I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 207 205 Sensual People (10,000 words! Thanks to the leader of

Chapter 207 205. Emotional person (10,000 words! Thanks to the leader of "Nickname cannot be empty"!)

There are many parts of the Olympic Games.

There are about thirty links in total, large and small.

There are themes, interludes, and transitions...

Although God is not kind to us, the directors and the performers who have practiced for this grand mission countless times, with a sincere heart, can perform in this kind of... For outdoor performances, it is almost possible In a rehearsal environment that can be called a "disaster level", I spent every limited sunny day, overcame the difficulties of the venue, and sweated.

And these programs created by the director team, one after another, are constantly being adjusted, adjusted, and re-adjusted in the performances of these actors.

For example...

The dove of peace link.

When the Peace Dove part was first designed, because the part where the Peace Dove is released every year in the Olympic Games is basically the same as the Torch part.

Then when the pigeons take off, there will always be some pigeons that fly over the torch, and suddenly their butts catch fire while flying, and finally turn into ashes.

Therefore, this kind of behavior has always been a part of the Olympic Games that has been criticized by some people from animal protection organizations.

Especially at the Seoul Olympics, the released peace doves rushed over the torch, like burning fireballs, and fell in front of the onlookers outside the torch. Photos of their bodies on fire and struggling were taken by the media and exaggerated, causing a stir. The dissatisfaction of many organizations both internally and externally.

Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of controversy to the greatest extent and enhance the overall image of the country, the director team decided to use a variety of concepts to convey the meaning of peace in the "Song of Peace" segment, in which people completed the shape of a large peace dove to convey their own The protection of animals, at the same time, the clear idea that peace should be "people-oriented".

This session was very well received, and nearly 2,300 performers worked hard for nearly a year.

Especially after Shenmu's simulation performance ended, everyone's dark skin was reddish from the plateau, and you could see the hard work just from their faces.

During the session, they came out of the performance aisle.

You definitely can't shoot this kind of scene during a live broadcast, so you need an interlude.

Lang Lang's transition is placed here from the beginning.

At that time, he will perform a solo with a young girl from northern Xinjiang named Li Muzi, and then after the actors of the Peaceful Dove have finished taking their positions, he will complete the approximately nine-minute "Peaceful Dove" with the track "Starlight" composed by two famous composers, Ye Xiaogang and Zou Xing. Shows.

The Olympic directing team chose Lang Lang between Li Yundi and Lang Lang, and the other party happily agreed.

There was almost no thought, just one phone call, and the decision was made on the spot during the communication on the phone.

However, to be honest, from the time the decision was made years ago to late July now, the people on the directing team have only met Lang Lang twice.

One time was when I came to pick up the piano score of "Starlight" and customize the performance costumes. Another time was when the "Peace Dove" was adjusted from the "interlude" to the "heart" position later in the year. Lang Lang showed his side and finished playing the piano recording part. After confirming that the effect was okay, we set off for Europe again.

In fact, this is how many people in the directing team have truly realized what kind of weight the name "Lang Lang" has in the world.

Because of the performance contract, Lang Lang was basically out of the country in the first half of the year.

Instead, he traveled to and from major commercial performances, concerts, and even internal dances of some European royal families.

Oh yes, he even participated in the opening ceremony of the European Cup.

This shows how popular he is internationally.

The director team also understands that after all, it is all about bringing glory to the country.


On the day of the Olympic opening ceremony, Lang Lang seemed to be playing the piano, but in fact the sound of the music did not come from the piano he played, but the studio version that had already been completed.

So no one panics.

Every time when the program "Peace Dove" comes to rehearsal, a loud and clear sign is put up in front of the piano, and then the child Li Muzi sits next to him and performs.

To be honest, in terms of the unity of dance movements, the Peace Dove segment has almost no technical content. And when the time comes, every actor will be equipped with headphones and will receive unified instructions. They only need to follow the instructions practiced day after day.

But for the LED screen project team, the pressure is the greatest.

It can be said that no other program brings as much pressure to Xu Xin as this program.

First of all, all the actors in the Peace Dove segment will stand on a scroll that has been shrunk to 88 meters.

In terms of density, there is a lot of pressure on LED screens.

Then, accompanied by the sound of the piano, they will unfold along the rolling scroll from squatting to undulating.

After standing on the 147-meter scroll, he will still continue to squat and stand up.

Waves forming like sea waves continue to put huge irregular pressure on the LED screen.

Then along with the piano notes, the LED lights on the body light up, change from green to white, and run out of the scroll, forming a geometric pattern that keeps spinning like a vortex.

During this period, several groups of people also ran through the LED screen, and then through the running method, they once again formed a huge peace dove that was penetrated by the scroll. The weight pressure of everyone will once again be concentrated in the center of the entire LED screen.

The human peace dove will then begin to "flap" its wings.

The entire span of the program is conducted on the screen.

It is also the section of the entire Olympic Games where the largest number of people need to step on the LED screen.

But it's not over yet.

Finally, more than two thousand people will be shrunk again, and they will form an artistic composition of a bird's nest by stacking Arhats, with one person on top and one person on the bottom.

This overlapping position of one up and one down will concentrate the strength of two people on one person's feet.

The pressure on the screen increases severalfold.

Therefore, to be honest, Xu Xin has always been particularly "repellent" to these people.

Every time he went to the rehearsal of Peace Dove, he would have the feeling of... more than two thousand big men pressing down on his daughter.

This idea sounds ridiculous at first glance.

But one time I was chatting with the team members over dinner, and when we talked about this, everyone actually felt the same way.

It feels like the more than 100 meters of LED screen is their beloved "lover", "girlfriend", and "daughter". And every time those rough guys run and trample on it, everyone wants to get a dung fork. Stab everyone!

Therefore, he has always disliked this link.

Dislike very much.

Especially when he sees that some areas of the screen that have been trampled by them are blackened with a few lines, his mood will explode.

Several times I wanted to scold these people, "Can't you just be gentler!"

But there was nothing we could do.

Not to mention... there is some news today that is neither good nor bad.

Lang Lang is back.

After finishing the performance in Europe, I finally came back.

Then... today's rehearsal for the Peace Dove project will be held in the evening, with a formal dress rehearsal for all members.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, little girl Li Muzi, who was already on summer vacation, arrived at the Bird's Nest accompanied by her parents.

However, the weather today is still not good, it is hot and muggy.

In order to prevent the child from feeling unwell, she was immediately placed in an air-conditioned room to rest after she arrived.

And Lang Lang also got there with the child.

On the broadcasting station, Xu Xin's intercom sounded:

"Director Xu, Teacher Lang Lang is also here."


Xu Xin picked up the walkie-talkie:

"What did the weather forecast say?"

"No rain will fall over the next three hours."

"Okay, let's put away the raincloth. Let's hurry up and let Lang Lang and Li Muzi prepare."

Following Xu Xin's words, the staff below quickly ran to the screen and began to collect the tarpaulins spread on the screen.

Xu Xin glanced at Zhang Yimou, Zhang Wu and others next to him...

I found that during this long wait, these "old guys" had closed their eyes and dozed off.

Normally, although it would be okay to go back to the air-conditioned room to rest for a while, the Bird's Nest looked so empty now, but in fact there were about 10,000 people waiting inside and outside the actor's aisle.

Performance rehearsals come and go one after another. Even if they want to take a rest, they may have to step out again as soon as they enter the air-conditioned room.

The gain outweighs the loss.

Too lazy to bother.

There are several high-power fans nearby that keep blowing, so I can rest for a while.

But who knows, the people below started to roll up the tarpaulin, and suddenly, Xu Xin heard a "crash" sound.

Through the light of the bird's nest, I saw raindrops falling like silk threads.

Instinctively, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"It's raining!"

The staff on the field froze...

Xu Xin didn't need to remind him, he started to lay back the tarpaulin he had just planned to roll up, and pressed on the Velcro at the same time.

Several rows of machine lines were inspected this afternoon. The glue has just been applied but has not yet dried.

Need special attention.

Xu Xin cursed on the broadcasting stage:

"Fuck you..."

The sound of rain also woke up Zhang Yimou.

Rubbing his face, he glanced at the raindrops dripping like threads in the air, and sighed:


"This weather forecast is so unreliable!"


Zhang Yimou didn't say anything, he just opened the cup and took a sip of water.

Xu Xin also sat down again, but he did not forget to take the walkie-talkie and give instructions:

"The cast, the cast."

"The cast team received it and please speak."

"Tell the guys, we'll rehearse when the rain stops. You don't need to be so nervous now. Just be careful not to break the light bulbs on your clothes. You can rest and relax."

"The cast received it."

After giving the instructions, Xu Xin sat on the chair and looked at the crackling rain, his face full of melancholy.

When he was a kid, there was a saying that when it rains, God is peeing.

But the problem is...

Does God also have dirty urine?

When does the beeping sound stop?

After waiting for about half an hour, several staff members came to the broadcast station carrying lunch boxes.

However, Zhang Wu, Sha Xiaofeng, Zhang Yimou, Xu Xin and others who continued to sleep had no appetite.

Xu Xin took the lunch box and suddenly asked the staff:

"When you came here just now, did you see what the actors were doing?"

"...They are all eating in the passage."

"That's it...Okay, have Lang Lang and the others been notified?"

"I have already informed you that we will rehearse when the rain stops. Lang Lang also said it will be no problem."


Xu Xin nodded and then opened the lunch box.

Even though I have no appetite, I still have to eat.

He hurriedly grabbed two mouthfuls of rice. Although the logistical support of the Olympic actors was very good, he really had enough for so many days of box lunches.

But I didn’t want to waste it, so I had to force myself to finish it quickly.

Wipe your mouth after eating:

"Director Zhang, let me go up and have a look."


Zhang Yimou nodded in response.

Xu Xin walked directly along the passage to the actor's passage on the first floor.

As soon as I reached the stairs, I was suddenly stunned...

"Do you need anything, Teacher Lang Lang?"

Lang Lang, who hadn't gained much weight yet, was about to go downstairs when he heard this and turned his head to take a look.

I found someone...who looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before.

So he said politely:

"No, no, I'll go down and take a look at the scene... aren't you curious... that should be fine, right?"

"Of course, just keep it a secret."

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Lang Lang nodded:

"Then it must be kept secret!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand:

"you are……"

Seeing this, Xu Xin took his hand and said with a smile:

"I am Xu Xin, hello, Teacher Lang Lang."

Very soft.

Very tender...

It feels better than my girlfriend's hand...


When he heard his self-introduction, Lang Lang was stunned...

"Is it...that Xu Xin?"

After saying this, I felt that something was wrong, so I quickly said:

"No, I mean... 伱... can't be that... "The Secret That Cannot Be Told"?"

"Yes, it's me."

Xu Xin nodded and admitted directly.

In fact, this was also the first time he and Lang Lang met.

The two previous times Lang Lang had contact with the Olympic director team were at Shenmue, and at the beginning of the year, he was supervising the installation of the big screen at the Bird's Nest.

So this is the first time I’ve seen it.

After admitting it, he saw Lang Lang's eyes light up:

"Is it really you?...Oh, hello, hello, this is such an honor. I always like this movie. Before I came in today, I told my agent that I would have to get to know you in a while. For a moment. I didn’t expect to meet you here...Hey, really, I haven’t seen your movie in China. I watched it in Germany. At that time, I thought your movie was very romantic! It was very beautiful..."


Xu Xin was stunned.

This sounds like a fan meeting an idol.

But he also laughed:

"When these words come out of your mouth, it's a huge recognition for me."

"No, no, no, I'm serious. It's really good. I even picked up Jay Chou's music score. I even picked up the music score where he and Lu Xiaoyu played together. Really, it's really good. …”


Feeling the passionate emotion in his words, Xu Xin's impression of him instantly improved a lot.

In addition, Jay Chou has always liked him very much...

Xu Xin thought about it and said:

"Let's talk while we walk? Why don't I show you around, Mr. Lang Lang? It's quite big here, and there are a lot of interesting things."


Lang Lang's eyes also lit up.

Xu Xin nodded with a smile and walked downstairs with him.

"I'm quite embarrassed this time, it took so long. But I will be here during the next period of time, and I am completely busy. You can inform me at any time when the rehearsal will be."

"Is everyone in Europe finished?"

"Yes, we have finished several concerts and commercial performances. After all, this is a big event for us, and we can't delay it for anything."

"That's great...but the weather is a bit too delayed..."

"That's okay. When I came here just now, I saw a lot of people. If others can wait, I can certainly wait, and I have nothing to do. I have been busy for half a year, and I just want to take a rest..."

The two of them walked and talked.

This is the administrative area, so there is still some distance from the actors' passage. After walking for a while, they turned a corner and saw rows of actors lined up, standing in the passage, waiting for the rain to stop.

They are all actors in the "Peace Dove" segment.

Because they will be the first to go soon.

Xu Xin originally thought that they would rest for a while while eating, but it looked like...

What to say?

Is he the cutest person?

The noble character and discipline of hard work are fully displayed even in rehearsals.

And Lang Lang was obviously a little stunned.

After all, it hasn't started yet, and he is not someone who has never participated in large-scale performances.

My impression is that those who are temporarily unable to conduct stage rehearsals due to this weather condition are basically resting at this time.

No matter what kind of relaxation you choose, you are definitely resting.

Who could have imagined that? At this time, in order to wait for the rain to stop, these people's soldiers would actually choose to line up neatly and wait in place?

At this moment, Xu Xin waved to the staff who were still eating next to him.

The man quickly put down his lunch box and walked over quickly.

"Director Xu, tell me."

"Um...what's going on? Has everyone eaten?"

Xu Xin lowered his voice.

The staff nodded:

"I've already eaten it, so why not..."

He pointed to the back, and Xu Xin saw several trash cans filled with lunch boxes:

"We finished eating together, put them all away, and put them all there."

After hearing this, Xu Xin continued to ask:

"Didn't you say you should rest and wait for the rain to stop?"

"I said it, but Comrade Instructor also said to rest, but also to be on call at all times, to be ready at all times...Then the soldiers will maintain this formation on their own..."



After hearing the staff's words, Xu Xin and Lang Lang didn't know what to say.

After nodding to the staff, he turned around and said:

"Teacher Lang Lang, do you want to go see the piano that was played at that time?"


Lang Lang was obviously shocked by the dark skin and the spontaneous discipline of the actors in front of him.

Some can't come back to their senses.

After hearing what Xu Xin said, he could only nod.

Then when the two of them walked towards the front exit, they walked close to the wall.

For fear of disturbing these soldiers.

And all the way to the exit, Lang Lang saw a pure white grand piano.

He walked forward curiously and asked:

"What brand?"

As he spoke, his hand pressed a note.


There was silence.


"Yeah, fake."

Xu Xin nodded and pointed at the electronic keyboard next to him:

"When you were away a few days ago, we used the electronic keyboard to simulate it. But when we are really here, we can only use this fake piano."

As he spoke, he knocked on the piano board twice.

There was a very crisp sound fed back:

"Plastic, look at the wheels underneath."

Pointing to the bottom of the piano:

"At that time, our performers will push the piano up, and then there will be a prompt in your earphones, synchronized with the "Starlight" we played, and start playing. There is actually no sound, because if you do it here For a real piano, it is easy to cause errors due to different sound propagation times. So you just pretend to play that day, that's enough. Then when the show is over, eight performers will stay next to you. You take Li Muzi and They just push the piano and leave together. It’s such a link.”

"……So this is ah."

There was nothing unhappy about Lang Lang's face.

Just kidding……

This is the time when individuals serve the collective, and those foreigners who are pursuing something for themselves may have some artistic persistence at this time and make a real piano...

But a real piano will also be out of tune after such "violent" transportation on rollers.

So it's not realistic.

He was not picky, he just felt the feel of the piano which was the same as a real piano but seemed very ordinary, and then his eyes fell on the electronic keyboard.

I moved the stool to the electronic keyboard, turned on the switch, and after pressing it a few times, the piano sounded.

Then he asked:

"Are you going to play or play at that moment?"

"It's also about playing music... How about I let a piece of music play on the spot, and you can try it out?"

"Hahaha, no need, no need, I know this score well."

As he spoke, his ten slender fingers were placed on the electronic keyboard.

Don't tell me... Xu Xin might not feel anything at all.

But after all, he had just shaken hands with Lang Lang.

After that very special touch was remembered, when he saw him playing the electronic keyboard at this moment, Xu Xin naturally had the illusion of... a waste of natural resources.



An electronically simulated piano sounds.

"Ding ding dong dong..."

The prelude of "Starlight" sounded at the entrance of this rainy passage.

With that unique expression of being immersed in the artistic conception of music, Lang Lang began to play slowly.

After playing a few notes, he adjusted the volume of the electronic keyboard.

Turned the volume up to maximum.

Suddenly, the entire cast channel could hear the piano solo of "Starlight".

Frankly speaking, as a novice who doesn't understand piano, Xu Xin always feels that Jay Chou's piano is a ceiling-level existence.



He heard Lang Lang playing "Starlight" without symphonic chords on the electronic keyboard.

Finally, a difference was heard in my ears.

Xu Xin himself didn't know the difference.

Because Jay Chou told him that piano and electronic keyboard are not the same thing at all.

Don’t talk about the number of keys, just talk about the timbre. The electronic keyboard is an electronic analog signal. Whatever note you play, the sound will be produced. The piano, on the other hand, can control the volume of the sound through its own strength.

It’s a world of difference from here.

Therefore, the electronic keyboard is very dull, but the piano has a soul.


The sound of the piano at this moment is intertwined with the sound of falling rain outside, forming a...

He couldn't understand.

But he was shocked.

Does it sound good?

Nice to hear.

Where does it sound good?

Can't describe it.

"Starlight" would be more complete with the addition of various musical instruments. But the piano solo at this moment gave him a dreamlike sense of déjà vu. It was obviously the dull sound of the electronic keyboard, but he didn't know how Lang Lang made it, but it just was different...

The falling rain and the sound of the piano form a perfect piece of music.

resounded in the actors' tunnel.

Not to mention Xu Xin... even the soldiers who maintained an orderly queue were unconsciously immersed in the sound of the piano, listening to the perfect connection of the notes one after another, and in the The splendid galaxy was constructed in my heart...

8 minutes passed by in a flash.

Before I could finish my thoughts, I don’t know who was the first to applaud...

It's like a reminder.

Needless to say, everyone including Xu Xin spontaneously applauded.

Applause passed through the corridor and echoed in the stadium of the Bird's Nest.

Although Lang Lang was only wearing jeans, sneakers, and short-sleeved clothes, he was not wearing any formal dress.

But he still followed the etiquette of a pianist, stood up, and bowed to everyone.


He sat back in front of the electronic keyboard again.

It was as if this place had become its own concert venue at this moment.

The piano melody sounded again.

But this time, it's not "Starry Night", nor are there any immortal poems by Chopin, Mozart, or Beethoven.

He just played a piece... very brisk and ethereal.

But the melody played is burned into everyone's bones.



And unknowingly, after identifying what this piano piece was...

Invariably, everyone in the corridor sang along with the rhythm of the music:

"Okay~a beautiful~jasmine flower~"

The voice was small at first, just humming.

It seemed as if he was afraid of disturbing Lang Lang's performance.

But Lang Lang, who was playing, turned around and made an upward gesture to everyone.

Signal: Louder!

"What a beautiful jasmine flower~~"

"Fragrant and beautiful branches full of trees~"

“It’s delicious and white people praise it~”



With the accompaniment of "Piano", the chorus sounded and he laughed loudly.

So what about electronic keyboards.

So what if there are 17 missing keys?

At this moment, he just used the emotions in his heart to play such a song "Jasmine".

After hearing everyone's chorus, the emotion in his heart that was moved by these people who adhered to discipline and prepared for the Olympics was finally released.

So, at this moment, as if this place had really become his concert, he smiled while playing.

And amid the smile, the jasmine flowers floating in the corridor slowly bloomed.

Floated in all directions.

On the broadcasting desk.

Zhang Wu opened his sleepy eyes in confusion.

Then I saw Zhang Yimou, who was looking somewhere.

"...Who is singing the chorus there?"

He also stood up in confusion and asked Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"I don't know...but it sounds pretty good, right?"



After responding, Zhang Yimou raised his head and looked at the raindrops that had been falling for almost an hour. Not only did they not get smaller, but they began to increase in intensity.

There was a hint of irritability in my mood again.

But I was immediately soothed by the singing.

He hummed along unconsciously:

"I have the heart to pick one and wear it, but I'm afraid that others will laugh~...it won't bud~..."


is powerful.

At least at this moment, in the hearts of these people who are anxiously waiting for the rain to stop.

It is like the gentlest wind.

Soothed everyone's soul.


The staff reported the situation to Zhang Wu.

Zhang Wu walked to Zhang Yimou and whispered:

"After asking, Xiao Xu took Lang Lang to see the soldiers waiting for the rehearsal. Lang Lang played the music for everyone on the electronic keyboard..."

Zhang Yimou nodded slowly.

Suddenly a sentence came:

"If I had known better, I would have arranged a real piano."

Zhang Wu was stunned...

Then he smiled and nodded:

"No, the electronic keyboard is still in trouble after all."

"Hua la la la la la..."

Five pieces of music were played at once.

Finally, when Lang Lang stood up and bowed, the applause of more than 2,000 soldiers, like a military song, resounded throughout the Bird's Nest.

Xu Xin was also applauding, and Lang Lang smiled and said to Xu Xin:

"Seeing the big guys waiting here, I can't help but want to play a few songs for them... It's quite hard, is it okay?"

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Of course it doesn't matter. It's a good thing...it's just a pity. I should have used the piano."

As he spoke, he was filled with sighs.

No wonder he is so good at playing the piano.

What a sentimental person...

This person...


Lang Lang smiled and shook his head:

"It's okay, it's all the same. It's good to have music, otherwise everyone will be bored waiting..."


Xu Xin responded, turned around, pressed his hands to the soldiers who were still applauding, and then said:

"Everyone, please be patient. When the rain stops, we will enter the rehearsal as soon as possible and take rest if necessary, okay? If you need anything, just tell our staff. Whether you are thirsty or not full, Whatever you do...it doesn’t matter. If you need anything, just tell our staff and we will do our best to satisfy you...Thank you for your hard work, everyone!"

The moment these words were spoken, these soldiers who were determined and always kept in mind the mission on their shoulders instinctively replied:

"Serve the people!"


Xu Xin was stunned...

That loud voice was like a heavy punch. Although it passed through him, it gave him an... indescribable feeling.

So much so that he didn't know how to respond.

I can only nod...

With an evasive mentality of "what virtue and ability", he said to Lang Lang:

"Teacher Lang Lang, let's go up there and have a look?"


Lang Lang nodded, then waved to everyone:

"Thank you everyone for your hard work."

"Hua la la la la la..."

Amid applause, the two walked out of the aisle, crossed the wind and rain in two short steps, and walked onto the steps leading to the auditorium.

"It's a pity...the electronic keyboard is still not that interesting, right?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Lang Lang nodded:

"It's quite different. Its notes have been edited in advance. It's difficult to express emotions. If you could just play it on the piano, the effect would be better. The electronic keyboard can't express emotions, it's very dull."



"...Teacher Lang Lang, what you said is exactly the same as what Jie Lun said."

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"When we were at my house, he was working on the album "Still Fantasy". When we were at my house, I didn't have a piano, so he played on the electronic keyboard. Then he kept urging me to buy him a piano. ...It's not that I'm stingy, but I can't play it either. Why would I put that thing in my home? I won't buy it. Then a few times I got annoyed by his nagging, so I asked him if the electronic keyboard was the same, and he He told me exactly the same thing as you. It was only then that I learned the difference between a piano and an electronic keyboard."

"...Jay Chou has been to your house?"

Lang Lang's eyes suddenly widened.

It seemed like I heard something incredible.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Yes, I just left a few days ago to shoot the MV. He will release an album in October."

"!You know this as well!?"


This time it was Xu Xin's turn to be stunned.

His tone... why is it so strange.

After thinking for a while, Xu Xin asked:

"You... like him?"

"I like it! Jay Chou! Who doesn't like it...don't you like it?"


For no reason, Xu Xin always felt that this question was a bit life-threatening.

So there was no answer.

But Lang Lang continued:

"Jay Chou wants a piano...you won't buy it?"


Looking at Xu Xin's speechless look, Lang Lang shook his head:

"If he asks me for a piano, I will definitely buy it for him! ... I will give him whatever he wants!"


Oh my god.

After hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't help but ask:

"You... like him that much?"

"Director Xu, do you know what musical personality is?"

"I do not know what it meant?"

"The general meaning is that the songs a person listens to in his youth, probably between the ages of 13 and 20, will determine his musical preferences throughout his life."

After Lang Lang finished speaking, Xu Xin said:

"Then shouldn't you like classical music? Beethoven, Chopin, etc..."

"I study classical music, but that doesn't mean I don't listen to pop songs."

Lang Lang couldn't laugh or cry:

"Moreover, I fell in love with Jay Chou's songs when I first listened to them. He is one of my favorite singers who can combine classical music and modern music elements the best. I really like it. fans..."


After saying this, Xu Xin's expression became even weirder.

You said it was a coincidence or not.

Jay Chou also said that Lang Lang is his favorite pianist today...

What is this?

Going both ways?

After thinking about it...

Xu Xin took out his mobile phone:

"Wait a minute, I'll contact him."

"You still have his phone number... Oh yes, he lives in your house. You two... have a very good relationship?"

"That's great. Although he is the big brother among my circle of friends, his personality is actually quite silly and cute. He is the group's pet...understand?"

"...Shouldn't he be very cold?"


"Jay Chou."

"He...is aloof?"

Xu Xin blinked, and all he could think of was: "Mimi, tomato and egg noodles", "Don't put a drop of water", "Hey, A Xin, is there any milk tea you can drink", "Help, help! Get off the road!" Help, help!" words.

Normally, Xu Xin would have complained, "You are so blind, old man." But the problem is...

This is Lang Lang.

International piano performance master.

He wouldn't dare.

Therefore, I can only say speechlessly:

"I don't think he is particularly aloof. He is quite easy to get in touch with."

With that said, he had already rang Jay Chou's phone number.

"Dududu... come on, bad guy, I'm recording a song! Do you really miss me that much? I just left for a few days and you called me!"


Lang Lang's mouth twitched...

Then Xu Xin had hung up the phone.

Face full of embarrassment:

"This...he was joking, I have a girlfriend."


Lang Lang opened his mouth...

Haven't spoken yet.

The call came back.

Xu Xin connected again:

"Hey, what are you doing! You interrupted me to record a song and hung up before I could say anything? What's the matter? Just tell me."


This time it was a little bit more normal.

Then, Xu Xin glanced at Lang Lang and then said:

"Let me introduce someone to you."

"Who is it? I'm in Taipei. Where did we meet each other? How about we get to know each other when we watch the Olympics in a few days? Hey, this time I want to eat sauerkraut, which is the kind of sauerkraut that is stewed with pork slices for a long time. It needs to be mixed with garlic. The one eaten with soy sauce..."

"Why are you so mouthy?"

Xu Xin was speechless, and then handed the phone to Lang Lang:

"He is recording a song at the moment, so his mental state should be quite manic, talkative... Don't be surprised, it's usually quite normal..."


Lang Lang was speechless.

My first reaction after receiving the call was:

"Jay Chou also likes to eat butchered vegetables?... And dipped in garlic sauce? He's an expert..."

Then the second reaction is:

"Hello, Mr. Jay Chou, my name is Lang Lang."


There was silence on the other end of the phone.


"Is it...pianist Teacher Lang Lang?"

"Uh...yes, I play the piano."



The rain kept falling.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Under the eaves of the Bird's Nest, Xu Xin came close to the phone and said:

"I just met Teacher Lang Lang today. Didn't you tell me that you have always liked Teacher Lang Lang? When are you coming? I'll take you to visit Teacher Lang Lang... Well, you like Teacher Lang Lang, and Teacher Lang Lang also likes you. You guys can count that too. It went both ways.”



After all, this was the first time they "met" each other. After hanging up the phone, the two people, who were not yet familiar with each other, looked at Lang Lang who couldn't accept it. Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Isn't the gap a bit big..."

"……is a bit."

"It's normal. When I first met him, I thought he was quite aloof. Later I found out that he was actually just not very good at socializing. But after getting to know him better, I found out that he is a very interesting person... By the way, Teacher Lang Lang , then... when he comes in a few days, how about... let's get together? My girlfriend... is quite good at her craftsmanship."

Xu Xin smiled and extended the invitation.

On the one hand, it's because Jay Chou has always wanted to get to know him.

On the other hand,... Xu Xin could tell from the playing in the corridor just now that the other party was a person who was more emotional than rational.

After all... Strictly speaking, artists' works are their tools for making money.

Lang Lang actually has no need or obligation to play those beautiful songs for everyone.

Although Xu Xin doesn't know whether the other party's commercial performance fee is high or not. But he knew the situation on Jay Chou's side.

For normal commercial activities, the price of a song is currently 600,000.

Of course, you can also do it by session.

One session, including two songs, costs 1 million.

Although the two people have different audiences and may have different incomes... But Chong Langlang just felt that the soldiers were working hard, so he was emotional and sent five piano songs...

This person...



Two big chapters of 10,000 words today! Make up for the alliance leader’s debt!

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