I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 206 204 This battle! (Thanks to the leader of

Chapter 206 204. This battle! (Thanks to the leader of "Foxes don't eat pears"!)

That night at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, as the party ended, the 100-day countdown sign for the Yanjing Olympic Games officially finished moving the minute and second hands and turned into "99 days", officially announcing the pace of the Olympics...

Getting closer.

May 20th.

Olympic Games Directors Office.

The atmosphere was oppressive and heavy.

No one, including Xu Xin, spoke.

They were all waiting for Zhang Yimou and Wei Lanfang to come back from the organizing committee.


Xu Xin, who had stayed up all night, was so tired that he could only rely on Red Bull and cigarettes to cheer him up, his eyes were red.

So do most others.


The conference room door was pushed open.

Everyone turned around subconsciously and saw Zhang Yimou and Wei Lanfang, whose eyes were also red and swollen from staying up late, walking in.



No one spoke, they just followed the two of them with their eyes until Zhang Yimou came to the position of chief director...

Looking around, his hoarse voice sounded:

"Then I'll tell you straight."




"Now, we need something to boost everyone's morale! ... That's us, our opening ceremony. The leader didn't say anything unnecessary, and he also knows how much pressure we are under. So, he has been giving me , for our directing team, and for all our staff to reduce stress. Tell us to be calm, not impatient, not anxious. These are the leader's original words... But for me, I only ask for one thing."

He raised a finger and pointed at the bright red characters behind him:

"The interests of the motherland are above all else!"

Pointing to the line that represented everyone's inner belief in forging ahead, he said word by word:

"Our people need us more than the world now! I will not think about what we will face after failure, nor will I consider anything that is impossible, impossible, or troublesome... I only ask for one thing !That is……"


He banged his fist on the conference table in front of him.

For the first time, Zhang Yimou showed his reserved temper so openly, and Zhang Yimou's eyes first showed a ferocious look:

"Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"

Late June.

Yanjing begins to enter the rainy season.

It was nothing at first. When building the LED screen, the problem of rainwater had been fully considered, so Xu Xin, who was already one of the main leaders of the LED screen project, did not panic.

However, this year’s rain...

There seems to be something different.

Frequent and intensive.

The Yanjing Meteorological Observatory has issued heavy rain warnings many times.

Anyone who has performed outdoors knows that the biggest enemy of outdoor activities is the weather.

Especially after the Yanjing Meteorological Observatory sent the latest weather forecast in early July, the pressure of "God is not good" was accompanied by the prediction that "this rainy season may be the biggest in Yanjing in the past fifty years." , turned into a huge dark cloud, shrouding everyone's hearts.

Bird's Nest Management Office, in the temporary meeting room of the director team.

Because the performers waiting to rehearse after the rain stopped next door, the environment in the entire large conference room seemed very noisy and noisy.

The second-in-command of the Olympic Organizing Committee, You Shuangmin, held an emergency liaison meeting regarding the weather conditions, and anxiously asked all directors responsible for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games to meet and discuss.

All the directors arrived, but Xu Xin didn't come.

Seeing this, Zhang Yimou frowned:

"Where's Xiao Xu?"

"Going for the injection."

Wei Lanfang said quickly:

"My fever reached 39 degrees this morning. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went to the clinic for an injection. I just called and I'm already on my way here."

"...Okay, then, leader, let's start first?"

Hearing Zhang Yimou's words, You Shuangmin nodded:

"Well, let's talk about it. The purpose of calling everyone today is very simple. I believe many people have seen the report sent by the comrades from the meteorological department... To be honest, the situation is very serious, comrades."

There was also a hint of worry between his eyebrows:

"I heard that our large-scale projection equipment has been flooded many times in the past few days? What about the LED screen? How is it performing? Why is the failure rate getting higher and higher? Yesterday I heard that the lifting platform of the printing module cannot be raised or lowered? Why? Is it solved now? Where is the fou? I looked at the photos sent by our staff. Why are there so many fou lights in 2008? What is the progress of the ceremony stage? ... Is there any problem with the torch and the main torch? The scrolls were made two days ago Has the issue of the paddling track being stuck been resolved?"

As soon as he said these words, it became clear that You Shuangmin had a very clear grasp of the details of various plans for the Olympics. He was not here to hold people accountable, but to discuss them in earnest.

And these questions really go to the core.

As soon as he finished speaking, before anyone else spoke, suddenly, the door opened.

With a fever-reducing patch on his head and a hanging bottle in one hand, Xu Xin walked in with Yang Mi.

After seeing the people in the room, he quickly said:

"Sorry, sorry, leaders, I'm late."

His voice was also hoarse, and it would not be an exaggeration to say it was pale.

After saying apologetic words and looking around, he said:

"Director Sha, we have to change places. Give me that wall and I'll hang the bottle."

Sha Xiaofeng stood up quickly, while Xu Xin walked over and continued to hold the bottle. Yang Mi held the tape and hook in her hand, raised her arm and stuck the hook on the wall.

But the adhesive backing of a hook would definitely not work, so she quickly applied three or four layers of tape before helping Xu Xin hang the water bottle upside down.

The people on the directing team were no longer unfamiliar with Yang Mi.

But looking at the girl with red eyes, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Yang Mi didn't say much. After hanging up the bottle, she quickly bowed and walked out of the conference room, helping to close the door.

After everything was done, Xu Xin, with a needle in his hand, looked at Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou and You Shuangmin said:

"Boss, Xiao Xu is in charge of the LED section."

You Shuangmin nodded and asked:

"How is your health?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Xu Xin said words that didn't mean what he said.

You Shuangmin nodded:

"Let's start with the LED sector. What problems are LEDs facing now? What are the solutions? What are the backup plans?"

Xu Xin said directly without thinking at all:

"Basically no problem."


You Shuangmin frowned:

"Are you sure? Xiao Xu, this is not a briefing meeting. What I want is the real situation."

But Xu Xin still nodded:

"Well, that's it, leader. First of all, the failure rate of LED screens in the venue is always controlled below 15%. And this failure rate is not a fault of the machine itself, but a frequent cause at the joints and interfaces. The main causes of accidents are stamping, poor interface contact caused by multiple people trampling, vibration, and link pin deformation.

This is based on the conclusion of the test site at Shenmu Stadium. So this issue has been taken into consideration when installing the LED screen here. We adopted a dual backup plan, one screen and three sets of lines. The first set of lines is used now, and the failure rate of the first set of lines increases with the extension of pedaling time. However, tests at the Shenmu site have proven that after a complete set of replacement lines, the failure rate can be reduced to a very low level.

The impact on the big screen in our entire session, except for the Peace Dove session, is not high, so this failure rate can basically be eliminated after replacing the entire set of lines. In the precipitation test session, when in Shenmu, the team simulated heavy rains and moisture-proof and rain-proof measures many times after heavy rains. The construction requirements here in Yanjing were even higher than those over there, so each screen was produced during production. All have been waterproofed.

The highest record at Shenmu, 16 fire trucks rotated in groups of eight, simulating a continuous rainstorm environment, and the LED screens performed very well. Moreover, we have also made a restart plan. Once a black screen appears, the control module will restart as soon as possible. The limit of the drainage plan is 200MM in a single hour and 400MM in a single day.

According to information from the Meteorological Bureau, although this is the rainy season that occurs once in 50 years in Yanjing, the maximum rainfall and continuous rainfall are still a long way from the limit of the drainage system. Therefore, as far as the current LED screen is concerned, in addition to delaying the rehearsal progress, we strive to ensure that there will be no hardware, environmental, or usage problems.

At the same time, we also have two complete backup plans, divided into two groups: A and B. In other words, our backup plan is A: after the rehearsal, the entire set of lines will be replaced. More than 400 engineers and construction workers will be responsible for executing this. For this plan, the total replacement time is expected to be 8 to 12 hours.

B: Based on plan A, the software is remotely restarted. The restart time has been controlled within 6 seconds. This plan is used as a double insurance in the face of the new line that has been treated with shock absorbers.

Therefore, although the failure rate of LED displays is now rising sharply... even, I predict that as rehearsals progress, the LED failure rate will be as high as 40% due to line interface deformation issues. But overall, it will not affect the core concept of the entire Olympic opening ceremony, which uses "picture scroll" as the core concept throughout.

Leaders, please rest assured that currently all 160 people in the LED work planning team are at their posts to ensure that there will be no problems in this session! And we will definitely not disappoint the people’s expectations! "

Although his voice was mute, Xu Xin's words were loud and confident.

You Shuangmin was extremely surprised when he heard this.

But after the surprise, a joy surged out of his eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay! Okay!"

The feeling of a huge stone suddenly moving away from his heart made him let out a long sigh of relief unconsciously:

"This is good news... As long as there is no problem with the core thing, then... the rest will be easy to talk about, right? Yimou."


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Indeed, all the serious problems now are actually trivial compared with LED screens. Including lighting, projection, link arrangement, etc. So, the overall situation is good, but..."

Pointing at Xu Xin:

"Their workload is very heavy and the intensity is very high. They need to communicate with the manufacturer about screen maintenance issues for the rehearsal effect...the factory director almost cried."

"You can only see the rainbow after the storm..."

After You Shuangmin finished speaking, he glanced at Xu Xin's sick look and nodded:

"Then what's the next question? What's the biggest problem we're facing now?"

"Fou, Fou, if the LED lights are of the current quality... then this link may be scrapped. So we are also designing a second solution, which is to continue this link by lighting up the lights... But it is a backup plan after all, and the main thing is the quality of the LED lights..."

The director, who was singing with a can and singing, began to narrate.

Xu Xin yawned quietly and half-closed his eyes.

He caught a cold after being caught in the rain.

There was a problem with the sling of the "big paper" in the rain, and it could not form an angle to pour the rainwater. A lot of rainwater accumulated.

As a last resort, everyone used poles to prop up the paper in an arc.

But the rainwater stored inside cannot be completely poured down.

There is water trapped in more than 100 meters of paper, and the impact can easily damage the screen.

So it can only come out little by little and not exactly the same as peeing.

He was originally wearing a raincoat, but because he was worried about the screen at the time, he didn't care at all. In order to control the flow rate, he simply went to the head of the pole to control the angle.

As soon as I was washed by water, exposed to rain, and because of the heavy rain these past few days, I started to have a fever all of a sudden.

I took medicine at first, but today I couldn't stand it anymore, so I got an injection.

Before I finished this bottle, I was called back to the meeting again.

In addition, I stayed up all night last night, and I really couldn't bear it anymore.

But he couldn't sleep either.

Even though the leader had a guaranteed vote, behind this guaranteed vote was the result of the hard work of a hundred or so people under him day and night. For this guaranteed vote, he could not easily leave his post even if he gritted his teeth.

He and his girlfriend were quarreling over this matter in the car just now.

For a time, he was extremely tired.

In this confusion, the door of the conference room was knocked again.

Yang Mi opened the door, holding a medicine bottle in her hand, and said politely:

"Sorry to bother you."

Then he walked quickly behind Xu Xin, whose head was drooping, and quietly took away the empty medicine bottle that had just been dripped. After inserting the drip tube into the new medicine bottle with some unfamiliarity, he ran out quickly. .

After checking the time on her watch, she squatted in the corridor, lowered the brim of her hat, and sent a message to Sun Ting:

"Is the porridge ready?"

"Right away, sister, aunt said it will be ready soon."

"Well, bring it over as soon as it's ready."


At this time, Wei Lanfang came over, holding a small horse in his hand:


"...Thank you, Sister Wei."

Yang Mi thanked her, but seeing that she wasn't sitting down, she quickly said:

"You can sit down, I can squat down."

"It's okay, just sit down."

After forcefully giving the maza to her, Wei Lanfang squatted next to her and asked:

"What did the doctor say? Viral infection?"

"No...it's just a fire, tonsillitis."

Yang Mi's voice was a little low.

"Let's take an anti-inflammatory shot first, and then... I'll see when he's free and take him to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital."

"Well... don't worry, it will be fine after this period."

Wei Lanfang comforted in a low voice.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Well... I'm not in a hurry. It's okay, it's just a sore throat, it's not a big deal..."

If he hadn't seen her secretly rubbing her eyes, Wei Lanfang might have truly believed it.

After thinking about it, she decided to talk about something happy.

At least let this girl stop getting angry and get sick.

So he asked:

"Aren't you busy this year?"

"I originally had a lot of film appointments...but I saw that he was so busy, so I turned them down. I wanted to take care of him...who knew he would be living here every day. But seeing that he was so busy, I definitely couldn't leave. So I took on a play... It was supposed to start in May, but the theme was a bit happy, so it was stopped. It wasn't appropriate."


Wei Lanfang nodded:

"Just hold on tight, and it will be fine after the Olympics open. During this period, everyone is rehearsing. It's not like you didn't see it just now. Including the people who are welcome and sent to the Bird's Nest, there are 30,000 to 40,000 people. This is It’s the last blow, there are less than 40 days left, after all the work, everyone can take a good rest...Have you made any plans with Xiao Xu? Where to go? "


I really need such a chat at this moment to calm the pain in my heart.

Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

“I want to go to Thailand.”


Wei Lanfang looked really surprised.

Today’s “Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand” is no longer the “high-end” tourist route that became popular a few years ago.

On the contrary, the price is very affordable.

Especially after Thailand announced that Chinese citizens could apply for a visa on arrival, it suddenly became a popular country for tourism.


It’s not like you don’t have money, so why go to those places?

Wei Lanfang has been there, so she knows... No matter where it is in Bali or Bangkok, the people there are almost assimilated to the Chinese language.

What's more, before going there, I was quite yearning for exotic scenery. But after leaving...

Wei Lanfang feels that he will never go to Thailand in this life.

So I couldn't help but ask:

"Why are you going there? Bali? Bali is actually quite poor. Really, don't believe the photos. I don't think it's that good there. And I especially like to cheat tourists from China. Go to Europe, or Where is it? How nice is the place with the beautiful scenery?"

But Yang Mi shook her head and said:

"I'm not going there to play. I want to take Xu Xin to worship Buddha."


Wei Lanfang was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Do you believe in Buddhism?"

"Yeah. My family believes it...but he doesn't believe it, and it's not that he doesn't believe it. When I asked him to go to Thailand, he said what I was...a monk from other places who likes to chant sutras and so on."


Wei Lanfang couldn't help laughing:

"It's really like what Xiao Xu said... Then let's change it."

"Actually, worshiping Buddha is secondary."

Yang Mi still refused:

"I mainly want to take him to tell fortunes."


Wei Lanfang couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

What do you want to do?

"Sister Wei, do you know the White Dragon King?"

Seeing her ridiculous expression, Yang Mi asked directly.

Wei Lanfang shook his head:

"Not sure, River God?"

"No, it's a person... who is very accurate in fortune-telling. It is said that most of the people in Hong Kong have visited him."


Although he knew that Hong Kong people were superstitious, Wei Lanfang, as an atheist, still couldn't accept these words from Yang Mi.

Do you go abroad to tell your fortune?

Aren’t there great immortals everywhere in the country?

Then the girl whispered:

"I want to ask him to settle the matter between us."


"That's not the case... I just want the White Dragon King to figure out when is the right time for us to get married and when is the right time to have children."

"Yeah, you...are you two settled?"

"No ah."


Yang Mi, whose eyes were still a little red, now also turned red:

"But...it's just a matter of time. So I want him to figure out when is the best time to get married and when is the best time to have children. It would be better if he could give me a name or something. Anyway...then... Many people have asked him to do calculations, so he must be very effective. So... I want to take him to have a look."

"What did Xiao Xu say?"


It's okay not to mention this, but as soon as this is mentioned, the blush on the girl's face turns into speechless:

"As soon as I mentioned it, he asked me to go to the overpass. What do you mean... Isn't it okay for you to give 20 yuan to Daxian'er? You have to run so far?"


Wei Lanfang wanted to have fun, but didn't dare.

Because she could tell that this girl seemed to be quite pious.

But the problem is that the more pious she is, the more Wei Lanfang will think of Xiao Xu's inconsistent virtues.

I was talking to everyone about the rain two days ago. Others asked me to ask the Dragon King to use his magical powers. Xiao Xu just said, "If I have the time, I might as well dig a drainage ditch"...

However, Wei Lanfang was obviously curious about this kind of nagging thing.

She also waited until after the Olympics to marry her boyfriend.

So I couldn't help but ask:

"Who did you listen to, what is this...the White Dragon King is so accurate?"

"Yes. His calculations are accurate. Do you know Zhang Guorong? It is said that before he died, he wanted to see the White Dragon King. The White Dragon King simply stopped seeing him. And Liu Jialing said that she and Liang Chaowei went to see Bai Dragon King together. The Dragon King, but the White Dragon King talked to Liang Chaowei and said nothing to Liu Jialing..."

"Oh my god, why is it so mysterious?"

"Yes...and there is also, it is said..."

In the corridor, Yang Mi began to gossip with Wei Lanfang about those catchy yet miraculous stories.

In the conference room, all the directors' meetings were also in full swing.

This meeting lasted until noon.

Halfway through, Yang Mi went in and pulled out the needle once.

When Xu Xin came out again, his girlfriend already had a can of millet porridge cooked by her mother.

Xiaomi is still from Shenmu.

Xu Xin really didn't have much of an appetite, but he couldn't resist his girlfriend's persuasion. Finally, when Sun Ting, who was deliberately avoiding it, ran away, he and Yang Mi sat in the auditorium under the podium of the future director of the Bird's Nest and started to eat the meal.

Yang Mi has long stopped being curious about the bird's nest.

Although it was a violation of the confidentiality regulations to say it...but it was true that she had already guessed the process and links of the Olympic Games to a large extent.

Be it the LEDs in the venue or the two huge rollers.

Even some transitions are clear to her.

So I didn't care at all, I just used chopsticks to help my boyfriend pick out the diced green chili peppers from the meat buns.

Sun Ting bought 4 meat buns.

Two are pure meat, and two are with green pepper.

The addition of green pepper was for me, because when I bought it, I specifically told Sun Ting not to add chili pepper to Xu Xin's.

If you have a cold or throat inflammation, you cannot eat these spicy foods.

But... maybe he was tired of eating in the cafeteria after half a month in a row. The bowl of millet porridge cooked by his mother was particularly to his liking.

After eating the two meat buns, they didn't taste good at all.

Looking at the sunken look on his thin cheekbones, Yang Mi knew that he must not have eaten on time.

Hungry and full.

Since you like to eat...then eat it.

So I started picking out the green peppers inside.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, was holding a thermos cup with half of the chrysanthemum tea left in his hand, looking at the venue under the Bird's Nest in a daze.

And just when Yang Mi was muttering in her heart why this store is so honest, everyone else just cuts the chili peppers and puts them in it, while your chili peppers are crushed like tea foam, suddenly, Xu Xin spoke:



Yang Mi was stunned.

"I didn't mean to quarrel with you just now... But it really won't work if I'm not here during the meeting and don't give everyone confidence. Although I'm not as important as it sounds, but... everyone is under a lot of pressure at this time, do you understand? What we value is not good news, but how to solve the bad news. So... I have to say something good to make everyone feel at ease..."


Looking at her boyfriend with empty eyes, Yang Mi thought for a while and suddenly said "viciously":

"I will forgive you this time... If you dare to hurt me again next time... I will domestically abuse you!"


Xu Xin ignored the threat in her words.

He continued to stare at the rainy field and said to himself:

"This is a war, you know?"


"In the past, I might not have given it such an important meaning. Because in itself, the Olympic Games are already of great significance to us. If it is raised to the level of war, it will be meaningless and will only add pressure to everyone's hearts. It’s something. There’s no need…”

Hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while and whispered:

"But the meaning is different now, right? From the Spring Festival to before..."


Xu Xin nodded:

"It became an urgent need that we needed in order to be here..."

He pointed to the hot soil at his feet:

"We need to use our efforts to inject confidence into everyone when everyone is hesitant. A shot in the arm! So... now, it is war. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a battle where the fate of the country is staked. We cannot lose. ! Cannot be defeated! Because of the efforts of all the predecessors, we are now about to take the final step."


"If it fails...heh."

Suddenly, Xu Xin smiled:

"I'll be honest with you. Just now in the conference room, I personally made a promise to the leader. I issued a military order. I said to the leader, don't worry. I guarantee that nothing will go wrong and will never fail! ... But now we are talking here, If it really fails... I don’t know what Director Zhang was thinking, but guess what my first thought was?"

"EMMMMM... slip away?"

She tilted her head, looked at her boyfriend curiously, and handed over the steamed bun with minced chili peppers.

Then he took the trouble to pick up the second one.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Hmm...remember that time we went camping in Baihe when we first met, right?"

"Remember, it's quite exciting."


Looking at her boyfriend who turned his head and looked confused, Yang Mi blinked...

"Ah?...Isn't that what you're talking about? There were people next door to us that night. I put it in your sleeping bag..."

"What I mean is that you said that when you have money, you will go to Alaska to buy land and live an idyllic life. If it really fails this time, I will take you to Alaska to live in seclusion... Who is talking to you about this?"

Xu Xin was speechless.

And Yang Mi was also a little embarrassed:

"That's right...I just said casually...there are bears in that place, how scary it is."


Hearing this, the corners of Xu Xin's eyes twitched violently.

A word came to my throat.

I want to ask her if she will leave if she fails.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

He took a big bite of the meat bun and muttered:

"We will definitely succeed! I am not willing to go to Alaska to be a bear dung... This battle must be won!"

While thanking the two alliance leaders at the beginning of the chapter, I would also like to thank the "nickname cannot be empty" alliance leader who can only be thanked when the chapter is released tomorrow! How can I be so virtuous and capable of receiving such great love... I currently owe three updates and the account must be settled before the end of the month! Never break your promise! As for why this plot progressed so quickly, and why I ignored it for several months...well, I understand it all.

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