I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 138 Chapter 136

Chapter 138 136. It’s nothing more than a fox pretending to be a tiger’s power and working for the tiger.

"...Have you seen Jielun's script?"


Holding the large sports water cup like a treasure gourd in his hand, Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"But we chatted for a while, and I asked him what the story was, and he said it was a campus love story. I thought you could give it a try~... This kind of campus-type movie has limitations, and the scenes it shoots are relatively simple. Some. What’s even more testing is the director’s language depiction of the scenery on campus that everyone has experienced. Your lens language sensitivity is very good, and you know what we want to show under what lens... So I recommend you try it. "

Hearing this, Xu Xin felt something in his heart, and at the same time, for some reason, his breathing began to tremble...

"I suddenly became nervous."


Zhang Yimou chuckled lightly and then said:

"Everyone has been exhausted from creating in this high-pressure environment in the past few months. After submitting the plan, there will definitely be changes that need to be made. But at least our big framework has come out. By then, according to Just modify the requirements.

During this vacuum period, you can take a break. Otherwise, I would go home at 11 or 12 pm seven days a week, three or four days... Over time, it will definitely affect family harmony. Therefore, you must have a good rest, and if you happen to have such a good opportunity, go and try it.

You also know Jay Chou and can use him. When I was on the set, when I saw something went wrong with him, he immediately wanted to find you... It's good. It's a rare thing for the two brothers to have this kind of tacit understanding and spark. Besides, the investment cost of campus movies is not high, and it also has box office appeal, so let’s give it a try. "

"Hey, okay, then I get it."

Xu Xin nodded to show that he understood what Director Zhang said, and he felt truly confident... Then while there was no one around, he asked something he had wanted to ask for a long time:

"Director Zhang...I heard...the total investment in the production of Golden Armor exceeded 320 million?"

"Xiao Wei told you, right?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head slightly:

"Indeed, it exceeds 20 million, but it is claimed to be 360 ​​million."


After saying that, looking at Xu Xin's expression of wanting to ask but not daring to ask, Zhang Yimou suddenly smiled:

"What? What do you want to ask?... What should I do if I lose money?"


Seeing Xu Xin's expression, Zhang Yimou understood.

"The domestic box office will definitely not be able to collect it back."

He told Xu Xin directly:

"When "Hero" was filmed, the total investment in Hero was about 1.4 to 1.5..."

"Didn't you say 30 million US dollars, more than 200 million US dollars?"


Not hiding it from Xu Xin at all, Zhang Yimou waved his hand directly:

"Exaggerating investment is a very common operating mode. If you spend more money, the audience will think that the movie is a big production. In fact, it is only 150 million at most."

"But the total box office is close to 1.5 billion, ten times the revenue, right?"

"Well, the total domestic box office is actually only a little over 200 million. The rest is contributed by overseas. This movie also follows the same path. It will be released domestically first, and then spread bit by bit to the world. Preliminary As an estimate... it should be a little over 2 billion. The triple principle is that for an investment of 100 million, the capital will be paid back to 300 million. So no matter how you look at it, you won't lose money. In addition, there will be DVDs that will make money one after another. Come in……"

"...I always feel that our domestic market is still too weak."

"Self-sufficient, that is."

Zhang Yimou gave his own opinion:

"You're still young, why are you anxious? I'm not anxious. Our country has also been slowly and step by step from being in dire straits. Just look at it, when did our film market start to explode? Then it belongs to filmmakers , good days will come for the film industry, and even for the people of the country. The film market is very sensitive. Only when everyone has money in their pockets and is free will they spend extra money to watch and go to the theater. , watch a movie. At this stage, we are still self-sufficient, but who knows what it will be like in five, ten, or twenty years."

"What do you think? How much better will it be than now?"

"It's much, much better~...Look."

He stretched out his fingers and started to pull Xu Xin one by one:

"First, let's talk about investment. Since our era...or if you look at the development process of Hollywood, you will find that investment in the film market has actually increased with the rise of national conditions and national strength. In the beginning , tens of thousands of dollars are astronomical figures. But what about now? Putting aside the so-called depreciation of prices and the like, it can easily reach hundreds of millions. The production fees for big productions have increased, and Hollywood has begun to sweep the world like a blowout. We are also taking this path.

Second, the cultivation of film talents. Who do our generation belong to? The group in 1978 all said that we were the fifth generation and that we were in the golden age... But I think we were just emerging at best. As the saying goes, what goes up leads to results. To put it bluntly, we old guys are laying the foundation for the film market. And you people are the future of the movie age. You see, over the years, how many children have applied to Beijing Film Academy, China Theater, and Shanghai Theater, and they all want to get involved in this circle. Let’s not talk about talent, let’s talk about base number. How many generals can there be among the short ones, right?

The third is the combination of these two. Once the production fee is raised, the director can flex his muscles, convey his movie ideas to everyone, be recognized by others, stimulate the market, have high box office and high income, the movie is a blowout, and the influence of the entire circle is worldwide. Regardless of status... I think your generation is the group of people most likely to surpass Hollywood. As long as there is a healthy film market, there will be no shortage of money and a population base. Our movie...not much to say. I think ten years is too short. In 20 years or so, we will definitely usher in a prosperous era of domestic films. The absolutely absolute golden age. "


Although I know this is just a casual chat. But for some reason, Xu Xin was not excited at all after hearing Director Zhang's words. Instead, he felt a little ridiculous because of the blurry images that occasionally flashed in his mind...

I subconsciously said:

"What if we go astray along the way?"

"No, the development process of Hollywood is there, and it can be copied without any deviation. Ten years from now, twenty years from now, it will definitely be an era when good movies, TV series, and actors will emerge in endlessly!"

Zhang Yimou's face showed a strong sense of confidence.

Absolute confidence for those who are new to learning:

"Predecessors have paved the road, and the road surface has even been flattened and compacted for you. Our films are now well-known internationally. Although there is still a gap in commercial films, in terms of literary and artistic quality, they are not actually It’s not much weaker than Europe and the United States. In addition, in Hollywood, whether it’s the assembly line or the industrial standards, you just need to learn and that’s it. If everything goes astray on this road... then why don’t we live longer and go back?”


Although what he said makes sense.

But Xu Xin always felt... Director Zhang was too optimistic.

Well, it's just a casual chat.

It does not matter.

Whether the road ahead will go astray or not is not decided by one person, but depends on everyone working together.


I picked up the movie and chatted with Director Zhang for a while. When the time was almost up, Zhang Yimou waved his hand:

"Let's go to the meeting... By the way, don't let Mimi be late this afternoon."

"Hey, I got it, don't worry."

Xu Xin quickly responded.

Sun Ting's Santana was carefully parked close to the side of the Porsche.

After getting out of the car, she walked into Xu Xin's house with ease.

I can't help it, it's happened too many times in the past few months.

Ever since Sister Mimi made her relationship clear with her parents last time, she has also become a regular customer of this place.

Xu Xin even has a set of tools for washing her face and brushing her teeth at home...

Just put it next to Dani's dental kit...

It always feels like a hotel.

Before she even entered the door, she heard crackling sounds inside.

After opening the door, he saw a sandbag in the yard, and Sister Mimi, who was wearing a thin sportswear and bandages on her hands in the cold weather, saying hello to the sandbag.

She had seen this scene so many times that she was used to it.

To be honest, she really felt that Sister Mimi was very hardworking.

In other words...filming is more like taking a break.

Because compared to her daily life, filming is really much easier.

First of all, whether you are going to school or doing something else, you must finish this set of boxing when you get up in the morning.

First Xingyiquan, then Baguazhang...

Xingyiquan was taught by teacher Na Yu. Sun Ting didn’t understand it very well... but she thought it was very powerful. Baguazhang was taught by a teacher surnamed Han who was introduced by the teacher there.

Sun Ting also followed suit... Unfortunately, her body was too stiff, so she just put on a posture.

But she likes to watch Sister Mimi play Baguazhang.

Especially the combination of steps and punches, the fight is really like a butterfly turning over flowers.

But her favorite is Sister Mimi's sword.

She saw Sister Mimi drinking and acting coquettishly with Teacher Yu, and that's why Teacher Yu started teaching her the two-handed sword.

Looks very cool.

And according to Teacher Yu, Sister Mimi is also very talented...but it's a pity that she learned it too late. My achievements in this life may not be very high...but Sister Mimi is an actress...can't she just show up?

Although she thought so, she didn't dare to say it.

Because after hearing Teacher Yu’s judgment at that time, Sister Mimi was quite sad.

After the boxing, I started practicing yoga to soothe the muscles and Pilates to keep in shape...

In the past six months, Sun Ting herself didn't know how many times she had drooled over the figure of Sister Mimi who was practicing in Xia Tian.

so good……

The legs are thin, the waist is soft... but there are not many things that should be missing, not to mention the well-proportioned figure that makes girls feel good-looking... Brother Xu is so happy.

Sister Mimi wakes up very early every day, so it only takes around 9 o'clock.

After that, either go to class, read a book, watch a movie, and take notes.

In the afternoon, when there were usually no classes, she would go to Renyi and watch the teachers in Renyi perform plays.

Although not many people watch the drama, and Sister Mimi can only play a temporary role as a maid, serving tea and making poses... But Sister Mimi seems to be enjoying it...

To be honest, as a layman, she didn't find that kind of drama interesting. Especially some actors actually rehearsed English dramas...Mimi, after curiously signing up, was rejected because her English was not good enough, she had to start practicing her spoken pronunciation again...to squeeze even more into the little time she had. .

This seemed outrageous to her.

It is obvious that Sister Mimi is a "girl hunter" and has even been the protagonist of a TV series, but when faced with the role of a drama actor with only one or two sentences, she seems to take it very seriously. Just the tone of a line is something I have to ponder over and over again.

But they all sound the same...

She still doesn't understand. But it didn't stop her from discovering another great thing about Sister Mimi.

As long as she wants, she can always become "friends" with a certain actor.

Maybe it’s the warm greeting from the teacher, or the kind of interpersonal communication where you just ask if you don’t understand, and then ask again if you don’t understand, which is commonly known as “social badass syndrome” by Brother Xu.

In short, the little maid played by Sister Mimi is quite popular in the drama club...

And after coming out of the drama in the afternoon, Sister Mimi will try her best to run to Brother Xu... quite like she can't delay her love and career.

Time management is a mess.

But the most powerful thing about Sister Mimi may be that she dares not to talk to the company...

Sun Ting really thinks this is the most powerful thing.

Everyone in the company is afraid of the leaders. According to the gossip she has heard, even Sister Zhou Xun did not dare to resist the company. It seems that she won a prize in some competition and a car was confiscated by the company. Sister Zhou Xun only dares to cry but does not dare to come back...

And others are also obedient to the company's arrangements.

Only Sister Mimi... Although Sister Mimi is already in the stage of being let go by the company... But she dares to say no to the company, she is really powerful.

Especially as "Golden Armor" is about to be released, the company wants Sister Mimi to join the crew or do something else, but Sister Mimi doesn't want to go... She really admires her courage.

But she admired her. When she thought of the phone call just now... she sighed helplessly:

"Oh...sister, good morning."


Yang Mi didn't respond, just nodded, and with this tone in her heart, she continued to hit the sandbag with the crackling hammers.

Sun Ting didn't bother, she just helped pour water and do whatever she needed to do.

After a set of preparatory activities were completed, an iconic sound was heard:

"Hey! Half-step Beng Beng Fist!"


Already accustomed to Sister Mimi's antics, she quickly handed over the warm water.

The girl gasped a few times and drank a third of the bottle of water in small sips before walking directly into the warm living room.

Minding his own business, he unfolded his yoga mat.

Sun Ting, on the other hand, could no longer feel the slightest concern about the set of mahogany furniture under her buttocks that was said to be from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Sitting aside, when Sister Mimi began to relax her body, she quickly said:

"Sister, Sister Ruoyao called me this morning."


Yang Mi didn't say anything, she just lay down on the yoga idea and raised one leg high.

This allows blood circulation to return and keep her calves slim.

But Sun Ting knew she was listening, so she continued:

"Last night, the company held another meeting. Because "Golden Armor" is about to be released, the company wants to give you an extra boost... Because in the past six months, except for "Wulin Gaiden", you have not taken on other dramas. Mr. Chen and the others I’m still quite dissatisfied. After the release of the three TV series “Golden Armor” at the end of this year, “Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio” aired in January on New Year’s Day, “Wang Zhaojun” in April, and “The Condor” scheduled for the summer, It's when you are rising, you can't refuse to take on one movie... Moreover, I heard from Sister Ruoyao that the company is preparing for the big project "New Dream of Red Mansions", and the funds are not enough... Need to restore blood... Sister Zeng I have been called back by the company. They said that you must do your work with all your strength during this period. If you continue to disobey..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Just don't arrange any drama..."

Subtext: Snow hiding.


Yang Mi still didn't open her eyes.

He just responded:

"I know. When will Sister Zeng come back?"

"It should be just these two days..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yang Mi's cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that Sister Mimi had no intention of answering the call, Sun Ting quickly picked it up and took a look at it, and immediately said:

"It's Sister Zeng."

"Take it, just say I'm in the bathroom. If Sister Zeng asks me where I am, or wants to come over or something, just ask her to come directly here."


Sun Ting answered the phone and turned on the speakerphone:

"Hey, Sister Zeng."

"Mimi...Sun Ting?"

Zeng Jia was a little surprised and asked:

"Where's Mimi?"

"Sister Mimi is in the bathroom."

"...Okay, where is she now? I'll go find her."

"This side of Shijia Hutong."


It could be heard that Zeng Jia's voice was getting more and more surprised.

"Shijia Alley? What is she doing there?"


Before Sun Ting could answer, she saw Yang Mi making a sleeping gesture.

So I had a clue in my mind:

"Sister lives here...I'll send you the address. Come over now."

"……OK, wait for me."

The phone hangs up.

Yang Mi, who closed her eyes, said:

"Open the garage door. Drive your car farther away and leave the parking space at the door for Sister Zeng. If Sister Zeng asks who owns this house later, just say that Xu Xin gave it to me. Go to the bedroom , there is a watch full of diamonds on the third floor of the dressing box, give it to me."


Although she didn't know what Sister Mimi was going to do, Sun Ting still got up and walked to the bedroom. She took a watch and she didn't know the brand or how much it cost... But the diamonds on it were so crystal clear that they kept flashing. After putting it on the table, she walked to the door again, found the key to the electric garage door on the shelf where the keys were placed, and took them away together. After opening the garage door first, she made a sharp contrast between the Ferrari and the 911 next to it. I just drove the Santana a long way away and vacated a parking space at the door.

Then comes the waiting.

Quiet waiting.

Yang Mi’s yoga is silent.

He exercised every muscle diligently to maintain an increasingly graceful figure.

Until the phone rings again.

Sun Ting glanced at Yang Mi, who still didn't stand up but had already begun to make finishing moves, and walked out quickly with the phone in hand.

"Sister Zeng."

When she arrived at the door, she saw a commercial vehicle parked on the roadside with double flashes.

He quickly waved.

The car door opened, and Zeng Jia, who had just walked out of the garage next to the door where Sun Ting walked out, looked back with doubts.

"Brother, just park the car at the door."

After Sun Ting explained to the driver again, Zeng Jia, who had already got out of the car, said:

"This house...whose belongs to it?"

"...Brother Xu gave it to Sister Mimi."

According to Yang Mi's instructions, Sun Ting gave the answer.

Zeng Jia paused...

"Sent to her?... Shijia Hutong? Sent to her?"


Sun Ting nodded:

"But I don't know the details... Sister Mimi rarely tells me. I just wait for Sister Mimi's call every day to pick her up or... something."


Zeng Jia's eyes narrowed instantly.

From the leaping horse logo inside the garage, to the same bright red Porsche in front of the garage door... and the location of this alley, which can be said to be one of the most expensive in Yanjing City.

After everything flashed through her mind, her eyes calmed down again.

She didn't continue to question Sun Ting, she just followed him into the door.

From the pavilion under the grape trellis, to the glass greenhouse that was re-closed in autumn and winter, to the size of the yard, everything came into view. After following Sun Ting into the living room of the main house, she saw the girl who had just stood up from the mat.

"Sister Zeng~"

Still smiling.

It looks no different than it did a few months ago.


The watch on the girl's wrist is a bit too eye-catching.

Even if she was only wearing ordinary sportswear, she couldn't resist the sparkling crystal clearness.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Zeng Jia saw two or three bags placed on top of this set of furniture with dragons and phoenixes carved from unknown wood.

There was even a burgundy handbag that Zeng Jia immediately recognized.

Prada Symbole handbags.

In July this year, after Prada's first store in China was opened in the Peninsula Hotel, she made a special trip there.

The bag is in the display case.

Zeng Jia didn’t remember much about the price, but she remembered that when she asked, the clerk told her it was out of stock. A total of 100 bags of this series were purchased, and they were all sold out. If you want to buy again, you need to pre-order...

In addition to this handbag, there are also LV and Chanel placed casually next to it...

Obviously, in the past six months...

A lot of things "happened".

Zeng Jia calmed down her mind, but she couldn't help but sigh quietly in her heart.

I feel quite sad that the reality of this circle and the vicissitudes of life have buried the original aspirations of many dream-chasing girls...

Then, she nodded:

"I thought Xu Xin was here too."


Yang Mi seemed a little dazed, but immediately showed an embarrassed look:

"You...you know?"


There was a hint of deep worry in Zeng Jia's eyes.

That was the result of hearing that those rich people had had enough, were tired of playing, and were abandoned.

But she didn't mention it.

Just asked:

"Live here every day?"

"Recently, if I don't go home, I basically come here at night. I said that if I get married in the future, I'll live here first."


Zeng Jia didn't know why, but she sighed in her heart again.

Does this girl really know how corrupt the life of the rich is... An empty promise has made you like this?

But I could only mutter this in my heart, and it was hard to say anything else.

She could only nod:

"I'll go with you to the afternoon press conference."

"Okay, Sister Zeng, you finally take care of me again~"


The girl seemed unchanged.

Still innocent.

But for some reason, she who originally came with the company's mission suddenly felt distressed.

Then his expression showed a hint of warmth:

"Otherwise? If I don't care about you anymore, you will probably become lawless. You have done nothing in the past six months. Do you know how dissatisfied the company is?"

"Who said I didn't do it? Didn't I accept a movie? Xu Xin found it for me. It's a supporting role with a heavy role."

Silly girl.

If he is really good to you, why doesn't he give you the leading role?

Didn't he invest in that drama?

Zeng Jia sighed inwardly again.

Then he continued:

"Come to audition with me in a few days. I have two film appointments..."


Before she could finish her words, Yang Mi was suddenly startled.

Then he immediately shook his head:

"No, no, no, sister Zeng..."

"Mimi, you have to go!"

Before she could finish speaking, Zeng Jia interrupted her:

"You are an actor, and only these works, not others, can really bring you your own success, fame and status."


Yang Mi looked a little dazed and said subconsciously:

"Sister Zeng, have you changed your mind?"


"A few months ago, didn't you say... that I had to seize the popularity of Mou Girl and make more money? You didn't want me to learn drama, saying that it was a waste of time, and then said that I could improve my career or something..."


The words he said a few months ago were transformed from the girl's mouth into a short rhetorical question:

"Why are you saying something different now?"


Zeng Jia was a little stunned.

But the girl showed a very happy smile:

"Hehe~ I knew Sister Zeng was the best to me and wouldn't really ignore me!"

She dismissed this somewhat sarcastic rhetorical question in an understatement, and then immediately said:

"Sister Zeng, please wait."

After saying that, he walked into the room and quickly took out a stack of scripts:

"I have a new play. I originally planned to tell you... Sister Zeng, in this script, Jay Chou is the protagonist and I am the second female lead. Xu Xin has already found it for me~ I want to act in this because... Jay Chou's appeal is so great, I think this wave of popularity can be used... What kind of script audition are you talking about? A movie? A TV series? Or something else?"


Zeng Jia was a little stunned. She took the script and asked subconsciously:

"Jay Chou?"

"Yes, but it needs to be kept secret. Sister Zeng, we can't say it yet. Otherwise, I won't be able to perform. You must not tell others. Xu Xin won't let me say it. Otherwise, he will be angry."


Zeng Jia lowered her head subconsciously.

The script has no name.

Don't know what type it is.

She can only know by reading.

But she didn't see that when she lowered her head, the girl's eyes showed a light like prey falling into the hands of a hunter.

A fleeting moment.

She didn't lie about this.

Indeed, Jay Chou acted in the script, and she was indeed the second female lead.

But some words are worth saying.

The same thing, viewed from different angles, will give different people different perceptions.

And the reason why she chose to tell this matter to Sister Zeng in this tone of "Xu Xin gave me the script"...or "Xu Xin will help me get the upper hand" is also very simple.

Sister Zeng believed it, but she also knew that the company had begun to think that she was disobedient.

And these today... whether it's the meeting in Shijia Alley, those luxury cars and watches, or the fact that she will start to reveal the complicated relationship behind her boyfriend...

There is only one.

It's still a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Still working for the tiger.

But only in this way can the company take action.

She was very grateful that the company gave her the opportunity to have an acting career, but she also learned a lesson from the fact that after Jay Chou was sold to Holliday in Alpha, Holliday wanted to directly squeeze his acting career.

I am grateful, I can do my best to you, no matter it is the salary or the company's ridiculously high training fees...

OK, I have no complaints.

But if you want to kill my artistic life...

Excuse me.

Feel sorry.

I disagree.

And if you want to do something...then please think about it.

There is someone on top of the goose~

Brothers, once again send me your sincere thanks, the first movie is finally on the right track. Please give me a monthly ticket! ! ! !

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