I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 127 125 Cold War

Chapter 127 125. Cold War

In the sound of eating noodles hungrily...


"Yeah! Delicious!"

Looking at his son who was busy cooking noodles, Xu Daqiang, who had just cooked the noodles and was still sweating on his forehead, picked up the wine glass with a smile.

After taking a sip of wine, I picked up two peanuts and a chopstick of the celery-based vegetables in my noodles.

People in Yanjing basically don’t eat slurry.

Even Yang Mi doesn't know what this thing is...

But indeed, Xu Xin had said more than once before that he wanted to eat water.

When I was in my hometown, some people judged whether a housewife was clean and efficient. Needless to say, just taking a look at her slurry tank in the summer would tell.

The summer sun in northern Shaanxi is too hot and poisonous.

Although the temperature is not too hot, people are really susceptible to heat stroke.

So... Xu Xin doesn't know what other places are like, but in Xujiawan, basically every household will prepare a large tank of slurry water in advance.

This thing is actually very simple to make, and the only raw material is celery.

Wash the celery, boil it and put it in warm water, then pour it into a bowl of slurry and marinate it for two days.

But if it is not well preserved, or if the women of a family have to work hard, an oil film will easily appear on the water, or it may become moldy.

That means this woman is dirty and cowardly.

You will be looked down upon.

The two Xu brothers lost their mother when they were young, but Xu Daqiang, the father, also did not want others to look down on his children.

The tank of slurry water is clean and translucent every year.

Not to mention the oil film, even the oil splashes are not visible.

Whether they go out to school or come home for dinner, there is always a bottle of syrup waiting for the brothers.

When I got home, I drank up the sour syrup in one go to clear away the heat and relieve the heat.

The man who lost his mother-in-law relied on these exquisite and clean skills to work hard to make the eldest child a man, and to help the second child grow from babbling to stumbling... to being able to carry a schoolbag to and from school...

What kind of hardships are involved is unknown to outsiders.

Northwest men never express it.

The only thing he did was to do what he did when his family had no money.

In the summer, a jar of clear water made by myself brings a refreshing summer called "home" and "father" to the two sons.

For Xu Xin, if there is no bowl of syrup in summer, it is indeed equivalent to losing the soul.



"You've got enough to eat, but if you don't get enough milk, you'll really go crazy."


This sentence from his son is equal to the highest praise for him.

After taking another sip of wine and a mouthful of noodles, he said calmly:

“The sour water at home is particularly good this year, it’s so clear.”

After speaking, he pointed towards the kitchen:

"Dad made two pots and brought you a big bucket. If you want to eat it, fry some leeks yourself. Don't put anything else in it. Just fry it in oil and add salt. Just take it out and pour oil, onions and garlic into the pot. Lazi, pour the slurry water in... Boil the pot and put the noodles in. Once it comes out, it's ready."


Although the steps sound simple, to be honest...

Xu Xin really doesn’t know how to do it.

I can only nod:

"Okay... I'll give it a try then!"

"Remember not to get oil on the basin, otherwise the water will be bad."


"Tell that girl later. If you don't know how to do it, let her beat you up~"


Xu Xin eats noodles with chopsticks...

He raised his head in embarrassment:


"Don't always eat food from outside, it's not clean. In the refrigerator, you can see the eggs being replaced, and the other things can't move. Is that okay? Young man, you have to live a miserable life, and your mother-in-law can live in a kiln. That’s fine. If you don’t have a fire to cook the pot at home, what’s that called living?”

I didn’t worry about what kind of friend my son had made.

He just used the simplest point of view... Even compared with his current worth, the words "lower hardship" and "cave dwelling" are already out of place.

But I still use the truth contained in these roughest words to tell my son how to run a family.

"Yeah... I know."

After hearing this, the old man who came here specifically to deliver syrup to his son stopped talking.

A sip of wine, a sip of noodles.

After three ounces of wine, I finished a large bowl of noodles.

The father and son were lying on rocking chairs in the yard and smoking.

"The sky in Yanjing is so stupid that you can't see the stars?"

Xu Daqiang, who was shaking the cattail leaf fan in his hand, said with emotion:

"The people of Yanjing are living a miserable life."

Xu Xin deeply agreed.

Indeed, it’s really hard to see stars from here.

"Dad, I want to go home on July 15th..."

"No return!"

Xu Daqiang rejected his son's idea without hesitation:

"Just burn some paper. Dad and your mother both told me that she is doing the Olympics and honoring her ancestors. She must be happy~ She doesn't dare to delay the country's affairs!"

"……All right."

Seeing his father's insistence, Xu Xin said no more.

"Go back tomorrow?"

"Well, I'm going to Dongsheng tomorrow. There's a mine there. Let's talk about it... Ah, these are all trivial matters, so don't worry about it. Just do it well."


There was no indoctrination, or even a bit of coercion. Xu Daqiang did not let his son worry about making money.

Just like he said.

It's all little things.

Nothing important is national affairs.

The middle-aged man used the most unpretentious views and set an example for his son.

Comes and goes like the wind.

When he went out in the morning, Xu Xin originally wanted to ask Brother Li why he didn't come.

But when I think of my father's "mysterious" sense of confidentiality, it seems that this matter can get a reasonable explanation.

Just like sending his son to school, when he saw his son getting into the car carrying a bucket of slurry, he did not forget to say:

"Tell Director Zhang that you don't want to touch oil with water~"

Xu Xinxin said that she was not from the northwest...

Do you still know about this?

All the way to the Olympic Building, he carried the syrup directly to the canteen.

The big spoon in the cafeteria in my hometown Hanzhong was very happy when he saw this bucket of slurry.

He unscrewed the lid very professionally, poured out a small bowl, smelled it first, then tasted it, and then gave Xu Xin a thumbs up.

And this bucket of slurry seemed to bring good luck to Xu Xin.

As soon as he went upstairs, he was stopped by Wei Lanfang who looked happy:

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu!"

"...What's wrong? Sister Wei."

Looking at the sister in front of her who looked like she had blown up the temple, Xu Xin looked confused.

"Tomorrow! There will be a press conference tomorrow!!! Official announcement!"


Xu Xin belatedly realized what the so-called "press conference" was and nodded:

"Isn't that great?"

Wei Lanfang was stunned.

Looking at Xu Xin who seemed particularly calm for some reason, he asked speechlessly:

"Aren't you excited?"

"I'm excited...but wasn't it already decided?"

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"It's been almost two months, and I'm no longer excited."

"...Then you have to be more excited on camera, you know? Otherwise, what will happen when the documentary is broadcast in the future?"

"Okay, got it."

The two entered the room and during the meeting, Wei Lanfang did not mention this matter.

After all, the press conference is tomorrow.

Everyone knows this, so when facing the camera, I specially collected some of them. But once the news is announced tomorrow, it is inevitable that everyone here will look extremely excited.


During lunch, Xu Xin looked at the surprised expressions of the two directors Zhang Yimou and Zhang Wu after taking a mouthful of water... and an idea came to his mind.

I don’t know if my expression at the press conference tomorrow will be more exciting than now...

August 8, 2006.


It's close to ten o'clock.

Xu Daqiang turned on the TV and tuned directly to TV1.

At this moment, one channel is still showing commercials.

But neither he nor Xu Miao and Zhang Qianqian said a word, staring straight at the advertisements.

It seems a little nervous, but more of an expectation.

This puzzled the girl next to her.

But no one explained.

Xu Daqiang was even a little anxious.

Just after finishing an advertisement, I looked at the watch on my hand, then raised my head again and continued watching the advertisement.


the other side.

"Daughter, aren't you going to practice driving today?"

Yang Chunling looked at her daughter sitting on the sofa, staring at the TV, and asked in confusion.

Yang Mi shook her head:

"Go again in the afternoon."

"...Isn't there an exam tomorrow? Why don't you hurry up and touch it more?"

"No, no, no."

Yang Mi also watched a set of satellite TV advertisements intently, and answered perfunctorily.

Yang Chunling was speechless.

He turned around and went back to the house, put on a loose long skirt, and said:

"Then why don't you go shopping with mom? Your dad said he wanted to eat braised chicken. Let's have lunch..."

"Oh, Mom! Please!"

The girl clasped her hands together and prayed:

"You let me watch TV for a while. Okay? You can go alone. I'm not going anywhere in the morning."



Looking at her uncharacteristically uncharacteristic daughter, Yang Chunling shook her head helplessly.

Yang Dalin was not at home at the moment, so she said directly:

"For those who didn't know, I thought your boyfriend was on TV...an inexplicable girl movie!"


The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched... looking at her mother who was walking out of the house in slippers, she muttered:

"Are you some kind of fortune teller?"

Time passed by minute by second.

The conference room was also silent.

Those who should smoke smoke, and those who should watch TV watch TV.

At this time, Chen Weiya, who was holding a cigarette, said:

"Xiao Xu, are you nervous?"

Xu Xin glanced at the big screen with the hourly time in the upper right corner, and shook his head:

"I'm not nervous...but I feel like everyone is more nervous than me."

In an instant, many people turned their heads speechlessly.

The inside and outside of the eyes have the same meaning.

Why is your heart so big?

But Xu Xin is really not nervous... everything has been decided.

I haven't heard any rumors that it has been replaced or changed.

He was really not nervous...I couldn't say that. It should be said that he was not nervous himself, but he was a little worried for Zhou Chenghe.

After all... the internal combustion device used when the torch was first lit was designed by Zhou Chenghe.

He really doesn't know who has won the internal combustion design plan in the past two months.

Just like that, it arrived on time at 10 o'clock Yanjing time.

As soon as the screen switched, a reporter full of heads appeared on the scene.

"After the final review of the organizing committee, among 388 valid works, the No. 237 plan submitted by the "2008 Yanjing Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremony Directors Group" creative group was officially selected to pass the torch for the 2008 Yanjing Olympics. .And, the official name of the torch is..."

In front of the camera, the big leader glanced at the outline of the torch shrouded in red cloth, and said word by word:


After the words fell, the staff on the side unveiled the red cloth.

Red with silver, the torch full of auspicious patterns comes into view.

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

In an instant, the sound of flashlights and shutters was heard from the screen like a sea wave at the much-anticipated torch conference.

The large conference room instantly became boiling.

"Xiao Xu! Hahahaha! Congratulations!"

"Treating guests to dinner! This means we have to celebrate again!~"

"Hahahaha! Xiao Xu's treat! Eat well today!"

The sound of congratulations resounded in the conference room, but Xu Xin tried hard to prick up his ears and listen to the movement on the screen.

Because it was too noisy, he only heard one sentence:

"The Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation is responsible for the design of the internal combustion system..."

Aerospace science and industry?

Not the fourth one?


Xu Xin sighed in his heart.

I'm sorry, Brother Zhou.

"Yeah!!!! Xiangyun! Xiangyun! Xiangyun!!!"

In the empty living room, Yang Mi was jumping up and down on the sofa, showing her teeth and claws, her face full of ecstasy!

But his eyes were always fixed on the close-up of the torch.

This was also the first time she saw a torch designed by her boyfriend.


What a nice view……

What a beauty……

Look at the gorgeousness conveyed by the red and silver colors inserted on the crystal stand.

Her eyes were full of obsession.

And the words "Xiangyun's design concept is inspired by books" are like the sound of nature in my ears at this moment.

It's so sweet and melodious.

So beautiful……

"It's really beautiful..."

Sacred tree.

Zhang Qianqian looked at the torch on the TV obsessively:

"This torch... is so beautiful!"


Xu Miao, who had clenched her fists at some point, responded forcefully:

"Listen, it's inspired by books, symbiotic and harmonious... What a good word! The lacquer red of the Han Dynasty... What an elegant adjective! It's really... so beautiful, so beautiful! Dad, let Sanjin ... "

As soon as Xu Miao opened his mouth, Xu Daqiang's eyes were like knives.


Realizing that she had said something wrong, Xu Miao quickly changed her words:

"Let Sanjin ask Yanjing if anyone sells models. Let's get one..."


Xu Daqiang is still a little dissatisfied with his son's search for help.

But he said nothing.

He just grabbed the cigarette case and walked out of the house.

When he came outside the house, he lit a cigarette, and a line of smoke shot up into the sky with his eyes.

The announcement of the Xiangyun Torch is a big event.

This is true both internally and externally.

For several days in a row, various experts came to interpret what was hidden in the design plan for Xiangyun’s appearance.

Whether they are experts in real life or "experts" on the Internet.

Because it really looks good.

No matter how you look at it, you feel comfortable.

Therefore, the response was quite strong, and the Baidu Encyclopedia function that was just launched in April this year was already logged into the same day.

From detailed dimensions, to design concepts, dates, close-up photos, etc., you can find them all.

But there is one small detail that no one has noticed yet.

That means there is an "error" on it, whether it is human negligence or something else.

Chinese name: 2008 Yanjing Olympic Games Torch

Foreign name: Yanjing 2008 Olympic Torch……

The release date, publishing unit, and main colors are all very clear and clear.

But only in the [Designer] column, its format is:

Designer: Yanjing Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremony Director Group

There is an extra "," symbol in front.

However, no one usually pays attention to such details, and netizens who discovered it also submitted corrections in time.

It's just...no changes.


The release of Xiangyun is a big event.

Whether it is for some people or for the entire dynasty, it is a big event.

In the blink of an eye, the Olympic Games only have the last "two years" left.

The steel structure of the Bird's Nest is being built, the interior decoration of the Water Cube is being improved, and various related residential places are being constructed at a rapid pace.

Two years may seem like a long time at first glance.

But in the blink of an eye... it seems that the Spring Festival of 2006 was celebrated just yesterday, but after a good sleep, 2006 has quietly come to the end of August.

August 22nd.

Yang Mi got her driver's license.

The story about the rich woman's "ghost" has become a legend in Driving School.

It is estimated that in the future, members of the same batch will inevitably joke about this incident when they meet with friends at a gathering, or when relatives and friends at home want to learn how to drive.

It narrates the story that when they were learning to drive, they met a rich woman ghost who had never seen her face before and was crazy about sun protection...

After tricking her parents into auditioning, Yang Mi sneaked into her boyfriend's house like a thief.

Tomorrow is Saturday, Xu Xin doesn't have to go to work.

This time Yang Mi used a more extreme excuse and said directly:

"I'm going to the Magic City to audition."

I generously "asked" for two days off.

During this summer vacation, she was busy practicing driving and getting her driver's license, and the two of them actually made a lot of travel plans around Yanjing. I want to take advantage of the end of this summer to visit the surrounding areas of Yanjing.

You can't go too far either.

After all, time doesn’t allow for one come and go.

On this day, the two of them planned to go rafting in Yanqing.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about a night of tenderness between young lovers.

On the morning of the 23rd, which was a sunny day, just after 6 o'clock, the alarm clock rang.

Xu Xin opened his eyes drowsily, reluctantly took his hand out of his girlfriend's T-shirt, pressed the mute button, and pushed her:

"Sister...it's 6 o'clock, you have to get up..."

Don't ask where the title "Sister" came from.

Anyway, it sounds better than calling "Lin Chen".

My dear is too sweet, my wife is too unpleasant, and my wife is too earthy.

Anyway, she was called sister for no reason.


Yang Mi responded in a daze.

Xu Xin turned around and fell asleep again.

The two of them fought until almost 1 o'clock last night, and the man next to him Ren Woxing let him go.

He is also tired...

After Yang Mi woke up in a daze, she held her cell phone with half-squinted eyes, stepped on the stockings, rabbit ears and other things on the floor and walked to the bathroom.

First, I washed my face. I felt a little more awake and could open my eyes.

After brushing her teeth casually, she sat down on the toilet and started playing with her phone.

Experts say that it is best not to look at your mobile phone when going to the toilet, as it is easy to get hemorrhoids... But experts also say that you should not eat whole grains, saying that you will die quickly...

Who do you listen to?

Of course, it comes as it feels comfortable.

Her habit is to read novel updates first and then read the news.

But I just opened the mobile base comprehensive website today, and before I clicked on the novel section, I was suddenly stunned...

I blinked... Looking at the headline news on my phone, I first thought I had read it wrong.

But after blinking and looking again... when she realized she had read correctly, she immediately shouted:

"Brother! Oops! It's over!"

Xu Xin, who was dazedly planning to sleep a little longer, jumped up from the bed instinctively and quickly opened the bathroom door:

"Are you injured!?"

"no no……"

Although her boyfriend's subconscious concern made her feel warm, this was really not the time to care about it.

She held up her phone, looked at her panicked boyfriend and said:

"Something happened to Jielun..."

"Netizen BLOG broke the news: Jay Chou's entire record was intercepted on the streets of London! 》

"Zhou Hou's Love Crisis?" The third party of S.H.E turned out to be HABE! 》

"HABE intervenes in Zhou Houlian, and the two travel to London together!" 》

One message after another, this morning, the entire entertainment industry was slaughtered.

A netizen met Jay Chou in London on the 20th, and the companion behind him turned out to be HABE from the popular group SHE.

Although there are no photos to prove it, it is true that someone saw a photo of Jay Chou appearing in London on the news on August 15th, which proves that he is in London. And reporters with great savvy dug out the diary of HABE's blog in July 2006, which stated that she was going to London to learn drumming in order to perform drumming at the SHE Moving Castle concert in September.

Suddenly... it became clear that Jay Chou and HABE were indeed in London at the same time during this period.


The entertainment sector exploded.

Cheating, cheating, love crisis, breakup...

A series of news completely destroyed the entertainment news section on the morning of the 23rd.

After Xu Xin roughly read the whole story, he suddenly asked his girlfriend:

"I remember you said who is good friends with Jielun?"

"Ella, E, Ella. She and Jaylen are good friends."

"Then this HABE..."


Looking at his girlfriend who was shaking her head silently, Xu Xin frowned:

"It shouldn't be..."

"...How about you call and ask first? I'll go pack things."


Xu Xin nodded, held his cell phone and thought for a while. Instead of calling Jay Chou directly, he dialed Dani's number.


The phone rang for a long time before Dani's voice rang:

"Hey...Brother Xu..."

Her voice was small.

"What's the matter?"

"Dani, where is Jielun, are you together?"

"Not yet... I'm downstairs at Brother JAY's house. Brother JAY just came back from London at midnight last night, and he's still asleep due to jet lag."

"...Have you watched the news?"


After hearing Xu Xin's words, Dani was silent for a moment and then responded:

"Well, people from the company are also rushing here... This news just came out today, catching everyone off guard. Brother JAY doesn't know about it yet, but I believe the company has already started remedial measures..."

Xu Xin was noncommittal about her idea.

After all, Jay Chou's departure is already a certainty.

It's hard to say whether it's to gain a hand or to step on someone's feet.

Therefore, he asked directly:

"Then...is this true?"

"No! Brother Xu, brother JAY just knew that HABE was in London and wanted to meet him. HABE took brother JAY around London. Brother JAY went to reshoot some scenes in "Chapter 7 of Night" this time."

After hearing Dani's words, Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief:

"Then he has to explain it to Patty quickly."


"……What's wrong?"

Hearing that something was wrong with Dani's movements, Xu Xin asked in confusion.

Then I heard a sentence:

"Brother Xu...Brother JAY just had a fight with Patty two days ago...the two of them were having a cold war..."


Xu Xin's heart sank...

I'm here only for three things. The first thing is, please don’t complain about the name HABE. No way, I understand all the homophones. The second thing is that Zhou Hou's timeline has changed, including traveling to London with HEBE, which actually happened in April. But here I changed it for the needs of the plot. Third, considering how rigorous I am, isn’t it worth a thousand monthly passes?

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