I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 133 131 Looking back suddenly

Chapter 133 131. Looking back suddenly

"Do you know martial arts?"

Shang Jing was even more confused.

Why haven't you heard of it before? ...No, I can’t tell.

Such a beautiful girl actually knows martial arts?

The girl nodded subconsciously:

"I understand...but I only know how to do it. I don't have enough time to learn it."




Everyone recalled her "mischievous" movements... Yu Entai was stunned.

Is this called just knowing tricks?

I'm afraid you'll kill me with one punch.

But after Shang Jing asked clearly, he waved his hand:

"Our show doesn't want anything so formal. You don't have to be so tense, just be more natural."


"Just be casual, don't be so formal, no tricks, no routines. The more foolhardy you can be, the better~"


Yang Mi thought for a while and nodded:

"Then acupuncture points..."

"Lao Sha, show her how to do it."


Sha Yi nodded and made a loopy movement with his hands:

"The hands are like the wind! The power is like lightning! Sunflower acupuncture hands!"


The girl suddenly felt her face cramping.

Although she is also a second-hand swordsman, she still wants to lick her toes when she sees this action...

But he still nodded:

"I understand! Like this? My hands are like the wind and my power is like lightning!"

Looking at her lifelike imitation, Sha Yi smiled and nodded:

"Yes! Just like that, then put a little bit on him and he won't move... Our show doesn't have so many details. The more you let yourself go, the better."

Let yourself go...

The girl nodded thoughtfully.

Let yourself go, right?





Amid the roar of laughter from the crowd, Shang Jing couldn't help but look at the girl:

"I didn't let you let yourself go like this. Do you think this action can pass the trial?"

"Isn't it a dragon claw hand..."

The girl who had just used a move to catch the dragon's hand was speechless again.

Shang Jing was helpless:

"Then we have to be able to pass the trial... Don't grab it from the front, try it from the top."

At the same time, I said...

This girl is really interesting...so generous...

There's just something wrong with my brain...

But anyway, the girl finally found the trick.

I probably understand the crew... or the way this drama works.

Can't be too upright.

It cannot be regarded as a serious martial arts comedy... Its comedy style does not rely on a single story, but the combination of story and characters.

That's it...

Could your acting skills be a little more exaggerated?

Well, I probably understand!

This crew... is really weird.

In the evening, Sun Ting, who had been on the set for a day, looked at the group of leading actors who were grabbing food and sighed silently in her heart.

Whose crew didn’t give them lunch boxes?

It's good for them... they really use stir-fried vegetables to eat.

It's not a prop or a staged photo.

If you want to shoot a scene about eating, then you should shoot during the meal time. After the photo was taken, the steamed buns were served...

Before Sister Mimi could react, several people, including the director, gathered around her when the work was over.

Take the chopsticks and start eating...

As hungry as a wolf.

Before my sister could react, there were only a few meaty chicken breasts left in the roast chicken...

What kind of number is this?

What should we do?

While I was thinking about it, the crew’s lunch boxes also arrived.

It was delivered late enough.

She walked up quickly.

But after taking a few bites of the box lunch, suddenly, the phone vibrated first.

Take it out and take a look:

"Tingting, how is the progress? When will it end?"

Brother Xu really cares about Sister Mimi.

she said to herself.

Then he replied:

"The filming went very smoothly today, Brother Xu. The director praised Sister Mimi several times for her good grasp of the role. So the night will probably be quick, and it will be over as long as it gets dark and the outdoor shooting is completed."

"Okay, got it. Send me a message when you're done."

"Okay, what's the matter, Brother Xu?"

"It's okay, just tell me when it's over."

"Oh, okay."

Today is Sister Mimi’s birthday, so Brother Xu must be arranging the time.

I'm so envious...I really want to find a boyfriend~

Sun Ting sighed inwardly as she silently ate her lunch box.

She had just finished a tasteless lunch and had just stood up to throw the lunch box into the trash can. Suddenly, her phone started buzzing and vibrating again.

The crew has almost eaten and plans to continue working.

It’s a low-budget TV series and doesn’t have much time for rest.

No way, labor is too expensive.

After Sun Ting glanced at her phone, she was stunned again...

He quickly walked out of the studio and answered the phone:

"Hello, Uncle Yang."


Yang Dalin's voice came from the phone.

"Tingting, we have arrived at the Pinggu Feilong Film and Television Base...how to leave? Where are you?"


Sun Ting was stunned.

"Uncle Yang, are you here?"


Yang Dalin looked at the desolate film and television base around him... and thought that he had come to the right place.

This place is too deserted at night. When the loss comes, who knows if the girl will be afraid?

"...We are still filming, then I will go out to pick you up now?"

"Okay, I'll be right here with the big stone that says Film and Television Base."

"Yeah, I'll be out right away."

Soon, Sun Ting found the couple. When she saw the cake and thermos bucket in Yang Dalin's hand...

"Uncle Yang, this is..."

"Have you two eaten?"


After hearing Sun Ting's words, Yang Dalin turned to his wife and complained:

"I told you a long time ago that the last dish will not be fried. Look, the children have finished eating."

"Then let's eat cake."

After Yang Chunling finished speaking, she said directly to Sun Ting:

"Is it convenient for us to go in?"

"Uh...it's convenient. I'll take my uncle and aunt in."


Usually, due to work and distance, the couple rarely gets to watch their daughter at work so closely.

I just took this opportunity to take a look today.

The asking price for this drama for my daughter is one thousand yuan per episode.

The price is okay, quite suitable. For ten episodes, it costs 10,000 yuan. Money is a small thing, but the main thing is that it is close to home. Can come back every day.

The couple is also more relieved.

As they entered the studio of the crew, the couple saw at a glance that they were dressed in black and were wearing a large black hat with black gauze on their heads.

He didn't notice the arrival of the two of them.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling didn't bother, and just sat next to several boxes stacked with props. Yang Chunling looked curious, but Yang Dalin was looking around...


Not too hot.

He saw an air conditioning vent above the studio.

My daughter shouldn't be very hot wearing such thick clothes.

I just don’t know what the food is like.

Did anyone bully her?

The old father always thinks more.

And amid this silent thinking and curious gaze, Wulin Gaiden continued filming.

The two of them were a little speechless as they listened to the filming scene with a Hanzhong accent and a Northeastern accent:

"What...are you doing?"

But they didn’t ask too many questions.

Just look at it.

During this period, Sun Ting went to deliver water or something, but Yang Dalin refused to notify him that the two of them were coming.

Because I don’t want to disturb my daughter’s work.

Just watch silently.

It was not until it was completely dark that Shang Jing asked Yu Entai and Yang Mi to go to the roof to shoot the last outdoor scene of the day. Only then did Yang Mi realize...

"Dad? Mom? Why are you here?"


Looking at his daughter with sweat on her face, Yang Dalin handed over a packet of paper and said with a smile:

"Come and see you with your mother. Don't you say you want to eat cake? Let's see if dad bought the right one."

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi shook her head directly:

"Don't watch it now, dad. I'll film the movie first and talk about it later."

She's in good shape right now.

After saying that, he walked out directly.


Looking at the stunned Yang Dalin, Yang Chunling said:

"I told you not to disturb my daughter."


Sun Ting took her mobile phone and sent Xu Xin a message:

"Brother Xu, we've started shooting the final location. It will be over in half an hour at most."


Xu Xin replied instantly.

But Sun Ting became more and more curious.

Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang are here, can Sister Mimi still come out of the house today?

But it’s not easy to ask.

I'm just an assistant. If I can't help asking about the artist's private life, I'll try my best not to ask. This is an iron rule and a rule.

In this way, after the location of the location was determined, shooting began.

The crew of Wulin Gaiden has been filming for almost a month.

After the scenery was set up in early August and the actors were in place, filming started directly. There's no such thing as tasteful decoration... Just kidding, this studio costs a lot of money a day, how could you care about that?

Indoor sitcoms have this advantage, as some of their camera positions are very fixed.

Except for the initial running-in period, where everyone was a little slow to enter the state and delayed some progress, the rest of the shooting went smoothly.

They are all an old team and old actors, and they all know each other's shooting rhythm.

After catching up, the crew's progress surged forward.

Shang Jing predicts that the filming will be completed before the end of the year. Plus the production cycle, what if... the film will be released in the spring of next year.

And he is also very satisfied with the actor who plays Zhu Wushuang today.

I have always been worried about my acting skills.

But except for that moment in the morning when the girl seemed a little reluctant to let go, after everyone had a meal together at noon, she gradually grasped the shooting style of this film.

It seems that the previous worries are a bit unnecessary.

Pretty good.

He looked at the girl who was posing as a chivalrous woman on the roof and nodded secretly.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling were a little surprised.

It turns out that this is how the scenes in the TV series where people fly over walls are filmed?

Build a roof shape on top of the half wall.

It shouldn't be, it's only a distance of more than three meters.

The two of them thought they were really having sex.

Just like that... Finally, with the girl's "Sunflower Acupoint Pointing Hand" tapping on Yu Entai's body, the opponent's weird shape solidified with his waist hunched over...


Shang Jing shouted to stop, checked the camera, and nodded:

"It's over, let's call it a day!"

Chapter 31 of "Wulin Gaiden": The crazy scholar misses Guo Furong, is jealous of Xiangyu and makes things difficult for Zhu Wushuang.

The shooting is over.

"Thank you for your hard work, director, thank you for your hard work, Brother Sha, Brother Yu, Sister Yan, and Brother Jiang. Thank you for your hard work, teachers..."

As usual, after the filming, the girl politely and respectfully thanked the leading actors and staff of today's crew.

Sha Yi smiled and waved his hand:

"Don't be so polite, be more polite."

"Hey hey hey~"

Yang Mi smiled and shook her head:

"Everyone has worked hard... Director Shang, then... can I leave first? My parents are over there."

Hearing this, Shang Jing smiled and nodded.

After shooting all day today, he was already very sure that the other party could handle this role.

My thoughts were settled, and I finally finished filming and was in a great mood.

"Go ahead, thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Shang. Thank you for your hard work, teachers."

After being polite to everyone and making everyone's impression of her much better, she jumped up and waved to her parents and pointed to the tent.

I mean to change clothes by myself.

He quickly put on a short-sleeved T-shirt and cropped pants and came out, smiling and saying:

"Dad, what kind of cake does it taste like?"

While talking, the family began to walk out.

Yang Dalin glanced at his watch.

My daughter came and left at 7 o'clock in the morning... It was almost 9 o'clock.

Feeling distressed, but also feeling very happy, he smiled and said with a sense of déjà vu as his daughter grew up:

"Chocolate fruit filling...but I don't think they use any fresh fruit, they are all stuff from canned fruit."

"As long as it's delicious."

"This Feilong Valley Film and Television Base... doesn't look big, right?"

"Well, it's quite small compared to Hengdian. The one in Hengdian is very, very big. There are sets for costume dramas, modern dramas, Republic of China dramas, etc. There are studios here, mainly because they are cheap. Otherwise, who would run here? , so desolate.”

"Indeed, I didn't meet many people along the way."

"There were still some people there during the day, but they are all off work now."

The family walked along the wide road to the outside of the film and television base.

Sun Ting couldn't get a word in, so she followed behind silently.

When she was almost at the gate, her phone vibrated:

"It's not over yet?"

"It's over, Brother Xu, we just came out."

"Come out?...Why didn't I see you?"


The moment she saw this message, Sun Ting couldn't move.

Wait... wait, wait.


what's the situation?

She raised her head subconsciously.

The route between the studio and the gate is an "L" shape.

At this moment, the family of three in front had already reached the corner.


Sun Ting, who suddenly noticed something was wrong, subconsciously called Yang Mi.

But as soon as the words came to her lips, Yang Mi stopped in her tracks.


Sun Ting was stunned, but there was a promotional sign for the film and television base in front of her, so she didn't know what was happening at the door.

I just want to move forward quickly.

But as soon as she took steps, she saw Yang Mi returning to her normal pace and continuing to walk forward.

Sun Ting quickly caught up.

When she reached the end of the billboard and turned a corner, she finally understood why Sister Mimi had stopped just now.

Brother Xu...

Brother Xu is holding a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand...

Standing at the pedestrian gate of the film and television base... I met the silent Sister Mimi.




No one said a word.

Yang Mi remained silent.

Xu Xin also remained silent.

Holding the flowers, it’s like you don’t know Yang Mi...

The two passed each other.

One is looking at himself, and the other is walking with his head down.

One stood there holding flowers, and the other walked out of the door with Brother Xu's parents who even looked back at them.


Sun Ting was speechless.

After thinking for a while, he winked at Brother Xu, whose eyes fell on him, and then quickly chased after him.

When she passed by Brother Xu, she took one look at the bouquet and knew it was not cheap...

The center of the bouquet is a box.

A box with a shield logo affixed to it.

That sign...

Something looks familiar.

But she didn't have time to think about it now, because Sister Mimi in front of her suddenly stopped walking again.

She slipped away and almost didn't hit Yang Chunling.

"...Daughter, what's wrong?"

Yang Chunling was a little confused as to why her daughter didn't leave.

But his daughter suddenly turned around and walked back.


Yang Chunling was stunned and looked at Yang Dalin subconsciously.

But she saw that her husband's brows had frowned and he was looking in one direction.

Yang Chunling subconsciously turned her head and took another look, and saw a very eye-catching red car parked on the road in the distance.

The shape of the car looks quite strange, but it is very beautiful.

The red one is beautiful.


She was a little confused at the moment. She looked away and turned her head, only to see that her daughter had bypassed Sun Ting and walked to the boy who was holding a large bouquet of flowers at the door just now.


In an instant, the corner of her mouth twitched...

Xu Xin tried hard to pretend that he didn't recognize the girlfriend in front of him.

From the moment she appeared at the corner with a man and a woman, he didn't react at first and was still wondering who these two people were.

But when he saw the cake box in the middle-aged man's hand...

All of a sudden, he reacted.

His girlfriend's standing still gave him time to think. After thinking, the instinctive tacit understanding made him turn his head silently.

do not know.

Not familiar.

I'm waiting for someone.

As expected, the girlfriend continued to move forward in a tacit understanding, without any communication between the two parties.

He didn't even have the nerve to observe what his girlfriend's parents looked like.

This was even more true after getting a hint from Sun Ting's wink.

And after passing by four people, he was still praying that his girlfriend's parents would not become suspicious...

So I didn't even dare to look back, just staring at the dark film and television base in a daze.

But who knew that Yang Mi suddenly turned back and appeared in front of her... a pair of eyes staring straight at her...

Xu Xinxin said are you crazy?

Why don't you leave quickly?

But the girl looked at her boyfriend, who was holding flowers in his hand, trying to make herself go quickly...

But suddenly he laughed out loud.



Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

There is an ominous premonition.

Then... his arm was grabbed by his girlfriend.

Pulling, pulling, I said to my parents who had already looked over and Sun Ting, who had extremely strange eyes:

"Dad, Mom...his name is Xu Xin, my boyfriend."




Not to mention the other three people, Xu Xin couldn't control the expression on his own face, showing the look of falling short:

"What are you doing……"

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi ignored him at all and just grabbed his arm:

"come over."


Xu Xin could only take unnatural steps, and was pulled to Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

Yang Mi asked in front of her parents.


Xu Xin was silent at first... then he felt disgusted that the bouquet was in the way... but he couldn't let it go.

Can only bend slightly:

"Hello, uncle and auntie! I am Xu Xin, I am... uh..."

He suddenly stuttered.

Then I heard the silly girl next to me say:

"My boyfriend!"

I thank you.

Xu Xin became more and more speechless, but he quickly answered:

"We... are classmates... I am 21 this year... we are in the same class, you two can just call me Xiao Xu. Nice to meet uncle and aunt!"


Yang Dalin said nothing.

Yang Chunling, on the other hand, glanced at her husband and regained her senses from the shock. In order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming tense, she spoke first.

After all, her daughter gave her an early dose.

Besides...this young man looks quite rare.

It was dark just now and I didn't recognize it. Now I saw it, wasn't it the hairstyle in the photo my daughter showed me.

Clean, well-dressed and well-spoken.

Generous and generous.

Immediately the impression became much better.

"Hello, Xiao Xu...why did you come here suddenly?"

"Uh... Mi... Yang Mi has her birthday and is filming again. I just thought of giving her a surprise... so I came here."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Yang Chunling showed a smile on her face:

"Well... Lao Yang, talk, the child is greeting you."

Yang Dalin, who had been frowning, glanced at his wife.

Then, he looked at his daughter again.

Finally, his eyes fell on Xu Xin.

"How long have you two been together?"

These were his first words.

"We got together on April 7th."

"...Isn't it number 8?"

Xu Xin replied instantly.

But God knows why the sister next to me said such a thing.


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

Why can’t you even remember your love anniversary?

And after Yang Mi thought about it...

"Oh yes, it is indeed No. 7..."




When Xu Xin was embarrassed, Yang Dalin said again:

"We were together on April 7th...it's been almost half a year, and you just told me?"

As a policeman, Yang Dalin naturally has a majesty that is surprising after decades of work.

When Xu Xin asked this question, his heart skipped a beat.

But the problem is...

Everyone in this family may be afraid of him, but not his caring little cotton-padded jacket.

The girl smiled and said:

"Oh, Dad...I'm not shy."

"...You're not shy now?"

"What can I do? I originally planned to tell you after a while, but I met you today... If I pretended not to know him... it would be very hurtful. Anyway... I will take you to meet him."

As the girl spoke, she suddenly began to shift the conflict:

"Mom, what's up? He's much more handsome than in the photo, isn't he?"


Yang Chunling, who never expected that her daughter would start selling out her teammates, looked ridiculous.

This was especially true after her husband turned his eyes towards her, which was obviously becoming more and more dissatisfied.


She was really speechless. She really didn't expect that her daughter would sell out her mother-in-law for her boyfriend.

Implantation, right?


Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

The housewife, who had never seen any trouble in her life, nodded slightly:

"Well, when you asked Mom to help you hide it, Mom wanted to tell you. Xiao Xu looks really tall."

The words behind these words are all false, just a random sentence.

The focus is on the front.

Sure enough, when she heard her mother's sudden move, Yang Mi's eyes flashed with embarrassment.

But she's not afraid either...

If your fortunes change, I'll take the next step!

"Dad, why are you looking so scary... Oh, I'm tired... Let's go back and eat cake? Xu Xin, why did you come here? You didn't even say a word to me when you came. You had said it earlier so I could follow you. My parents told me, it happened so suddenly...how did you get here?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and glanced at the Porsche key box placed in the middle of the bouquet...

He opened his eyes and said nonsense:

"I'll take a taxi..."

Following the look in her boyfriend's eyes, she had been flustered and bowed her head since the sudden encounter, and now she was competing with her parents in the ring... The girl also looked at the bouquet of flowers without realizing it.

When you see that shield symbol...

She was suddenly confused.

Wait a minute...


Now, she was really confused.

The square inch was in chaos, and the moves were completely out of order.

But at this moment...

Yang Dalin suddenly said:

"You guys wait here, I'll drive."

After saying that, he walked towards the parking lot alone, minding his own business.

As soon as he left, Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yang Chunling dissatisfied:

"Mom~~~Why didn't you help me fold it just now?"


Yang Chunling ignored her daughter and just looked at Xu Xin with a smile:

"Xiao Xu, what's your major?"

"Auntie, I am majoring in directing. We are classmates."

Xu Xin quickly became polite.

"Directing department?... You're usually pretty busy, right? Have you figured out your future after graduation?"

"...Mom, Xu Xin is now in Director Zhang's creative team for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, participating in the work of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games."


Yang Chunling was really surprised when she heard her daughter's words.

"Director Zhang...Director Zhang Yimou?"


Anyway, now that she has encountered her, she won’t hide it anymore:

"Including the fact that I was able to get the role of Jiang Chan, it was because of his help. Otherwise, why do you think such a good thing would be your daughter's turn~"


This time, Yang Chunling was really surprised.

But before he could say anything, he heard two beeps.

Yang Dalin, who was driving a silver Toyota Corolla, drove out of the parking lot and shouted:

"You can't fit in one car. My daughter, your mother and I share a car. Let Tingting take you. Mother, get in the car."


Yang Chunling responded, looked at Xu Xin with a look of surprise that still remained, and nodded:

"Then follow, let's go back to the city."

"Uh...Okay, Auntie, then you and Uncle drive slowly."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Yang Chunling nodded, turned around, walked to Corolla, and got in the car.

She thought her husband would wait, but as soon as she got in the car, Yang Dalin drove away.

"Hey, what are you doing...wait for the child..."

"Wait a minute!"

Yang Dalin glanced angrily at the red Porsche that blinked even in the dark, and said:

"His car is much faster than ours!"


Yang Chunling was a little confused.

What's the meaning?

Can Santana outrun Corolla?

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