I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 139 137 Pick up this bowl of rice

Chapter 139 137. Pick up this bowl of rice

Zeng Jia reads scripts very quickly.

After reading it, she asked Yang Mi:

"Who are you playing? As for the second female lead... Qingyi?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"Qingyi. There are only two female characters in this drama, one is Lu Xiaoyu and the other is Qingyi. I play this..."

"Why don't you play Lu Xiaoyu?"

"Because Jay Chou has already chosen someone."


Zeng Jia felt a little regretful, but after weighing it in her heart, she understood.

If it can catch up to Jay Chou's popularity, then obviously the benefits of this drama will be much greater than the two characters he holds in his hands.

Then he asked:

"When will filming start?"

"Next January."

"...so fast? Where is the investment? Did you tell you about the remuneration?"


Yang Mi rolled her eyes and asked:

"Sister Zeng, what do you think is an appropriate salary?"

"...What is the total budget of this play?"

"I don't know, but Xu Xin can't say much... I actually don't care about the remuneration. I thought because Jay Chou is so popular and it's a movie in which he plays the protagonist, it must be very popular."


Zeng Jia nodded:

"Okay, I understand. I will tell the company about this..."


Yang Mi quickly shook her head:

"Sister Zeng, Jay Chou's contract has not expired yet. This was done after he went to the new owner. If the company leaks the news, won't my role be forfeited?"


Zeng Jia thought that it would be really troublesome if someone in the company leaked the news.

"But if this salary is too low, it won't be in line with your worth. You have to know that you are a girl, so that's how you call it. The salary will start at seven figures at least."

"I know. So I thought... this is it, Sister Zeng, how about you come with me when the filming starts in January? The role must be mine. Then we will see what happens in detail. How about it? ? I will ask Xu Xin when he comes back and find out the news. "

"...Okay. That being said, let's go and put on makeup. There won't be Jay Chou in today's press conference, right?"


"...Okay, I understand, let's go."

"Yeah, okay, I'm going to change clothes."

The girl went directly into the bedroom.

At this time, Zeng Jiacai moved to Sun Ting and whispered:

"Is Xu Xin nice to her?"


Sun Ting couldn't tell lies about this matter, and the answer she gave was very straightforward.

"……okay, I get it."

"Hey, how are you? Have you asked Director Zhang?"

Jay Chou's voice was a little uneasy.

Xu Xin didn’t joke and said directly:

"Agreed. You can start looking for people to cast. The venue will be Tamkang Middle School, right? Is it settled?"

"...Ha!...Not yet, but don't worry, the winter vacation starts in January. The holidays here are similar to those in the mainland."

"Stop, if you want to do it, do it quickly... In this way, I will send you a schedule, and you will implement it over there. Where is the production team, have you found it?"


"...Should I use this one or that one?"

"It's on my side, I have friends."

"Okay. Let's just say that you are also the director. Casting, scenery, and props are all left to you. Is there any problem?"

"No. Then I will communicate with you at any time?"

"Okay. I will send you a schedule, and you will follow it one by one. Then I will take her there directly when the time comes. I will go there earlier and select the locations for the photos you took for me. Choose once, and you just have to get everything done on the schedule.”

"OK. What about the salary? Your salary..."

"How much do you get paid?"

"Uh... I don't want any pay... This is Jewell's work."

"Then I don't want it either."

"Don't...then I'll count your investment, okay?"

“What if we lose money?”



Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"It's okay, just invest. Anyway, you can settle other matters and leave the rest to me, okay?"


"Well, after Yang Mi has applied for the certificate, we will rush there on the weekend. At most, we can go there a few more times to see more and make it as foolproof as possible. Okay?"


"Okay, let's just say, I'm done."




"Get out!"

Although she didn't know what he was going to say, Xu Xin hung up the phone immediately after hearing this title.

Nasty to death.


The press conference of "A City Full of Golden Armor".

"Why are you here so early?"

Zhang Yimou pushed open the waiting room door and saw Yang Mi who stood up subconsciously. He asked with a smile without waiting for her to say hello.

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then quickly greeted her respectfully:

"Hello, Director Zhang... I've just arrived."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou lowered his head and glanced at the mineral water bottle with a straw on her desk.

There is still one third of the water inside.

He smiled and nodded:

"Don't be nervous for a while. They will mainly ask questions that are of interest to movie fans."


Yang Mi nodded again to show her understanding.

"Well, if I ask you if you have a boyfriend, just say no."


Yang Mi was stunned.

Director Zhang nodded:

"It's not good to keep your private affairs exposed to the public as much as possible. Although it may gain you some popularity in a short period of time, more importantly, every action you take will be infinitely amplified. I also said to Xiao Xu before When it comes to this matter, you two just have to agree on the same thing, and don't talk about your own affairs to the outside audience."

"Uh... ok, got it."

The girl nodded and sat quietly aside again.

Not long after, Chen Jin also arrived.

Qin Junjie, who plays the third prince, arrived together with a middle-aged man who looked fat and wearing a peaked cap.

Zhang Weiping is here.

Entering the door, the first sentence came:

"When did you arrive?"

Zhang Yimou did not stand up, but said with a smile:

"After coming out of the Olympic Building, we came directly."


Zhang Weiping nodded and greeted Chen Jin with a smile.

Then Yang Mi stood up:

"Hello, Teacher Zhang, I am Yang Mi. This is our first meeting. Please take care of me."


Zhang Weiping looked at the girl who bowed to say hello, looked up and down, and responded:



Zhang Yimou raised his eyes and looked at him without saying a word.

When Yang Mi heard this extremely simple "hmm", she didn't seem surprised, but said respectfully:

"Teacher Zhang, please sit here. This water was brought by the staff just now. You can drink it."

She took the initiative to resolve the lukewarm greeting and walked aside humbly.

After leaving his seat, he also had an excuse to distance himself from Zhang Weiping.

Zhang Weiping couldn't say anything now.

She could only sit on the long sofa that had to cross her before sitting on the single sofa behind the coffee table.

Zhang Yimou, on the other hand, glanced at Yang Mi in surprise.

After thinking about it again, he said to Zhang Weiping:

"Where's Liu Ye? Not here yet?"

"I don't know, I guess I'll be there soon."

He started chatting with Zhang Yimou, but Yang Mi didn't say anything and just sat silently aside.

Until Liu Ye's arrival.

To be honest, Liu Ye seems to be in better spirits compared to the state he was in on the set.

Maybe it has something to do with his role in "Heaven's Mouth"?

That kind of ruthless elder brother is much stronger than that cowardly elder prince.

So even the others were more energetic, wearing a long white sweater and a hairband. After coming in, they greeted everyone around and then their eyes fell on the long sofa.

After glancing at Yang Mi, he sat directly next to Zhang Weiping.

Isolated the two people.

Although he was the last to arrive, and strictly speaking, when he was on the set, he didn't communicate much with anyone. He was immersed in his own character world.

But I have to admit...

Yang Mi was warmed by this move.

This brother...

What a good man.

Soon after, when everyone arrived, it was almost time.

There was a knock on the door, and after opening it, Guo Degang walked in.

He came today as the host of the press conference. Now he can almost be said to be one of the representatives of grassroots culture. Guo Degang's popularity is rising steadily.

The publicity channel specially invited him here.

However, in private, Guo Degang is actually very polite. After entering the room, he greeted everyone with his signature greeting:

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work~"

Underneath the greeting that is full of the flavor of the old world, there is a cleverness and cleverness that is sophisticated and understanding of the world.

In fact, it is difficult to determine the attitude at this time.

The famous "Er Zhang" is here. He is too humble and lacks the dignity of the leader of Deyun Society, but he is too equal... Strictly speaking, there is a gap in status between the two.

Therefore, he chose the safest way.


Greeted Zhang Yimou politely:

"Director Zhang, I've heard this name for a long time. I'm here to host today's press conference. I'm here especially to meet you, Mr. Zhang, and everyone else. Reporters will ask questions in a while. You may have some time to think about some questions. At that time, I may use this free time to interject a few words to prevent the atmosphere from becoming cold. Please don’t be offended if I interrupt your speech~"

"no problem."

After listening to his polite words, Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Let's cooperate with each other. When the time comes, help us out~"

"That's for sure. If you have any sharp questions, just leave them to me."

In a few words, Guo Degang took over part of the responsibility.

Seems very generous.

Then we started arranging for a while who to introduce first, who to introduce later, and why. After everything was explained clearly, the time was almost up.

He stood up and said goodbye.

In today's order of appearance, Yang Mi appears last.

The jargon is called the finale.

Crosstalk is called Zandi.

It's not that she is the most important, but because of the publicity plan, she has been suppressed and hidden before. I'm just waiting for them to become popular when we meet today.

So in this scene, it can be said that Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping are here to make her wedding dress.

It's just a pity...

There was no script for this press conference, so it was unclear what questions the reporter asked.

Then, as time expired, six people arrived in the backfield.

The entire press conference's setting was similar to the layout of the prescription in the play.

A long table with six chairs.

From left to right are Qin Junjie, Chen Jin, Zhang Yimou, Zhang Weiping, and Yang Mi.

Guo Degang made a few jokes and made the scene lively, and then he started to say:

"Come on then, let's stop chatting and invite today's first heavyweight guest. The famous actor Chen Jin~"

"Wow!" applause sounded.

Chen Jin was the first to step onto the stage.

Then came the second one, Zhang Weiping.

When the third Zhang Yimou, the fourth Qin Junjie, and the fifth Liu Ye came, there were waves of girls' screams.

Apparently, there are movie fans in attendance today as well.

Finally, it’s Yang Mi.

Today the girl has no concave shape.

Even when Zeng Jia took her to the beauty salon for makeup, she overturned Sister Zeng's request to make her look prettier.

She simply had her hair tied into a bun and only had light makeup on her face.

Revealing that pretty face.

It also vividly reveals the youthful and beautiful appearance of a girl in her early twenties.

And from the moment she appeared backstage, the cameras never stopped clicking.

Everything was focused on her.

There's no way... who makes it impossible for reporters to catch her.

Except for the photos in Wulong, the other photos are all artistic photos or screenshots from previous movies.

These reporters were also quite surprised when they saw her wearing a simple and casual style that showed youth and purity.

This girl...

It’s grown.

They are much better looking than artistic photos and photos in movie and TV series screenshots.

As a result, the shutter sound became more frequent.

The girl didn't stop until she reached the seat next to Zhang Weiping, bowed to the reporters and sat down.

Seeing this, Guo Degang also said:

"Everyone, let's be more reserved. We'll run out of papers after a while. If you leave this room, you still have to buy a ticket before you come in!"


The reporters burst into laughter.

Obviously everyone likes his way of chatting.

"Okay, then let us welcome with applause the arrival of the crew of "The City of Golden Armor" which will be released nationwide on December 14th~Applause~"

"Hua la la la la..."

After everyone gave their face and gave a burst of enthusiastic applause, Guo Degang stood aside with a microphone in his hand:

"When autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill all the flowers after they bloom."

"The incense formation soaring to the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is covered with golden armor."

A unique voice sounded.

Guo Degang took the microphone and said calmly:

"This is a poem written by Huang Chao, the leader of the rebel army in the late Tang Dynasty. It is called "Ode to Chrysanthemums after Failure". Ladies and gentlemen, what does failure mean? Failure means failure in the imperial examination. This poem is about Huang Chao in what year. After failing in an exam, he wrote it full of resentment, called "Ode to Chrysanthemums after Failure". After writing this poem, he left Chang'an all the way and went home to inherit the family property... Director Zhang, here I have a question."

Looking at Zhang Yimou, Guo Degang asked curiously:

"The title of our movie "City of Golden Armor" is taken from here, right?"


"But as far as I know, the prototype of this script is the famous play "Thunderstorm" written by our literary giant Cao Yu. Why would "Thunderstorm", a family tragedy with strong feudal overtones, be adapted into such a ...Well, what about a movie that sounds murderous just by the name?”


Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said:

"Actually, if we really talk about this matter, there are a lot of things to talk about. For example, let me take the simplest comparison. In the drama "Heroes", we affirmed the positive meaning of royal power, but in this drama , and we completely deconstructed it. Through this story, we present the decay and decline under the royal power. "Thunderstorm" is not only a family tragedy with strong feudal overtones, we think its deeper core is actually The decay that occurs in a specific environment. Therefore, I think this poem by Huang Chao is particularly appropriate to describe the spirit of resistance expressed in this story..."

After he explained the origin and concept of the name, Guo Degang asked several questions with movie promotion significance.

Such as how grand the production scene was, how many pots of chrysanthemums were used in the live shooting, and so on.

These can all be used as gimmicks and are necessary means to attract movie fans to come watch the movie.

Then it was time for reporters to ask questions.

When it got to this point, everyone actually realized that a lot of everyone's attention was focused on Yang Mi, who was smiling and silent next to her.

But no one expected that the first shot fired would be so violent.

"Hello, I am a reporter from the Beijing Daily. I would like to ask Miss Yang Mi, do you have anything to say to Li Man regarding the role of Jiang Chan? Do you feel sorry for her?"




In the silence of the crowd, Guo Degang subconsciously raised the microphone to change the topic.

But he still spoke.

Yang Mi's voice sounded:

"You asked two questions, right?"

There was nothing stuttering or panicked about the girl's face.

Even seemed polite.

At this time, Guo Degang could not speak.

Everyone's eyes were focused on her, and they saw that the girl had finished asking the question. She nodded politely and then continued:

"Thank you for your question. But rather than being apologetic, I hold more faith in Li Man to live up to her. Although for some reasons, this role came to me. But after all, it was her who was originally scheduled. , and when it comes to me, first of all, I feel that as film professionals, we treat every character with respect and love. Especially the tragic character who plays Jiang Chan...or the prototype "Sifeng" in "Thunderstorm", What I got from her was this belief in living up to her.

Even, we have to respect the script "Thunderstorm". He didn’t live up to her, and he didn’t live up to the role of Sifeng. He interpreted the role of "Jiang Chan" well and also grasped the tragic core of the character Sifeng. So, my answer to your question is, I want to say to Li Man: I have tried my best to interpret our roles well. I hope that I have lived up to the trust placed in me by the directing team and "her". "

She put special emphasis on the word "she".

But he didn't clarify whether he was talking about Jiang Chan, Sifeng, or Li Man.

You think about it yourself.

When these words came out, not to mention the reporters, even Zhang Yimou and the others were a little surprised.

First, I was surprised at this girl's speaking skills...

Did someone else teach you specifically?

How can you answer questions so fluently?

then what?

Even Guo Degang said to himself...this girl...

That's good enough.

Every sentence mentioned Li Man, but everyone knew that she was not talking about Li Man.

It’s about the characters in the script and my own efforts.

But you can't find anything wrong with it yet.

Therefore, Guo Degang responded promptly:

"Look, after all, they are professionals from our Beijing Film Academy. They are really skilled in art~"

He also played with the literal baggage of "achievement" and "fat-making".

Then he said:

"Okay, thank you to this reporter, the next one..."

"Hello, I would like to ask Miss Yang Mi. The outside world calls you "Mou Girl". Has there been any change in your life? And everyone is paying attention to you now. Has it changed anything in your life? What's the next step? Do you have any plans?"

Another very tricky question.

But now the others feel much more at ease.

This girl has no stage fright.

And smart too.

No problem...should be.

After Yang Mi politely listened to this question, she asked again:

"Which media are you from?"


The reporter was stunned and saw the girl showing a polite and understanding smile:

"Because you forgot to mention which media magazine you belong to just now... I think it's better for you to say it. Otherwise, you might get scolded when you go back..."




"Hey, look at how considerate our girls are! Pay attention to the people behind you when they ask questions. If you ask a series of questions like this again and make things difficult for people, security guards, you can get rid of them~"


Guo Degang's words complemented the girl and caused bursts of laughter.

And the reporter quickly nodded:

"Sorry, I'm a reporter from Southern Weekly."


After Yang Mi nodded to show that she understood, she said unhurriedly:

"The word "Mou Girl", to me, is a kind of praise that transcends my own abilities. Because, before me, whether it is Teacher Gong Li, Teacher Zhang Ziyi, etc., both in terms of professional level and business ability , far surpassed me. So my first feeling was panic. Thank you very much, Director Zhang..."

She specifically put her hands towards Zhang Yimou:

"You can give me this opportunity, and just like what I just said. While I am grateful, it is more of a self-motivation. There is a proverb in the play "Henry IV" written by the famous poet and playwright Shakespeare , called: uneasy lies the head that wears a crown..."

In the past few months, my English, which I had begun to improve due to drama performances, began to play a role at this moment.

Many people who heard this were stunned...

But the girl still spoke at an unhurried pace

"The translation of this sentence is that if you want to wear this crown, you must bear its weight. I think Miss Mou is like a palace to me. Director Zhang, Sister Gong Li, Teacher Zhang Ziyi, and Teacher Dong Jie all passed through themselves A crown cast by his acting skills and artistic level. As an actor, I want to wear it. But it is more of a driving force that spurs me forward and allows me to fully bear its weight. So, I don’t think I can match it. Those teachers in front of me, but I will work hard and try to be worthy of its meaning. Thank you everyone."




After she finished speaking, the whole place fell silent again.

Everyone looked straight at the girl in front of them who had regained her smile...

I can gradually feel a...very vague difference in my heart.

Even if she didn't answer the next question, no one cared.

Because the answer itself... was enough to express what she meant. After contacting me, I just asked someone to fill in the small details of which media they represented...

You know, this scene is videotaped.

The reporter omitted the representative media and was not mentioned in the audio and video. This must be a minor work error.

But she made amends for them.

Ouch, this girl...


Instantly, many reporters had a better impression of Yang Mi.

And what’s just right is Guo Degang:

"Everyone, the applause is ready."


Everyone was stunned for a moment.


"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa……"

Polite applause resounded throughout the venue.

The girl in the applause stood up slightly, put one hand on her chest, and bowed in greeting.

The etiquette was perfect.

Guo Degang and Zhang Yimou looked at it with emotion on their faces.

If they can have a conversation, they will find that their hearts are highly aligned with Zeng Jia, who is standing behind the crowd.

The three of them all have only one unified point of view.

This girl...

I was born to eat this bowl of rice!

The girl who sat down still smiled sweetly.

Don't fight or grab.

The years are quiet.

Just right.

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