I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 176 174 Learn to be silent

Chapter 176 174. Learn to be silent

"Really driving a Ferrari?"

"Rich second generation?"

"The host will elaborate."

A group of people began to quote this IP-only netizen message and started chasing it with a series of questions.

Xu Xin couldn't sit still.

It's not that he had a bad past.

To put it bluntly, even if you ask Yuan Shanshan to speak, you can't say anything bad about him.

Starting from pursuit, eating, watching movies, sending flowers, giving gifts, what is not a first-line brand? Buy the more expensive one?

So he didn't feel anything...ah, I feel so guilty. Or maybe it’s the uneasiness of being discovered by someone in the past that you can’t look back on.

Although he didn't know who this person was, he thought he must be someone from his school.

He is not afraid to speak out, nor is he afraid of others digging into his past.

But there was only one reason why he couldn't sit still, and that was not to bring any trouble to the Olympic team members...especially Director Zhang.

After all, Director Zhang will bear the brunt of anything that happens during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

So after thinking about it, he walked into the bathroom again, quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth, then walked out of the house with his bag.

Yang Mi drove the Audi away, and he didn't plan to drive away in the Ferrari. After all, he would have to get on the plane back to Shenmu soon. So I took a taxi and headed directly to the Olympic Building.

Along the way, he was browsing some related news about himself on his mobile phone.

I found that the majority of the comments were positive, but some people on the Cannes forum had already started to repost the message, saying that he was actually a rich second-generation director...

There are quite a lot of people replying, it has already exceeded 100.

Soon, the Olympic Building arrived. After getting off the car, Xu Xin went straight to the small conference room.

Zhang Yimou was indeed there and seemed to be chatting about something with Zhang Wu and Zhai Guoqiang.

After seeing Xu Xin, he waved to Xu Xin to come in, and then asked:

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"There's a flight in the afternoon."

Xu Xin smiled and sat next to him, then heard Zhang Wu joke:

"Okay, big star, overnight the whole world will be shaken, and everyone will know about it."

It's okay not to mention this. As soon as he mentioned this, Xu Xin gave a wry smile:

"Director Zhang, don't mention it, that's why I came here..."




All three of them looked puzzled.

Xu Xin didn’t hide it and said directly:

"Didn't this news come out this morning? There's not much else... I just saw that some netizens found out the dark history of my freshman year, when I first came to school in 2005. Why did I drive a Ferrari to and from school and skipped classes? All the black history of this kind of thing has been uncovered. I am worried... I wonder if it will have any bad impact on our team members."

Hearing this, Zhai Guoqiang was stunned and couldn't help but smile and said:

"Have you ever done this before?"

His impression of Xu Xin has always been that this child has artistic talent, thinking, and maturity far beyond ordinary people.

The kind of person who can't find fault with anyone or anything he does.

So at first glance, I was really surprised.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Zhang Wu shook his head:

"Hey, who's still young and frivolous? I don't think it's okay. Is there nothing else? The Ferrari wasn't stolen...well, but I have to tell you about skipping classes. Students, you should attend class well. , why are you skipping class?"

"At that time, I was dazzled by the colorful world of Yanjing, Director Zhang."

Xu Xin also felt a bit "unable to look back":

"Think about it, what does Shenmu have? Nothing. What happens after you come here? Go to the mall and buy a piece of clothing for two to three thousand or three to five thousand. After you buy it, you carry their handbag, There will be a group of people staring at you. You drive your Ferrari on the street and hit the accelerator casually, and the people next to you are all looking at you with surprise and envy. Not to mention going to bars and nightclubs. Get there. , you open some champagne for 10,000 to 20,000, the singer celebrates you while singing, and brings people over to toast you, a group of beauties surround you, the elder brother and the younger brother flatter you..."

"Lost, huh?"

Zhang Wu made a summary and sighed with Xu Xin's nod:

"It's really like this... Having money and not spending it are two different things. When you say this, I think of my comrade who fell down two years ago."

His eyes were filled with regret:

"He just came from a small mountain village. He had a good physique when he was a soldier. His physical fitness... When the whole company trained, he could reach the finish line half a day faster than others. You know, right? The leaders and others like him very much, plus He also worked hard and completed the tasks well every day. After completing the tasks, he studied on his own and passed the military academy. He was admitted directly... But then he was injured in a training accident and was transferred to another place. He was assigned to Guangdong... Sigh."

A long sigh, and how many regrets and sorrows were hidden under the calm words, unknown to outsiders.

The story that follows is very simple.

It's just that he didn't know what happened and became a protective umbrella... He was eventually discovered and felled.

And the summary is:

"So sometimes I feel... you have to be famous early, and you have to make money early. After experiencing fame and fortune, squandering it, and having enough fun, you can calm down and work on your own career. Otherwise. ...My comrade is the same, and you are too, too easily dazzled by the colorful world."

"But at least Xiao Xu is fine now. He has experienced everything he needs to experience, right?"

Hearing Zhai Guoqiang's words, Xu Xin nodded.


Nothing interesting anymore.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he is a country boy and has not seen more high-end gameplay...

People say that the so-called upper class people play in circles... Nai He has been in Yanjing for more than two years, and no one has taken him to see any so-called "circles".

Maybe it's because he is of low class and too poor.

Anyway, judging from the current situation...Xu Xin feels that his entertainment method has reached its peak...

When he thought of going to a bar and drinking from a cup that countless men and women had touched on their lips, he was so disgusted that he didn't want to drink any more.


At this time, Zhang Yimou finally spoke:

"If you want to be a public figure, you have to be prepared to accept criticism from others. It doesn't mean that you got the money through some shady transactions or doing whatever you did... You can't decide whether your family situation is good or bad. You are upright. Aren’t you afraid of slanted shadows?”


Although he knew this was true, Xu Xin still said:

"Mainly, I'm afraid of affecting other people, such as our team..."

"This little thing of yours can't affect our team. It didn't affect Athens for the first eight minutes of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games. Where are you now?"

Zhang Yimou seemed very indifferent:

"You are saying that you are not the only one who knows that you are rich. We know, the organizing committee also knows, and the big leaders must also know. The Shenmu project has been approved to start construction. Where does the money come from, where does it go, and how much does it cost? How much is the budget...these organizing committees know better than you. So, don't worry about it. When people think you are good and praise you, you can't see it. When people scold you, you can't see it and that's it. If you want to live by others' words, If you live here, you will be exhausted, you know?"

"This...then I don't care?"

"Well, don't worry about it. Just get the business done."


Xu Xin nodded and stood up directly:

"You said that, and it made sense to me. Then I'll leave and go back to Shenmu. When everything is installed there by the end of the month at the latest, I won't be here. Once the acceptance is completed, I'll wait for the team to arrive. ,Fine?"

"Okay, go ahead."


After saying yes, Xu Xin let go of his worries and really didn't care.

After bidding farewell to the three of them, they left the Olympic Building and headed straight to the airport.

Then I never paid attention to the reviews on the Internet.

Say whatever you like about love.

Facts have proved that netizens are indeed very capable.

But those who are more capable are some media.

After learning that this "Director Xu Xin" was actually a student of Beijing Film Academy, reporters immediately rushed to the Beijing Film Academy that day.

Then, I don’t know what happened in the middle. In short, Xu Xin's "detailed information" was revealed directly in the afternoon.

A student majoring in directing, he drives a Ferrari to and from school. He often skips classes in the first half of his freshman year and likes to show off with his Ferrari in front of the school gate. He also had an affair with a girl from the acting department and chased her. Later, I don’t know why it started to be chaotic but finally gave up, and its reputation became a bit bad.

In the second half of the freshman year, this "poor student" in the eyes of everyone suddenly submitted an assignment. It was a ten-minute short film called "Not Drunk". It surprised many teachers and was even used as a model. , explained in class.

Then I became serious about studying, eager to learn, never late in class, and everyone was present in class.

Even Ferrari stopped driving. Many people thought that Xu Xin's family was bankrupt.

The prodigal son returns.

As a result, not even a few days later, I suddenly and inexplicably skipped school for a few days in a row, and then... I dropped out of school for unknown reasons.

During my break from school, the reporter compared the times with the Olympic team and found a perfect fit.

Not only that, in the Olympic team photo at that time, everyone also saw Xu Xin smiling at the camera in the corner.

It was also confirmed from the side that he was indeed not lying!

And then……

"Not Drunk" and the account named "Director Xu Xin" on Youku were uncovered.

At the same time, people also saw a familiar figure.

Yang Mi...

It turns out that she and Xu Xin had already cooperated?

When they were both students?

Then, because they couldn't watch "The Secret That Cannot Be Told," the 13-minute winter vacation homework "Not Drunk" naturally became the first opportunity for many people to criticize Xu Xin.

And finished reading it in 13 minutes...

The media's comments haven't come out yet, but netizens are quarreling.

The noisy stuff is actually very different from the comments made by netizens when Xu Xingang posted "Not Drunk" online.

First of all, everyone criticizes what he directs.

Just the experience of a drunken man walking through four rooms. Who wouldn’t be able to take a photo of this?

Or maybe he is indeed a rich second generation and shoots movies in nightclubs.

Or maybe it was something I was shooting. The light was so dark and the camera was wandering around with people. It looked really awkward.

And what is this film about? The donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth...

13 minutes of content, from the story to the plot to the shooting techniques, etc., I am criticizing "Not Drunk".

In fact, now that Xu Xin thinks about it, "Not Drunk" does have many flaws.

Whether it's the camera position, split shots, lighting, etc... After working with the lighting engineer of the "Golden Armor" crew and directing "The Untold Secret" with the participation of professional lighting engineers, Xu Xin You can now understand the gap between a student who has not yet graduated and a mature lighting director.

But by the same token...

The freshman's first film, others were busy filming, and they couldn't even figure out how to storyboard it, and what kind of shots should be used for what occasion... They had already shot a 13-minute film, and the main line was clear and organized... …

What's more, it's a "debut", isn't that a bit too much?

Therefore, those buddies who greeted Xu Xin every day with "Good morning, trash director" were the first to stand up.

Start giving them a comprehensive explanation of the movie in the comments.

From the meaning of the four rooms, to the last energetic sound of "Tiantongyuan", to the techniques of light and shadow, I started to leave a message under "Not Drunk" to popularize science.

There was a fight between "old viewers" and "new viewers".

Facts have proved that the new audience cannot beat Xu Xin, who has been in the fight in person. From short messages to personal attacks, and then after discovering that comments can actually post long comments, they are attacked with all-round fire. They fight back, attack, and fight back. "old audience".

Both the director and the director can greet each other. Isn’t it easy to hit newbies like you with a pinch of salt?

Then, the first wave of scolding viewers saw that they couldn't criticize from a professional perspective, so they began to criticize "privilege".

To sum it up, he said, "Hey, you are a rich person after all. The only video on Youku that can post long comments is here. Why, Xu Xin gave you money?" It was full of irony.

The comment section of "Not Drunk" has become chaotic again.

But to be honest, no matter how fierce the quarrel is or how harsh the scolding is, it will not stop Xu Xin from gaining fans.

Soon, the number of fans on the "Director Xu Xin" account began to increase crazily from the original few hundred.

Since the account was revealed, the number of followers exceeded 80,000 in less than a day. The number of clicks on "Not Drunk" increased by 700,000 on that day.

At the same time, the number of new users on Youku increased that day, and when the data of daily active IPs was sent to Gu Yongqiang, Gu Yongqiang immediately made the decision: the micro movie - "Not Drunk" will return to the homepage on this day.

Although Youku is now on the right track, with steady user growth, it will soon open another round of financing at the end of this year.

There is definitely no shortage of money.

But he can't help but be honest.

Don’t forget to dig the well when you are drinking water.

The harsher your scolding, the stronger our support.

At the same time, the censorship team worked overtime to ban those who cursed!

I would rather kill by mistake than let him go!

But Xu Xin suddenly received a call from Zhang Yimou.

The phone call didn't last long, two or three minutes. After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin smoked a cigarette and went to bed directly.

When Yang Mi arrived in Cannes, she seemed confused because of the jet lag.

From Yanjing to Cannes, you need to fly to Paris first, then transfer to Nice, and finally take a bus to Cannes. The hard work of travel and jet lag is a very torturous thing in itself, so much so that I originally planned to watch the Cannes closing film "The Journey of the Red Balloon" directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien, but when I got off the car, the girl became a little confused. .

I really couldn't bear to stay up late, so at around eight o'clock in the evening in Cannes, I returned to the hotel room and threw myself on the bed.

As soon as I woke up, it was the early morning of the 11th.

I was woken up by Sun Ting's shout.

But she ignored Sun Ting, who was arranging her clothes over there, and opened her laptop directly.

Before getting on the plane, she paid attention to the situation on her boyfriend's side.

Now I want to see how it goes.

She looked and saw Sun Ting arranging her clothes there.

After hanging the carefully selected dress that her sister brought on the hanger in the room, and making sure that there was nothing wrong with it from the inside out, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She started to pick out clothes for Yang Mi to wear today again.

After everything was sorted, he said:

"Sister, let's go have breakfast?"


Yang Mi responded and continued scrolling through the news on her computer.

After scanning around for a while, his brows gradually furrowed.

For some reason, there is a lot of criticism online.

For example:

"I watched that short film, and to be honest, it was just average. Although it seemed to be a debut film... but it didn't take long, and the quality of "The Untold Secret" can be imagined. I really wonder how Cannes allowed him to be shortlisted. "

She curled her lips disdainfully.

What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be?

Are you able to take pictures?

Just know BB.

There are also those who are just watching the fun and don’t mind it:

"Why do you care so much? They are rich, and their lives are more comfortable than yours whether they make movies or not. Just scold me as hard as you can, the more you scold me, the more angry you will be."

Bah, you can’t do anything, you’re number one in Gonghuo, right?

Why are you pretending to be noble?

How do you get through life? It's none of your business!

"These media are really making people speechless. They have to reveal all the eighteen generations of their ancestors, right? Even their love history is revealed? Why did Yang Mi get involved with him? In total, in your eyes, as long as we often work together, They’re just boyfriend and girlfriend, right?”

Yeah, my fans?

Although I have to admit that you are quite blind.

But...well, thumbs up for you!

After clicking the "Like" function, she continued to read down...

But the more I look at it, the worse it gets.

Most people are critical.

And this criticism is really baffling.

After watching "Not Drunk", they all began to badmouth "The Secret That Cannot Be Tellable".

She can still understand the criticism of "Not Drunk". After all, even herself, after watching "The Untold Secret", she felt that "Not Drunk" made by her boyfriend was really immature.

There is no acting in this film, it just tells a story.

So she understands and accepts it. Even if this group of people are film professionals, or whether their first film will be better than "Not the Best" is still doubtful.

But she can accept being criticized in terms of business.

How can you be an actor and not get scolded?

"Golden Armor" has been criticized for being a prostitute in many posts online.

If she really cared about these comments, she might as well just leave them alone.

What bothered her was this kind of direct personal attack.

You can’t say it’s bad even if you haven’t seen the movie? Why? Also, what happened to you, the rich second generation? Has he become a representative of uneducated people?

Are you so hateful of the rich?

How disgusting these people are...

Thinking of this, she directly grabbed the phone and dialed Xu Xin.

The call was quickly connected, and then there was a ding-ding-dong-dong noise and wind noise:

"Hey, what's the matter? I have something else to do here, tell me."

"Uh... I just wanted to ask how you are feeling."


Xu Xin, wearing a safety helmet and watching the workers hoisting the screen, was stunned for a moment, and then realized what his girlfriend was talking about.

So he said directly:

"I was quite angry last night, but I'll be fine after a night's sleep. Let them do whatever they want. Before I left yesterday, I went to see Director Zhang. In fact, what Director Zhang said is quite right. When people scold me, I treat it like they can't see it. That’s it. Living in other people’s mouths is exhausting... I’m going to work here first and I’m hanging up the screen. Let’s not talk about it for now. You can let Sun Ting take care of you over there, okay?”

"...Okay, then you can get busy, I'm hanging up."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin took the walkie-talkie and said quickly:

"Slow down, slow down, be careful!"

Spring is also the windy season in Shenmu. After the wind started blowing today, the crane hoisting the LED boxes looked shaky.

When the goods were transferred and the workers began to unpack them, he took the walkie-talkie and shouted:

"I've packed up all the foam! Be careful, you know! Especially where the lines are connected, nothing flammable can be left!"

He had repeated this many times.

Everyone has listened to it many times, but he is still uneasy and supervises with the most responsible attitude.

More than 4,000 screens are connected together, and the power supply pressure of each line is very high, so more attention must be paid to fire prevention.

It's better to watch and keep an eye on it now than if something went wrong and caused a fire.

It is still in the pre-installation stage. When the trial stage begins, the fire brigade has already negotiated and will send two fire trucks and two firefighting teams to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief after watching the workers carefully clean up the foam and plastic bags.

Only then did I have the opportunity to think of the phone call my girlfriend had just made.

To be honest, after seeing the mess in the comment section of "Not Drunk" and the various news on the Internet last night, it was the first time that he felt the ill will towards him from the media and netizens, and he felt really uncomfortable.

Because I feel that it is all unfounded, I blame it on myself for making excuses.

Aren't you crazy?

Although he also surfs the Internet, he also knows that it costs nothing to leave messages and so on, so he can say whatever he wants.

But he usually just watched the fun, but when it was his turn, he realized that...at this juncture, saying anything was of no use. They won't listen to your explanation at all. There is no need for you to explain... people won't believe you even if you explain.

When a very irritable mood was brewing, suddenly, Zhang Yimou received a call.

The first sentence is "Have you watched the news? It's about you."

After getting Xu Xin's response, the two chatted for a minute or two.

To sum it up, "Through this incident, I learned how to be a public figure."

Because this is a process that all public figures have to go through.

You're probably going to have to deal with that criticism until the movie comes out.

Learn to be silent.

This is what Director Zhang meant.

Moreover, there was no long speech. After expressing his views, Zhang Yimou asked him:

"Do you understand?"

After receiving a silent "hmm", the other party hung up the phone.

A total of three minutes of call time.

After the call, Xu Xin sat in his room and thought about it...

I found out that was really the case.

There were only two paths before him.

First, just like the original message board for "Not Drunk", if you call him a trashy movie, he will call it back. Then the two sides fight for eight hundred rounds. Anyway, you say you are right, and I say I am right. If your theory can't convince you, I'll just scold you. If I scold you and you scold me, just do it directly to me.

Competing with who can curse a lot, typing faster, and knowing more swear words.

But the problem is that this road is basically unworkable.

Although it’s not a scolding, you can’t read and review the comments from netizens one by one in the comments on these news, right?

Like the good stuff, and criticize the bad stuff?

This workload...not even one of him, ten of him can do it.

He understands the principle that people's opinions make gold, but accumulation destroys bones.

What about Article 2?

Ignore all the rhetoric and slap people in the face with the facts.

You say I can’t make movies, then come and see if I can do it.

But the problem is that "The Untold Secret" hasn't been released yet, and it's not like he won an award at Cannes... even he himself basically has no hope for Cannes.

He also agreed with the unified views in some translated fragments that Liu Momo sent back to him.

The acting skills of the actors are very poor.

But Jay Chou is his friend, and the script belongs to him, so I will use it no matter how bad it is.

It is also impossible to pass the blame to others.

Therefore, it may be just an appetizer now, but when Cannes is over and there is no award, there may be more ill intentions...

Even if "The Untold Secret" is a hit at the box office...then the day lily will be cold.

Is it possible that I waited until it was a real hit at the box office and then recorded a video with the poster to respond to others?

Then how immodest I am.

A gentleman's revenge cannot be taken overnight.


Director Zhang is absolutely right.

Learn to be silent.

It's useless if you say it, but if you say it when you can prove it, you will give yourself a big enough flaw for others to attack...

That's why I have to be silent.

Is that what you mean?

Whether it's good or bad, it's a done deal now, just let nature take its course.

Don't care about other people's opinions, learn to be silent, learn to ignore, don't live in other people's mouths...

After realizing Director Zhang's wisdom again, Xu Xin suddenly felt that he understood something.

To use an Internet buzzword, this thing... isn't it what it is called:

"Go your own way and let others tell you."

Isn’t that what it is?

If you live in rumors, the world is full of malice.

We are surrounded by enemies from both sides and besieged on all sides.

In this case...

If you don't pay attention, won't it be over?

Why make yourself uncomfortable? Is it because I don’t have enough money to spend, or my girlfriend is not beautiful, or maybe I just don’t have enough time to enjoy myself?

As a director, isn’t the most powerful way to fight back through your work?

Knock these people into submission, beat them to their knees, and call them daddy.

From an enemy, to a neutral, and finally to one's own...

How do you say that word?

Kou...kou...kou is upright...that and so on...tsundere and so on.

He didn't know where he came up with such incomprehensible words and words, but the truth was already obvious.

If that's the case, then why are you still thinking so much?

Others have trouble with me.

Isn’t it okay for me to reconcile with myself?

Sleep as you please.

I still have to work tomorrow.

So, after only spending a cigarette, Xu Xin felt relieved.

Wake up the next day, work as usual, and keep an eye on the construction site as usual.

He didn't even pay attention to the fact that there was only one day left until Cannes.

But early the next morning, after seeing a message from Jay Chou saying "Would you like to chat with me? As a teacher, I can impart my experience to you", I politely replied:

"Get out~"

Got a "You're so rude" joke.

GAY in GAY is angry.

But it made Xu Xin feel good.

On the road to the rivers and lakes, there are good teachers, good friends, and the alluring beauty and the most beautiful confidant in the world of mortals.

With your sword at the end of the world, why should you care about anything else?


So, on May 11th, Xu Xin still ended up in a tense and busy work.


The 12th comes.

It was 11:40 pm, Yanjing time, on May 12, 2007, which was also 5:40 pm French time.

Xu Xin received news from Yang Mi:

"We're ready for the red carpet."

"Well, come on."

The 60th Cannes Film Festival Awards Ceremony is about to begin.

Brothers...please vote for me! I hope to be in the top ten this month, I want to compete! Please give me a monthly ticket!

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