I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 126 124 Utopia

Chapter 126 124. Utopia

"What? Have you finished making the album?"

Without answering directly, Xu Xin asked directly.

"No, I'll start shooting the MV next month. So I'll be very busy... so I asked you if you want to come over here and have fun?"

Does Xu Xin believe it?

He really didn't believe it.

So he simply said:

"The relationship between us two brothers is that if something happens, just say it directly. What's going on?"

"...No, I just wanted to ask if you two have any travel plans."

"Have you had a fight with Patty?"


The silence on the other end of the phone made Xu Xin feel confident.

So he said:

"Is it quite noisy?"

"It's just...it's okay. It's just a quarrel."

"Didn't we still have a quarrel?"


Leaning against the radiator in the corridor, Xu Xin said:

"It's okay to quarrel and bicker, just don't have any knots in your heart. Calm down for a while, and then buy her favorite food or drink. We gentlemen, keep your posture low, and there's nothing wrong with her. Right?"

"...Please, are you my friend?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"Ha~ What can I do? I advise you to break up with her directly? I can't do this. Anyway, I will definitely advise you to keep your head down. As a buddy, I can't tell you directly: Hey, we broke up. Well, the next one is better. Then who have I become?"


Jay Chou on the other end of the phone let out a long sigh.

The meaning is inexplicable.

But I won’t continue to talk in depth on this topic.

Instead, he asked again:

"Hey, are you really not coming? Haven't you always wanted to see Betel Nut Xi Shi? There are so many hot girls this season~"


Xu Xinxin said it was a shame that Yang Mi was not here now.

Otherwise, she could bite my head off just by saying this to you.

But he could tell that the matter between the two of them seemed to be quite serious this time.

But now he obviously didn't want to say it, and Xu Xin couldn't help it.

Whether they are buddies or good friends, sometimes what needs to be blended is not the feelings of the two people, but to act as a kind of glue.

The only people who can truly get out of emotional difficulties are two people themselves.

So he rolled his eyes and said in a relaxed tone:

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't understand much about Betel Nut Xi Shi and Alishan Hot Girls."

"You don't understand and you still know so much?"

"...If you have something to say or fart, I'm having a meeting over here!"

"Damn, I just want you to come travel."

"I can't go. It's not like you don't know what I'm busy with. Where can I find the time to travel in my busy schedule?"


"Okay, is there anything else? I'll hang up if nothing happens. There's really a meeting here."

"Okay, hang up then."

"Well, go bow your head and apologize, do you hear me?"

"...Are you really my friend?"

"Just because I am your friend, I ask you to bow your head and apologize. If I were not your friend, I would have advised you to break up."

"...hang up, contact me again."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin really had the idea of ​​traveling to Wanwan Province.


The time doesn't match up.

If you have a chance...if you have a chance, you may want to take him with you to see Betel-Nang Xishi.

He was so curious about these young ladies.

While thinking, he walked into the still smoky conference room.

After Jay Chou's call that day, about three days later, Xu Xin called back again and asked how it was...

Unfortunately, the other party was recording a song, and it was Dani who took the call.

Dani said she would ask Brother JAY to get back to him later.

But when he came back, Xu Xin was buried in his girlfriend's arms and couldn't get out, so he didn't pick up the phone. When I went back, Jay Chou was already saying, "It's okay."

As soon as Xu Xin heard that it was okay, he put the matter behind him.

Time flies and June is coming to an end.

July also inexplicably slipped through people's fingers.

The hottest month of August is coming quietly.

Early in the morning.

"His! Hiss! His! His!"

"Bang! Bang bang bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sounds of breathing and blows echoed through the courtyard.

Xu Xin opened his eyes and looked unhappy:

"Please, can you be a little more ethical? What kind of boxing do you practice when you get up early in the morning!?"

Following his words, the bedroom door was soon pushed open.

A girl wearing sportswear with sweat on her forehead walked in with a smile:

"You're awake..."

When she came in, she was still wiping sweat with her wristband, and the protective bandage on her hand had not yet been untied.

Xu Xin was speechless:

"You were so desperate last night. You said you couldn't move. You won't be able to get up tomorrow. Where did you find the energy to get up so early in the morning and practice boxing?"

"This is called losing your temper if you don't practice boxing for a day, do you understand?"

After wiping the sweat from her face, the girl with a blush on her milky white skin took off her wristband, lifted the quilt, and sat on her boyfriend's waist with a smile:

"Would you like to get up now?"

After almost two months of familiarity, Xu Xin immediately knew what his girlfriend wanted to do.

He smiled evilly and put his hands behind his head, letting her stare at him condescendingly:

"If you don't remember, what should you do? Sleep with me for a while longer?"

"No, I have to practice driving soon. Tingting will come to pick me up soon... How about I tie you up and just wait for me to come back?"

Swinging her waist, she squinted her eyes and looked contented.

Xu Xin didn't say anything, just looked at her duplicity.

Then comes the bright sunny day and a moment of joy.

After waiting on the road outside Shijia Hutong for nearly an hour, Sun Ting finally saw "that ghost" walking out of the door.

"I'm leaving. Remember to dry the laundry. Don't use the dryer. The sun is nice today, so let's dry it more."

As she spoke, she opened Santana's passenger door.

Xu Xin, shirtless and with clearly visible abdominal muscles, stood in the door and waved like an old father sending his daughter off to school.

Xu Dashao felt refreshed after exercising a lot in the morning.

Not to mention, I don’t have to go to work today, Saturday.

Since he was running out of time at the moment, he casually grabbed bread and milk for breakfast, and walked into the study with a simple egg sandwich that didn't even have ketchup on it.

First, I opened Youku out of habit, and then found the short film "Not Drunk" in my favorites. After clicking on it, I didn't even read the content, and just scrolled down to the message board.

I flipped through a few pages and started reading the messages left after 6 o'clock last night.

After Youku was launched, it seems to have a good momentum.

Although I don’t know much about the Internet, I can honestly say that Youku videos rarely get stuck loading, and... the interface is really much more comfortable to use than Tudou.

Therefore, from the launch in June to August now, various videos have increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As a film "strongly supported by shareholders", "Not Drunk" has been recommended since the website opened.

The big recommendations are replaced with small recommendations, and the small recommendations are replaced with paged recommendations. After the paged recommendations are completed, a few more traffic-driving recommendations will be added. It can be said that it has never disappeared from people's sight.

As for his own work, Xu Xin habitually wants to see everyone's comments.

At first, perhaps because of the small number of people on the website, the reviews in the first few days were all "good reviews" from Qing Yishui.

Things like "What is a micro-movie?" or "It was very fun to shoot, haha." Or "What kind of movie clip is this?"

It seems that no one is trying to understand what a "micro-movie" short film is, but just treats it as an ordinary story.

Xu Xin didn’t reply either.

Just looking at everyone’s encouragement, I feel quite happy.

But later, as the number of people on the website increased, a group of people appeared out of nowhere and started spraying.

"What kind of thing was filmed? What a drunk man saw in a KTV can you say it was a movie?"

"Who is that dancing beauty? Does anyone know?"

"Look, it's rubbish."

"Stop insulting the movie, okay? What a piece of rubbish it was."

Then...Xu Xin felt unhappy.

How awesome are you? You scold me?

He doesn't have Guo Degang's kind of consciousness that "half of the money I make is the money I get scolded."

Who cares about this?

I don't want your money and I don't want anything from you. Even if there are flaws in the photographed things, can you speak politely?

You point out the shortcomings and we can talk about them calmly.

Just curse when you come up?

Why are you so awesome?

So, he started to confront anyone who scolded him.

When others called "Not Drunk" trash, he would reply, "What kind of trash are you? What kind of trash" and the like.

If there was any comment about a plant or an animal, he would start criticizing.

Not used to it anyway.

If someone scolds him and he retaliates, others will naturally retaliate again.

The quality of netizens these days is that the eldest brother does not talk about the second brother. No one should feel dirty. Win first and talk about it first.

After going back and forth, the entire "Not Drunk" comment section was a bit chaotic in the first month.

Then...Xu Xin got angry.

There are so many people, I can't even scold you. Do I have the authority over your head office?

So I asked my dad for the phone number of the person in charge of these things at Youku, and blocked several accounts internally.

After typing a few lines of code, even if this group of people left a message, it would not be displayed. As a dog with authority, he would catch others and spray them to death.

As a result, I couldn't stand it anymore and applied for another number.

With the addition of new viewers...Xu Xin couldn't keep an eye on him anymore, so he simply formed a habit.

Get up early in the morning, the first game, spray yourself first to cheer you up.

Feel refreshed.

Then I go out to work or do other things, and when I come back in the evening, I accumulate a few pages of messages and then continue to reply.

The back and forth, not to mention... it really formed a very strange phenomenon.

The group of people who complained the most were just greeting each other’s families at first. Then, there were a few who should be neutral spectators... After posting several long comments in succession, after analyzing the contents of those rooms, Xu Xin also specifically asked the people at Youku to change the number of words in his comment column from 200 to 1,000. .

The only work on the entire site where long reviews can be posted is his.

Then he began to quote those neutral film reviews and mocked those people, "You can't even understand what they're watching, so why are you worthy of shouting here? Go home and watch pornographic films."

He just inadvertently picked up knowledge and used it as a weapon to troll others.

Those big brothers don’t know whether they were annoyed or discovered a new continent...

Then all kinds of long comments started to be posted.

Neutral fans talk about the metaphor of each room, and I will talk to you about how awkward the acting is. If others correct your acting skills, I will compare them with a certain work...

The building began to tilt.

I don’t know what happened, but everyone quietly changed from greeting parents directly to Wen Dou. You said that you realized how poor you are in the first room, and I will tell you whether true poverty is financial wealth or inner poverty.

You told me that working people who encounter sadness and grievances when they go out should move forward courageously and strengthen their confidence in difficult situations. I will talk to you about specific cases and use cold reality to express that the micro-movie you made is destined to be just a castle in the air and a naive fantasy.


Obviously at the beginning, everyone just said, "You shot rubbish", "I shot rubbish? Then you will shoot it" or "You are a rubbish director", "You are a rubbish audience".

But now the comment section of "Not Drunk" is like a hodgepodge.

What social reality, life philosophy, philosophical thoughts, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign things...

A group of netizens who don't mind the excitement gather here every day.

Everyone seems to have changed from "die for me" and "die for me, you die for me" from the beginning to sympathetic rivals.

It's quite amazing.

Some of the most persistent buddies among them simply started to greet Xu Xin daily.

"Good morning, rubbish director."

"Good morning, rubbish audience."

"I just finished drinking. Damn, I'm upset. Come here and scold you for being such a rubbish director."

"I just put my girlfriend to sleep. You guys don't have girlfriends, right? You're trash who can't find a partner."

Something like this seems to have become a habit every day.

As for being angry... Xu Xin is no longer angry, but he still likes to browse the comments section of "Not Drunk".

Because... to be honest, netizens are indeed quite talented.

Over the past month, he has really gained a lot of knowledge.

Whether it is from the perspective of a movie or some humanistic thoughts.

After completing the daily "daily" greetings, Xu Xin clicked on his own script.

To be honest, Xu Xin has already designed the main story line of this script that has not been named yet, and now when he is carving out the story line of sub-shots, his enemies really help him smooth out a lot of ideas.

After the entire story line is clear, the only thing left is how to express the tension of the script.

Polishing this aspect of the script actually takes quite a while.

For example, if it was just a simple plot about walking up a mountain to find a child, if Xu Xin from the past came to film it, he might just give a long shot and shoot a scene of the actors going up the mountain and end it.

But now he can use far, near, and close-up shots to add some camera language to this paragraph to express the taciturn father's anger from the side, from the child running around to the person who can't be found. Anxiety...

How should these be represented? What lens language should be used to express it? Waiting for a series of things, he really got a lot of inspiration.

The whole morning passed like this.

After lunch and a pot of tea, he took out the forgotten clothes from the washing machine and put them on the clothes drying rack in the yard.

I have my own clothes, but also the tight sportswear that my girlfriend wears.

After drying, I drove directly to the fitness club.

The past month has been uneventful, and his daily life has been very regular.

Practice three times a week to build muscle and fitness.

Work normally, live normally.

So much so that Xu Xin himself forgot the last time he went to KTV or bar to have fun.

There is a sense of deja vu that "my youth is completely over".

But... to be honest, he really likes this kind of regular life.

When you get to the gym, you warm up first. After the warm-up is completed, you start to build muscle under the guidance of coach Yu Fei.

There are indeed many benefits to fitness.

For example, make your body healthier and look more stylish.

For example, when you can put on various suits that your girlfriend will drive you crazy to buy more of, you will look very decent and good-looking.

Especially lower body strength and core strength training. In addition to the so-called mermaid line, waistcoat line, abdominal muscles, washboard, etc., it can also ensure that the sweet life between you and your girlfriend will make her so happy every time, she will be extremely obsessed with you, and she can't wait to stick to you every day.

In short, there are many benefits.

Soon, the class ended.

Xu Xin was holding a large kettle that was similar to a barbell and drinking heavily when he heard a sound:

"Are you two done?"

He turned around, put down the kettle and said hello with a smile:

"Teacher Yu."

Not Yu Zhen, not Yu Xuan, but Yu Feihong.

After returning from Hengdian, Xu Xin, who practiced three times a week, met each other several times in the gym.

Although we can't say that we are friends, we can at least greet each other familiarly here.


Yu Feihong responded, his eyes sweeping over the arms and legs of Xu Xin, who was wearing a tank top and shorts.

Coach Yufei next to her also nodded:

"It's just finished, let's warm up first?"

"No hurry...Xiao Xu, will we play two games in one session?"


Xu Xin nodded.

Yu Feihong is talking about tennis.

One day when Xu Xin came to the gym, her sister's golfers seemed to be outclassed, so she asked Xu Xin if she wanted to play a round.

Xu Xin had never touched this thing before, so he decided to give it a try and agreed with a learning attitude.

Then he slowly changed from a newbie who was flying all over the tennis court to a "barely qualified" opponent who could occasionally win a game against his opponent.

It’s all about exercising anyway.

This sister comes to the gym mainly for yoga, Pilates and tennis, and rarely does equipment.

"Okay, I'll see you at the gym after yoga later."


Xu Xin responded, watched the two of them leave, and walked directly to the rock climbing area.

He's been a little obsessed with this lately.

And an hour later, when he saw his 71-year-old sister wearing a tennis skirt, white shoes, white sports socks and a white sweatshirt, he had to sigh...

It's really frozen.

She looked like a girl in her early twenties.

Pure and lustful.

"Have you finished reading the book I gave you?"

Holding a pink tennis racket and hitting the tennis ball again and again, she asked Xu Xin opposite.

"not yet."

Holding a handful of Wilsons worth more than 10,000 yuan in his hand, Xu Xin shook his head:

"To be honest, it's too profound. After reading it for a while, you have to think about it for a while... Maybe it's a translation problem? I don't like the feeling of reading long paragraphs. So I read it very slowly. But I have to admit that Plato's thoughts are very advanced. . And now I have read the third chapter, which is the last volume of "Righteousness and Justice". In my heart, I don't quite agree with his view of idealized justice."

Last month, while waiting for Xu Xin to play tennis, this sister asked Xu Xin how the script design was going.

Xu Xin told her that the main story had been designed, but after the story was written, she always felt that justice in the script had not been served in a true sense. Because while he was designing, he unconsciously added some very obscure hearsay.

These are some stories that Xu Xin heard from hearsay when he was growing up.

Ask dad, and he will definitely say he doesn’t know. But they could always be talked about when a few uncles were drunk.

The human nature of these stories is very complex, and no one can be said to be absolutely good or absolutely bad. These stories were carefully selected by Xu Xin and added to the storyline of the entire script.

At the beginning, I just wanted to film it, but I realized at the end...if these buried story lines are not deeply explored and justice is done, the tone of the entire drama's script will feel...very specious.

Although the bad guys were eventually brought to justice, they were only convicted based on the circumstances of one case. Other stories he was a part of were withheld.

It seems that... although the French Open is very sparse and there are no leaks, there are still some "leaks" in the end.

He thought about mentioning it again and digging into it, but those stories were other things and did not fit in with the entire script.

It will appear very lengthy and unclear.

Those few days happened to be the days when the entire main story was designed, and this sister happened to ask this question.

After hearing what Xu Xin said, Xu Xin was given a book by coach Yu Fei during his second practice this week.

The name of the book is "Utopia".

The coach said that this sister asked someone to send it to her.

After Xu Xin took it home, he started reading it.

The first sentence of this immortal masterpiece written by Plato is:

"Discussion on justice: Since I don't know what justice is yet, it is difficult for me to know whether justice is a virtue. Of course, it is also difficult to know whether having justice is a kind of happiness."

Xu Xin immediately found this sentence particularly interesting.

But immediately I felt a faint feeling of guilt... I felt that this teacher might have overestimated his own knowledge reserve and sent me a book with such a profound opening chapter.

But who would have known that after reading it, I discovered that it was not as profound as the beginning of the book, but that on the way home after participating in a goddess sacrifice, a man named Clophas sent a servant to stop Plato and invite him. Go to your home to have a conversation flow article where wise men talk.

From the dialogue, several people come to express their views on justice, justice, truth, etc.

At first glance, it's easy to understand.

But after Xu Xin finished reading half of the chapter, he didn't continue reading, but read it again from the beginning...

He read the first chapter for two days, trying to understand the ideas expressed by Plato and Clophas in "The Republic"...

Therefore, in recent times, all he has been reading is this book.

During this period, I read and understood it over and over again.

Reading very slowly.

But this book is really interesting to read.

It's like helping Xu Xin perfect the story in his script from another level.

After hearing his words, Yu Feihong nodded:

"It's normal, take your time and look~ Did I serve?"

She didn't talk about the content of the book at this time.

Play tennis.

Then have fun.

After seeing Xu Xin spreading her legs in a defensive position, her clothes were flying. Under the pleasing sight, a yellow-green tennis ball made a "bang" sound and flew towards Xu Xin...

Five rounds were played.

Sitting on a chair at the water bar, Xu Xin shook the protein powder and drank it in one gulp, then asked Yu Feihong, who was sitting opposite him:

"Where did Teacher Yu come into contact with this book? The bookstore?"

"No, someone from the book club recommended it."

"Book club...what is it?"


This time it was Yu Feihong's turn to be stunned:

"Beiying doesn't have book clubs now?"

"I do not know either."

Xu Xin shook his head, picked up the big bucket and drank another large amount of water.

"What do you do every day at school? Not participating in these extracurricular activities?"

"I took a break from school."


Yu Feihong was a little dazed, so he didn't mention that the two of them knew each other... and during this period of communication, they really didn't talk much about school.

"Why did you take a break from school?"

"Because I have to be busy with other things, I have taken a break from school temporarily."


Seeing that Xu Xin didn't explain clearly, she didn't ask further questions, but continued to explain:

"There is also a reading club in Beijing Film Academy, where everyone gets together every half month or once a month to share some of what they have read recently. It can be regarded as motivating each other and promoting progress, so it is quite useful."

“Is your book club someone from school?”

"No, people in the school are now far apart and can't get together."

The woman shook her head slightly:

"I was introduced to it by a teacher I met before... What are you doing? Are you interested?"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Definitely. It sounds quite fresh. For example, if I read "Utopia" and then share it in a book club, people who are not interested may become interested in reading it. Then others will Say...for example, read a book like "Three Kingdoms" and share it with me. If I'm interested, I can buy it and read it."


Yu Feihong nodded:

"There is actually this kind of thing in Beiying School, and I also picked up this habit from school. It is quite useful, and sometimes it is much better than just looking at it alone. You can look for it and give it a try."

"Hmm...it does sound interesting."

Yu Feihong didn't say anything like "Come to my reading club" or Xu Xin said "I can go to your place" or anything like that.

No need.

If his level is not good enough, there is no point in Xu Xin going to his reading club.

You don’t understand what people say…

At that time, everyone felt embarrassed.

This kind of book club sounds like a very niche thing at first glance, relying more on individuals, rather than being as casual as "I'll take you to a friend's party".

When Yu Feihong saw the thoughtful young man, he nodded secretly in his heart.

Not bad, this kid knows the dimensions of interpersonal relationships quite clearly.

While drinking water and resting, the two chatted for a while, and then Yu Feihong left. And Xu Xin also went directly upstairs for a massage.

What I want is a male technician...

Not that he's sexist or anything.

I wanted a male technician before because I was afraid that I would be distracted and embarrassed.

But now that he has a girlfriend, this aspect no longer exists. But he began to dislike the female technician’s weak hands...

He really enjoyed the strength of the male technician.

After the massage and a refreshing bath, he drove home feeling exhausted.

Last night, my girlfriend lied to her parents about "going to audition" so she stayed here for one night to relieve her longing itch.

But don't think about it today.

Just hug the pillow.

But when he got home all the way, he was stunned...

business car?

Dad is here! ? Looking at the commercial vehicle parked on the roadside, Xu Xin pushed the door open.

Opened directly.

Then he met Xu Daqiang's eyes, who was holding a stainless steel basin with a plate of peanuts in it.

"Dad? Why are you here?"


Xu Daqiang smiled and nodded:

"What? Dad can't come?"

As he said that, for some unknown reason, Xu Daqiang glanced at the unexpected clothes-drying pole in the yard...

Xu Xin followed his eyes.

The corner of his mouth suddenly twitched...

My girlfriend’s sports bra, underpants, etc., after her workout in the morning, were fluttering in the wind on the clothes drying pole...

His eyes became a little embarrassed.

But Xu Daqiang smiled and waved:

"Come for dinner. Let's eat some water today! Dad brought me some milk from home, so I can beat him up~"


In the summer...

Never mind whether there is a girl to take care of your son.

In order to avoid heat stroke, you have to swim like water~

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! ! The 14,000 update is really awesome! ! ! !

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