I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 135 133 Four endings

Chapter 135 133. Four endings

Xu Xin doesn’t know what tricks his girlfriend used to get her parents...

To be honest, he was quite surprised.

However, this surprise did not receive much response. There was only one "It's done" message that night, and starting from the next day, Yang Mi entered the filming state of "Wulin Gaiden".

To put it bluntly, very busy.

It’s not like I’m busy every day and slaps my feet on the back of the head, but I don’t look at my phone that much anymore.

After the actor enters the role state, she is less able to accept the harassment from the outside world, and leaves everything to Sun Ting.

Xu Xin knew that she was in this state and hoped that she could interpret the role of Zhu Wushuang well, so he didn't bother her.

We were in the same city, but we hadn't seen each other for five or six days.


Jay Chou is here.

"Whose Porsche is this?"

This was Jay Chou's first words when he saw him.

Xu Xin, who was wearing slippers, big pants, and a short vest, said:

"Mimi's birthday gift."

"Oh yes... Dani, take it out and take it out."


Looking at Dani running behind the commercial vehicle, Xu Xin was a little curious:

"What did you bring here?"

"Gifts, yours and hers. I sent you a text message when it was your birthday. Didn't you say that it was my mother's Good Friday, so I didn't send it to you. But this time I will give it to you together. "

While talking, Dani took out two boxes from the trunk.

Xu Xin became interested.

Both boxes are not big, the smaller one is only about the size of a palm, and the larger one is about the size of a shoe box.

All wrapped in wrapping paper.

"...What's inside?"

Xu Xin picked up the small box and shook it...


Jay Chou quickly grabbed his arm:

"It's an antique, can you be careful?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said:



Jay Chou's mouth twitched...

"Tang Dynasty... isn't that a national treasure?"

After saying this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Song's...that's fine too."


Seeing Jay Chou's ridiculous expression, Xu Xin was also confused:

"What do you mean? It's not obvious, right?"


"... those from the Qing Dynasty? Those from the Qing Dynasty are also called antiques??"


Jay Chou was immediately speechless.

Is the Qing Dynasty not considered an antique? ? ?

He stared straight at Xu Xin... trying to figure out the other person's brain circuit.

But after turning over and over... I still couldn't figure out the thoughts of the mentally retarded idiot in front of me, so I simply said speechlessly:

"Uh... it's... a Western antique. It's a pocket watch! An old pocket watch from the 19th century! It's from England~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the disgust on Xu Xin's face.

"What kind of expression are you looking at? Please, I have carefully chosen your birthday gift! Including Mimi's Russian-style aristocratic dressing box, they are all from the 19th century~"


Xu Xin became more and more speechless, even though he knew it was a gift from someone else and he couldn't choose it.


Is this thing really called an antique?

So he shook his head:

"Come in and chat, come in first, it's hot outside."


Helpless, Jay Chou had no choice but to follow him into the yard. Looking at the layout, he said curiously:

"Is this a courtyard house?"


"What era is it from?"

"I don't know... It probably belongs to the Qing Dynasty. My dad refurbished it after buying it... Come on, see what you like, and I'll give you one too."

He took Jay Chou into the study.

She didn't care about Dani.

Just treat yourself like your own home.

Jay Chou entered his study, glanced around, and said:

"What a strange style. It's obviously ancient style, but there are computers and other things..."

"This is home, not a movie."

Xu Xin walked to the row of shelves with glass doors.

He did not open the gift from his girlfriend, but opened the small box in his hand, and pointed at the contents of the book shelf:

"Which one you like, take it."


Taking off his hat and sunglasses, Jay Chou curiously approached Xu Xin and looked at the bottles and jars in the mirror...

His eyes were immediately attracted by a blue and white porcelain bowl.

Unlike Xu Xin, who thinks "everything is second-hand after the Ming Dynasty", Jay Chou's friends all know that he has three hobbies.

Antiques, wine, basketball.

Therefore, he is not a novice who knows nothing about antiques. On the contrary, he has dabbled in both domestic and foreign antiques... and was even obsessed with antique cars for a time. And I opened an antique store with a few friends in Taipei.

Unfortunately, the store didn't last long and closed down when he came to film "The Golden Jacket."

And when he was staring straight at the blue and white bowl, Xu Xin also saw the exquisite pocket watch in the box.

He doesn't have any psychological burden, and he doesn't understand the importance of being gentle with antiques, wearing gloves, or anything else.

Just kidding, it's not like touching the underworld.

Is it possible to still light a candle in the corner?

He picked it up and looked at it, then pressed the lock button to open it... and checked the time with his phone...

The gold pocket watch does look exquisite.

Although Xu Xin couldn't figure out how to carry this thing, it would be so shameful to take it out...

But he was still very satisfied with his friend's wishes.

It has nothing to do with whether it's new or old, or whether it's valuable or not. It's purely about receiving it from your heart.

So, when I raised my head and was about to speak, I saw Jay Chou looking at a bowl through the glass without blinking...

Xu Xin was stunned...

Where did I put the key to this glass cabinet?

Holding his pocket watch, he rummaged through the drawer on the shelf next to him. After finding the key, he unscrewed the glass door.

All dad's collections were displayed in front of him.

"Like this?"

Pointing to the bowl he was still staring at, Xu Xin simply picked it up and handed it to him...

"Hey you..."

"……What's the matter?"

Holding the bowl with three fingers, Xu Xin looked at him in confusion:

"Why is there such a big reaction?"

"Please, why don't you wear gloves..."

Jay Chou stared at the bowl in Xu Xin's hand with an angry look on his face.

"How fresh."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"I even eat with it."


"...just kidding."

Seeing the "furious" expression on his face, Xu Xin quickly waved his hand:

"Who knows where this thing came from? I don't think it's dirty if I use it to eat...Here."

He handed the blue and white porcelain bowl directly to him:

"Give it to you."


Jay Chou was stunned. He instinctively turned the bottom of the bowl and saw the signature.

"Xuande Year System of the Ming Dynasty"

"Xuan De Nian blue and white porcelain bowl??"

"What's the matter?"

Xu Xin looked at his surprised expression and said:

"You think the time is short? ... I'll give you the bottle on the top? That's from the Song Dynasty."


Jay Chou's eyes fell on the green glaze bottle on the top of the glass cabinet again, and his eyes became more and more absurd:

"Where did you... come from?"

"My dad bought it. Some friends also gave it to me. I put it at home after I bought it."

"...Then you will give it away?"

"I'll give it to you if you like it... Why? Do you think it's too expensive? Hahaha, it's not that bad. Just take it. They're all worthless things."

Xu Xin was actually right when he said it was not valuable.

But it's not so absolute.

Because whether antiques are valuable or not, first of all, Xu Xin doesn't understand. Second, Xu Daqiang did not buy it blindly. There is something said here.

What do you mean...

For example, it is true that antiques have a certain value in them. But the antiques Xu Daqiang occasionally buys... far exceed the value of the antiques themselves.

For example, the maximum value of an antique may be only 500,000.

But when Xu Daqiang comes to buy it, maybe this bowl is worth 500,000 yuan, and he has to spend 100, 200, or even 5 million to buy it.

As for why there is such a large premium, there is more to say.

But in the final analysis, it’s just two words.

One is "wash" and the other is "send".

Xu Daqiang doesn't let his son be exposed to these things, so he never talks too carefully. Although Xu Xin could probably guess it, without his father's confirmation, it was destined to be nothing more than a guess.

It's that simple.

Therefore, the antiques in these two showcases were bought by Xu Daqiang for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of real money.

At first glance, it sounds very valuable, but in fact, the money spent to buy antiques has brought benefits worth more than tens of millions, or hundreds of millions, many times the value.

Compared with these values, the antiques in this house have become dispensable scraps.

Don't say that your son is given away casually.

Even if you are in a bad mood, it won't matter if you fall down.

If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come.

Therefore, Xu Xin felt no pressure and even opened the cabinet directly. He found the packaging box in which he brought it back from the auction house and the certificate issued by the auction house, and handed them to Jay Chou:



Jay Chou was speechless and carefully put down the bowl.

After receiving the packaging box and certificate, I opened the certificate first.

"Xuande Ming Dynasty - blue and white bowl with peony pattern wrapped around branches."

"20 centimeters in diameter."

"Inscription: Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty."

"Yanjing Poly 2003 Autumn Auction No. 5475."

"Remarks: 1. Former collection of Mr. Qiu Yanzhi. 2. Former collection of Dr. Mathias Komor. 3. Former private collection of Falk. 4. North American Ten-faced Lingbi Mountain Residence Collection, No. EK282."

"Explanation: open mouth, wide rim, shallow belly, circled feet. The outer wall is painted with blue and white peony branches, and the small decorations are painted with one stroke..."

The certificate is clear from the auction information, to the style and format, to the pattern description, etc.

There is no information on how much money was auctioned.

But this information will be displayed just by checking the specific auction number on Poly.

And when he finished reading, Xu Xin said:

"Do you like blue and white porcelain?"

"You don't like it?"


Like an old cow listening to the piano, Xu Xin shook his head:

"I have never had any special feelings about antiques... maybe because I haven't researched it... For example, this bowl, I remember what my dad said to me at the time... The greenish white color of this bowl is very It’s hard to burn, so rare…”

"Please, it's called azure!"

Hearing this, Jay Chou looked helpless:

"This is not called greenish white, this is called azure, the color of the sky..."

"Shouldn't it be called Tianlan?"


Jay Chou swears.

If he didn't like this bowl, he would really want to pick it up and knock his friend's head off!

Subconsciously looking at the cabinets of bottles and cans...

What a waste of natural resources! ! !

That’s outrageous! ! !


Looking at his extremely uncomfortable expression, Xu Xin laughed:

"Okay, keep it. Just come over and let me talk to you about the script... I drank too much last time and my mind was not clear. But in the past few days, I have added four endings to it. Come and see look."

Today is Saturday, he is off.

Jay Chou had just finished his album signing event in Yanjing in the morning.

He just said he would come to Xu Xin’s house to play.

The flight will continue to the next stop tomorrow morning.

When Xu Xin mentioned the script, he immediately turned his attention back.


"Then I really took it?"

"Take it."

Xu Xin looked indifferent:

"Take whichever one you like. Just treat it as a birthday present for you..."

"What if I take them all?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a moment and shrugged:

"There are about a hundred items in this cabinet and in the safe. It's a birthday gift every year. If it can help you live to be more than a hundred years old, take it."


Jay Chou was instantly happy.

He happily put the blue and white porcelain bowl into the box and packed it carefully. He directly moved the stool next to him and sat next to Xu Xin who was operating the computer.

Then, the sound of the printer sounded.

Xu Xin asked:

“How is the album selling?”

"It's okay, 700,000 copies have been sold...if there were no piracy, I might have sold more."

"What did Happy Di say?"

"What else can I say?...Dani, go get two bottles of guava from the car~"

After calling Dani outside, he continued:

"I've confessed, I must go. I also made an agreement with Wenshan and Junrong that the three of us will form a partnership. Do you remember what we said when we had barbecue last time? I want to follow my own rules I want to run the company in a certain way and sign some musicians that I think are good. And I have done my best, otherwise this album could have waited to be released. There would be nothing to talk about."


While I was talking, a script had been printed.

Xu Xin handed it to him and then started printing the second copy.

"There is a section in the script that I changed a lot. In your original setting, Lu Xiaoyu is actually dead, right?"

"Well, then I will go back through time and space to save her."

"...It's Ye Xianglun."

"Is there any difference?"


Xu Xin nodded and turned to a paragraph:

"Let me give you some ideas... First, I added a paragraph here. Do you see this paragraph of one hundred and eight steps?"


Jay Chou looked at the words "Did you know, it only takes 108 steps from the old piano room to your classroom" written on the script, and nodded:

"Does it have any special meaning?"

"Your settings."

Xu Xin lit a cigarette.

This helps him organize his thoughts and think.

"First of all, your setting is that Xiaoyu is the first person she sees when she travels through time. You can see her, right?"


"But in the subsequent plot, you rarely show it, and there are even a few bugs. It is obvious that she has seen many people before, but Xiaoyu can still see Ye Xianglun. This does not make sense. It's a paradox. So, I added such a detail. At first glance, it seems to be talking about Lu Xiaoyu's carefulness, but in fact, every time she travels back in time, she would close her eyes and walk step by step from the old piano room. Go to Ye Xianglun's classroom. She didn't dare to open her eyes. After opening her eyes..."

"After seeing someone else, Ye Xianglun can't see her anymore?"


Xu Xin showed the same "loving" smile as in "Golden Armor".

His face was full of expressions of "I can teach you a child".

Jay Chou looked weird for a while.

"Secondly, in your setting, Lu Xiaoyu has asthma. Then, after she told her mother and teacher about the matter, they both thought she suffered from mental illness. At the same time, the news also spread to the students Then... the students didn't know what Lu Xiaoyu had gone through, so they laughed at her in school...

Then she became depressed and wanted to stay at home every day. At the same time, after her health deteriorated, she remembered that Ye Xianglun said he would play for her at the graduation ceremony. So she was obviously very ill, but she still insisted on coming. As a result, he saw that Ye Xianglun was wearing Qingyi's bracelet. He was heartbroken and returned to that time and space.

But at the same time, I had an asthma attack and wrote the words "I am Xiaoyu, I love you, do you love me", and then... Although you gave an open ending, according to the script, there is a high probability that she will die. right? Then there was Ye Xianglun traveling through time and space and Xiao Yu traveling through time and space, right? This is the route of your entire script. "

"Yeah that's right."

“Here, too, I added a few changes.”

Xu Xin turned a few pages:

"I added four endings. The first ending, I added here... Lu Xiaoyu and Ye Xianglun went to the rooftop. What you wrote here is that Ye Xianglun also saw Lu Xiaoyu's mother, a very ordinary and old woman... …Right?"


"No more mother!"


Jay Chou's mouth twitched...


"I changed the person who met Ye Xianglun to Lu Xiaoyu. Or don't tell me who she is, she is an old woman wearing ordinary clothes. She is waiting, waiting for Ye Xianglun. But it is not an encounter, but through the glass window. Passing by After decades, Lu Xiaoyu has grown old, but she still remembers the days when she traveled through time and space.

Therefore, with her ordinary appearance and aging face, she was just waiting on this day, waiting to see Ye Xianglun from a distance again. But the two will not meet because...she is already old. Beauty grows old, do you understand? She only dared to look from a distance, and Ye Xianglun also saw her, but didn't recognize her. This is the first ending for the two of them.

In other words, Xiaoyu traveled back through time but never came back, so it was just a dream. Then she will grow up normally and grow old slowly. And this scene on the rooftop is her best memory. So what she was waiting for...was not waiting for Ye Xianglun, but her best time. Of course, there is also a space-time paradox here, but just ignore it. Anyway, the script of this super-time-space magical reality love campus movie itself is bad enough..."


Subconsciously, Jay Chou sat up straight, his face a little red:

"Can you not tell this beautiful story like that...forget it, what about the second one?"

Looking at Xu Xin's "obviously unable" expression, he continued to ask speechlessly.

"The second one is that you pass a note to Lu Xiaoyu, and Qingyi receives it... Come on, that's outrageous. Why do you have to be like this, such a useless motorcycle girl? What are you doing~~~ ~”

"Please! Please! I beg you!"

Jay Chou almost went crazy:

"Can you please stop imitating my speech? Wow, your Bayan accent sounds so good that I really want to give you a set of dragon fists..."

"That's it..."

Xu Xin smacked his mouth in displeasure and nodded:

"Anyway, Lu Xiaoyu misunderstood Zhou Jiegun's double festival..."


"...won't come back. And the Xiaoyu in your movie disappeared. You went to look for her at home, but Xiaoyu's mother drove you away. Here is the part where Xiaoyu was thought to be mentally ill by her classmates. I changed the part you designed. Xiaoyu's mother drove you away. When I leave you, there will be a pair of eyes by the window. But this time I don’t show my face, and I use a shaky camera to make up for it. Because she dropped out of school after being regarded as mentally ill by her classmates, and has been a squatter for 20 years... I understand. No? This is the second ending, which is even worse than the first one, autistic and mentally ill sitting at home..."

"Please...can you use some good words?"

"...Okay, "I've made a date with my girlfriend, but the girl on a motorcycle comes to my door and forcefully kisses me." Can that be summarized like this?"

"Wow, you are... so scary! Can you even think of the title of this book?"

"It's normal to be a street author..."

Xu Xin shook his head and continued:

"In general, the second outcome is that Lu Xiaoyu did not go to Ye Xianglun at the graduation ceremony. Although she survived, she has been tortured by loneliness and asthma for more than 20 years. She never left home. , finished with a lonely sound."

"Thank you."


"Thank you for making such an outrageous book title so poetic..."

"Is this still poetic?... Then you are outrageous enough. In short, even Lu Xiaoyu in the second ending does not have the courage to face his lover 20 years later, do you understand?"


"The third type, Lu Xiaoyu is dead."


"It's the one in your script. Po Ma Qingyi's bracelet was put on Ye Xianglun's hand. Lu Xiaoyu misunderstood it. After traveling back, he found that he didn't bring his asthma medicine... It's over, Barbie Q, it's over..."

"...Isn't Barbie Q having a barbecue?"


Xu Xin was stunned and shook his head:

"I don't know what I'm talking about... In short, after this misunderstanding, she wrote in school, "I am Xiaoyu, do you love me or not~ I don't know what to say..."... …”

"Brother! How about we just keep being directors and stop singing, okay..."

Jay Chou really can't stand it anymore:

"Please, be merciful, do you know how terrifying your singing is to my ears with absolute pitch? It's okay that I haven't heard this song, but the problem is that I have, and I was on stage with this band. Over "The Same Song"! You didn't hit the syllables in every sentence, I beg you..."

"I'm also a Maiba in KTV, okay?"

"...If others listen to your singing, you can make money?"

"No, you can have money by drinking with me..."


Hearing this, Jay Chou was stunned...

Then his eyes lit up:

"Hey, you said it yourself? I'm going to call Mimi right now, but you actually went to find Mama-san..."

“There are three stages of tea ceremony~”

"Hey!!! Don't sing my song!!! Wow...you..."



This time, both of them burst into laughter.


It's fun to sit together and brag and spank.


"Anyway, the third ending is that Xiao Yu dies. And you have to reflect these in the film."

"And the final ending is just before Ye Xianglun shuttles back to Xiaoyu to go to the piano room?"



After listening to Xu Xin's four endings, Jay Chou suddenly frowned.

Xu Xin lit another cigarette without urging.

After finishing a cigarette, he drank a drink that Jay Chou called "guava".

He quite likes this taste.

not bad.

Then I heard the other party say:

"I always feel like... you changed my story to be so complicated..."

"This is called the depth of the script. Although what you want to film is your own story, but...do you still remember what Mimi said? For a good movie, winning or losing is determined by the aftertaste. The box office doesn't really matter. To measure a movie The success and failure of movies... It is true that business is very important, but it is more about artistry. Of course...

I also said in advance that if you want this movie to be a hit, your original story will be much better than my somewhat convoluted adaptation. Because everyone can understand it at a glance... But if you want to leave a classic instead of a movie that everyone will forget after watching it, then the depth of the script is the most important thing that determines the quality of a story. Heavy. This is why even though it's "Nunchuck" and I sing it, you want to commit suicide, but when you sing it, everyone can say "hum hum ha ha ha." understand? "

Did Jay Chou understand?

Of course I understand.

But the problem is...

If we follow this script...

He recalled the endings of his friends just now...

A small doubt arose in my mind:

"Can I really...take the photo?"

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