I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 278 276 My dad is looking for you

Chapter 278 276. My dad is looking for you

When Xu Xin returned home after having a late-night snack that night, she really took this matter to heart.

They are all brothers and sisters who grew up together. Needless to say, they have a deep emotional foundation, so naturally he is not willing to let Fa Xiao go back to the state of "eating and waiting to die".

Although it is a bit exaggerated, he really does not want everyone to drift apart in ten or twenty years because of different circumstances.

Dad and his generation can be closely united. Brotherhood is the foundation, and the rule of brotherly respect set by our ancestors is the constraint. That’s why they have been playing since childhood and have not given up on any of them.

We have been together since childhood. We are the most trusted partners in business and the best friends in life.

This kind of inheritance is passed down from generation to generation, and there is no reason to interrupt it in our own generation.

If you want to be rich, the right way is to get rich together.

But the problem is...the difficulty in this kind of business matter is not whether everyone should join forces or not, but that Yang Mi will not agree to such a thing.

He knows his fiancée, so he knows exactly what she thinks.

She won't accept too many shareholders...or the management chaos that comes with having too many shareholders.

So this is really not something that can be done with just a slap on the head.

You have to think about it carefully and think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

So, when he got home, he thought about it all night, and finally called Yang Mi early in the morning.

"Uncle Yang, let's go~"

"Well, drive slowly. The snow over there hasn't melted yet and the road is slippery. Be careful... Don't run too far. Just walk around the camp, climb mountains or whatever. Don't take too dangerous roads..."

"Oh, dad~ we know~"

Stepping on the newly bought outdoor boots, Yang Mi waved her hand:

"That place is quite safe. It has been developed very well in the past two years. Just don't worry~"

Although he heard what his daughter said, Yang Dalin still said uneasily:

"You can't go anywhere without a cell phone signal, you hear me?"

"I know~"

After waving to Yang Dalin, Yang Mi and Liu Zhishi walked out of the house together.

After going downstairs, there was an Iveco RV parked on the side of the main road in the community.

"Are you sure you can drive this?"

Liu Zhishi, who was also dressed in outdoor attire, asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, why not? I drove it back yesterday by myself."

Yang Mi looked strange:

"This is a Class C car. You can drive it with a Class C driver's license. You can drive it too...here?"

"I don't want it."

Liu Zhishi quickly shook his head:

"This car is too big, I can't handle it."

"What are you afraid of? Just try it."

"No. I don't dare~"

"Tsk, how cowardly~"

"I'm not a coward, I'm just afraid of scratching the car..."

The conversation between the two was just like that of two children, a brave one and a timid one. The timid child kept encouraging the timid one to do bad things.

Liu Zhishi was obviously very timid, but he couldn't stop his curiosity.

So I can only become the little follower of the brave Yang Mi...

Accept the boss’s orders:

"I'll go over there first and count our supplies."

"Okay big brother!"


Yang Mi laughed and got into the driver's seat, while Liu Zhishi came to the back.

What comes into view from the back is a big boss' telescope, which is fixed to the side by a safety rope at this moment.

There are also two large outdoor hiking bags on the table of the RV.


The RV starts.

Yang Mi started to wipe the steering wheel and turn around, while the little follower Liu Zhishi started to take out the things in the backpack to check.

What kind of canned beef, beef jerky, beef strips...

Because she is a Muslim, Yang Mi chose halal food this time.

Then there are various pastas, snacks, energy bars, etc.

It was obviously a hiking bag, but there was no equipment visible inside, only a lot of food.

But Liu Zhishi was not surprised.

Mimi is quite edible.

After checking everything, the car was already on the main road.

"Everything is checked."


Liu Zhishi walked to the passenger seat and sat down. Looking at the sparsely populated area outside, she said speechlessly:

"There are only a few quiet days in a year. Can you believe this is the peak period?"

"Who says it's not... Hey, let me tell you about today's menu. After we arrived at the RV campground at noon, it was tomato beef pasta. I marinated the beef jerky and tomatoes, and then cooked the pasta. This car There is also an oven, and I can bake you that kind of cheese with a stringy texture...and eat it warmly with bread..."


Liu Zhishi swallowed subconsciously and nodded vigorously:

"Yeah! Have a good meal. I will feel strong for hiking in the afternoon~"

"That's right. We'll go hiking in the afternoon. When we come back, we'll light a fire and watch the stars. Oh...it's so beautiful~"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Liu Zhishi's head was nodding like garlic.

There was something new opened over the White River... the Orion RV Campground, so the two of them decided to go camping since they had nothing to do at the end of the year.

So Mimi borrowed an RV.

And this expectation of camping in winter, watching the stars by the campfire, and Jay Chou's singing came from Mimi's speaker connected to the Bluetooth of her mobile phone, which suddenly made her feel happy.

Just then, suddenly, the phone rang.

After Yang Mi took a look, she directly connected the phone:

"Hey, are you up?"

Then, Xu Xin’s voice came from the car stereo:

"I woke up at 11 o'clock last night, but when I saw your message, I didn't call you. No, I guess you should wake up, so I called you quickly, just in time to tell you something."

Xu Xin, who didn't realize that his fiancée would drive out in a RV when she got up early in the morning, said directly:

"Xu Yang and the others also want to set up a film company. Didn't I drink too much yesterday? After waking up, at about 11 o'clock, we went to the county to eat together. We started chatting during the meal...I didn't want to be at home. Wait, I don’t want to go to the mine every day. Just say that we should work together to do this..."

When Yang Mi heard this, she knew that there was no need to hide this kind of thing from Shishi.

Then he asked directly:

"Let you take the lead? Like our dad?"

"Yes...it's a good thing you didn't call me Uncle Xu. I can't bear to look at this title now~"

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing...what do you think about this? Do you have any ideas?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"You mean a partnership?"

After speaking, her tone paused and suddenly became gentle and tactful:

"The ideal situation is actually to buy shares in my company. If we have money, we can make money together... But I don't really think about it. Because we can't always have smooth sailing, and we may not know which movie loses money, and that's a matter of tens of millions." .

Although I know they are quite rich... but if they lose money, it will be very emotional.

And I'm not saying bad things about them, it's just... if, for example, Xu Yang falls in love with an actress and wants to praise her... Do you think we should praise her or not?

I am flattered and popular, what if Xu Yang is kicked off? In other words, it is praised but not popular. So many resources and hard work have been wasted, right? It's not fair to the other people we're signing, right? …I don’t want our company to have a too complicated share structure.

I think flat management would be better. At that time, artists at each level in the company will receive different resources, and they will work hard to fully digest them, and then everyone will gradually rise. Instead of saying that the shareholder will send someone here today and coordinate some relationships there tomorrow...

Once done, others will take it for granted. But if it is not done well, there will be complaints. I don’t want this... So I won’t accept the control of too many people in our company and become shareholders... To become shareholders, they are also our own artists. They can subscribe for shares, because in this way everyone can develop together...

We are not short of money ourselves, right? Money has become the most useless thing. "

Yang Mi said this to Xu Xin.

But it was exactly what Xu Xin was thinking.

He had known she wouldn't agree.

But there was some doubt in Liu Zhishi's eyes...

Mimi... want to start a company?

Why haven't you heard of it before?

But...it sounds like this management model allows artists to stay very comfortable.

She was lost in thought.

Xu Xin also sighed:

"Sigh... I came to ask you just because I thought that this situation might happen in the future. It's impossible for me to lead everyone to build a company by myself, right? Good guy... I'll cultivate a rival for myself. Fight in the ring?"

"So this is really a problem. Moreover, even if we all set up an investment company or something... at least there must be someone knowledgeable internally to operate it, right? Otherwise... yes, if we all come together to do something, If you take out hundreds of millions, you will be rich."


Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched again.

But Yang Mi didn't see it, but continued to say while driving:

"But it's not about money. If you don't mention anything else, just the quotation of a crew's props, those people can fool us to death. Don't forget, the first wave of coal bosses who came to play with female stars were How did you get kicked out of the show...

Brother, at this level of Xu Yang’s status, all they have to do is write the words “If people are stupid, money will come quickly” on their heads.

It’s amazing if one hundred million can produce something worth ten million~

Mainly because they don't understand. The only people who get screwed are those who don’t understand... And, let me tell you something familiar, you can’t be in the company 24 hours a day, right? Your own affairs are not working? right? "

"This is what gives me a headache, so I thought about it for a long time last night and finally decided to talk to Sister Mo."

Listening to Xu Xin's distressed voice... Suddenly, an idea flashed in Yang Mi's mind.


These words...

She paused suddenly, and her eyes became a little strange.

I am eager to try it, but I feel like I have a pearl of wisdom in my hand:

"Looking for Sister Mo?...Let her come back to develop?!"


Upon hearing the response, Yang Mi guessed her lover's thoughts almost without thinking.

"Do you think she is always wandering abroad and has no plans to return to China?"

"Yes. The other concern is that I promised that she would not interfere excessively with the operations of Headwind Entertainment. And I allowed her to carry out share repurchases... Even if I have to ask about this matter, I have to consider the pros and cons and talk to her first. Just communicate. This is what I promised her~"

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Yang Mi said directly:

"I think it's okay. After all, the success of "Wulin Gaiden" shows that she also knows a lot about domestic business~"


Liu Zhishi's eyes widened again.

what! ?

"Wulin Gaiden"?

Did I hear that correctly?

"Wulin Gaiden"? ? ? ?

That "Wulin Gaiden" that you acted in?

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Xu Xin say:

"That's what I said, but didn't we say before that when your company is established, I will give you the copyright of "Wulin Gaiden" to support you."

"I know, but looking at the rights for the second and third rounds of broadcasts, she is doing a great job, right? I guess Director Shang and Ding Caishen are scared to death now, right? If they really sell all the rights, then Can they still get their current dividends? Sister Mo has been running "Wulin Gaiden" for the past two years, how well it has been run...eh?"

Suddenly when she said this, she seemed to realize something and said:

"Then isn't this the most suitable way? Transfer the shares to Xu Yang and the others. Isn't money what Sister Mo lacks?"

Speaking of this, after Yang Mi thought for a while, she seemed to understand her fiancé's concerns and said directly:

"I understand what you mean! In this way..."Wulin Gaiden", don't move it here. I'm not that stingy. This drama means a lot to the distribution company. I am a brokerage company. In addition to the beginning, I can help Apart from gathering a wave of popularity and attracting traffic, the other benefits are really not as big as Sister Mo’s.

Moreover... these people are your little brothers. I don't let them get involved in my affairs, and I already feel very guilty. So just give the copyright to Sister Mo. how?

Having "Wulin Gaiden" also gives Sister Mo a reason to do business in China. She was short of money, if she was short of clean money, then let Xu Yang and the others give it to her. As for the domestic business... we are all shareholders, so let's discuss it, okay?

Eat the rice one bite at a time, don't spread it too much at first, this is how it is made at a low cost. They also come to learn, learn this set of rules, and understand that this circle does not only come with money, and you can also help them.

By then, if Sister Mo's distribution starts, it will be Xiying Studio + Headwind. Aren't we going to have a two-pronged approach again?

I think it's pretty good.

Everyone works together and empathizes, but does not interfere with each other. You can also become the opponent's support at the most critical moment! Isn't this the bond? "

Yang Mi said, her eyes completely lit up:

"And, brother, don't forget... Sister Mo's father seems to have always wanted her to come back to China. If the domestic business starts, won't she have more time to stay here? This family Harmony, a happy career...Hey! Isn't this a win-win situation! If...we suddenly fall in love with Xu Yang or the others, wouldn't love be harvested?"

After saying that, a somewhat joking smile appeared on her face:

"How is it? Is my answer perfect? ​​Does it meet your expectations?"


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.


Not to mention the silence on the other end of Xu Xin.

Liu Zhishi's eyes became increasingly strange.

Although I usually know that Mimi has a good brain, I can also feel that kind of terrifying and keen insight from some clues... It is really hard to figure out how on earth that kind of terrifying and keen insight appears in her mind.

But after listening to the conversation between the two from beginning to end, Liu Zhishi still discovered...

Mimi's brain...

So scary! ?

If a question like Xu Xin's was put to her...

Unconsciously, she was thinking about what she would do.

Let’s say Director Xu and I are husband and wife. Director Xu’s Fa Xiao wants to join the company I founded, what should I do?

No need to think about it? In order to protect the relationship between my husband and his children, I will definitely sacrifice my own interests and bring everyone together.

However, it is true that when a company has too many people, it will immediately face the kind of chaotic situation Mimi just mentioned.

Not to mention anything else, as far as the Tang Dynasty is concerned, there is a fierce competition for some things under some gossipy news.

So, that situation is definitely going to happen.

And if it's not handled well then, it will really be a troublesome thing.

If you think about it, it's really a headache.

But Mimi was able to figure out all the stakes in such a short period of time, and find an optimal solution that sounded the most suitable! ?


She really learned.

Really learned.

It turns out that one thing... can be seen so far away!

Honey, this...

Isn't that awesome?

But what does that last sentence mean?

At this time, Xu Xin's somewhat embarrassed voice sounded in the car:

"When did you guess it?"

"Well, from the moment you said you wanted to talk to Sister Mo, I noticed something was wrong. You obviously didn't come to me to discuss what to do. You led me here step by step. You knew from the beginning that I wouldn't On the premise that I would agree to increase external stocks, I felt awkward when I asked my opinion knowingly. But I didn’t think much about it at the time... Who knew that your own fox tail was exposed. Hehe~ It’s so dangerous, it’s just that little bit missing. Lose it, I’ll be fooled~”

Yang Mi smiled happily.

Seems to have seen through everything.

But the tone immediately turned into emotion and speechlessness:

"Routine, right?...Well, let me think about it, you should have thought about it from the beginning, right? However, because of the move of "Wulin Gaiden" that we talked about before, you don't know how to follow I said? Hehe, little idiot~"

It's over, let's start showing affection again.

Liu Zhishi said in his heart.

Xu Xin sighed:

"Actually, it's not a routine. It's just that I have to ask for your consent for this matter. I don't want to say that just after we got the certificate, I did something like this. It seems that I am not a person before and after marriage. People only care about the "Xu family" and don't consider your feelings."

This is indeed his concern.

Because Director Zhang told him alone.

Although he didn't mention his last name, the words "Don't be condescending and don't have your own way" sounded like he was reminding himself of his experience with Gong Li.

So he had to think more.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Mi's words left him speechless:

"I am also a Xu family member."

"Oh no, it's the Xu family now... Don't worry, I heard Uncle Xu talk about the history of the Xu Jiawan family, so I naturally know how the previous generation was closely united. I also understand what you mean, but I It’s not that stingy~ It’s just a drama, how can it be more important than what you grew up playing and growing up?”

After saying that, she also arrived at the expressway toll gate in Yanjing City.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going through the toll booth."

"Oh okay...huh? Wait a minute!"

Xu Xin, who suddenly realized something was wrong, asked in confusion;

"Where are you?"

"Shishi and I went to the Orion RV campground on the other side of the White River to watch the stars."

"Uh... okay, then I'll die?"

"Well, I'm done."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi continued driving.

After receiving the card and passing the toll station, he suddenly said to Liu Zhishi, who was silent and speechless:

"He's so cute~ isn't he?"


Liu Zhishi was speechless. Although she knew who she was talking about, she couldn't help but joke:

"That handsome guy at the toll booth just now?"


Looking at Yang Mi's speechless gaze, Liu Zhishi chuckled:

"Ha~ Okay, I know who you are talking about... You two have a really good relationship, it's true. He cares about your feelings, I can see it. I'm afraid you have a knot in your heart~"

"It doesn't really matter."

Yang Mi waved her hands indifferently:

"I'm not that stingy. I just feel sorry for him. He's not very rejecting. As long as he thinks it's okay, he will help. Then...for example, if you tell him: You can't do this. He His mouth will become very tough, refusing to admit that he is soft-hearted. In fact, it is easy to coax him. If you are a donkey, just stroke it along the hair, and he will follow you obediently... Oh, you don't know anyway, he is special Cute~”

When she said this, her eyes were filled with a sweet smile.

Liu Zhishi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, nodded slightly:

"Yes, he is indeed a donkey."

Yang Mi didn't think there was anything wrong with this and responded with a smile:

"Yes, hehe~"

The year 2008 on the lunar calendar finally disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

On the last day of 2008, Xu Xin stayed with his family before the Spring Festival Gala as usual. He has always been curious about how "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Hot Girl" can be put together.

And when I saw Jay Chou singing there with a child...

He really couldn't stop laughing.

Especially the last melody of "Hot girl is hot" made him dig his toes out of the three rooms and one living room.

As for the one program he especially watched throughout the Spring Festival Gala, it was Teacher Motoyama's "Not Short of Money" that made him laugh out loud.

But the other skits... let alone Xu Xin this time, even Xu Daqiang muttered that it was getting less and less funny.

For no reason, he remembered what Brother Qian'er said.

Once something funny starts to educate people, it becomes really funny.

This does make sense.

New Year's Eve, bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.

Just after 12 o'clock, the sound of firecrackers echoed throughout Xujiawan.

Xu Xin, who had just lit a big firework at home, had not finished admiring the beautiful fireworks scene when the voices of young people were heard outside the courtyard door:

"Sanjin, come out and fire off the cannons!"

Hearing this, he instinctively pulled out a bundle of flowers and ran towards the door of his house.

This game that the big guys have been playing for more than ten or twenty years has once again turned everyone into carefree children.

In that gorgeous night with the sound of firecrackers, 2008 was completely a thing of the past.

Early in the morning on the first day of the Lunar New Year, worship ancestors.

Xu Xin received another pile of lucky money.

But when night came, he started packing.

Xu Daqiang, who drank too much at noon, woke up at dinner time and saw his son packing his luggage, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

But he didn’t say much.

He knew what he was going to do.

I went to Yanjing to work on some small partnership matters.

During the ancestor worship ceremony yesterday, several parents had already expressed their opinions.

If the children want to do it, let Sanjin lead them. It doesn't matter if they lose or make money, standing in front of their ancestors, they only need to abide by a few rules.

That means staying together no matter what.

Because when we go out, only by uniting can we not be bullied.

Even with their sons together, these grown-up children offered incense to their ancestors to express their feelings.

It also shows that everyone is assured of Sanjin.

That's enough.

In this society, it is still too difficult to work alone.

And that the children can still understand this truth is the biggest wish of these parents.

This was true for their generation, the eldest son was like this, and the younger son is like this now.

So he didn't stop her, even though he was reluctant to let her go, he wanted her to stay at home with him for a few more days.

As usual, he warned:

"Tell me if you need money."

"Yeah, I know, Dad."

After packing his luggage, Xu Xin walked out of the door holding the box.

At the door, several cars were already waiting there.

Looking at Xu Xin dragging his luggage out, Xu Yang helped him open the trunk. After carrying the suitcase and putting it in, a group of teenagers got into their cars and drove towards Dongsheng Airport. .

There were few cars and few people along the way.

Although we got on the highway, a few restless people started racing.

But Xu Yang, who was pulling Xu Xin, always maintained the speed of the car above 120.

Along the way, the two of them were chatting about things at home.

No one seemed to have any intention of saying goodbye.

But when they arrived at the airport, Xu Xin finished smoking and was about to enter the airport. Standing in front of a group of people, Xu Yang suddenly said:

"Sanjin, thank you for your hard work~"

Xu Xin was stunned...

Looking at this group of friends, a speechless look gradually appeared on his face:


He angrily yelled at Xu Yang, who suddenly started to be polite to him, and then walked towards the airport without looking back.

The airport was also deserted, and even the ground staff on duty during the New Year were listless.

Xu Xin checked in her luggage, passed the security check, found the flight's boarding gate, and began to wait patiently to board the plane.

Board the plane and take off.

More than three hours later, at almost 10 o'clock in the evening, he arrived in the Magic City, a city that was extremely unfamiliar to him.

When I walked out of Hongqiao Airport, which is several times larger than Dongsheng, I looked up and heard two beeps.

Turning around, he saw Liu Momo waving to him.

"Sister Mo."

He smiled and walked over and said hello.

Liu Momo hooked her fingers:

"Let's go, get in the car."

Xu Xin responded and loaded his luggage into the trunk of the Audi. After getting into the passenger seat, the first thing he saw was the internal pass with the word "Magic City" on it against the windshield.

My mind moved...

After Liu Momo started the car, he finally asked:

"Tell me, big boss, why did you rush to see me on the first day of the new year..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"So urgent? I'm afraid if I say anything now, you will sink me directly into the Huangpu River~"

"No, I still have to take you home."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Then he quickly shook his head:

"Don't make trouble. Although I didn't come empty-handed, how can I come to visit you on the first day of the new year?"

"It's not a big deal."

Liu Momo shrugged:

"I'm telling you, I didn't ask you to go home."

"……Who is that?"

"My Father."

Liu Momo said.

"He wants to see you for something."


The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched, remembering Director Zhang Wu's cryptic advice when the two first met.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Can you tell me something first?"


Liu Momo obviously didn't intend to hide it, and said directly:

"About the Expo."


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