I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 175 173 New Stage

Chapter 175 173. New stage

After the meeting, around six o'clock in the evening, Xu Xin left.

We rushed to a restaurant and finally met Qi Lei, the general manager of the distribution company of Xiying Studio.

This middle-aged man who had the same name as his roommate and was just over 40 this year seemed easy to deal with. The two found a Shandong restaurant and chatted while eating.

The conversation was all about publicity.

The meal was almost finished, and finally Qi Lei asked tentatively:

"Director Xu, have you considered your plans after the Olympics?"

"I'll just follow Director Zhang's arrangements."

Xu Xin shrugged:

"To me, Director Zhang is just like my master, so I will do whatever Director Zhang says."


Qi Lei understood instantly.

What happened next was not something the two of them mentioned, but a communication between Xiying Film Studio and director Zhang Yimou.

In the afternoon, didn't Director Zhang also say, either 2+1 or 3+1.

Then it depends on what Xiying Studio thinks.

By the time we finished eating, it was around 9pm.

Xu Xin returned home.

As soon as he entered the house, he felt it.

The house was tidied up.

My heart suddenly felt warm...

I couldn't help but send a message to Yang Mi:

"Sister, after a while... take some time to come here and then go home, okay?"

Yang Mi didn’t reply.

"Hua la la la la la..."


Amid the applause of the audience, the drama "Yanjing People" officially ended.

When all the actors took their curtain call, some young actors, including Yang Mi, looked at the audience who stood up and applauded, and the excitement in their eyes was palpable.

It worked.

Months of hard work have turned into thunderous applause.

To say you are unhappy is a lie.


Yang Mi bowed and looked towards the backstage.

Sure enough, Sun Ting raised her phone.

It means: Sister, you have news.

Her heart... completely began to overflow.

The audience left, but the backstage was still full of reporters.

After seeing the actors walking down, the interview started step by step.

The old rule is that Yang Mi still has the most... There is nothing we can do about it.

I said before that I would not answer questions that have nothing to do with the drama. Now that the drama is over, it’s time to talk about something, right?

And Yang Mi also knew that she couldn't escape from this level, so she simply took the reporters to the far end of the corridor to prevent everyone from disturbing the people changing clothes, and then she was completely surrounded by miscellaneous questions.

"It feels great. Being able to receive applause in a drama performance is a huge recognition for my career as an actor. I am very grateful to the audience here today for their encouragement and support."

"Well, the next plan is to leave for Cannes tomorrow. Although I missed the screening of the movie, I still want to be with everyone. Go study and gain knowledge."

"There are definitely expectations for winning, but with so many outstanding works, I think everyone's chances are fair. So it's better to wait patiently for the results to be announced."

"Sorry, I still can't answer the director's matter, but I think he will appear in the public eye in the next two days."

"Thank you all for supporting the drama "Yanjing People", and I am also very grateful to all the teachers for their hard work for so many days. I also ask everyone to support "The Secret That Cannot Be Telled". Okay, that's it, I have to go back and pack my luggage. Thank you. Everyone."

After the interview, the girl hurriedly changed her clothes and ran out.

The other actors didn't say anything.

They all knew what was going on and they understood.

This is the current situation in this circle. Whoever is popular will be in the limelight.

After Yang Mi ran out with Sun Ting pushing the box, she took out her mobile phone and saw her boyfriend's message... She bit her lip, her eyes a little hazy.

Little Ancestor...you are such a flirtatious little goblin...

After getting in the car, she thought about it and made a call.

"Daughter, is the show over?"

"Um...Mom, where is my dad?"

"It's nearby."


Yang Mi opened her mouth, and her original impulse turned into a timid question:

"I...can I not go back tonight?...I promise to go back early tomorrow morning, okay?"

After asking, she was already prepared for the storm.

But who knows...

"Okay, no problem. Don't come back tonight. Come back tomorrow when you wake up. The flight is in the afternoon anyway. Ah, that's it."



Yang Mi was stunned.

This...is this agreed?

So simple?

"Don't look at me like that. What, how old is my daughter? You still care? What are you looking at?"


"I'm telling you, Yang Dalin, if you want to say that the child is young, you don't care about her and I won't say anything. The child is over 20 years old. It's normal to fall in love and get married. If you still plan to give me eye drops, then you He's just a pervert! Understand! Xiao Xu is so good and has been busy with the Olympics for so long. If his daughter doesn't see him or he doesn't want to find her, then you will be angry. Do you understand? Stop staring at me, little one. Couples are not allowed to fall in love anymore!?”

"Who doesn't want her to fall in love? Why am I so perverted? You don't know how many bad people there are in this society?"

Yang Dalin also got angry:

"We're not even married yet! Just staying up all night!? You just agreed? How the hell are you doing this!?"

"Hey, now you know what to say? What about you back then? Didn't you also mention this when we were together! What, you can do it, but your daughter can't, right?!"

"How can that be the same! What did we know at that time!?"

"Now my daughter is about the same age as we were back then. Why didn't you say anything!? She is an adult and has her own freedom. I am embarrassed to tell you. Look at your behavior this morning. My new pot! You shoveled a hole for me! No, what are you going to do? You are so capable. If you are capable, you should guard your daughter for the rest of your life and don't let her get married!"

"When did I say I wouldn't let her get married!"

"Then who are you staring at here!? Huh?! What's wrong with my daughter and Xiao Xu, who haven't seen each other for so many days? Are they not allowed to see each other? Have you done it yourself? Are you just restraining your child like this?... Why are you standing up? ! Let me tell you, Yang Dalin, if you dare to leave today, I will break your legs!"


"Give me your phone! Give it to me!"

"Hey...are you crazy? Why did you take my phone away!?"

"I'm afraid you'll call my daughter! Let me tell you, if you dare to make this call today, my daughter will dare to try to enter this house!"

"Why are you making such a fuss in the middle of the night!...I'm going out to smoke."

"Give me your phone!"

"...Give it, crazy bitches, it's really..."

Yang Dalin also looked annoyed. He took a picture of the shoe rack at the door with his phone and walked out of the house with his slippers on.

There was quite a movement of closing the door.

At the same time, I took a flashlight out of habit.

The weather in Yanjing at the end of April is the most comfortable time, neither cold nor hot.

With a lawsuit on his forehead, Yang Dalin lit a cigarette after coming out of the corridor, and then subconsciously strolled in the comfortable evening breeze to the door of the family courtyard.

Habitually stop moving forward.

At this time, a taxi stopped at the door.

Two couples who were about the same age as Yang Dalin came down.

After seeing Yang Dalin, the man was stunned and said with a smile:

"Da Lin, where are you waiting for Mimi again?"

"Uh...ah, um. Second brother, why are you going?"

"Just came back from the girl's house."

The couple walked over and exchanged greetings with Yang Dalin. Yang Dalin handed over a cigarette and then asked:

"How is Xiaoli?"

"pretty good."

"How many months?"

"Four months."

"Oh~~The fetal image is now stable."

"Yes, I just checked today and everything is normal. No, I just came back after having dinner together."

"Son-in-law is quite capable, right?"

"Well, admit it, no, the two have just installed a new house, and now they have some loans, but there is no problem. The profit of the car repair shop is quite good... How was Mimi's performance today?"

"It was quite successful."

"Haha, when I was a kid, I saw that Mimi was promising... Okay, Dalin, let's talk later, we'll go back first."

"Hey, okay, second brother, please walk slowly."

"Well, take Mimi to our house for dinner another day."


Neighbors separate.

Yang Dalin took another puff of cigarette.

He looked back at the neighbor's leaving figure, and then at the empty street.

After smoking out a cigarette...he wandered in place for a while...

Ordered another one.

After smoking the second cigarette, he subconsciously looked at his flashlight.

In so many years...this is already...the fifth? Is it the sixth one?

From the one that holds the battery to the one that charges...the light is getting brighter and brighter.

Then somehow, in a daze, he remembered the past.

From when my daughter just learned to walk, to kindergarten... then to elementary school... to cram school...

Over the years, he has become accustomed to picking up his daughter whenever she is in Yanjing, no matter how late it is, and using this flashlight to guide her home.

Before I knew it, I had grown so big...

The flashlights were changed one after another.

And I... seem to be getting old.

Thinking of this...he lit another cigarette for himself.

The light of the flashlight turns on, turns off, turns on, turns off...

He repeated this action unconsciously.

And just when the cigarette was about to burn out, suddenly, the light of the flashlight flickered for a few times, made a few "sizzling" sounds, and then completely dimmed.


He was stunned and subconsciously knocked his hand...

Still no light.


I bought it less than two years ago.

What quality...

I didn’t believe in evil and knocked a few times in vain, but after seeing that it still didn’t light up...

Suddenly, the middle-aged man paused.

The cigarette butt in his mouth burned rapidly, and then turned into a long line of smoke, spurting out of his mouth.


In the smoke, he took a last look at his flashlight...

Keep watching.

He came to his senses only after seeing the cigarette butt burnt out.

He spit out the cigarette butt and stubbed it out with his feet.

He shook his head.

It’s true that people nowadays don’t even turn on the screw to change the bulb of a flashlight. Isn't this just forcing people to buy a new one after it wears out?


A long sigh.

He walked to the public trash can at the door, glanced at the flashlight in his hand for the last time, and then...

With a bang, it was thrown into the trash can.

I guess... I won't need this thing anymore in the future.

With a regret and loss that only his father could understand, he turned and walked towards home.

He quickly disappeared at the end of the lone lamp at the entrance of the community.

Mottled light and shadow.

"Hiss... don't be so awkward..."

"Shut up! Bear with me for a while!"

"Why did you just tell your uncle and get through it like that?"

"Call my mom, hey hey hey..."

"...Awesome. But uncle must be feeling uncomfortable, right?"

"So... we can't have a daughter, you know? You can't keep it! We must have a boy!"

"...Sister, do you favor boys over girls?"

"Not really, but I can somewhat understand my dad's mood, so... it's better to be a boy!"

Two silver rings were intertwined with the fingers.

Hearing this, Xu Xin hugged the fragrant body tightly in her arms, squinting her eyes with a look of enjoyment:

"Want to have a baby with me?"


A simple response expressed his determination.

"But not now...my career has just started."

"...Then you were so determined just now..."

"Hmm...hehehe. It's okay. Your marksmanship is not that accurate."

"You're kidding! I've also done target shooting, okay?"

"Yes, yes, it's embarrassing to say that someone who hit his shoulder with a gun butt is so embarrassed..."

"I didn't know how to do it. I didn't understand it. Now it's definitely a standard three-point connection!"

"Just blow it~hehehehehe~"

Her fingers unconsciously rubbed the silver ring on her boyfriend's hand. She squinted her eyes and listened to her boyfriend's strong heartbeat. Her voice gradually became like a cat:

"elder brother."


"I miss my abs~"

"...Don't open the pot and pick up the pot."

How could he have time to exercise in the past few months... Although he didn't gain much weight, the muscles in his abdomen were indeed gone.

Hearing this, the girl chuckled:

"Hehe, don't worry, even if you become a big fat man, I won't dislike you."

"Eat fat with me?"

"...You are lacking great virtue!~"


During the intermission after being puzzled for many days and relieving the pain of lovesickness, bursts of happy laughter came from the bedroom.

"Hey, I don't even dare to go back to the dormitory now, what should I do?"


Xu Xin was a little puzzled:


"I'm afraid of meeting Shanshan... How embarrassing. When the trailer of "The Secret That Cannot Be Telled" came out, I didn't dare to go back... She must know that Xu Xin is you, and I ended up starring again... Maybe in What are you thinking about me behind your back? If I take over your business, she might think about me picking up her leftovers..."



"Can you not belittle me when you are burying yourself? What do you mean she eats the leftovers? In total, I am the leftovers?"

"Anyway, you old, shriveled eggplant isn't very fresh."

As she said that, her hand stopped stroking the ring and put it under the quilt.

Xu Xin was really speechless by the name of this old deflated eggplant:

"Do you have to take me with you?"

"Hmm~ Hey, young man, can you give me some reaction? The second half is about to begin!"

"No, give it! Get out of here!"

"Hmph... Hey, let's make an appointment in September?"


"No, school starts in September. I'll take you to school to see beauties. Let me tell you, Shanshan has changed a lot recently. She knows how to dress up, and she looks very fashionable."

"It's hard to get through this, right?"

Xu Xin frowned.

Yang Mi looked at it and quickly softened:

"Oh, my, don't be angry, I'm wrong. I'm not asking you to see her, I'm telling you to see the freshmen. You don't know, there are quite a lot of handsome guys in the class of 2006."

"How is the quality of the girls?"

"Hmm, just so-so...at present, they are not as good as me."

"No one in the world combined can be as good as you."


This answer is definitely perfect.

In addition to the guilt of teasing my boyfriend just now...well, let me kick off the second half.

So she started to arch down, and said as she arched:

"Are you going? Look at our juniors and juniors... Speaking of which, the class of 2007 seems to be the same class as you, right? The Olympics end in August, and you will go directly to the sophomore class in September. Yeah, you are still classmates, junior fellow students."


When Xu Xin thought about it, it seemed that this was true.


"Why do you have to go with me? Aren't you going to film "Ugly Girl" at that time? Can't you watch it anytime?"

"Can it be the same?"

The little girlfriend who has become Squirtle, with a bit of eager provocation, directly revealed her purpose:

"I want to dress up that day, you know?"


"Two points... First, I have to show you how beautiful your girlfriend is when she is among the crowd. Don't be dazzled by those little gabardine beans when I'm not around. Turn your girlfriend's face off Compare their faces and figures with them, and I’ll have an idea. Secondly... I’ll also check to see if there are any handsome guys.”


Xu Xin's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but say:

"Then... I should also dress up handsomely that day?"

"No, you have to dress a little more frumpy...Hey, how about I gain weight for you now. I like you no matter what you look like...You make yourself a little more frumpy, and then people won't be interested in you anymore..."

"I don't want the school girl to be interested in me, and then you go see the handsome guy?"

Everyone in Xu Xin was dumbfounded.

"Why are you so double-standard? Are you a double-standard dog? Are you..."

"Hehe, just, just, how about it? Woof woof woof... ow~~~~~"

After a moment, a murmur came from the bedroom:

"I don't care...brother...you are mine...I like you so much...love you so much..."

Sometimes, this girl's mood is just like Wushan's cloud.

Change as you say.

Obviously I felt happy last night because of the reunion, and I love you to the core. But when I woke up in the morning, I found that after I got up after ten o'clock, someone exploded:

"Oh! It's all your fault! I promised my mother to go back early, my father will definitely be angry with me!"

"...I told you last night that you didn't want to sleep. You insisted on tossing yourself until after two o'clock."

Xu Xin looked aggrieved.

Looking at the girl who was putting her pants on her legs with a clang, her eyes were full of innocence.

"I don't care, it's your fault... Oh, I have to leave quickly... I haven't packed up my things yet. Brother, what's that... No more kisses, I'm leaving... You should hurry up too, we took off in three hours , you hurry to the airport and go through the security check, don’t be late!”

"Well...that's what I say, but can you put this on first?"

Holding a sports bra, Xu Xin looked speechless:

"You're still in a vacuum, sister."


The girl who had just put on her clothes was speechless. She pulled her over and started to take it off again. Then she started jumping around and cursing in a very poor manner:

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault..."

"Yes, yes, blame me, blame me..."

"Same for Tingting, why didn't you call me! Call Tingting quickly! Ask her to pick me up...forget it, I'll drive away in your car."

"I send you?"

"What the hell, my dad might be blocking you at the gate of the community with a steel pipe!"

Putting on her clothes haphazardly, the girl ran out quickly.

Soon, the sound of an engine roaring came from outside the house, and she left in a hurry.

Xu Xin shook his head helplessly.

Sometimes, it's too mature to be ridiculous.

But sometimes she just acts like a yellow-haired girl.

Oh yes, sometimes she looks like a thousand-year-old female temptress.

He walked to the bathroom with his charged mobile phone. When he turned on the mobile phone, the news push service he subscribed to for 6 yuan a month on China Mobile had already sent an MMS message.

This thing is just like a newspaper. Xu Xin habitually reads this information first thing in the morning.

He sat down on the toilet and started browsing.

Current affairs, city, entertainment...

When he saw the entertainment section, he was suddenly stunned...

The first reaction was that I was dazzled.

I blinked, and when I looked over for the second time, the muscles on my face began to twitch involuntarily.

"The director of the film "The Untold Secret" finally appears, and there is an amazing inside story behind the mystery!"



Still so shocked...

No matter how you look at it, this subject matter seems familiar... Xu Xin, who seemed to have seen it somewhere before, clicked on the news, and the first thing he saw was a line of text:

"Southern Weekly--Wang Minmin finally interviewed Xu Xin, the director of "The Secret That Cannot Be Told" yesterday..."

Then he pulled it down and saw his own face.

Okay, although this picture is a screenshot of a video, the people from Southern Weekly really gave it some face.

I touched the area on my forehead that was different from my face.

At least it looks the same color on the phone.

Then Xu Xin read this press release, which basically meant that the video interview between the two people was simplified and the key points were highlighted.

The key points are: 05 grade student of Beijing Film Academy, talented director, "core" member of the creative team for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, director of "The Secret That Cannot Be Telled", and friend of Jay Chou

Due to space constraints, this news cannot be written in detail. The general meaning is to partially summarize what Xu Xin said yesterday, and also explain why Xu Xin rarely appears in the public eye.

Then, after a burst of flushing sound, Xu Xin turned on the computer.

After finding the Sina entertainment section, it was also on the front page...

The identity of the director of "The Untold Secret" is revealed!

After clicking in, in addition to seeing the authorization from Southern Weekly, there is a complete video link and text record.

Southern Weekly did not delete or edit the video and directly uploaded the interview, which lasted for more than half an hour.

Xu Xin was not interested in listening to what he said again. After retelling it directly, he turned to the message board function.

I want to see what netizens say.

As a result, he was entertained by the first one.

"The civil engineering dog expressed his sympathy and criticized his image. I will definitely support a movie ticket when the movie is released."

This is the original comment.

Then people started copying and pasting.

First, there are quotes, and then things like "AH School of Civil Engineering is top!", "Liaoning Polytechnic Vocational University is top!", "Zhejiang University of Technology Architecture is top!" and so on.

Various responses.

Xu Xin continued to move down:

"At first glance, I thought this face was Sun Wukong."

"After working on it for a long time, the director of "The Secret That Cannot Be Telln" is a construction site observer/laughs"

"Let me go, is he really a member of the Olympic Games? So powerful?"

"The interests of the motherland are above all else? This is so false."

"Is there anyone from Beiying who can come out and speak out?"

"People from Beijing Film Academy said that we know this guy. He is a well-known second-generation rich man who drives a Ferrari to school."

When seeing this message, Xu Xin frowned...

As expected, when I scrolled down further, many people had already quoted it and started asking for more detailed information...


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