I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 174 172 Just pet him

Chapter 174 172. Just pet him




Everyone in the room was looking at Xu Xin.

Look straight.

Look eagerly.

Staring blankly...

In fact, logically speaking, Wang Minmin shouldn't have been silent for so long.

After all, this is a cold spot.

Even if it's just an interview, you shouldn't behave in such a disrespectful manner.

But the problem is...

There's a problem! ! ! !

What was this person saying just now?

He was an Olympic "director", a film director, and then... or... a student? Students of 1986?

What international joke are you making?

What was I doing when I was 22?

What was I doing when I was in college?

What are they doing again?

A series of contrasts caused Wang Minmin to stop thinking for a moment, but her intuition told her that she had to speak at this time... But what was the question?

What can be said?

But it’s okay not to say it.

What to do...


Stuttering, Wang Minmin said:



Xu Xin was very calm and responded after saying:

"The 05-level directing department of Beijing Film Academy. If I hadn't taken a break from school... I would be in the second half of my sophomore year now."




The whole room was speechless again.

And when Xu Xin took a look, he could actually understand her thoughts more or less... Since you didn't ask, I'll take the initiative.

The camera is on anyway, you can sort it out later.

So he continued:

"After I started to be busy with the Olympics in March 2006, I immediately took a leave of absence from school and began to contribute wholeheartedly to this event. As for the script "The Secret That Cannot Be Telled", I and the people in the team were filming "Manchuria" with director Zhang. When I was working on "The Golden Armor at the End of the City", I met Jie Lun, and he showed it to me.

I never thought about directing at all in the beginning. Firstly, I felt that I was not good enough. Secondly, I couldn’t be distracted by the Olympics. But we are friends. He showed me the script and I gave him some opinions. After a lot of back and forth, he probably felt that I understood the story he wrote very well, so he asked me if I could take a photo of it.

I refused at first because I didn’t want to be distracted. But then because of some things...well, let's put it this way. The shooting took place in January this year, which happened to be the time when our opening and closing ceremony team was submitting creative plans. We had about a month of free time, after all, it was almost the Chinese New Year.

So I went to Wanwan, which took about a month. The filming was completed in about a month, and I came back to spend the New Year. After the New Year, I didn’t have much control over the basic film matters. It was all done by Jielun himself. Busy.

Including the recent events in Cannes, I actually went to northern Shaanxi to follow our implementation project before being shortlisted in Cannes. I didn’t go online much. Yang Mi and Jie Lun only texted about this matter, so they probably knew something about it. I didn't let them talk about me at first because I thought it would be enough for everyone to just watch movies and people like Jay Chou, Gui Lunmei, and Yang Mi. I am a director and not a big star, so why should you pay attention to me if you have nothing to do...

But later on, we were busy with these things, catching up on deadlines, checking the progress, and adding... Our slogan is: the interests of the motherland are above all else! So the Olympic Games are also above everything else to me, although I must admit that Director Zhang’s team is the same with or without me...

But personally, this sense of mission related to the country is above all else. So I told the production side that I don’t cooperate with the publicity work, not because... like what the big guy said, playing high-minded, pretending to be mysterious, pursuing art... that’s all nonsense. I just don't want to be distracted. "

Waving her hands in front of the camera, Xu Xin talked eloquently, without Wang Minmin talking at all.

He knew what these people who were paying attention to him wanted to know, and it was nothing more than two points. One is the detailed personal information, and the other is why it is so mysterious.

Just explain it clearly.

So he continued:

"The Olympic Games are much more important in my heart than a movie, because this is something related to our 1.3 billion people. Even if I am just a screw in it, even if I am the same without me, I still don't allow myself to Get out... After all, you can come and leave whenever you want. Wouldn't that mean you are unorganized and undisciplined? Your ideological consciousness cannot be so low.

So, even if people are curious about me, it actually doesn't make any sense. For example, in our interview today, if Director Zhang hadn’t needed me to be responsible for local information, I might not have agreed not to come. I left home at 6 o'clock in the morning, but the flight was delayed until 9 o'clock. I didn't even eat as soon as I got off the plane, so I hurriedly came to accept our interview.

I will cooperate with you. I will tell you everything you want to know. But after this interview, I guess everyone still can't find me... Oh, right, not really. It seems that I have to cooperate with the promotion of "The Untold Secret" at Yanjing Station, and I may have to make another appearance at that time. But what we were talking about at that time must have been about the movie, and it would be better to have more freedom here. so……"

Xu Xin, who had a yin and yang face and looked really like a recent graduate from the Department of Civil Engineering and an intern, asked:

"If Reporter Wang has any more questions, feel free to ask. I still have to work after asking... Oh, yes, remember to help me explain the reason for my "mystery" to everyone."

After finishing a long series of self-talk, Xu Xin's eyes fell on Wang Minmin.

It means "What else do you want to know?"

Wang Minmin, on the other hand, continued to look at Xu Xin in a dumbfounded state... trying hard to digest the long speech of the other party just now.

First reaction: This guy is quite chatty.

Second reaction: What did I interview? No one has said much about it themselves.

Third reaction: Why do I not believe it so much...

Yes, she suddenly didn't believe it.

It's like walking on the street and meeting a genius, but it turns out that this genius doesn't have more arms or legs than you do...

Obviously everyone is the same.

Why are you a genius?

But the problem is...

Can you lie about this kind of thing?


This lie is too easy to expose.

What's the point of lying?

So exaggerated that it's possible...huh? exaggerate?

Thinking of this, her mind changed and she suddenly asked:

"Xu... Director Xu, what are you responsible for in the Olympic team? Are you a staff member of a certain project? Or..."

"No, the Olympics is divided into three levels."

Xu Xin gestured with his hand in the air to draw three planes of different heights:

"The first level is the core creative team, which is composed of more than a dozen people with Director Zhang as the core. Then there is the second level, which is divided into various departments from these ten people, including administration, lighting, sound, stage design, and props The heads of the technical and technical departments are responsible for specifically implementing the creative team's design concepts, concepts, demonstrations, opinions, repeated discussions, in-depth research, etc. Then there is the third level, which is the executive department of the director group, responsible for More detailed things. For example, the selection of actors in a certain link, such as the computer design and calculation of certain special effects..."

Following Xu Xin's explanation, Wang Minmin subconsciously placed Director Xu in the third department.

Didn't he himself say that there is an execution department?

In addition, he is looking at the construction site and is responsible for some projects... It must be the third department.

In other words... soldiers?

So he asked:

"Then what level are you at?"

"Well, I am at the first and second level. I can directly participate in the discussion of creative plans, and I can also be responsible for certain designs. Others will be responsible for the execution."




Wang Minmin's mouth twitched:

"Are you one of those dozen people?"

"Can't talk about it."

Xu Xin continued to shake his head modestly:

"Compared to these teachers, I am just a backward student, but... I can also make suggestions and talk about ideas. Director Zhang does not limit these, anyone who has an idea can express it."


Does Wang Minmin know that he is being modest?

of course I know.

Because the other party did not directly deny that he did not belong to those "more than a dozen people".

But the problem is...she suddenly has trouble distinguishing priorities.

The interview scripts I designed before coming here were all about "Secrets That Cannot Be Told."

That's the main thing. There are some gimmicks in it and some problems.

But now compared with the Olympic Games...

What is "The Secret That Cannot Be Told"...

The Olympics are obviously bigger, okay?

This proposition will become more and more popular with every minute and every second that passes until the opening of the Olympic Games.

But the problem is...

What should I ask myself?

Wang Minmin, who was usually just used to asking people according to scripts, was suddenly confused.

I can’t continue asking about the movie.

Otherwise... When the boss sees his interview after he returns, he will definitely scold himself for asking about Lao Shizi's movie when he had the opportunity to dig up first-hand information about the Olympics. There is a problem with his business ability.

But the Olympics...what can I ask?

Winging it?

Then follow the most traditional interview method.

Forcing her mind to calm down, she nodded:

"I see... So, Director Xu, how did you get connected with the Olympics?"

"This... I can't tell you."


The thoughts that had calmed down were interrupted again.

Xu Xin also showed a helpless look:

"I can't say anything about the selection of team members, or even their names and positions. They are still confidential. Even the progress of the Olympics, as well as the links and processes, you can't ask, and I can't say anything. So... let's talk. Movie."

"...Okay, okay."

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to help her get on the right track, Wang Minmin nodded, glanced at the notebook, and asked:

"Then what are your expectations for "The Secret That Cannot Be Told" after being shortlisted for the Cannes Category B awards? What are your favorite awards?"

"...What prizes does it have?"

Xu Xin asked in confusion.

Just when Wang Minmin's ideas were beginning to sprout like bamboo shoots after the rain, she was kicked hard, in the face.

Kick the powder to pieces.

"You don't know what the prize is?!"

"You know, what are the best movies, directors, best actors and actresses..."

"That's the main unit..."

"...Huh? What's the difference?"


At this point in the interview, after hearing these words, Wang Minmin was finally sure.

Yeah, it tastes right.

After all, he is still a student...

"do not understand anything.

He really doesn't understand...

"Hey, Xiao Xu, why are you so bad?"

In the afternoon, when Wei Lanfang saw Xu Xin appearing in the Olympic Building carrying a bag, he suddenly asked with surprise on his face.

Xu Xin chuckled:



Wei Lanfang was stunned, and Xu Xin was also stunned... Then he shook his head helplessly:

"Sister Wei, no, your artistic lipstick is a bit low. You have to ask me: Why is it yellow again?"

"That's called attainment...why is it so yellow?"

"Hehehe~ The wax was applied in the cold weather!"


Seeing that this child started to grin after coming back from northern Shaanxi, Wei Lanfang sighed silently:

"Why did I become so ill?"

"Hahaha, I won't tell you anymore. I have to find Director Zhang quickly."

"Hey, go ahead."

After saying goodbye to her, Xu Xin walked all the way to the small office, knocked on the door and pushed it in. He happened to meet Zhang Wu who was about to come out.

Zhang Wu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up:

"I'm home."

"Well, Director Zhang is back."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Wu smiled, looked at the computer bag Xu Xin was carrying, and nodded:

"Okay, you can come see me later."

"Hey, okay."

After finishing his words, Zhang Wu patted Xu Xin's shoulder affectionately and walked out of the office.

After the door closed, Xu Xin said to Zhang Yimou, who was holding a treasure gourd like the Supreme Lord:

"Director Zhang, the interview is over. I have said everything I need to say. I mainly talked about myself. I said that I was so mysterious because I was busy with the Olympics. I asked a few more questions about the movie and it was over. "


Zhang Yimou nodded.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, sat down and started to take out his computer and turn it on.

At this critical moment, Zhang Yimou said:

"In the past few days, people from Xiying Studio may be looking for you to talk about signing you. My opinion is to sign two to three movies and one TV series, that's all. Don't sign a long-term contract at the beginning, just treat it as one piece As a stepping stone, two movies and one TV series test the quality, and we must learn to wait for the price."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin agreed directly without even thinking about it, and then asked again:

"Are they optimistic about "The Secret That Cannot Be Told"?"


From the child's nodding with almost no hesitation, I felt an almost blind trust, and Zhang Yimou, who felt relieved, responded:

"If you sign, the film won't be included in the contract, but at least the credit will go to Xiying Studio. This is a lie that is on the surface, but no one will expose it. It's good for you, It’s also good for Xi Film Studio. In return, at least you have the right to make your own choices about what to shoot.”


Xu Xin nodded again.

That's what a director's contract is like. It doesn't stipulate a certain number of years of cooperation, such as three or five years. But in terms of works.

As long as the film studio completes as many film contracts as possible, the contract will naturally be terminated.

And if people from Xi Film Studio come to sign in these days, then it will be fine if you don't win the award in Cannes, but if you win the award, it will be equivalent to adding another honor to the factory.

It can be said to be a huge benefit.

For Xu Xin, with his back against a big tree, he can choose his own script instead of waiting for the factory to distribute it...

This is actually quite important to the director personally.

After all, there is more freedom in creation.

But Xu Xin didn't want to talk more about this aspect.

After the laptop was turned on, it was held in front of Zhang Yimou.

There are construction site drawings, planned drawings, and on-site illustrations of designed details... If nothing unexpected happens, the construction period will end in late May, or at the end of May at the latest, and the director team will be able to pass by then.

After reporting the work progress to Director Zhang for about an hour, Xu Xin left the small conference room and then came to Zhang Wu's office.

After knocking on the door and walking in, he saw Zhang Wu standing in front of the window smoking.

"Director Zhang."

"Well, come in. Come on, come on..."

Zhang Wu looked quite happy...but there was also a somewhat unnatural look in his smile.

After calling Xu Xin over, he said:

"I'll show you something, come on."

After taking a detour behind his desk, he took a document from the drawer and handed it to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin was a little puzzled. After taking it, he found that it was a project declaration plan...

"Hasn't this... been tried?"

In the early days of April, the project team's newly formulated project plan with the scroll as the core had been approved.

Why was this brought out again?

"Look at the end. You were not here when this document was sent. Look at what it said at the end."


Hearing this, Xu Xin turned the document directly to the last page.

I saw a line of handwriting on it.

The handwriting is steady, like a mountain.

Subconsciously, he read out loud:

"Everyone thinks that this adjustment is substantial and has made obvious progress. It is more exciting than the original one, the creativity is very good, and some of the ideas are also very good. How can the broad masses of people understand and even respond to it through performances.

The best, the most exciting, the most touching, and the most shocking should be fully displayed to everyone. Give good ideas enough time and space to express themselves more fully so that they can resonate with the audience.

We have set general principles, but we still need the Olympic Organizing Committee to play the role of artists to implement them concretely.

After the plan comes out, it is still necessary to gather the opinions of experts and pool collective wisdom to organize and design several ceremonies well so as to live up to the expectations of the people. "

After reading...

He stared blankly at the words "We have set a general principle"...

Subconsciously asked:

"Director Zhang, who wrote this...?"

"What do you think?"

Zhang Wu held the cigarette, as if he had a deep meaning.

"On the day I received this plan, according to Lao Tian, ​​there has never been a leader who, when listening to the plan for the ceremony, wrote such a sentence of criticism in his own hand after the meeting voted and passed it with anticipation. And, Xiao Xu, you got the sentence "Is this young man the designer of the torch?" Not bad, young and promising" evaluation."


Subconsciously, Xu Xin shivered...

He asked shakily:


"Well, it's true. Lao Tian said it himself... But we all decided to give you a surprise, so we told you now. Hahaha~"


Hearing Zhang Wu's words, Xu Xin didn't know what to say, and just started to have fun.

Silly music indeed.

Apart from silly music, he didn't want to say anything else.

Just happy, happy from the bottom of my heart.

After taking the Yuxi from Zhang Wu, he had been enjoying himself for a long time before finally calming down. With a full stomach... and a feeling that he could only think about himself but could not express to anyone, he just lit the cigarette...

Suddenly I heard Zhang Wu say:

"Did Lao Shang call you?"


The topic changed a little too quickly, and Xu Xin didn't react.


Unexpectedly, after Zhang Wu saw his expression, he shook his head helplessly:

"Okay, why are you pretending to be stupid in front of me? You told me about this in Momo... this... what Lao Shang did was not kind."


This time, Xu Xin reacted.

It should be about "Wulin Gaiden".


What happened to "Wulin Gaiden"?

While he was still thinking, Zhang Wu said:

"Actually, Lao Shang's temper is like this. Sometimes he lives a confused life. You can say that he is upright, but he is more inflexible and sometimes can't figure out his own position. He is a director. As long as the work is produced, everything else is the matter of the distributor and the film company. I have to get involved in everything...but I don't have the brain yet. 16 million full copyright, even this fool knows that he will lose money matter.

But just because someone helped him during the "Cooking Class" period, he wanted to repay... He actually didn't have any other intention. He thought the profit was okay, and he also made money for you, and he could also repay the other person's personal favor. . That's why you are so insistent... Don't worry, let him talk to Momo first. If we can't get through, I'll call him to persuade him. This is your money. He is just the director. Once the story is filmed, his duties are over. His control in other aspects is a bit too broad. "


Now, Xu Xin probably understood.


The relationship between Director Shang and Sister Mo has broken down?

One insists on selling the full copyright for 16 million, and the other disagrees?

I see.

And Director Zhang is... afraid that he has a knot in his heart, or that someone else is willing to persuade him?

Thinking of this, he shook his head:

"I don't understand much of what you're talking about."


Zhang Wu was stunned.

"Don't know?...You don't know about this?"

"Director Shang called me, but he just said he wanted to sell it for 16 million."

"...How did you answer?"

"I asked him to talk to Sister Mo. I was busy working at Shenmu from dawn to dusk. How could I care about this kind of thing? I only hold shares in Sister Mo's company and don't care about management. The copyright has also been entrusted to her, so I will let her She was talking to Director Shang... It depends on what you want, but we didn't reach an agreement?"


Zhang Wu was speechless at first, his eyes filled with the feeling of "Why are you so big-hearted?"

But then I thought about it...

This kid seemed to really treat money as money, so he was relieved.

He shook his head helplessly:

"I've been getting calls all the time. Momo told me directly that Lao Shang was being unkind. A director stretched his hand too far and didn't take you and her seriously... He insisted on 16 million. That TV series was sold to CCTV...didn't you tell me?"

"No, I don't care about this. Why are you talking to me?"

Xu Xin shrugged:

"Don't worry about these things. Isn't Director Shang your old classmate? I'm just an investor, and the distribution rights don't belong to me. I'm too lazy to worry about these things..."

"That's what I said..."

Zhang Wu couldn’t laugh or cry:

"It's like it's not your money."

"I just like the character of Zhu Wushuang and want to get Yang Mi into it. I also like the story... Now that the story has been filmed, it doesn't matter how much it sells... Well, to put it in a more fashionable way, it means that you are rich and willful .”

"You kid..."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Wu shook his head helplessly:

"You think so to save face for Lao Shang... But if he continues to play like this in this circle, who will dare to cooperate with him in the future? After all, I can be regarded as the middleman between you two. If everyone knows about it, I will kill you I’ve been cheated, where will I put my face in the future?”

"That's why I asked you to leave it alone. It's something I don't care about..."

"I have to take care of you if you don't care. Otherwise, I will really trick you? People who know it think you are generous, and those who don't know think that Lao Shang and I are working together to trick you. Wouldn't my reputation be ruined?"

Zhang Wu still shook his head with a firm attitude:

"So, when Mo Mo talked to me, I told her that in business, there is no need to worry about whether classmates are different from each other. He always likes to use the army's code of conduct to do things in society. Although comradeship is important, it cannot He always engages in small groups and establishes mountains, right? So, if he is calling you, just bite the bullet and don't care about it. If he forces you, you ask him to contact me. I think he is too embarrassed to call me. ! Do you understand?"

"Okay, okay... but it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Let Sister Mo talk, I don't have to worry about it anyway. When the construction is completed at the end of this month, Director Zhang just told me that the part of singing with the cano may be postponed. Go over there and practice. The part that Sister Meng Yan is responsible for and the part that Director Chen is responsible for have to be taken to the sacred tree for testing. They are so busy over there...who has the time to worry about these things..."


Listening to Xu Xin's kind response, Zhang Wu also knew...

This kid gave his old classmate enough face.

Then we really can't be so ungrateful anymore.

"Okay, let's just say... let's go to the meeting."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin put out the cigarette and followed him out.

The creative team has been somewhat dispersed in the past few days.

It’s not that everyone is relaxed, but with the approval of the creative plan, everyone has begun to carry out substantive work and gone about their business.

After a year of trying to figure things out, the execution team is busy with their feet hitting the back of their heads.

The customization of "foos", customization of "paper", customization of scrolls, various props, costumes, etc. are all their work, and they are completely busy.

The work of the creative team has changed from providing ideas to seeing modifications and adjustments after the execution team's ideas are implemented.

So there was no one in the Olympic Building today.

They all went to work.

Soldiers from art troupes across the country are waiting for this moment.

Some have even started practicing.

However, Xu Xin was out of touch in these sessions and didn't know the specific content of what everyone was talking about. However, today's creative team talked about something that he was very interested in...

Performances at the Olympic stadium.

The special segment plays a role as a lubricant. At the moment when the performance of a large segment ends, the actors leave the scene, and the props are rearranged, some transition sessions are needed to divert the attention of the crowd watching on the scene and in front of the TV.

The shadow play session is a transitional session.

But one shadow puppet is definitely not enough.

Other elements are also required.

Then there was a piano solo session.

Everyone is debating whether to invite Li Yundi or Lang Lang.

After all, they are both piano artists from China.

Li Yundi's advantage is that he has held enough concerts and performed many tribute-level performances, which fits the mainstream definition.

Lang Lang, on the other hand, has more international-level performances, but in the face of the qualification of "gift", he is much worse than Li Yundi.

As for piano level...

Frankly speaking, even Zhang Yimou can't make a judgment.

Because he is not a piano master, he can listen, listen, and understand a little bit, but he can't say which of the two is really more skilled.

So that's basically what the team is arguing about.

Should I choose Li Yundi or Lang Lang?

When it comes to this, Xu Xin is no longer sleepy.

"I think it's better to choose Lang Lang!"

When everyone expressed their opinions, he raised his hand.

"What's the reason?"

Zhang Yimou asked curiously.

"The personal reason is that I like Lang Lang. I think he plays better and sounds better."

"...What about objectively?"

"Objectively, Lang Lang is more famous internationally. Didn't the leader say that we need to be in line with international standards? Everyone will know Lang Lang when he appears. Li Yundi... may not be known to everyone. So, I think it is better to choose Lang Lang."

In fact, Jaylen likes...

He was embarrassed to say the reason.


There is no way, who asked us, Lao Xu, to pamper him.

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou thought for a while and nodded:

"Indeed, then...Xiao Wei, let's contact Lang Lang and see what the other party means first."


Wei Lanfang responded. Although she didn't know what Xu Xin was thinking, she muttered in her heart:

"Just pamper him as an old man..."

After 20,000 yuan, 14,000 yuan was really comfortable...

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