I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 129 127 Chao Ci Bai Di Caiyunjian

Chapter 129 127. Chao Ci Bai Di Caiyunjian

"Thank you, thank you! Can you tell me your names! Thank you... ugh..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry. Take the child to the hospital for a checkup first to make sure it's okay. The child is important."

On the sightseeing bus coming from the scenic area, Xu Xin waved to the mother and son:

"Go quickly, don't delay."

"Benefactor, your name, please tell me your name..."

"No need for the name, it's just a matter of a finger. It's okay. Sister, take the child with you first. Water in the lungs can easily become inflamed if left untreated, so go quickly."

Without telling the other party his name, Xu Xin waved to her again.

Yang Mi next to her urged the driver:

"Master, drive quickly, don't waste time."

A drowning incident occurred in Haoxuan, and people in the scenic area were also shocked. After hearing Yang Mi's words, they nodded quickly and started driving.

"Thank you benefactor..."

The woman, who was still a little shocked even now, thanked her again, her eyes red.

"It's fine."

Xu Xin waved his hand again.

After bidding farewell to the sightseeing bus that was leaving, and not feeling that he had done anything particularly remarkable, he turned to look at his girlfriend's knees and asked:

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt..."

As soon as Yang Mi finished speaking, the security officer on the side came over with a walkie-talkie:

"Thank you both... We have picked up Mr.'s life jacket. The wallet and mobile phone are there, but there is water inside. I'm really sorry. We will definitely compensate and the life jacket will be sent to you right away... How about we Also go to the tourist reception center, our people will go to the town to buy a mobile phone for you..."

"Okay, just buy the exact same one."

"Don't worry, this is for sure. How about I call a car over now?"

"...Is it still pretty?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Floating! We just arrived at a fun place... Can we float again?"

The security officer immediately laughed:

"Of course, no problem! Can I call a car?"

"OK, all right."

After agreeing, the safety officer went to call for a car, and the two of them waited on the roadside.

"elder brother."


"You looked so cool when you took off your life jacket just now~ Hehe~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin subconsciously smacked his mouth...

Want to smoke.

Yang Mi asked again:

"The kid should be fine, right?"

"It should be fine. It's easy to cough when you choke on water. The first aid we did was quite timely... It seems that this trip to Hengdian was not in vain."


The girl’s eyes are filled with approval:

"Not only did you save a life, but you also got a girlfriend for nothing... You've made a lot of money no matter what."

"Yeah~... Well, no, I have to go get a cigarette to smoke."

Xu Xin stood up and walked towards the security officer in the distance who kept communicating on the walkie-talkie.

The girl stared at her boyfriend's back with a loving gaze.

Sometimes, to judge a person's humanity, all it takes is the inspiration of one thing.

And from what happened just now, she had seen the truest kindness deep in her boyfriend's heart.

It was precisely because she saw that kindness that she felt more and more in her heart...

Sure enough, I didn't choose the wrong person.

When we drifted to the end amidst laughter again, the staff of the scenic area were already waiting there.

First, Xu Xin's damaged wallet and mobile phone were returned to their original owners, and a brand new Nokia was delivered to Xu Xin with a red envelope.

And people at the scenic spot also hope that Xu Xin can leave his contact information so that they can send a thank you letter.

But Xu Xin didn't stay.

I didn’t confiscate the red envelope. I just took a new mobile phone case and took a sightseeing bus to the parking lot with the thanks of the scenic spot staff.

First, he changed the card and found that... the mobile phone card seemed to be expired. He was a little speechless.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with his girlfriend's cell phone, and he would not lose contact with the outside world.

But you can make up for it when the time comes.

Without even taking his mobile phone, he carried a mountaineering bag specially bought to hold the camping tent from the trunk. Yang Mi also carried a smaller one and headed to the large campsite not far below the parking lot. .

The development of the campsite here is relatively simple, that is, a clearing is cleared, and then areas are circled with cobblestones as camping spots.

The price is not expensive either, one hundred yuan per piece of land.

It is also equipped with charcoal, tents, and ice services.

There is also skewered barbecue in the freezer, which is a bit expensive.

But quite comprehensive.

After Xu Xin paid him a wet 100 yuan, his diligent girlfriend had already occupied the last open space for camping by the river.

If the camping enthusiasts behind want to camp, they have to camp inside the camp area and cannot reach the river.

After untying the tent from the mountaineering bag, Xu Xin took a few steel bars to hold up the tent and began to study... Yang Mi went directly to ask for ice cubes.

The two of them still had beer with them.

After returning with a small bucket of ice cubes and throwing all the Budweiser he bought into the bucket to chill, Xu Xin probably figured out how to make this tent.

The young couple began to work together to pitch a tent.

In fact, Xu Xin originally planned to play during the day and return to the city at night.

But no matter... my girlfriend likes this kind of tone.

And the online guide here says that tents are available for rent. But Xu Xin didn’t want to sleep in a tent that others had slept in, so he spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a new SNOW PEAK tent at the same sports and outdoor goods store where he bought Wilson tennis rackets.

Let alone camping on this trip.

You can spend the money to live in a mountain valley for a whole summer.

But this thing is like an experience in life. As a person who has never slept in a tent, Xu Xin feels that it is worth spending more than 10,000 yuan to experience wild camping.

Soon, following the fool-like tutorial, the young couple set up the tent and laid out the moisture-proof mat.

Xu Xin leaned in.

Before I had time to experience whether the inflatable pillow was suitable or not, I heard my girlfriend say:

“It’s okay, quite spacious.”


Lying flat on the moisture-proof mat, Xu Xin, who suddenly came up out of fatigue, narrowed his eyes and responded.

Then suddenly I felt my body sink.

He opened his eyes and looked at his girlfriend who was looking down at him in confusion:

"What do you want to do..."

"Try it and feel it. Unfortunately, it's just a tent and it's not soundproof."

He held down the silly girl in front of him:

"Sister, it's still daytime...what are you thinking about?"

"Think about what you want."


"How romantic~"


Listening to his girlfriend's magical brain circuit, Xu Xin pointed to the side speechlessly and whispered:

"There's someone next to us!"

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi looked at her boyfriend with a very strange expression and said:

"What are you doing? You want to compete? Why are you so determined to win? Are you even competing against me?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

What's going on with this sister today?

But he saw his girlfriend burst into laughter:

"Pfft... goose goose~"

She got off him and lay on the moisture-proof mat next to her. She said with a smile:

"I'm kidding you, you are so thin-skinned. What I'm saying is... no matter how shameless I am, in a place like this... I can't do it, right? That's not a matter of thin-skinnedness, but a matter of women's ethics. .It scares you..."

"I wasn't scared, I was shocked by your old man's courage."

Xu Xin shook his head helplessly:

"Give me the phone. I'll call Jielun."


When the phone was handed over, Xu Xin was stunned:

"Why is it still a Global Communications number?"

"...Isn't that what it is?"

Yang Mi was a little puzzled.

"No, Wanwan's phone automatically changes to a Global Telecom number when it comes to our place. But now that he's back there, he has to add the area code to call there... You didn't save his number there?"

"No, I've never been abroad, how would I know this..."


Xu Xin was speechless:

"Have you saved Director Zhang's phone number?"

"...Do I dare to ask for Director Zhang's phone number?"

"Where's Sister Wei's?"


Xu Xin rummaged through and found Wei Lanfang's phone number and dialed:

"Dudu~ Hello, Mimi? What's wrong?"

"Sister Wei, it's me."

"Ah? Xiao Xu? What's wrong?"

"Where are you?"

"You're at home, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"My mobile phone has been flooded and I lost Jay Chou's number. Do you think it would be appropriate for me to ask Director Zhang?"


Wei Lanfang was silent for a while and said:

"It's not good. I have a rest today on Saturday. Director Zhang has returned to Wuxi."


As soon as he heard this, Xu Xin remembered a little secret that the two of them had shared before...

"Oh well……"

"Well, let's wait until Monday. Everyone has a day off on Saturday and Sunday, so you have to pay attention, right?"

"Well, okay, we'll talk about it on Monday. I'll hang up now, Sister Wei."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Call Tingting. I'll send her my email account and password, and ask her to find an email in it, the one with all the traditional Chinese characters. Go back and ask for Jielun's contact information."


Soon, after communicating with Sun Ting and sending the account password via text message, Xu Xin sighed helplessly:

"What a delay..."

"But I saved a life, okay... don't think about anything else, just enjoy life~"


Xu Xin, who pinned his hopes on a reply to his mailbox, waited from dusk until dark, even though the bonfire was lit, he still didn't wait for a reply.

However, I saw the clarifications from Holiday and HABE on the Internet.

But there is no news about Jay Chou and Hou Peiqiao at all.

In addition, the signal on the mountain has never been very good, the network is very slow, and the data is often not available.

Xu Xin, who couldn't wait for the news, gave up temporarily.

At this time, the charcoal in the oven was rising. Yang Mi bought a barbecue worth tens of dollars to have a self-service barbecue there. In addition, there were more and more people camping around.

It was dark at night at the campsite.

And some of the people who came to camp today brought guitars.

While Xu Xin and Yang Mi were having a barbecue, the guitar sounded over there.

The two of them didn't join in the fun.

The grilled meat skewers don't taste that good either.

After a few bites, both of them stopped eating.

Sitting on outdoor chairs, separated by mosquito nets, each had a bottle of wine.

Under the reddish light of the campfire, I heard guitars and singing from behind the nearby tent:

"How many people once admired your appearance when you were young~"

"But who can bear the ruthless changes of time~"

"How many people have come and gone in your life~"

"Do you know that I will always be by your side as long as I have you~...brother~"

Humming along with the melody of the song, the girl took Xu Xin's hand:

"In the future, if I get old...and become ugly...will you dislike me?"

In the dim firelight, Xu Xin turned to look at his girlfriend's shining eyes, smiled and shook his head:



A smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, her legs curled up in a very comfortable outdoor lounge chair, and she looked up at the bright starry sky that could never be seen in downtown Yanjing without saying a word.

On the contrary, Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

He thought his girlfriend would respond with something like "I don't know how" or something like that.

Unfortunately, she stopped talking.

So he asked:

"Shouldn't you respond to me at this time?"

"I'm responding to you."

"...It depends on God's response?"

"I'm waiting for the shooting star."


"Wait for the shooting star and make a wish. May we never be separated!"

As she finished speaking, she heard the sound of beer being opened.

Turning around, I saw my boyfriend handed me a can of beer.


"Let's drink. If you drink too much, the sky will be filled with shooting stars~"

"...I hate you~"

After all, she took the drink.

But I didn’t drink it directly.

Instead, he closed his eyes, covered the beer can with both hands, and put it to his forehead as if praying.

Then under Xu Xin's curious eyes, after finishing her prayer, she spilled some more beer on the ground.

"This is……?"

"I'm making a wish."

"...There are no shooting stars either."

"I promised you first."

The girl shrugged:

"First make a wish, and I'll toast you with the wine. When the shooting star comes over, you'll stretch out a hook and swipe away my wish~so there won't be any delay."

"...Is this meteor some kind of hook machine? Or a tower crane? Are you using it like this?"

Xu Xin was shocked by his girlfriend's brain circuit.

What to do?

And law enforcement for fishing?

But Yang Mi looked determined:

"I don't care, I'll give it a toast, and it will protect us from being separated for the rest of our lives!"


Xu Xin chuckled.

Smiling, he firmly grabbed his girlfriend's hand.

At this time...

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or perhaps it was the right answer to a prayer, Xu Xin heard the chorus of a song from his buddy who came to camp with a ballad:

“I’ll accompany you to watch the pop rain fall on this earth~”

"Let your tears fall on my shoulders~"

"Let you believe that my love is only willing to be brave for you~"

"You will see~the place of happiness~~~~"

There was a touch of emotion and determination in his eyes... but Yang Mi curled her lips:


He said with a look of disgust:

"What a bad song! It's so cliche..."


Okay, just think that I fed the dog with tenderness.

The temperature in White River Canyon is quite low at night.

When Xu Xin brought a double sleeping bag, the girl initially said she wouldn't need it.

As a result, it became the law of true fragrance at night.

I have to admit that people in countries where they live a good life are really smart... The structure of this double sleeping bag is designed to be very convenient... well, that kind of convenience in the true sense.

Xu Xin has not escaped the law of true fragrance.

At first, when his girlfriend threw the sweatpants out of the sleeping bag, he was still disgusted, thinking that camping requires a level of sleep... This girl is too picky.

But later, when my mother-in-law came into the man's arms with her warm warmth, the sky was the quilt and the ground was the bed, and the sun and the moon were all the restlessness of my quilt, which turned into a dark tent that came like caterpillars. The passing night.

Finally, with a sigh, everything returned to calm.

After a while, Xu Xin, who was slightly sweaty on his forehead, whispered:

"What if..."

"It's the end of the month, the day has come, you're safe."

The girl muttered and pushed into her boyfriend's arms:



The chirping of insects began.

In the early morning, after using two bottles of mineral water to solve the problem of oral hygiene, the two retreated amidst the chirping of birds.

In the car, the girl yawned loudly and said:

"Brother, when I make money, let's go to Alaska, okay?"

"...Why are you going to that place? It's so cold. You can't even see a single person in winter."

"Buy land. I went for an audition before. When I was on the plane, I saw an introduction in a magazine. The photo showed snowy mountains and a lake, and a wooden house could be built by the lake. It was said that it only cost 1.5 million US dollars. After a while, the land will be yours forever. We will build a wooden house then and enjoy the world of two people without being disturbed every year! I like watching documentaries that explore poverty... I especially like that kind of thing. The environment... is so beautiful... there are mountains, water... the whole world is just the two of us. Then we will catch a bear and ride it as a horse! There are so many bears in Alaska!"



He really felt that this girl was really imaginative sometimes.

Not that big.

"Do you think you are the emperor?"

"Who is the emperor?"


"...Just the old one?"


"What does it have to do with him?"

"I saw him riding a bear in my dream..."

"...You have such a big idea."

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes again.

Yes, yes, do you think I have a big brain? I don’t know which one of us is older!

All the way back to Yanjing, the two of them first applied for a phone card at the mobile business hall. However, because the mobile phone and the card were scrapped together, several of the phone numbers he originally registered with China Mobile were missing.

Zhang Yimou, Zhang Wu, and Wei Lanfang did not.

However, a few text messages were sent from the mobile secretary, including a number from Wanwan Province.

Then there was an unknown number that called seven or eight times from yesterday afternoon to this morning.

Xu Xin didn't bother with the unfamiliar number, but directly called Wanwansheng's number. Then go and print the call records of the last few days.

He doesn't make many phone calls every day. If you print out these from the past month, you can basically tell who is who.

While printing, the number on the phone was connected.

Jay Chou's voice sounded a bit deep:

"Hey, why couldn't you get through the phone yesterday?"

"I was out playing with Mimi, and my phone got flooded... How are you doing?"

"...It's just fine."

"Where are you farting? Tell me carefully!"

Although Xu Xin's straightforward words were a bit rough, they still pried Jay Chou's mouth open:

"We may have to break up..."

"...What did you say?"

Xu Xin's expression froze:

"what's that!?"

"...It's hard to understand, isn't it?"

Perhaps feeling the change in Xu Xin's mood, Jay Chou's tone became deliberately relaxed:

"What should be explained has been explained. I also wanted to go to her house to find her...but before I went, the paparazzi had already surrounded her house. People here are now saying that she is getting retribution for her mother. ...Gan Linliang! Break up the chicken and paparazzi! Add Sai to seek love for Yong!!..."

Although Xu Xin couldn't quite understand what was said behind him, he still understood from the vicious tone... He was probably cursing.


After thinking for a while, Xu Xin asked:

"Then it won't be a breakup..."

"She said... we can't go on."


"I've caused her too much harm..."


"Forget it, let's not talk about this. I didn't sleep well last night, so I went to bed first... I didn't cheat on you, believe me. HABE and I just met in London and went around together. You are me Friend, just trust me, the rest... I will take care of it myself. Hang up~"


The phone hangs up.

Yang Mi, who went to the bathroom, also came back.

Seeing Xu Xin in a daze, he asked in confusion:

"What's the matter?"

"……broke up."

Xu Xin said.

Yang Mi was stunned... her first reaction was that her brother broke up with her... After all, this word is very sensitive for a couple in love.

But he immediately realized that it was not him and his brother.




After Xu Xin responded, he looked at the plaque of Shenzhou Travel Agency outside the mobile hall.

After thinking about it, he opened the door and walked out.

Yang Mi was stunned and quickly chased after him.

I saw my boyfriend directly opened the glass door of Shenzhou Travel Agency.

She paused in her steps...

It seemed that he had guessed something.

After catching up, I heard a sentence:

"I want to go to Wanwan Province to see a friend. How do I get there?"

In recent years, Fujian has established a free travel channel with Wanwan Province.

Once you get there, you can go directly to the boat.

Of course, you can also fly directly there, and there are also tourist flights from Yanjing.

But no matter which one it is, it requires a winding pass.

This will take time to do.

Does Xu Xin have it?

not at all.

But he has a passport.

Although he has never been abroad, he has a passport.

And money.

Then what……

The travel agent has an idea.

From Yanjing, fly to Shenzhen first, and then go to Xiangjiang from Shenzhen.

What should I do if I don’t have a Hong Kong and Macao pass?

It doesn't matter.

Two options.

One way is to first buy a flight ticket from Xiangjiang to a foreign country that allows you to sign on arrival in Xiangjiang, and then take the flight ticket to Luohu, Shenzhen. The management of Luohu Port has been relatively loose in recent years. Get your ticket and passport to go through customs. But there is a chance of rejection.

The second option is to take the bus directly from Shenzhen to Xiangjiang for the return trip. These cars basically have both Xiangjiang and Mainland license plates, and they are basically not checked when they go back. But if it is checked, you can only admit that you are out of luck.

The first kind of cost is slightly smaller. From the time you buy the ticket to the refund, you may only lose three to four hundred yuan in handling fees. The second type is more expensive, usually starting at 500, depending on whether it is a luxury car or an ordinary car. The better the car, the more expensive it is.

Which one should Xu Xin choose?

He chooses the third option.

I also bought the air tickets and took the bus.

Avoid problems as much as possible.

Then after arriving in Xiangjiang, take a plane directly to Wanwan.

To be honest, it's a bit gray and very frustrating.

But Xu Xin decided to set off.

Throughout the whole process, Yang Mi didn’t stop her.

Even if she didn't have to go home tonight, she would have wanted to follow along.

So, at 10 o'clock in the morning, after getting the air tickets and other related matters at the travel agency, Xu Xin didn't go to see his girlfriend off. He just got in the car, went home, picked up his passport, and ran to the airport.

At the same time, I also asked Wei Lanfang to take one day off on Monday.

Whether you ask for leave on Tuesday or not depends on the situation.

At 11:20, with sweat on his forehead from running, he boarded the business class flight to Shenzhen.

Arrived at Luohu at 2:30.

Motivated by money, Xu Xin got out of the car and got into a GMC RV with dual Xiangjiang and Mainland license plates. Because according to the travel agency, this kind of car has something to do with it.

Xu Xin didn't ask what the relationship was.

But at almost 3:30, he had arrived in Xiangjiang.

At 4:30, he got on the plane to Taoyuan on time.

At 6:35, the plane landed.

At 7:10, alone, he set foot in this strange city for the first time.

After exiting the airport, he took the phone and said to Dani on the phone in Mandarin amid the obscure southern Fujian dialects surrounding him:

"Send me the address. I'm in Taipei."

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