girlfriend's outfit, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

Sun Ting shook her head slightly:

"Sister has a new nickname from the coach."

"……what is it call?"



Before Xu Xin finished speaking, he suddenly saw an old Santana suddenly parked near his girlfriend and several other students.

Then, a middle-aged man’s face popped out from the passenger seat:

"That ghost, it's your turn."

Then I saw my girlfriend, who really didn’t have any skin exposed on her body, running towards the car...

"Good guy..."

He said in amazement:

"Isn't it hot?"

After seeing this many times in the past few days, Sun Ting, who had become completely familiar with her, whispered:

"Brother, for girls, tanning is more terrifying than covering up the heat."


Seeing his girlfriend practicing two non-standard parking maneuvers at idle speed, then driving the car back to its original position, getting off the car, and walking directly this way, he said:

"it's over?"

"Well, it's over... Oh, yes, brother, you have to go first. This driving school is run by Uncle Yang's friend..."

"...Understood, then I'll wait for you some distance away."


Xu Xin quickly slipped out and drove the car to a place about a hundred meters away from the entrance of the driving school.

Soon, the passenger and rear doors were opened.

The girl's first words when she got in the car:

"It's so hot to me! It's so hot to me! Come on, come on, my dear, turn up the air conditioner..."

Xu Xin directly turned on the air conditioner.

Then I looked at my girlfriend who was taking off her hat, sunglasses, and headscarf, and couldn't help but say:

"There's no air conditioning in the car?"

"...Does your driving school bus have air conditioning?"

"Yes, I have."

Xu Xin nodded:

"The driving school buses in our county all have air conditioning..."


The girl with her hair sticking to her face was full of envy:

"It's so painful, really... I feel like I'm going to suffer from heat stroke if this continues."

After saying that, she opened her mouth towards the air conditioner outlet:



What kind of dog are you?

Xu Xin was speechless, but soon his speechlessness turned into thoughtfulness.

During the summer vacation, my girlfriend cannot stay at home.

I have to go home every day.

The driving school is closer to her home.

When they arrived at the door of their house, Yang Mi wanted to get off the bus with Sun Ting, but Xu Xin didn't let her go:

"I'll take Tingting back."

"...That's okay. I'll leave first then. Let's talk on the phone tonight."


He waved to his girlfriend, and when the passenger door was closed, he said to Sun Ting:

"Have you brought your ID card?"


Sun Ting was stunned and nodded:

"Bring it."

"Then you come and sit in the front."


With doubts and confusion, Sun Ting came to the passenger seat and saw Xu Xin poking at the Audi navigation:

"Looking for a guide to the car market, let's go buy a car."


Sun Ting's mouth twitched...


At almost 7 o'clock in the evening, just before getting off work, two people came to the FAW-Volkswagen 4S store.

The last female saleswoman who was on duty at the door and was getting ready to get off work didn't react at all, and was confused by three sentences:

"Do you have Santana?"


"Is there a car available? I want to pick it up now."


"Can I install a brake on the passenger side? I give it to my girlfriend to practice driving. It needs to be the same as the one used in the driving school."

"Uh... I can... but the master is about to get off work..."

"Let them work overtime and I'll pay the overtime pay."


"Okay, swipe your card."


Three sentences.

First, don’t ask about price, second, don’t ask about discounts, and third, don’t ask about gifts.

Swipe your card and pick up the car.

After Sun Ting, who looked equally ridiculous, handed over her ID card, Xu Xin's eyes fell on the Porsche 4S store opposite the Volkswagen.



"Do you think your sister likes Porsches..."


At this time, Sun Ting did not dare to speak.

She was afraid that if she said one more word, the Porsche would have to add a passenger brake pad...

But Xu Xin went straight to the opposite side minding his own business.

Sun Ting didn't dare to ask, so she just pretended that she couldn't see it.

And soon, when the car had been driven into the repair shop where the two masters were waiting by the female salesperson who was working overtime, Sun Ting saw two salesmen in suits and white gloves diligently blocking Xu Xin. Through the automatic door, he respectfully presented a letter-style envelope with both hands and sent him out.

The corner of her mouth twitched again...

Then she saw Xu Xin waving to her.

"I don't care. The car is ready. I'll pick her up and go with her tomorrow morning, okay?"

"What should I do after I get my driver's license?"

She asked her deepest doubts.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"It's up to you to take care of your car. I'm leaving."

After saying that, Audi walked away.

Sun Ting was left with a messy look.

I worked as an assistant to Sister Mi for two months...

The benefits of her first job were a hit on her head.


When Yang Mi, who went out to have breakfast with her parents early the next morning, saw the brand new Santana with a temporary license plate appearing at the entrance of the community, she was obviously a little confused.

"Tingting, this is..."

"Uncle Yang, Aunt Yang, good morning."

After saying hello respectfully, Sun Ting said:

"The company gave it to you, sister..."


Yang Mixin said that she would go to the grave to burn newspapers, but why are you making such a fool of yourself?

Is this the company's style?

She immediately guessed who it was...

But immediately there was a sweet feeling in my heart.

Brother~my good brother~

So, he nodded pretendingly:

"All right."

Then he turned around and smiled at his parents:

"Dad, Mom, do you think the company treats me well?"

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling looked pleased.

Sure enough, Rong Xinda...is a good company.


When Sun Ting drove a brand new Santana with a temporary license plate to the driving school, saying that it was used as a practice car for "that ghost"...

This incident not only alarmed the coach, but also Yang Dalin's friend, Principal Sun of the Driving School. When he came out, he looked at the little ancestor who was greeting several students from his batch to get on the bus, and quickly went over to stop him.

"Daughter, what are you doing? Does your father know that you bought a car?"

"I didn't buy it, the company provided it...Uncle Sun."

Patting this white love from her boyfriend, the girl lied without batting an eye.

"The company was afraid that my skin would darken while practicing driving, so they specially gave it to me..."

"That won't work either. The passenger's safety brake isn't even installed. How can this car be used as a trainer? Don't be ridiculous..."

As soon as Principal Sun finished speaking, Sun Ting said:

"Already pretending..."


Principal Sun's lips twitched and he quickly ran to the passenger side to take a look...

Indeed, there is a brake pedal right on the passenger side.

And when she saw her coach coming, Yang Mi was still greeting her:

"Coach, can we practice with this car today..."


So, it took one day.

Everyone in the driving school knew that "that ghost" seemed to be a rich woman.

I thought the driving school's car didn't have air conditioning, so I bought a Santana myself. Not only was it a new car, it also had the passenger brake pads modified.

Rich woman?

Once this attribute is exposed, "that ghost" who originally looked extremely mysterious because of his strange dress becomes somewhat attractive in the hearts of male compatriots.

Therefore, during this whole day, "that ghost" who not only practiced by himself, but also generously contributed to other colleges to practice also received many male students' chats.

There is no way, who will let me be a rich woman?

Even if you can't see the appearance clearly... you can still recognize it even if it's ugly.

Unfortunately, no one knows that "that ghost" already has a wife.

My boyfriend was in the Haidian Olympic Building some distance away, laughing and scratching his head with a room full of people.

Creativity, thinking, overturning...

The settled creative team seems to have fallen into some kind of strange circle.

Any idea... used to be limited to three days at most. But now it’s even more extreme. In the meeting that was just held in the morning, the creative team decided to use a huge piece of paper to express the contribution of the Chinese people to navigation, such as Zheng He’s voyages to the West and other creative ideas... It turned out that in less than a day, It was overturned in the afternoon.

The reason is also very simple.

Because... although the paper is very big, it cannot contain so much content.

It needs mountains, rivers, and the hard-working people...it doesn't fit well with the style of Zheng He's voyages to the West.

Then it was overturned.

But in the plan, Zhang Yimou felt that since we want to highlight the contribution of our civilization to the world, the Age of Navigation must be mentioned.

Here comes the problem.

How to say?

How to express it?

have to.

Start thinking.

Everyone is thinking, pondering, frowning, and smoky.

But at this time, Xu Xin felt the vibration of the phone in his pocket.

He subconsciously took it out and took a look...

I think if I were my girlfriend, I wouldn't call her at this time, right?

It's not get off work yet.

But when he took out the phone and saw the caller, he was stunned for a moment...and then quietly got up and walked out.

Arriving in the corridor, he answered the phone:

"Hey, what's up?"

"...What are you doing? Is it easy to talk?"

Listening to the deep voice on the other end of the phone, Xu Xin was stunned at first, and then started walking towards the end of the corridor.

As he walked, he said:

"It's okay. I'm getting ready to get off work. What's wrong? Your voice is so low. Did you just wake up? Or did you say you lost the game?"

"...Ha, come on, am I that bad?"

Only then did Jay Chou's voice on the other end of the phone show a hint of smile.

"It's pretty good anyway."


Jay Chou chuckled again, and then said:

"Hey, how are you and Mimi?"

Xu Xin's eyes moved but he remained calm:

"That's great. How about you and Patty?"

For a moment, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

"...What? Did you have a quarrel?"


Still no one said anything on the other end of the phone.

After about ten seconds, Jay Chou suddenly asked:

"Hey, Mimi is on vacation, right?"

"Yes, I put it in two days ago."

"…Then do you want to come and play hum in Wanwan?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

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