I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 288 286 Air Suspension

Chapter 288 286. Air suspension

Xu Xin will stay in Yanjing for two days.

After New Year's Eve, I will return to Xi'an again on New Year's Day. Then I will stay in Xi'an until the final editing of the movie is completed. Then I will go directly to Hengdian around March to join Zhang Hanyu and the filming team to complete "The Wind" The last shot of the scene.

Just busy this month.

After finishing editing, both the soundtrack and post-production will be completed in Yanjing.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling have already lived here, working with the nutrition team to take care of Yang Mi. On the one hand, they have to work hard to keep her figure in shape, and on the other hand, they have to provide enough nutrition for the child's development. At the same time, at Yang Mi's request, some preparations for a smooth delivery must be made...

Xu Xin also learned from a friend that most of the twins were delivered by cesarean section...

The difficulty of giving birth naturally...is too great.

But Yang Mi didn't want to leave a scar on her stomach.

She didn't want to choose an autopsy unless it was absolutely necessary.

So from the beginning of pregnancy, you need to start preparing for these things.

Some are busy.

At about 5 p.m., the two dogs finally completed the disinfecting work.

Somewhat strange, yet somewhat intimate, they came closer to Yang Mi and Xu Xin.

The training of military dogs is enough for them to become very qualified and mature guard dogs. To put it bluntly, if anything happens, these two may be more useful than bodyguards.

And, the most important thing is, the two black back hairs are really soft~

Yang Mi's feet were stuffed under Zaizai's body and she couldn't pull them out.

Warm, soft, and super decompressing.

At this moment, the script in her hand has become two copies.

Xu Xin was already staring at the script and had many specific images of the characters in his mind.

I even had some inspiration and was writing and drawing in my notebook.

I want to make up the image of "Gong Er" out of my head.

"Do you really like this script so much?"

Rocking the sleepy Zaizai with her feet, Yang Mi looked curiously at her lover who occasionally drew some line drawings and occasionally erased them with an eraser.

Xu Xin responded without raising his head:

"Well, a very interesting story..."

As he spoke, he took another look at these five paragraphs and said with some emotion:

"Don't underestimate your senior brother... The design of this line is very wonderful. Through different language structures and vocabulary, it can create a character's image and characteristics for you... This level... is really great. .”

"Then...should I ask? Can I ask for you?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and nodded:

"Yes, but don't be in a hurry. Didn't you hear it? They are actually looking for a prototype. And the script is not finished yet... Only if they think you are suitable and invite you to star can you see the script. But if you are not qualified Well...don't we break the rules by asking this?"

"Well...then I'll try my best."

A hint of seriousness slowly appeared in Yang Mi's eyes:

"I actually... don't really want to act."


Xu Xin was really surprised now.

Looking up at her:

"Can't you tell that this is a good story? ... Or it doesn't matter whether the story is good or bad. The character Gong Er is outstanding. With the support of this outstanding character, as long as the story is smooth enough, the overall story will definitely not be too bad."

"You can tell the difference."

Yang Mi was speechless:

"My level of appreciation is not that bad, right?... But I'm thinking, look, the due date is October. I plan to breastfeed, and milk powder will definitely not be able to match my mother's love~ Then I will feed her until she is about one year old, which will be next year It's October. Two years... Who can wait for me? I guess when I come out, other people's movies will be released. So I don't think this movie has any fate with me..."


After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"As long as you perform well, it's worth the wait, isn't it?"

"That's why I told you before that I don't want to act. But since you like this role so much, no matter whether I can act or not, I will take it seriously. Then when I get the script, I will contact you and read it. Has he found the director...is that okay?"


Xu Xin agreed happily, and Yang Mi also picked up the script again:

"Give me one night, and I'll talk to you about my understanding tomorrow, and let's try it out."


He knows Yang Mi's reading habits.

Usually it is three times reading method.

The first time is to read it roughly, the second time to read it carefully, and the third time to calm down and think about it.

Completely opposite to him.

He likes to read and read over and over again, and finally uses stories to push them to form pictures and images in his mind.

This is in line with his directing style.

After getting the script, he would start constructing the storyboards in his mind.

What kind of picture you want to shoot, how to shoot it, and what angle you want to shoot will be completed in your mind. After repeated arguments, after achieving the best effect, you can directly start shooting.

In Zhang Yimou's words, this is his talent.

Because he has the ability to "turn" a script into a movie from his heart.

Save money and effort.

But ordinary people may not have this ability.

He also felt that it was quite right.

How talented is our old Xu?

What, how tall you ask?

Need to ask?

As high as three or four stories~

During the Lantern Festival, early in the morning, as soon as Yang Dalin went out, he heard voices in the yard:

"It's time to burn incense and it's time to eat."

A calm voice came from the daughter standing in the yard.

And there are two dogs squatting at my daughter's feet...

What do you think of the painting style? There's something wrong with it.

What's even more wrong is the son-in-law opposite.

I woke up early in the morning with a chicken coop on my head, leaning sleepily on the pillar of the grape trellis, frowning.

He was stunned...

In the end I saw nothing.

Then I heard my daughter continue to say in a calm and natural manner:

"What needs to be done...even if the sky strikes like lightning, it must be done."

"You must return the Gong family's things today!"


After finishing speaking, Xu Xin shook his head:

"The taste is completely wrong. Gong Er's domineering attitude is not shown in the arrogant expression or the tone. Your tone is still too domineering, even more appropriate to say arrogant... Uncle, good morning."

Yang Dalin nodded:

"You guys chat, I'll buy soy milk."


Xu Xin responded and then continued to say to Yang Mi:

"She is a lady, do you understand? What you want to reflect is the inner stubbornness and persistence. This tone should be somewhere between... a natural tone and firmness. It is a very vague positioning. ...You're not right. You have to push your emotions and use your emotions to drive your tone...I think her words should not be spoken by one person. They should be spoken to many people."

"But there is only "you" in the words, not many people."

"That's one of many people. Based on the role, if you think about it, there is some foreshadowing in these sentences. She studied acting before, right?"


"Why don't you learn?"

"Because...family members obstructed me?"

“Why would my family get in the way?”


Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"During the Republic of China, actors were considered low-class, right? Gong Er is a descendant of the Bagua sect. He practices martial arts, and the status gap between him and the actors is huge. So, when she said this, she must have two meanings? One is to express her family status. status? The other one is that she... Although she is stubborn and extremely self-persistent, her persistence should be based on her family status. When she studied opera, she should have been considered to have some status at the time. It's insulting to the family. So, even if she likes it, she must stop it for the sake of the family. Does that mean she still puts the family first in everything?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"This is the background information she revealed to us in her words. And you are combining your lines. The Gong family is everything to her. Therefore, when she said this, she should not be overbearing or overbearing. Arrogant. It should come from the fact that in her heart, it is not the individual, but the Gong family. She said it from the perspective of the Gong family. This level of emotion is the foundation, the cornerstone, and the most basic element to build everything."

"Her temperament is stubborn and very persistent. As long as it involves the Gong family, she will compromise. But this kind of compromise is not to the outside world, but to herself. And externally, as long as the Gong family is involved, nothing can make her Compromise. Is it supposed to be this way?"


Seeing that she had realized this, Xu Xin nodded heavily:

"So the emotion of your words must include the Gong family. Or...you are the Gong family yourself. You are not speaking on behalf of the Gong family, but the Gong family is telling that person: Today, you must pay back."

"...I have to think about it."


The morning exchange ended.

Xu Xin, who was stunned early in the morning, yawned:

"Then I continue to sleep?"

"Go ahead. We'll talk when you wake up and I'll think about it."


Xu Xin responded, rubbed his face, and returned to the room to continue sleeping.

Yang Mi took the two dogs and started walking in the yard.

She actually wanted to take the two dogs out for a walk, but everyone strictly prohibited her.

If two dogs stung her, it would be a serious crime.

So if you want to take a walk, you can only let the two dogs "move freely".

But the problem is that these two dogs are a bit scary. If they go out for a walk without a leash, they will easily scare others and cause unnecessary trouble.

So I can't go out easily.

But... the German Shepherd dog has a lot of activity every day.

Even if you start to get lazy in the future, that will only happen later.

You know, Zaizai and Niuniu have just "retired" from military dogs.

The amount of activity suddenly decreases, and dogs are prone to maladaptive stress reactions.

So she could only take it for a walk in the yard.

Let’s take a ten thousand step walk first to vent the energy of the two dogs.

Then when the weather gets warmer again, we will quickly negotiate for the two yards on the left and right, buy them, and remove the walls.

Then the activity venue will be large.

Love this story.

Then she should work hard.

Before he leaves, analyze all the characteristics of the character "Gong Er" as much as possible, and then record these understandings of the character in order to prepare for the final "audition."

But to be honest, she still doesn't have any extravagant expectations about being able to star in the film.

Pregnancy is definitely out of the question this year.

She also doesn’t want to come back immediately after giving birth.

No need...

There are always some trade-offs between family and career.

Is not it?

This year’s Lantern Festival, the whole family is together.

Xu Daqiang and Xu Miao also spent time in the courtyard.

The merger of the two families made this courtyard more or less extremely crowded.

Not counting the staff, not counting the child in Yang Mi’s belly.

Two families of seven people always feel a little out of breath in this yard of several hundred square meters.

Buying the two neighboring yards is imminent.

And this matter has already fallen on Xu Miao.

It was Xu Daqiang, who had drunk half a catty of wine, stretched out the Hermès in his hand and gave the order to die.

"If you can't take these two rooms, I'll beat you to death!"

The brothers also know...

Maybe it's because since Xu Xin's rebellious period ended, the gold profit on the old man's waist has no use...

Maybe I really have been lonely for too long.

This time Hermès came back to the world, and the old man couldn't let it go.

Every day he is like a monitor, waiting for his two sons to make some mistakes so that he can relive the loving father and filial piety he had when he was young.

It's quite outrageous.

If the belt doesn't hit you, it won't hurt you.

On the 16th of the first lunar month, he took Zhang Jiao back to Xi'an again.

Yang Mi has a new mission.

That’s when you have your free time and start to score points with a few cheats.

Although pregnant women are not allowed to touch electronic products...she does have a lot of leisure time at home.

After all the work that should be done every day is done, humans are not machines, so they must have some entertainment.

And this time there is a new person in the team.


Lin Xin’s account number...

It’s quite outrageous anyway.

The enemy magic of the Killer King is supplemented by the support of Karl of the Steel Hand. The third position on the top lane is Jay Chou's Ax King who can't wait to turn once in the whole game. Because the Chinese server has not opened WLK for a long time, he will be beaten in the arena. The Punishment Cavalry of Keyboard 1234 was so exciting that Lin Xingxin, who finally escaped from the trap and joined DOTA, had a convulsive one or three pairs of points, and the Almighty Knight chased everyone he saw...

In this team, Yang Mi's Shadow Demon almost broke his waist.

Every C that doesn’t have blood cannot carry this game.

It’s true that he pushed the weight-bearing training to the brink of the limit.

It also made the team name "Invictus" successfully turn into a nightmare-like black shop in the Fish Pond Bureau.

And with the training in the fish pond game, Yang Mi's mid lane skills took off.

Occasionally I go back to the same room and play against those professional players.

Those big guys, headed by 820 who now dominates the room, are occasionally shown being stunned.

And Yang Mi also felt a little emotional...

This game is truly one of the most talented players of all time.

The "YYF" that has popped up recently has become very popular.

It's just... I don't know why, maybe it's an illusion?

She always felt that the other person's head was not as big as usual, and her POM arrow could always hit him.

But the other party's escape skills are useless.

Can be called a master...

In short, time started to slip away in such an inadvertent way.

In a blink of an eye, it’s already the end of February.

At the end of February, Yang Mi, who had not seen Xu Xin for more than a week, waited at home for Zhang Jiao, who came back alone.

Man, I saw it in the morning.

When she came back in the afternoon, Zhang Jiao, who won the nod from the judges with her performance of "La Traviata", boarded the plane back to Xi'an again.

March 10th.


"Teacher Liu, just follow the car and take pictures along this road. Try to be steady and don't shake."

Aerial photographer Liu Yu responded and expressed his understanding.

This scene is the last shot of the entire "The Wind", where the car is driving along the road.

The focus is not on the road, but on the trees on both sides.

From the desolation at the beginning, we walked into the green of spring.

It symbolizes that this country is moving towards a bright future.

From having nothing to thriving, this is what he wants to express.

It's actually easy to take pictures. The trees at the foot of the mountain are covered with a lot of dry weeds. As long as the height in the air is high enough, it will look like a natural gradient color from yellow to green.

This is the last scene of "The Wind".

After the explanation, the driver over there was also ready to take his place.

Xu Xin took the walkie-talkie and said:

"Departments, prepare, the helicopter is taking off."

The "buzzing" sound of propeller airflow began to sound.

Xu Xin, who sat back by the monitor, quietly watched the picture move gradually into the predetermined picture track. Finally, the vehicle disappeared into the vibrant scene.

The helicopter was still circling, waiting for news from the director.

After Xu Xin checked the high-altitude route he personally designed on the monitor, he took the walkie-talkie and said in front of everyone's attention:

"OK, passed. I announce that "The Wind" is officially finished."


Cheers rang out from the slightly thin crew.

Xu Xin leaned on the seat and let out a long breath.


Finally, the filming was finished.

"The crew of "The Wind" announced in Hengdian that filming has been successfully completed!"

This is the first time news has come from "The Wind" since the beginning of the new year.

This news also means that the entire film has completely entered post-production, but it is difficult to say when the upper limit will be.

Xu Xin calculated the progress... and felt that it should be released during the Domestic Film Protection Month.

As for foreign countries... Cannes and Golden Bear will definitely not be able to catch up.

But...Venice seems to be available.

But his attitude is quite objective.

This movie shouldn't be competitive at Venice.

At most, it will stop at screenings and screenings.

Because its plot is not in line with Western perceptions. Firstly, there is no anti-war trend, and secondly, the group of foreigners cannot empathize with it.

To put it bluntly, for them, World War II ended in 1945.

But for the people of China, new life will come four years later.

Therefore, it doesn't matter to him whether he goes to Venice or not.

It doesn’t matter whether I get the prize or not, let alone my expectations.

There is no use thinking about something that is obviously impossible.

On the evening of March 10th.

Final feast.



The sound of collision of vehicle chassis was heard.

Liu Yifei was shocked and was a little confused.


what's the situation?

Did I hit something?

After hearing the movement, soon the door of the courtyard was opened, and Sun Ting poked her head out in confusion.

Then at a glance, he saw Liu Yifei sitting on a Cayenne in a dazed state.

Sun Ting hurriedly walked down and came to the driver's seat window:

"Sister Yifei, are you okay?"

"Uh... I'm... okay..."

Only then did Liu Yifei come to her senses and asked:

"Tingting, did I hit something?"


Sun Ting shook her head.

Liu Yifei relaxed subconsciously and then said:

"Then get out of the way and I'll drive up."


Sun Ting nodded and stepped aside.

Then, Cayenne began to ride on the curb.

But as soon as the wheels moved, suddenly, there was a "squeaking" sound from the right front wheel of the car.

The movement was really quite big.

There was something obviously wrong with the sound, but Liu Yifei's car had indeed come up, so she didn't care about it for the time being. She directly drove the car behind a new Volvo that she knew she had bought.

None of the plastic wrap inside the car has been removed.

Just drove back.

On the other side, in the courtyard, Cheng Hu, who heard the sound, also came out.

As Yang Mi's official driver, Cheng Hu, who drove the Volvo back, thought someone had hit the Volvo XC90 and wanted to see if the person who hit the car was okay...

After he walked out, he quickly came to Sun Ting:

"what's the situation?"

"Brother Hu, please take a look quickly. Sister Yifei's right front wheel just squeaked."


Cheng Hu breathed a sigh of relief at first.

Liu Yifei also got off the bus.

After getting off the car, Sun Ting said:

"Sister Yifei, would you like Brother Hu to help you look at the car?"


Liu Yifei casually handed him the key to the Cayenne without thinking much about it.

She can't repair cars.

If the car breaks down, just go get it repaired.

What's more, this car also had a problem with the right front wheel some time ago. It was repaired not long ago, so don't break it again.

"Where's Mimi?"

"Waiting for you... Brother Hu, let's go in first."

"Oh, okay, let me see what happens."

Cheng Hu responded and squatted on the right wheel of the Cayenne.

He was in the transportation class in the army, and repairing cars was a skill he must master.

After Liu Yifei walked into the courtyard, her eyes were quite curious.

After all, this is her first time coming to Mimi's house...

Whether it was the scenery of the small courtyard or the weapons rack in the corner, she saw something new.


"What are you doing Mimi?"

"I'm folding laundry in the house."

After Sun Ting finished speaking, she took a step forward and opened the door for her.


Liu Yifei said politely, but when she entered the room, she was a little confused...

First, there were two big wolfdogs in the corner who got up at the same time...

But that's okay.

Following Yang Mi’s voice:

"Zai Zai, Niuniu, sit down."

The two dogs immediately lay down.

Seems quite honest.

But that's not the point. The point is...

"Mimi, what are you..."

As soon as they caught sight, there were about ten pieces of clothes piled on the coffee table in front of Yang Mi, which were obviously baby clothes. There were not only clothes, but also small socks and small hats.

It must have been just washed and Yang Mi is folding it.

Neatly folded.


Yang Mi said with a smile:

"I'm folding laundry. What's wrong?"


Liu Yifei was even more confused:

"These clothes...who uses them?"

"its me."

The smile on Yang Mi's face gradually turned into a "bad taste".

She decided to tease Liu Yifei.

As expected, after hearing this, Liu Yifei was completely speechless:

"Can you fit it in!?"

"I can't put it on, but the baby can."

"...baby? Whose is it?"


After hearing this, Yang Mi gave the answer as it should be.

Then, under Liu Yifei's instinctively widened eyes, she smiled and said:

"I'm pregnant!"


"Anyway, just let nature take its course. After we received the certificates, we didn't continue to take safety measures. Who knew that I would be pregnant in no time... Hehe~"


When she heard what happened and the result from Yang Mi's mouth, Liu Yifei felt that half of her body was numb.


Wasn't it fine a year ago?

How come after this year...you become a mother?


Unparalleled shock.

But after the shock, there was a hint of congratulations from the heart:

"Congratulations! What about the wedding? When will it be held?"

"No way..."

Yang Mi's bad taste has not dissipated yet.

Liu Yifei was confused again.

"……That's it."

When Yang Mi explained again, Liu Yifei suddenly felt numb all over her body.

can only say……

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

No wonder I was asked to come home to eat today...

Mimi is really not suitable to come out now.


"Then your career..."

"No delay."

Just as Yang Mi was about to speak, Cheng Hu suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Yang...Mr. Liu's car...there is something wrong."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Is it a big problem? Was that movement just now her car?"

When Liu Yifei turned his head, Cheng Hu nodded:

"Yes...the air suspension is broken. The car needs to be taken to be repaired~"


Liu Yifei was a little surprised:

"I just replaced it, why did it break again?"


Cheng Hu opened his mouth, but seemed hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Yang Mi asked:

"Brother Cheng, what's wrong? Just tell me."

Seeing the boss's permission, Cheng Hu nodded and said:

"I checked all four of them just now and found that this one was indeed replaced not long ago. When I went up the steps, the air leaked directly from the top. The other three were fine, but this one was broken... so I directly I jacked up the car to check. This suspension...Mr. Liu must have been deceived by the people at the car repair shop. It is an air suspension from an auxiliary factory, and it should be a very cheap auxiliary factory part..."

"No, I asked my assistant to drive to the 4S store to have it repaired."

After hearing Cheng Hu's words, Liu Yifei said subconsciously.

At this time, Cheng Hu couldn't continue talking.

What could he say?

Were you deceived by an assistant or deceived by a 4S store?

Or maybe your assistant simply didn’t go to the 4S store?

Not to mention anything else, no big repair shop would dare to use the suspension.

The quality is so bad.

It collapsed immediately after being pushed against the curb, indicating that there was a problem with the rigid structure.

It's a pity that this car didn't go on the highway. If it did, there's no telling what might happen.

But the problem is, he really can't say these words.

If you say it out loud...then that doesn't mean it's enough to sow discord?


The facts are now before Liu Yifei.

On the front foot, she was still digesting the important matter of Mimi being pregnant, but on the back foot... after hearing this person's words, she became even more confused.

Why did Cheng Hu shut up? Her mind turned and she finally reacted belatedly.

All of a sudden, her face turned completely gloomy.

It was so gloomy that it seemed like it could drip water.

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