I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 131 129 Young people love face

Chapter 131 129. Young people love face


When Dani opened the door, she saw three wine bottles staggered on the coffee table on the sofa.

There are two more on the balcony.

Cigarette butts everywhere.

And Xu Xin, who didn't even change his clothes, fell asleep on the sofa drunk.

And a laptop that had run out of power was above the sofa where he slept.

Brother JAY is even more awesome.

I was lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window between the balcony and the living room with an electronic keyboard in my arms.

Half of the body is on the balcony, and half of the body is in the living room.

The pillow on my head turned out to be an empty wine bottle...


She was speechless.

I can't even imagine what happened.

That is to say, both of them are wearing clothes now.

If she didn't wear any clothes...she would probably have to call the police.

The sound of her entering the room also woke up the dazed Xu Xin.

Glancing at Dani...he mumbled subconsciously:

"what time is it?"

"...It's already 11 o'clock, Brother Xu...how much did you drink last night?"

"Uh... I don't know... water... pour a glass of water..."

Dani quickly went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of mineral water.

Xu Xin sat up and drank half of the bottle before saying:

"He vomited in the shower stall in the bathroom. Let's ask the cleaning staff to come and clean it today...Bring me a set of his clothes and pants. I have to take a shower..."

"Oh, okay."

Dani hurriedly ran to the locker room. When she came out, Xu Xin could no longer see anyone.

She hurriedly walked to the main guard.

"Brother Xu, I left my clothes at the door."


Xu Xin's movement came from the sound of rushing water.

Only then did Dani have time to take care of Jay Chou.

But Jay Chou really hadn't sobered up yet. Hearing Dani's call, he opened his eyes drowsily and took a look. After getting up, he straightened up on the sofa and fell asleep again.

Xu Xin came out with surprise.

Wearing a sports suit, he pointed at the main guard curiously:

“What brand is that shower thing?”

"Uh... Hansgrohe."

"……Have not heard."

Xu Xin, who suddenly felt that the shower head was extremely comfortable just now, shook his head:

"You can send it to me later, and I'll change it too...it's pretty good after washing."


"Well, is there any news on how to leave yesterday?"


Dani nodded quickly:

"First fly to Xiangjiang from here, and then return to the mainland from Xiangjiang..."

"...Isn't this the same route as I took yesterday?"

Xu Xin was speechless.

But he still nodded:

"Okay, can you take me to the airport?"

"...Huh? Brother Xu, are you leaving?"


Xu Xin responded:

"I feel relieved to see that he is fine. I will go back now..."

"Uh...Okay. Then Brother JAY..."

"He's fine. We drank until dawn yesterday, so we probably have to sleep all day today."

Hearing this, Dani quickly sent a message to the second assistant asking him to come and take care of her, and then took the key and went out with Xu Xin.

The entire journey was silent.

Dani did not ask Xu Xin anything about Jay Chou and Hou Peiqiao.

Didn't talk about it either.

In fact, she couldn't tell. Xu Xin started sleeping as soon as he got in the car and slept until the airport.

After getting off the bus, he waved to Dani and walked into the airport.

In this way, it was not until around 3 o'clock in the afternoon that Jay Chou woke up with a confused look on his face.

The first thing I said after waking up was:

"Where's Xu Xin?"

"Brother Xu has already left. He left after 11 o'clock."


Jay Chou was stunned for a moment, then he immediately reacted and looked at his assistant:

"Why didn't you stop him?"

Danixin said I have to be able to stop her.

"...When did his flight arrive? How did he leave?"

"Well, I should have arrived in Xiangjiang by now."

"? Why go to Xiangjiang?"

"He didn't have a pass, so he could only go to Xiangjiang from here, then enter the customs from Xiangjiang, and then take a flight back to Yanjing after arriving in the mainland. It was the same route when he came here."

"...so troublesome!?"

Only then did Jay Chou react belatedly. Xu Xin came to see how much trouble he was having this time.

I was speechless for a moment:


He seemed to want to say something, but didn't say it.

When Dani saw that he was awake, she asked:

"Brother JAY, I'll call the cleaning staff. The bathroom hasn't been cleaned since you vomited."

"Spit?...Who vomited? I didn't vomit."



The two stared at each other.

"But Brother Xu said it was you who vomited~"

"...I didn't throw up either."



10 at night.

Xu Xin finally arrived home.

At this moment, he was extremely tired and just sent a hurried message to his girlfriend that he was home safely. After taking a shower, he didn't even read the reply and just threw himself on the bed.

When I woke up, it was almost 9 o'clock in the morning.

Fortunately, the creative team didn't say that they clocked in to work, otherwise the perfect attendance this month would have been very low.

It was almost 10 o'clock and we arrived at the Olympic Building.

I originally thought I would miss something, but as soon as I entered the conference room and saw a group of people scratching their heads and scratching their heads with frowns, Xu Xin nodded.

Well, it looks like everything is calm and nothing happened.

Time passes slowly.

On September 3rd, "Still Fantasy" was released simultaneously globally.

Sales are booming.

Jay Chou's new album is still highly anticipated, and "Chapter 7 of Night" has been dubbed the highest completion of the "Dark Trilogy".

The song "Thousands of Miles Away" by Tian Chaofeng has become a household name.

Looking at it, "Still Fantasy" is definitely leading the music scene this September...

But on September 4th, a bigger "melon" was revealed in Jay Chou.

On September 4th, at the Wanwan Ximending book signing event, when reporters asked about Zhou Hou's love, Jay Chou said frankly: "I don't have a girlfriend."

This directly confirmed Zhou Houlian's breakup.

In an instant, countless Jay Chou fans cheered and high-fived each other.

Countless media began to dig into the hard news, and various speculations and revelations emerged one after another...

The news quickly spread to the mainland's Internet.

But Xu Xin just sighed slightly after seeing this news.

He knew that Jay Chou must have gone to see Hou Peiqiao.

Because that's what he promised himself.

"In exchange" for a song.

But in the end...

Suddenly, he understood a little bit.

I understand what his girlfriend said when he came back from Taipei and talked about this matter:

"Actually, I can understand Hou Peiqiao more or less."

"What she needs is a sense of security and companionship. Because of her family of origin, what she longs for most is not how good her boyfriend is, but that he can be with her at any time when she needs it."

"It's like meeting up to watch a movie together. You spend countless hours adjusting and cooperating, and then waiting expectantly for that day to arrive. You have taken countless routes to avoid the paparazzi, and you have investigated which time period has the least number of people attending the show. , settled in the most unnoticeable position...but the other party suddenly let go of you when you were most expecting it..."

"If two people want to get along comfortably, in addition to love, there are also personality, time, energy, temper and various objective factors."

"But brother, you did one thing right, and that was to persuade him to go find her one last time."

"Because at least he tried hard for love one last time."

Xu Xin didn’t know whether the definition of this passage was accurate.

But he wisely didn't ask again.

Some things take time to heal.

In the golden autumn of September, Xu Xin has more important things to do.

September 11th.

Early in the morning.

Xu Xin took another half day off.

Drive directly to Baiyun Temple.

Baiyun Temple is located in Yanjing City, and today is not a holiday, so there are not many people. When Xu Xin arrived, he gave five tickets worth ten yuan and received five bundles of yellow incense from the Taoist priest at the door.

Entering the mountain gate, first go to Lingguan Hall.

I don’t know if it’s a common saying here in Yanjing or a Taoist tradition.

According to my girlfriend, this is called: If you don’t go up the mountain, you must first pay homage to Wang Lingguan.

Lingguan Hall is the first hall in any Taoist temple.

It is said that when Bei Qizhen became a Taoist, God Haotian granted him the title, but Qiu Changchun refused to thank him and asked why. This is because: those who practice and learn Taoism in future generations are like those who endured millions of hardships without retreating from their original aspirations. It is difficult to choose among them. One. It is the hardest thing to learn well, and you cannot master it unless you learn it well.

After hearing what he said, Wang Lingguan said to himself: If there are practitioners or Taoists in future generations, if he has three points of practice, I will have seven points of inspiration. If he practices very well, I will always be there for him.

Therefore, for those who practice Taoism, Wang Lingguan has a very high status.

Many people think that these words come from the mouth of Skanda Bodhisattva, but in fact they are imported from Buddhism. Only Wang Lingguan can express these words for us monks.

Therefore, among the caves and blessed places set up by those who studied and practiced Taoism in later generations, Lingguan Hall was the first place.

But this is not Xu Xin's purpose.

When he arrived at the Lingguan Hall, Xu Xin just lit a bundle of incense and bowed respectfully, then headed directly towards the second hall.

The second hall is the Jade Emperor Hall, which has nothing to say.

Light a bundle of incense, pray again and leave.

Finally, he arrived at the third hall of Baiyun Temple - Laolutang.

Standing in front of the cauldron outside the door, he raised his head and glanced at the plaque "Langjian Zhenting", feeling slightly regretful.

Today is not a day for fasting, and there are no Taoist priests performing rituals.

But...it doesn't matter.

Three bundles of incense were lit.

After loading each bundle respectfully, he bowed in front of the cauldron and recited silently:

"Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun."

After all three bundles of incense were inserted into the cauldron, a little sadness finally appeared on his face.

He stepped in, looked at the statue of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen with respect and piety, and knelt down on the futon. (Note 1)

Kneel once and knock three times.

Silently recite Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun.

Kneel twice and kowtow three times.

Silently recite Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun.

Kneel three times and knock three times.

Silently recite Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun.

After kneeling three times and knocking nine times, Xu Xin silently shouted in his heart:


Xu Xin never felt that he had any faith.

Although there is no such thing as atheism, if you ask him to believe in Buddhism or Taoism, he will not believe it. But whenever there are special days, he will always pay homage devoutly.

Not just him, it seems that many people in China have a slightly utilitarian idea about gods, "I'm looking for you if I have something to do, and I won't interact with you if nothing happens."

Today is my mother’s death anniversary.

He can't go back.

Dad won't let me go back.

So he was actually not in a good mood these days.

His girlfriend noticed it and told him that he could come to Baiyun Temple to burn incense.

It's not a Buddhist temple, but a Taoist temple.

This seems to be a habit of Yanjing people, and my girlfriend specifically told me to come to Laolvtang, because Laolvtang is a place that specializes in warding off misfortunes, prolonging life, and exalting the souls of the dead.

On the right day, there will be a fasting festival.

But if you can’t make it, it’s a good idea to come here to pay your respects.

At this moment, Buddha and Tao seem to be particularly clear.

Therefore, Xu Xin came, came early in the morning, and after bowing respectfully, he felt a little better.

Then, he sent a message to Xu Miao, telling him that after he came to the Taoist temple to pray for his mother, Xu Miao also told him that he had finished visiting the grave.

That'll do.

Both brothers felt at ease.

At the same time, he sent another message to his girlfriend, telling her that he was going to work.

Drive to the Olympic Building.

It's actually quite interesting to say that none of Xu's family has any faith, including Xu Daqiang. But I also go to the temple and Taoist temple at home to burn incense and pray for blessings every year, and I rarely miss out.

But in the final analysis, he really has no faith, but his girlfriend believes in Buddhism.

Xu Xin was really surprised when he heard about her faith for the first time.

And it was even more strange when he heard that his girlfriend was asking him to go to Thailand to worship Buddha after the Olympics.

What does it mean?

Do monks from other places like to recite sutras?

Don't understand.

Therefore, he was not very interested in going to the so-called Xinma Tai. Instead, he wanted to find a temple in Yanjing where the longevity tablets could be enshrined.

But my girlfriend doesn’t know much about this aspect.

You still have to ask someone.

While thinking about these things along the way, he received a call from Yang Mi:


"Hey, brother, have you finished offering incense to Auntie?"

"Yeah. Have you finished class?"


She probably guessed her boyfriend's mood at the moment, so she didn't show any emotion in her words and just said directly:

"I have to join the group tomorrow."

"...from "Wulin Gaiden"?"


Xu Xin's brows instantly wrinkled.

"What about tomorrow's birthday?"


September 12th is my girlfriend’s birthday in the solar calendar year.

And the strange thing is that she really only celebrates birthdays in the solar year, but not in the lunar year, because she finds it difficult to remember.

Originally, the two of them had already discussed it. She will spend noon tomorrow with her family, and then she will find some excuse like "a classmate is celebrating my birthday" and the two of them will go out to have a candlelight dinner together. But you want to join the group tomorrow?

"Why is it so sudden? Didn't it just start filming not long ago?"

Xu Xin left all the matters of "Wulin Gaiden" to Liu Momo, and he didn't worry about it himself. It’s just that my girlfriend gave up after going through the audition as if it were child’s play.

But now my girlfriend wants to join the group on her birthday?

"I don't know the specifics, but the director suddenly called just now and said he was going to shoot tomorrow."

"...I'll call Director Shang and postpone it for a while."

"Hey, don't!"

Upon hearing what her boyfriend said, Yang Mi quickly interrupted his thoughts:

"I'm just a supporting role. I have to leave for the crew. How can it be postponed just because of me? If word gets out by then, I won't be able to see anyone in the future... It can't be like this, brother, don't make trouble. I guess tomorrow The filming was quick and it will be over soon.”

"...Did you really read the script?"

Xu Xin was speechless:

"This is the story of Zhang Hui Ti. Each episode has been decided. If you want to go in, it must be the thirty-first episode, which is about Zhu Wushuang throwing a sunflower at Tongfu Inn and looking for Bai Zhantang at night. That episode You have dramas during the day and dramas at night...what are you thinking about?"

Yang Mi actually knew that what her boyfriend said was right.

But human beings are most afraid of not being able to recognize themselves.

Yes, this drama was invested by my boyfriend.

Yes, I picked up the role for free.

But if you really have to rely on these two points to do something sexy, the girl asks herself whether she can do it.

If you have already started filming and something happens in the middle, and you can discuss with the director to focus on the scenes or something, then there is no problem. But I haven't even joined the crew yet, and just because of my birthday, I asked the crew to change the filming schedule...

Even if her boyfriend invested in this drama, she couldn't agree to it.

A little too...

To put it harshly, it is called a dog taking advantage of others; to put it nicely, it is called a troublemaker...

It's not a good thing to say anyway.

Therefore, she still refused:

"No, brother, if you do this, I won't be able to get along with you on this crew in the future... The worst possible outcome is tomorrow. I'll spend time with my family tomorrow, and then I'll ask the director tomorrow how to arrange my scene. Anyway, it's just ten The scenes in this episode were very easy to handle. How was it?"

"...If you miss your birthday, why call it a birthday?"

Xu Xin was a little dissatisfied.

Although he knows that his girlfriend did the right thing...

The results of it……

"It's your birthday secretly and you didn't tell me!"


Xu Xin didn't celebrate his birthday because it was his mother's Good Friday.

Although no one blamed him for his mother's death... some rumors from his childhood still remained fresh in his memory.

Some people say that he was so stubborn that he killed his mother.

Some people also say that the mother's vitality was damaged because she gave birth to him...

So he really couldn't lick that face to celebrate his birthday.

This has been the case since childhood.

Suddenly, he was helpless:

"This is our first birthday together..."

"I know, but I will celebrate many, many birthdays with you in the future. Is this one missing... Okay, brother, starting from next year, can I start celebrating birthdays in the lunar calendar year? I celebrate two in a year and make up for it every day. you!"


have to.

Having said that, what else can Xu Xin say?

"Then what will you do tomorrow?"

"It's a normal shooting. I join the set in the morning and go home after the night scene. If it's my birthday... my dad will definitely give me a bowl of longevity noodles. In fact, I don't like celebrating birthdays, because every time I have a birthday, I'm reminded I took a step towards turning 30...sigh."


Xu Xinxin said, what you said is really human.

"Okay, then I cancel the restaurant reservation?"

"Cancel it...we'll go there next time."

He made a reservation for a small day.

I made a reservation based on hearsay. It was said that it was a kind of kaiseki or huaishui cuisine. Yang Mi had never eaten it, and neither had he, so she wanted to try it.

no solution anymore.

"Okay, then I'll call to cancel the appointment now."

"Well, are you driving?"


"Then let's wait until the Olympic Building talks, and drive carefully~"


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin shook his head helplessly.

If you miss it, just miss it. Jay Chou will be here in a few days anyway, so I’ll add another one then.

Just as I was thinking about it, another call came in.

Unknown number.

After Xu Xin connected, he heard:

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I am a sales consultant for Porsche cars..."

Xu Xin's eyes moved.

Early in the morning, as soon as Yang Mi got up and walked out of the house, she stood obediently in front of the dining table.

Over the years, the subtle habit has made her know what she will face on this birthday...

Sure enough, Yang Chunling stood up with a boiled egg:

"Happy birthday, daughter!"

"Mom, happy birthday~hehe~"

She gave her mother a hug very considerately, and then she stood still and allowed her mother to roll the eggs from head to toe for her.

And she also muttered silently:

“Good luck rolls in!”

I don’t know if this is superstition or what, but it’s been this way for many years.

After rolling the eggs, break them, peel them, and throw them into the bowl of longevity noodles with soy sauce soup.

The family of three just started eating.

"Girl, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Hearing Yang Dalin's words, Yang Mi shook her head:

"Whatever, but don't order the cake from last year. It's not delicious. Dad, order a smaller one and a more delicious fruit cake. It's very popular now."

"...made of fruit?"

Yang Dalin obviously didn't understand much.

"No, no, it's just that the cake has that kind of fruit sandwich... Anyway, if you go to the cake shop and tell them, they will definitely know. Let's just get an 8-inch one."


As soon as Yang Dalin agreed, Yang Chunling said:

"Then what time will you be back from filming today?"

"Hmm...I don't know."

The girl didn’t know what the show was about, whether it was shot fast or slow.

"However, it may be a little slow to get into the mood after joining the team on the first day...but I hope I can finish the work early today."

"Is the promotion of "Golden Armor" about to start?"

"I don't know."

"...Okay, eat quickly, don't let Tingting wait down there for too long."


The girl responded and started to slurp the noodles.

Soon, after finishing a bowl of longevity noodles, she wiped her mouth and said:

"I am leaving."

"Go ahead and ask Tingting to drive carefully and fasten your seat belt, you know?"

"Know it."

The old couple really thought that the Santana was a car assigned by the company, so they had no plans to buy a car for their daughter for the time being.

Some time ago, I went to look at cars for my daughter, and she fell in love with a Nissan sports car.

More than half a million... Fortunately, Yang Dalin didn't faint.

It's better to pay off the loan for the new house that my daughter bought with more than 500,000 yuan.

But I can't help but my daughter likes it.

I can't bear to have more money than I have in my pocket.

Finally discussed it.

Anyway, I already have this Santana, so let’s use it first, save up some money, and buy it for the girl when I have enough money.

After the daughter went out, the couple continued to eat.

Yang Chunling suddenly said:

"Why don't we just stop decorating our new house?"


"Mimi can't go out without a car. So no matter what Santana is, it doesn't look like it's driven by an actor. It's too cheap... Rong Xinda is really stingy, even if it costs around 100,000 yuan. A car is fine too, but I just want a Santana..."


Yang Dalin said nothing and drank porridge and steamed buns...

After a few mouthfuls, he nodded:

"That's okay. Can we decorate it bit by bit? How much was the down payment for the car last time?"

"It seems to be less than 20."

"...Then I'll go find Xiao Bin in the afternoon and ask him to get back the 30,000 yuan he owes us. Let's just treat it as a birthday gift for my daughter. Let's book a car tomorrow?"


Yang Chunling agreed:

"Young people are all about saving face. It's really shameful for my daughter to drive this car... Why don't we take a look this afternoon?"


Yang Dalin directly agreed:

"If it works, please pay a deposit first and put together the money you have... Where did Mimi take the photo?"

"Feilong Film and Television City."

"...It's far enough. That place is a mountain, so it's not easy to walk, right?"

After hearing Yang Dalin's words, Yang Chunling thought for a while and said:

"How about picking her up at night? Bringing a cake and deposit slip? Give her a surprise?"

Yang Dalin thought for a while and nodded:

"I think it will work!"

(Note 1: I remember that when I was a child, I was allowed to enter the Baiyun Temple to worship, but now it seems that I am no longer allowed.)

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