I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 293 291 Give way to the dog, no shame

Chapter 293 291. Give way to the dog, no shame

“Dublin Studying Dog, because of visa issues, came to the embassy to register.

I have to complain that the efficiency of foreigners in UCD is really poor, and it is far behind our domestic efficiency.

Then I came across the scene of my title.





I took these 4 photos.

The first one is the waiting list in the service hall. It was around 10 a.m. when I went there. There were relatively few Chinese here, so there were basically no people in the consulate. It’s me on the 6th, and my service type is “Study Abroad Visa”.

Behind me are Yang Mi and Xu Xin.

Just the next few photos.

The two of them basically didn't hide much when they came here, they just wore sunglasses.

Yang Mi's little titty voice is so recognizable that she can be recognized at a glance. You can tell by looking at the photos. Unless I'm blind, otherwise... I really didn't recognize the wrong person!

It’s Xu Xin and Yang Mi!

No. 7 is these two people, please pay attention! Their content is "Marriage Notarization"!

After I finished it, I saw the two of them go in with my own eyes!

Here is some popular science. There are two types of marriages in Dublin.

One is a Catholic marriage and the other is a civil marriage.

Divorce is prohibited in Catholic marriages. Civil marriage is a "contract system".

The contract system means that you have to stipulate how many years your marriage contract must be fulfilled!

The longer the time, the shorter the cost!

The contract starts at 1 year and reaches a maximum of 100 years.

The cost for one year is about more than 3,000 Irish pounds, which translates into more than 20,000 RMB.

And it only costs one Irish pound for 100 years!

That’s 8 yuan!

On the date when the contract comes into effect, any divorce method of any nature is prohibited!

Foreigners can also come to Ireland to get married, but in order to have legal effect in their own country, they must come to the embassy to notarize it.

Therefore, I can responsibly say that any couple who shows up at the embassy in Dublin for marriage notarization will come here to record their marriage after getting married in Ireland.

In this case, the marriage will be recognized by both countries!

Absolutely! right! No! able! Leave! marriage! of!

So, that’s it for popular science, you can make up your own mind.

Why did Yang Mi and Xu Xin, who are surrounded by scandals every day, come here... By the way, why can't "The Wind" be seen in Dublin!

I'm quite looking forward to this movie by the two of them~!

In short, the above is what I see and say. I will not spread rumors or spread rumors. What I have seen are all facts and reasonable speculations based on the facts.

If something is wrong, I can delete it.

But this is indeed what I saw with my own eyes.


PS: Let’s make an irresponsible guess. If Yang Mi and Xu Xin really get married in Ireland, then... everyone just needs to pay attention. That's the length of their marriage contract. If it's one or two years, I didn't say, but if it's 50 years or 100 years...

All I can say is, maybe this is true love.

Because they can't get divorced.

How to say this?

No divorce, just widowhood?

Some of our international students here also fall in love with local people in Dublin. I saw several couples alone... Although this is not a slander, it is true that when asked whether they want to get married here, many people have concerns.

Although I am a single nobleman, I can more or less imagine what marriage means.

Therefore, there is a saying among international students: Ireland does not believe in tears, and love does not exist in Dublin.

It's more of a consensual relationship.

But if the two of them really received their certificates here, then I can only say this sincerely:


This is what appeared on the Tianya Forum at around 9pm on the 20th.

As soon as it was posted, the forum exploded.

The reason for the explosion is actually as stated in the post.

Xu Xin and Yang Mi didn't hide it at all.

Although I also wore sunglasses...

But what’s the use of just a pair of sunglasses?

To use a very popular buzzword, that is: I still know you even if you take off your vest!

Xu Xin's short hair and Yang Mi's wavy hair are not too obvious.

Almost everyone was 80% sure at the first glance that they were the two of them.

"You can tell by the shape of his head, it must be Xu Xin."

"Indeed, Zhang Yimou has the same money."

"Hahaha, God, Zhang Yimou has the same money."

"Are you sure it's Yang Mi? Damn it, stop it! I'm going to lose my powder!"

“Sad man upstairs please tell your story.”

"Wasn't there a post before that exposed the details of their relationship? Almost all of them are real, so why can't you accept it?"

"To quote "I haven't posted it before". Let me ask you, if your fantasy wife gets married to someone else, would you be able to accept it?"

"You still know it's a fantasy?"

"/Crying/Crying/Crying, damn! Kill Xu Dog!"

"Xu Gou!! Wuwuwuwu! If the two of us really get married, it would be more uncomfortable than fucking killing me! Wuwuwuwu!"

“If you don’t understand, just ask, is it true that divorce is not allowed in Ireland?”

"Yes, I just checked on Baidu. The law there is indeed a contract system, and divorce is not allowed. The contract must be fulfilled~"

"Think about it from another angle, maybe the two of them signed a one-year contract?"

"That's funny upstairs. Do you think Yang Mi would sign this contract if it didn't last for 50 or 100 years? What about you? Would you sign it?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...It's more uncomfortable than killing me!"

"So, the two of them are really bound together?"

"We have been tied together for a long time. Didn't someone have a deep look at it? In "The Golden Armor", Yang Mi became a murderer in the most impossible way. There must be a story in it. And look at her in the past few years. Her works and movies are all related to Xu Xin. In terms of TV series, whether it is "Wulin Gaiden" or "Ugly Girl", she has nothing to do with her. Moreover, she did not go to Rong Xinda's annual meeting last year, but went to film "The Wind" . The only time I went back to school in the past two years was with Xu Xin... You can decide for yourself."

"Let me tell you, if divorce is really impossible, the marriage between the two of them is really quite romantic!"

On the 20th, this post became the third most popular post in Tianya.

But this is just a discussion among netizens.

Some media have already begun to look for the contact information of Rong Xinda and Zeng Jia.

Zeng Jia refused all interviews.

Rong Xinda’s response to this matter was very subtle:

"I don't know, I don't know. She hasn't been to the company for a long time, and we don't know what she is busy with."

As soon as these words came out, reporters were like sharks who had smelled the smell and began to enter the venue crazily.

I quickly found out the news that Yang Mi’s contract will officially end after May 31 this year.

Now it looks like this...

Is running away a foregone conclusion?


Is this considered confusion, Yang Mi?

She is obviously one of the most popular little flowers. Her young and beautiful appearance has been sought after by countless people, and her popularity almost means that she can overtake the actresses of her generation.

But now she suddenly entered the marriage hall?

Don’t want a great career?

Isn't it a pity?

After all, you are married... there will definitely be some fans who are not fans.

This is basically an ironclad fact.


Why are these two people so anxious?

You two are still young!

Seeing these messages, countless people shook their heads slightly.

Xu Xin and Yang Mi were labeled as "love brains" at the same time.

As for Xu Xin... Finally, everyone found a seemingly "appropriate" reason to divert attention from the young director from the proper noun "Olympic Games" and put it on his personal life.

In fact, everyone has been speculating about what Xu Xin's family does.

After all, if nothing else, not everyone can afford a car like Ferrari.

But, look at the labels wrapped around Xu Xin.

Core member of the Olympic directing team, designer of the torch, winner of the Cannes Golden Camera Award, the youngest director of the Billion Dollar Club...

A series of labels, each of which seems to be more worthy of digging into than his private life.

Even if it is about the scandal with Yang Mi, in the absence of any concrete evidence, most of everyone's attention is focused on Yang Mi, not him.

But this time, after it was almost a "confirmation" that he and Yang Mi received their marriage certificate, these reporters first contacted those who were classmates with Xu Xin... This time it was not about asking about what happened when he and Yang Mi were in school. s story.

Those stories were basically all mined during the period of "Secrets That Cannot Be Told."

They want to dig deeper.

for example……

What does Xu Xin's family do?

"Xu Xin's family background is low, he is an outstanding young man from Shenmu, and his father is a coal boss."

On April 22nd.

Xu Xin's "secrets" were all dug out.

In fact, he didn't blame others for digging... He had no intention of hiding it at all, and he couldn't hide it.

Not to mention anything else, as long as you find out clearly that he is a Shenmu person, and then follow this clue to inquire, you can basically dig out everything that should be dug out.

After all, the LED screen for the Olympic Games is still in Shenmu Stadium.

Since childhood, he has been surrounded by countless classmates, friends, and even acquaintances whom he has never seen before.

From the hearsay of these people, Xu Xin's entire background can basically be pieced together.

His father is a coal boss.

There is money in the family.

Two brothers.

Isn't that all?

what else?

Is the coal boss afraid of investigation?

Xu Daqiang is not afraid.

All he does is legal business, whether it's mining or now real estate, it's all legal and reasonable.

Don't cheat and don't lie.

Have you sprinkled it with Chadi?

After all, reporters are not that wise.

It would be unrealistic to really check Xu Daqiang's assets.

So after searching again and again, I found a Xujiawan mine owned by the whole village.

As a result, when we arrived at the mine gate, we had not yet entered.

Everyone is focusing on production safety, who knows what you people are here for?


Interviewing Sanjin?

Then you go to Sanjin, what are you doing in the mine?

Therefore, what reporters dug up was only some very superficial information.

Except for the Xujiawan mine, basically nothing can be found further down.

But the "coal boss" of this era is indeed synonymous with the rich. After digging out Xu Xin's "family background" and getting a reasonable explanation for why he can drive a Ferrari, his only remaining " "The heat" was completely consumed.

There is really nothing left to dig.

Coal boss, rich.

What else?

Journalists want news and popularity, but this popularity does not mean how many people are digging into your mine, how much annual output is, how much profit you make in a year...

These things can be covered directly after the word "coal boss" appeared.

And then I kept digging... for a young director who was either taking classes in school or living in seclusion and making movies... No matter how hard I dug, I couldn't find the kind of story that the public cared about.

Of course, if Xu Xin, a wildflower, was caught like Gu Changwei, he might still be able to continue digging... But the fact is that everyone knows that you are rich, and everyone also knows that you and Yang Honey got married.

Under these two heats, if nothing else can be extended, it is equivalent to no heat at all.

Journalists want explosive news, not facts and ordinary truths.

Therefore, after Xu Xin had discovered the excitement here, he turned around and started speculating on the news that Yang Mi had married into a wealthy family.

The coal boss... must be considered a wealthy family, right?

Although he is a nouveau riche.

But as long as you are richer than ordinary people, you are a wealthy family.

Female celebrities marrying into wealthy families is an enduring topic. This kind of news only needs to include the names of Yang Mi and Xu Xin, and then list the living conditions of female celebrities after marrying into wealthy families. This is an article that will definitely attract a lot of reading. Why not do it?

And just when the media has seized on the popularity of this topic in the past few days and started flying all kinds of press releases about the two of them, media acquaintances at the airport suddenly received a piece of news...

On a flight taking off from Dublin, the names of XUXIN and YANGMI were clearly listed...

The two of them... are coming back!

In fact, with this news, it is equivalent to the "marriage" of the two being confirmed.

After all, the front foot was met by someone in Dublin, and the back foot you two came back from Dublin together.

Isn’t all this considered irrefutable evidence?

But this involves some unwritten and hidden rules in the journalistic profession.

That is the flight schedule information of the airport crew, which can never be stated openly.

This is a rule that journalists must abide by.

"Acquaintances" at the airport or station provide you with information so that you can intercept them at the airport. And at most, add something like "I stayed until Xu Xin and Yang Mi returned together" in the news.

But if anyone mentions something like "the reporter got the passenger list from relevant channels"...

Very good, then basically this reporter is not far away from being banned.

This is an industry rule.

As long as you use it, you must abide by it.

Moreover, those "acquaintances" are also very cautious. At most, they can tell you where the flight is, but if you want to ask for photos or evidence, they will not keep any of them.

So, you know it’s real, I know it’s real.

But unfortunately, we still have to go to the traffic jam, ask questions, and take pictures for everyone to see. Netizens who saw this news would not pay attention to how you managed to block Yang Mi and Xu Xin, or how you got the news that the two of them would appear on this flight...

As the same saying goes, what I show you is always the news I want you to see.

If you don’t see it, you just can’t see it.

It's like they are trying to downplay the fact that divorce is not allowed in Ireland.

Our platform is not a tool for you to show off your affection. How romantic you are is up to you.

In our case, only breaking news is enough.

"Phew... finally here."

Yang Mi stretched out, lifted the blanket covering her body, and said to Xu Xin at the other end of the aisle.

Including transfers, the flight lasted more than 17 hours, and even though it was first class, it was not very tiring. But the fatigue of the journey still pervaded her heart, making her look a little depressed.

"Yeah. How about your health? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Go to the hospital for a checkup first?"

"No, it's fine."

Yang Mi, whose belly was already visibly bulging, straightened out the loose clothes that covered her belly and stood up to get off the plane.

At this moment, Zhang Jiao whispered:

"Sister, there are many reporters outside."

"...are you here to block us?"


After Zhang Jiao responded, Xu Xin said:

"Then call security... where is the car? Let Sister Zeng come to the exit."


The plane door opened, and Xu Xin carefully protected Yang Mi as she moved forward, while Zhang Jiao communicated with the airport security from behind.

"These reporters are really..."

Xu Xin shook his head helplessly as he walked:

"Wouldn't it be better to dig up other people's news when you have time? How come it's all about us these past few days? Now they're blocking us...isn't it crazy?"

"This shows that we two are hot. Mr. Xu~"

Hearing this title, Xu Xin subconsciously smiled:

"You are right, Mrs. Xu."

After Yang Mi heard this title, she also had a smile on her face that was not exactly the same as Xu Xin's:


"Hey hey hey~"

Listening to the laughter of the two of them, Wang Sicong, who was following Zhang Jiao and had no sense of presence because of jet lag, finally said:

"Why are you two smiling so much?"

"Hey, are you still alive?"

Xu Xin looked back at him in surprise...

The eldest young master came to him specifically from London.

Just to witness the "ceremony" between the two of them.

He even wore a dress, intending to secure his title as best man first.

But when I went to Dublin City Hall and saw that the so-called "ceremony" was to get a marriage certificate, sign it, seal it and take a group photo, my mentality collapsed.

Originally, he planned to go swimming and diving in the warm Maldives during his Easter vacation.

The result was this.

And when he heard Xu Xin's words, he was already helpless and glared at him. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Zhang Jiao say over there:

"Sister, I've already been contacted. It will take about 20 minutes."

"Then just wait. Jiaojiao, go get your luggage first."

Yang Mi said, pointing to the floor-to-ceiling window next to her, meaning to wait here with everyone.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, planes at the Capital Airport were taking off and landing non-stop.

Xu Xin looked at the plane outside the window and said:

"In early May, I have to go to Xiangjiang."

"Why go?"

"The other side of the wheel is shouting to go check out Deng Ziqi's album..."

Hearing this, Wang Sicong quietly rolled his eyes.

If I hadn't known what you were going to do, I might have actually believed it.

"...What are you going for?"

Yang Mi was stunned.

Xu Xin paused and said:

"Go check out Deng Ziqi's album."

"Shouldn't she be on The Voice?"


Xu Xin was speechless by this rhetorical question, and subconsciously turned to look at Wang Sicong.

Wang Sicong immediately coughed and changed the topic:

"Dami, are there many reporters outside?"


Yang Mi didn't think much and nodded:

"Probably quite a few."

"Don't you plan on accepting an interview?"

"not going to."

Yang Mi’s answer was firm:

"These reporters are not famous reporters. Why should I answer them? It's not enough to waste my own time."

"Then you two plan to keep this matter a secret? You can't hide it anymore, right?"

Wang Sicong was speechless.

"Every day there is news about you two in the news, and... you are so jealous. Do you still plan to hide these things?"


Yang Mi shrugged:

"I just don't accept interviews from reporters like them. On the one hand, paparazzi have no bottom line. On the other hand, the most they can interview is a small news page. On the one hand, they use me to stir up the heat, and on the other hand, they plan to use their hands empty-handed. White Wolf? How can there be such a good thing in the world? I don’t need them to hype it up for me... After all, what they say may be outrageous. Therefore, I only publish this kind of valuable news. To the media that maintains a good relationship with me. For example, Southern Weekly, why should these people be given advantage for nothing?"

"I see."

Wang Sicong nodded slightly and glanced at Xu Xin again...

I think it should be almost done.

But who would have thought that Yang Mi was really inquiring, and turned to look at Xu Xin again:

"Deng Ziqi doesn't plan to come to The Voice?"


"Then her album..."

"It will come out after the participation... I don't know anyway, so why don't you ask Luan Qian? Anyway, he told me to let me go there in early May. It will only take a day or two at most~ Don't worry~"


My gut tells me that something is wrong.

I always felt that my brother's reaction was a bit strange.

The movie starts on June 12th, and although it’s not yet the movie’s promotion period at the beginning of May… why didn’t you mention this before?

She didn't understand.

However, he didn’t dwell on it too much and explained in passing:

"Then remember to go back to the house and take a look. The swimming pool seems to be cleaned, right? I haven't been there for so long..."


"Jiaojiao, Lao Wang, shall we leave first?"

"Let's go."

Wang Sicong waved his hand and helped Zhang Jiao push the luggage cart in a very gentlemanly manner.

"I want beef and potatoes."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded with a smile:

"Well, do you want quail eggs?"

"Yes, the fried kind."


He agreed with a smile, and after agreeing on the menu for a while, Xu Xin looked at the scene where security guards had opened a safe passage, and carefully protected his wife by his side:

"Follow me soon."


Yang Mi responded, looking at the airport exit getting closer and closer, and suddenly said to Xu Xin:

"Mr. Xu, you must protect me from now on~"

Xu Xin nodded gently:


No problem, Mrs. Xu.

The two were side by side, Xu Xin was half a step ahead of Yang Mi and walked out of the airport exit first.

Then I heard a voice:

"Coming, coming! Shoot quickly!"

Immediately afterwards, countless shutter sounds and flashes completely drowned the two of them.

The crowd started to get restless, but the two rows of security guards kept the reporters away from the wall.

Xu Xin thought for a while and simply put his arm around Yang Mi's shoulders.

It caused an exclamation.

But he held her firmly, protected her in his arms, and walked quickly towards the airport exit.

The reporters who were overtaken by him soon began to take a detour and continue forward, and the crowd began to push and push. But Xu Xin ignored them and quickly walked out of the automatic door. A dozen well-trained security guards waiting outside surrounded the two of them and began to move towards the commercial vehicle parked in the driveway.

"Xu Xin, Yang Mi, are you really married!?"

"Can you accept an interview?"

"Just one question! Just answer one question!"

"Did you get married in Ireland? How long was the marriage?"

"Are you impulsively in love..."

The moment he heard this question, Xu Xin immediately felt the person in his arms stiffen and seemed to stop.

But as soon as she stopped, Xu Xin pushed her back, hugged her and continued moving forward.

Just pretend you didn't hear it.

And he also knew why his wife stopped.

These paparazzi really have no bottom line for traffic.

And this question is a bit too weird.


Why bother?

Just think of him as a barking dog.

Just think of him as a barking dog.

When a person encounters a dog, there is no shame in giving way to the dog.

My health is much better, so I will update this one today, and then I will continue to update twice in the early morning. It's the 26th soon. I'll try my best to pay off all my debts this month. Thank you everyone for your concern!

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