I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 132 130 Those who remain are the best

Chapter 132 130. Those who stay are the best

Regarding the role of Zhu Wushuang in "Wulin Gaiden", Yang Mi doesn't think it is difficult to control it.

To describe it in my boyfriend’s words:

"For the character Zhu Wushuang, you just need to show that insecure image."

Because of the lack of security, I have to give people a feeling of pleasing to everyone.

Gentle and soft, soft and weak.

No matter what problems others give you, you have to accept them and then find a way to solve them yourself.

Swallow all the suffering into your own belly, and what you bring to others is always a perfect answer.

Then, use a very flattering and humble attitude, hoping to get praise from others.

This is Zhu Wushuang’s greatest wish.

He is a very tragic character.

When Yang Mi first heard her boyfriend's character analysis, she thought he was crazy.

Or the brain is not normal.

The script is obviously a sitcom, but you tell me there is a tragic character?


Yes, the core of comedy is often tragedy... But what do you think of Zhu Wushuang's "humble" position?

Wish you Wushuang!

A junior sister from the Sunflower School, she knows Sunflower Acupuncture, travels around the world, is versatile in housework, and has a gentle and considerate temperament.

This kind of person is...humble?

What international joke are you kidding?

She refused at first, feeling that the role of Zhu Wushuang should be the same as Guo Xiang's, embodying the innocent and innocent temperament of a junior sister.

No pressure.

But after taking the script and starting to interpret part of it, she suddenly felt that something was really wrong with what she was thinking.

It seems like... that innocence... there's something really wrong with the taste.

There is an indescribable awkwardness.

It feels very awkward.

Even though she has tried to incorporate Guo Xiang's character into it, showing the righteousness and pride of the children of the world, and the love underneath the pride, first for her senior brother, and then for Tong Shitou and Lu Xiucai.

But it's okay not to do these things, but it's only after the performance that I felt that the taste was completely wrong.

Acting is not about making expressions and showing off.

It is a process of elaborating and getting deep into the heart of the character.

How does a character appear externally, why does he have this external appearance, and what is his experience? What kind of mental journey have you gone through to create this kind of performance? And how to express this kind of performance, and how to grasp the scale, details, etc.

It's different from the kind of routine acting that doesn't teach theory in acting classes and just asks you to imitate or do something else.

Most of the teaching by teachers at places like Beijing Film Academy and China National Theater is actually guiding students and digging into the core of it.

And when Yang Mi started to dig deeper, she suddenly discovered... that she had really taken the wrong path.

What my boyfriend said... seems right?

She immediately wanted to turn back, but she still felt ridiculous.

Although this story came from her boyfriend, in daily life, Xu Xin actually didn't pay much attention to this story.

It seems that he just gave more than 10 million and then left it alone.

No matter life or death, love comes no matter what.

She didn't understand it either.

Putting aside whether you have money or not, brother, what are you doing with this indifferent look?

Could you please take some control of your finances?

But you’re welcome, don’t ask any more questions...I’ll even tell you when it will start filming and where the crew is.

Why are you so big-hearted?

I asked with confusion, but was stopped by my brother's words:

"When dealing with investment, you must have a mind for safe production and not interfere too much."

What is excessive intervention and what is safe production?

Yang Mi doesn’t quite understand.

But when her doubts about the role of Zhu Wushuang came to her mind, she thought about it and realized that her boyfriend thought this character was sad and humble, while I thought she was innocent.

One of us is positive and the other is negative, so I’m looking for a third person to come over and take a look, isn’t that the end of it?

Isn’t there a great person in front of you?

Cui Xinqin Professor Cui...

He brought out many big names in the entertainment industry...

So, having always been a social nerd, she made an appointment with Director Cui using a question about the "core of comedy" after class, and then asked Director Cui to analyze the character of Zhu Wushuang.

Director Cui spent a week reading the script.

Then she gave her a very firm conclusion:

"This character is probably the most tragic character in the script."

Exactly what my boyfriend said.

In fact, both of them have the same point of view.

For Zhu Wushuang, who was an orphan and grew up in Sunflower School, Sunflower School is her home.

At home, everyone else is the elder, only her senior brother is her equal.

Therefore, her pursuit and dependence on her senior brother was blind.

The senior brother left, and after the four elders of the Sunflower Sect died in a ridiculous mahjong game, their family was gone.

She only had her senior brother left.

When he came to find his senior brother, he met Lu Xiucai who was heartbroken because of Xiao Guo's departure.

I was moved by Lu Xiucai's unsuccessful hug and confession on the roof, which was like admitting someone by mistake. From then on, besides senior brother, there was another person in my heart.

When faced with difficulties from shopkeeper Tong, Dazui, and Xiaobei, the girl was asked to use six grains of money to cook meals for six people, including meat and vegetables and soup. She went to Xiliang River to catch fish and went up the mountain to catch hares by herself. , the basic reason why she went through all kinds of hardships to cook a table of food is not that she couldn't feel the hostility of shopkeeper Tong towards her, nor that she couldn't understand that others were making things difficult for her.

But her senior brother is the only one in her world.

As long as I can stay with my senior brother, it doesn't matter what hardships or sins I have.

As long as everyone accepts me, recognizes me, and doesn't drive me away.

And when she understood that her senior brother didn't care about her, but only regarded her as his younger sister, and that she and Shopkeeper Tong had already loved each other, she didn't complain at all.

If others don’t need me, then I won’t cause trouble to others.

Like a little animal with a super sensitive heart.

Prepare to hide your head again.

But at this time, shopkeeper Tong accepted her and gave her a "new home".

After feeling that kind of need, the insecure girl immediately chose to actively integrate.

She is diligent and quick, even doing the work of three or four people by herself. She cleans before dawn and has no time to rest after dark.

The purpose is to prove one's worth so that this "family" will not expel oneself again.

Then there was the wrong marriage with Tong Shitou, who could almost be said to be the second generation of rich people...

And, because of Lu Xiucai's confession of mistaken identity... like "But he called me baby", she didn't care about what she needed at all. She just blindly believed that Lu Xiucai needed her, so she secretly ignored him. Feeling emotional.

And when everything seemed to be going smoothly, Guo Furong came back again...

In short, everything, from Director Cui's point of view, this character is actually a very tragic character.

She loves harder than anyone else.

But it happens that all the efforts are always in vain.

According to Director Cui, everyone in Tongfu Inn has flaws, including the stingy shopkeeper Tong, the irritable Guo Furong, the pedantic Lu Xiucai, the cowardly Bai Zhantang, the selfish Li Dazui...

These people all have flaws, but they complement each other.

Ke Zhu Wushuang's flaws are different from anyone else's.

Her flaw is her sense of security and her blindness that she would rather have excess than lack.

A relationship can suck, but I must have it.

If not, there is no sense of security.

Zhu Wushuang, who is used to being alone, is willing to be kind to others without reservation. This kind of goodness just covered Zhu Wushuang's eyes. Therefore, as long as the opposite sex makes even the slightest move towards her, she will mistake it as a "show of love".

Throughout the entire Wulin Gaiden, every love Zhu Wushuang encounters is just wishful thinking behind blinded eyes.

The so-called "it's better to be rich than lacking", in the end, all you get in exchange is to be used. Zhu Wushuang, who has been used and has no value, will plunge into the next love story without any true love after being sad.

Her tragedy does not come from her character, but from the lack of security in her bones.

Unless she meets someone who treats her wholeheartedly, her fate will be so tragic.

At the same time, Cui Xinqin really praised this script.

Not to mention anything else, just the role that she, as a student, allowed herself to watch, can be regarded as a vivid interpretation of the famous saying "The core of comedy is tragedy".

Even if it's just a supporting role.

But Cui Xinqin still believes that the interpretation of this role is of great significance to girls.

It is even said to be a milestone for actors, a rare role that can only be met.

This character, in terms of character depth, can almost be said to be the No. 1 character in the entire "Wulin Gaiden".

Even if it's just a supporting role, it's enough to make people remember it.

Any actor who encounters this role is extremely lucky.

Such a high evaluation actually stunned Yang Mi...

Because she had actually talked about this with her boyfriend before.

It was a joke at the time. She and her boyfriend were chatting under the covers, and they started talking about the casting of Wulin Gaiden. What she meant was that her boyfriend still had a good heart. Look at Liu Tianxian... He directly squeezed out Zhou Xun and got the role of Xiao Longnu.

But she could only play a supporting role in a crew that was fully invested by her boyfriend, which only lasted about ten episodes.

My boyfriend is too partial.

No, you have to make it up to me.

Let's do it once, and you'll make it up to me.

It was originally a joke.

It was impossible for her to find fault with her boyfriend... She couldn't find such a good man even with a lantern... She didn't even want a female technician to massage her, for fear of making her jealous.

With such a good boyfriend, his ancestral graves are probably covered in smoke, so he still dares to be picky?

Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?

But her joke was firmly denied by Xu Xin:

"This role is most suitable for you. It has nothing to do with the protagonist and supporting roles, she is the most suitable for you."

And this answer Yang Mi went in with her left ear and came out with her right ear.

Because she had already started to thrust into her brother.

Who cares about Zhu Wushuang or Guo Furong?

How can he be as attractive as my brother's male dog waist?

People's hearts are almost fainted by hormones.

But when she heard Director Cui's words...she suddenly understood...

turn out to be……

From the beginning, he has given me the best.

And her reward was to wear one leg in black and one leg in white that night. After letting her brother enjoy the tenderness, she began to study this role more carefully than anyone else.

Today is the moment when she tests the results!

Pinggu Feilong...or Feilonggu Film and Television Base.

Still carrying the small schoolbag from Hengdian, she and Sun Ting got off the car at the entrance of the film and television base.

I haven't applied for a pass for this car yet, so I can't drive in today.

As she walked towards the small studio, she heard Sun Ting say:

"Sister, you look so young...so poor..."

"Ten thousand to ten, shooting 80 episodes, that's enough. It's like this for all sitcoms."

"...will there be an audience? The kind of audience that provides the laughs."

"Canned laughter? Definitely not. It's just normal filming."

Yang Mi shrugged:

"This place is so far away and so remote. You think it's Hollywood... If nothing else, I invited you here for nothing. Will you come?"


Sun Ting recalled the desolate road and shook her head subconsciously:

"Not coming."

"That's it."

While talking, the two of them had already entered the studio.

Then bursts of laughter were heard.

She turned around and saw that in the studio, which was specially arranged to look like a street, there were about twenty or thirty people eating around a table in the room under the plaque with the name "Tongfu Inn".

Talking and laughing while eating.

"You can find a cool place to wait for me."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she walked directly to Tongfu Inn.

And just after taking a few steps, someone saw her.

Then, as the girl walked step by step towards the door of the inn, everyone else who got the hint looked over.

Also included was Shang Jing, who was sitting at the table, eating a delicious steamed bun in his hand.

When Shang Jing turned around, Yang Mi quickened her pace. After arriving at the door of Tongfu Inn, he bowed:

"Hello, Director Shang, hello teachers, I am Yang Mi, a new actress. I would like to ask the director and teachers for your advice."

The posture is very low.

There is no clue that she is the "Mou Girl" that everyone was curious about in June and July.

It’s also hard to tell that she is the role arranged by the big boss of the investor who has never been seen...

It's really impossible to tell at all.

But what's going on here is actually a few starring actors sitting around the table drinking porridge, eating shredded pickles, nibbling steamed buns and meat buns.

People like Sha Yi, Yan Ni, and Yao Chen are all old people who have followed Director Shang's films one after another. Everyone is just like buddies on weekdays, so they know these things very well.

Although the role of Zhu Wushuang does not have many roles, the actor named Yang Mi really has a lot of background.

At the beginning, everyone was a little worried... After all, they have been in the industry for a long time, and they have met all investors. Usually, the actors arranged by investors... can be said in two words: difficult to work with.

Having a bad temper and having a bad temper are commonplace.

Also very delicate.

This show... to be honest, it's pretty poor.

As for why we are so poor, everyone actually knows it.

Everyone can endure hardship, and that’s okay. But whether Zhu Wushuang can endure hardship is another matter.

Before meeting the person, no one can guarantee what the person will be like.

But now that I look at it...

The little girl is not very old...she seems quite kind.

After Shang Jing heard this greeting, he also put down the steamed bun and asked:

"Mimi, have you eaten? Let's eat something together? Let's get to work after eating."

"I've eaten, Director Shang."

Yang Mi smiled politely:

"I came here after eating at home..."

After saying that, she nodded politely again:

"Then I will read the script first to prepare. Teachers, take your time."

"...Well, okay. The makeup artist will put makeup on you after dinner."


Yang Mi responded again, then walked to the makeup mirrors in the corner of the studio. After taking out the script, she paid attention to some makeup tools in front of the makeup mirrors.

It can actually be seen at this time...this crew is really poor.

Director Zhang's crew has dozens of makeup artists alone.

But let’s not talk about the number of makeup artists here. Just these eyebrow pencils, powder puffs, etc., judging from the brands, they are not very good...

However, the girl only took one look and then read the script honestly.

After looking at her for about ten or twenty minutes, the makeup artist came over and started to apply makeup on her.

Do your hair first...

After getting her hair styled, Yang Mi felt a little sad.

My hair……

When filming "Not Drunk", she had her bangs cut off.

The boss was reluctant at that time.

But after cutting it, it started to smell really good.

I instantly fell in love with this wavy look without bangs. But when I was filming "The Condor", I was asked to have bangs...

Who made this kind of straight bangs or slanted bangs popular in recent years?

I had no choice but to sacrifice a small piece of my long hair and get a bangs cut.

After finally finishing "The Condor", fortunately, Director Zhang's aesthetic is so great! Jiang Chan doesn't need bangs... she just needs to expose her forehead.

But there is a problem... Jiang Chan's hairstyle needs to be very graceful, and if she wants to hide her bangs in the hairstyle, she needs a lot of fixed hairpins.


What to do?


She cut off another stroke of hair.

The hairline begins to move backwards.

After finally finishing "Golden Armor", she had to start working hard to grow her hair.

Grow back the two layers of hair on the front of your head from short stubble.

But it only took a few months for this stubble to grow to about the same length as a fingernail... The look I wore for the filming of "Wulin Gaiden" actually had bangs! ?

Suddenly her mentality collapsed.

She always remembered her boyfriend saying that her hairline was a bit high and that she might be in danger of her hairline moving up.

And now...

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Looking at the strand of hair covering the side of his face...

Cut it short again...

The baby is not alive! ! !

At this time, Shang Jing came over, and the makeup artist was still showing off:

"Director, do you like this look?"

Shang Jing glanced at it:

"Yes, yes, that's all...Mimi, go change your clothes, let's take the makeup photos first, and then get ready to start."


Wailing her hair, she responded and went to change clothes in the changing tent.

Wearing a set of pale yellow or yellow-brown ancient-style clothes that looked youthful and beautiful, Yang Mi surprised many people after she came out.

Hey, it’s a girl after all.

Wearing this kind of clothes...that kind of girlish innocence is immediately highlighted.

Shang Jing looked very satisfied.

The only thing I have to worry about now is my acting skills.

I hope... I can pass.

While he was thinking about it, Yang Mi walked outside.

The sun was just right at the moment, and the girl stood under a tree and showed a bright smile according to the photographer's request.

"Click." A sound.

Zhu Wushuang's final makeup photo... was taken in such a way that it was too high-spirited to be ridiculous.

"Everyone get ready to work."

After hearing the director's words, everyone started to get busy.

What I took today was Zhu Wushuang’s first appearance. The scene during the day was about Zhu Wushuang and Bai Zhantang's acquaintance last night, and she has now checked into Tongfu Inn.

Lu Xiucai, who had been tapped on the roof all night, was sitting at the table chatting with Bai Zhantang. Zhu Wushuang came down from upstairs like a flying yellow butterfly, first tapped Lu Xiucai's acupoints, and then pinched the hair on his shoulders. Silk, Lu Xiucai's face turned red with embarrassment, and he put the strands of hair into yellow paper...

Then he had a conversation with Bai Zhantang, showing this character's characteristics of "love of cleanliness, slight mysophobia, and quick and diligent hands and feet".

But Yang Mi was a little confused.

Because she heard the dialogue between Sha Yi-jae, one of the leading actors, and Yu Entai-jae, who plays Lu Xiucai.

The lines don’t matter…

But...what about that authentic Northeastern accent?


You...Teacher Sha...

What...what's going on?

She was stunned.

Old man.

She was dumbfounded.

But... maybe they haven't started filming yet, and maybe they will be fluent in Mandarin after filming starts.

Or dubbing later?

She muttered to herself.

After finishing the lines, Sha Yi came over to her and smiled politely and said:

"Yang Mi, let's talk about it, shall we?"

"Teacher, just call me Mimi."

Yang Mi was polite for a moment, and then the two of them started talking to each other:

"Hey, what the hell! What the hell!?"

This line is "What are you doing (in hometown dialect)".

Yanjing dialect likes to eat words.

Yang Mi followed the script's requirements and swallowed the "dry".

Then I heard Sha Yi say in a Northeastern accent:

"Wushuang, what are you talking about? Damn it. How can you curse someone?"

"Uh...ah, haha, senior brother, I'm talking in my hometown dialect, what are you doing, what are you doing. Senior brother, there's no need for you to do it yourself, I'll do it..."

As soon as she finished reading, Yu Entai quickly said:

"Hey, what are you going to do, what are you doing!"

Yang Mixin said, take a look...this line is so standard.

So he continued in a puzzled tone:

"I'll help you tap your back, Mr. Lu. My tendon-soothing dragon claw hand was learned from Shaolin in the Western Regions!"

"Don't, don't, don't come here! Toot!"


Yang Mixin said.

This line feels different.

After all, it came out of a show...

So he continued to read:

"Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you?"

Then I heard Yu Entai stick out his tongue and mutter something vaguely.

Yang Mi turned to look at Sha Yi again:

"what did he say?"

Then Sha Yi’s Northeastern accent came out again:

"He said you were approaching, so he bit his tongue and committed suicide..."


Yang Mi made a long note:

"Kui eh~ Hua Dian acupuncture hands! Puff puff!"



No one expected that she could do a dubbing, which stunned both Yu Entai and Sha Yi.

But Yu Entai had already finished his lines, and after Sha Yi reacted belatedly, he looked helpless, and the smell of dirt rang out again.

"Why do you think you ordered him? It's so pitiful~"

After finishing her words, before Yang Mi could speak, there was movement over there:

"Get ready to start shooting! Lao Sha, Lao Yu, Yang Mi, get ready."

Shang Jing's side is ready.

Upon hearing this, the three people quickly responded.

Just listen to Shang Jing calling Yang Mi:

"Yang Mi, you go directly to the second floor and come down when Lao Yu said, "The cold wind is blowing in the night." Let's try it first to get a feel for it. "

"Hey, okay."

Yang Mi bumped up to the second floor with full of doubts.

The second floor was actually a frame. She pressed her whole body against the wall to prevent herself from being exposed. Then she heard a voice from downstairs:

"Everyone is in position~~~~"

After all, a girl's heart is from the military.

These slogans are all different...

When I looked down, I saw a few extras sitting down.

She gathered her thoughts.

He took a deep breath and said:


Then when Shang Jing started filming, she was stunned.

Sha Yi's accent... hasn't changed at all.

Through the gap in the floor, Yang Mi watched helplessly as he spoke in Northeastern dialect and helped Lu Xiucai to the table...

From "right, right, right, we are wrong, we are wrong, okay?" to "we are wrong because we should not know how to do martial arts, so we just go around making random mistakes"...

Can you pass this line...?

Her mind was filled with doubts, but the doubts and absurdity were immediately driven out.

Although she didn’t know why she was able to pass such lines, she still gathered all her concentration and waited for Yu Entai’s lines:

"Do I blame her for ordering me? Do I blame her for ordering me? I'm hungry at night..."

After hearing Yu Entai's lines, Yang Mi walked out directly and started going downstairs step by step:

"Hey, hey, mani mani!"

There was that kind of...unexpected enthusiasm on her face.

Just taking these few steps, the tone of voice "Hey, eh, eh," and the action of showing his arms and rolling up his sleeves immediately revealed the sister-in-law's anxious sense of déjà vu.

But it doesn't deserve any praise.

Just a very basic performance.

Shooting continues.

When she finished speaking, Sha Yi turned to look at her and continued to speak with that northeastern accent:

"What are you talking about! Wushuang~ What the hell, what the hell. Why do you still use curse words?"

He actually changed his words...

Yang Mi used the stunned expression she put on to complain in her heart.

Then after Sha Yi finished speaking, the shock on her face turned into a hint of embarrassment:

"Uh...ah, haha, senior brother, I'm talking in my hometown dialect, what are you doing, what are you doing. Senior brother, there's no need for you to do it yourself, I'll do it..."

With that said, she walked around in front of Sha Yi, pushed his arm and took a step back, then stretched her hand towards Yu Entai.

Yu Entai immediately rushed to the single chair on one side of the long table in two steps. As he ran, he gestured with his hands in front of him to block:

"Go, go, go, you, you...what do you want to do!"


Yang Mi's face was full of astonishment, and she continued:

"I'll give you a pat on the back."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl suddenly made a very weird starting gesture with her hands.

The hands moved forward and backward, and the five fingers were spread out at the same time, making a grasping shape... but it was more like a downward chopping palm.

She even exerted her strength, and the trembling force throughout her body spread from her legs, waist, to shoulders, and finally to her palms.


The sound of clothes rubbing against each other was heard.

Not to mention Yu Entai, even Sha Yi, who was watching this young girl's performance, was stunned for a moment...


Shang Jing instinctively shouted stop...

Looking at the girl who is still keeping her palms moving forward and backward in a tiger's mouth grip...


He was a little stunned and asked instinctively:

"What are you doing?"

"... Split your palms, Director Shang."

Yang Mi was also a little strange.

What's wrong with my acting...?

Zhu Wushuang, junior sister of the Sunflower Sect.

Know martial arts...

That's right.

Shang Jing asked in confusion:

"What palm?"

"Split Palm!"

Yang Mi sat down again and did this action again.

Now, when exerting force, the bulging sound caused by the friction of the clothes is more obvious:

"Xingyiquan, Split Palm. Didn't the line say "Dragon Claw Hands to relax tendons?" I also specifically asked my teacher... Although Dragon Claw Kung Fu is a kung fu in Jin Lao's novel, it is actually a small grappling skill from Shaolin Temple. , what is emphasized is skillful use of clumsiness, softness overcoming hardness. It is similar to splitting palms..."

She struck again.

The "squeaky" sound was accompanied by several boxing routines...

Curious about today's "hunting girl", the crew members who gathered around to watch the excitement, including the leading actors, were all confused...


Let you perform...

Who asked you to do real kung fu?

Everyone looked at her chopping action stupidly, and a thought came to their mind unconsciously:

"This beautiful girl...is actually a practicing practitioner?"

Please give me a monthly ticket. Please give me a monthly ticket! Update 14,000 is sent!

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