I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 279 277 The wrong question

Chapter 279 277. Wrong question

World Expo?

Next year's Shanghai World Expo?

This news caught Xu Xin off guard for a while.

It's not that he is ignorant, but he doesn't understand how this matter came to him.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"You want to ask me...what about the World Expo? I don't understand either."

"You definitely don't understand other aspects, but you still don't understand the opening performance?"

Hearing Liu Momo's words, Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Frankly speaking, the World Expo is not the Olympic Games, so we don’t need to say how complicated it is or what the purpose is.

If we really want to compare it, in terms of the scale of the performance, it is definitely not on the same level as the Olympics.

The opening ceremony performance is not the top priority of the Expo.

But that's not the point.

The point is that he is wondering, what should he do to him for such a thing?

Could it be...

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind:

"Is...were everyone dissatisfied with the performance at the World Expo? Or what?"


Liu Momo didn't hide it at all, nor did he intend to.

After all, when I get home later, I have to talk about what needs to be said.

He said directly:

"This performance was originally planned by the local director team here, and the planning plan was come up some time ago. But... I don't know what other people think, but my father is not very satisfied, and he always feels that something is a little awkward. .”


"So I heard that our Olympic chief executive came to see me today. Even though you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything, I still want you to see if you have any reference opinions."

Xu Xin frowned:

"Is there a plan?"

"Yes. I got it a few days ago. It's just the end of the year. During the holidays, everyone has read these plans and plans to go back and think about them, and then bring them back after the year to discuss and see if they are passed. There is still more than a year left. , if it’s passed, we’ll start preparations.”

Following Liu Momo's explanation, Xu Xin nodded and understood.


"On New Year's Day, it's not appropriate for me to go anyway, right?"

"That's why I'm curious, why did you come to me in such a hurry?"

"...I don't dare to delay any longer. Aren't you just staying at home for a few days?"

"That's right... I originally planned to leave in the third grade of junior high school. After all, foreigners don't celebrate the Spring Festival~ So, what are you doing?"

"Are you still short of money?"

After hearing Liu Momo's words, Xu Xin first threw out a big bait...


Liu Momo was speechless.

I have roughly guessed Xu Xin's intention.

"What? Someone is eyeing your shares?"

As she spoke, she suddenly frowned:

"It shouldn't be. How did you find out the equity information? I have already protected it very well. If someone really checks me, I won't be unclear about it..."

Turning to look at Xu Xin, she frowned and asked:

"what happened?"

"you think too much."

Xu Xin waved his hand, not caring about the energy behind these words:

"It's not that someone has found out about you, but it's from my side. Several of my childhood friends also want to get involved in this industry. They have money and want to be in this industry."

"Don't Mimi also want to set up his own company? Nifeng's business is not in China."

"That's why I came to talk to you... Do you want to hear my opinion?"

"Just say it~"

"Actually, it's two aspects. On the one hand, it's Yang Mi. She likes flat management. Because she runs a brokerage company. If there are too many shareholders, that kind of situation will happen... for example..."

"There's no need to, for example, hook up with a female celebrity or hire a male artist to gain access to resources, right?"


While driving, he turned his head and glanced at Xu Xin's strange eyes.

Liu Momo shrugged:

"Believe me, it's the same at home and abroad. I've seen it a lot~ So... the brokerage company is not suitable. Do you want them to come to a distribution company like ours? But the problem is that the focus of my business is also abroad. Moreover, even if they come in No, I won’t let them directly participate in management. Let alone insiders and laymen, when we first talked, wasn’t it just me who was fully responsible?”

"Yes. That's why I specifically came to talk to you... This is also the second point I want to say. You can't stay abroad forever and not come back, right? Even though it's nice over there, it's not home, right?"

"It has nothing to do with that."

Liu Momo shook his head:

"I just want a relatively free working environment. Return to China?... Ha."

Shaking his head turned into a chuckle:

"Don't mention anything else, as far as this three-acre area of ​​Magic City is concerned, I can basically... make the road smooth in our circle. But what's the point of that? Relying on connections? I can take things that others can't take. Next. What others dream of is just my words... Aren’t you playing online games? Don’t you understand the feeling of being invincible at the beginning and then feeling numb after opening the Golden Mountain Ranger?"


"I don't even need to rely on my dad to help me, Xu Xin, do you know what I mean? I just need to let others know that I am my dad's daughter, and this path will be clear naturally. And in such a working environment, It’s not what I want. But abroad, I can compete with them in a battle of wits and courage... It’s very exciting to survive in a pond with a group of crocodiles!”

Speaking of this... she seemed to think something was wrong, and quickly added:

"Of course, investors' money is investors' money...you still have to be careful..."

"And then an investment of more than 10 million yuan recovered half a million yuan at the box office?"


Liu Momo was speechless again.

"The Man from London"...

It was true that she had made a mistake.

And if it weren't for the return of "Once", she might be facing a situation of total loss now.

So, it’s okay not to mention it.

It's quite embarrassing to mention.

But Xu Xin's embarrassing joke made the "business" atmosphere between the two people fade a lot.

And he finally figured out why CCTV would agree to the outflow of the copyright of "Wulin Gaiden"...

After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be because of this.

So that he finally couldn't help his curiosity and asked:

"Sister Mo, what exactly is Uncle Liu responsible for?"

This is the first time Xu Xin asked.

When he asked, Liu Momo answered him:


Just at this time, a car on the road that was transporting some large mechanical parts to who knows where, honked its horn and passed by the Audi, which was not driving very fast.

The main reason was that the Audi was driving too slowly, and the big car had to honk its horn in order to prevent the people in the car from getting distracted.

Hi. They didn't take a day off on the first day of the new year, so it was obvious that they were either in urgent need of this thing or in urgent need of it.

After the big car passed the Audi, Xu Xin also got the answer.

So, unconsciously, he opened his mouth wide...


Oh my god...

Liu Momo shrugged:

"So you understand what I mean? I don't want to go back to my country. It's not because I'm being pretentious or because I worship foreigners. Do you remember what I said to you when we first chatted? As long as I'm here, I'll encounter some things. , or want to get something...some things can't be hidden.

It’s been passed down from time to time, and I dare not say anything else. But as far as... the film and television industry is concerned, I can basically drive Golden Mountain Ranger. Tell me, would you find this kind of work interesting? Besides, my dad has been working hard all his life and has a good reputation here, and I don’t want to be the ant nest that breaks the bank. But I am more willful and want to do something I like... Which girl in the world doesn't like the glamorous entertainment industry? "


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.


But it was also a big shock.

My dear Director Zhang Wu... what kind of relationship did you introduce to me?

However, after being amazed, his brows completely furrowed.

After thinking about it for a while, he said:

"Then I think you can really try to let in the young guys like me."

"...Why? Will they go abroad with me?"

"I don't know if they will go abroad, but as long as they go against the wind, they can become your smoke bomb, right?"


Liu Momo suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The key was not hidden deeply, so she easily understood what Xu Xin meant.


"Are you sure they are not trying to sleep with celebrities, but really want to develop in this area?"

"I can't guarantee that, but if you want to develop domestically, this is a good smoke bomb. Right? Including me, a group of so-called "rich second generations" are a publishing company. We will definitely be a Overall, because... to tell you the truth, this is how our parents came from, and the village is maintained by this kind of relationship from generation to generation. In order not to be bullied, we will stick together outside. Do you think this situation? Is this acceptable?"


Liu Momo was lost in thought while driving the car.

Xu Xin had no way of knowing what she was thinking.

But after waiting for a while, she suddenly asked:

"How much do you plan to sell?"

"Thirty. The rest is reserved for you. If you do well by then, it doesn't matter if I withdraw one after another. But my only request is not to be a big shopkeeper who quits. If we all work together, then we can move forward together. .Even if you don’t have talent, you must at least learn and understand.”


Liu Momo fell into silence again.

As the absolute majority shareholder with 85% of the shares, Liu Momo understood that if Xu Xin really wanted to sell, he would not be able to stop him.

And for her to suddenly give up the business that had finally gained a foothold abroad, would she be willing to do so?

She doesn't know it herself.

But this is the dream of almost all managers. The major shareholder who can give him 100% trust and let him do whatever he wants without saying a word, just for such a thing that can be said on the phone, Corporal Li Xian I came to Shanghai from Shaanxi on the first day of the Lunar New Year...

This respect really comes in handy for her.

After hearing the figure of 30% shares, she also knew that the other party was not lying.

It's sincere.


"Are you sure they won't mess around?"

"Definitely not at this stage."

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head.

Obviously, this sentence exposed enough information.

"At this stage, everyone is a primary school student, and you are equivalent to a teacher. Not to mention foreign business, as for domestic business, I think you can try to find some small productions for everyone to understand and hone. It doesn't matter profit or loss. Anyway, ... Everyone has money. But when they get familiar with it and understand it... Aren't you looking for a challenge? At that time, will the disciple starve the master to death, or will the master suppress his disciple to death... Eh , is this copy exciting enough?"

"...Why does it sound like you came here to dismantle Nifeng?"

"That won't happen."

Xu Xin shook his head firmly:

"Everyone works together and to survive, we must stick together closely. This is a promise that everyone, including me, personally made in front of our ancestors. This is what our fathers did, no matter what they face With these interests, the people in Xujiawan are closely united. That's why they can get to where they are today.

And those of us who have been exposed to these things since childhood naturally understand the importance of unity.

Be good, let's all be good together. But as a "non-resident", if you are surpassed by others and placed on your head, then the dominant relationship will naturally shift. Mencius said: The world is the world for everyone, not the world for one person, only the virtuous live in it. If others surpass you, then they are better than you. You have to be convinced~"


After saying this, Liu Momo became interested.

"I have read a lot~"

There was a hint of eagerness in her eyes:

"In other words, I want to cultivate my own competitors?"

"That's not the case. But a good competitive atmosphere in a company is more conducive to development, isn't it? What's more..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"I can see that you didn't say it had to be abroad, right?"

"It really is."

Liu Momo responded, with a little emotion in his eyes:

"Especially during the Chinese New Year this year, I feel particularly deep. My parents are getting older every year... Okay."

Suddenly, she stretched out two fingers:

"With 200 million cash financing, they set up their own investment company to provide venture capital. After the beginning of the new year, I will start domestic business one after another. Start with small productions, okay?"


"Management rights?"

"It's still yours. But you have to lead them and teach them. If possible, I'll call them here in the next few days. Let's meet, have a meal and get to know each other."

"A gentleman's word?"

Looking at her suddenly stretched out hand, Xu Xin smiled and took it:

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

Xu Xin never expected that the conversation with Liu Momo would go so smoothly.

But what surprised him even more was the "unprofessionalism" of the information in his hand.

First of all, the information is very thin, eleven pages in total.

You know... when the plan for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was filed, it was over a hundred pages long.

Every link includes the concept, creative core, personnel deployment, and computer simulation sketches.

Although the opening ceremony performance of the World Expo is definitely not as good as that of the Olympic Games, just these few pages...

Are you sure you're not joking?

When he held the document "Expo Opening Ceremony Performance Program Plan" in his hand and felt the thickness, his first subconscious reaction was "catalog."

But after opening it and seeing the content, I realized that this was not a catalog, but the real thing.

The plan is really that short...

After spending less than twenty minutes flipping through these programs, he frowned.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man sitting opposite.

Liu Kuan.

Very simple name.

Sitting there, he didn't look arrogant, and it wasn't even possible to tell that he and Director Zhang Wu were comrades-in-arms.

Even if you put it in the crowd, it is not very noticeable.

Seems kind and peaceful.

But similarly, Xu Xin could only see this kindness...or kindness.

No other emotion can be seen.

Seeing him raise his head, Liu Kuan asked kindly:

"Xiao Xu, what do you think of the programs in this plan?"


Xu Xin closed the plan again.

There is no signature on it, no name of the person who made the plan, and no team name.

There's not even a word like "opening ceremony director team".

Just such a clean plan.

So there is no way to know whose hand it is from, but...

To be honest, from his professional point of view, this proposal was very amateurish.

It can’t be said to be amateurish either.

Or to put it more bluntly, compared with the Olympic Games, it is a bit "unfashionable".

Too hasty.

The core of the program is very simple "internationalization".

It is divided into two cores. One core is a song and dance performance to celebrate the World Expo. while the other featured a song and dance performance by some international stars.

Not to mention the detailed program core, meaning, and expression of each program.

Just defined from the overall framework, this is a very simple artistic performance.

Even Xu Xin couldn't see anything special and eye-catching.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Uncle Liu..."

This was what Liu Kuan asked Xu Xin to call him when Liu Momo introduced him.

"I think... rather than the meaning given to a performance, what we use the performance to express to the people attending the Expo is more important."

His words were as tactful as possible, and he did not try to flatter others.

Said this sentence.

Liu Kuan nodded slightly:

"Well, what then?"

He didn't say anything about it and just continued to listen:

"It's okay, just tell me what you think. This is a private discussion... We have all heard about the Olympics. We can hold such a high standard event that satisfies the people of the country and the world. As one of the core members of the director team, you , I have high expectations.”


After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"Uncle Liu, I would like to ask...how long will the opening ceremony of our World Expo last in total? How will the time be allocated? Because..."

He pointed to the information in his hand and said:

"I made an estimate and found that these shows are all fully booked. They should take about an hour. As a large-scale performance, is it a little too short?"

"Actually, the total opening ceremony time is only 2 hours...Have you seen the opening ceremony of the 2005 Aichi Expo?"

"Uh... no."

"What about Hannover, Germany in 2000?"

"……also not."

Hearing this, Liu Kuan was stunned and a little surprised.

But when I think about this young man's age... I feel relieved.

Don't mention anything else.

Five years ago, Xu Xin was just a child under 20 years old.

They all come from when they were young. What young people of this age pay attention to, what they like, and what they don't like. Although it varies with the development of the times, they always have the same mental journey.

So he said:

"As for the recent World Expos, the opening ceremony of each one is actually about 2 hours long. Compared with the Olympic Games, most of the opening ceremony of the World Expo is made by leaders of various countries delivering speeches, and On-topic proclamations dominate.

For example, the Aichi World Expo was completed by speeches by political dignitaries, a statement by the Nobel Peace Prize winner "Maathai" announcing mankind's call for peace, and a song and dance performance of about half an hour. In Germany, it is mainly about ceremonies and state banquets, supplemented by multi-national cultural and artistic programs and multimedia performances composed of fireworks, lasers and fountains. And large-scale performances come second. "

Having said this, he waved his hand:

"So, we don't have much time left for the artistic performance this time. One hour is definitely not enough. We also plan to continue the idea of ​​​​the previous ones and conduct a cultural show of about half an hour, plus the fireworks and external fireworks. The entire light show will last no more than one and a half hours. The remaining half hour will be reserved for the opening speech of the World Expo."

In an instant, Xu Xin frowned:

"Only half an hour?"

"Maybe more, but certainly not more than 50 minutes."


Xu Xin narrowed his eyes, using the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games as a copy, and dismissed in his mind some theme expression programs that took time to perform.

The atmosphere in the study was quiet for about five minutes. Xu Xin looked down at the plan in his hand and said:

"Then most of the content in this plan is not suitable to be included in the performance... Let me tell you my thoughts. For now, I think the performance can actually be divided into two parts. One is international, One is domestic. Domestic programs are for us to express our best wishes. International programs are for affirming and accepting our best wishes. One question and one answer, one appeal and one acceptance. This would be more appropriate."

Hearing this, Liu Kuan nodded slightly, but he still couldn't tell whether he agreed or denied Xu Xin.

Just continue to ask:

"Then do you think this plan meets your "requirements"?"

Now that things have happened, there is no need to hide anything.

Xu Xin shook his head simply:

“It has too many international things. Although on the surface, it seems that, for example, our singers and foreign singers sing together, or domestic and foreign song and dance performers collaborate together, it symbolizes the integration of civilizations.

But... we should strive to show our own culture. This is the first step.

We must fundamentally become independent within the framework of the World Expo. This kind of independence does not mean to be unique, but to leave a deep impression on people. But this kind of integration here actually weakens the meaning of this aspect.

So if I had to choose, I would throw both of them away. What's ours is ours. Foreign is foreign. We are inclusive and accepting of integration. But this does not mean blindly following each other, blindly merging together without clearly expressing your wishes. This kind of behavior is inappropriate, inappropriate, and does not seem to be the code of conduct of a host.

And now... although I can't comment on the specific program, but... we, and they, should first be separated independently, express their own opinions, and finally integrate into one place to make the finishing touch, which should be more suitable for the culture of the World Expo. background. "

After saying this, he nodded:

"This is my idea."

Liu Kuan's face finally showed a thoughtful look.

"In other words, three steps? The first step is to express our things. The second part is to accept the things of the world. The last part is the integration of everything?"

"Yes. The first part is an expression of unswerving will. The second step is a broad mind that embraces all rivers. And the third step is the common prayer of all mankind."

Xu Xin nodded vigorously:

“There is no need to engage in so many integrations, and it is not necessary to say that you feel that you have to integrate with international standards or something... I think the biggest shortcoming of this plan is that it confuses... or does not understand a concept.

Our performance is set out as the host, the venue for this World Expo. It’s not that we actively integrate to please anyone, but that the World Expo, with the stage we provide, provides a large platform for equal communication for everyone.

The host must show the characteristics of the host. In terms of venues, culture, and content, we cannot lose this characteristic, nor can we blindly throw away the so-called different edges and corners of Eastern and Western cultures and choose to blindly integrate with everyone. The world's stage is so wonderful, isn't it because we have different but wonderful thoughts?

So...if I were to do it, I would stick to this route. What I want is for you to understand me. If there is a misunderstanding, clear it up. There are misinterpretations, detailed misinterpretations. We accept you, you accept us, and in the end we will find that our destiny...or expectation, is the same.

This is how it should be!

Instead of being like now, there is integration everywhere and passive integration everywhere... Although I know that the Magic City itself is an oriental metropolis with international cultural integration, and it is a window for us to display to the outside world. But in essence, when we display windows, we do not mean to let everyone see how clean our windows are, but to let outsiders see how good and wonderful our home is. This is the purpose of leaving windows. "


Originally, when Xu Xin said the previous words, Liu Kuan had no special expression.

But when Xu Xin said the last part, the words about "window", his eyes lit up instantly.


Xu Xin's words are related to his cognition...or some opinions...


However, Liu Kuan did not say anything, but nodded slightly:

"Well, that's a very unique insight. Xiao Xu, if you don't mind, I will discuss your opinions today at a meeting after work resumes at the beginning of the new year. What do you think?"

Xu Xin's thoughts moved...

After hesitating for about a second, he said with a smile:

"As long as you don't say it was me who said it."

Liu Kuan didn't seem surprised at all when he heard this, but he actually had some appreciation in his eyes.

But he didn’t show it, he just smiled and nodded:


After agreeing, he said casually:

"But don't think too much about it. We are still in the preparation stage, and neither the program nor the personnel are actually uncertain. It is right for talented people to actively participate and put forward opinions. We can't live up to this event, right?"


Xu Xin nodded instinctively, and then his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

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