I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 134 132 True and false, sometimes false and true

Chapter 134 132. True is also false and false is also true

When Carolla walked away, Xu Xin felt as if the hand pressing his neck into the water had temporarily moved away.

Just as he was about to speak, Yang Mi suddenly said:

"Can you tell me...what is this..."

Looking back from the far away rear taillight, Xu Xin followed her gaze and glanced down...and suddenly sighed:


Then, he took off the key box from the flowers and handed it to his girlfriend:

"Happy birthday, sister."


The corners of Yang Mi's mouth began to twitch, and she said something out of nowhere:

"There's a keychain in here...right?"

"...Well, it can be used as a keychain."


Not to mention Yang Mi, Sun Ting was also speechless.

The red car, which looked especially charming in the dark, was parked not far away.

Can we be honest?

However, Sun Ting still stood up at this time:

"Sister, we...should we leave first? If everyone comes out later..."

Yang Mi woke up like a dream.

Subconsciously pushing the box back to her boyfriend, she nodded:

"Let's go, let's go quickly..."

"Tingting leaves alone."

Xu Xin was unhappy and pointed at the newly brought back Porsche 911 with infrared and black interior:

"Let's sit here."


When the girl turned her head to look at that beautiful red color again, she obviously swallowed...

So beautiful...

So beautiful……

Xu Xin winked at Sun Ting.

The little assistant understood instantly and immediately lowered his head and started to rush forward.

Yang Mi, who came back to her senses, was stunned and quickly shouted:

"Hey, what are you waiting for me to do? Let me go! Am I crazy? Didn't you see the look on my dad's face when he left just now? I want to take this car back, and my family is not allowed to blow up the temple?! Brother, please stop making trouble. ah……"

"What am I making a fuss about... I asked Tingting for your ID card, and all the procedures were completed. The car has been settled with you. The agency from the DMV still cost me five hundred yuan!"

"Five...five hundred dollars?"


Xu Xin looked calm:

"If the car owner doesn't show up in person, and you don't find scalpers, why do you settle here?"


It’s okay to become a car owner for no reason...

Or a Porsche! ?

Or 911? ! !

The girl's eyes were filled with absurdity.

But in the time it took to speak, Sun Ting was already gone.

Xu Xin held up the flower and handed the box with the key to his girlfriend again:

"Okay, if you have any questions, let's get in the car and talk. There are few cars on this road, will you drive?"

Instinctively, Yang Mi pushed the key to her boyfriend again and shook her head vigorously.

I won't open...

Although I want to open...


"So ugly..."

Xu Xin didn't expect that his girlfriend's first words after getting in the car would be this.

He was a little speechless:

"What's ugly?"

"This color... red shell, black interior? It's so ugly..."



Love or not.

Speechless, he started the car and put it into gear. Before starting, Yang Mi was speechless again:

"Manual transmission!?"

"Manual transmission is the romance of sports cars."

Seeing that she looked down on manual transmission, Xu Xin was happy.


With two feet, after the speed reached 5,000, he released the clutch and accelerated to 100 kilometers in 3.9 seconds. The twin-turbocharged 480 horsepower suddenly roared powerfully, and the whole car jumped out!


The girl subconsciously let out a scream, feeling the acceleration of incontinence, and an instinctive smile appeared on her face.

That's the instinctive reaction of a speed seeker.


Reason can never suppress happiness.

But after waiting for the speed of the car to reach 100 within a few seconds, she quickly shook her head:

"Slow down, brother, there is no light, please slow down..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin took off the accelerator.

The speed of the car slowly dropped, and then he said:

"I have driven this car all the way, and I feel that the control of the manual transmission is actually much more comfortable than the automatic transmission. You will know after driving it for a while, it has a driving feel, and it is much better than my two cars."


The speed has stabilized.

After hearing her boyfriend's words, Yang Mi's rationality returned and she said speechlessly:

"When did you decide?"

"The day you learned to drive, Tingting and I went to buy a car, and there happened to be a Porsche across from Volkswagen."

"……How much?"

"Not much, about two million."

To be honest, Yang Mi wasn't too surprised after hearing the price.

After dating for almost half a year, she could already intuitively feel how rich her boyfriend was. And...it's impossible to say that I'm unhappy right now.

Just kidding? He’s not a saint, and a gift that’s so expensive, so good, and such a great gift was given to him…

Who is unhappy?

However, she immediately showed a distressed look:

"Then what will I do in the future... If I say that I don't want this car, does it sound too fake?"

Xu Xin nodded, deeply convinced:

"It's so fake. The smile on your face hasn't stopped till now."


Instinctively, the girl covered her face:

"Hey, is there any?"

"Don't you think the interior is ugly? Then go back and drive to their place and change it."

"Um... Oops, I'm not telling you this."

The girl who suddenly realized something in hindsight said quickly:

"I can't drive this car back!"


"...unless I never drive it again after I drive it back, what can I say? The family building is full of neighbors who watched me grow up, and they don't know what's going on in my family. I suddenly made one or two When I come back with a million-dollar car, what will people think of me?"

"Just talk about the money you earned from filming... just talk about the salary from Golden Armor."

"My mother told people a long time ago that the salary will be 300,000 yuan..."


Xu Xin didn't know what to say now.

But to be honest, he had a pretty good impression of his future mother-in-law.

Smiling, looking kind and kind...

that is……

"Your dad doesn't seem to like me very much?"


When this topic was brought up, the girl showed a comforting look:

"Think about it, if we have a girl."


"I have raised her for twenty years and pampered her like a pet."


"Suddenly a boy snatched her away. How do you feel?"


Xu Xin narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then said:

"Kill this bastard!"

"That's right..."

The girl nodded in agreement, but immediately shook her head:

"But don't worry, my dad is actually very easy to get along with. I'll get to know him after seeing him a few times... Just like you said, if you drink a few times, it'll be fine."


Xu Xin responded.

What his girlfriend said was quite right. He could understand this feeling, but who made him be such a bastard now?

The situation is better than people.



He sighed, looked at the familiar taillights in front of him, slowed down the car again, and said:

"Why do you want to look back?"

"Because it's unfair to you."

Sitting back on the wrapped seat, the girl shook her head:

"When I saw you there, everyone was stunned, and then we looked at each other, and I hurried out... But after walking a few steps, I thought again... What are you doing? I'm not Being someone's mistress, or having an underground love affair... Why should I pretend not to know my boyfriend when I'm in an open relationship? Don't we have to meet sooner or later? I'll leave you alone there. I can’t bear it anyway…but I won’t see you again for a while.”


"I said, don't see me for a while. My dad gets upset when he sees that. You hurry up and catch up with them, and then when you get to the traffic light, I get out of the car. Wait while I go to coax my dad, okay?"

"No, I've already been here, so what if I suddenly run away secretly?"

"You didn't run away, it was me who asked you to leave. My dad looks so wretched, and I don't want you to look at other people's faces. When I go back, I can unblock the joints and coax him. When he is happy, he feels calm. ...We will meet another day. Brother, you listen to me on this matter. You follow my dad. I will get off at the traffic light..."

"What should I do with this car?"

"...I'll let you go first."

"I can't let it go either!"

"...Let's put that aside first."

The girl still insisted on her point of view.


"Be gentle, did you hear me? Be gentle to it!"


"Why, they don't want you anymore?"

This was the first sentence Yang Mi heard after getting in the car.

Yang Dalin asked.

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then showed a smiling expression:

"Hehe~ No, I took the initiative to come back... It's his birthday. I originally said I wouldn't spend it with him. Over the years, without eating the delicious food cooked by my father, I feel that this birthday is empty. How can I have a boyfriend? Dad is important, isn’t he?”


Yang Dalin, who was driving, did not respond.

Even his expression was straight.

But if the light were brighter now, you could see the satisfaction and relief in his eyes.

And that smile that can hardly be held back.

But this smile did not last long.

Because my daughter asked again:

"Dad, how do you feel about others?"


Before Yang Dalin spoke, Yang Mi asked Yang Chunling:

"Mom, how do you feel?"

"What's the use of our feelings? It has to be good to you, and it has to be good to you."

The co-pilot Yang Chunling expressed her truest opinion.

Who knows...

"That's not possible. If you two are not satisfied, then I don't want him. How can I find a son-in-law that neither you nor my father are satisfied with."

When he heard the word "son-in-law", Yang Dalin's mouth twitched...

Obviously, this word is quite harsh.

Yang Chunling asked curiously:

"This child's family..."

"When we were together, he had no money."

"...What do you mean? Get rich overnight?"

"No. It's just that...he is a quiet person at school. Do you still remember the short film I shot during the Chinese New Year, right?"

"Well, what?"

"He did it. We knew each other before that, and we directed a small play together in school. He usually seems to be a very low-key person, very ordinary. And he especially likes playing basketball... My dad What a great basketball game..."


Yang Dalin's mouth twitched again.

Although he knew clearly that his daughter was trying to put money on his face.

But a small cotton-padded jacket is still a small cotton-padded jacket. Even if it is worn by someone else... it is still my own little cotton-padded jacket.

When his daughter praised him, the smile on his face became a little unbearable.

He quickly rubbed his nose and coughed.

"So what you're saying is that this kid is quite down-to-earth?"

"It's not so down-to-earth. Otherwise, would I be able to fall in love at first glance~"

The conversation between mother and daughter made Yang Dalin feel upset again.

And Yang Chunling asked as if she suddenly remembered something:

"Daughter, then you just said he was in the Olympics...then what did you mean?"

“Part of the creative team for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games.”

Yang Mi said seriously:

"But he has even more powerful achievements, but I can't tell you. Because it is still confidential... What I can say is that he is really powerful and talented. But he is very down-to-earth. This kind of person...he is dull and very honest. But...if he can think of you and have you in his heart, he will be very, very good to you...Do you still remember that I said that there was something wrong with my photo, "God" Is it about the contract for "Diao"?"

"Remember, wasn't it done in the end?"

"He drove me there. That was the first time I knew he had a car, and it was a Ferrari."


Yang Chunling's eyes were full of surprise:

"Just that very expensive car?"

"Yes...Mom, as you know in our school, if anyone gets a small role or something, they will want to show their tail to the sky in front of their classmates. I have always said this when buying a car, didn't I? Well, many of my classmates, those with good family conditions... all drive to and from school every day, and they wish they could park their cars at the door every day to show off..."

"Well, then this kid..."

"His car was parked far away, as if he was afraid that others would know he was driving. Then I said I wanted to leave, and he immediately pulled me and ran all the way to the parking lot. He drove through several red lights in a row, and I just There was enough time to finish the contract!...But do you know what he was going to do when he left school at noon that day?"


"He is going to the Olympic Building to find Director Zhang... Director Zhang is waiting for him."



The couple has lived for half their lives, so naturally they will not be confused about priorities.

So I know the meaning of my daughter's words very clearly.

At this time, even Yang Dalin couldn't help but speak:

"How did he know Director Zhang Yimou?"

"I can't tell you, I can only tell you that this is related to that confidential matter."

"...Since it's a secret, why do I tell you?"

"Because he never lied to me... When I asked, he told me, even though he begged me for a long time not to tell anyone... Hehehe, he is very cute."



Sensing a subtle change in her father's attitude, the girl decided to add fuel to the fire:

"Also, I never told you that I was able to get the role of Jiang Chan because of his great efforts... He followed Director Zhang and other people from the creative team to Hengdian. Director Zhang was particularly I liked him and let him follow me wherever I went... Then he came to see me specially. I was filming at the time, and it was the assistant director of the crew who received him.

He directly told the assistant director: Let Yang Mi film first. After filming is finished, you can tell her that director Zhang Yimou has a role for her. ...Actually, it wasn't there at that time. He just heard that I was being ignored by others on the set, so he came to stand up for me... You have also seen the scab on my waist, it was in "The Condor" to show off Wei Ya Made it out. As soon as he heard that I was suffering from back pain, he came directly..."

"Then the character Jiang Chan..."

"Listen to me... Even the people on the crew didn't believe it. Then the assistant director kept an eye on it and asked a driver to take me here. He wanted to see if I could enter the Daming Palace... Daming Palace They were all covered by Director Zhang’s crew... I was actually quite panicked, after all, his lie was too easy to expose... But after I informed him when I arrived, he went to find Assistant Shen. Director Zhang’s first The assistant...then actually persuaded Shen Zhu to come out and pick me up. Shen Zhu came up and introduced himself: Hello Yang Mi, I am the first assistant of director Zhang Yimou... You don't even know that the driver's eyes have changed...

Although it was a bit fake, I gained face at that time. Then after I entered, I saw him right next to Director Zhang... Really, I was dumbfounded at the time. Although I knew he was low-key, I didn't expect him to be so powerful... Oh yes, I forgot to mention that he knew I was in Hengdian, so he took the initiative to ask Director Zhang that he would also come to Hengdian. The night I arrived, they heard that I hadn’t eaten, so they bought me porridge...and then waited for me at the door of my hotel. I happened to have relatives visiting me that day, which was very uncomfortable. When I saw him, I thought I was dreaming..."

As she spoke, the girl actually laughed out loud.

"Hehe...he is very cute anyway, so he doesn't know much about it, but when I need him, he will definitely be there...but we haven't confirmed our relationship at that time. He is very stupid, silly, and he doesn't know How to be kind to others. But I feel very down-to-earth... But it is true that after he took me to meet Director Zhang, he asked Director Zhang if his classmate could make a guest appearance... Only then did Director Zhang allow me to dress up and audition. Later. Li Man, who plays Jiang Chan, was bitten by a mosquito and became allergic. He is actually quite smart in this regard.

He first started to help Jay Chou narrate the scene, because Jay Chou actually has a lot of space in this scene... As long as Jay Chou can keep up with Sister Gong Li's rhythm, then the filming progress will be very fast. So, he told Jay Chou about the scene, and the filming progressed very quickly... Then he also discovered something, so he found Teacher Gong Li... I won't tell you the specific things. In short, the final result was that with his efforts, Teacher Gong Li began to put pressure on the crew, and finally had to change roles. When it came time to change roles, he kicked out all my competitors and let me take on the role of Jiang Chan. "



To be honest, these words coming out of my daughter's mouth are like fairy tales in the eyes of the elders.

Unknowingly, their daughter's boyfriend added a layer of mystery to their hearts.

But it is more of an image of "down-to-earth, honest, but not stupid" established through her daughter's words.

Yang Chunling couldn't help but glance at her silent husband...

He turned to his daughter and asked:

"He chased you?"

"No way! I can chase him."



Looking at her speechless mother, Yang Mi shook her head:

"If I wait for him to chase me... what can he do? Apart from being nice to me silently, what else can he do? He's so stupid, he doesn't even dare to look at me. I said you go out for a meal with me, just for a meal I didn’t even fart. After I finished eating, I went out to buy popsicles for me... Waiting for him to say he likes me? I’m waiting for the Year of the Monkey."

Speaking of this...she suddenly laughed again...

"Anyway, I like him, and he also likes me... Then skip the steps and go straight to the result. We have been together for so long, we have never had a fight, and he lets me do everything... And, mom, he really He's extremely talented. Really... I'll tell you how awesome he is when he lets me talk about that.

Anyway, Director Zhang likes him very much... just like today's birthday. I didn't know he would give me such an expensive gift... Although I knew his family seemed to be in good condition... I was quite surprised. I never thought that he would come here if he was so busy...Mom, do you know? He is the youngest member of the creative team and is so busy every day that he has even given up school now. "

"...No more school?"

"He took a break from school. After joining the Olympic team, he took a break from school. He was busy from morning to eleven or twelve at night every day. He devoted himself to helping the country prepare for the Olympic Games. Originally, we both agreed that it would be my birthday today, and I said that I would also We have to film a movie. When you take a break, we can go out for a meal together to make up for it...

But I really didn't expect him to come. He is really busy... But he has this kind of personality. He treats me in a down-to-earth manner and doesn't care about other external factors... When I got off the car just now, he didn't want me to As he was walking, he said he hadn’t seen me for almost ten days, but he wanted me to... let me stay with him for a while. Anyway, my dad doesn’t drive very fast, so he’s walking in the city..."

"Oh, this poor child..."

Yang Chunling couldn't help but shook her head:

"Then why don't you go back..."


Yang Mi quickly refused:

"I told him that I would come find him when he rests. I said that I wanted to spend my birthday with my parents and my mother..."

After saying that, she stared at her father who was driving.

Seeing that Yang Dalin remained silent, she rolled her eyes again:



"Why don't you give me a word! He's still waiting to have a drink with you!"


Yang Dalin was stunned.

Somewhat absurd.

Is this kid not afraid of death?

"Really, I asked him just now. I said that my dad's face is not very good-looking, and he seems to be dissatisfied with you. I said, brother, are you afraid? He said: Not afraid, I want to have a drink with my uncle."


"I said you are crazy, and you are drinking with my dad? He told me that my father-in-law doesn't like his son-in-law, but it's different when he has a son-in-law who can drink with him."


Yang Dalin's eyes twitched.

What kind of brain circuit does this child have?

"Then I was wondering. What next? What about after finishing the drink? Dad, guess what he said?"

"...How did you say that?"

"He said: The worst I can do is get beaten by my uncle. After the beating and the anger subsided, I will continue to drink with him. If one meal doesn't work, I will give him two, if not, I will give him three. I will drink until I am no longer afraid of him and he doesn't hate me. "



In the girl's mouth, her brother seems to be a dull, honest and loyal young man.

Although it is a bit absurd, it also has three points of falsehood.

But I have to admit that in the eyes of the older generation, this kind of loyal and honest child is actually the favorite type.

After a few words, even Yang Dalin himself didn't realize that his impression of this young man was no longer the same... same-sex disgusting one he had in the first meeting.

But Yang Chunling thought more simply.

This child has a good family background, good appearance and size, and his character seems to be honest...

And so promising.

How could such an outstanding child not be the type to be robbed?

In which year did this child commit Tai Sui? Unlucky enough, he was caught by his own girl's film?

That is to say, Xiao Xu was not in the car. If he were, she would have asked:

"If you are threatened, just tell Auntie, and Auntie will make the decision for you..."

As for my daughter, she can't do anything, she can't eat enough, and she has the virtue of protecting waste at the national level...

Xiao Xu.

What do you like about her?

Can she change it?

Yang Chunling was full of absurdity, but Yang Mi held the seat, put her hands on her father's shoulders, kneaded them, and asked affectionately:

"How about Dad? He said he has a lot of Moutai at home. Can I ask him to bring a few bottles to honor you? Let your father-in-law drink a cup and beat him up to calm down... He deceived your daughter. Let’s go!”

Yang Dalin said angrily:

"I think it's enough for me to beat you up. And I'm going to trick you away? You two can't tell who is tricking whom!"

"that is."

Yang Chunling on the side felt the same way:

"If Xiao Xu knows that you can't even wash clothes, can't cook, have no job, and can't even find a place to put your own clothes... can they still want you?"

"Hehe~ How dare he not want me!"

"Go, go, don't bother me to drive."

He pushed his daughter's hand away angrily. For some reason, the middle-aged man, who was driving a little faster, said after a moment of silence:

"You two have just fallen in love, and we haven't even gotten along yet. Why would he want to drink with me?... If you're not busy, then be busy and work down-to-earth. Want to drink with me? Wait until the Olympics is over."

"He also said he would get Olympic tickets for you and my mother!"

"...I can buy it myself."


The girl whose eyes were already brightened quickly shook her head:

"Let him get the best position for us. Hehehe~"


Yang Dalin said nothing.

But... after the car drove for a while, he suddenly said:

"You can't have that car, you know?"


Yang Mi was a little stunned when she saw her father reaching out towards her mother...

Mom opened the passenger compartment, took out an envelope and handed it to herself.


"Your birthday present."


Yang Mi looked at the "NISSAN" logo and blinked...she opened the envelope and found a pink note inside.

"Deposit note?...Mom, you ordered that car!?"

Yang Chunling nodded:

"Your father asked. We just came to pick you up after we went there in the afternoon. Don't decorate your new house yet. Take your time."

"Ahhhhh! Mom!!!"

The girl looked extremely excited and held Yang Chunling's hand across the car seat.

But it didn’t last long before he turned around and grabbed Yang Dalin’s shoulder:

"Dad!!! Hehehe!!! Dad!!!"

Yang Dalin couldn't help but smile, but he still said:

"Dad can't afford you a Porsche..."

"I don't want a Porsche! I want this! Daddy is the best!!! Kiss and kiss!!"

The middle-aged man felt instantly relieved, but he still refused:

"Don't make trouble, dad is driving..."

"Ouch! Hurry!"

Although he knew it was a violation of traffic safety regulations, Yang Dalin still couldn't resist his daughter's coquettishness and leaned over her face with a bright smile.

"Bah!" One mouthful!

"Dad, you are the best!!!! So happy!!!!"


Yang Dalin smiled even more happily:

"Happy birthday, girl."

"Thank you dad! Hehehehehe..."

Ten thousand and fourteen, please vote for me!

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