I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 137 135 Axin, help me

Chapter 137 135.Axin, help me

"……What's the matter?"

Hearing the voice on the phone, Xu Xin patted his girlfriend who was leaning into his arms.

Without words, Yang Mi knew what he was going to do.

He turned around, touched the bedside, took the cigarette case and lighter and handed them to him.

"What's going on?"

"I was in Shanghai the day before yesterday, and I heard Director Zhang talk about...the Olympics. Your work is almost over, right?"

Due to confidentiality reasons, the two rarely talk about the Olympics.

Basically avoid it.

And Xu Xin responded:

"Well, maybe around New Year's Day, the plan will be submitted. I can probably take a break until the plan is approved. If there are no problems, we will start to enter the stage of prop production and rehearsal."

Since he could ask, it meant that Director Zhang should have told him about the work progress.

Xu Xin stopped hiding it.

The promotion period for "The Golden Jacket" has begun, and Director Zhang has to go out for one or two days almost every week to promote the movie. Not to mention other things, he has already held many press conferences and fan meetings. There will be a press conference in Beijing tomorrow.

In Xu Xin's view, the promotional method of "Golden Armor" is very powerful, and it belongs to the kind of promotion method where "eggs are not put in the same basket".

There is Gong Li, but there is no Zhou Renfa.

There is Chow Ren-fat, but there is no Jay Chou.

It's the kind that never gives you everything at once and keeps whetting your appetite.

As a new generation of girls, most of Yang Mi's publicity involves making posters and taking photos. The popularity of "The Girl" has been high, but the publicity team has been hiding it. After whetting the appetite, she will have a meeting with her tomorrow afternoon and finish filming "The Golden Jacket", and immediately go to meet Wu Yanzu and Zhang non-stop. Liu Ye, who Zhen co-produced "Heaven's Mouth", appeared together.

This was not only the first time "Mou Girl" met with the media, but also the first appearance of brother Liu Ye. In order to gain popularity, the media specially invited Guo Degang, who has become famous this year, to host this meeting.

One can only imagine how professional the promotional methods of "Golden Armor" are...

It whets the audience's appetite.

After receiving confirmation from Xu Xin, Jay Chou said:

"My contract expires on December 31st."

"I know, Jewel. Didn't you tell me that when we were drinking last time?"

In October, after the Yanjing celebration party for "Still Fantasy" was held, Jay Chou talked to him over a drink in the evening and said that the company's name had been decided.

His J, Fang Wenshan's V, and Yang Junrong's R were combined to form the "Jewell" company.

"Yes. And, didn't I send you the location photos I took a few days ago?"

"...Well, didn't I reply to you? Didn't I even tell you which scenery is suitable for that scene?"

Xu Xin became more and more confused about what he was going to do.


"No, just stop it. What do you want to say? Are we talking to each other in secret? What's wrong? Lack of money? How much do you want? Tell me, I'll transfer it to you now."

"Uh... no... actually it is... but it's not about lack of money, and it's not about that. It's about two things..."

"Brother! Can you please let me go? Your stuttering looks so ugly..."

"Oh, please speak nicely."

The girlfriend on the side patted his arm angrily.

Let alone Jay Chou, she couldn't stand it either.

He spoke with a Shaanbeiwan accent that made her feel uncomfortable.

"...Mimi is here too?"

"Here you are. Hurry up and say it, otherwise I will die!"

"...Okay, would you like to direct my movie?"

Jay Chou finally revealed the main purpose of his call.


"This is the first thing. I called Director Zhang after I asked him if he had time. The second thing is, do you want Mimi to play Qingyi? Of course, don't worry, the kissing scene will be out of place. …The third thing is whether you want to come over and invest in filming. It’s not that you’re short of money. Didn’t you say before that you have a film investment and production company? Do you want to join in?”


Xu Xin was stunned at first, and then he was confused.

And Yang Mi was also confused.

She was also confused.

Why is there anything about me here?

"No...just wait..."

Xu Xin subconsciously sat up from the bed and walked to the living room.

"Sister, bring me the laptop too."

After speaking, he asked on the phone:

"What did you just say... Director Zhang said I was free? Isn't this your movie? Aren't you going to write, direct and star in it yourself?"


On the other end of the phone, Jay Chou fell silent.

It seemed like there was something hard to say.

Xu Xin didn't rush her. When his girlfriend put the laptop on the coffee table and opened it, he said with gentle care:

"Put on some clothes so you don't catch a cold."

"It's okay, I'm not cold."

The girl with two black knee-high socks on her legs shook her head.

Although the tenderness with her boyfriend was interrupted, it was clear that the two of them had something serious to talk about now.

Don't be in a hurry.

"Don't be cold, you'll be here in two or three days, so hurry up!"


Feeling her boyfriend's precise care, the girl, who had gradually become accustomed to it, quickly took off the Burberry TRENCH coat worth more than 20,000 yuan on the wall and put it on her body.

Then he started boiling water and making tea according to his boyfriend's habit.

She was thirsty too.

And just for a moment, Jay Chou seemed to have finished his inner struggle and said:

"I don't have confidence in myself."

"...What? A movie?"

"Yes. I thought it was very simple at first, but since you helped me draw the shots and change the script, I have felt this way. If I make this movie... it seems like it will be terrible..."

"Didn't you always want to be a director?"

"But I want to express this story...well..."

Having said this, he remained silent for a moment and then said:

"Actually, there's something I didn't tell you."


"Do you believe in fate?"


Xu Xin was a little stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Subconsciously asked:

"Do you believe it?"

"...Please, I'm asking you...forget it, I'll just tell you the truth. In fact, I have referenced Patty for the prototype of Lu Xiaoyu..."

After a few months, Xu Xin finally heard the name from Jay Chou's mouth again.

"Patti also has asthma... It can also be said that she is a single-parent family. When we were dating, she also chose to be invisible for the sake of our relationship..."

"So others can't see Lu Xiaoyu?"

"...Hmm. I actually didn't intend to write a tragedy at the beginning. After all, Lu Xiaoyu and Ye Xianglun also ended up perfectly after going through a series of hardships... But looking at it now, don't you think it's a bit ironic... I didn't The ability to travel through time and space, and Patty and I are also... separated... Do you think this is my dream come true?"

A touch of sarcasm arose spontaneously along with his tone.

It also made Xu Xin fall into silence.

If you think about it carefully... there are really many things expressed in the script... that are very similar to the feelings of the two. And, the most ridiculous thing is... although Xu Xin no longer pays attention to Hou Peiqiao, Yang Mi is very gossipy about what happened after the two broke up.

She wouldn't ask Jay Chou, but she would squat in Sina Entertainment and watch it every day... Just a few days ago, she said to Xu Xin:

"There has been no news from Hou Peiqiao for a long time. Taiwanese media said that she has given up all her work and does not go out every day."

Xu Xin didn't take it seriously at first.

But now that I think about it...

Why does it look so much like the second ending I designed?

That’s outrageous!

Jay Chou continued:

"Maybe... it's because of the substitution. I can't read this script as an ordinary story... I don't know if there is any possibility of saving Patty and I... But I think if this movie is made No, I will blame myself for the rest of my life...A Xin..."

It was rare that he used the two people's "pet names".

That is another new work after the title "Xu Shijie and Zhou Laogou".

A drunken joke.

A Xin and A JAY...

Xu Xin couldn't stand this name, but Jay Chou liked it very much.

"help me."

He said:

"If it's music, I'm not afraid, but movies... Facing Patty... I don't have confidence, but I can't leave any regrets... I want to express my heart that I can't speak through this movie, but I'm afraid that she will watch it not understand."


Xu Xin was silent.

After feeling the deep meaning in his words, he fell silent.

And Yang Mi's eyes also fell on her boyfriend.


After he finished speaking, Yang Mi quickly got up and ran to the bedroom.

He quickly brought over the cigarette case and lighter.


A puff of smoke came out, and Xu Xin's voice was a little hoarse:

"Director Zhang told you that I had time?"

"Yes, I asked Director Zhang about the Olympics. After Director Zhang told me that it was almost over, I asked him if you were free. He asked me what I wanted to do, and I said I wanted to make a movie with you... He thought about it and told me, let me ask you, since I have some spare time."


Xu Xin inevitably showed a trace of doubt again.

The Olympics is such a big event, do I...have time?

Why didn't I know?

He subconsciously wanted to call Director Zhang and ask...but it was too late now.

Think about it...

"I won't give you a guarantee yet, can you give me half a day?... Let me tell you first, I will shoot this movie, and I am confident that I can make it well."

"I know, because whether it's the shooting or the normal things we talk about, I know that you are very attentive, and the things you shoot are what I want... That's why I came to you."

"But the Olympics are bigger than anything..."


"I don't know why Director Zhang suddenly said that I have time. I will ask him what he means tomorrow morning. If I really have enough time... no problem, I will do my best to present the story in your mind! But if...time doesn't allow it, then don't blame me...Brother, we have a country first, then a family, I hope you can understand this."

"...Okay. Then I'll wait for your news! It's okay, and don't put too much pressure on you. Whether it succeeds or not, I don't blame you."

"You can't blame me. I even drew the storyboards for you. I didn't even finish the details of the script in my hand. I've been helping you improve these things every day for the past few months. If you're blaming me, you're too stupid. It’s not a thing anymore…”


As Xu Xin complained, Jay Chou suddenly laughed out loud.

Then he immediately asked:

"Hey, what about the other two things I told you, do you want to think about it?... In fact, I have already found someone to invest in this drama, which is about NT$65 million to NT$70 million. Calculated. , probably between 15 and 20 million."

"Don't you have enough money?"

"...It's okay to say it's enough, but it needs some turnover. I just bought an office building and I've spent a lot of money on decoration and equipment recently..."

"You can tell me how much you are short of when the time comes. I don't own your shares, just treat it as a loan. Just pay me back when the time comes."

"...We'll talk about it then. Let's finalize it first before talking about investment. What about Mimi... Mimi, are you there? Are you interested?"


The girl who was making Kung Fu tea for her boyfriend first looked at her boyfriend's face and then asked:

"Is there a kissing scene?"

"I will be misplaced, don't worry. I'm afraid A Xin..."

"Brother, don't be a Xin Axin, it's too disgusting!"

"...Don't worry, Mimi, you won't let Xu Xin blow my head off with a hammer!"

After hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while and asked again:

"Qingyi is the squad leader, right? The villain who fell in love with Ye Xianglun and caused a series of misunderstandings? The one who is particularly bitchy?"


Jay Chou was stunned and asked in confusion:

"Bitch...? Then forget it..."

"No. I'm interested! Really...I want to be a bitch!"



As soon as she said this, there was no movement from Jay Chou's side.

Xu Xin also twitched the corner of his mouth...

"The cute, charming and charismatic squad leader turns out to be a villain... This role sounds so interesting! I will read the script soon. If my brother takes it, I will audition in front of him. If he Don’t accept... don’t worry, I will give him an audition too. Give me some time, I will practice my Wanwan accent and get a good grasp of the character. Thank you for your trust, hehehe!”

Looking at his girlfriend whose eyes suddenly shone, Xu Xin couldn't help but say:

"You agree now?...Are you sure you want to play this role? Can your company agree?"

"Didn't you realize that the company is almost letting me go..."

The girl shrugged casually:

"I have talked with Sister Gong. The quality of a character does not lie in being a decent villain, but in whether she has room for an actor to play... I have wanted to play the role of a mistress for a long time! Really! I will read the script in a while... Really , the bittier the better...ah! So excited!!"


"Listen... it sounds... Mimi... so... I really want to be very interested?"

Listening to what was happening on the phone, Xu Xin sighed helplessly:

"Oh... let's just say this. I will ask Director Zhang and give you an answer tomorrow. Then leave the role of Qingyi to me. No matter what, I will help you find a bitch squad leader, okay?"

"Oh, brother~ How can you talk like a fool~ The Lun family sounds unhappy~~~"


Jay Chou on the other end of the phone twitched his mouth when he heard this artificial Bayan accent...

But Xu Xin thought more simply.

Now he just wants to punch this girl's head off with one punch...

"...Then I'll contact a few other people."

"Um...have you finished choosing the heroine?"

"Yeah. Can I send you an email now?"

"Okay, send it directly."

"OK, then you should go to bed early after reading this. I'll go to bed first and wait for news from you tomorrow."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin opened the mailbox, stared at it and started waiting.

After Yang Mi finished wailing, she went to the study to look for the script of "The Untold Secret" that she had installed while cleaning a few days ago.


"Hiss~ It's so cold~ My legs are frozen~ Hiss~~~"

Wearing two black knee-length socks tightly wrapped, her chopstick legs became increasingly slender and delicate. She braved the cold wind and entered the house, and threw herself directly into her brother's arms:

"Brother, it's so cold~~~ My toes are clenched in the cold~"

"Who asked you to wear so little?"

Putting his warm hands on the absolute area between knee socks and nightgown, Xu Xin stared at the short-haired woman on the computer that was enlarged to fill the entire screen.

The girl turned her head and looked suddenly stunned:

"Eh? Meng Kerou... isn't it... called... what is it called... Gui... Gui Lunmei? Yes, yes, why is it her?"

"……you know?"

"You haven't seen it? "Blue Door"."


"That movie was pretty good... I'm not saying it was good, but it was pretty good anyway, and the filming was very artistic. Her short hair now is not as cool as before. I liked her short hair very much at that time, and even thought about cutting it. Yes, it’s a pity that the company didn’t let her play Lu Xiaoyu?”


Xu Xin responded, then narrowed his eyes and hugged his girlfriend for a while, then nodded:

"Although I don't know how the acting skills are, my temperament matches her very well."

Who knew that the girl was stunned after hearing this:

"Do you like this type?"


"That's just the kind of school girl she is."

Yang Mi was not angry, but took a closer look at Gui Lunmei's enviable hair...


After thinking for a while, she said:

"Then I'll buy a wig tomorrow? I haven't worn the plaid skirt I bought last time. Let's try it?"

As she spoke, her eyes began to shine:

"Why don't you wear a school uniform? How about a Japanese school uniform. It's not a female one. I wear a male one, just a small suit... You wear a suit too... You play the role of the domineering president, and I play the role of being stared at by you. The weak school boy who went to school..."


Xu Xin's entire facial muscles began to twitch.

I couldn't help but say:

"No...how do I feel...you are always plotting against me? You are so perverted...can you read less of those beautiful articles? I'm embarrassed to say that there are books on your mobile phone bookshelf, but you can still read them normally Isn’t this a novel for people to read?”

"What's going on? What's going on?! Look what's going on with Tanmei! I don't care... you haven't worn a suit for a long time..."

"That's because my shoulders are thicker again and I'm building muscle!"

"Oh, that's about it. Don't increase it. It will be scary if it gets bigger. Just keep it like this...hehehe...suck it~"

She seemed to remember something, hit her mouth...

"Well, brother... let's go into the house~ I'm cold..."

As he spoke, he closed the lid of his notebook.

"It's too cold here~ Brother, please warm me~"

"...Don't you read the script?"

"Let's talk tomorrow, a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin sighed silently.

I always feel like I'm in a relationship with something incredible.

If this continues... I'm afraid I won't survive more than ten years.

Lazy waist picked up his girlfriend, who was actually quite heavy, and let her hook her neck, dangling two black cotton socks tightly wrapped around her very beautiful legs, and walked into the bedroom while laughing all the way.

This woman is getting heavier and heavier.

But my waist is still 1 foot 7...


Where did all the meat go?

"I'm going to work first. Don't be late today. Also, see what Sister Zeng does about Qingyi's matter. Before his company comes out with the news, Sister Zeng must not reveal this news. Do you understand? ?”

"I know, don't worry, I understand."

The girl, who was standing in the yard and was full of energy after the clear sun, responded.

"Tingting will pick me up in a while. Sister Zeng and I will talk face to face. Don't worry, I will tell her that if she leaks the news, I will not act in Qingyi."


Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"When did you become so confident?"

"Hehe, you gave it to me~"

"Well done~"

Giving his girlfriend a thumbs up, Xu Xin carried a computer bag and went out directly.

After arriving at the Olympic Building, he immediately came to Zhang Yimou's small office and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong."


Zhang Yimou has been here recently. Even though the press conference of "Golden Armor" was in the afternoon, he still stayed here in the morning.

When he saw it was Xu Xin, he waved to Xu Xin to come in and said:

"I was looking for you."

"Uh...what's wrong? Director Zhang."

Zhang Yimou pushed over a USB flash drive.

"This is a New Year's commercial I shot for Marlboro 20 years ago. You can take it to the conference room later. When I come back in the evening, I will show them how terrible it is to use a drum..."


For days, the team was at loggerheads over whether or not to use the drum idea.

Zhang Yimou firmly opposed the use of drums.

Including red lanterns and other elements.

But the people in the team think that drums are okay and are part of our country’s culture. We cannot deny the advantages of this powerful instrument just because it feels tacky...

Have been fighting for several days.

Director Zhang kept talking about showing everyone the commercials he shot before, saying that this was his trump card. You only need to take a look and you will understand why drums are not needed.

But I can't find the commercial clip.

It seems that I have found it today, and I plan to make more moves.

Xu Xin put away the USB flash drive, but did not leave. Instead, he sat across from the desk:

"Director Zhang..."


"You... told Jay Chou that I have time to make a movie?"


Zhang Yimou was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"Oh yes, there is such a thing. I was too busy before and forgot to tell you. Indeed, he asked me that he wanted to make a movie with you, how about the time. I told him, and I said that in theory, the time is It's generous, but whether you want to take pictures or not is another matter, let him ask you."

"...Why is there theoretically time?"

This is what Xu Xin doesn't understand the most.

"Where do we have time?"

"How not?"

Zhang Yimou pointed to the calendar next to him:

"Submitting for review on New Year's Day, project approvals layer by layer, meetings, discussions... Theoretically, I will be busy until the end of the year. So in terms of time, from January to March, there should be about two months, right? That's enough time. It just so happens that I am going to the United States... I originally planned to take you to film "Qin Shihuang". But when I thought about it, now it is also an opportunity for you. Everyone has worked hard for a year and can take a short break. If you are interested, You can try it."

Under Xu Xin's somewhat stunned gaze, Zhang Yimou said calmly:

"I think you should be able to."

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