I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 141 139 Idea Music

Chapter 141 139. Concept·Music

The little jokes among friends are over, and then comes the serious business.

"Should we stay one night in Taipei and go to Tamsui tomorrow? Or should we go directly? I've brought my luggage with me~ and then the film crew can meet me tomorrow."

"Just go ahead. How long will it take to get there?"

Xu Xin didn't mean to delay at all.

When Jay Chou heard this, he didn't show any surprise and said:

"It's about an hour from here. You can stay at my house there. My grandma and mother are in Taipei now. It's very empty there and the room is big enough."

"Okay. Let's go straight away and get up early tomorrow... You can see the sunrise and sunset over there, right?"

"Everything is fine. The scenery at Fisherman's Wharf is very nice..."

"Then get up early tomorrow and go to the harbor first, and then there's that...tide...tide..."


"Yes, including Chaoyinhai, Linshan Trail, etc. Let the photographer come here early tomorrow. I will visit all your filming locations in these two days. Remember to ask him to bring the camera."


"And what about her? What will she do?"

Xu Xin pointed at his girlfriend.

Jay Chou nodded immediately:

"Dani, when can your friends be here?"

"Tomorrow, Brother JAY. You will come with your luggage tomorrow."


Xu Xin nodded.

Xu Xin, the character of Qingyi, does not plan to use dubbing, because Jay Chou's voice is very recognizable, and the difference between recording and live recording is quite big. So Yang Mi had to speak in a standard Wanwan accent.

At first glance, the Wanwan accent seems easy to imitate, but it is actually the same as many dialect accents. At first glance, I don’t think it makes a difference, but if you listen carefully, there is still a difference.

So Xu Xin came up with an idea for her, asking Jay Chou to find two Wanwan friends to live and eat with the girl for a month, bringing her into a Wanwan Mandarin atmosphere as much as possible.

This month, the first half of the month will be very hard, because Yang Mi also has a series of intensive promotional schedules for "Golden Armor". These two days have been specially adjusted, otherwise she would have been attending a promotional meeting in Shanghai this week.

And when the promotion of "Golden Armor" is over, she will fly directly to Wanwan and live here. I and Dani's friends practiced the crooked Mandarin accent as quickly as possible.

Very hard.

Very compact.

But as an actor, you have to do this.

Otherwise, in the scenes between the two of them, Jay Chou speaks in a Bayan accent, but when she speaks in an authentic Beijing style... If the audience doesn't vomit blood, Xu Xin will also vomit blood.

By the time we arrived at Tamsui Town below New Taipei City, it was already past 12 o'clock.

And the group of people finally got off the car at the door of Jay Chou's renovated house.

This house has been tidied up, and the Japanese island style has a strong sense of space. There are five rooms in total, which looks like a lot at first glance, but in fact there are only three rooms that can sleep.

So, Xu Xin said directly to Sun Ting at the door:

"You and Sister Zeng, follow Dani. The hotel has been booked. Tomorrow morning, Sister Zeng, if you want to follow, then come together. If you don't want to go shopping with yourself, that's fine. Sun Ting, stay with Dani for a while. Let’s talk about what you need to prepare for your normal itinerary here. Remember to bring it with you and come here early. We have to go to the pier at sunrise tomorrow morning, so don’t be late.”


Seeing that Sister Zeng remained silent, Sun Ting nodded.

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Dismissed, everyone go to bed early, we have a busy day tomorrow."

After saying that, Jay Chou opened the door of his house, and Xu Xin, who was carrying two suitcases, followed the empty-handed girl.

"Hey, do you want to drink?"

"Drink your shit and go straight to bed. You can only sleep for four or five hours at most. Why else are you drinking?"

Xu Xin didn't even mean to visit Jay Chou's home and said directly.

"Time is very tight."

"...Okay, then you two go to bed early. I'll be upstairs. If you need some water or something, there's some here..."


Xu Xin responded and walked directly into the guest bedroom.

The guest bedroom was cleaned very clean, and as a fan, Yang Mi must be curious to "check in" directly at her idol's home.

I looked here and there, and then I was shocked by Xu Xin who had just come out of the bathroom:

"Why are you wandering around without sleeping?"


"Go to bed quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow."

"...You don't want to take a shower?"

"No, I set an alarm for 5 o'clock. When I get up, I take a shower and I feel refreshed. Hurry."


It was the first time she saw her boyfriend's real work status, and she was obviously a little stunned.

But Xu Xin had already turned off the lights.

First, she didn’t go to the night market, second, she didn’t look at the night view, and third, she didn’t take a closer look at the rooms in her idol’s home to look for traces of their growth. The girl, who didn’t even have to take a shower for the fourth time, could only silently walk into the bathroom by herself. Went for skin care.

Skin management is important for every celebrity.

Especially for girls who are prone to endocrine disorders, any acne on their face is unacceptable.

She didn't think it was anything before, but since she joined People's Art, she listened to some teachers chatting there in her free time. When one teacher said that she only ate light vegetables, porridge and water in the ten days before filming, When she was trying to prevent acne on her face, she suddenly realized what "face" meant to an actor.

So in the past, I would occasionally be lazy about skin care, but now I don’t dare to neglect it even once.

When he came out again, his boyfriend in pajamas was already asleep on the other side of the bed.


She shook her head with regret.


When the alarm clock rang, Xu Xin jumped up from the bed.

Shake the girl:

"Woke up."


Yang Mi responded in a daze, but it was obvious that she couldn't get up.

Shake again...

"Brother, go ahead...I'll find you later..."

Take a look, is this human talk?

But in the end, Xu Xin relented.

Indeed, I went to bed after 12 o'clock last night, and it has only been less than 5 hours now.

Today I just want to verify the filming location. If you can’t get up, just don’t get up.

He walked directly into the bathroom by himself, and the sound of gurgling water could be heard.

The hot water quickly revived his senses.

But when I was about to finish washing, I looked at the bathroom door.

Yang Mi walked in with a confused look on her face, squeezed out toothpaste and sat directly on the toilet.

"Why are you up?"

"I want to watch the sunrise with you..."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became gentler:


Then, when Xu Xin, who had finished taking a shower, walked out with his girlfriend, who didn't even put on makeup and put on a cap and sunglasses after washing her face, she saw Jay Chou on the sofa...

All clothes are on.

"...Hey, it's time to go."


Jay Chou sat up in a daze with a chicken coop on his head.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"...I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get up, so I put on my clothes and slept here. Hiss~ It's so cold...Give me a minute, I'll brush my teeth, you guys wait for me."

After he finished speaking, he walked upstairs, and Xu Xin put on a coat and walked out directly. The temperature in December in Wanwan is between 8 and 15 degrees. Although it's not too cold, you need to wear a jacket.

Sun Ting, Dani and the driver's commercial vehicle were already waiting at the door.

"Brother Xu, Sister Mi, morning."

Under the pale sky, Dani said hello.

Xu Xin nodded and just stood by the car and smoked.

Yang Mi got into the car and went to sleep.

Soon, Jay Chou also walked out.

After stubbing out the cigarette butts, with a faint smell of smoke, the commercial vehicle walked towards Fisherman's Wharf.

Everyone looked tired along the way and no one spoke.

Only Xu Xin kept adjusting the Nikon lens in his hand. After adjusting, he turned on the DV and started color adjustment.

When we arrived at the pier, it was actually empty. He didn't know if there was a fishing moratorium or something here in Wanwan, but he didn't see many fishing boats anyway.

Seaside, sunrise, beach, pier...

These words seemed very romantic no matter where they were placed, but when it came to Xu Xin, they seemed to be isolated from the world.

After arriving at the place, he ignored Dani, Sun Ting and Yang Mi's intention to go to the beach. Instead, he found a high ground and set up a tripod. After setting up the DV, he started to use the camera to focus on the scenery from different angles. The vision squirmed.

Jay Chou didn't know what he was taking with his camera...it was all nonsense.

But I didn't watch the DV video next to him.

"...Is your DV broken? Or is it not adjusted properly? It's so red."

"It's not broken."

Xu Xin responded:

"Don't move, I'll see the effect later."

"So red?"

"You need to compare the color difference...you won't understand even if I tell you. Just contact the photographer and come over."

"……All right."

In this way, Xu Xin first searched around, then directed Jay Chou to carry the camera, and the two of them started walking towards the seawall.

There are several seawalls here, some long or short.

Xu Xin looked at the first item first, but seemed not satisfied, and then started to read the second item... And when he reached the second item, he could already see the shadow of the sun in the sky.

"The sun is rising!"

Yang Mi shouted.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her movements, Xu Xin woke up from a dream and shouted directly:

"come here!"


"Hurry, come here!"


There was no other way, so a girl wearing big sunglasses to cover up her swollen eyeballs came running over.

"You two, go and walk this way from the end. Act like you are talking and laughing."



The moment Jay Chou and Yang Mi heard this, their mouths twitched at the same time. There was even a hint of doubt in Jay Chou's eyes.

"Are you talking and laughing?"

Yang Mi couldn't help but ask a question.

Xu Xin, who was playing with color contrast on the DV, nodded:

"Yes. Ye Xianglun, Lu Xiaoyu. Hurry."


Before Jay Chou could speak, the girl suddenly took off her sunglasses:

"Brother... look at my swollen eyes and my virtue. Can I be Lu Xiaoyu?"

She was almost half smaller than usual, and coupled with the red bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep, her painting style suddenly became a bit fragmented...

As if to reflect her words, Jay Chou on the side also took off his wool hat. A head with an explosive head opened...

The peculiar painting style instantly made Dani and Sun Ting turn their heads.

Trying hard not to laugh out loud.

"It's not like you are actually playing the role of Lu Xiaoyu, you are playing the role of Qingyi... Okay, hurry up and don't waste time."



have to.

The director's words are as big as the sky.

The two looked at each other...

Yang Mi muttered:

"Why do you have to watch the sunrise for the first time with your boyfriend? It's such a romantic thing, but you have to do it with a friend who is not your boyfriend!"

Jay Chou twitched the corner of his mouth and sighed helplessly:

"Please, I don't have to look like this to walk on the embankment line at sunrise with a friend who is not my girlfriend~"



Finally, the two of them sighed again:


"You two hurry up, what's the ink stain on?"

Xu Xin was unhappy.

So, Jay Chou, who looked like a thief, put on his hat again, but the girl who couldn't put on her sunglasses stepped on steps that the boss was not happy with, and stood with him at the end of the seawall.

Then Xu Xin made a gesture:


At first, their limbs were still a little stiff.

But after walking a few steps, as if to take care of Jay Chou's mood, the girl said:

"Hey, your afro is so funny."


Jay Chou showed a much more natural smile.

Then he turned to look at the sun that was gradually emerging and said:

"Don't worry, when the sun rises to its most beautiful two-thirds point, I will escort Xu Xin over to watch it with you!"

"do not."

Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head.

Jay Chou asked with some confusion:


"He looks so handsome when he is working hard~ I don't want to disturb him."

"...Tsk, can you stop being so disgusting?"

"Are you two disgusting?"

"...Please, what does this mean?"

"You still have to ask? My boyfriend didn't call me most of the night, but he has been talking to you for more than an hour every day recently. How about you two get married?"

"Pfft... Hahaha~ Is this like this? Are you jealous?"

"Hey~ I'm not jealous, I just feel that my status is threatened."

"Haha, is that so? I'll be more careful next time and shorten the time~"

"Tch, if you are able, you can give him a child~"


This time, Jay Chou couldn't walk.

He was laughing so hard that he couldn't even straighten his waist.

The girl, like a little rooster who has won a fight, stood up and stared at the swollen eyeballs, and came to Xu Xin:

"How about it?"

"...Not bad...What were you two talking about? How did he become so virtuous?"

"Hey, this is a "secret that cannot be told"."


Xu Xin rolled his eyes and waved to Jay Chou:

"Come and see the footage I took."

Jay Chou hurried over with a speechless smile on his face.

The three of them crowded on the small DV screen and started watching.

In fact, there is no technical content in the angle of this shot. Because the seawall is just an extension line paved with cement about two meters wide. Therefore, his angle is straight and straight...because if you want to find other angles, you have to jump into the sea.

And Xu Xin didn't ask them to look at the angle, but the texture of the picture.

In the camera, two people with not very good looks were walking this way step by step in front of the camera.

When it comes to pace, camera position, etc., there is definitely no such thing.

But it is a natural state of relaxation, and...

"Why is it so white?"

Yang Mi was a little surprised.

She didn't put cold white on her face, so why did her face look so white?

Xu Xin ignored her, but looked at Jay Chou who had been silent.

After Jay Chou finished reading and straightened up, he asked:

"What did you see?"

"...The light is very dark, but the picture is very bright..."

"How do you feel?"


Jay Chou thought for a while and said:

"Although we were joking, you looked quite melancholy in the photo."

"The saturation was increased a little, I used the blue light complementary color law, and the brightness was adjusted a little. The white she said was because of the saturation and brightness. Because of the current light, without lights, this DV can only do this at most. That's the limit. After using blue light to complement the color, you look at the sky... the sky is actually very dark. This is because the blue light complementary color law and the reddish color of the sky form a black color.

Black often expresses depression, but because I don’t use it clearly, it will only make you feel a little uncomfortable. The blue light throughout the story is paired with this saturated innocence, which highlights the melancholy. And think about it, if you can hear the sound of the waves again at this time, in this picture composed of sound and light and shadow, the happier you two chat, the stronger the melancholy in your heart will be. right? "


Jay Chou frowned, thought for a while, and watched the DV just now again.

Watching it again and again, ignoring the noise around you and listening carefully to the sound of the waves.

Not to mention...what the other party said is absolutely right.

The waves were repetitive and monotonous, and the sky was gray, but they both looked "white" and smiled very happily.

The melancholy came out of the contrast immediately.

"So, the music tone should be slower?"

He suddenly said this.

Yang Mi was stunned.

Let me look at the camera, why did we suddenly start talking about the soundtrack?

But Xu Xin was not surprised at all and nodded directly:

"Yes, this shot is the tone I set for the film's soundtrack. We need to combine the three elements of music, images, and characters to construct this world. When I shoot with bright colors, I need to make the soundtrack It’s quiet and soothing. But when I start using dark tones, I need you to interpret different levels of melancholy according to the rhythm of my camera... This story needs to be shot beautifully, understand?”


"Because it is a campus story, except for a few shots, the soundtrack should be a single-line narrative. Don't make it complicated and changeable. And similarly, the tone of the play...or, in other words, the shot I'm shooting for you now, In fact, it is the tone of the movie after Lu Xiaoyu and Ye Xianglun broke up. In the script, from the moment Ye Xianglun was misunderstood after kissing Qingyi in the piano room, to the day of the graduation ceremony, the entire scene has this texture. But musically, this section The soundtrack for the shot should go from fast to slow, do you understand?"

The two of them talked too much about the script of "The Untold Secret", from the shooting techniques to other aspects, including various split shots, and Xu Xin helped him get them ready-made.

It's like feeding cakes, I can't wait to feed them to his mouth.

But now that I have taken over, there is no need to go into details about the feel of the lens or how to shoot. Just like Yang Mi said, the two of them spent countless nights on the phone, chatting about the processing of one shot after another.

Although Jay Chou himself was the director and Xu Xin was the proposer, it also represented Xu Xin's shooting philosophy.

But the only thing the two of them hadn't touched upon was the concept of the soundtrack.

But now, without direct communication, Jay Chou understood what Xu Xin wanted with just this one shot...

What he showed was not the lens, but the music requirements for the various colors in the lens.

"OK, I'll make a note of that."

"Yeah. And here..."

The two of them were chatting there as if no one was around.

The eyes of the ignored girl gradually became a little strange.

What was originally just a joke seemed to suddenly become a reality.

You two are not really going to get together, are you?

She had a strange look in her eyes.

But he immediately shook his head...

Although just thinking about it is very exciting, but...this is my boyfriend!

Isn't this just like watching a short movie. Before I saw the face, I thought it was really exciting, but then when I saw the face, I realized that this was actually my girlfriend...

No, no!

You have to be more careful in the future.

What if my man is really snatched away!

The sun rises faintly.

Great light falls from heaven.

Under the fiery red sky, the girl sitting on the seawall glanced at her boyfriend sitting next to her with a camera, and asked rather strangely:

"Aren't you going to accompany your eldest baby anymore?"


Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

He pinched her chin and turned her head, took a heavy sip, and said:

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"I thought we were just sitting like this before the sun came up, and then quietly waiting for the sunrise..."

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Why are you so anxious?"

"I won't have a chance in the future... watching the sunrise is too painful. I think it's better for us to sleep until we wake up naturally and then watch the sunset together. It's too painful to get up early... Ha~~~~~~~~~Hmm~~ ~~"

Suddenly, she yawned hugely.

Then a "click" was heard.

The girl instinctively shut up and turned her head. When she saw her boyfriend holding the camera, her eyes suddenly became fierce:

"Oh you are annoying! Delete it! Delete it quickly!!!"

"It's not a digital DV...it's a film. Just delete it if you want?"

"I don't care! Give me the camera!"

"Don't grab it! It's more than 10,000!"

"I don't care! Ah!!! It must be ugly! No!!!!"


The movement between the two people caught the attention of Jay Chou who was there with a DV to test shoot.

When the camera focused on the two of them, the corner of his mouth twitched and he couldn't help but sigh.


Does it have to be like this?

Lure the dog into killing him?

Then he showed a disdainful sneer, thinking about Patty and I...

In an instant, the sneer turned into stiffness.

Finally it turned into a sad silent sigh.


But this sigh was attracted by the sound of fighting. Looking at the two people who had turned from fighting to kissing for some reason, a smile gradually appeared on Jay Chou's face.

I hope you two are doing well.

do not learn from me.

Don't be like me either.

At this time, the call came... Jay Chou answered the call a few times, hung up the phone, and shouted:

"Hey, they've arrived, you two, don't be like this~"

Hearing this movement, Xu Xin responded:


He turned to his girlfriend with gentle eyes and said:

"Let's go?"


The girl stood up directly and pulled her boyfriend to stand up with her.

Without letting go, she just held his hand in front and pulled him towards the beach.

For some reason, an idea suddenly came to Xu Xin's mind.

Feeling blessed, he raised the camera in his hand.

He leaned back, opened enough distance, and looked at the back of the girl who appeared in the camera holding his hand. There was a "click" and the scene was frozen forever.

After filming, he nodded with satisfaction and shouted to Jay Chou, who was holding a DV next to him and looked uncomfortable:

"Hey, stinky man, sing a song to cheer up~"

Stinky man...

Jay Chou twitched the corner of his mouth and quietly cut the song from the original "Simple Love":

"Happy breakup~ I wish you happiness~ You will find someone better than me~"

"Pfft... Goose goose goose goose goose goose~"

For some reason, under Xu Xin's twitching mouth, the girl seemed to be struck by something funny.

There was another goose call.

So unhappy.

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