I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 289 287 Waiting for the Wind to Come

Chapter 289 287. Wait for the wind to come

Liu Yifei asked with a gloomy face:

"Brother Cheng, is the quality... very poor?"


Cheng Hu glanced at Yang Mi and then nodded:

"Yeah. It's pretty bad. Mr. Liu should have replaced this one not long ago, right? I think it's quite clean. It means the car hasn't been driven much... How much did you spend on it?"


After Liu Yifei recalled it, she said:

"It seems like more than 40,000?"


Cheng Hu's expression suddenly became strange.

Although he doesn't own a Porsche, as a full-time driver, he knows some things.

For this type of Cayenne, the 4S store's price estimate is around 20,000. But if you go to an outside repair shop, the same original parts may cost only 12,000 to 3,000 yuan.

After all, it's just hanging, and it's not something particularly valuable.

But this one is hanging empty and it costs more than 40,000 yuan to repair?

Four is 160,000?

Is this... being taken advantage of?

Besides, even 4S stores don’t dare to quote such outrageous prices, right?

Seeing his strange look, Liu Yifei asked directly:

"Have I been deceived?"


Cheng Hu thought for a while and said:

"Not necessarily. After all, there may be other problems..."

"No, there is no other problem. There was a problem with the suspension last time, so I replaced it with a new one."


Cheng Hu didn't know what to say anymore.

But Liu Yifei asked again:

"How much does this suspension normally cost?"


"It's okay, just say it."

Seemingly sensing his hesitation, Liu Yifei asked in an inquisitive manner.

At this time, Yang Mi also spoke:

"It's okay, Brother Cheng, just tell me. This is all her money, you can't keep it secret..."

The boss spoke, and Cheng Hu nodded:

"It should cost only 12,300 yuan per piece, including labor costs... Ordinary repair shops may replace it for 14,000 to 50,000 yuan. But if you go to a 4S shop, it may cost around 20,000 yuan? That's about it."

After saying that, he thought for a while and added:

"But... I'm talking about the original factory. But Mr. Liu is installing this on the car now... Even if it is a subsidiary factory, it must be from a small factory. I estimate it is only... three... three or four thousand? I don't know the specifics. I don’t know, you should be able to find it on Taobao…”



Now let alone Liu Yifei, Yang Mi was speechless.

Don't mention anything else, just calculate it as five thousand.

Liu Yifei's car repair cost was calculated as 40,000 yuan.

With this in and out, there is still a "profit" of thirty-five thousand yuan.

This money...

Is it so profitable?

Yang Mi thought for a while and asked:

"Which of your assistants repaired this car? Or did your driver repair it for you? This person...it's better not to have it and to find another one."

After saying that, she turned to Cheng Hu and said:

"Brother Cheng, can that car still be driven now?"

"It can't be driven. We need to call a tow truck."

"...Then you go and call me. Then follow me in person, just go to the 4S store. After you have inspected and quoted the price, give me a call. Repair it first, and then let someone take a look at everything inside and outside the car. Once again, find someone reliable, nothing else matters, there must be no safety risks!"

"Okay...Mr. Liu, shall I go then?"

Liu Yifei came back to her senses and nodded:

"Sorry, Brother Cheng."

"You're welcome, I'll go right away. Do you have any valuables in the car?"



Cheng Hu nodded and walked out directly, followed by Sun Ting.

But after he left, Liu Yifei was no longer in a good mood.

She just pursed her lips hard...

Until I heard Yang Mi’s comforting words:

"Okay, don't be angry. This matter needs to be investigated, but don't get angry. Who handled it and who handled it will be investigated when the time comes. It should be our money, and he will spit out every penny! ... Hey, look at these socks, how cute they are..."


Liu Yifei said nothing.

After waiting for less than a minute, Sun Ting walked in carrying a bag of things.

"Sister Yifei, I found some bills in the car and put them in this bag for you. Please check them~ the car is clean now."


Liu Yifei's eyes fell on the shopping bag.

Suddenly he looked up at Sun Ting...

Then, he suddenly turned to look at Yang Mi:

"Mimi, I chatted with Tingting before, and they said... After you opened the company, Tingting was responsible for training assistants, right?"

"Uh... um."

Yang Mi responded:

"That's right."


After hearing this, Liu Yifei paused and suddenly said:

"How many people has Tingting trained now? Is there anything particularly reliable?... I want to change the people around me."


Yang Mi was stunned and asked:

"Replace everything?"

"Yeah! Change them all!"

Liu Yifei's expression suddenly became determined:

"Leave no one behind!"


Seeing her determined look, Yang Mi was a little troubled:

"The problem is that I haven't started yet. I plan to wait until the contract is over and the company is established before letting Tingting start taking charge of this aspect."


Upon hearing this, Liu Yifei's eyes darkened.

He forced a smile and said:

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

But who knows...


Yang Mi suddenly waved her hand:

"Your team has such a big problem, how can I rest assured? ... You came to my place today, hit a curb, and had a problem with the suspension. What about in the future? What if you drive on the highway or in the future? What are you doing? What should you do if something goes wrong? Have you thought about the consequences? How can you reassure me like this? "


Liu Yifei was speechless.

Her temples bulged just from gritting her teeth.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Mi suddenly looked at Sun Ting.

"I'll let Tingting stay with you for a while."


Liu Yifei was stunned:

"Ah?...No, that's not what I meant. Mimi, don't think too much, I..."

"I know."

Yang Mi shook her head slightly, stopping her from continuing to speak:

"I understand, and I didn't think too much about it. Anyway, I'm pregnant, and there's nothing else to do. And... there are my parents here, and a team of nutritionists taking care of me. Tingting is following me, here. The effect is actually very small. This is true for Tingting and Qiqi... Didn't you notice that I gave Jiaojiao to Xu Xin...emmmm..."

She thought for a few more seconds and continued:

"I'll lend you Tingting and Qiqi. Then I'll ask Tingting to help you find new assistant candidates. From the first assistant to the second assistant, to the image assistant, including the driver... Brother Hu, I will also ask him Follow you. He works hard and is from the army, so I feel more at ease. These people should be able to take good care of you. Then over there, hurry up and look for me. Anyway, I haven’t been doing anything in the past two years. ...Tingting, do you have any objections?"


Sun Ting answered quite quickly.

Also extremely decisive:

"Sister, I will do whatever you say. If Sister Yifei agrees, then I will ask Qiqi to come over now, and I can hand over the work in a while."

Yang Mi's eyes instantly revealed a look of satisfaction.

A fleeting moment.

But Liu Yifei was confused:

"Then...what should you do? Isn't there no one around you?"

"I won't need it for the time being. In addition to Tingting and Qiqi, I'm also accompanied by the Eight Great Vajras."

Yang Mi answered equally straightforwardly:

"Although they don't understand the things in the circle, they can take care of me, a pregnant woman, better than Tingting and Qiqi. But similarly, Tingting and Qiqi can also take care of you in the circle. Very good. Including Brother Cheng... don't worry, nothing will go wrong. Tingting, remember? Nothing can go wrong."

"Okay, sister."

Sun Ting still agreed happily.

"Then you don't care about your work here?"

"Well, let's talk about it then."

Yang Mi looked relaxed, but the seriousness in her eyes was particularly strong:

"Such a thing happened to you now... As a friend, I can only help you so much. In fact, in my opinion, the people around you are very unprofessional... Of course, Aunt Liu can't count, she They are elders. But... I tell the truth, work and family love should be separated. Work is work, and family love is family love. This is the right way. So you have to communicate well with Aunt Liu about this kind of thing. After all... these people are her and Mr. Chen found it for you."


Is this a concern?

no doubt.

But for Liu Yifei, it was like a thorn...

It hurt her so much.

"Mimi...I'm sorry..."

Suddenly, she said:

"I caused trouble for you..."


Yang Mi smiled and shook her head:

"With Tingting taking care of you, I feel more relieved. Then... let me slowly help you build your team, how about it?"

"...Yeah! Thank you!"

"What else can we say to thank you...Tingting, please call Qiqi here~"


Sun Ting nodded and walked out of the house again.

As soon as she left, Yang Mi looked at Liu Yifei:

"My only request is that you and Aunt Liu have a good talk and don't quarrel over this matter, okay? Don't hurt her heart. She's doing it for your own good."

Liu Yifei did not agree directly, but suddenly showed a "sneer":

"For my own good? What costs two or three thousand dollars costs me more than forty thousand! Even if this thing drives at high speed... it's simply murder! This is called doing it for my own good..."


Yang Mi suddenly interrupted her words seriously:

"There are only bad children in the world, and there are no bad parents. When your team has a problem, the fault is not with Aunt Liu, but with themselves. Aunt Liu's original intention is just to hope that they can take good care of you. This starting point is absolutely not wrong. We We must learn not to anger others, and learn to manage our own team and our own career. When we are wronged, it is immature to argue, make trouble, or blame our parents. We must learn to do it ourselves. To deal with problems, you have to think independently.”


After saying this, Liu Yifei was speechless.

The resentment in my heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

But there was no one in the room at the moment, so she could say some things without any psychological burden.

So I suddenly asked:

"Mimi...am I very immature..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned.

Then his eyes became gentle:

"It's okay, you have me."

The answer is not what was asked.

But it once again made Liu Yifei purse her lips...

March sixteenth.

on Monday.

Xu Xin, who had just returned from Hengdian a few days ago, returned to Yanjing with the edited original film of "The Wind".

After landing, Qi Lei came to pick him up. After sending Xu Xin home, he took away the original film of "The Wind".

This was sent for the soundtrack.

Xu Xin only took the replica and returned home.

His task was basically completed, and all that was left was to check the soundtrack every now and then to see what was suitable and what was inappropriate. The rest of the later stage has been handed over to Qi Lei.

Carrying the suitcase, he walked up the steps with his aching legs.

no way.

As soon as Yang Mi became pregnant, he started working out again.

My back and legs have been aching these past few days.

Before he entered the door, he suddenly heard a dog howling.


He was stunned when he was taking out the keys.

But immediately I heard Yang Mi’s helpless voice:

"Oh, silly girl, why are you so stupid? Come here, mom, take a look."

Xu Xin took out the key and opened the door.

When she heard the noise, Niu Niu, who was wailing just now, also limped towards the door.

"Go! Go! Go."

Xu Xin dragged the box in and saw Yang Mi in baggy clothes looking at him with a smile:

"I'm home."

"Well... what just happened? Why is Niuniu's leg so lame?"

"I bumped into a shelf. In order to compete for the ball with Zai Zai, my leg directly hit the edge. Can it not hurt..."

Yang Mi also shook her head helplessly.

"Our place is still small... Do you have any confidence in these two houses?"

"One family has it. We are currently talking about it. The other family lives abroad all year round. They said they want to know the market here before deciding whether to sell or not."

Xu Xin said casually, threw the suitcase aside, squatted down and rubbed the front paws of Niu Niu who was raising her legs towards him.

Then he said:

"How long has it been since you took them out together?"

"They sneak around quite often, and my dad takes them once in the morning, noon and evening... But they want to go out and play every day... I don't have anywhere for them to play."

"We're just waiting. When Brother Qian'er's zoo is negotiated and built, we can let them play there."

Yu Xuan wants to build a zoo.

As soon as he heard that he had two blackbacks who were born in England but had German aristocratic blood, he clamored to have cubs quickly. He wanted one.

Just give it if you want it.



Good guy, Yanjing’s stubborn master is really powerful.

Then he rubbed Zaizai, who was in his arms, and said:

"Would you like to watch the edited version of "The Wind"?"


After hearing this, Yang Mi went into the small screening room at home.

When Xu Xin saw that no one was helping him pick up his luggage, he casually carried the box aside to prevent it from blocking the road. He walked to the screening room with the bag and then asked:

"Why is there no one at home?"

"My parents went shopping for groceries, and the others have the day off."

"Where are Tingting and Qiqi?"

"Going to Yifei."


Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned:

"What? Where did it go?"

"I will arrange a period of time with Liu Yifei..."


Looking at Xu Xin who looked puzzled, Yang Mi, who was still drawing the curtains, explained the ins and outs of what happened in the past few days.

Xu Xin's brows instantly wrinkled:

"Then there's no one around you now?"

"No need. I have nothing to do~"


Xu Xin was speechless:

"You even sent your own troops in? How obsessed are you with her?"

“It’s very, very big~”

Xu Xin's joke came back with her serious answer:

"This is called the beauty of the first love. Even if you meet a better person later, you always forget ... uh, no, no, no, no, no ... brother, listen to me explanation!"

"That's wrong... I'll change it!"

"Let me think about it...oh yes! My first man, even...eh? It doesn't seem right."

"My first woman... is not... Oh! Why are you so annoying! Just big! Just big! I'm big! What's wrong! Why are you so annoying! Ask me! Ask me again. I'll collapse. You! We, the three of us, will destroy you together!"

Looking at the furious woman, Xu Xin's face was speechless.

What did I say?

Still ruining me?

Why are you farting like this? It's going on every day...

Thinking of this, he shook his head speechlessly, took out a CD from his bag, and put it into the DVD player that had been gradually eliminated from the market.

After the movie flickered with snowflakes, a lively night scene appeared on the screen.

Soon, Liu Yifei's screams sounded...

"The Wind" is only a fine cut, and there are still some things that require CG technology missing, so it still looks a bit rough.

Moreover, the sounds are all unprocessed and there is no soundtrack.

But Yang Mi still looked at it very seriously.

This is her work, and she naturally has to put a critical eye on her performance on screen.

Even now she couldn't change it even if she wanted to.

But the shortcomings still have to be pointed out.

So the two of them didn't watch the movie very fast. They basically watched it, paused it, then rewinded it, and then discussed it.

And just when the movie entered the picnic scene, suddenly, Xu Xin's phone rang.

After looking down, Xu Xin said:


"You go out and pick it up, and I'll take a look."


In response, Xu Xin took the phone and walked out.

Director Zhang is not Zhang Yimou, but Zhang Wu.

Xu Xin has not seen Zhang Yimou for a long time from years ago to now.

The main reason is that the other party decided to make a movie this year and did not come to Yanjing after the New Year. Instead, he went directly to select locations. In addition to some preparatory work, Zhang Yimou has not been in Yanjing recently.

"Hey, Director Zhang, what are your instructions? Complete the task immediately!"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Wu on the other end of the phone couldn't help laughing:

"Haha, you kid... what you said is not fishy or fishy."

"Hehe~ What do you want from me?"

"Come to my house for dinner tonight and come have a drink with me."


"Yes, you are in Yanjing, right?"

"Here, I just got home right now...Okay, what time should I go find you in the evening?"

"Be there on time at seven. I will cook today. Let's have a drink!"

"This...are you at home alone?"


Zhang Wu's laughter said it all.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin walked into the room again and said to Yang Mi:

"Director Zhang Wu called me to his house for dinner tonight. Have a drink~"

"Well, let's go."

Yang Mi nodded and said she understood.

At 6:30 p.m., Xu Xin arrived at the gate of the hospital where Zhang Wu lived on time and parked the car outside.

Don’t worry about someone posting a note here, so feel free to stop.

And it’s easier to call a driver if you drink too much.

Otherwise, the driver will basically not be able to get in, and the people inside will have to drive the car out themselves.

It's more or less "edged".

Indicate your intention, register, notify, and release after getting permission.

A community of this size is indeed a bit troublesome.

But recently, he found Zhang Wu's home with ease.

Before I opened the door, I heard the sound of cooking coming from inside.

It is also accompanied by a vinegary and sour smell.

"Dong dong dong."


Zhang Wu's voice sounded, and then the door opened quickly. With an apron hanging on his body, he saw what Xu Xin was carrying and asked:

"Why did you bring something here?"

"You can't be empty-handed either."

Xu Xin entered the house with a smile and changed into slippers.

Zhang Wu’s house is actually quite old.

It was given points in the first place.

But the place is not small, about 100 square meters.

Pure Bai Shi Laiping, not the kind found in public stalls.

And the furnishings at home are quite simple.

This is not his only home in Yanjing, but the remaining houses are also bought for his children.

And living here, the symbolic meaning is far greater than those so-called luxury.

Not to mention anything else, Xu Xin actually wants to live in...

But it is basically impossible for him to do so in this life.

It's not a system.

"I'm cooking two dishes, let's get started."

"Okay, where's the wine? I'll choose."

"What to choose? Today is Fenjiu."

"Not Maotai?"

"Hey kid... I wouldn't even give it to an ordinary person to drink."


Xu Xin got a good deal and then helped arrange the bag of peanuts.

Zhang Wu is from Shanxi and likes to soak peanuts in vinegar.

Xu Xin also likes it.

It's mainly for relieving tiredness, and if you eat too much, it's still sweet, and the taste is not that good.

Soon, a table of rice was ready.

Two bottles of Fenjiu with very old labels were also placed on the table.

Fill the wine.

"Come on, Xiao Xu, let's go alone."

"How many bites?"

"The first cup, five mouthfuls."


The two clinked glasses and downed the wine in one gulp.

Zhang Wu picked up a few peanuts and asked:

"When will you two get married?"

He also knew about Yang Mi.

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Mimi means to talk about it after the baby is born. But after we have received the certificate, we just have to go to get justice in April."

Zhang Wu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't comment, he just nodded:

"Twins are good, don't worry, the mother will suffer once. When the child grows up, how about sending him to serve as a soldier?"

"What if it's a girl?"

"Girls are also women, after all."

Hearing Zhang Wu's words, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Okay. I also think it's good to be a soldier ~ protect your family and country!"

"That's not it~ Hey, let me tell you, the solidity of comradeship is the collection of the most precious friendships in the world. Think about it, our friendship is really a friendship that we have worked hard together all the way. Damn it. Just like Liu Kuan and I, we may not see each other more than two or three times a year, but every time we meet...it's just this wine, you see? This number."

"Two bottles per person?"

Looking at the "V" word, Xu Xin asked in surprise.


Zhang Wu was stunned.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then nodded:


"Good guy!"

Xu Xin felt happy, but he just pretended to be confused and picked up the wine glass with a look of wonder:

"Then you are still showing mercy to me?"

"Then look, hahahaha~"

Zhang Wu smiled happily.

After another sip of wine, he opened up the conversation with this topic:

"Xiao Xu, have you silently told you about the World Expo? Didn't you go there last month?"

"Yeah. I told you! I was talking about looking for someone from the Olympic Games to be a consultant... Did I find you?"


Zhang Wu picked up a piece of Mushu egg with chopsticks, felt the sour and smooth taste in his mouth, and said:

"You stay with me."


"It won't waste any time. Although we don't know exactly when we will go there, our task is to go there to talk about the plan with everyone, and then make some supplementary explanations on site when the director team reports the project. You can add the supplementary explanations Do……"

Speaking of this, Zhang Wu lowered his voice habitually.

He muttered a few words to Xu Xin.

It’s okay not to listen.

After hearing this, Xu Xin felt a storm in his heart.

Looking at his surprised expression, Zhang Wu smiled and raised his wine glass:

"The World Expo is very important. And our job is actually the easiest. However, because of the name of the Olympic Games, our job is easy, but the weight is very heavy. Now..."

Under the turmoil in Xu Xin's heart, he said meaningfully:

"got it?"


Xu Xin responded.

Then suddenly he let out a long sigh...

"I suddenly remembered something."


"Zhao Dezhi, do you know who it is?"


Zhang Wu thought for a while and shook his head:

"No impression, what's wrong?"

"He is the project manager of the construction company at the Bird's Nest. On the day of the banquet, we smoked together outside the auditorium and chatted..."

He told what happened between him and Zhao Dezhi at the door.

Then he continued:

"Zhao Dezhi said to me: Director Xu, we are just like the leaves on the roadside, waiting for the wind to come every day. If a gust of wind blows over, even if it only blows a little bit, we may turn over. If the wind is strong Some of them took us flying forward for a while, and that was the green smoke coming out of the ancestral graves... Now that I think about it, it seems that this is really the truth."

Hearing this, Zhang Wu laughed:

"Haha, my words are rough, but... you are better than him. At most, he is just a fallen leaf, but you can ride on this wind. As for whether you will be carried away, or skyrocketed to ninety thousand miles, that still depends on you. Personal creation.”

"Isn't there still you?"

Xu Xin smiled and raised the cup again.

Well, bite four.

He drank the drink in one gulp.


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