I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 130 128 If I could do it all over again, I would choose

Chapter 130 128. If I could do it all over again, I would choose...

"This is Yuanda Yipinyuan?"

After getting out of the taxi, Xu Xin asked the driver.

The driver nodded:

"It's right here hum~"

As he spoke, he pointed towards a tall building:

"Spicy means hum."

"……Okay, thank you."

Xu Xin nodded.

In the car, he heard that this place is where celebrities and rich people live, and that Amei is also here... Xu Xin thought it was the kind of manor surrounded by mountains and rivers... but it turned out to be this kind of manor. High-rise buildings.

In fact, along the way, Xu Xin looked at the cityscape of Taipei and had a rough judgment in his mind...

He has never been to the Magic City and doesn't know what the city is like.

But as far as the new streets he has walked so far, the overall luxury level of Yanjing feels slightly inferior to that of Taipei.

But that is relative to high-rise buildings.

The streets here... To be honest, except for the main road, other roads are quite narrow. Some of the small streets the taxi passed through during this period gave him the feeling that he had entered a certain village.

Very strange feeling.

The old and the new are particularly evident in this city.

"Dudu~ Hey, Brother Xu, are you here?"

"Hmm, we're heading that way too. Did you see a big billboard for Xinyi Real Estate at the intersection?"


Xu Xin looked around and locked onto a quite large billboard:

"I saw it."

"Come over there, we'll be there soon. There are a lot of paparazzi here. Brother Xu, we'll pick you up directly from the parking lot."

"Okay. I'll wait for you on the roadside under the billboard."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin walked directly over there.

When I arrived at the intersection, looking at the busy traffic on the street, I thought of the movie Pheasant Brother for no reason.

I don’t know where it was taken...

The traditional Chinese characters around him gave him an inexplicable feeling.

It's just weird.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, Xu Xin finally saw a nanny car waving its lights at him.

Then it slowly drove in front of him.

The car door opened, revealing the weathered face of Jay Chou, who was still wearing a peaked cap and had not even cleaned up his stubble.

Although the man has gone through many vicissitudes of life, he looks very fine:

"Hey! Wow! When I started calling, I thought Dani was teasing me! Come on, come on!"

Xu Xin got on the car and closed the door. Jay Chou immediately asked:

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"If you want to drink milk tea, come over."

Xu Xin leaned on the chair, his shoulders slumped a little.

He had been working hard all day, taking two flights and taking a bus, so he was really tired.

"Hey, how did you get here?"

"You flew here, how else could you come here?"


Jay Chou looks really happy:

"Okay, okay, then why don't you bring Mimi?"

"She still has a job there... How much does this house cost per square meter?"

"About 1.1 million."


One said Taiwan dollars and the other said Yuan.

Jay Chou nodded:

"Yes, it belongs to a mansion."

"...It's indeed a mansion, more expensive than where I live."

In terms of unit price, it is indeed much more expensive than Shijia Hutong.

Jay Chou didn't worry about the house price or not, but asked directly:

"How many days will you stay this time? Oh, it's just right. I'll take you around for a few days?"

"Farewell, if nothing else happens, I'll leave tomorrow."


Hearing Xu Xin's words, Jay Chou's expression was stiff at first, then stunned, and finally turned into moved.

Although I had roughly guessed why the other party came here before.

But when I heard Xu Xin said that he would come and take a look and leave tomorrow, I still felt a huge feeling in my heart.

But he didn't express it.

He just waited for the car to stop, opened the door and got out of the car.

The driver didn't follow, so the three of them walked off together.

"Which floor is it?"

In the elevator, Xu Xin asked.

"16 and 17 are all mine."

"...Okay, I've made money."

"Ha~ The first floor is mine, and the first floor is mom's."

After clicking on the 16th floor, Jay Chou suddenly felt something was wrong... He looked around:

"Don't you have any luggage?"

"No. We went camping yesterday. When we returned to the city today, I left her here alone."


Jay Chou was silent for a while, then nodded:

"What do you want to eat tonight? Dani, book a restaurant..."

"No, you still dare to show your face?"

Xu Xin shook his head directly:

"I just came over to see you. I just had a meal on the plane. Just get some takeout and keep a low profile. I'm here to chat with you, not to spread scandals with you."

"...Please, what kind of scandal are these two men talking about?"

"Who knows. Aren't your paparazzi extremely crazy?"


While talking, the elevator arrived at the 16th floor.

Dani quickly ran out and opened the door, and Xu Xin saw a modern decoration that looked like a hotel lobby, a high-ceilinged hall that looked like a "movie and TV drama" style.

To be honest, the decoration is quite luxurious. Perhaps the most eye-catching thing is the red wine on the background wall.

Unfortunately, Xu Xin's mind was not on this.

I put on my guest slippers and ran directly to the sofa.

He leaned back on the comfortable sofa and let out a long sigh of relief.

"...You look very tired? Dani, get two bottles of water, and then go to Seratino to buy some food and come back."


Dani agreed, then Xu Xin suddenly shouted:

"Dani, help me ask if I can fly directly to Yanjing from here or somewhere else when I go back. I don't have a pass, I only have a passport. Let's see what the process is, so I can prepare in advance."

"...How did you get here without a pass?"

Jay Chou was a little confused.

"Going around in a circle...you can help me ask."

Although Dani was also wondering how Brother Xu came here, she still responded:

"Okay. Then I'll order takeout first."


As soon as the front foot entered the house, Dani, the back foot, went out again.

There were only two people left in the room.

Xu Xin leaned on the sofa, glanced out the window at the bustling Taipei at dusk, and heard Jay Chou ask:

"What to drink? Lafite? Mouton?"

"...Is there any tea?"

Xu Xin was speechless:

"The rule of hospitality here is that guests drink directly after entering the door?"

"No, but you look very tired...it's a waste of time, okay?"


"Let's go to the tea room..."

"Don't bother me. Just find me a big cup, grab a handful of tea leaves and put it in."

"...Is that called tea drinking?"

"This is tea."

Xu Xin nodded.

Jay Chou was a little speechless, but he still ran to the open kitchen to get it done.

Then he helped him get an ashtray from the cabinet.

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"You said that if your fans knew that you served a man tea and water and waited on him to smoke after you came home... would I have to be scolded to death?"

"Fuck, do it yourself!"

Jay Chou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Xu Xin laughed. After lighting a cigarette happily, he looked at him standing busy in the kitchen and asked:

"Have things turned around?"


The movement of catching water paused.

Jay Chou said without raising his head:

"No... no need to ask, she has already decided... Hey, can we not talk about this topic?"

Maybe if it were someone else, they would have listened to him.

But the question is... Xu Xinxin said if I don’t talk about this, what will I talk about?

"I'm here just for this... You brought me and Mimi together, how can I still watch you two go your separate ways?"

"...We are different."

"What's the difference?...Oh yes, you are more famous than me."

"That's too much. I didn't say that."

"What's even more outrageous is that I haven't said it yet. How did you persuade me in the first place? It's quite clear to persuade others... Why can't you figure it out when you come here? What can't you talk about? You were thinking about it one by one when you were in Hengdian. Patty, I love Patty... but it’s only been two months and everything has changed?”

While Xu Xin was talking, Jay Chou was standing in front of the console boiling water.

Maybe it's because of the lighting?

Or something else.

All in all, the expression on his face looked gloomy.

Then there was silence.

There was silence until Xu Xin finished smoking a cigarette.

Silent until the water boils.

Xu Xin didn't rush, and waited for a cup of tea to be brought, and then went to drink wine while he was waiting.

Finally, a cup of tea and a cup of red wine were placed on the coffee table.

Jay Chou was sitting on the single sofa, looking at the red wine glass in a daze.

Xu Xin could not hold back his anger:

"Brother? What are you thinking about? Just talk!"


Jay Chou glanced at him...

Suddenly he shook his head:

"I don't want to say it, but can you please don't force me?"



Xu Xin sighed:


Holding the tea cup, he responded:

"Okay... Actually, yesterday, I saw your news came out, and Mimi and I talked about this matter. You also know what I mean. I came here because I actually hope that we can communicate, and then I I advise you to turn back..."


Looking at the expressionless Jay Chou, Xu Xin blew the tea leaves on the cup, took a sip, and continued;

"But Mimi and I actually have the opposite ideas... According to her, it's too late for her friends to love her and pamper her. Why should she go to others to suffer injustice..."

"...Then you should let her come."

"Get lost."

Xu Xin looked at the snickering childish ghost angrily:

"And then we start a scandal with you? Wouldn't that completely blow things up?"

"Hey, she's just a good friend. She knows how to support me at times like this."

"I don't care about you, I'm a dog!"

"Hahaha~ Hey, don't be like this, don't be like this, I was joking... Come on, let me show you my studio? My new album is out, do you want to listen to it?"

In fact, Xu Xin finally saw it.

He was particularly shy about talking to anyone about it.

So I tried my best to change the topic.

From this point of view, what my girlfriend said is right.

At this time, no one should get involved in this matter, but leave the choice to the two of them.

But the problem is... Xu Xin really feels that he loves Hou Peiqiao miserably.

So the idea is very simple.

Since you love him so much, don't give up on her.

This was what he thought before meeting Jay Chou.

But looking at his attitude now... Xu Xin couldn't bear it anymore.

Maybe what my girlfriend said was right from the beginning?

But as a friend... shouldn't we expect our friends' relationships to go smoothly? Even if there are occasional setbacks, you should help as a friend and push yourself out of the quagmire.

Isn’t this what good friends should do?

But reason told him that his girlfriend's choice seemed to be the right one.

This left him speechless...

Between good buddies, unless the other person is really not worth paying for, what is the so-called... How do you say it in a roundabout way?

Motorcycle girl?

Broken hemp?

That's probably what it means.

Unless the other party is a loser, otherwise... there is no reason not to persuade him to make peace?

Obviously I like it so much...

But the fact is that Jay Chou didn't want to talk about this matter, and he didn't want to worry about him, so he tried to change the topic...

At this time, Xu Xin understood.

It's better for me to stop having sex... If I go to bed, I will feel uncomfortable, and he will feel even more uncomfortable.

So he nodded:

"Okay...but doesn't this count as a leak?"

"Forget it, if I tell you, it won't be considered a leak... I have a new album on the 4th, remember to buy it and support it~"

"...Do I still have to buy it?"

After he got up and walked inside, Xu Xin was speechless:

"I spent more than 10,000 on air tickets today. Isn't it worth giving me one as a gift?"

"...Then I will give you the DEMO, okay? There are only five demos at the moment. One for me, one for Wenshan, and one for Brother Junrong. Give two to the record company. Are they enough friends?"

"What does DEMO mean?"

"Small sample, the most real sample."

"...What's the sample?"

"On the first recorded version, you can hear the singer's truest voice, as well as some differences from the official album. Many people collect it. My DEMO of "Qili Xiang" was sold for 1.5 million at a charity auction last year. Taiwan dollars!”

"...Three hundred thousand? Just buy...this?"


Listening to Xu Xin's obviously layman's words, Jay Chou was really speechless:

"Please, I'm famous, okay? I won't give it to anyone who asks me to demo it. I want to give it to you. You can take it back and put it at home..."

"What are you doing? Offering incense and offerings?"

"Damn it! You are really..."


Seeing his furious look, Xu Xin suddenly laughed out loud.

She grabbed his shoulders with both hands and squeezed them hard.

Without saying anything, he patted him twice on the back.


Jay Chou was stunned...

Then the shock in his eyes turned into warmth:

"Ha~ let's go."


Holding the mobile phone, Xu Xin followed him into the music room filled with pianos, guzheng and other musical instruments.

He didn't know whether these instruments were valuable or not, and he didn't bother to ask. He just sat on an old-looking chair.

The posture was so casual that Jay Chou's face turned green when he saw it:

"Please! That's Dinu Lipatti's chair, could you be more careful!"


"Dinu Lipatti."


"Romania's legendary pianist! If he hadn't died so young, he would have definitely been a legend in modern music history... and he still is!"


Xu Xin lowered his head and looked at this ordinary square chair:

"Modern times? Died young? When did you die?"


"...I thought your reaction was 1550, not an antique."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"When you come to Yanjing, I'll invite you to sit in my house, okay? The furniture in my house now is from the Ming and Qing dynasties, hundreds of years old. If you like it, I'll give it to you."


A sense of shame for playing the piano made Jay Chou feel ashamed to be in the company of this guy. He wordlessly took a tape and put it into a tape recorder.

Then, a tinkling sound accompanied by the movement of the cello rang out.

"What's the name of this song?"

""Chapter VII of the night"."

"...Where are the first six chapters?"


Although he knew that his friend was teasing him, Jay Chou was still speechless for a while.

You are outrageous enough!

"I will accompany you until the end, can you not look back..."

When Dani came back to find the two of them, this song was playing in the music room.

"Brother JAY, Brother Xu, it's time to eat."


Xu Xin nodded and pressed the pause button.

This song "White Windmill" has been repeated three times.

It is Xu Xin's favorite song in Jay Chou's album called "Still Fantasy".

Then, he forcefully looked at Jay Chou's speechless eyes and pulled him to listen to it three times.

During this period, I also asked him something:

"Hey, have you ever heard the song called "Changing Hearts", sung by Black Dragon."

Jay Chou was curious at first and searched it on his computer.

Then I was speechless...

Saliva song?

While I understand what you mean...can you please stop trying to "soften" me in terms of musicianship?

Speechless, he took out the DEMO and handed it to Xu Xin as a gift.

Then I heard Xu Xin ask:

"Just one box? You've already released seven albums, right? What about the other six boxes? Are you going to give me one set for my collection?"


At this moment, Jay Chou felt that the other party regarded him as a big grievance.

But he still firmly took out six tapes from the drawer.

"There are no more than five people in the world who have this!"

"Why five more...including yourself?"

"Nonsense! My mother has another way, the company has another way... She has another way..."

"Is it valuable?"

"...How about you go back, okay? I thank you for coming to accompany me, but if this continues, I'm afraid I will go crazy."


Ignoring Jay Chou's painful look, he walked to the living room and drank the bitter cup of tea in one gulp. The three of them sat on the dining table in the open kitchen and ate a takeaway meal.

To be honest, it tastes okay.

It's a pity that Xu Xin is not very hungry.

After dinner, Jay Chou asked Dani to get off work.

There were only two people left in the room again.

Ever since he understood that Jay Chou didn't want to talk about relationships, Xu Xin stopped asking questions in depth except for some jokes.

With two glasses of red wine, the two of them stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, admiring the bustling night view of the bustling traffic in the distance in the hot Taipei night.

There was a lot to talk about.

For example, Jay Chou asked Xu Xin if he wanted to stay a few more days and introduce Xu Xin to some good friends.

The kind that is particularly easy to talk to.

For example, should we go to Longshan Temple... Xu Xin was quite puzzled as to why he went to the temple at night, but when he saw Jay Chou's ambiguous look, "Aren't you going to see the Betel Nut Xi Tzu?", Xu Xin's eyes filled with regret. Oral smoke:

"I have a girlfriend, but I can only watch it, but I can't watch it. It's boring."

Then bursts of laughter known to all men came from the balcony.

Just like that, I drank two bottles of red wine without realizing it.

Jay Chou, whose face was slightly red from drinking, suddenly said:

"Hey, do you think someone can really travel through time and space?"


Xu Xin, who looked particularly tired after drinking too much wine, turned his head, glanced at him, and said drunkenly:

"If so, when do you want to go back?"

"February 14th last year."


Seeing him tell the exact date, although Xu Xin knew the reason, he still asked.

Jay Chou drank the red wine in one gulp.

He smiled and shook his head:

"Give me another choice, I will never go to Daikanyama that day."



Xu Xin sighed silently.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said:

"Hey, do you know...what Mimi said to me?"


"She once told me that a director she particularly liked said something like this: Life is the same as movies, winning or losing is determined by the aftertaste."

"Uh...that makes sense~ So?"

"I actually sometimes wonder, why are there movies in this world? They are obviously all things performed by real people... Why are people interested in the lives of each character? I couldn't understand it at first. I felt that movies were so Very boring stuff."

"Then you're still going to major in film?"

"Because I wanted to pick up girls... But recently, especially between last year and this year, I suddenly figured it out. The reason why movies are liked and sought after by people... has never been the so-called seventh art or What to do and so on. It is not a necessity in life. But the reason why it can reach such a height is because... it can create dreams. It can create a place that temporarily makes you forget some things in your heart, or temporarily makes up for your inner regrets. dream."

From the very beginning when I heard the ridiculous reason why the other party just wanted to pick up girls, to the silence after the next paragraph.

Jay Chou has quietly turned his head.

He looked at the busy traffic in the other direction without saying a word.

But Xu Xin is still continuing:

"But sometimes... I think it's quite ridiculous. Because if you really judge the movie based on my concept, wouldn't the movie become a lie for people to escape from life? So... I think so. Movies Just take a look at this stuff. It includes songs, music, paintings, etc... It's too cowardly to pin your regrets on works of art or other things.

Far inferior to those lives that can still be changed. Of course, if it is really unchangeable, it has already happened and it has become the past, then you should just pretend that I didn’t say anything. But as long as there is still a glimmer of possibility... If you don't try, maybe cruelly extinguishing the last trace of luck in your heart, or feeling the ecstasy of regaining it through your own efforts... it is far better than escaping. At least you have worked hard, and if you lose your illusions, you will only have regrets. "


After Xu Xin finished speaking, he chose to shut up.

Momo lit another cigarette for himself.

That's how he drinks.

Waste smoke.

I only took three puffs on this cigarette, and all of it was burned out because of talking.

While I was lighting up my cigarette, I suddenly heard Jay Chou say:

"Can you be more explicit than suggestive?"


Xu Xin smiled.

With one foot on the chair and the hand holding the cigarette on his knee, he looked at the busy traffic below and suddenly began to hum a song:

"Give me another two minutes~ Let me freeze the memory~"

"Don't melt your tears~How can I remember if you've already spent all your makeup~"

"Remember that you have forgotten me~Remember that you have forgotten me~~~"

"You said you would cry~not because you care..."

He hummed nondescriptly.

Jay Chou, who has a musical obsession, was speechless:

"What bad song? Who sang it?"

"I don't know either... When I was with Mimi, it suddenly popped into my head one time... Hey, do you want to try to adapt it for me, and I can do a crossover or something."

"...Sing for Mimi, you are not suitable for singing."

"Is it really appropriate to say this from someone like you who can't even sing the lyrics clearly?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Jay Chou also rolled his eyes, seemed a little unconvinced, and suddenly stood up:


Xu Xin didn't know why he was going.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew from nowhere.

He was feeling comfortable.

But soon, Jay Chou brought over one...? Or a... very compact electronic keyboard.

It looks like a toy.

After walking over, he put it on the table:

"Hey, hum again."


"Give you the chords."

"Uh... give me two more minutes..."

"Ding ding dong dong..."

After Xu Xin hummed again, Jay Chou nodded:

"I feel like 4/4 would be very suitable ~ CAAD, 4333."

"...You speak human language."


He glanced at the musical idiot next to him angrily, and pressed his fingers on the electronic keyboard.

"Give me another two minutes~~~~"

"Let me tie up the memory... la la~"

"Don't... la la la~ la la la la la~ la la la la la la~"

"Don't you have perfect pitch? Why can't you even remember the lyrics?"

"Please, I have perfect pitch, but I'm not the strongest brain! This lyrics is so difficult to sing, how can I remember it at once?"

Jay Chou was speechless, and then ignored Xu Xin.

I was playing the electronic keyboard tinklingly there.

Xu Xin ignored him, smoking and drinking more and more.

Then suddenly I heard:

"Our beginning~dong dong~"


He turned his head in confusion.

I saw Jay Chou's eyes a little straight, staring at the keyboard and starting to hum:

“It’s a very long movie~”

"Ding ding~"

"It was shown for three years~"

"Dong dong~"

"In the end, I am the only one..."

"Ding ding~"

"In the end, I'm the only one left~..."

"Dong dong~"

"I...still have the ending~~~"

"Ding ding..."

"Forgot you?~"

"It's hard to forget you...I can't forget you anymore...I'm slowly forgetting you~~~"

"If you could do it all over again...travel through time and space...when traveling...would you choose to do it all over again~~~"

"Isn't love~ so precious if you don't speak~~~~~Give me two more minutes~~~ Let me freeze the memory~Don't melt your tears and your makeup will be wasted~How do you want me to remember!"

"Remember that you forgot about me?"

"Please just forget about me."

"You said you would cry~not~~~~because you care..."

For some reason, when he sang the last line, his voice came out directly from his throat.

There was a hoarse cracking sound.

But Xu Xin got goosebumps unconsciously.

I stared blankly at my friend who was holding the electronic keyboard in his hand and seemed to be talking about something with the help of this specious melody...

A sigh passed through my heart:


After a while...

"Do you have a laptop?"


"Bring it here."

"What to do?"

"You help me write the song, and I'll help you with the script. I want to sing this song to my girlfriend~"

"...Eh? Didn't you write it to me?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"Then you promise me, no matter what, you will go find her again... no matter what the result is. If you agree, I will give it to you!"


Jay Chou was silent again.

Seriously looking at Xu Xin who is full of expectation...

After about ten seconds, he walked into the house again.

He quickly took out an Apple notebook and placed it in front of Xu Xin.

"'The Secret That Cannot Be Told' is inside."

"Well, my song is in your head."

Xu Xin didn't ask him whether he would agree or not.

Because he has already given the answer.

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