I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 140 138 The reality of leg control

Chapter 140 138. The reality of leg control...

"The Golden Armor, which has held two press conferences, once again held its third press conference in Yanjing this afternoon! In addition to director Zhang Yimou, actors Liu Ye, Chen Jin and other actors who are already familiar to the audience, In addition, Yang Mi, the girl who has been kept secret from the public until now, also made her official appearance in front of the media for the first time.

In order to liven up the atmosphere, Guo Degang, who is famous in Yanjing, was specially invited to host the event. His humorous hosting kept the scene always cheerful and full of laughter. However, the reporter's attention is still focused on the girl Yang Mi. As expected, the girl Yang Mi lived up to expectations. Even though she appeared in front of the media for the first time, she didn't show any nervousness at all and she talked eloquently. Applause breaks out every time, showing the cute and playful side of this Mou girl~"

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling stood in front of the TV, looking particularly attentive as their daughter appeared on TV.

Then, Guo Degang's voice appeared on the TV:

"Girl, do we need a drink of water? How did you say this long string of English words? Your talent is too good."

The picture was shown to Yang Mi, and her daughter still said with a smile:

"Because I usually like to listen to Teacher Guo's cross talk and practice Guankou."

"Hey, thank you. You're so flattering~ Why don't I turn around and become your teacher and teach me how to speak English~"


The two people made the scene burst into laughter. Then it turned to the narration:

"However, when asked about what Li Man, who played the role of "ex" Jiang Chan, had to withdraw from the filming of "The Golden Armor" due to severe allergies to mosquito bites, what he had to say, and what he thought of "Mou Girl" , Yang Mi gave her deep understanding and understanding of the role as an actor, which aroused applause from the reporters on the scene. "

After the narration finished, the first Beijing News reporter stood up and started asking questions.

When Yang Dalin heard the reporter's question, "Do you have anything to say to Li Man?", he frowned dissatisfied.

But after hearing his daughter's answer, which had no fault at all, his brows widened again.

Yes, good girl.


"This reporter is so outrageous..."

Yang Chunling said.

Yang Dalin nodded:

"That's the way this circle is, they like to find faults and try to bully others."

"Tsk, that's really bad."

The narration sounds again:

"And when asked how she felt about being called a "mou girl," Yang Mi also showed her good English skills..."

Then it switched to the reporter's question screen and the girl's answer.

After Yang Mi finished answering, the narration played another paragraph where Yang Mi asked the reporter which media he belonged to, and added:

"There was an incident in the middle. The reporter who asked the question forgot to state his name as a media outlet. The attentive and considerate girl Yang Mi also asked the reporter a special question to help the reporter mention it and avoid work mistakes. It can be seen that this term While Miss Mou is cute and playful, she is also very kind-hearted. Come on, Yang Mi, I wish you a prosperous career~ Reported by a reporter from Entertainment World~"

"Hey, the girl's answer is really good."

After reading this entertainment news, Yang Chunling couldn't help but say:

"It's watertight."

"Hasn't our daughter been like this since she was a child? She is very smart."

After Yang Dalin finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at the time on the wall...

"It's almost 9 o'clock, almost 10 o'clock. I called my daughter, why haven't she come back yet?"

"What are you so anxious about?"

"What do you mean I'm not in a hurry? It's past 9 o'clock and it's freezing cold. What should I do if I'm in danger outside if I don't go home?"

"She and Xiao Xu went out to eat."


The moment he heard his wife's words, Yang Dalin was speechless:

"Did I talk to you alone again?"


Yang Chunling opened an orange and gave half of it to her husband.

"After the press conference in the afternoon, he sent me a text message, saying that he and Xiao Xu would have dinner and watch a movie in the evening. He might come back later today."

"...What kind of movie should I watch at night? Can't I watch it during the day?"

After hearing what her husband said, Yang Chunling was unhappy:

"Isn't this what young people fall in love with? Why are you so lenient? Eat your oranges!"


Yang Dalin was speechless and couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the Hermès bag placed next to the TV...

And there is a coat hanging on the wall that is said to be from Pakistan or Afghanistan, Turkmenistan... Anyway, the messy place is made of antelope wool... what brand is it called?

He took another look at the crystal clear green bracelet on his wife's wrist...

And the string of jade beads on his hand...

What was in my heart was still not spoken out.

I broke off a piece of orange and threw it into my mouth...

"Ouch! Hiss~~~"

He covered his mouth:

“Why is it so sour! It’s far worse than the one I bought last time!”


Yang Chunling rolled her eyes:

"The oranges you ate last time were good oranges from Australia or Brazil that Xiao Xu bought in an imported supermarket. They are said to have a certain sweetness. They cost dozens of yuan per catty. This one is only one yuan and a half. How do you compare?"


"Eating people is soft-spoken and short-handed. People are serious about being virgins to girls, but you are like guarding against thieves every day. But Maotai is drinking Chinese and smoking... why are you so embarrassed! Let me tell you, I and I My daughter has agreed that the 22nd of next month will be the winter solstice, and I will ask Xiao Xu to come over and eat dumplings. If you dare to show off to your child, I will hit you on the head with a rolling pin!"

"...When did I show off to him? It's inexplicable."

Yang Dalin said, stood up, walked to the door and put on his coat that looked particularly upright.

"Why are you going?"

"Go out and smoke."

"Can't smoke in the kitchen?"

"Why do you care so much? Eat your oranges."

Yang Dalin said angrily to his wife, put on his shoes, took a flashlight, and walked out of the house.

"Oh, brother, kiss me a little longer..."

In the Audi car, the girl worked tirelessly to let her boyfriend experience what a real drum washing machine is.

But Xu Xin pushed her away again:

"Stop making trouble, it's almost 10 o'clock, go back quickly."

"I don't want to go back... let's go have barbecue? It's right in front. There's a Wangjing skewers restaurant, which is quite delicious."

"What the heck, if you go back later, Uncle Yang might be thinking about me."

"You have changed your mind!!!"


Xu Xin twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly:

"Why did I change my mind?"

"You didn't let me go no matter what before! Now you're asking me to leave!... Tell me! Are you going to date another girl? Wow... I'm going to be abandoned!! Wow! Woo hoo..."


You are such an actor.

You are really acting when something happens.

Xu Xin sighed helplessly, looking at his girlfriend who was crying and unable to shed tears, he shook his head:

"Go back quickly."

"...Tsk, boring."

The girl was dissatisfied and moved from the driver's boyfriend to the passenger seat.

At the same time, he rubbed his back:

"This car has so little space."

"That's because one person's position squeezes the two of us. Why don't you say that you are getting bigger and bigger."

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

The girl thought for a while, then looked down...

"EMMMM...Okay, then I go back? Have you thought about it...my relatives are coming soon...maybe tomorrow. Then you won't be able to touch me for another week..."

"...Is that Uncle Yang?"

Xu Xin didn't pay attention to his girlfriend's words.

One week is just one week, at worst, there will be a Crazy Thursday to make up for it after one week.

What he was more concerned about was the man who appeared at the door of the family home with a flashlight... Why did he look so familiar?

Yang Mi was also stunned and glanced forward:

"It really is……"

"...Uncle is so kind to you."

Xu Xin looked at the figure holding a flashlight, smoking and looking around at the door of the family courtyard, and sighed sincerely.

The girl's heart is full of warmth.

Until she heard her boyfriend's next words:

"So I have to treat you better and better in the future...otherwise how can uncle trust you and leave you to me..."


The girl was stunned... instinctively turned her head and looked at the profile of the man who was looking at her father's back in a daze.

After being stunned for a few seconds, her eyes became extremely soft.

She gently caressed her boyfriend's face, leaned forward and took a quick peck, and the obsession as before was gone:

"Then I'm leaving?"

"I'll go down too..."

"Goodbye, this is the time that belongs to us as father and daughter, so don't disturb us. When we walk in, you are starting the car, do you hear me?"

"Uh... ok."

He kissed his girlfriend gently on the mouth and said softly:

"Go back and go to bed early."


When the girl got out of the car, there was very little movement when the door was closed.

Then after waving to her boyfriend, she walked step by step toward the gate of the family compound. The woolen hat on her head trembled, making her look very cute.

When he got closer, Yang Dalin heard footsteps, turned around and saw the girl.

He smiled at first, but then his face became serious again:

"What? Abandoned? They didn't even send you back?"


The girl smiled happily. After holding her father's arm, the father and daughter walked into the community. The old street lights in the community were extremely dim, except for the solitary one at the door.

After walking out of the range of the street lights, the light of the flashlight illuminated the way ahead.

This beam of light is particularly precious on a dark road with cars parked on both sides.



"Suddenly I remembered my childhood... At that time, you would come to pick me up with a flashlight when I was in cram school or in the winter."

"...My ugly daughter has grown up too."

"Oops, annoying~"

He shook his father's arm speechlessly:

"How could you say that about your daughter?"


"Did you watch today's interview?"

"Looked at it."

"Am I doing well?"

"That's for sure. My daughter is as smart as I am."

"Hey hey hey~~~"

"Why didn't he send you back today? There was no quarrel, right?"

"No, we were chatting in the car just now. He wanted to get out after seeing you, but I didn't let him. He originally said he wouldn't drive tonight, so we went to a barbecue restaurant to have a drink... I was afraid of him. After meeting you, the two of them said, "Okay, let's go find a place to have a drink or two. By then he would have trouble finding a driver or something, so he came down by himself. What are you doing? Do you want to have a drink with him? He can drink a lot." I can’t drink you.”

"Dad, I can't drink anymore."

"Who said that, I will never grow old~...Besides, I will continue to drink for a long time. From now on, my daughter, I will make money and buy a big house. We will live together and drink every day!"

"Isn't that a case of drunkenness?...Besides, when you get married, your mother and I will travel all over the world. Who will care about you two? Living together? We still think it's troublesome to serve you. After serving you for so many years, it's too late Enough of serving."

"No, we have to take care of the kids."


Yang Dalin paused for a moment, then returned to normal.

He shook his head nonchalantly:

"It's a beautiful idea~ You can take care of your own children."

"What should I do if I can't take it with me?"

"Don't worry, you'll know when you have the baby. Don't say you can't take care of her. If she's wronged, your heart will feel like a needle pricking her."

"Then it will be like this when you take me with you?"

"That's right~"

"Hey hey hey~"

The father and daughter followed the path illuminated by the flashlight and slowly walked towards the home that exuded warm lights in the middle of the night.

After the press conference, Rong Xinda helped Yang Mi open a blog and also listed the email addresses for business cooperation.

The blog contains various photos of the girl and has received a lot of attention from people who came to the Internet after hearing the news.

It's a pity that Yang Mi can only read this blog. She doesn't even know the account number and password.

Quite weird.

But these have not changed much in the girl's own life. It's just that when I went back to school, I received more looks.

Nothing else.

Her schedule was very full, and when she went to learn kung fu, neither Teacher Yu nor Teacher Han cared whether she was famous or not. When she went to work as a maid or a background in the entertainment industry, where so many big names gathered, even if she was a girl, her acting skills were at the bottom of the drama scale.

And training.

With her boyfriend...my boyfriend is quite concerned about her becoming a star.

I've been very excited these days... It looks like he has a bit of a bad taste in "playing with celebrities".

It's not surprising, the past six months has been a process of getting used to each other, as well as a process of cultivating tacit understanding and becoming familiar with each other's habits.

Her boyfriend's bad taste, whether it's leg control or the messy stockings at home, is the same as her liking her boyfriend to wear a suit and put on a bad face.

That kind of aloof CEO style completely fascinated the little girl who was obsessed with Danmei.

However, she estimated that this would be it as soon as she became famous. If one day she really becomes a big star... he will not die on her...

Thinking about it makes me feel terrible, with goose bumps one after another, numb and numb.

But there are really no other big changes.

If you start wearing a mask when going out...

In fact, you should have worn a mask. Ever since the central heating started a few days ago, the weather in Yanjing has been as if someone had turned down a glass cover.

What kind of complete insulation like fresh air, the smog has become the biggest irony of environmental protection that shouts slogans every day.

Then my boyfriend didn’t know whose slander he listened to and bought several boxes of those 95 masks.

How come he doesn’t feel that smoking hurts his lungs?

But when she saw her boyfriend wearing a mask for the first time...she was immediately inspired and forced him to put on the slim-fitting black suit that had just been dry-cleaned and brought back less than half a day ago...

Oh, what a style~

Just looking at it makes you lick your toes.

Even the trousers were torn apart.

It looked like it was useless again.

Time, in the unknown sweetness of this young couple, November has come to an end.

Friday, December 1st.

19 o'clock.

capital Airport.

Yang Mi sat aside with Zeng Jia and Sun Ting, holding a cell phone in her hand to send a message to her boyfriend who was sitting more than two meters away:

"Why are you so far away from me?"

"Nonsense, of course it's to protect you."

"Stop! I've seen it all. The flight attendants who passed by just now, you were staring at their legs!"

Xu Xin didn’t hide it either:

"I saw it, but I saw it with a comparative eye."

"How's it going?"

"Not as good as you."

Seeing this message, the girl couldn't help but let out two proud smiles:


Zeng Jia, who was next to her, turned to look at her.

"That's what I call talent, do you understand? Innate conditions plus acquired maintenance. And, let me tell you something."


"You see, I usually don't wear stockings and high heels, right?"


"Their round-toed high-heeled shoes are not breathable. When worn with stockings, let alone wear them all day. The smell will be very sour for two or three hours. It's okay in winter, but it's especially exaggerated in summer."


Looking at the row of dots sent by her boyfriend, the girl said with a bit of pride:

"So, don't think about it, brother. Stockings and high heels are all imagined by people who have never experienced them. Whoever has smelled the smell of taking off your shoes knows it. Hey, there is another team of stewardesses behind you. You Look. It’s flesh-colored!”

Xu Xin turned his head and took a look... He originally liked to compare, but this time he subconsciously saw the round-toed wedges of the flight attendants...

Then there are some things that I can’t look at directly.

"You ruined my fantasy of being a stewardess."

"I'll just buy some clothes for you to wear later."

"Don't be sour, don't be smelly!"

"Don't worry, I'll dip a steel wool ball in 84 and wash it before wearing it."


"Hehehehe~ Oh, please stay closer to me."

"Not going."

"I'm not a great actor, how about you?"

"That's not okay. Director Zhang specifically told me these things."

"...Do you feel that what Director Zhang said to us actually meant something to him and Sister Gong Li?"

"Who knows, but it's always a good idea to be careful."

"Oh...the two of them looked so calm and relaxed when they were on the set, as if they had given up. It's so admirable. If I...you dare to break up with me, I will definitely be your biggest hater in the future! Hire The navy hacked your movie!"

"Then I'll also hire a navy army to discredit your acting skills! And say your feet are smelly!"

"So we'd better not break up, okay~brother~"


"Hey hey hey, hey hey~"

Although they were so close to each other, the two of them could only communicate through text messages. At first glance, it seems quite sad for an artist to fall in love.

But at least the two of them didn't think it was anything.

On the contrary, I feel quite happy.

After all, predecessors have already helped "build" psychology.

At least, as the temporarily "invisible" party in this relationship, Xu Xin has no worries.

It’s just hard for Zeng Jia and Sun Ting.

Fortunately for Sun Ting, she is already used to the sweetness of Brother Xu and Sister Mimi.

Moreover, she has gained a lot from this sweet experience in the past six months.

When Brother Xu takes Sister Mimi shopping, he always buys two things, one for Sister Mimi and one for himself. He never does anything stingy about favoring one over the other.

Including sealing myself a red envelope of eighteen thousand eighty-eight for my birthday...

When Sun Ting went to save money after her birthday, she saw the red note from Brother Xu in the red envelope. In addition to writing birthday wishes, the most important sentence was "take good care of her for me." Thoughts in my heart...

How sweet the two of them are.

So sweet.

So she's used to it.

But Zeng Jia felt a little awkward.

Listening to this girl laughing like "hehehe" from time to time, I kept sighing in my heart.

Just like that, after waiting for a while, a prompt came over the radio.

Boarding begins.

First class passengers go first.

Xu Xin bought the ticket.

In his opinion, Rong Xinda was so crazy that he only bought an economy class ticket.

Simply, he asked Sun Ting to cancel her ticket and get four first-class seats.

However, after boarding the plane first, he sat obediently at the window seat next to Sun Ting.

Yang Mi and Zeng Jia are in front.

The two of them had to pretend that they didn't know each other.

Soon, the plane took off.

Phone off.

But it didn't hinder the two of them from communicating.

For example, my girlfriend likes to eat the one given in the airplane meal...a wafer-like puffed cereal bar with whipped cream.

She stretched her hand from the gap in the window seat to the back and hooked her fingers, and Xu Xin knew what she was going to do.

After handing over his snack bar, the other party returned a pack of pickled mustard...

You're a sucker for legs!

Rolling his eyes, he poked his fingers with his fork, which was wagging impatiently.

His fingers jerked back, as if he was startled.

But when I looked out again, the pickled mustard had disappeared, replaced by a middle finger.

But after another cereal bar was handed over...the middle finger was stunned, and then the ring finger and little finger stretched out.

Express your thanks with the OK gesture.

Sun Ting was left with a bitter look on her face.

I like to eat this too~

It’s okay for you two to drink honey water, it’s okay if you don’t drink it for me, but what does it mean to pour Shanxi mature vinegar into my cup?

Forget it, in the end, the only one in the whole world who gets hurt is himself.

Before Brother Xu is too merciful to let him eat an extra pack of pickled mustard, he should quickly open the pudding and take a sip.

What if someone takes it away...


The plane arrived at Taoyuan Airport on time.

This time Xu Xin took the lead, while Yang Mi looked around as if she had just entered the city.

This is her first time in Taipei.

She had actually wanted to come here for a long time. She especially wanted to go to Shilin Night Market, drink a cup of authentic Wanwan milk tea, and try something like braised pork rice.

And this trip came on Saturday and Sunday. Although it may be very hasty, at least I finally got here, and the freshness in my heart began to overflow.

But the first feeling...

Why is it so old...

As one of the four little dragons, Wanwan, who has been competing with Xiangjiang for who is the leading brother... looks a bit old.

Standing at the airport exit, looking at the various taxis that looked very Hong Kong and Typhoon-like, she muttered to herself.

At this time, I heard Xu Xin say:

"over there."

The three of them turned their heads in the direction and saw a fat girl getting out of the car and waving to them.

It's Dani.

I walked over quickly, and the driver and co-pilot jumped out of the second commercial vehicle:

"Brother Xu, just leave your luggage to them."


Xu Xin glanced at the first commercial car with the door closed and asked:

"He's in there?"

"Yes. But there are paparazzi staring at this car...don't look up...this is a new car, they don't recognize it, they are just staring."


Xu Xin was a little speechless, but he opened the suitcase first, took out two bags from it, and then handed the suitcase to the person behind him.


"Sister Zeng, you and Sun Ting can take the car at the back."

Xu Xin said.


Zeng Jia responded without saying anything, and took Sun Ting directly into the car.

Then Dani opened the car door, but there was no one in the middle seat.

After Xu Xin and Yang Mi got in the car, they found Jay Chou wearing a peaked cap and smiling at him from behind.

"Hello, hehe~"

"You can't even get out of the car, so why are you wearing a hat?"

"I didn't wash my hair when I went out today, so my hair style is a bit messy."


Xu Xin rolled his eyes, and then waited for his girlfriend and Dani, the co-driver, to get in the car, and the car door was closed to isolate the paparazzi who he didn't even see, and then he handed over one of the bags in his hand:





Jay Chou took it curiously.

But because of the angle of the seat, he didn't see the strange expression on Yang Mi's face.


He asked curiously as he took out a square box from the bag.

Xu Xin did not answer, but asked:

"New car?...Jewell's?"

"Yes. But the company hasn't been established yet. We have to wait until the contract is completed before it can be established. Otherwise, we might get into legal trouble. But everything else has been settled...ah, this...!"

While Jay Chou was talking, he had already opened the box.

Then I saw an extremely exquisite bowl, lying in the velvet in the box.

Even though the lighting is very dim, the shapes painted with gold and silver... all look beautiful!


He seemed to be about to say something, but Xu Xin had already turned his head and looked out the window.

The actions of the girlfriend next to me are exactly the same.

"See if you like it."


Jay Chou remained silent, carefully opened his fingers, and gently took out the bowl, then squinted his eyes and started to observe with the help of the passing car lights.

After looking at the carcass, I touched the enamel...and then I habitually wanted to see the inscription.

But once he turned to the bottom of the bowl, he couldn't see clearly.

This word...

Why is it so small?

After thinking for a while, he turned on the reading light above.

His pupils zoomed in the light, and then he could see the line of writing clearly.

Subconsciously, he read out:

"Microwave...oven...exclusively...in what era is the microwave...exclusive?...huh?...????"


Yang Mi couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Goose goose goose goose goose goose..."

Amidst the squawking of the goose, Zhou Laogou, who understood that he had been tricked, became furious:


The hand stretched directly from the face to the front:

"I'll strangle you to death, you bastard!!!"

"Hey...that's wrong...it's a joke...cough cough cough...hey, this, this is..."

"Goose goose goose goose goose goose..."

Xu Xin quickly handed over the other bag while the girl was squawking with joy.

Jay Chou simply refused to be fooled this time and asked directly:


"Ru Ci."


The moment he heard this, he couldn't help but let go of the box in his hand.

"Brother! National treasure!? Are you going to send me in!"

"...Look at your future and your uneducated virtues."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"A few days ago, when we were deciding on porcelain gifts for the Olympic Games, the National Day gift from the organizing committee was Ru porcelain from the studio of Ru porcelain master Li Yanhuai. Didn't you say something about sky blue last time... It was popularized by a capable person. After a while, the sky blue color refers to Ru porcelain, not blue and white porcelain. No, I will show you the real sky blue color. Tsk~"

Speaking of this, he shook his head with emotion:

"Is this a singer? You can even get the color azure wrong. Your cultural level is really low."

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